New Year's snake salad mayonnaise and pepper. “Snake” salads - collection of recipes and design ideas

22.12.2023 Dishes for children

We all want the dishes on the New Year's table to be not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful. And shopping for groceries on the eve of the holidays is far from the most tedious task. After all, you need to create a menu so that even traditional cuts, Olivier and tangerines are presented in an unusual and original way. Current solution for 2013, the year of the snake: prepare salads in the form of the wise lady of the coming 365 days. Moreover, a salad in the shape of a snake is beautiful, impressive and tasty.

The signature New Year’s salad 2013 can be everyone’s favorite “Olivier”, or any salad that every single family’s feast cannot do without, if you think about their design in the shape of a snake. And this is very simple. Ideas can be gleaned from the photos of the Snake salad below.

There are a great many recipes for salad in the shape of a snake - these include vegetarian options, meat and fish. Which one to cook is a matter of personal taste and preferences of the guests of the holiday. We present 10 salad options for the New Year 2013.
You will need: 3-4 boiled potatoes, 2 soft processed cheese, 3 boiled eggs, 1-2 cans of canned pink salmon (can be replaced with boiled chicken fillet), 1-2 cloves of garlic (to taste), mayonnaise, salt (just a little). a little).

For decoration, use 2 more eggs boiled in advance, greens and pickled cucumbers, canned corn and carrots.

Separate the fish from the bones and mash with a fork. We grate the remaining ingredients using a grater; for garlic we use a press. Mix everything, use mayonnaise sauce for dressing. The salad is ready, now put it on a snake-shaped dish. Sprinkle our snake with egg and decorate the top with sliced ​​pickled cucumbers. Olives are suitable for the eyes, and the sharp tongue and crown can be made from carrots. The muzzle, decorated with corn kernels, looks impressive.

Mix grated eggs that were not used with chopped herbs and
garlic, roll into balls. The balls are snake eggs and a great snack at the same time!


For cooking you need: olives, mayonnaise, 4 eggs, lean ham 200 g, 100 g each. crab sticks and cheese, red bell pepper, garlic, dill, cloves, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Fry a fried egg pancake from three eggs, beaten with a fork, and boil the fourth. Mix finely chopped crab sticks, ham, grated cheese and garlic with mayonnaise. Spread the mixture onto the pancake, leaving a little for decoration, and distribute evenly over its surface. Roll up the roll and put it in the cold for several hours. After 2-3 hours, cut the roll crosswise into separate pieces, and lay out a snake from them. Cut the boiled egg lengthwise, remove the yolk, and fill with salad. This will be the head of the snake. We make the eyes from cloves, the scales from olives, and the tongue from peppers. Decorate the dish with dill.


This salad consists of: 1 can of sprat, 1 fresh cucumber, 100 gr. cheese, herbs, 3 boiled eggs, 1 apple, 1 can of peas, mayonnaise, 1 pc. olives and a piece of carrot.

Using a grater, grind eggs, cheese and apple. Chop cucumber and greens. Combine the ingredients, add mayonnaise, mix, lay out the salad in the shape of a snake. We cut the olive, make eyes, use a piece of carrot for the tongue. Decorate with green peas and herbs.


For cooking we use: carrots, potatoes, fresh and salted cucumbers, beets, eggs, green onions, onions, mayonnaise.

Finely chop the onion, pour boiling water over it, marinate with vinegar, sugar and salt. Boil carrots, potatoes, eggs, beets, cool and grate. Cut the cucumbers into small pieces. In this recipe, the snake-shaped salad will be laid out in layers on a dish. First, lay out the potatoes in a zigzag pattern, add pickled cucumber on top, and add a little mayonnaise. This is followed by layers - beets, mayonnaise, fresh cucumber, mayonnaise, egg, mayonnaise, onions, mayonnaise. Now we decorate the New Year's salad 2013: we place boiled carrots on the back of the snake, and insert green onions on the sides.


Ingredients for the salad: cheese, egg, onion, potatoes, boiled sausage, cherry tomatoes, mayonnaise, horseradish.

Mix finely chopped boiled egg, potatoes, sausage, tomatoes, finely grated cheese, season with mayonnaise with horseradish added. We lay out a snake from the mass. Decorate with coarsely grated cheese with the addition of mayonnaise, tomatoes cut in half, green onions and olives.


