How to prepare hop yeast. How to make yeast from hops: preparation process

23.12.2023 Bakery
    You can store homemade sourdough in the refrigerator for four months, cooks advise.
    More and more housewives are trying to use only natural ingredients when cooking. The most important product on the table is bread; it has long become fashionable to bake it yourself so that it turns out fragrant and soft, like your grandmother’s in the village.
    At home, yeast is made from beer, potatoes, hops, malt, rye bread and even raisins.

    Yeast from potatoes
    ◦2 potatoes
    ◦1 teaspoon salt
    ◦1 tbsp. Sahara
    ◦1 tbsp. spoon of water

    Grate the potatoes on a fine grater. Add salt, sugar and water. Stir, leave for half a day, after which the yeast will be ready for use.
    ◦8 – 12 potatoes
    ◦3 cups potato broth
    ◦1 tbsp. spoon of flour
    ◦1 tbsp. spoon of honey
    ◦25 g vodka

    Boil the potatoes, pour the potato broth into a separate container. Wipe the warm potatoes, pour warm potato broth over them, add flour, stir. Then add honey and vodka. Pour the resulting foam into a bottle, let the starter settle and take it out into the cold. After a day, the yeast is ready for use.

    Yeast from rye bread
    ◦500 g rye bread
    ◦0.5 liters of sour milk (yogurt, whey or water)
    ◦2 – 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
    ◦a handful of raisins

    Grind the bread, add sour milk, sugar and raisins. Leave to ferment for a day. Then strain the mixture through a sieve (press the bread on the sieve). Using the resulting infusion, prepare a dough (flour mash) as thick as sour cream. Place in a warm place. The starter used to prepare the dough will be ready in 2-3 hours.

    Raisin yeast
    ◦100 – 200 g raisins
    ◦2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

    Rinse the raisins, put them in a glass bottle, fill them with warm water (so that the raisins have room to float). Add sugar and tie the neck with gauze in four layers, place in a warm place. Fermentation will begin on day 4-5, then you can knock out the yeast (separate it from the main mass) and put the dough.

    Yeast from beer
    ◦1 cup flour
    ◦1 glass of beer
    ◦1 tbsp. spoon of sugar

    Dissolve flour in a glass of warm water and leave for six hours. Then add beer and sugar. Stir and put in a warm place. It is better to store yeast in a tightly closed bottle or jar.

    Yeast from malt
    ◦1 cup flour
    ◦½ cup sugar
    ◦5 glasses of hot water
    ◦3 glasses of malt

    Mix flour and sugar with hot water and malt (unfermented). Cook for about an hour over very low heat in a thick-bottomed container, avoiding boiling. Pour the warm solution into bottles, close loosely and place in a warm place for a day, then transfer to a cold place.

    Yeast from bread and milk
    ◦500 g black bread
    ◦1 liter of sour milk

    Pour milk over the black bread and leave to brew for 24 hours in a warm place. Strain the infusion through a layer of gauze, squeeze and strain again through three layers of gauze. Use the resulting infusion to prepare dough.

    Yeast from hops
    ◦50 g hop cones 50
    ◦200 g wheat flour with bran (coarsely ground)
    ◦1.5 liters of water
    ◦100 – 150 g sugar
    ◦250 g mashed potatoes

    “You can buy hop cones at the pharmacy, but you should not take hops in bags. Buy a box of grass for 50 or 100 grams, says housewife Svetlana Batsan. - If it is not possible to find the flour specified in the recipe, you can buy wheat and grind the grains in a coffee grinder yourself. You don’t need to add anything to the puree, just boil the potatoes and mash them.”

    To prepare the starter, Svetlana recommends using an enamel pan. Pour hops into it and fill it with water. Place over low heat and bring to a boil. After this, cool the broth to the temperature of fresh milk. Strain through cheesecloth.

    “The broth should not be hot, this is very important! Add sugar and flour to the strained hop broth. Mix thoroughly with a wooden whisk. Do not use a mixer, work with your hands,” the chef recommends.

