Cream of bananas and condensed cake. Banana cream - the best banana cream recipes

27.11.2019 Buffet table

Delicate and airy banana cream for the cake is suitable not only for a layer of cakes, but also for other confectionery products - eclairs, muffins, biscuit rolls, cupcakes. Its mild milky taste with a fruity tinge is ideally combined with biscuit cakes. Banana cream will perfectly complement fresh fruit salads, and pancakes or donuts, poured with such a cream, will please any gourmet. It can be consumed simply as a dessert and even make delicious natural ice cream.

There are many interesting recipes for making this cream, here are some of them.

banana cream recipe with sour cream

It takes very little time to prepare such a cream. For banana cream with sour cream, it is advisable to choose fully ripened bananas and thick, non-sour sour cream. If the sour cream is too liquid, you can leave it in cheesecloth for several hours to drain excess liquid.


  • 500 g sour cream;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • 2 bananas.


  1. It is best to cool sour cream before cooking by putting it in the refrigerator. From the cold, homemade sour cream becomes thicker and whips much easier.
  2. Put sugar in sour cream and beat until it dissolves. If desired, you can put only half of the sugar in the cream with a banana, then it can be used as a dessert.
  3. Using a blender, make a puree from bananas and add it to the rest of the mass, which is well mixed until smooth. You can add a little vanilla to the cream.

Banana cream with condensed milk

Banana cream with condensed milk has a denser consistency than sour cream and banana cream. It will thicken even more if you put it in the refrigerator for a few hours after cooking. The cream has a pleasant taste and creamy aroma. Suitable for cakes, as well as for various cakes, such as eclairs.


  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • 200 g of condensed milk.


  1. Mix the softened butter with a mixer with condensed milk.
  2. Make banana puree.
  3. Combine bananas and a mixture of condensed milk and butter.
  4. Cool the finished cream in the refrigerator.

banana cream cheese recipe

This cream not only decorates the cake, but also uses it as a tasty and healthy dessert. Banana cream with cottage cheese can be put in bowls or filled with dough baskets, supplemented with pieces of fruit or sprinkled with chocolate.


  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • 100 g of kefir;
  • 2 bananas;
  • sugar to taste;
  • vanillin.


  1. Add kefir, vanillin and sugar to the cottage cheese, then beat everything thoroughly until smooth. If you need to get a thicker cream, you can add less kefir or replace it with sour cream.
  2. Grind bananas into puree.
  3. Bananas and cottage cheese with kefir are thoroughly beaten to a creamy consistency.

banana cream recipe

Among the many recipes for making creamy banana cream, this cream with cream has a rich creamy taste and a fairly thick structure. With this cream, you can layer a cake, pastries or make delicious homemade ice cream from it.


  • 2 bananas;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • 150 g butter;
  • cream - 150 ml (fat content 10%);
  • 1 egg;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat flour, egg and sugar with a little cream.
  2. Bring the rest of the cream to a boil and add the egg-flour mixture in a small stream.
  3. Cook over low heat until thickened (about 2-3 minutes). Once the mixture has thickened, remove it from the heat.
  4. Add the softened butter and crushed bananas to the chilled cream in pieces. Whisk everything until creamy.
    For greater density, put the cream in the refrigerator.

Recipe for banana cream with chocolate and orange juice

In this cream, the taste of chocolate successfully complements the aroma of tropical fruits - orange and banana. The cream holds its shape well and is distinguished by its versatility. Banana cream with chocolate and orange juice is suitable for cakes, pastries, cupcakes, pancakes. It can also be used to decorate various sweets or pastries.


  • 50 g orange juice;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 100 g milk chocolate;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Mash bananas, add orange juice and sugar to them.
  2. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 5 minutes, while it must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.
  3. Turn off the heat and add the chocolate to the hot mixture, which we first break into pieces.
  4. Stir the cream, waiting for the chocolate to dissolve.
  5. With further solidification, such a cream will thicken greatly, therefore, for a layer of cakes, it is better to use it still warm, and additionally soak the cakes with any liquid syrup.

