How to quickly cook bread in the oven. Homebaked bread

23.09.2020 Dishes from Yaitz

Baking with your own hands at home is valued very high. So, freshly baked bread, excessing a unique aroma, an appetite excites one of its appetite. Modern hostesses are returned to traditions and prefer to prepare homemade bread in the oven on dry yeast.

Benefits of bread cooked at home

Baking manufacturing technology often provides for the addition of all sorts of preservatives. The store product contains dextrose, soy flour, vegetable fat, vinegar, wheat protein, emulsifiers and nutritional supplements. This allows the manufacturer to improve the appearance and taste quality of the finished product, extend its shelf life. Also, the use of low grades grain is not excluded. These factors significantly reduce the useful qualities of purchased bread.

Homemade baking is distinguished by an unsurpassed taste. It is inexpensive and useful. Mastering the creation of bread can each. Having received some skills to work with the dough, you can constantly please our households with the most delicious and useful bread. You can also experiment with various recipes by adding interesting ingredients.

What is needed to prepare delicious homemade bread?

Bread in the old days baked in the oven. Today, many owners have bread makers and multicookers in which you can quickly cook it. Now we learn how to prepare delicious bread, not even having such special devices, with the help of a conventional electrical or gas oven.

Fixtures for baking bread at home is every mistress. Otherwise, they can always be purchased in any supermarket. In order to realize in the oven, the following kitchen utensils will need:

  • a large bowl in which it will be convenient to knead the dough;
  • wooden spoon or special vane for kneading test;
  • baking form (with thick walls and high sideboard);
  • food film to cover the dough (you can use a tissue napkin or a small towel).

The main ingredient for the preparation of dishes are yeast. It is from their quality that the result of our efforts depends. Using yeast makes the process of fermentation to the dough rapid and stable.

Types of dry yeast

Dry yeast (granulated) are two types:

  1. Active or jar. They look like small balls. Yeasts need to be breeding in water, serum, milk to complete dissolution or obtaining "caps" from foam.
  2. Uncooked. They have a view of a light brown powder. This product is used to baking fast bread. Yeast is simply mixed with flour and other ingredients.

Rye bread

There are many domestic bread recipes on dry yeast, quickly cook that can even be new to. One of the most beneficial is considered rye, since it contains a lot of useful substances. In rye flour compared to wheat more such valuable trace elements like potassium, magnesium and iron.

The following components will be needed for cooking:

  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • rye flour - 5 glasses;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • refined sunflower oil.

Recipe step by step

Consider cooking in stages:

  1. With the help of sieves.
  2. Add water, yeast and salt. It turned out a layout on dry yeast for bread.
  3. Mix the dough carefully and, cover with its food film, send to the refrigerator for 15 hours. The dough should increase approximately one and a half times.
  4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and put the table on the flour.
  5. Distribute the dough by folding it to the brass with four sides. There should be a pellet from five layers.
  6. Slightly sprinkle the dough with flour and leave it for proofing on the table, covered with a towel.
  7. Lubricate vegetable oil and place it for 5 minutes in the oven preheated to 250 ° C.
  8. Dough gently move to the piled shape. Put it in the oven.
  9. Bake 40 minutes. Homemade bread in the oven on dry yeast is ready!

White bread

For the preparation of wheat bread on dry yeast in the oven you will need simple components. It:

  • wheat flour - 600 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Recipe step by step

The recipe for delicious bread in the oven provides the following actions:

  1. Pour water in a bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in it. Add salt and sifted flour.
  2. Using a spoon, mix the mass thoroughly. Flour must absorb all the water. Leave the dough for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour vegetable oil and continue to be checked. When the dough becomes elastic and stop sticking, leave it in a warm place for 4 minutes. Now it should be changed again. Then let's go again. Make the dough again.
  4. Send the ball into the baking form. Leave it to come last.
  5. When the dough increases 2 times, lubricate it with a yolk egg or milk.
  6. Send your future bread to be baked for 50 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Features of cooking

For cooking, experienced hostesses advise to approach very seriously:

  1. Water for dispensing should be taking heated to 35-40 ° C. To withstand the temperature is an important condition. In cold water, yeast bacteria will not multiply, and in too hot - they will die.
  2. Do not add all the flour immediately. First dissolve dry yeast in water, salt, sugar and several tablespoons of flour. Stir the wedge of the mass to the complete disappearance of the lumps. The solution must have a consistency of liquid sour cream.
  3. Add the remaining flour into the water, but not vice versa. This will allow it to be adjusted to the amount of liquid and not to increase the volume of the finished test, additionally adding water.
  4. Opara on dry yeast does not like drafts and loud sounds.
  5. About the willingness of the dishes will say its appearance: it should increase significantly in volume and covered with bubbles.

How to knead the dough?

This question often arises from newbies. After all, they are homemade bread in the oven on dry yeast for the first time. Therefore, we will stop at this stage of preparation.

