What can be cooked from young green garlic. Young Garlic (Recipes)

02.09.2020 Buffet table

From vegetables, and make during or immediately after harvesting -, at the beginning. Billets and seasonings from garlic are good in that it is possible to do their cooking at any time convenient for you, for example now. Yes, and it is often possible to use the garlic for them, which began to deteriorate and long in the fresh form will not be able to preserve, even if the conditions for it will be perfect.


  1. Garlic clean, wash and crushed on thin plates.
  2. The baking sheet is covered with parchment paper, on top of which the slim layer lay the plates of garlic, and put it in the oven.
  3. Include an oven at 30 ° -50 ° C, slightly open its door and dry garlic about 4-5 hours.
  4. When garlic cools out, it is facing clean jars or trays.
  5. Store at room temperature. If necessary, dried garlic at any time can be chopped in a coffee grinder.

Garlic seasoning - fragrant

You will need:

  • Garlic - 250 gr.
  • Pepper black ground - 2 tbsp. Spoons (without a slide).
  • Parsley root - 150 gr.
  1. Garlic wash and cut into thin plates.
  2. The plates are unfolded by a thin layer on the baking sheet, pre-stipped with parchment paper, and dried at a temperature of 30 ° -50 ° C, with a slightly auted door of the oven.
  3. Parsley root wash, clean and the same as garlic, cut with thin plates.
  4. The crushed root is laid out with a thin layer on the baking sheet and dried in the same way as garlic.
  5. Dried garlic and parsley root are grinding in a coffee grinder, mixed with 2 tbsp. Spoons of black ground pepper and packaged in pure jars.
  6. Store the seasoning at room temperature.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 2 large heads.
  • Salt (you can take iodized or sea) - 500 gr.
  • Ground (seeds) - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Khmeli-Sunneli - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Kinza
  • (dried greens) - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Parsley (dried greens) - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • (dried greens) - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • (dried greens) - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • (dried greens) - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Paprika - 1 h. Spoon.
  • Black pepper ground - 1 h. Spoon.
  • Pepper red ground - 0.5 h. Spoons.
  1. Garlic clean, wash and crushed with a blender or grater.
  2. All spices and salt add to chopped garlic. First, the mixture is mixed well, then thoroughly rub and tick the mortar.
  3. The finished Adyghe salt is shifted into a clean glass jar, covered with a lid and stored in a dry place.
Important: The composition of the spices, as well as their number, may be different, it all depends on your taste preferences. Adygea salt is used as seasoning to finished dishes.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 200 gr.
  • Olive oil - about 50 gr.
  1. Garlic clean, wash and crushed with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Olive oil is added to the chopped garlic and everyone is well mixed up to the formation of a homogeneous casher.
  3. The resulting garlic paste is laid out on pure glass jars, covered with covers and stored in the refrigerator.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Wine red - 500 ml.
  • Zestra 1 lemon or orange.
  1. Garlic clean, wash and cut into small pieces.
  2. Sugar is mixed with wine and bring to a boil.
  3. As soon as the mixture is boiled, it is added to it chopped garlic, zest and boil on slow heat until it drops about half of the fluid.
  4. The finished jam is packaged in pure jars, covered with covers and stored in the refrigerator.
Important: In the process of cooking, do not allow caramelization of jam. If this happened, add to it some more wine and, having reduced fire to a minimum, continue to boil until the caramel is completely dissolved.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • (Hammer) - 0.5 h. spoons.
  • A nutmeg nut (ground) - on the tip of the knife.
  1. Garlic clean, wash and cut every teeth in half.
  2. Cuthes are placed in a culinary sleeve, tie it on both sides and put in the oven. Baked garlic around 15-20 minutes. at a temperature of 200 ° C.
  3. Sugar is dissolved in water, they also add cinnamon and nutmeg. The mixture put on a small fire and bring to a boil.
  4. As soon as it boils, a baked garlic is added to it and cook, often stirring, until thickening. The main thing in the cooking process is not to give caramel jam. If this happened, some water is added to it and bring to a boil.
  5. The finished jam is decompressed by clean banks, they give cool and remove to store in the refrigerator. Either facing sterilized jars, roll and store, like any other jam.
Important: The jam with baked garlic and garlic jam with red wine use as sweet sauces to give piquancy dishes from and meat, as the basis for the preparation of various seasonings, as ordinary jams - with toasts and.