    After this, put the starter in a warm place for a day. The air temperature should be at least 23 - 24 degrees. If the room is cold, place the starter next to the radiator and cover it with a thick towel.

    “It is very important to observe the temperature regime. Plant yeast loves warmth, notes Svetlana. - After a day, add mashed potatoes, it should still be warm, but not hot. Mix everything thoroughly. If there are small lumps of puree left in the starter, it’s okay. Next, put the starter back in a warm place for four days. It is very interesting to watch the fermentation process - first bubbles appear, then foam, and then the starter begins to ferment vigorously. This process is very similar to what happens with kvass. When the foam settles and fermentation stops, the starter is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator for four months.”

Before we start looking at recipes for making yeast from hops at home, let’s talk a little about the history and biology of the issue.

Many scientists believe that yeast is the first living creature domesticated by humans. Modern excavations prove that the ancient Egyptians used them for fermentation or baking as early as six thousand years BC. When buying yeast in a store in the form of sticks or dry powder, many do not even suspect that these are living organisms. More precisely, mushrooms that have lost the ability to form mycelium and have adapted to live in liquid substrates.

As for the use of hops in the preparation of yeast, this is also quite an ancient story. People have long noticed the properties of this plant and began to use it in various products using fermentation. It is not for nothing that in Russian “intoxicated” is a synonym for the word “drunk”.

Harvesting and storage of hops

In order to be able to prepare yeast from hops all year round, it must be properly prepared and stored. It should be noted that cones, which are bracts, are collected from hops. It is in them that valuable pollen called “lupulin” is formed, which, in addition to the formation of yeast, also gives the products a unique beer taste.

Hops picking

Depending on the region, hops bloom during different months of the summer, but the best time to harvest the cones is when the flowering period is coming to an end. At this moment, the largest amount of lupulin accumulates in them.

Advice! To determine the ripeness of the cones, they are rubbed between the palms. If a greenish-yellow resin appears on them, the hops are ready for harvesting.

The hop plant is a long vine, sometimes growing up to five meters in length. Experienced gardeners cultivating this plant do it very simply. During the harvesting season, the shoots are cut off almost at the root, and then the cones are picked off from them quietly on the ground. There is nothing to be sad about the fate of the plant. Next year, new bushes will grow from the roots.


After the cones are collected, they need to be dried quickly. To do this, the cones are laid out under a canopy in trays or on burlap; you can also use old paper. The bud layer should be kept to a minimum to prevent premature fermentation of the lupulin.

If the weather outside is rainy and damp, then drying is best done in closed attics or glazed verandas. Properly dried raw materials practically do not lose their green color, only becoming slightly dull.


Properly dried hops can be stored for up to three years. To do this, it is poured into canvas bags, which are kept in a cool, dry room.

During storage, hops need to be inspected periodically. The appearance of black spots on the cones indicates that the raw material has been damaged; in this case, it cannot be used for making yeast or beer.


Nowadays, buying hops is also not a problem. It is mainly purchased for brewing, but it can also be used for making yeast. Already processed granulated hops are placed in bags, which are more convenient to store, package and transport.

Yeast recipes

If you have prepared hops yourself or purchased them at a retail outlet, then it’s time to get acquainted with how to make yeast from hops. There are several options for preparing them, using different ingredients.

From fresh hops

Homemade hop yeast is the most aromatic when you use freshly harvested hop cones. To prepare them, you need to take the following amount of ingredients for one liter of pine cone decoction:

  • salt – ½ tablespoon;
  • granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • potatoes – 1-2 pieces.

The cooking process is simple, but requires strict adherence to technology.

  1. First you need to pour hop cones into a pan and pour hot water over them.
  2. Boil hops in slightly boiling water for an hour.
  3. Strain the broth and measure its volume.

    Attention! The amount of ingredients is calculated exactly for the volume of the decoction.