  1. Before putting a dough wash your hands. Alsitation provides for working with bare hands. Before touching the test, remove all the decorations from your fingers.
  2. Collect the dough into a bunch. When you first touch it, it will have a sufficiently sticky consistency, which will be difficult to collect together. Work with the mass, pressing and gradually create a spherical shape. This should be done until the dough becomes homogeneous and will not stop sticking towards the hands. If stickiness remains, then sprinkle with a lot of flour, carefully interfering with it.
  3. Kneading. Slightly push the dough forward, rubbing his palms. "Beit" until it starts to spring. Usually grabs 10 minutes. The process of the kneading must be rhythmic, not too slow. The dough after such treatment will be completely eliminated from lumps and stickiness. Its surface will become smooth, brilliant, consistency - elastic.
  4. Test shape. Now it should be checked if the dough is holding a form. Roll it into the ball and leave on the desktop. The shape of the test after such manipulations should remain unchanged. Put it with your finger. If the dough is ready, then it will return to the shape of the ball.

From the kneading depends on what kind of pastries will turn out. With the right actions, the prepared bread will be soft, will make a beautiful crispy crust. If the dough was smelled not carefully, then the product will result in a flat with a tight, dense texture.

Capture secrets

To prepare delicious bread, you should take advantage of useful tips.

  1. Before we knew the dough, ask for flour through a sieve. This will allow it to be filled with oxygen and give the test porous structure. Baking will succeed in lush and easy.
  2. In order not to receive lumps in the dough, all ingredients should be added to flour.
  3. At the initial stage, the dough must be mixed in a bowl with a spoon. When it starts separated from the tank, it should be embedded with hands. Pull the mass on the table, pre-sprinkled with flour.
  4. In order for the dough "approached," that is, it has increased in volumes, cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place. It is possible to significantly speed up this process, if you plug in the future bread several straws.
  5. Do not put the dough on draft.
  6. The dough will increase in volume several times, if you remove air bubbles, slightly occasionally by hand.
  7. After the dough is laid out in the baking form, you should put it in a warm place for 20 minutes. The product will become even more magnificent.
  8. Place future bread is needed in the oven, pre-dried up to the required temperature.
  9. It will help determine the readiness of the usual toothpick. If it remains clean after piercing the product, it is ready.

No one will be able to resist the fluffy, gentle crumbs with a thin golden crust. It is impossible to overestimate the taste and fragrance of baking. Homemade bread on dry yeast in the oven is preparing quickly, and the result exceeds all expectations.

We no longer need to convince in an obvious fact - those foods that offer us manufacturers are dangerous to health. Even bakery products cause concerns, so we will consider in detail the recipe for homemade bread in the oven - the bread is delicious and fragrant. Flour products from the store are quickly mistaken, mold and unpleasant smell appear in them, and their taste often disappoints us.

Beginner cooks have erroneous ideas about baking bread at home. They think this is a very time-consuming and long process. You will be sure about the opposite as you learn how to bake your first home loaf. So let's proceed to the study of all the subtleties of technology.

Home wheat bread in the oven - Recipe


  • 400-450 g or 3 glasses + -
  • - 25 g + -
  • Serum - 250 ml + -
  • - 2 h. L. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -


The dough we knead the unemployed way - so faster. But, before implementing the recipe, we must be confident in good as yeast.

  1. In a slightly warm serum, we dissolve yeast, add oil, sugar and salt and stir.
  2. A half cups of flour sift over a wide bowl and pour the prepared liquid into the flour. Stir a good wooden spoon (the dough does not like metal).

* Council Cooking
Serum gives bread very pleasant sourness. But you can, without losing the quality of baking, replace it with tap filtered water. Real bakeries do not recommend using boiled water.

  1. We begin to gradually interfer in the liquid dough flour and begin to wash your hands. The more time we wash the dough, the better the bread will be. On average, it takes 15-20 minutes.
  2. From the dyed test, we form a ball, we put it in the dishes, with a flour with a flour, cover with a linen napkin and put it in warm (without drafts) to the place to wait for 1.5 hours. If you have an electric oven, then set the temperature of 30 degrees in it and put the inside of 50-60 minutes. To maintain moisture in the oven, place the dishes with water on the lowest floor. The dough should grow in a volume of 2.5-3 times.
  3. I climbed the kneading intimidation well, wash again about 5 minutes and form the shape of the bread - under your molding dishes. If there is no special form, then the camp is obtained beautiful and in a high frying pan.
  4. The shape is lubricated with vegetable butter, sprinkled by semolina and lay the dough into it. For beauty, you can make several parallel cuts on its surface.

* Council Cooking
If you are not sure that the finished product will easily leave the shape for baking, they will unlock it with the bottom of the bakery paper. This is a guarantee!

