Corn moonshine - the base of home bourbon. Moonshine from corn - home bourbon

03.09.2019 Buffet table

Each at least once in life I dreamed of cooking at home Zhugya went to the heavenly beauty and angelic taste, to once again not run to the store and asserts in the eyes of the ancestors that the veins were driven by Moonshine. But now the simple Smag from what was, does not correspond to the requests of the raised citizens. They submit elite drinks, for example. Although the same whiskey is the usual moonshine, only beautifully called. Let's try to prepare the brutal of the glorious family of the Watchwork - corn, which is also called Bourbon. In the United States called him a national drink, and this is nothing but a rustic corn moonshine. But how many songs sang about him and others like him. Even the language does not turn to talk about it something bad.

Step 1: Base Selection

So, rye and barley you preferred corn. And what, a good and useful grace, from all listed gives the most sugar.
Moreover, from whole grains, a rather coarse drink is obtained, so it is better to go to the supermarket and buy a corn barbell or flour. But from what would you prepare, without malt could not do. It is he who turns starch in sugar: rye or barley - no difference. Preferably lever. The only thing, try to find not beer malt.

There is a variant of making a moonshine without yeast, but with sugar. But it is too brutal and difficult.

Step 2: Prepare your database

So, magic begins.
First you need to rip corn to launch starch. Here, everyone chooses the device itself. We pour water (for only 2 kg of wort there should be 7 liters), heating up to 50 degrees, pour the crum. We cook all this 15 minutes at the same temperature, periodically stirring. Then raise the temperature to 65 ° C and stir for another 15 minutes. Follow the water liter and heat up to 80 degrees. We add 30 G. malt (for 1.5 kg of cereals should be only 300 g). Then the most difficult moment comes: Cook wort with 100 degrees about 2 hours, constantly stirring (automatic agitator is very useful).

Next, all this beauty should be cooled to a temperature of 62-65 degrees and add the rest of the malt. Here, without a thermometer, it is not necessary, because the high temperature will destroy the enzymes, and low - heavily extends the process.
Next, it is necessary to observe the temperature pause and for 2 hours maintain the temperature in the range of 60-65 degrees.

Step 3: fermentation

Now the most important thing: you need to make yeast. Ordinary bakery yeast, which are sold in bags. The main thing, the cooled of Verevo to 25-30 degrees. There is no secret in breeding yeast - just follow the instructions on the packaging. The proportion is simple: for 10 liters - 20 grams of dry yeast. Now the most painful process is beginning. Hiding the resulting kisa-wild one and let her care. Want - Stretch glove, you want - put the hydraulic machine. If there is a domestic brewery, then it has everything you need for fermentation. The process on average takes about 3-5 days - sometimes a week. If everything is implicated correctly, then the mash will begin after 2-3 hours. Naturally, if the fermentation is not, and the alcohol amber in the air is twisted, the process stopped. So it is impossible to slow, and you need to overtake it as soon as possible. And by the way, do not be labeled - Marga's Marga polling.

Step 4: distillation

And now the process is akin to Alchemy - distillation. The day came, when you need to contact my father or grandfather, to incline your knee and ask for: "About the great master, teach me to your skills!".
There is no dry law in our country, and therefore it is not difficult to acquire the device for distillation. If there are straight hands and the necessary tools in the presence, then the device can be performed from handy means.

There is no special wisdom in the process. Pour the braga in the cube and begin to drive. Be sure to use double distillation, since the grain reluctantly give alcohol. After the first distillation, it turns out something fortress up to 30% - it is not enough for us. Without waiting for enlightenment, resemble again. The second time heated slowly, separating the "heads" (he "Pervach" - the initial fraction that you just drove) by about 10% of the total alcohol. It turns out a saturated rubbish, a fortress of 50-70%, which in the world is called "White Dog" - the usual corn moonshine.