Garlic jam - piquant

You will need:

  • Garlic - 500 gr.
  • Water is 100 ml.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Cinnamon is 1 tsp.
  1. Garlic clean, wash and crushed with a meat grinder or blender.
  2. And the lemon is cleaned, wash, they rub the zest on the grater, and the juice squeeze out of the fruits themselves.
  3. In the pan mixed crushed garlic, sugar, water, cinnamon, zest and juice and orange and leave so for 12 hours.
  4. After the specified time, the mixture is adjusted to a boil and boil on a weak heat about half an hour.
  5. The finished jam is packaged by clean jars, covered with covers.
  6. Store in the refrigerator.
Important: Despite the fact that the ingredients of the jam are thermal processing, it is called therapeutic. To increase immunity, consume 2 h. Spoons 3 times a week.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 4 large teeth.
  • Chile Pepper - 4 pcs.
  • Coriander seeds - pinch.
  • Seeds Zira - pinch.
  • Kinza - 1 big beam.
  • Olive oil - 75 ml.
  • Lemon half juice.
  • Salt to taste.
  1. Seeds of zira and coriander roasted on a dry frying pan.
  2. Chile pepper washed, cut in half and remove seeds.
  3. Garlic clean and wash.
  4. Mix garlic, chili pepper, roasted seeds of zira and coriander, cilantro and crushed everything with a blender.
  5. Lemon juice, salt (to taste) add to the resulting thick paste, mixed well, shifted into a sterilized jar and on top are poured with olive oil.
  6. Store in the refrigerator.
Charissa paste is served as seasonings for meat and rice dishes.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 1 kg.
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 ml.
  • Soy sauce - 800 ml.
  1. Garlic clean, wash, put in a clean bank and poured with vinegar. If there is little vinegar and it does not cover all the garlic - add water. Close the can with a lid, remove it into the refrigerator and leave garlic in the marinade it is a week.
  2. After the specified time, the marinade is drained, and garlic cloves themselves are shifted into sterilized banks, filling them to half of the volume.
  3. Soy sauce boil 10 minutes, cooled and pour banks with garlic to the top, after which they roll them.
  4. Store the workpiece in the cellar or refrigerator. Snack will be ready for about a month after cooking.
Important: You can serve not only garlic yourself, but also soy sauce.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 1 kg.
  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Vinegar wine - 300 ml.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Salt - 20 gr.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Black pepper pepper - 5 pcs.
  • Fascinated peas - 2 pcs.
  1. Garlic clean, wash, fold in a saucepan and poured boiling water so that the water is completely covered with garlic. Leave to incande the day.
  2. After the last time, the water is drained and the garlic himself is folded along sterilized jars, filling them to the top.
  3. From wine vinegar, sugar, salt, laurel sheet, black and fragrant peppers, they cook marinade, bring it to a boil and immediately pour them garlic, filling the jars to the top.
  4. Banks rush, give them cool and remove to store in a cool room.
  5. After a week, garlic will be ready for use.

You will need:

  • Garlic (large heads) - 3 pcs.
  • Lemons - 5 pcs.
  1. Lemons are thoroughly wash and together with the peel cut with large pieces.
  2. Garlic clean and wash.
  3. Lemons and garlic and crushed with a kitchen combine or meat grinder.
  4. Mass of garlic and lemons are shifted into a 3 l with a capacity of 3 l by filling out the missing volume with water. The jar of the banks are tied up with gauze and leave so for 4 days.
  5. The specified time is fixed, spilled by clean bottles.
  6. Store in the refrigerator.
Important: The tincture of garlic and lemon is taken to strengthen the immunity (1 tbsp. Spoon in the morning of an empty stomach) and cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol (50 ml in the morning of an empty stomach).