  1. We bake our home loop in two stages: the first 40 minutes - at the temperature of the oven 50 degrees. This we do to reliably popping the product inside, as well as to give it a beautiful form. At the second stage, we increase heat to 200 degrees and withstand the product in the furnace for another 30 minutes.
  2. The finished bread is removed from the form, slightly shook it. Bread Slises himself. We lay it on a wooden stand, lubricate it with clean water and cover with a flaxed cloth. Withstand 30 minutes.

* Council Cooking
Do not eat hot bread! Doctors are prohibited because it is almost not digested by the gastric secret, which means that fermentation processes are developing. This can lead to dysbacteriosis, gastritis and other disorders of digestion. Discomfort, cutting and pain in the stomach, bloating and severity - these are symptoms of non-accuracy of food.
It is possible to eat freshly baked bread only 2-3 hours after removing from the furnace, i.e. Fully cooled. And best - the next day!

How to bake rye bread at home

Rye bread bakes from two types of flour - wheat and rye. Rye flour does not have the necessary bakery characteristics, therefore it needs to be mixed with flour with good gluten. Rye loaf we will prepare in a peaceful way.

  • Wheat flour - 200 g or 1.5 glasses
  • Rye flour ridge - 200 g
  • Milk - 1 cup 250 ml
  • Juzhzhi pressed - 20 g
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Cumin - 2 tbsp.


  1. Cooking opar: Milk Fullacks are slightly heated (up to 30 degrees), we will drag sugar and yeast in it, add st. Supply of flour and retissure the layer in a warm corner. We wait until bubbles appear on the surface of the mixture. Usually longer than 30 minutes you do not have to wait.
  2. In a large bowl, we pour out the rest, the rest of the milk, salt and half the volume of flour, put on the recipe. All ingredients are pretty mixed and again put in a warm place to wait for 1-2 hours. The kneading must be added in the amount of 2-3 times.
  3. When the yeast became very active, add the rest of the flour, constantly kneading with their hands until homogeneous - at least 10-15 minutes. We form a ball covering the tissue napkin and leave in room conditions for the proofing for 2-3 hours. The kneading should be more in the volume twice.
  4. The rising dough by ignion, speaking with Tmin, wash again 5 minutes and divided into two parts (if necessary) and lay out forms on a lubricated olive. We distribute the dough throughout the volume of forms, spread the surface. And we put on the second proofing for 1-1.5 hours.
  5. We put the rye bread in a cold oven, we turn it on and warm it up to 170 degrees. We bake the bread from the start of warming up the brass cabinet for 50 minutes, then add heat to 200 degrees and the oven for another 10 minutes.
  6. We take out our cakes from the forms, put on a wooden surface, wet the top of baking with water and cover with a towel.

Bon Appetit!

* Council Cooking
If you decide to bake the breads of the house on an ongoing basis, then we recommend that you buy an electrical test mixer. This is a very comfortable kitchen device that will be useful to you not only to wash the dough for bread, but also for any baking and test products.

We hope that you will have to use our bread recipe, both wheat and rye, and you will be a karavai home oven - on the joy of your family. Remember that the bread mills use synthetic yeast, which are slow, but confidently carry out the health of our digestive system. Take care of yourself!

There is nothing deer than bread just taken out of the oven, hot, fragrant, ruddy. Unfortunately, today such a dish passed into the category of exquisite delicacies. Many young mistresses refuse to baking bread due to a complex and long-term process, although modern windscalides allow it to do without much trouble. In this selection, different secrets of baking bread at home.

Stock Foto Recipe bread in the oven

Bread - a product without which a rare meal costs. And it is not necessary to buy it in bakery or shops at all. Bake, for example, rye-wheat bread (or any other) in the most ordinary oven - it's not such a complex, as it seems at first glance. Products for its cooking are needed simple, which will probably find in the kitchen at any hostess. For only time on its cooking, it will be necessary quite a lot.


  • Smarler (Margarine or any oil is suitable as an alternative) - 50 g.
  • Rye flour - 1 cup.
  • Wheat flour - 2 glasses.
  • Salt cook - teaspoon.
  • Milk is solid (you can use acidic) - 300 ml.
  • Yeast dry bakery - dessert spoon.
  • Sugar sand - tablespoon.
  • Starch potato - tablespoon with a flood.

Exit: 1 loaf of standard size bread.

Cooking time - up to 3 hours.

The method of preparation of rye-wheat bread in the oven:

1. Melt melt on the stove or in the microwave. The milk is slightly heat, pour no more than a third of the bowl, stir sugar in it with yeast. Leave for 5 minutes alone.

2. Mix, sieving, rye flour, starch, salt (there is no need to sift it) and the third part of wheat flour.

3. Connect the melted smarry, milk and yeast mixture.

4. Pour the liquid mix into dry, mix thoroughly (and it is better to beat the mixer).

5. Gradually, adding additionally flour, knead the dough, cover with a towel and hide into a warm place so that it rises faster.

6. When the test volume doubles twice, knead it again and put into the shape for baking bread. Cock up with a towel, leave for proof literally on a quarter of an hour.