Step 5: insist

So that the obtained has become whiskey or Bourbon, it must be diluted with water up to 45-50%. If you do not wait to drink, then the ambrosia can be poured into a glass jar, it is sealed, to withstand 1-2 days. But the moonshine becomes whiskey, it needs to be withstanding in a barrel. Get them today is not a problem. Cedar, Oak - the main thing so that not fiberboard. It is better to take small barrels, because from the ratio of surface area to mass alcohol alcohol will be easier to absorb the quality of wood - characteristic notes in the aroma and taste - and other components that come directly from the tree itself. In a small barrel, distillate is addressed for 3 months. And if you need a masterpiece, you will have to be patient and wait for painful 9 months. It is believed that the barrel must be burnt, then caramel and other flavors will not need to add to it. The resulting distillate is completely not capricious, so you can withstand it in the apartment.

To get a really decent drink, high-quality equipment and wort is needed. In the online store "At Dmitrich" you will find everything you need for the preparation of Bourbon, as well as other alcoholic beverages. For example, here you can buy alcohol yeast Double Snake Whisky, as part of which not only, actually yeast, but also nutrients, as well as vitamins, trace elements and amyloglucosidase. By the way, this is real British raw materials, which means you will get a quality drink, of course, subject to the steps described above. These yeast are suitable for cooking not only Bourbon, but also for the production of whiskey. As for the equipment, everything depends on your budget here. In the online store "At Dmitrich" there are both inexpensive devices, the cost of which is less than 10 thousand rubles, and productive models that allow producing large volumes of Bourbon.

Bourbon is the main strong alcoholic beverage in the United States. He not only won the internal North American market, but also successfully exported worldwide.

In essence, it is corn distillate. Or speaking in a simple moonshine. Of course, there are certain technological features of the cooking process that are difficult to repeat at home.

However, the specificity of the drink allows each person to prepare a classic American Bourbon at home. Make it easy. With some skill and efforts, you will get high-quality Bourbon, which will not be ashamed to offer the most demanding guests.

How to make Bourbon home?

Before we proceed to the direct description of the process, I would like to draw your attention to one important circumstance. All temperature modes indicated in the recipe must be accurately observed. Otherwise, we will not be able to get a real quality bourbon. Getting started to cook, constantly keep a specialized thermometer at hand.

We will need such ingredients:

  • corn flour - 2 kg;
  • malt - 400 grams;
  • water - 9.5 liters;
  • dry yeast - 7 grams.

Instead of flour, you can use a corn croup if you wish. This moment is absolutely not fundamental. It will not affect the amount and quality of the resulting Bourbon.

When choosing a malt, you also have several options. You can use rye, butter or wheat. However, it will not be able to do without it. The malt is necessary in order to be able to convert starch to sugar. This process was called precipitation.

The malt must be pre-crushed to a large grinding cereal. In the event that the green malt will be used, it should be chopped in a meat grinder.

Instead of dry yeast, you can use pressed. In this case, on the amount of ingredients declared above, you will need 20 grams.

We are preparing a suitable corncasting braga

1. We begin with the fact that heating water to 50 degrees. We recommend that you use a water bath for this. Acting in this way, we will kill two hares at once. First, in this case it is more convenient to maintain and control the correct temperature. Secondly, our corn raw materials will not nourish.

It's just done. Put a large saucepan on the burner. We put a saucepan with a smaller diameter. The bottom pan is filled with two-thirds water. In the upper pour 8 liters of water.

2. After reaching the specified temperature, it is gently without a rush to the heated water harvested corn raw materials and stir all the time. For a quarter of an hour, we support 50 degrees announced above. Do not forget to stir. Our corn should not thicken and form lumps.

3. Raise temperatures up to 65 degrees. Weganing our stroke with this temperature mode for a quarter of an hour. Again, do not forget to interfere.

4. We pour the remaining 1.5 liters of water into the pan. We bring the temperature to 77-80 degrees and support it for 20 minutes.

5. We lower the temperature to 65 degrees, suit malt and interfere before the formation of a homogeneous mass.

6. Remove the saucepan from the burner. Cover it with a lid and you should wrap in a warm blanket. After that, we put it at 7 o'clock in a warm place. After completing this stage, the wort of our future Bourbon should get a sweet taste.