Curd banana cream

Another recipe for cottage cheese banana cream using gelatin. The cream has a light and airy texture. It can be used for a layer of confectionery, as well as an independent dessert.


  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 1 st. l. gelatin;
  • 2 bananas;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour gelatin with water (100 ml) and leave to swell for 20 minutes.
  2. We chop the banana.
  3. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  4. Whip sour cream with sugar, cottage cheese, banana and lemon juice.
  5. Melt the swollen gelatin in a water bath. The main thing is not to bring it to a boil.
  6. Add gelatin to the mixture and mix well (you can beat with a mixer).
  7. Cream for solidification must be put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Chocolate Banana Cake Cream

Chocolate banana cream cake is suitable for layering various cakes or biscuit rolls. It has a delicate and soft texture and completely soaks the cakes.


  • 500 ml thick yogurt;
  • 3 bananas;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • 4 tsp cocoa;
  • 15 g gelatin.


  1. Grind bananas with yogurt until smooth with a blender.
  2. Then pour in the powder, cocoa and beat again.
  3. Pour gelatin with a small amount of water and set to swell.
  4. In a water bath (you can use the microwave), dissolve the gelatin and add it to the mixture in a liquid state.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly and put the cream in the refrigerator for several hours.

banana custard

This cream is tasty, low-calorie and perfectly soaks the cakes. If the banana custard is applied to the cakes while still warm, the cake will soak much faster.


  • 1 egg;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • 5 g butter;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l;
  • 3/4 st. milk;
  • half a banana.


  1. Grind the egg, sugar and butter.
  2. Add flour to the mixture.
  3. Add the whole mass to the milk and heat. At the same time, it must be stirred all the time.
  4. When the cream thickens, remove from heat and add mashed banana half.
  5. Next, heat the cream again.
  6. Beat the cooled cream until a thick homogeneous mass.

Banana gelatin cream

Airy and delicate banana cream with gelatin attracts with a rich creamy taste with a delicate aroma of a banana. Such a cream is successfully complemented with grated chocolate or nuts sprinkled on top.


  • 720 ml heavy cream (30%);
  • banana - 1 pc;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 40 ml of water;
  • gelatin - 5 g.


  1. Pour water into gelatin and leave to swell.
  2. After 15 minutes, heat it in the microwave until dissolved, not letting it boil.
  3. Whip the cream until creamy.
  4. Mix the crushed banana with sugar with a mixer until it dissolves.
  5. Add the banana and sugar to the cream and beat again.
  6. Slowly add the gelatin to the mixture, then beat again.
  7. We put the finished cream to harden in the refrigerator.

Once thickened, it can be used for various purposes.

Many people like the fact that the impregnation in them can be absolutely any. For every taste, you can choose a cream for such a dessert, and it will go well with tender dough. Bananas are good as a filling, and if you mix them with something, you get an unusual and tasty treat.

For example, if you've never tried a blueberry-banana combo, you should definitely try it. Cake with banana cream and fresh berries will decorate any table.

Cream cheese with bananas and blueberries

Once you've baked and left them to cool, it's time to start making the cream. This stuffing is done in layers.

To begin with, cream cheese (200-250 g) and a small amount of sugar are thoroughly mixed until a smooth and uniform mass is obtained. This mixture is applied to the cake in a uniform thick layer. Then, on top of the sweetened cheese, put a layer of bananas, cut into rings or mashed into a puree. You will need about 4 fruits, depending on the size of your cake. Then arrange the blueberries on top of the bananas and top with the second cake layer. Top the cake with whipped cream or sweetened cream cheese and garnish with banana slices and blueberries. Serve chilled.

Banana cream for biscuit cake can be prepared in other ways. For example, based on milk.

Second way

Using a fresh banana and condensed milk, you can cook fragrant and thick. As a rule, everyone likes this option, but especially children.