7. When it decides slightly (raises), send shape with a harvesting in a hot oven, bake at 190 ° C 45 minutes.


8. Baked loaf to immediately remove from the form and cool on a towel or grille.

Homemade bread in the oven on yeast

The use of yeast, on the one hand, significantly complicates the case of baking bread, on the other, it allows you to achieve a chic result. It is important to start a deal with quality products and good thoughts, protect the dough from drafts and evil words.


  • Rye flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Dry yeast - 2 h.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. In a sufficiently deep container, mix dry ingredients: in the flour to interfere with yeast, sugar sand with salt.
  2. Now pour oil and gradually pour water, kneading the dough.
  3. Mix it very carefully. Flour with flour, cover with flaxed cloth. Leave warm.
  4. The dough is suitable - will increase in volume. It is necessary to wash again, then modify the bun / loaf.
  5. Floral to flour. Share a future bread shape. By tradition, make cuts. Some hostesses recommend lubricating the dough whipped yolk for a beautiful crust.
  6. Baking time 40 minutes.

The tasty bread prepared by mom can well become an independent dish that will disappear from the plate with the speed of light.

How to make bread in the oven without yeast

Many hostess know that yeast helps to speed up the process of lifting the test, but in the old days perfectly managed without them. The next recipe will demonstrate how to do this in modern conditions. Of course, it will be necessary much more than to prepare the dough on yeast, but the taste will be fantastic.


  • Rye flour - a little more than 1 kg.
  • Vegetable oil, desirable refined - 3 tbsp. l. in the dough and 1 tbsp. l. For lubrication form.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water.


  1. Start cooking best from the morning. A large container of glass or ceramics will be required.
  2. Pour 100 ml of warm water (brought to boiling and chilled). In the water pour 100 gr. rye flour.
  3. Intervene before a homogeneous state. Cut the cotton cloth. Put in place where heat. It is advisable not to use the metal - even mix with a wooden spoon or blade.
  4. A day later, add water and flour to this dough (100). Leave warm again.
  5. On the third day repeat.
  6. The fourth day - time comes to the final. Pour 500 ml of water and pour so much flour so that the dough is like a thick sour cream. Leave per day.
  7. The next morning it is necessary to separate ¼ part is the so-called "Roschina", which can be used for further baking bread (repeating the procedure for adding flour and water portions).
  8. In the remaining part of the dough, pour salt, sugar and pour vegetable oil.
  9. To interfere first with a wooden spoon and only in the late hands.
  10. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil. To modify loaf. Stay on the tray. Leave for three hours to lift.
  11. Baking time for about an hour depends on the individual characteristics of the oven.

The technology of baking bread on this recipe is quite complex, but if the yeast is prohibited by medical indicators, and I want bread, then the recipe becomes salvation.

How to bake bread in the oven at Zapvask

There are baking recipes of a bearing bread, if the hostess does this for the first time, then she will have to survive a fairly long-term process while Razvan is preparing. In Belarusians, she got the name "Roshchina", it's nice that the next time the baking process is more quick, and a part of the test is again separated, making the process almost endless.

Well, if someone from the girlfriend the hostess shared Rodvaya, then the cooking process is easier than simple. If the frivors are not, the hostess itself will have to go all the way from the beginning to the end.


  • Rye flour -0.8 kg (may require more).
  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l. (or honey).
  • Water.
  • Salt - 0.5 h. L.
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.


  1. The first stage is the preparation of the break. He will take several days. First you need to mix 100 grams. Flour and 100 ml brought to boiling and cooled to warm water. Stir a wooden spoon. Leave for a day in a warm place (at the battery, for example), cover x / b to a cloth or a piece of marlevary tissue.
  2. In the second or fourth day, repeat the operation - to add 100 ml of water every time and 100 g of flour and mix thoroughly.
  3. On the 6th day you can proceed, actually, to mixing. To do this, add flour (about 400 g) to the dough, pour the glass of water, pour salt and sugar / honey, vegetable oil.
  4. Mix first with a wooden spoon, and then you can begin to wash your hands, richly sprinkling them with flour.
  5. To form a beautiful rounded loaf, as gave grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
  6. Grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Lay the dough. Leave for a couple of hours for approach.
  7. Bake an hour (or slightly less, depending on the oven).

As an experiment, to make bread easier and tasty, recommend to take an rye and wheat flour proportions.

Baking rye bread without yeast requires a lot of time from the hostess. In this regard, baking white bread, and even when using dry yeast, it will significantly save time.


  • Wheat flour of top grade - 3 tbsp. With a slide.
  • Creamy butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast - 1 bag (7 gr.).
  • Salt.
  • Waters are warm - 280 ml.
  • Butter creamy melted - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix 1 tbsp. Flour, dry ingredients and oil. Pull the water and knead the dough using the mixer.
  2. Pick up the rest of the flour, continue kneading the test, scraping it from the walls until it acquires a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Leave the dough in a warm place, without drafts, cover with a clean cloth / towel.
  4. When the dough will increase the volume twice, gently draw it.
  5. Transfer into a shape for baking. Modify with hands, puffed flour, loaf. Leave another 40 minutes for proofing.
  6. Bake an hour.
  7. Cooled bread lubricate with melted oil.