7. Welcome to the temperature to a temperature of 27-29 degrees. Then add to the pan diluted in accurately according to the instructions of the yeast. All as it should be mixed.

8. Transfix our wort into a pre-prepared fermentation container. We recommend using hydraulic machine. It can be done with your own hands or use the factory. After we installed it, put the container in the pantry room. It is best for fermentation of the braga suitable room temperature.

9. The fermentation process always takes different times. But at the same time he never goes beyond 3-6 days. For experienced people to understand that Braga is not ready for any difficulty. The contents of the fermentation container will be markedly lighter. Gas bubbles will disappear, but the mustard will appear in taste. The smell of alcohol will be clearly felt. On this process of cooking, braga for Bourbon is completed.

Proper distillation guarantee of a good result

10. Transfix your brawl into a distillation cube of the moonshine. We do it through a gauze filter. This is allowed to remove lumps from it, which are able to burn during distillation and spoil the taste of the drink.

11. We make the first distillation. The product is not divided into fractions. At the exit we have about 2 liters of corn alcohol with a fortress of 31-35 degrees.

12. Divorced the resulting distillate with clean water. The required fortress should be within 17-21 degrees. For those who want to get the perfect result, you can filter with activated carbon.

13. We make the second distillation on slow fire. We select "heads" or Pervak. These are the first 120-160 ml of the product. They cannot be filmed, as they contain acetone and other harmful substances. We complete the collection of Bourbon, when his fortress will become less than 45 degrees. We should have a 900-1000 ml of corn mogon with an alcohol content of 55-56%.

14. Divorced the resulting distillate with clean water up to 43 degrees. After insisting within 1-2 days, we will get a great corn moonshine.

15. If you are ready to go to the end and prepare a real bourbon at home, then the moonshine requires additional excerpt in the oak barrel within 6-12 months. Ideally, withstand the drink should be 2 years old. If you do not have a barrel, then you can insist moonshine on oak chips or chips.

Enjoy your tasting!

In the peteral culture of many nations, there is a moonshine and drinks prepared on its basis. Moonshine from corn in America is used in the preparation formulation of the Bourbon whiskey varieties. How to prepare at home moonshine from corn, learn from this article.

Cooking Braga

For Braga, we will need:

  • Corn cereals (can be replaced by corn flour).
  • Yeast - 25 grams of pressed or 5 grams of dry.
  • Green malt (barley) - 200 grams.
  • Water 5 liters.

The choice between cornfroof and flour is not fundamental, as it absolutely does not affect the taste qualities of the finished drink.

Tip!It is important to comply with the correct temperature regime. Therefore, you will have to stock the thermometer.

First you need to prepare a porridge, which will be the basis for Braga. Water heat up to 50 s °, slowly pour the croup, not stop moving. It is important that there were no lumps in the jam.

When the whole cereals are covered, the temperature of heating increases to 65 s ° and the plug is cooked with a constant stirring for another 15 minutes. Next, cook for another 20 minutes with a temperature of 75-80 s °. Stop cover with a lid and let stand.

Meanwhile, green malt (germinated grains) is crushed into a meat grinder. If a dry malt is used, then it needs to be crushed.

The malt is added to the stroke when its temperature decreases to 65 s °. Everything is mixed, the container is covered with a warm blanket, and the plot goes to a warm place for 7 hours. The composition shares and the wort will acquire a sweet taste, the color will significantly darken, and the consistency will become fat.

The temperature of the congestion needs to be reduced to 25 s ° and add diluted yeast. The wort is poured into the fermentation tank, on which the hydraulic was installed. For fermentation, Braga requires a dark place with room temperature.

After 6 days, the fermentation process will end, Braga will become bright. This is a signal to what you can do distillation.


Before the start of the process of distillation of Braga, it must be filtered through gauze. Large particles that can burn in the distillation process contribute to the deterioration of the taste quality of the finished product.

The first distillation is made without separating the exit to the fraction. It should turn out about one and a half liters of raw alcohol, the fortress of which should be 30 °.