  4. Add salt, sugar and flour. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Place the dishes in a warm place for two days.
  6. After this time, add boiled mashed potatoes to the mixture. The amount of mashed potatoes should be such as to bring the broth to the consistency of sour cream.
  7. In a day the yeast will be ready. All that remains is to pour them into jars or bottles.

Store hop yeast in the refrigerator to reduce its activity.

From dry hops

Sourdough from dried or pre-processed hops at the factory is made without using potatoes, and the recipe is slightly modified. We will indicate the quantity of ingredients directly in the text:

  1. Pour one part of the dry hops into the pan.
  2. Fill with two parts water.
  3. Boil until the liquid reduces by half.
  4. Strain the broth.
  5. Add a tablespoon of sugar for each glass of broth.
  6. Then you need to add wheat flour with constant stirring at the rate of half a glass per glass of liquid.
  7. Remove the pan to a warm place.

The yeast will be ready in 30-40 hours. You can feel this moment by the characteristic yeasty smell of sourdough.

Yeast from a thermos

Instead of boiling the cones, you can use the method of steaming them in a thermos. To make such a leaven for bread from hops you need to take the following amount of products:

  • fresh water – 1 glass;
  • dry or fresh hops – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • first grade wheat flour – 110 grams;
  • boiled potatoes – 100 grams.

When preparing yeast according to this recipe, the method of steaming buds is used, so:

  1. Place hop cones in a thermos.
  2. Pour boiling water over them.
  3. We wait for the water to cool completely; in a good thermos this process lasts a day.
  4. Strain the broth through a sieve.
  5. Add salt, flour and sugar - mix everything thoroughly and put it in a warm place.
  6. Keep the mixture in a warm place for two days, during which time we stir it several times.
  7. Boil the potatoes and make mashed potatoes.
  8. Add the puree to the almost ready yeast and keep it for another day.

You should get almost half a liter of yeast. In the recipe from Elena Molokhovets, it is recommended to take a full spoonful of the resulting yeast per pound of flour.

Reference! One pound is equal to approximately 400 grams.

Kvass from hops

As mentioned above, hops are used for more than just yeast. Its main purpose is to prepare beer. We want to treat our readers to a recipe on how to make kvass from hops at home.

Product composition:

  • water – 3 liters;
  • yeast – 10 grams;
  • hops – 30 grams;
  • wheat flour – 10 grams;
  • rye crackers – 300 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 50 grams;
  • raisins – 25 grams.

The procedure for preparing kvass is as follows:

  1. We make yeast starter: dissolve yeast, a little sugar, sugar and flour in half a glass of warm water.
  2. Place rye crackers in a three-liter jar.
  3. Fill the jar with boiling water up to the shoulders.
  4. Add the remaining granulated sugar, raisins and hop cones.
  5. After cooling to room temperature, add the yeast starter.
  6. Mix everything, cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment for two days.

The finished kvass must be drained from the sediment, add 3 tablespoons of sugar to the remaining starter and add warm water. In this way, a continuous process of preparing kvass is organized. You just need to control the amount of starter and add crackers for color and flavor.

An interesting video on this topic will help us summarize the conversation about preparing yeast from hops at home.

Baker's yeast is used in cooking. Thanks to them, the baking of bread, buns, and pies is improved. In order for the products to be of high quality, you need to know how to dilute yeast. It all depends on what product is used - dry or fresh.

About yeast

Baker's yeast is sold everywhere. They can be purchased at supermarkets and regular stores. For convenience, dry yeast is sold. It is advisable to use a regular pressed product. And the dry substance is convenient to store, but the dough with it can take a long time to rise.

Instant yeast reduces dough preparation time. Instructions for their use are indicated on the packaging. Various types of yeast are now sold, but the best are considered to be raw yeast, sold in briquettes. But dry ones are also suitable as an alternative.