All the mistress, without exception, will say thanks to the person who invented a mixer that facilitates the process of kneading test.

How to bake rye or black bread in the oven

Technological progress does not stand still, hardly every day brings any innovations that facilitate life. But in any case there are two sides - positive and negative.

On the one hand, the technique accelerates and simplifies the process of cooking, but on the other, the magic disappears and the migration - the smallest smell of firewood and the magic flavor of bread. The next recipe proposes to try to keep this magic, although the baking process occurs in the oven.


  • Rye flour - 0.5 kg.
  • Salt - 0.5 h. L.
  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast - 7 gr. / 1 \u200b\u200bbag.
  • Water brought to a boil and cold to room temperature - 350 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Coriander.
  • Cumin.
  • Caraway.
  • Seed sesame.


  1. Fly to sift. Mix with salt, sugar, yeast. Pour water by kneading the dough. It is best to use a mixer, so you can save forces.
  2. Leave the dough under a towel in a warm place to approach for a few hours, protect from drafts and loud votes.
  3. Add vegetable oil to the test, knead well again.
  4. It's time to lay the dough in forms for baking, having pre-groaping them with oil and sprinkled with flour. Forms must be filled only by 1/3, you need a few more hours for proofing and increasing volume.
  5. The oven to warm up. Put forms with future bread.
  6. Reduce baking temperature up to 180 gr. Time - 40 minutes. Readiness check - wooden dry wand.
  7. Remove the bread out of the form, sprinkle the season with a mixture.

Delicious bread in the oven with garlic

Bread and garlic - perfectly combined with each other, they know cooks, and tastors. That is why there were baking recipes in the oven homemade bread with garlic.

  • Yeast dry - 1 bag (7 gr.).
  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 h. L.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Flour - 350 gr.
  • Vegetable oil purified - 3 h.

Products for filling:

  • Parsley / Kinza - 1 beam
  • Dill (greens) - 1 bundle.
  • Salt - 0.5 h. L.
  • Oil, ideally, olive, but you can take any vegetable oil, - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic teeth - 4 pcs.


  1. For this recipe, the process begins with dishes. Water warm up to a warm state, mix with yeast and sugar. Dissolve. Add flour (1 tbsp.). Leave to start fermentation for 10 minutes.
  2. Then pour the oil, pour flour and knead the dough. One must be sufficiently thick. Leave for the test approach (required at least 2 hours, and the place should be far from the doors and submersions, drafts).
  3. Stuffing is preparing almost lightning, thanks to the use of the blender. Greens, of course, need to rinse and dry. Garlic teeth clean and rinse. All together connect in a blender into fragrant green mass.
  4. Make a dough layer, lubricate it with green filling, twist into the roll. Next, the roll is cut in half, these halves of intertwine among themselves to get a pigtail.
  5. Lubricate the bait with oil, lay the dough, leave for 30-50 minutes in a slight warm oven.
  6. After the dough is increased in volume, send it to be baked.

Fragrances appear after 10 minutes and becomes more and more with every moment, which means that the tasters will soon appear in the kitchen waiting for magic.

Home Bread Recipe on Kefir

The hostess know that for baking bread you need a little ingredients, in principle, you can do with water, flour, adding some salt and Alya. But there are recipes a little more comprehensive, including well-known yeasts, and kefir.


  • Wheat flour (highest grade) - 4 tbsp.
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp.
  • Creamy butter - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - on the tip of a spoon.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Water is warm - 150 ml.
  • Soda - 1/3 h. L.


  1. The first stage is the layer, for this, to put yeast and sugar (½ st. L.). To be dissolved. Leave a quarter of an hour.
  2. Misching flour with salt, the rest of the sugar, soda.
  3. Melt oil. Pour into kefir.
  4. In the flour first to intervene the opar. Then add a gearbox kefir with oil. It turns out smooth, beautiful dough.
  5. Shift it into deep container. Leave for 2 hours.
  6. When it is suitable, that is, it will increase several times in the amount, it is tedious to challenge.
  7. Now you can start baking. Of the indicated ingredients, 2 loaves will be obtained. Modify them, lay out on the tray. Next to the tradition of making cuts.
  8. Put in the overall wardrobe, bake at the temperature of 60 degrees (a quarter of an hour), then increase to 200 degrees (another half hour).

A wooden wand neatly pierce the bread if the dough does not stick, it means that the bread is ready.

Delicious and useful whole grain bread in the oven at home

Modern people try to limit bread use due to its high calorie. But there are types of bakery products that have few calories have, and useful. This is a bread of incommary flour of coarse grinding, it can be baked at home.