It requires the following components:

  • 3/4 stack. condensed milk;
  • 3/4 stack. sugar sand;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 3 tablespoons butter;
  • puree from two bananas;
  • 3/4 stack. chopped nuts;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

How to cook banana with condensed milk

Heat milk, sugar, egg yolks and butter over low heat, stirring all the time, until thick (12-17 minutes). Add crushed banana, walnuts and vanilla. Stir until an even consistency is formed. That's all you need to do. Banana cream for biscuit cake is ready, it remains only to cool it and start smearing the cakes. You can decorate the dessert with fresh bananas, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin slices.

Banana Cream Sponge Cake - Microwavable Recipe

For home cooks who make one or two cakes, this is the best and easiest way. In just 7 minutes, you can prepare a thick cake cream that will be very fragrant and delicious. At the same time, you do not need a double boiler or stove, and you will not encounter food sticking and leaking.

To do this, you need to use a microwave. Admittedly, microwaves are not very efficient when it comes to cooking in large quantities, so restaurants and bakeries cannot use them.

To make Banana Biscuit Cream you will need:

  • 2¼ cups milk (any kind will do, but a mixture of ¼ cup heavy cream and 2 cups skimmed milk is preferable)
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • ⅔ stack. Sahara;
  • ¼ stack. corn starch;
  • ⅛ teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon grated or extract;
  • 2 table spoons of butter.

Cooking order

Combine milk, egg yolks, sugar, cornstarch and salt in a blender or food processor. You can also beat the ingredients with a whisk by hand, just be sure to work vigorously. Mix the products for about 10 seconds. Don't worry about the foam - it will disappear after beating.

Pour the prepared mixture into a fireproof glass bowl. Cook at high temperature. Once the first 4 minutes have passed, remove the cream, stir and put back. Repeat this process every 30 seconds. The total cooking time should be 5-7 minutes.

Look closely at the consistency of the mixture. It will become thick very quickly, and your task is to achieve an optimal look that allows you to smear the cake evenly. When this happens, the cream will look like a large lump rising in the middle or on one side. Beat it very vigorously until it becomes even again. You should have a thick pudding-like mixture. Most importantly, do not let the product boil during cooking. Strain the resulting custard through a sieve so that its consistency becomes uniform.

Add vanilla and butter to thick hot cream. Stretch the plastic wrap over the surface of the dish to prevent a crust from forming. Allow the product to cool indoors (or in a bowl of ice if you are short on time) until slightly warm. Banana cream for biscuit cake using this technology can be made in two ways.

How to soak a cake?

The first method is to thoroughly mix the cooled mixture with banana puree and start spreading the dessert. The second way is to apply a layer of cream on the cake, then put sliced ​​​​bananas on top of it. Fruits should be stacked in an almost even layer. Another layer of cream is applied on top, then the top cake is laid out. If the cake consists of three parts, the procedure is repeated again. A layer of cream is also applied on top.

This cake is served chilled. Therefore, immediately after greasing, it must be placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. To prevent the cream from starting to dry and form a crust, it is necessary to cover it with a plastic film. Serve with whipped cream rosettes and fresh banana slices.

By adding some banana cream cake, you will get a true culinary masterpiece. Judge for yourself, can the alluring aroma of a tropical fruit go unnoticed and not attract the attention of your guests?

Certainly not. So, quickly get down to business and study the recipe that will help you prepare a delicious and delicate dessert with your own hands. Sour cream banana cake cream will not take you much time, but it will provide an excellent result.

Banana tender cream recipe with condensed milk

You can prepare a cream from: 360 g of condensed milk; 0.2 kg of oil; one packet of vanilla sugar and 3 pieces of very ripe bananas.

