Roasted water at home recipe. HOME GAZING: METHOD OF COOKING

09.10.2020 Dishes from Yaitz

A glass of delicious cool soda ... Sometimes I really want to enjoy the taste of a sweet driver with gases, familiar from childhood. You can, of course, go to any store and buy a ready-made product. But often the quality and taste of the drink does not correspond to expectations. In this case, the recipes of soda will come to the rescue, which can be cooked at home. This will require a minimum of time and a simple set of available ingredients.

Method 1

You will need:

  • Water - 1 l.;
  • Food soda - 2-3 bl.;
  • Citric acid - 5 bl;
  • Sugar powder - 5-6 ch. L;
  • Lemon.

Mix soda and citric acid, spread well. There should be homogeneous powder without lumps. Pour sugar powder into a mixture. Powder add to water. You can add a little lemon juice to the finished drink. Drink it is better cooled.

You can diversify the taste, mixing powder with mors or fruit juice.

Method 2

We will need:

  • Cold water - 4 l.;
  • Warm water - 200 ml;
  • Sugar sand - 100-150 g.;
  • Beer or bread yeast - 1 tbsp.

In a container with warm water, add yeast. Wait 10-15 minutes until they dissolve. Then put sugar in the mixture, mix thoroughly to the full dissolution. Next, you should send the yeast composition in cold water and mix the solution thoroughly. Liquid break into a special container, close the lid and put in a dark place for 4-5 days. Drink ready!

Method 3.


  • Water - 1 l.;
  • Berry juice or mors - 100 ml;
  • Vinegar - 100 ml;
  • Soda - 2 ppm

Water cool and mix with juice or mors. Pleep the liquid into the bottle, lower the tube into it and close the lid. Soda and vinegar Place in the second container and do the same procedure. Connect the two containers with a tube: it will be able to circulate carbonic acid formed during the chemical reaction. For the formation of "Gazikov" you need to shake both bottles for 10 minutes. The carbonated water should be cooled and you can enjoy the taste.

Method 4.

To prepare the soda you need to take:

  • Water - 1 l.;
  • Syrup from any berry - to taste
  • Dry ice.

If you manage to buy dry ice, then cook the gas meter will not be much difficulty. To do this, it is necessary to stir the syrup in the water and add a small dry ice cube to it. Act CAUTION: Do not touch the ice with your hands, you can put an injury.

Prepare gas production at home is quite simple. Try one of the proposed options: the taste you will definitely like it.

Carbonated water (soda) or soda known to humanity since the end of the XIX century. Previously, she was sold in special automata, but soon it appeared on store shelves. Today, residents of developed countries cannot imagine life without this drink, and manufacturers of carbonated drinks successfully use this by increasing the price of their goods. Therefore, we will tell you how to make carbonated water at home and save your tools.

Preparation of homemade carbonated water is a simple and fairly fast process. All methods are based on the addition of carbon dioxide, which has no taste, no smell. This gas is easily dissolved in water, making it an acidic taste.

Using special siphons

For the preparation of carbonated water, it is easiest to use a special cylinder or siphon with finished carbon dioxide. They are sold in any business stores. You can also place an order via the Internet.

Use the water caring apparatus at home is needed as follows:

  1. Pour chilled water into the siphon.
  2. Tighten the balloon with carbon dioxide.
  3. Unscrew the valve and wait a few seconds so that the carbon dioxide moves to the siphon.
  4. Surround the balloon and close the siphon so that the gas does not go out.

Pouring a siphon siphon in glasses is very convenient. To do this, you just need to press the lever until a sufficient amount of beverage appears. If you compare the cost of purchased and home carbonated water, the latter will be more profitable for the consumer.

Cooking with remedies

There are also many ways to gaze water at home without using a siphon. All the necessary components will be found in the kitchen at any hostess.

The first way:

  1. Place a teaspoon of food soda in a glass.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of the squeezed lemon juice or half spoon of citric acid to it.
  3. Fill everything with clean chilled water and stir. Soda ready!

Using these ingredients, you can prepare large portions of soda. As a vessel, plastic bottles are acceptable or other tightly closing packaging.

It is possible to add sugar powder, syrup, honey and other natural additives to improve taste. And its foundation instead of water can be any juices and frost.

The second method differs from the previous use of vinegar instead of lemon juice. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 l of pure chilled water;
  • 7 tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons of food soda;
  • meter tube;
  • 2 bottles of dark plastic;
  • 2 covers with holes with a diameter less than the diameter of the tube.

Cooking method:

  1. Attach the edges of the tube to two covers.
  2. One bottle fill with cold water.
  3. Soda wrap the napkin and place the bottom of the second bottle.
  4. Pour the napkin with acetic solution.
  5. Tightly close the bottles with covers so that there is no carbon dioxide leakage.
  6. Shake the bottle for 5-6 minutes until the gas is over the reaction.
  7. When water is rolling with gas, close it with a simple lid and place it in the refrigerator.