  • Flour - 0.5 kg (incommunuted, second grade).
  • Yeast dry - 7-8 gr.
  • Water is warm - 340 ml.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Spices for fragrance.


  1. Misching flour with yeast, sugar, seasonings and salt. Then, pouring water, knead.
  2. Leave dough warm. The fermentation process begins, the dough will increase in volume.
  3. Divide it yes 2 servings. Forms wake with oil.
  4. Decay the dough. To withstand heavily for it so that it approached again.
  5. The surface of the products can be sprinkled with water, sprinkle with coriander, tmin, seed seeds.
  6. Bake the hour, T - 200 ° C.

Loving culinary experiments of the hostess can try to add branches, flax seeds or pumpkins, sunflower.

Homemade corn bread in the oven

Want to experiment a little with baking bread? There are opportunities to try out rather unusual recipes, for example, bake corn bread.


  • Wheat flour - 0.5 kg.
  • Corn flour - 250 gr.
  • Water boiled - 350 ml.
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast - 7 gr.
  • Olive / vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. In the container mix up to a homogeneous state of corn flour and water. Leave a quarter of an hour for swelling.
  2. Then add all the remaining ingredients here. Use the mixer to wash the dough at low speed.
  3. Capacity with dough put in a warm place. When it grows up in volume, change.
  4. Divide into two equal parts. Leave again for 20 minutes.
  5. Dispatch in forms, lubricated oil. Hold warm hours.
  6. Bake in the oven, putting a bowl with water on the bottom lattice. Baking time 40 minutes (maybe a little less or a little longer).

The evening of Moldavian or Romanian cuisine is declared open!

How to cook at home Borodinsky bread

For each grade bread, there is a lover, but most of all the fans have, of course, Borodinsky. It is known for the fact that rubber flour with a large number of cumin and coriander. It is good that recipes appeared that allow you to prepare Borodinsky bread at home.


  • Rye flour - 300 gr.
  • Wheat flour (but 2 grades) - 170 gr.
  • Fresh yeast - 15 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water filtered - 400 ml.
  • Rye malt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar / honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cmina and coriander - 1 tsp.


  1. Boil 150 ml of water, pour rye malt, wash. Leave until it cools.
  2. In another container, mix 150 ml of water (not boiling water, but rather warm), sugar / honey, yeast. Leave for 20 minutes to fermentation.
  3. In the container, pour two types of flour and salt. Make a deepening. To pour off the sucked yeast at first, then malt. Add the remaining water and olive.
  4. Dough knead up to homogeneity. Leave to increase in volume.
  5. For baking, foil shapes are well suited. They put the dough, wasting hands with water, form a loaf. From above to sprinkle loyalty to the seeds of Coriander, Cumin, you can even slightly press them into the dough.
  6. Time of proof - 50 minutes. Then baking.
  7. It is necessary to put bread into a heated oven. Bake 40 min., T - 180 ° C.

Homemade bread is very useful and tasty, it seems that relatives will very soon ask the hostess to repeat the recipe.

Homemade bread with cheese in the oven

Among the products that are well combined with bread, the cheese occupies a special place. First, it gives bread a pleasant cheese-cream taste, secondly, a beautiful color appears, thirdly, the cheese fragrance will attract the whole family to the kitchen.

Products for dispensing:

  • Fresh yeast - 2 h.
  • Sugar sand - 1 tsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.

Products, actually, for dough:

  • Flour - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Cheese of solid varieties - 100 gr.


  1. It all begins with dishes. Mix sugar, yeast, add warm water, flour. Leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Grate cheese, mix with flour, salt and water.
  3. Add to the dough-based opar.
  4. To wash everything to a homogeneous state, the dough should not be sticky. Leave for lifting.
  5. Heat wardrobe heat. Bake in the Kazan for Plov, under the cover - 40 minutes, remove the lid and leave another 10 minutes.

Immediately not cut, give bread to relax.

Bread is the main product on any table and in every family. Without bread, it is impossible to submit any solemn event or a simple family dinner. To date, baking bread at home is becoming increasingly popular. Kadaya Mistress should have a recipe for bread in the oven in his culinary piggy bank. Since baking ingredients are selected by yourself, then in the end you get a natural and useful product. However, to get a delicious, air and fragrant bread requires compliance with cooking technology, competently pick up the necessary products and know some secrets.

For half an hour, let him relax in the bowl under the film, then ignore and put it into the cooking tank.

All the dishes used during cooking should be clean, otherwise the finished breads quickly moldy.

The prepared form is placed in heated to 180-200 ° C in the oven for 40 minutes.

Rye bread


  • flour RJ. - 800 gr.
  • driver - 400 gr.
  • yeast dry - 10 gr.
  • salt - 2 h. l.
  • sunflower Maslice


Sift flour. We introduce the remaining ingredients to it, except the oil. So that the breads were porous and air, the dough must be kneading so that air is present in it. Cover a plate with a dough film and put in cold for 16 hours.

