Baked tomatoes in the oven. Tomatoes baked in cream under raw crust

23.09.2020 Fish dishes

Vegetables baked in the oven, it is always tasty and useful. I offer some good recipes, ranging from baked whole vegetables and ending with more complicated baked vegetables dishes that can decorate the most refined festive table. All recipes are pretty simple, fast and tasty.

Baked whole vegetables


(4-6 servings)

  • 3-4 Eggplazan
  • 2-3 Salad peppers
  • 2 Lukovitsy
  • 4 tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  1. There is nothing easier and tastier than vegetables baked in the oven. We take any vegetables that we want to bake. It is desirable that eggplants are small and all about the same size. In this case, everyone will prepare at the same time.
  2. My vegetables, it is not necessary to remove the tails, then put them on a lubricated baking tray. Onions clean, cut in half.
  3. We put a baking sheet in a well-warmed oven. We bake vegetables 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Periodically look into the oven, if necessary, turn over to another barrels.
  4. When the peppers become soft, eggplants will grow strongly and also become soft, and skin on tomatoes cracks, take out baked vegetables out of the oven. If some of the vegetables have not been propelled enough, we return to the oven for 10-15 minutes.
  5. We give vegetables a little cool. Then we take peppers and eggplants per tail and remove the peel. If the vegetables passed well, then the skin is very easily separated from the pulp. After cleaning the tails we remove. Also remove seeds from pepper.
  6. From the baked tomato, the skin is also removed without effort, much easier than the scalding method.
  7. Baked vegetables put on a whole or cut in large slices on a dish. We water olive oil and feed on the table. This dish is excellent suitable for kebabs or fried meat.
  8. Also of vegetables baked in the oven, it turns out a delicious eggplant caviar. For this, baked and purified eggplants, peppers and tomatoes finely cut, add finely chopped fresh onions, watering olive oil.
  9. We try on salt and sugar, to give sharpness to add a little pressed garlic. Caviar from eggplant is served chilled.
  10. Baked vegetables for a festive table


  • 500 gr. Green Bobov
  • 5 small potatoes
  • 5 small Lukovitz
  • 5 Tomato
  • 2 eggplant
  • 50 gr. Smoked meat
  • 100 gr. Solid cheese
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of breading superstars
  • 0.1 liters cream
  • parsley
  • sunflower or olive oil
  • pepper

Baked potatoes

  • For this recipe for baked potatoes, we take small oblong tubers. Clean potatoes, mine, and then cut in half along so that we have long boats.
  • Solim potatoes, abundantly lubricate with vegetable oil, and then lay out on the tray, which then put in a hot oven.
  • We bake potatoes on medium heat. Periodically check for readiness. Ready potatoes take out and let it cool a little.
  • With the help of a spoon or knife, carefully choose the insides of the halves so that potato boats come.
  • The potato mass we selected thoroughly rub, add finely chopped smoked meat, slightly salt and pepper. We pour on a little cream and try. The filling should turn out to be tender, but not liquid.
  • Strip potatoes and assign to the side.
  • Eggplant baked in the oven with cheese

  • For baked, we take two small young eggplants. Washing eggplants cut into round plates thick and two centimeters thick.
  • To bind the bumps, sprinkle the plate with salt. We will wait 10 minutes, and then rinse eggplants in cold water. Press the extra moisture.
  • We lay out the circles on the baking sheet with vegetable oil. I splashes on eggplant butter from the sprayer or just drip from the bottle, and then put in the heated oven.
  • eggplants bake in the oven 10 minutes on medium heat.
  • Almost ready-made eggplants sprinkled with grated cheese and put into the oven exactly five minutes. Cheese must melt and slightly twisted.
  • Baked in the oven tomatoes

  • Despite the fact that various salads are mainly prepared from fresh tomato, tomatoes are very tasty if they are baked in the oven. I want to share the easiest recipe for baked tomato.
  • So, we choose small, ripe, but sufficiently dense tomatoes. The most convenient round shape.
  • Moyful tomatoes cut in half. Laying out halves on oiled baking tray.
  • Mandatory salt and lubricate the top with vegetable oil. We put tomatoes in a hot oven.
  • While tomatoes are baked, prepare for them a special fill.
  • In a separate saw, we mix 1 chopped garlic clove, salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley, breadcrumbs. Add a bit of olive oil and davim with a conventional mortar. This is done so that the mixture absorbs the taste of garlic and parsley.
  • When the tomatoes are almost ready, for each tomato we apply garlic fill. We bake vegetables while the fill will not be twisted.
  • Along with this recipe for baked vegetables, you can also cook baked tomatoes, stuffed with meats and rice. Detailed recipe.
  • Baked onion