Benefits and harms

Yeast is beneficial for the body. The pressed product is valued for its unique composition. It eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines, normalizes digestion, and relieves the symptoms of heartburn. In addition, the substance is added to creams and masks to improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is enough to find a recipe that suits you, and then you can perform cosmetic procedures without leaving home.

The harm is noticeable in women. With excessive consumption of yeast dough, the proliferation of fungi is detected, which is why candidiasis appears. Therefore, if such an illness occurs, you should consult a doctor. Yeast dough negatively affects people with kidney and endocrine system diseases. To follow the technology of its preparation, you need to know how to properly breed yeast.


How to dilute yeast? It all depends on the type of product. How to dilute dry yeast? The product must be mixed with a small amount of sugar and warm water. To make the dough rich, you need to pour milk. Then the mass is placed in a warm place for 15 minutes. If it has risen, but there are undissolved particles in the milk, then it should be strained.

Yeast that has been left in warm milk and has doubled in size is suitable for the dough. First you need to prepare the dough: yeast is poured into the dough mass, and everything is thoroughly mixed. You will get the consistency of thick sour cream. This product should be placed in a warm place for 1 hour.

After increasing the dough by 2 times, add flour until a homogeneous, elastic and non-sticky dough is obtained. Then it is placed in a warm place to double in size. Then the dough is kneaded and put into molds, after 20 minutes it is put in the oven. This sequence of work is performed if you are interested in how to dilute dry yeast.

Pressed product

Now this product is one of the most popular. It is sold in briquettes. Due to lack of moisture it is inactive. How to propagate live yeast? To do this, you need to create suitable conditions for this.

Using live yeast

How to propagate live yeast? For 1 kg of flour you will need about 50 g of product. Yeast is ground in 1-2 tbsp. l. water, add 1 tsp. sugar and the whole mass are placed in a warm place. If bubbles form, then this product is ideal for testing. This will be the answer to the question of how to dilute raw yeast.

Active dry yeast

How to breed yeast for dough if it is an active type? Pour warm water or milk into the bowl (how much liquid is required is indicated on the package). Since a live product is used, it needs to be “awakened”. Therefore, the temperature of milk or water should be about 35-42 degrees. You need to add sugar and wait for it to dissolve.

Then you need to sprinkle the dry yeast into the warm milk and after a few seconds, crush the liquid with the yeast. This is necessary to fill the granules with liquid to form a paste. If the kitchen is warm, then the dishes should be covered with polyethylene. The yeast should foam, only in this form it is ideal for baking. If this does not happen, the product should not be used. Damage may occur due to expiration of the shelf life or violation of storage conditions.

Instant yeast

This product is called instant. In appearance it is similar to finely ground powder. The substance does not need to be brought into an active state; it is mixed with the other components. How to breed the species is indicated on the packaging.


The best properties of the product appear at positive temperatures, moderate levels of humidity and the required amount of sugar. Then you will get great baked goods. Suitable temperature is 35-40 degrees. It should be borne in mind that the substance does not tolerate drafts and cold. When cool, the dough has difficulty rising.

Dry and live yeast need a lot of water and sugar. Only the second product should be added sparingly; a large amount of it has a bad effect on yeast growth. They produce alcohol and carbon dioxide, which causes the dough to rise. And alcohol worsens the properties of the product.

If the fermentation process is prolonged, the dough will deteriorate: its taste will deteriorate and an unpleasant odor will appear. Such properties are applicable in winemaking and moonshine. During the cooking period, you need to control the time so as not to overcook the yeast product.

After kneading, the dough should be kept in a warm place for about 2 hours. It should increase in volume by 2-3 times. Then you need to knead it and you can put it in the mold. The dough is stuffed with different fillings - both sweet and savory.

Yeast storage

It is important to know not only how to dilute yeast for dough, but also the rules for storing it. They require a temperature of no more than 6-8 degrees. The following method of preserving the product is effective: the yeast stick is crushed into small pieces and dried. Before use, the piece must be diluted with water.