On the table, poured with flour, we get our rested dough. We give him a few minutes for "Stretching". Then we byding our workpiece, wrap in a towel and give a rest to another 3 hours.

Heat the oven to T 250 ° C. Lubricated with a olive form we put in the oven for a 5 minute to warming up. Next to the heated form neatly shift the dough. We bake homemade bread for about an hour.

About the readiness of homemade bread in the oven will tell us the color of the crust and the distinct sound of the lower crust of bread.

Each hostess has its own. It can be very simple or a little intricate. You can experiment a little with the components, adding something to the recipe. All this will make your bread unique with a unique taste.

Bread on kefir.

We will need

  • flour - 6 tbsp.
  • kefir - 600 ml.
  • sugar, salt, soda - 1 tsp.
  • cumin - 1 tsp.


  1. We connect all the ingredients. to a soft and dense state.
  2. Lubricate a baking sheet and form a loaf of bread. On the surface we make cuts for a better baying, and for the formation of a crispy crust, we sprinkle the future bread flour.
  3. In the heated, up to 200 degrees, the oven set the future bread. Preparing 40 minutes.

Homemade bread is obtained without additives, using only natural products and with a part of your soul. It turns out more lush and delicious any purchased.

Do you like to cook homemade baking? Try creating loaf of your bread! A piece of fragrant fresh bread will always be for the sandwich sandwich or afternoon. So, now we will learn how to bake homemade bread and get acquainted with the most affordable homemade bread recipes with yeast and without them, wheat and rye.

What to choose raw materials?

Of course, only benign. This rule refers not only to the main components, but also to additional.

Additional components for test

As enrichment of bread useful ingredients, take to your taste:

  • grid vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, onions, diversity of fresh chopped greens);
  • spices and seasonings (dry spicy greens, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, coriander, carnation, fragrant pepper, Cayenne pepper (amateur), mustard);
  • seeds (sent, sunflower, fennel, cumin, dill);
  • nuts in general or hammer form, crumb can be a large or small (almonds, purified by boiling water, walnuts or pecan, peanuts, brazilian, hazelnuts or pistachios);
  • as fat to add sesame, linen, olive or corn vegetable oil into the dough;
  • a little alcohol, enough of the entire pair of droplets per 1 kg of dough (white table wine, rum, brandy), if you decide to add brandy, be prepared that the crumb of bread is a little painted in a grayish tint.

These taste and aromatic products are added both in the dough when they are kneading and when forming the product. It is also possible to apply seeds or pieces of fruit on the upper surface before placing the test on the proofing (raising the test in heat in front of the direct bread at home (in the oven) will be original and individual with any of the specified additions.

Recipe for homemade bread

So, we prepare the quick bread in the oven. The recipe is quite simple, but it is recommended to strictly observe the recipe for yeast in the dough started to "work" and the finished bread came out lush and soft.

Recipe products:

  • milk - 250 ml, or a mixture of milk and water - 2 tbsp. l. on a glass;
  • wheat flour (highest grade) - 500 g;
  • or C0) - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1/2 part;
  • sugar sand - 1 tsp;
  • yeast dry high-speed - 2 h.;
  • lean oil - 7 tbsp. l.

It should be noted that instead of milk in the recipe it is quite possible to add simple water or cream of any fat.

  1. Take a saucepan with a volume of 2-3 liters. Pour milk and 5 tbsp. l. Lean oil. Also add sugar and salt. Put the plates on the moderate fire and heated to dissolve sugar with salt. But the mixture should not be too hot or even more so drop.
  2. Further remove the saucepan from the plate and add an egg. Stir and pour yeast and several tablespoons of wheat flour. Mix again and while close the saucepan with a lid. Let break for 30 minutes.
  3. Then ask directly on the table (or in a wide bowl) the remaining flour. Make a recess in the center and pour the saucepan from the pan. Quickly knead the dough with your hands. Watch that com was homogeneous on consistency.
  4. Then put the com in the clean bowl and cover the napkin. Leave in a warm place where there are no drafts. After half an hour, the dough will start climbing, you need to brand it a little, that is, omit. The next time it rises, do the same.
  5. In the meantime, prepare a shape for bread - well wove all the inner surfaces with oil.
  6. When the dough rises again, pull it out of the bowl and stack it into the form. Top lubricate with liquid oil. Now you can enter any additional ingredient (see above - "Additional Components for Test").
  7. Put the shape for proofing in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. From how the dough will now rise, the quality of finished bread depends partly.
  8. Then place the outdoor shape at 200 ° C for 40 minutes.
  9. After baking a loaf, carefully shake out of the form and place on the grid for a natural cooling for 4-6 hours. Only after that, Buanka is recommended to eat.

Very important! Bread on yeast in the oven will not work without proofing before baking!

Yeast - what to choose and what is the difference?

Take dry or fresh yeast? What is the difference between bread, baked on one of these two ingredients? Quite nothing. Bread in the oven on dry yeast does not differ from bread on fresh analogue.