You need: cod liver (1 can), boiled potatoes (3 pcs.), carrots (2 pcs.), eggs (3 pcs.), onion, package of pumpkin seeds, salt, mayonnaise, pepper.

Grate the cooled carrots, potatoes and eggs quite coarsely, add mayonnaise, chopped onions, cod liver, and salt and pepper to taste. Place on a snake-shaped dish and decorate with seeds. It turned out to be an excellent salad for the New Year 2013.

Even Greek salad can be made in the shape of a snake. How? Very simple. We prepare the national salad of Greece in the Russian interpretation, beloved by many: cut onions, feta cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, add olives, olive oil, salt, pepper. We decorate the snake crawling across the dish using cheese, olives and red bell pepper.


To prepare you will need: finely chopped boiled eggs, potatoes (a little), beef, fried champignons with onions, grated cheese, salt, mayonnaise, herbs.

Mix the ingredients listed above. As always, we lay out the 2013 New Year's salad in the shape of a snake. Decorate with olives and pitted olives, cut into circles, and boiled carrots.


This salad consists of canned champignons, crab meat, onions, eggs, and mayonnaise. Finely chop everything, mix, season with sauce. Decorate with black olives and olives.


The salad includes: chicken liver, onion, carrots, egg, fresh cucumber, pickled cucumber, pepper, mayonnaise, olives, salt.

Fry the chicken liver, boil the eggs. Cut the onion into half rings, the carrots into strips, and fry. Slice a fresh cucumber. We leave some of the egg whites and cut the rest. Three set aside whites on a fine grater. Mix liver, onion, carrots, fresh cucumber, chopped egg, add pepper, mayonnaise and salt. We lay out the snake, sprinkle its face with grated egg white, and decorate with chopped pickled cucumbers and olives.

Salads for the New Year can be very different, completely different from each other in taste and composition. There is only one thing that unites them on this holiday - the design in the form of a snake, the relevance of which is very difficult to argue with on the eve of the upcoming holiday. Surprise your loved ones with a New Year's salad, creating a masterpiece on a plate in the form of a wise lady of the coming year.

Salad “Snake” with saury


4 eggs
3 potatoes
1 carrot
1 can (180-200 gr.) canned tuna, or saury
pickled or pickled cucumbers
2 processed cheeses, 100 g each.
salt - optional
ground black pepper
2 cloves garlic
To decorate the “Snake” salad you can use: black and green pitted olives, 1/2 carrots, canned corn, greens.

Wash the potatoes and carrots, add cold water and cook “in their uniforms” until tender (15 minutes after boiling), as for a vinaigrette. Cool and clean. Peel and finely chop the garlic.

Separately, cook hard-boiled eggs - 5-7 minutes. Then cool, fill with cold water, clean, rinse to remove remaining shell particles.

Three processed cheeses on a coarse grater. If the cheese curds are too soft, you can pre-put them for 20-30 minutes. in the freezer.

Open a can of tuna or saury, mash the fish with a fork (you can use it with butter).

Three potatoes on a coarse grater.

Grind 1/2 of the yolk on a fine grater and set it aside (we will need it for decoration), grind the remaining eggs on a coarse grater.

Combine grated processed cheese, potatoes, garlic, eggs and fish in a saucepan.

Add mayonnaise, mix and taste. If necessary, add salt and ground black pepper.

From boiled carrots we cut out a crown and tongue for the snake. How to cut a crown: cut a thick circle of carrots, carefully place the carrots on a cutting board, cut out the middle with a knife, and then cut out the cloves. We make the tongue from a medium-thick carrot plate.

On a large flat dish we place the small pieces of carrots remaining after cutting out the crown in the shape of the English letter “S” - this will be the frame for our “snake”.

Spoon the salad mixture on top. On one edge of the letter “S” we lay out more lettuce - we form the head, on the other - less - we form the tail.

We decorate the body of the “Snake”. Place a carrot crown on the snake's head. Cut the green olives into circles (cut each into about 3 parts). Cut black olives into small pieces - put these pieces into circles of green olives and lay out a line on the back of the snake, starting from the crown (as an option, you can use black olives with boiled carrot centers). We cover the body and back of the head with “scales” of thinly sliced ​​pickled or pickled cucumbers.