A fresh stick should be placed in a bag of flour. The crust that appears on the yeast is peeled off with a knife before use. Flour helps preserve the baking substance.

There is another option for effectively preserving yeast: crumble it, place it in a clean bottle, pour in cold water, and cover the neck with cotton wool. Keep the bottle in a dark place, changing the water every day (during warm periods) and every 3-4 days (during cold periods). This must be done carefully so as not to remove the yeast sediment. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1.5 weeks. If it will not be used for a long period, it is better to freeze it.


It is because of the appearance of carbon dioxide that the dough rises. The product contains carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and microelements. The pressed version is more suitable for dough, as it produces tasty and aromatic baked goods.

The integrity of the packaging must not be compromised, otherwise there will be microorganisms inside the product and the dough will not be able to rise. An unpleasant odor indicates the presence of unwanted bacteria. The color of the yeast product is creamy, light gray, and uniform.

If the yeast is broken, it crumbles without leaving marks on your hands. Only baking substance is suitable for the dough. When dry, it lasts longer. It is necessary to use only fresh and high-quality product, which produces delicious baked goods.

The benefits of yeast nutrition for plants

This substance is used to prepare fertilizing. It increases endurance and strengthens the vegetative system. There will be no thin, long stems in the spring; the crops can easily be transplanted into the ground and into a larger container. The product helps accelerate growth and is a source of beneficial bacteria.

Yeast solutions are needed for the formation of roots. They will appear 1.5 weeks earlier, and the number of vegetative organs also increases. This is observed due to the rapid processing of organic components, which is accompanied by the formation of phosphorus and nitrogen.


The product is great for different crops. It can be used for indoor plants and garden flowers. This fertilizer is effective for peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

How to breed yeast for feeding? You will need a dry product. Sugar (1 tbsp) dissolves in a jar (1 liter). Then you need to add a bag of dry matter. Everything is left to ferment. The infusion should be diluted in 50 liters of water.

How to dilute yeast in another way? You will need 100 g of dry matter per 1 bucket of water. The mixture should sit for 24 hours. Then you can feed the plants with it; you should pour 0.5 liters of it under the bush. Such options can improve the growth of fruit and leaf crops. Plants will develop in accordance with the norms.

Breeding yeast is not difficult; this information is often indicated on the product packaging. Using these simple recommendations, you can create high-quality dough from which excellent baked goods are created. In addition, the dry substance is used for other purposes.

Every housewife at least once in her life has wondered how to make homemade yeast. Most people don’t even try to cook them, fearing that it won’t work. We will tell you everything about homemade yeast, and you can make it yourself.

How to make yeast from hops

There are two options here - they can be made from either fresh hops or dry hops. We will consider both options.

Yeast made from fresh hops

To make yeast, fill a pot with hops and cover it with very hot water. Next, place the pan on low heat and cook for an hour, tightly closing the lid. Then turn off, cool slightly and strain the broth. Add to it, per one liter, a glass of wheat flour, half a glass of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt. The resulting mass must be mixed very well until smooth and kept warm for two days. Then add two boiled mashed potatoes, mix and leave for a day. That's it - the yeast is ready! Now they can be poured into a bottle and refrigerated.

They prepare a little differently. Fill the pan only halfway with dry hops, and fill it to the top with water. Then they put it on the fire and boil it down by half, not forgetting to stir all the time. The resulting broth is filtered, and half a glass of flour and a tablespoon of sugar are added to each glass of liquid. Afterwards, mix it all well and leave it warm for two days. When the yeast is ready, pour it into a jar or bottle and store it in the cellar or refrigerator.

How to make brewer's yeast

Making brewer's yeast is probably the easiest way. To do this, take one glass of warm water and flour, and mix them thoroughly. To ensure that the mixture is homogeneous, you can use a blender or mixer. Then the mixture is left warm for six hours, and then a spoonful of sugar is added and a glass of beer is added. The yeast is still allowed to stand in a warm place, and then taken out into the cold, where it is preserved very well.