There is only the difference in the consistency and the appearance of two types of yeast. Also in conditions and storage. The dry yeast is kept longer, the best conditions for them are hermetic packaging. But fresh yeast need air, but keep them for a short time. In some cases, fresh yeast is allowed to freeze, but only for a short time.

Dry and fresh yeast in any recipe are interchangeable - one tablespoon of dry on 25 g fresh.

Bread without yeast in the oven

This is a dietary and low-calorie variant baked at home bread. This bread at home in the oven is preparing partly like a rye loaf. But on the same recipe you can bake and - just replace the rusty flour wheat.

Recipe products:

  • kefir (ipuhenka, prokubvasha or reverse) - 1 tbsp.;
  • - 1/2 part;
  • rye flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour (highest grade) - 1 tbsp.;
  • brazilian nuts - 6-7 pieces;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • yellow raisins - 30 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc. or 4 pcs. quail eggs;
  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lean oil - 1/2 Art.

Fast bread in the oven - Recipe:

  1. First, ask for all the flour into one bowl. Rye flour does not have strong adhesive qualities, so wheat flour of the highest grade is added to it.
  2. Brazilian nuts need to dry and dry on a dry pan. Then cool down and distort the knife on the cutting board.
  3. Raisins rinse in warm water.
  4. Add an egg, 80 grams of lean oil into kefir. Swelling and sweeten. Good sweat. Add nuts and raisins. Put half flour. Mix so that the mass structure is homogeneous. Then add the remaining flour and knead the dough with your hands until it becomes elastic and soft lump. Try not to knead a long time that the dough is not tightened.
  5. Send the dough in the bowl or in the package for 30 minutes.
  6. Turn on the overall cabinet to a standard temperature of 180-200 ° C for this type of test.
  7. Prepare it wake oil and put the dough. Immediately put jam on 40-50 minutes.
  8. So, after a while the bread without yeast in the oven is ready. Take it out of the form and let it cool well.

Recipe of black hub

Be sure to write down the recipe and try to cook the black bread in the oven according to our method.

Recipe products:

  • rye flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • filtered water - 1 tbsp.;
  • explosion for bread - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • floral honey - 2 h.
  • lean oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Fast bread in the oven - Recipe:

  1. Mix all the components and knead the dough. Leave the homogeneous riverbed structure on the table for several hours. Only cover the food film.
  2. Then move the dough into the washesized shape and the top of the destroyers sprinkle with water. Put in the heated oven at a temperature of 200 ° C. Bake 45 minutes.

In order for black bread at home in the oven, it is necessary to use Zakawsk. It can be bought in specialized grocery stores or prepare yourself.

For rye bread, the recipe of the swazas:

  • mix a glass of rye flour with a glass of acidic kefir or sources;
  • cover the capacity (non-plastic) clean gauze into several layers and fasten with a ribbon or rubber band;
  • leave at room temperature for a day;
  • add 50 g of rye flour;
  • mix and leave for another couple of hours to complete the fermentation process;
  • use the destination.

There are many and other recipes for the preparation of bread test. Some of them based on cereals, others on sour milk. But they have something in common - the finished starts should be fired. To give a dough a weak alcohol fragrance - only such a basis is considered to be the best for billets of bumps of bread.

How to make cooking faster?

Little baking volume makes the cooking process faster.

Benign yeast raise quickly and accelerate cooking. For beginners, it is better to try to bake bread in the oven on dry yeast - the most simple recipes.

Automation process. That is, use electric helpers machines. For example:

  • grind additional components (seeds, nuts) in a blender or coffee grinder, rather than manually;
  • stir the dough with special kitchen testing machines (they are similar to a table blender with a bowl);
  • use a multicooker or bread bag for baking bread.

What is a bread maker and how does it work?

Breadmaker - a desktop for baking bread for use in the domestic kitchen room. Its advantage - no need to knead the dough, follow its rise, proofing or pasting. The car will do everything herself. You need to add all the ingredients from the recipe for the preparation of bread in the bucket bucket.

Very important rule! First pour some vegetable oil to the mixing working body of the machine.

Next, you should adhere to the recommended requirements of the bread machine of a particular model. Basically, all bread makers work on this principle - pour the warm liquid for the test for the test, lay the remaining ingredients, add yeast at the end. Close the aggregate cover and turn on the main program of work - it lasts usually for three hours. During this time, the car moves all the ingredients, knead the dough, wait for his lifting and proofing, will begin baking the dough and prepare soft bread. The hostess will only have to cool it on the lattice.

Cooking bread in a slow cooker

Baking bread in a slow cooker almost no different from recipes using oven. The dough is prepared from the same ingredients and on the same principles. But the baking process changes slightly:

  • put the dough into the multicooker's bowl;
  • turn on the baking mode for one hour;
  • then turn the loaf on the other side;
  • turn on the same mode for another 30 minutes.

Fragrant homemade bread is ready. Bon Appetit!