This is a very cheap way to produce soda. But such water is not recommended to use often, since it contains the residues of vinegar and bicarbonate acid, which at high dosage act on the mucous membranes annoyingly.

You can make carbonated houses at home with fermentation. To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 4 liters of drinking water;
  • 1 cup of warm water;
  • ½ Sugar cup;
  • bread yeast - 1 tablespoon or beer - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • food additives and flavors to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Fill the yeast with warm water and leave 5-10 minutes until complete dissolution.
  2. Transfer yeast to the container and mix with sugar and food additives (if any).
  3. Slowly pour cold water into the container, stirring constantly. Make sure that all ingredients are well dissolved.
  4. The prepared solution will burst on plastic bottles and close them.
  5. Leave the mixture in a dark place to the end of fermentation (about 5 days), unscrewed the covers from time to time.
  6. After the end of fermentation, the bottle must be stored in the refrigerator.

The fourth way is to use dry ice. It is not so easy to get it, but if you managed it, you need to use it immediately, as it is stored only at a very low temperature. For gas, fill with water liter can, add a small piece of dry ice there, wait a few seconds - and the drink is ready!

The carbonated water at home is not only cheaper, but also much more useful to shop. In addition, you can add various additives and syrups to it, getting new delicious drinks for the whole family.

how to make a gas meter: video

There is an interesting device for cooking soda soda at home. This device costs about 8-10 dollars, but it makes it very simple and good try to make it with your own hands. It is for sale in a Chinese online store, but you can make the same device itself, which will look not so presentable, but the same carbon dioxide it will produce and refuel your water.

First, we must have two syringes of 5 ml, a piece of pipe or you can use a dropper and two plastic bottles. You need one bottle of 0.5 liters, and the second is 1.5 liters.

Necessary materials.

First, we take 0.5, we must make the CO2 generator from it. The principle of its work will be the following CO2 emissions in the interaction between soda and vinegar, it moves along the pipe to another vessel.

Step-by-step action.

First you need to create carbon dioxide generator from the half-liter bottle. Work it will happen like this. In the interaction of food soda and vinegar, CO2 is allocated. Gas enters the tube to the second bottle, where water or other liquid will be.

We must pour about 200 ml of vinegar 4-7% in a bottle of 0.5, also add 6 tablespoons of soda. In order to avoid the reaction between soda and vinegar before screwing the lid, the soda should be wrapped in a napkin in advance. Minutes 2-3 need a bottle with soda and vinegar shake. About 10 minutes passed, let's try what we got. That's all my dear friends! We made a hydraulic device.

The first appearance of the carbonated water is dated to the middle of the XIX century. Otherwise, it is called soda. Even then she liked consumers with their unusual bubbles, tonging for the tongue and so refreshing in the summer heat. And since then, the soda is a permanent product on store shelves. There is nothing easier than buy a bottle of carbonated water, but not many know that it is possible to make broken liquid and at home.

How to cook gas production at home?

Actually very easy! We take a glass of mineral water, add a teaspoon of soda to it, quench a pair of lemon juice spoons or citric acid (0.5 teaspoon). Stir and ready! And if adding a few lemon circles and sugar - it turns out lemonade. When adding a syrup or jam is a sweet drink.

Consider what else there are ways to get carbonated water at home:

  • We mix three teaspoons of soda with five spoons of sugar powder (according to your taste you can add more or less sweetener), add six teaspoons of citric acid. In a separate container, everything is well mixed, you can wrap up. After that, we fill with water and delicious drinking is ready, and in the taste it is not inferior to the store product, or even better, due to the lack of harmful additives and dyes. Instead of water, you can use juice or morse.
  • Another way. We will need two tanks. In one pour water and tighten tightly. In the lid we make a hole and insert the tube into it so as to ensure tightness. In the second container, pour an apple vinegar, at the rate of 100 ml per liter of the finished drink. Add two soda spoons, close and insert the tube from the first container. Vinegar reacts with soda and highlights carbon dioxide, which saturates water with gas.
  • The simplest way is to use a siphon and a carbonic gas can. You need to fill the siphon with water, connect the can and spiny drink ready!
  • Cooking beverage by fermentation. We will need 4 liters of cold water, 200 ml warm, yeast (5 g), a glass of sugar. You can add the grass to mint or tarhoon. The yeast is dissolved in warm water, poured into the cold. Sugar and herbs add to taste, spill in tanks and leave in a dark cool place for 5 days. After that, the drink is ready.