Preparing dry yeast at home is a long and difficult process. But you can try and make them yourself. Take a deep bowl and mix two cups of flour and water in it, and add a tablespoon of sugar. Cover the bowl with gauze and leave in a warm place until signs of fermentation appear. The mixture must be stirred once a day. The bubbles that appear on the surface will tell you that fermentation has begun. After this, the yeast should still stand in a warm place for about 3 - 4 days.

Now the mixture needs to be dried. To do this, you need to take cling film or parchment, lay it out on the table and carefully place the prepared mass on it in a thin layer. When the yeast is completely dry, it must be separated from the film, broken into pieces and crushed in a blender. Place dry yeast in a plastic container and store it in the freezer.

Homemade dry yeast is not as concentrated as store-bought yeast. Keep in mind that in order to replace a packet of industrial yeast, you will have to use about a cup of homemade yeast. In addition, it will take much more time to rise the dough. Now you know how to make homemade yeast. Use any of the recipes given and let your baked goods always be the most delicious!

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Homemade yeast at home

For home baking, three types of yeast are used - fresh (pressed), dry active and dry quick-acting.

1. Fresh (pressed) yeast is sold in briquettes of 50, 100 or 1000 g. Their main drawback is a very limited shelf life. At room temperature they are stored for no more than a day, in the refrigerator (at a temperature from 0 to +4) - up to 14 days. Therefore, pay special attention to the release date. Fresh yeast has an even pinkish-cream color; when pressed with a finger, the piece should not smear, but crumble. By the way, when storing yeast, you should not pack it tightly - it is a living organism that needs air.

Dry and fresh yeast are completely interchangeable - one teaspoon of dry yeast corresponds to 12 grams of pressed yeast.

To prepare yeast dough for 1 kg of flour, you need from 20 to 50 g of yeast.

The more butter, eggs, sugar you add to the dough, the more yeast you need to add.

Yeast can be replaced with beer or slightly fermented sour cream.

Preparing yeast at home

Homemade yeast is made from beer, from hops, from potatoes, from malt, from wheat bran and simply from flour, as well as from rye bread. I give some yeast recipes.

Strain the warm broth and for each glass + 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 0.5 tbsp. flour.

Cover the mixture with a cloth and place in a warm place for 1.5-2 days. Then pour the prepared yeast into bottles, seal and keep in a cool place.

4 liters of boiling water or hop decoction (4l)

Add another 100-150 g of flour to the brew that has cooled to a temperature of 35* and mix.

Cover with gauze and place in a warm place for 1-1.5 days for fermentation. Then add another 200 g of flour and 300 bran to the mixture, mix and leave to ferment for 6 hours.

Then the mass is rubbed with bran and dried.

Yeast can be used within 3-6 months. Store them in a gauze bag suspended in a cool, dry place.

Before using, soak the yeast in warm water + a little flour, mix and let stand for 40 minutes. Then knead the dough or dough.

Cover with a napkin and leave for 5 minutes. Add boiling water again and stir + more bran. Cover with a napkin for another 5 minutes. Then + more boiling water until a dough of medium thickness is formed.

Cool, stirring constantly. Drain the water, squeeze out the bran through a napkin.

Pour in 0.5 tbsp. hops (25 g of hops, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a saucer, let it brew and strain).

When it cools down + 3-4 tbsp. l. old yeast.

Then pour 1/2 volume into a bottle, seal and place in a dark place for 6 hours.

When the yeast has risen, place the bottles in a cool place.

Such yeast does not store for a long time.

During this time, the dough will become sour, dry out and harden.

How to prepare yeast

Yeast is used to make many baked goods. Recently, when preparing delicious bread at home has become possible thanks to a bread machine, many housewives strive to use only natural ingredients to make the bread as “homemade” as possible. In this regard, the question of how to prepare yeast at home has become relevant again. The intricacies and secrets of their preparation will be discussed in our article.