Description of the preparation steps:

  1. Unsalted butter in advance (one and a half to two hours) remove from the refrigerator and leave at room temperature.
  2. Free the bananas from the peel and cut them into random pieces.
  3. Put butter with condensed milk and bananas in a blender bowl, beat for 7 minutes until smooth.
  4. Pour the condensed milk in portions, each time whipping the cream with an electric device.
  5. When the mass becomes fluffy, set the blender aside.
  6. Banana cream prepared in this way from condensed milk can be used to layer a soft biscuit cake. So that they are well saturated, do not spare the cream.

banana cream recipe with sour cream

List of necessary components: 200 g of powdered sugar; ½ kg of fat (at least 25%) sour cream; 2 very ripe bananas.


  1. Peel the bananas and mash them into a smooth puree. For this purpose, use either a regular sieve or a blender.
  2. Add the right amount of sour cream, work with a blender for a few more minutes. At the exit, you should get a lush mass of milky white.
  3. At the end of beating, gradually add powdered sugar to taste.
  4. The recipe suggests putting 200 g, but you have the right to reduce this amount, because bananas are already quite sweet.

This banana cream is used not only for a layer of airy biscuit cakes, it can also act as an independent dessert dish.

Spread the sweet mixture of bananas and sour cream into bowls and keep in the cold for a couple of hours.

banana cream cheese recipe

Prepare the required ingredients: 120 g of finely crystalline white sugar; 100 ml of kefir or yogurt; bananas - 2 pieces; 200-210 g 5% cottage cheese. Flavor the banana cream with vanilla extract.

Let's start cooking by grinding the cottage cheese through a sieve. Thus, we will get rid of the grains and give the product airiness.


  1. Add sugar, vanilla extract. Beat cream for the cake with a mixer.
  2. Puree bananas in any convenient way. Transfer them to the cottage cheese, beat thoroughly again.
  3. Lastly, add kefir. Its volume depends on the moisture and fat content of the curd. Your task is to prevent the filling from spreading on the sides of the cake.
  4. If you do not want to increase the calorie content of dessert by making it heavier with biscuit cakes, use banana cream as a separate dish.
  5. Pour into serving glasses and refrigerate.

banana cream recipe

Delicious and unusually tender banana composition is prepared from: 60 g of white sugar; one banana; 700 ml of heavy cream; 40 ml of water; 5 g of powdered gelatin; 50 g of nut or chocolate chips.

First, soak the gelatin in cool water, then proceed to other processes:

  1. Whip the chilled cream until firm, it should hold well on the whisk.
  2. Mash bananas and mix with sugar.
  3. Combine both masses (cream and banana) in one bowl, beat with a blender.
  4. In the meantime, the gelatin has swollen and needs to be melted in a water bath and cooled.
  5. Pour the liquid gelatin mass into the banana cream in a stream, constantly whisking it with a blender.

The cooking process has come to an end, you just have to add any decorations to your taste to the cake cream - coconut flakes, grated chocolate or nut crumbs.

Use Banana Buttercream to layer your biscuit cake and enjoy the delicious taste.

Recipe for banana cream with chocolate and orange juice

Stock up on the necessary ingredients: 4 bananas; 100 ml of orange juice; 120 g of granulated sugar and two bars of high-quality dark chocolate.

To prepare, follow the instructions, which involves:

  1. Turning peeled fruits into puree.
  2. Mixing it with sugar, orange juice.
  3. Boil the mixture over low heat for five minutes. Constantly stir the sweet mass so that it does not burn.
  4. When removed from the heat, pour in the chocolate, broken into pieces, and stir until it is completely melted at a high temperature.
  5. Set aside and wait for it to cool completely.
  6. Use it as a layer for cakes and appreciate its excellent taste.

My video recipe

We offer to prepare a gentle, fragrant cream - banana! For a cake, for a biscuit - with sour cream, cottage cheese, chocolate, condensed milk.

This amazingly delicious banana custard can be used as an independent dessert, as well as for a layer of cakes and pastries, as well as for filling sweet pies. When baking pies, banana cream remains thick and does not spread.

From this amount of products, about 500 ml of banana cream is obtained.