You will need:

  • Garlic (large heads) - 4 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Parsley greens - 1 big bundle.
  • Salt to taste.
  1. Garlic clean, wash and crushed with meat grinders or blender.
  2. Parsley wash and also crushed with a blender.

  3. You will need:

  • Garlic - 1 kg.
  • Spicy red pepper - 500 gr.
  • Pepper Bulgarian - 500 gr.
  • Salt to taste.
  1. Garlic clean, wash and crushed by a blender either on a meat grinder.
  2. Spicy and pepper cleanse from seeds, wash and also grind with meat grinders or blender.
  3. Both types of peppers add to garlic, everyone is well mixed, optionally season with salt and packaged in pure jars.
  4. Store the seasoning with Jannan in the refrigerator.

You will need:

  • Garlic (large) - 2 heads.
  • Vinegar 9% - 400 ml.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.
  • Pectin fruit liquid - 90 ml.
  1. Garlic heads are separated on the teeth, they clean them, wash and crushed in a blender, adding half the volume of vinegar there.
  2. The resulting garlic paste is mixed with sugar remaining vinegar and bring to a boiling on a small fire, often stirring.
  3. As soon as the mass boils, pectin is poured into it, mix well and boil about 1 minute.
  4. Hot (right from fire) jelly spill over sterilized banks and rush.

Secrets of garlic blanks

  • To clean the garlic easily and quickly - fill it on 20-30 minutes with warm water. Then rub the cloves between the palms - the husk will easily come down, without more effort.
  • For the preparation of sauces, pastes and various refills, it is possible to use garlic that is not suitable for long, for example, slightly tied.
The topic of blanks from garlic can be continued to infinity) I hope that you will complete this modest selection of your favorite recipes)

Today, the hostesses with experience came up with a huge number of ways to store vegetables in winter. And garlic did not exceed, because in frozen garlic, all useful properties are preserved, his taste and aroma. Store it follows in the freezer department of the refrigerator. In this article we will tell how to prepare green garlic for the winter.

Freezing garlic

In order to freeze green garlic, you should not make a lot of effort. To do this, you will need young, fleshy garlic. The upper part with an unconcerned bud need to be cut off, it is not suitable for freezing. Prepared garlic rinse in cool water, dry and cut into small pieces. After that dispense into containers or packages. Green garlic is ready for freezing.

Did you know? On Sanskrit garlic means "monsters killer", so in antiquity it was often used not only in the preparation of food, but also to protect domestic animals.

Another good freezing option is garlic with greens. Such a workpiece can be used to refuel first dishes. In this recipe, we offer to try freezing by cubes, as it will be very convenient, in one cube there will be garlic, parsley and dill, and the difficulty of freezing is no different.

All ingredients take in equal amounts. Wash all the greens in cool water, dried with paper towels and put it finely. Garlic need to cut the top. For freezing with cubes you will need a food container or silicone molds. They need to pour a bit of water, decompose the chopped greens and send to the freezing chamber. After 4 hours, when the water freezes, remove the freezing, shift to the package and send it to the freezer.

How to prepare garlic to frost

For freezing, it is necessary to take away only young green garlic, which has not yet bloomed, because it is at that time it is juicy, gentle and very easily breaking, to use it in winter.

When the arrows of garlic bloom, they will be loaded, and they will not be softened even with cooking.

Green garlic needs to be sorbed, cut off the top with the applied bud and the lower ends. Yellow or yellowed commercials of garlic to freezing are not suitable.Selected garlic rinse in cool water and dry well on paper towels. After that, cut the green garlic on the pieces of 3-4 cm. The product is ready for freezing.

Options for freezing green garlic for winter

The harvesting of green garlic for the winter does not take you much time. For freezing, rinse with a greenery under running water, dry and cut into a knife finely. After that, lay out the greenery on packages or containers and place in the freezing chamber.
In order to freeze the arrows of garlic, they need to rinse and dry well. After that, it is necessary to break down the top with the seeds, and the shoots of garlic cut into pieces of 4 cm.

Important! Before freeze the garlic arrows, they must be blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes.