Yeast can be prepared from many products - from rye bread, beer, malt, potatoes, hops, flour and even raisins. Making homemade yeast from any of them in practice turns out to be much simpler than it might seem.

To prepare yeast from beer, you need to dilute a glass of flour in warm water, leave for 6 hours, then add 1 glass of beer and 1 tbsp. sugar, stir, put the mixture in a warm place. This yeast also preserves perfectly in the cold, but it must be stored in a tightly closed jar or bottle.

For potato yeast, grate 2 tubers on a fine grater, mix with 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. sugar, then leave the mixture for 12 hours - the yeast will be ready after this time.

For yeast from rye bread, 500 g of bread needs to be crushed, mixed with 500 ml of water or warm sour milk, 2-3 tbsp. sugar and a handful of raisins, leave for a day. Next, the mass is filtered through a sieve, and the bread is squeezed out. Using this infusion, you need to prepare a dough with a consistency similar to sour cream and put it in a warm place, after 2-3 hours the yeast will be ready.

For raisin yeast, you need to rinse 100-200 g of raisins with warm water, put it in a bottle with a narrow neck, into which milk is poured, pour in warm water, add sugar, tie with 4-layer gauze, and leave in a warm place. On day 4-5, fermentation will begin, then the yeast can be separated from the main mass.

For yeast from malt, take 1 cup of flour, half a cup of sugar and mix with 3 cups of malt and 5 cups of water, boil for 1 hour. Next, the warm solution is bottled, loosely closed and stored in a warm place for a day, after which it is transferred to a cold place.

The easiest way to make homemade yeast is from flour. Half a glass of flour should be mixed with 150 ml of warm water, left at room temperature and added 1 tbsp daily for 3 days. warm water. On the 4th day, put the mixture on low heat, boil it, then let it cool, add 1 tbsp. flour, mix thoroughly. Then, for another 2 days in a row, another 1 tbsp is poured into the mixture. flour, then the mixture is covered with a towel and kept for 2 days at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. You can use this yeast as pressed yeast; you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Yeast from bran

Pour four cups of wheat bran into a saucepan and add boiling water until it barely covers the bran and a thick porridge forms. While vigorously stirring, add a large handful of bran. Then cover with a napkin and leave for five minutes. Add boiling water again and stir the bran. Add more bran and cover with a napkin for five minutes to cool. Add more boiling water until a medium thick dough forms. Then cool, stirring constantly. Drain the water, squeeze out the bran through a napkin, pour in 1/2 cup of hops (pour 25 g of hops with a glass of boiling water, cover with a saucer, let sit, strain). When it cools down, add 3-4 tbsp. l. old yeast.

After this, pour the mixture into bottles, filling them 1/2 full, seal them and place in a dark place for six hours. When the yeast has risen, place the bottles in a cool place. This yeast does not last long.

Rye yeast

Put it in a saucepan

400 g of hops, pour 6 liters of water, cover and simmer for three hours over low heat. Then cool the water to the temperature of fresh milk, add 4 cups of wheat flour and 4 cups of rye malt, carefully pour in the hop water, stirring constantly. After this, pour in a glass of yeast, stir and place in a warm place to rise. Pour into bottles, seal carefully and store on ice. Yeast prepared this way is very strong.

Barley yeast

Pour 2 cups of barley malt, 25 g (or 3 handfuls) of hops with 8 cups of boiling water, cover and cook for half an hour, stirring. Strain through a linen bag and squeeze out. Add full (with top) 1 tbsp. l. honey, boil again. When it cools down, pour in 1/2 cup of yeast and place in a warm place, covered with a towel. The yeast begins to ferment after a few hours. They are ready when they begin to fall off and no more foam appears.

Pour the yeast into bottles and put it in the cold, where it does not sour, but does not freeze. This is a very strong yeast.

Foam yeast

Boil, peel and grind 8 pcs. large potatoes or 13 medium-sized ones, dilute with warm water to the concentration of liquid jelly. Put 1 tsp. good yeast, a glass of wine or beer, put in a warm place. When the yeast rises, shake it, pour it into bottles and put it in a cool place.