  • 400 ml cream 10% fat
  • 2 yolks
  • 1 st. l. flour
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
  • 1 large ripe banana
  • a pinch of salt

In a non-stick pan, heat the cream almost to a boil, but do not boil.

While the cream is heating, mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, starch, sugar, salt and vanilla sugar. We take dry products with spoons with an average slide. And if you plan to bake pies stuffed with banana cream in the oven, then take more flour and starch with a slide to make the cream thicker.

Beat the yolks with a whisk or fork.

Pour the third part of the hot cream to the yolks and mix quickly.

Then add the yolks with cream in parts to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan with the remaining hot cream.

Stirring constantly, cook the mixture until thickened over low heat. By the time it is 3-4 minutes.

Take the pot off the heat and cover with a lid.

Grind the banana with a blender.

Add the banana to the saucepan with the cream, mix and beat again with an immersion blender until completely smooth.

We lay out the banana cream - dessert in bowls and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Decorate to your liking before serving.

The dessert turns out to be very pleasant in taste, moderately sweet, with a light vanilla-banana flavor. The consistency is like a thick custard with a very delicate texture.

Recipe 2, step by step: sour cream banana cream

Simple, healthy and very tasty Banana cream with sour cream for cake and desserts! Suitable for almost any cakes and pastries. It is easy to prepare and does not require large expenses. Very often I use this cream as an impregnation for biscuit cakes.

  • Sour cream 20% 200 g;
  • Bananas 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. l.

We peel bananas.

We cut.

Grind with a blender.

If you like small pieces of banana to be felt, you can simply mash the banana flesh well with a fork.

Add cold sour cream, banana puree and sugar. Shake thoroughly.

Banana cream is ready, it can be used for the cake. Delicious desserts!

Recipe 3: curd-banana cream (with photo)

Delicate, light and airy curd cream with sour cream and bananas can be served as a dessert, as well as used as a filling for various pastries and cakes. It differs from other creams in ease of preparation, as well as much healthier and tastier.

  • Cottage cheese 9-18% - 200 g
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Banana - 2 pcs. (300 g)
  • Milk chocolate - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Prepare the ingredients that you will need to make banana cream cheese cream. If you want to prepare a dietary dessert, then you can not add sugar, but you can decorate with all kinds of fruits.

How to make Banana Curd Cream: Place cottage cheese in a blender bowl. It is best to use homemade fat (at least 9%) cottage cheese.

Add 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream.

Then squeeze out 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and add to the curd mass.

Add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. It all depends on your taste preferences. If you like very sweet desserts, then increase the amount of sugar by 2 or even 3 times.

Peel the bananas from the peel and cut in any way.

Place chopped bananas in a blender.

Beat at maximum speed. If you do not have a blender, then beat with a mixer.

Grind the chocolate with a knife (you can grate it on a coarse grater). Sprinkle the cream cheese on top with chocolate.

Garnish with bananas or other fruit and serve. You can also use cottage cheese cream with banana as a filling for various cakes, profiteroles, shortbread baskets, pies, etc.

Ready curd cream with banana. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 4: Chocolate Banana Cream (Step by Step)

  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. false;
  • orange juice - 50 ml.

Instead of orange juice, I took tangerine juice - squeezed with my own hand just before cooking. But you can also take ordinary packaged juice, but only citrus, so that it is sour. Bananas are better to take riper; chocolate - dark or bitter and can be in a regular bar, not lumpy, like mine.

Peel bananas and break into pieces. We place them in a container that will be convenient to put in a water bath.

Using a blender (or a regular fork), knead them into a pulp. I didn’t get a completely homogeneous mass, I came across small pieces of banana, but the cream didn’t get worse from this.

We put in a water bath. The bottom of the bowl should not touch the water, but the water should boil well. Add juice.

While stirring, heat the gruel to a hot state so that the sugar and chocolate melt, which we will add later.

Break the chocolate into pieces (or break into small pieces).