After you get shoots from boiling water, immediately send them to a bowl with ice water, it is necessary in order to stop the cooking process. As soon as the arrows of garlic cooled, they can be decomposed on containers or packages and put in the freezer.

Among the ways to freeze garlic for the winter, the preparation of pasta is gaining popularity, which is then frozen.

For this, garlic arrows, vegetable oil and salt. At first, the shoots need to rinse in the water and give them a bit to dry. With arrows, remove seed boxes and yellowed pieces of stems. After that, grind shoots in a blender or in a meat grinder. If you use a meat grinder, the grinding process will pass faster, and the paste will be more uniform consistency.

In the resulting paste, add 2 spoons of vegetable oil, slightly salt and thoroughly mix.

Such a paste can be frozen by laying it out in molds for ice or using a package with a hermetic clasp, while evenly distribute it with a plate.

Green Arrows Marin

Every year among the methods, how to prepare garlic for the winter, the marination of green arrows is gaining more and more popularity.

Did you know? The arrows contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and essential oils, so pickled garlic is very useful, and each mistress is worth trying such a method of canning.

Marinated garlic has a rather simple recipe, first needed to cook marinade. This requires 100 ml of table vinegar, a liter of water and 50 g of sugar and a cook salt. Put the saucepan on the stove and boil the resulting liquid. Green arrows of garlic rinse in running water and cut into pieces of 4 cm. Place them in boiling water and blanch 2 minutes. After that, lay out garlic into a colander and hide with cold water. Marinated garlic is perfect for adding to various dishes, it is one of the best options for the winter.

In order to prepare banks, thoroughly wash them with soda and sterilize the ferry for 5 minutes. After that, at the bottom of each bank, put a couple of mustard grains, put the arrows of garlic tightly and fill it all this hot marinade. Next, tightly roll the lids, turn the banks and put them in a warm place.
Among the ways, how to pick up garlic arrows, has proven well korean salad, to prepare which at home is very simple. To do this, you will need:

  • 3 beam of green arrows of garlic;
  • teaspoon of apple vinegar;
  • 3 pcs. laurel sheet;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • paul teaspoon sugar;
  • olive oil;
  • seasoning for Korean carrots;
  • soy sauce.
Garlic buds remove, and cut the arrows on cubes with a length of 5-6 cm. Pour the olive oil in the pan and fry the green arrows of garlic before softening, interferes periodically. Next, reduce the fire to a minimum and add finely broken laurels, sugar, apple vinegar and seasoning for Korean carrots and mix well.

After adding a bit of soy sauce, while trying to taste, if necessary, add some more sauce, mix. Stew on low heat until the sauce of oil, seasoning and vinegar does not thicken. Turn off the fire and cool a little salad, garlic cloves skip through the press and add to the salad.

Important! Finished salad spread over to banks and tightly close them, otherwise the fragrance hegins everything around.

The young garlic to taste will be like pickled, but at the same time you will get a completely new recipe with the original taste. Keep such a dish in the refrigerator.

How to salute green garlic for winter

In order to prepare a salty green garlic, take the young green arrows of garlic, rinse them and cut into pieces of 4-5 cm long. After the green garlic prepared, it must be blanched in boiling, slightly salted water for 3 minutes. Finished garlic put in a colander and cool with cold water. After that prepare the brine. This will require a liter of water, 25 ml of a table vinegar of 9% and 50 g of the cooking salt. All this is mixed, bring to a boil, and the brine is ready.

Green Green (Young) - The plant of the amarylline family. Garlic is included in the list of the most frequently used products around the world.

Beneficial features

Green young garlic is just an ideal storage of nutrients. This product contains many ascorbic acid, which helps the body to resist various infections and viruses. The smell and sharp taste of this vegetable provide essential oils in which phytoncides are located. They are considered to be vegetable antibiotics, which have the ability to suppress the development and distribution of a huge number of microorganisms.

The use of young garlic in the diet helps to improve the brain circulation, which in turn improves memory, thinking and helps to get rid of fatigue and insomnia. This vegetable is considered an excellent preventive tool from atherosclerosis. Even the use of young garlic helps reduce the risk of stroke and infarction.