Yeast from fresh hops

Fill an enamel pan fairly tightly with fresh hops, add hot water and cook for 1 hour, covered.

Add 1 glass (of thin glass) granulated sugar and 2 full glasses of wheat flour to a strained warm hop decoction (2 liters). Stir the mass well, put it in a warm place for 1.5 days, then add 2 grated potatoes, mix the mass again and put it in a warm place for one day. Pour the prepared yeast into bottles, seal tightly and keep in a cool place.

Yeast from malt

Mix a glass of flour and 1/2 glass of granulated sugar with 5 glasses of water and 3 glasses of malt and cook for about an hour.

Pour the lukewarm composition into bottles, cap loosely and place in a warm place for one day, then transfer to a cold place.

Yeast on beer

Mix 1 glass of flour with 1 glass of warm water, put in a warm place for 5-6 hours, then add 1 glass of any beer and 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Stir well and put in a warm place. This yeast can be stored in the cellar for a long time.

Rye bread sourdough

Grind 500 g of rye bread, add 500 ml of warm water, 2-3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, a handful of raisins and leave for fermentation for a day. Then strain the mixture through a sieve and squeeze out the bread.

Using the resulting infusion, prepare a dough (flour mash) with the consistency of sour cream, put it in a warm place for 2-3 hours - and the starter is ready.

Homegrown yeast

Yeast can be prepared as follows: pour dry hops (or malt) with double the volume of hot water and boil until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Strain the warm broth and add 1 tbsp to each glass while stirring. l. sugar and 1/2 cup wheat flour. Cover the resulting mass with a clean cloth and place in a warm place for 1.5-2 days. Pour the prepared yeast into bottles, seal and keep in a cool place.

You can also use this method: rinse 100-200 g of raisins with warm water, put in a milk bottle (with a medium-sized neck), add warm boiled water, like yeast is diluted, add a little sugar, tie with gauze in 4 layers and put in a warm place. On the 4th-5th day, when fermentation begins, the yeast is ready.

If the yeast is old, it can be renewed. To do this, you need to grind the yeast with 1 tbsp. l. warm water and add 1 tsp. Sahara. If they start to bubble after 10 minutes, it means they have come to life. Dark pieces of yeast should be selected and discarded.

If you don't have yeast on hand, you can replace it with 1/2 cup of beer.

Yeast from hops No. 1

Pour double the volume of hot water over the hops and boil, often dipping the floating hops into the water with a spoon until the volume of water is reduced by half.

Dissolve sugar in a warm, strained hop decoction (1 tbsp per glass of decoction) and add wheat flour (1/2 cup per glass of decoction) while stirring with a wooden paddle (spatula). Place the resulting mass in a container covered with a clean cloth in a warm place for 1.5 days.

Pour the finished yeast into bottles, seal and store in a cool place.

Yeast from hops No. 2

Pour a glass of hops into 2 glasses of warm water and let it sit for four hours. Then strain through a cloth and let cool to the temperature of fresh milk. Put 2 tbsp in this decoction. l. granulated sugar, stir well and add enough flour to get a mass similar to thick sour cream. Stir, cover warmly and place in a warm place until the next morning.

Yeast from flour

Mix well-sifted flour (100 g) in 1 glass of water and leave for 5-6 hours. Then add 1/4 cup of malt wort, grind 1 tsp in it. baker's or brewer's yeast. After this, put it in a warm place. In a day the yeast will be ready.

Potato yeast

Boil 10 medium-sized potatoes, drain. Rub the hot potatoes through a thick sieve, add 1.5 cups of wheat flour, 2 tbsp. l. yeast, mix well. Place in a warm place until the fermentation process begins, then remove to a cool place. In the future, some of this yeast will need to be added to a new portion and the process repeated.


  • Yeast From Bran And Hops
  • Yeast From Wheat Bran