We mix the mass, achieve complete dissolution of sugar and chocolate and boil the cream in a water bath for another five minutes.

Chocolate banana cream is great for filling brownies; as an addition to various muffins, pancakes; Yes, you can just spread it on a piece of bread. It can also be used for a layer of cakes, only in this case it must be borne in mind that it cannot soak the cakes (like custard, for example) and, if they are dry, it will be necessary to soak them additionally with some syrup or juice. I didn’t use it under mastic or capricious protein cream and, nevertheless, I probably won’t risk it.

Recipe 5: Banana Tart Custard

Such a cream is good for filling cakes with it, lubricating cakes (especially puff ones) and stuffing tartlets. It is very sweet and has a pronounced banana flavor.

  • bananas 4 pcs
  • eggs 3 pcs
  • milk 500 ml
  • starch 30 g
  • flour 45 g
  • sugar 210 g
  • butter 1 tbsp.

Today, in supermarkets and pastry shops, there is simply a huge selection of various pastries and cakes. Only here their composition and quality leave much to be desired. And it would be possible to cook sweet buns and cakes at home every day, but unfortunately you cannot stock up on such a variety of creams as in industry. So, I want to tell you how to prepare one wonderful and very original cream so that you can diversify your sweet culinary masterpieces. This cream is prepared on the basis of a simple custard with the addition of a fried banana. Believe me, it has little resemblance to a simple custard as a result of taste. When preparing the cream, first separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. For the cream, only yolks are used, and from proteins you can make meringue or a protein omelette.

In a deep bowl, mix the eggs (only the yolks of course) and sugar. Beat them with a whisk or a mixer. In order for the mass to beat well, and the sugar to dissolve as it should, use warm yolks.

When the mass becomes lush and white, pour flour and starch into it, mix again until the flour and starch dissolve. This usually takes at least three minutes.

Then pour in 4 tbsp. l. milk and mix with a whisk. The mass should become liquid. Boil the remaining milk. Pour the boiled milk into the dough and mix with a whisk. Again, return the mass back to the saucepan (preferably enameled), put on a very slow fire and cook your custard until thickened (7-10 minutes), constantly stirring with a spoon or wooden spatula.

Pour the finished cream into a bowl and set to cool. It is better to cover the cream with cling film so that it cools evenly.

Now let's deal with the banana part of the cream. Cut bananas into thin rings about one third of a centimeter wide. Heat a tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and fry the bananas on it over low heat on both sides. Remove bananas when they are very soft.

After frying, put the bananas in a deep bowl and puree. Next, mix with custard and cool completely ready-made banana cream.

With this cream, you can fill profiteroles or grease cake layers. Use on health!

Recipe 6: Banana Cream with Condensed Milk

The cream has a very gentle and unobtrusive banana aroma. The taste is balanced - the sour banana flavor is extinguished by the sweetness of condensed milk, and the oil gives tenderness and silkiness. But the cream has one drawback - it is liquid and does not hold its shape at all. In order to lay it out in a bulk slide, you must first freeze to a density. And then the product with such a cream must be kept in the freezer until serving. But there are also pluses. Cakes are very well soaked with this cream. And it is very easy and fast to do.

  • 1 banana (120~140g without peel),
  • 70 g butter,
  • 1/6 can condensed milk (60~70g)

Bring the butter to room temperature and beat a little with condensed milk. Make sure that the two products are mixed, but the mass does not exfoliate.

Banana should be taken ripe, soft, but without black spots. Mash the banana with a fork.

Then blend with an immersion blender. If there is no blender, then wipe the banana through a sieve or a fine colander.

Mix butter mixture and pureed banana. The cream will turn out similar in consistency to store-bought sour cream.

If you want the cream to keep its shape, put it in the freezer for 30 minutes, stirring thoroughly every ten minutes. If the cream is prepared in advance, transfer it to a container with a lid and put cling film on the surface of the cream. The cream should not come into contact with air, as it darkens at the points of contact.