The finished corn distillate is diluted with water by about 20%, and you can start a second distillation. If you wish, before this, you can clean the distillate through the coal filter. When re-distillation, the moonshine at the output is already divided into fractions, the first and last 100 ml are selected. As a result, 700-800 ml of a strong moonshine (40-45 °) should be obtained.

We divor into the finished product we clean from the sigh oil through the coal filter and leave for two days. After that, the moonshine is ready to eat. Corn moonshine has a sweet taste and barely catchy corn smell. The color of the drink is a little yellowish.

Corn moonshine without yeast

It is believed that the moonshine without yeast is better than its yeast analogue. The technology of cooking such a moonshine is somewhat more complicated, but if there is a desire to get a good result, you can try.

We will need:

  • Corn grains - 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 6.5 kg.
  • Water - 17 liters.

First you need to germinate corn grains. For this, corn is filled with 2 liters of water, they add 8 sugar glasses here and leave for germination. Corn tediously take a sweet and gentle, the better the original raw material, the harmonious it is a drink.

Tip!Before you put corn on germination, first check it out. For this, several grains place in the water and leave for 3 days. If the sprouts did not proceed, the corn for the preparation of the moonshine is not suitable.

When sprouts will be clearly visible, the remaining sugar and water is added in the raw material, everything is well mixed. After that, Braga goes to fermentation under the hydropitus. This Braga will stand for about 2 weeks. The fact that the fermentation process is over, will indicate the absence of bubbles and high-spirited wort. The distillation of the corn moonshine without yeast is carried out in the manner described above.

Cooking home bourbon

Corn moonshine can be significantly resolved by cooking home bourbon from it. It is known that the real whiskey is insisted in oak barrels. But at home as an alternative, oak chips can be used. You need to insist at least three months. Such a drink will not be ashamed to serve guests.

Important! If the corn mogon is planned to prepare home bourbon, then only green malt should be included in the composition of raw materials.

The prevalence of counterfeit alcohol on the shelves makes more and more people engage in self-engine and winemaking. Take note of the preparation of corn moonshine, and you can always enjoy the taste of good homemade bourbon.

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Bourbon is rightfully considered one of the US symbols. This alcoholic drink is a corn vodka, which has become a barley beverage substitute. The United States's traditional alcohol can be reproduced in its own kitchen, taking several verified recipes of Bourbon. But first, you need to make a short excursion in the history of corn vodka, which has gained popularity around the world. Bourbon at home will be the best alcoholic treat, since it has a unique taste and aroma.

Story drink

American Bourbon, unlike Scottish whiskey, preparing from barley malt, has a bright taste and smell that gives the beer an authenticity. The United States, especially the southern states, at all times were rich corn, which is the basis for receiving Bourbon, who used to have the fame of rustic vodka.

Bourbon synonyms: corn moonshine (whiskey), grain wine.

Recipe: Not only corn

The recipe of Bourbon at home is difficult to name simple and fast in the implementation, since it implies the use of not only corn, but also malt, preferably barley. This component is required to precipitate the starch contained in the corn. The malt is a sprouted grain whose sprouts contain special enzymes that break down starch on simple sugar. The latter is needed for the vital activity of yeast mushrooms, without which the process of formation of ethyl alcohol is impossible.

In the recipes of grain alcohol, malt is mixed with barley or rye flour. Water also contributes to wort.

To get a corn brand, you need to take six kilograms of corn cereals. At such a number of product take two kilograms of malt and a similar portion of rye flour. And also prepare 40 liters of water and 50 grams of dry yeast.