We decorate the head of the “Snake”. Starting from the crown, we first lay out a line of corn in the center (“nose”), and then along the sides. Sprinkle the snake's head with the reserved grated yolk, add eyes and eyelashes from black olives. Carefully insert the tongue.

Before serving, the festive “Snake” salad can be decorated with fresh herbs.

Festive dishes should not only be tasty, but also very impressive in appearance. “Snake” salad can easily be called an incredibly beautiful treat that is sure to attract attention with its bright colors and original design. It’s simply impossible not to notice the big-eyed snake with neat rows of scales, even on a rich New Year’s table.

“Snake” salad is an appetizer based on canned red fish. In addition to it, the composition usually includes chicken eggs, potatoes, mayonnaise, pickles and processed cheese. There are also richer recipes, including shrimp or squid strips, avocado and sour apples, and smoked chicken.

What gives the dish a special beauty is its shape, because the salad is laid out on a large flat dish in the shape of a large snake. As befits a decent reptile, such a snake has its own scales. Usually it is made from gherkins or olives; much less often, the shell is created from pickled carrots, corn and peas, slices of lightly salted red fish, thinly sliced ​​apples or avocado.

The salad is prepared in two ways. Most often, all the ingredients are crushed and mixed into a common mass, from which the body of the snake is then formed. More patient housewives carefully lay out food in layers. The disadvantages of puff salad, in addition to the complexity of preparation, also include the need for impregnation. That is, the second option requires much more time and effort. However, experts say that only in this case will it be possible to fully appreciate the taste of each of the components of the dish.

Whether this is true or not, you can find out for yourself by trying out the following recipes for this beautiful salad.

Salad “Common snake”

A common salad recipe that is found almost everywhere. To make the snake's head more textured, a chicken egg is used. It is cut into halves and placed on both sides of the head, forming peculiar cheeks. The quantity of products is indicated per 1.5 kg. salad

List of ingredients:

  • Natural pink salmon in oil – 1 can.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise – 250 g.
  • Salt.
  • Black pepper.
  • Parsley – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil chicken eggs and potatoes. Eggs need to be boiled for at least 10 minutes.
  2. It is good to drain the oil from canned fish and remove the bones. Mash them with a fork into a paste.
  3. Grate the potatoes and eggs on a coarse (beetroot) grater. Chop the parsley.
  4. Rinse the gherkins to remove any remaining vinegar brine and cut into thin rings.
  5. Mix the crushed garlic, salt, mayonnaise and black pepper in a bowl and season the chopped fish, potatoes, cheese, parsley and eggs with this mixture.
  6. Place the mixture on a flat dish in the shape of a snake. Decorate its entire surface with “scales” of slices of pickled cucumbers.
  7. On the head, make cheeks from halves of eggs, eyes from olives or black olives. A forked tongue can be made from a feather of green onion.
  8. The salad needs to be evenly saturated with mayonnaise dressing, so the appetizer needs to be refrigerated for 1 hour.

Sea Snake Salad

A more refined dish created for seafood lovers. For the salad, it is advisable to buy fresh frozen squid in whole carcasses, rather than ready-made boiled-frozen strips. Very often it has a noticeable sour taste, which can ultimately significantly distort the entire impression of the treat.

You can assemble the salad in different ways - by combining all the components at once or laying them out in layers.

The quantity of products is given for approximately 2 kg. salad

List of ingredients:

  • Squids in carcasses – 3 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Lightly salted red fish – 200 g.
  • Canned cucumbers – 8 pcs.
  • Processed cheese – 400 g. (4 pcs.)
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Pitted olives – 4-6 pcs.
  • Mustard paste – 1 tsp.
  • Mayonnaise – 250 g.
  • Salt.
  • Black pepper.
  • Parsley or dill – 30 g.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Allspice peas.
  • Cooking method:

  1. Boil chicken eggs and potatoes. Peel and chop on a coarse grater. Chop the greens very finely. Peel the cucumbers and chop into thin strips.
  2. Clean squid carcasses from entrails and protein film, boil with allspice and bay leaf. You don't need to add salt.
  3. Cut seafood into small strips or cubes. First cut a piece of red fish into small squares, and then these squares into triangles-scales.
  4. In a bowl, mix mustard, grated garlic, dill or parsley, salt and black pepper, mayonnaise.
  5. Place the first layer of grated potato salad on a large snake-shaped dish. Spread with sauce, then sequentially distribute pickled cucumbers, cheese, and squid on top.
  6. Also coat each layer with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  7. Lastly, mix the chicken eggs with mayonnaise and coat the entire snake with this mixture.
  8. Decoratively place red fish scales on top. It will turn out especially beautiful if you do it overlapping.
  9. Make the eyes from black olives or olives, the tongue from a feather of green onion, boiled carrot or a piece of bell pepper.
  10. Let the salad brew in a cool place and serve.

“Snake” salad with boiled chicken fillet

A hearty salad without pickles with a pleasant taste of smoked cheese. For more piquancy, you can take smoked chicken. Usually fried champignons are added to such dishes, but here it is better to give preference to oyster mushrooms or well-fried shiitake mushrooms, as they are much softer.

The quantity of products is based on 2 kg. salad

List of ingredients:

  • Smoked cheese – 200 g.
  • Chicken fillet – 2 pcs. (breast halves).
  • Oyster mushrooms – 200 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumber – 2-3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 100 g.
  • Mustard – 1-2 tsp.
  • Full-fat sour cream – 100 g.
  • Dried greens – 1 tsp.
  • Pitted olives – 1 can.
  • Olives – 2 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots – 0.5 pcs.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Salt.
  • Black pepper.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs and potatoes, grate on a coarse grater. Grind smoked cheese in the same way.
  2. Peel the cucumbers and chop them into cubes. Cut the olives lengthwise into halves (not into rings).
  3. Boil the chicken fillet and cut into cubes. Chop the mushrooms into strips and fry in butter.
  4. In a bowl, mix sour cream, mustard, garlic, dried herbs, black pepper, salt and mayonnaise.
  5. Combine all prepared ingredients together and season with sauce.
  6. Place the salad on a large snake-shaped platter.
  7. Make scales from halves of olives, and eyes from two olives. You can make cheeks from chicken eggs and then disguise them with lettuce.
  8. Half a small carrot is suitable for the tongue.
  9. The assembled appetizer should sit for about half an hour, after which it can be safely served.

What to prepare for the New Year? For example, a wonderful holiday dish - salad "Snake". This delicious salad will be a real decoration for the New Year's table. You can prepare this dish for other holidays, for example, a birthday - children will especially like it, and adults will also be delighted. “Snake” salad is quite simple in composition and affordable. How to lay out and decorate a salad in the shape of a snake? I will definitely tell you about this in detail in the recipe.


  • 4 eggs
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 can (180-200 gr.) canned tuna, pink salmon or saury
  • or pickled
  • 2 processed cheeses, 100 g each.
  • salt - optional
  • ground black pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • To decorate the “Snake” salad you can use: black and green pitted olives, 1/2 carrots, canned corn, greens.


  1. Wash the potatoes and carrots, add cold water and cook “in their uniforms” until tender (15 minutes after boiling), as for. Cool and clean. Peel and finely chop the garlic.
  2. Separately, boil hard-boiled eggs for 5-7 minutes. Then cool, fill with cold water, clean, rinse to remove remaining shell particles.
  3. Three processed cheeses on a coarse grater. If the cheese curds are too soft, you can pre-put them for 20-30 minutes. in the freezer.
  4. Open a can of tuna, pink salmon or saury, mash the fish with a fork (you can use it with butter).
  5. Three potatoes on a coarse grater.
  6. Grind 1/2 of the yolk on a fine grater and set it aside (we will need it for decoration), grind the remaining eggs on a coarse grater.
  7. Combine grated processed cheese, potatoes, garlic, eggs and fish in a saucepan.
  8. Add mayonnaise, mix and taste. If necessary, add salt and ground black pepper.
  9. From boiled carrots we cut out a crown and tongue for the snake. How to cut a crown: cut a thick circle of carrots, carefully place the carrots on a cutting board, cut out the middle with a knife, and then cut out the cloves. We make the tongue from a medium-thick carrot plate.
  10. On a large flat dish we place the small pieces of carrots remaining after cutting out the crown in the shape of the English letter “S” - this will be the frame for our “snake”. Spoon the salad mixture on top. On one edge of the letter “S” we lay out more lettuce - we form the head, on the other - less - we form the tail.
  11. We decorate the body of the “Snake”. Place a carrot crown on the snake's head. Cut the green olives into circles (cut each into about 3 parts). Cut black olives into small pieces - put these pieces into circles of green olives and lay out a line on the back of the snake, starting from the crown (as an option, you can use black olives with boiled carrot centers). We cover the body and back of the head with “scales” of thinly sliced ​​pickled or pickled cucumbers.
  12. We decorate the head of the “Snake”. Starting from the crown, we first lay out a line of corn in the center (“nose”), and then along the sides. Sprinkle the snake's head with the reserved grated yolk, add eyes and eyelashes from black olives. Carefully insert the tongue.
  13. Before serving, the festive “Snake” salad can be decorated with fresh herbs.