Recipe 7, simple: banana cream cake

Sour cream for cake is the most delicious and easiest cream, besides, it is universal and suitable for any cakes. It is prepared for biscuit, Sour cream cake, Pancho, honey cake. And they are also poured over muffins, wrapped in biscuit rolls, lubricated charlottes with sweet filling, poured over cupcakes, pancakes and other sweets. It is made with just two ingredients: sour cream and sugar. Vanillin or cognac is added as a flavor. And if you want to diversify its taste, then add bananas. It becomes very tender, fragrant and thicker. Especially, children will appreciate this innovation, so prepare any cake layers for a children's holiday and grease them with banana cream. It will turn out very tasty.

"Banoffi Pie" - a delicious cake with banana and condensed milk: light recipe with crusts that anyone can cook, and even someone who has never tried baking desserts in the oven!

This recipe has a second cooking option: "Banoffi Pie" - cookie cake with bananas and condensed milk in a hurry, when there is absolutely no time for baking. This means that you won’t need to bother with the preparation of cakes, but simply buy ready-made cookies, which will become the basis of a sweet treat. In total, we have two simple ways to make a cake with bananas and condensed milk: no baking and an easy recipe with cakes. Both options are delicious!

Banoffee is a delicate cake that was invented in England. The name of the dessert comes from two words: bananas (babana) and toffee (tofee), by toffee here we mean viscous boiled condensed milk. If you combine the beginning of the word banana and the ending of tofee, then you get a quick, accelerated name for the cake, which fully matches his taste.


For the cake

  • Flour - 185 g
  • Butter - 125 g
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • Milk - 60 ml

For cream and toppings

  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Bananas - 2 pieces
  • Chocolate - 100 g
  • Whipping cream - 200 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa

Are you a sweet tooth? Looking for a similar vegetarian dish? Then you will definitely like it, sour cream and carob - "Pancho".

Quick Banana Cookie Cake

You can not cook the cake, but use ready-made cookies without eggs. Then first grind it into crumbs, add melted butter to it. The consistency should be such that it holds its shape and does not fall apart. Press the resulting mixture into the bottom of the baking dish. Blind the sides. Place in the freezer for about an hour.

Choose crumbly cookies, which will be similar in density to the well-known "Baked Milk". Or just pick up 1 cookie and try to knead it in your hand, if it crumbles well, then it fits.

Shortcake cake

For the crust, mix flour with soft but not melted butter. Add sugar and milk.

Bake for 20 minutes at 180°.

Melt the chocolate. Pour it into the crust.

Top with boiled condensed milk.

Cut and arrange banana slices.

So that the fruit completely occupies the entire area (both the sides and the center).

And on top of the bananas again our toffee (boiled condensed milk). This is not very convenient to do, as the banana circles immediately stick, but still try to do everything carefully.

Whip cream, add powdered sugar. Spread over the cake with fruit and condensed milk.

Sprinkle with cocoa.

This is the final stage, now you only need to cool the cake, and then serve it on the table!

Cake with boiled condensed milk and bananas - a recipe for a cold winter

A pie or cake can be called a winter option, as it is hearty, high-calorie and is prepared from those products that are popular in the cold season. We all know that in the season of frosts and colds, there are not so many fruits in the public domain, but imported bananas are always easy to find on the counter. And what can we say about condensed milk, which many people like to eat with or without reason! And even more so the classic combination of sour cream, condensed milk and bananas in desserts.

Now imagine a chilly winter or autumn evening, dampness and humidity, maybe fog, which so often envelops England - not the most pleasant weather for walking and outdoor recreation. But if you continue to fantasize, imagining a cup of English black tea (with or without milk), and to it a delicious Banoffie Pie cake, then the weather is not so nasty and the day seems warmer and more comfortable.

I wish you enjoy this recipe so that the cake is a success right from the first time, so that you and everyone you want to treat will be pleased.

Bon Appetit! Maria S.