What does the recipe look like:

  1. First you need to prepare a boiler with a capacity of 50 liters. The inner part of the tank is sterilized and dried, because even the smallest drop of water can spoil the entire volume of wort. 40 liters of water poured into the sterile boiler, they put a container on fire and bring liquid to boiling.
  2. The fire of the burner is reduced to a minimum and squeeze the croup and flour. Components need to be carefully mixed immediately after adding to water, which will help to avoid the formation of lumps. If at home there is a drill with a nozzle for mixing plasters, then you can safely use such equipment.
  3. From the resulting mixture, porridge is boiled, not allowing its burning to the walls of the boiler for 20 minutes.
  4. After the boiler, remove from the fire and wrap it with warm blankets, leaving in such a state for two hours. This time is necessary in order to starch from the cereals.
  5. Meanwhile, they take malt and skip it through the meat grinder. This component is added to the corn-rye porridge when it cools up to 62 degrees. After adding malt, the mixture is thoroughly mixed until it becomes an oily.
  6. The boiler again look with blankets and leave in this position for three hours. After this time, the blankets are cleaned so that the wort cooled to 25 degrees. This temperature is considered optimal for the vital activity of yeast, and if this indicator exceeds 25 degrees, the fungi is simply driving, and the fermentation will become impossible.
  7. Sushlo is overflowing into a distillation capacity and yeast are added immediately.

In the neck of the tank with wort, the hydraulic was installed and put the dishes into the warm dark place. The process of fermentation of corn brigade usually lasts six days. As soon as it stops distinguishing bubbles of carbon dioxide and acquires a layered structure, you can start filtering and distillation.

Corn BRAG is distilled twice: the first time without separation on the fraction, the second is on the rectification mode. After distillation, distillates are diluted with water so that its final fortress amounted to 62 degrees. The corn moonshine is transfused into an oak barrel and withstand it for 10 months.

Corn whiskey drink both in pure and in diluted with other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

The art of the boredom consists in the desire to tell about everything. (FROM)

Bourbon appeared at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century in the city of Paris (County Bourbon, Kentucky, USA). More precisely, in 1821, the first preserved advertising of a new beverage with such a name is dating. The recipe itself was known and earlier.

The main difference between Bourbon from the European Whiskey is that Bourbon is made from corn, and not from barley.

Most whiskey produced in the United States is Bourbon, and it is officially considered to be a US national drink.

There is also my fault in this, I admit.

Therefore, these 77 pages were sent to the "running string", where everyone who wanted to study them freely and develop them.

And in the near future I will try to fill the "frame" of the preparation of Bourbon from natural raw materials in the near future. All important and interesting from archival 77 pages - I will postpone here.

If you do not take as an industrial production of our days (do not take, it is not necessary - a very bad landmark), it is easy to remember that Bourbon is just a village moonshine from corn and nothing more.

In this case, its drinks from corn is quite appropriate to be called a corn moonshine, corn whiskey, corn American whiskey and in conclusion - corn breadmess weathered in oak barrel.

If you are interested in Scottish, Irish, English whiskey, then you should read this article.

The main raw material for the manufacture of Bourbon is corn, and expressing more precisely - [sloppy] Corn grain. The composition of the grain of corn.

Regarding the practical side of the issue - the inhabitants of the cities can recommend buying a delicious corn croup in the store. In most cases, one-piece corn grain or, even worse, the rublink from the "cattle markets" and the points of sale of feed are given a significantly less delicious raw bourbon, requiring subsequent long-term ripening in the barrel. And at the output, the mediocre Bourbonchik is obtained. Bourbon is of delicious corn perfectly drinks without any boching excerpt, it tastes soft and sweet.

As you could read on a lot of sites, carefully written by PR managers for you, so that the drink is called Bourbon, in addition to the place of manufacture, the amount of corn in the source raw material is important. Corn must be at least 51%. If you put from 40 to 75 percent of corn - you still get a pronounced corn moonshine, which can be called bourbon after a barrel shutter speed.

Soil in this case, you need to take the most "bright", expressing a professional language - with the smallest color. The salted chromium is marked from 0 to 1500 chroma units. The malt with the designation 2-15 of the chroma units perfectly suitable for the preparation of Braga to Bourbon.

Usually the cheapest brewery of malt - Russian, called they can: Barley Light malt, Wheat Light malt, Rusty malt. Importal malt that are most suitable for use in this process can have the following names: Pilsen, Munich, Vienna, Pale El.

For a quick and efficient process of preparing the braga from not situated grain, 25-30 percent of the dry malt is required from the total weight of the falling. (Zakyy - grain and / or malt, taken in the desired quantity for the preparation of the required volume of braga).