Fructose polysaccharides are accumulated in young garlic, which have high nutritional value and are easily absorbed by the body. In addition to this vegetable it has the ability to heal wounds, as well as it has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic property.. It is possible to use this plant, as a vasodilatory and strengthening agent.

Use in cooking

Thanks to a more tender taste, green young garlic is used to prepare various dishes. For example, it is put in salads, first dishes, sauces and side dishes. Young Garlic helps to diversify the taste and improve the aroma of meat, fish vegetable, mushroom and egg dishes. In general, this vegetable can be connected to any other ingredient.

In addition, unique spicy flavor will help improve the taste of various marinades and pickles. Also, young garlic has the ability to prevent possible damage to products.

The benefits of garlic green (young) and treatment

The benefits of green young garlic is appreciated in folk medicine. Regular consumption of this vegetable helps improve the work of the digestive system, as well as the activity of respiratory organs. Since young garlic has the ability to lower sugar, his it is recommended to add to the diet to people with diabetes mellitus. Experimentally proved that this is a plant reduces the risk of cancer.

Young Garlic has bactericidal properties, which makes it possible to use this vegetable to fight gloves, microbes and viruses.

Garlic harness harms (young) and contraindications

Harm young green garlic can bring when overeating. In this case, meteorism and diarrhea may occur, as well as as a complication - internal bleeding. Refuse to eat young garlic stands to people who are susceptible to exacerbations of ulcers. Exclude from the diet, this product is necessary with acute glomerulonephite. Contraindications to the use of young garlic have people with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. No need to eat this vegetable nursing women.

In the summer and in the first months of autumn in stores and in the markets you can see a young garlic, which has many advantages over old. It contains much more vitamins, and dishes prepared with it are obtained useful, very fragrant and tasty.

So, what dishes can be cooked from young garlic

Garns butter

Clear young garlic, wrap in food foil and put bake in the oven. Next, garlic head should be cut on halves and squeeze baked soft content. The extruded pulp of garlic is additionally renovated for a fork, mixed with a pre-softened oil to room temperature, salt, then remove until complete cooling on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, then use the purpose for the preparation of sandwiches.

Spaghetti with fried garlic

This dish is preparing very quickly, it will take a minimum set of products for its cooking, and spaghetti is obtained as a result of very tasty.

To prepare this dish, you will need spaghetti from wheat solid varieties (one packaging), chili pen, one head of young garlic. Clear garlic from husks, cut on very thin plates and fry in a small amount of olive oil. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that pieces of garlic do not remember, otherwise the dish will turn out to be tasteless. During frying add chili chili. Water in a large saucepan boil, salt or season with a bully cube, boil spaghetti in it. As soon as pasta will be ready, merge excess water, and then add fried garlic with pepper, mix, and on top to decorate the cooked dish with chopped greens of parsley and pour a slightly freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Ayoli sauce

Clear four large teeth of young garlic, put them in a bowl of the blender, add olive oil (one art. Spoon), as many lemon juice of freshly squeezed, two chicken, the freshest yolk, one pinch of the food salt. In the blender, all the components thoroughly mix, and the finished sauce will continue to serve meat dishes, seafood or fish.

Oil vegetable fragrant

This classic recipe has been used for many years with housewives and experienced cooks. To prepare this fragrant product, you will need a bottle of vegetable oil, as well as peas of pink, black, fragrant and white peppers. In a bottle, heal pepper peas, add crushed slices of peeled young garlic, then leave the bottle in a dark place to appear for two days.

Grounding fragrant garlic

For the preparation of seasoning fragrant garlic need the following components:

- olive oil in small quantities;

- Cheese cottage cheese (two tbsp. Spoons);

- lemon juice (one art. Spoon);

- chicken proteins (three pieces);

- Teeth of young garlic (five pieces).

All of the above components are chopped in a blender, and the prepared seasoning shift into the jar and pour the thin layer of olive oil. The prepared seasoning can be served with dried loaves.

Dishes from young garlic are useful, contain many vitamins, have bactericidal properties and of course, they have an original and unique taste. Read also about how to make it possible to prepare very tasty.