As we see, the carbonated water may not only be purchased, but also prepared at home. Experiment with tastes, prepare various drinks and enjoy the product cooked with your own hands - it is always helpful! And especially delicious and useful if water for cooking is obtained from modern

Our grandmothers have loved the carbonated water, and now they enjoy not only children, but also adults. Today, there are a huge range of products like this type on store shelves. But it is not always possible to purchase gashed water, which would simultaneously be useful and tasty. But so I want to quench your thirst in the summer with a cool soda. This does not mean that it is necessary and to abandon so beloved by all yummy. It is possible to make gas production at home. It will be about how simple and without special costs to prepare a favorite drink.


In fact, produce gas production at home is completely simple. It is enough to simply explore several recipes, which are based on CO2 carbon dioxide. This component is not lit, it does not smell, it does not have a color and plus to everything, it has the greatest weight than the same oxygen. Moreover, CO2 quickly dissolves in the liquid and makes a drink slightly acidic.

It was for this principle that gas production was made in the former USSR. Remember the machines with drinks that could be found in those times almost on every street? Inside these machines under pressure, in the tank with already sweet water, gas CO2 was served, which was already mentioned above, completely dissolved in it.

In order to make a gas production at home, you can use special cylinders or siphons. As for the latter, there is such equipment in any Hozmag. Through the siphons, the necessary gas, the portions enters the available drink.

If you buy a balloon or siphon there is no possibility to make a gas production, you can make carbon dioxide with the help of remedies. These include soda and vinegar. If you mix these two ingredients, then the chemical reaction will begin, in the process of which carbon dioxide is released. In order for the experiment to succeed, all products used need to be mixed in such proportions: 1 liter of water + 7 tbsp. vinegar 9% + 2 ppm dining room soda. In addition to the above, you need to prepare the following inventory in advance:

  • Polyvinyl chloride tube, the length of which reaches 1 m;
  • Two plastic bottles (better if they are dark);
  • Two covers. Pre-in traffic jams need to do holes. The holes in their diameter should be less than the diameter of the tube.

We make carbonated water

So, how to properly do gas?

  • Take pre-cooked bottles. One of them fill with water, and in the second place acetic acid and soda. Do not forget about the fact that the chemical reaction should not begin immediately. It is for this reason that soda must be wrapped with a napkin and pouring vinegar. Thus, you are not late with blocking the bottle. Everything will be done until the moment when carbon dioxide starts. Consequently, you will not lose any part of this substance;
  • It is also worth saying that the tube must be securely attached to the lid. This is necessary to prevent CO2 leakage;
    Instead of napkins from paper, you can use, for example, polyethylene or foil. Do in them holes in order for the chemical reaction to be lost for a long time;
  • As soon as carbon dioxide begins to stand out, you need to shake the bottle. The duration shaking is at least 5 minutes. So, you can force the components to interact as much as possible.

All of the above actions will allow you to make a weakly carbonated drink, which can be diversified by adding syrup or juice.

Classic genre - "Soda"

In order to make classical carbonated water at home, some special knowledge and unusual ingredients will not need. So, the first thing you need is water. It is best to clean the liquid by means of a domestic filter.

In the early 19th century, in order to reduce the costs of the production of gashed water, chemistry began to use chemistry during the manufacture. A soda was added to the water, which was pre-mixed with acid. Sometimes one of the components of the soda was also salt. Thus, the water received its portion of carbon dioxide and became carbonated. This preparation option is suitable for home conditions.

The resulting drink will include sodium bicarbonate and acid residues. This means that such a gas composition is unlikely to be called useful. It should also be understood that in the cooking process it is necessary to clearly follow these proportions. Otherwise, you will receive not only harmful, but also a taste. Despite all the above, production costs are minimal.

How to cook gas production with a siphon?

In the siphon initially poured water, after which the cylinder with food carbon dioxide is spinning. It is enough to wait a couple of seconds and you can enjoy the taste of an unsurpassed drink.

It is worth saying that the spill of the carbonated water is very convenient. With one touch of the lever, you can fill the glass of a cool carbonated water. Moreover, it is possible to store a drink under normal conditions and at the same time it will not lose its original quality.

If you use spring water as the ingredient, then in the end you will get a drink, which in its composition will be similar to the natural mineral water. It will present extremely useful minerals for the human body and bubbles of carbon dioxide that have properties to refresh.

As for the financial party, this method of manufacture will allow you not only to enjoy the excellent flavor of the carbonated water, but also save money. 1 liter with only 20 rubles. Compared with prices in stores and cafes, this cost is very small.

Prepare gas production at home is more convenient through a siphon. So this device is enough to purchase only once. Purchase will cost you approximately 1500 rubles.

So, as you were able to make sure, cook gas production at home is not so difficult. You can use the healthy tools or prepare and purchase a special siphon. In any case, manufacturing carbonated water at home, you are guaranteed to get a drink, which will be much more useful than water selling in stores.