There is a particular "strong" malt, called diaphorer. Now he is also becoming more and wider on sale. It can be used in smaller quantity, 15-20% of the mass of the sweep.

Salt Sale Places are a bit considered on the forum and even more you will find search engines on the Internet.

Green malt is the most "strong" and it requires the smallest amount. It is usually enough to take from the total weight of the fall of 15% of the dry grain on the green malt.

The final recipe can always be at your discretion. The main thing is to understand the essence of the recipe.

But the pure ethyl alcohol itself is straightforward, the taste and smell of it is simple to disgrace and intoxication differs significantly from intoxication caused by a good distillate.

All interesting in alcohol brought precoubtives - and taste, and aroma, and the very other intoxication. It is a mixture of various grain (corn + rye, wheat, barley, oats, and so on.) And any malt (or malt mixtures) will allow you to make your Bourbon shining faces of taste and fragrance.

Even a simple combination of corn and one type of malt makes it possible to make a delicious distillate, turning after shutter speed in a barrel to Bourbon. I repeat if the aesthetic pleasure you can call only Bourbon, produced according to "the condition about the place of origin" - make corn moonshine and enjoy it. Enjoy to exposure in a barrel, while holding a barrel and after exposure in a barrel.

Just in case, for beginners and guests will give specific examples of recipes, knowing from many years of experience, which is "finally clearer":

2. corn 85%; Grain on green malt 15%. The grain on the green malt may be in the form of wheat, rye, barley, oats, and so on. If you read this topic, you will find out that it's still easier to germinate wheat or rye.

3. Corn 80%; Diafarin 20%.

4. Corn 51%; rye 24% (in the form of cereals or flour, better wobbly); The malt brewery is barley or wheat with color up to 15 units. color - 25%.

5. Corn 51%; rye 12%; barley 12%; Malt brewebular wheat 25%

6. Corn 51%; Wheat 24%; Malt brewery rye 25%.

7. Corn 51%; barley 24%; Malt brewebular wheat 25%

In the matter of preparation of grain distillates, it is impossible to divide the equipment and the cooking process, they tighten to each other.

In corn, other grains and malt, the largest amount of all substances is starch from which we obtain ethyl alcohol with concomitant substances during a certain process.

Each "ball" in the picture is a glucose molecule, one of the types of sugars. Yeast, which produce alcohol from sugars for us, is not able to recycle directly starch. We must prepare it for them. This is done with malt enzymes, which are "cut" the starch molecule on edible sugar for the yeast.

However, in the grain starch reliably "hidden" inside the cell and the enzymes can not be reached before it. In addition, in the dry form of starch and malt enzymes cannot interact - this is possible only in aqueous solution. To ensure the access of enzymes to starch, grain grinding and subsequent cooking are carried out. When cooking, the cells are destroyed and starch becomes available for the effects of malt enzymes.

In Russian, in the liter of the plot there should be malt and grain as much as they can quickly and efficient yeast.

If we put little grain and malt, we will irrationally use the tanks and will be able to warm the large volume of braga that has low alcohol.

If you put too much grain and malt, fermentation will go slowly and stop, without reaching the complete processing of all fermented sugars - yeast can not wander well in too thick solutions. A significant part of the fact that we will be put on above the norm will not be recycled and at the end of the process will simply be thrown out.

From a practical point of view, the minimum ratio (hydrogen) 1 part of the grain / malt to 4 parts of water is sufficient - for comfortable yeast operation.

Over this ratio is determined by the equipment that vinocur uses to produce a jam on the grain braga and the subsequent distortion of the Braga.

1) Direct heating of cube and braga inside the cube - fire; Tanni; Induction slab

2) Braga heating using a cube shirt (superheated ferry shirt; water sauna)

3) Heating Braga is a sharp ferry - in this case, the pairs are served directly in Braga.

1. Corn (in the form of cereals or rublinka) It is necessary to rip it in order to ensure the outlet of the starch from the cells and its availability for malt enzymes.