New Year 2013 is coming very soon Black Water Snake . And many are already asking questions about what to cook for the New Year, what should be on the New Year’s table, and how to decorate it. Let's talk about all this in order. Snakes feed mainly on various small animals. Small individuals can eat rabbits and birds, but for example, large snakes like a python can eat large animals like a deer or leopard! Yes Yes! Why am I... oh, yes, to those dishes that should be on the table.

For example, if you have the opportunity, you can cook “Venin stewed with Dor Blue cheese”, but if this is not possible, then by all means cook rabbit or bird. So, for the New Year we will prepare Salad Snake , quite simple, but at the same time very tasty chicken salad, and we’ll decorate it in the shape of a snake.

Snake – a lover of original dishes, delicacies and delights, so you can also serve dishes from expensive fish, tartlets with red and black caviar. Snakes also love eggs, so a snack of stuffed eggs will come in handy.

Just recently I made these cute snowmen! Easy and simple to do:

Be sure to decorate the New Year's table, you can think about it now. It is advisable to decorate the table in snake colors (green, blue, light blue). Perhaps you will place beautiful shaped candles, lay out beautifully shells, starfish(like a water snake symbol), fresh bouquet of pine needles, decorated with New Year's toys will also look great and create a pleasant aroma on your table (you can also write wishes, wrap in foil, and hang pine needles on the branches, and each guest will take off and read this little “parting word” for the next year).
Well, now let's start cooking!

Snake salad, composition.

We will need:
Smoked chicken breast 700 g (weight with bone)
Bell pepper 1.5 pcs (preferably different colors)
Cucumber 200 g
Cheese 100 g
Boiled potatoes 4 pcs (medium size)
Korean carrots 150 g
Onion 1 piece
Beijing cabbage 150 g (if you don’t have it, you can add more cucumber)

Salad 50 g
Pitted olives
Pitted olives

Snake salad, step by step recipe.

At the very beginning, we will make decorations from pepper, they can be of any shape, snowflakes, stars, curls, you can first make a crown for the snake (like the flowers in recipe a). All decorations must be placed in cold water.

Cut the olives into thin slices. ATTENTION, advice: the thinner they are, the easier it is for them to stay on the snake. Try to get 4-5 slices from one olive; for this, of course, you need a comfortable, sharp knife. Make a blank for the snake's eyes.

Separate the smoked chicken breast from the bone and cut the fillet into thin slices. We cut bell peppers and onions into strips, cut cucumbers into thin slices, grate potatoes and cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop Chinese cabbage.

Mix chicken fillet, carrots, onions, bell peppers, cheese, cucumber, Chinese cabbage (all ingredients for snake salad, except potatoes).

Season with mayonnaise and mix well. Korean carrots will give mayonnaise an original taste.

We place it on a large dish in the following sequence: first we lay out the salad in the shape of a snake, then carefully place a leaf of lettuce (if you place the snake on the salad, the leaf will be flattened, so it is better to place it after, giving it volume). After you have laid out the snake, cover it with a thin layer of potatoes.

The color of the snake should be uniform so that bright vegetables are not visible.

Cover with olive slices and make eyes.

Place a snake crown on the salad and decorate with other prepared decorations.