2. Rated corn "porridge" It is necessary to cool somewhat and make a naked malt, leading the total temperature of the mixture to 63 degrees, +/- 2 degrees.

3. The resulting mixture must be kept at this temperature for at least 2 hours, it is possible more.

Very precise, to degree, compliance with temperature is not mandatory. It is advisable to remain in the range of 60-65 degrees, it is permissible slightly lower than 60, but the increase over 65 for a period of more than 10 minutes is unacceptable. At temperatures below 60 degrees, the operation of the malt enzyme producing from starch is a fermentable sugar, is slower than when it is in the range of 60-65. But happens.

And the increase in temperature over 65 degrees leads to the destruction of the enzyme. Destruction does not occur instantly, so if you, when mixing the strained corn cereal with malt, got the temperature of the mixture above 65 - nothing terrible, the main thing for a few minutes lower the temperature.

4. After 2 hours, the starch precipitation in the bulk of its mass passes and the mixture can be cooled to the temperature of yeast, and then set the yeast. Even if part of the starch did not precipitate - it will end during fermentation, since the enzyme will continue its work and further during fermentation. At low temperature, the enzyme also works, but it happens more slowly.

Let me state a personal opinion - the value of yeast in the matter of receiving Bourbon (as well as any grain) is on. tdseat place. Therefore, the beginners can safely advise the use of any bakery yeast from a rural stall and want to have fun - always please the Internet is overflowing with the offers of "special" yeast.

5. Upon completion of fermentation, which in the case of a good grain braga can last only 2-3 days, the resulting brawl will need to overtake, having received a raw bourbon. But if you cannot distinguish immediately - you can do anything terrible - close the lid more slowly, even in the apartment of Braga calmly just just gives a month.

I will clarify a small detail if suddenly you previously engaged in distillation of sugar braga: when distilcing from grain, not filtered braga, you need to drive almost "dryness", to the readings of the alcohol agent 3-4%. Braga is very reluctant to "part" with alcohol content. It is also impossible to separate the head and tail part - because thick porridge is already boiling on top, and it remains cold below.

The raw can immediately distill again, separating the initial ("head & quot and the final (" Tails & quot part. Reasoning on the forum about the selection of heads or tails in the area of \u200b\u200bdistillate in the "So-percent" area of \u200b\u200bthe alcohol fortress - completely erroneous. Since the type of distillation apparatus , and the power supply and the temperature of the cooling water in the "Condensation Device of the Moonshine Vapor", and the type of such device itself, and the initial fortress of the filled raw is completely different.

A slightly more accurate criterion can serve as the percentage of absolute alcohol. If, after the first distillation, you received, for example, 10 liters of raw filth of 30%, which means you have 3 liters of absolute alcohol.

His, this absolute alcohol, none of us saw, but we all operate with the concept of it to obtain a delicious distillate, it suffices to select 10% of the head and 10% caudal part of the distillate. The numbers, of course, are also averaged, but they are satisfied with the guarantee for any type of simple distillation apparatus.

Usually the fortress of the obtained second distillate in the receiving container is from 50 to 70%.

Next, to obtain a classic Bourbon, Oh, sorry, corn mogon, it is necessary to pour the resulting distillate into the oak barrel. You can pour distillate any fortress, but if you put a barrel in the raw basement, then it is better to make a fortress 50-55%. And if the barrel with the distillate will stand in the apartment, the fortress is better to make 45-50%.

The legend says (well, you probably read, right?) That the barrel must be burned from the inside.

Believe me if the barrel is completely unreleased, after 3-8 months no one will say, what a barrel was. But anyone will say that you poured him Bourbon.

So do not bother on the burned barrel.

Find over the barrel actually. Nowadays, buy a barrel is extremely simple and it is not expensive. Type in the search for the forum (or on the Internet) "Oak barrels" and everything will be decided simply and happily.

Pour distillate into a new barrel and even in the meat-out barrel - it is impossible.

Why - tested here, here and here.

Therefore, after 3 months, you can get a delicious young Bourbon, and after 6-8 months - very tasty Bourbon.