  • I remember in childhood at the mention of Luke, and in any of his form, everyone immediately crumbled the face. But it turns out, in contrast to the roney onion or onions in the cutlets, baked in the oven bow is a real delicacy. Try, and you forever love it a simple and tasty dish.
  • We take small bulbs about the same size. Specially buying the bow of the tight varieties is not at all necessary.
  • Clean the bow, which then cut on the halves
  • Lay onions on a richly oiled baking tray. Also, we rudely water onions onions from above.
  • Lace with a bow with a foil and put in a well-hot oven. If the onions leave without foil, he begins to burn and becomes bitter.
  • Onions, in contrast to all other vegetables, should be baked at a fairly low temperature of about 160 ° C. At the same time, the bow is baked for quite a long time. Depending on the size of the bulbs, half an hour and more are baked.
  • How to file baked vegetables

  • Baked vegetables themselves delicious and useful dish, but it can be supplemented with sirochkova beans, which will soften and sees the taste of baked vegetables baked in the oven.
  • So, we take green pod beans, remove the tails and cut into pieces of centimeters of five. Cook the string bean 10 minutes in salted water. The beans should become soft, but not disintegrate into parts. We definitely drain the water.
  • Berm of two or three cloves of garlic, clean, finely cut.
  • In a small number of olive or sunflower oil, slightly fry garlic.
  • The beans lay out on a large dish, sprinkled with a fried garlic on top. The oil remained in the frying pan, which absorbed the taste and smell of garlic, pour beans.
  • We take a dish with beans and lay all the baked vegetables on it. The role of the role is not playing. But what plays a role, so this is the temperature of the oven. All vegetables are baked at a temperature of 180 ° C. By the way, it is not desirable to leave for a long time from the kitchen, since different baked vegetables require different cooking time.
  • That's all, our dish is ready! Baked vegetables feed hot.
  • I love tomatoes! Love for them with burning unearthly! And doctors say that correctly, because ripe tomato is not just a delicious and bright vegetable, but also the source of vital substances - potassium, magnesium, iron, as well as lycopene - strong natural antioxidant and serotonin - "hormone of happiness"! But what is interesting, after thermal processing, tomatoes are much more useful than just fresh! Therefore, I propose such a simple, but very tasty recipe - bake in the oven tomatoes with fragrant herbs, and then rub the garlic. Divinely, believe me! You take such a tomato behind the tail, bite off ... And here is the fragrant "lava" fully seizes with your taste receptors. It is useless to tell, it needs to try! Baked in the oven tomatoes with fragrant herbs and garlic - the perfect addition to the side planter, rice or pasta. And also recommended to serve them as an independent side dish for meat, bird. And I can easily, like seeds to eat them just like this, leaving after that only the slide of the tails, and then sculpt the bread in the resulting sauce.

    Recipe information

    Total cooking time: 30 minutes.

    Number of portions: 3 .


    • tomatoes - 9 pieces (about 550 grams)
    • vegetable oil - 9 teaspoons
    • fragrant herbs - ½ teaspoon
    • black ground pepper - ½ teaspoon
    • salt to taste
    • garlic - 4 teeth

    as well as:

    • baking form.


    In the summer, when I want to cook a slight snack, without spending a lot of time, you can make tomatoes with cheese in the oven. In the country season, the dish is exhibited economical, and does not appear to the taste of complex appetizers.

    Bake the vegetable, cutting with circles, or stuffing with other components - tomatoes are perfectly combined with mushrooms, eggplants, zucchini and bell pepper.

    You can diversify the taste with the help of herbs and spices, and the mayonnaise is replaced by another sauce - sour cream, pesto or tar-tar.

    A snack can be used with a side dish, put on bread or serve to a festive table as a separate dish.

    Cheese variety Choose, relying on his taste and culinary qualities. You can add Mozarella, parmesan, cheese or gadua. Mozarella will give the dish Italian chic, and solid varieties in baking will create a crispy crust.

    Experiment with components and spices, getting a new snack every time.

    Tomatoes with cheese and garlic in the oven

    This delicious dish can be prepared in 20 minutes. It will have to be by the way to any celebration will delight with its cheap and bright taste. Herbs can be taken as fresh and dry.


    • 3 tomato;
    • 150 gr. solid cheese;
    • 3 garlic teeth;
    • basil;
    • salt;
    • paprika;
    • oregano;
    • mayonnaise.


    1. Wash tomatoes, cut 1.5 cm with circles with a thickness.
    2. Cheese soda.
    3. Add a little mayonnaise and crushed herbs to cheese. Some sput.
    4. Move into the cheese mass of garlic. Mix thoroughly.
    5. Place the mugs of tomatoes on the baking sheet. Top to spread the cheese mass.
    6. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 ° C.

    Baked tomatoes with cheese in breading

    Bread crushers will make cheese more crisp. Add a little eastern flavor with aromatic spices.


    • 3 tomato;
    • 150 gr. solid grades cheese;
    • nutmeg;
    • coriander;
    • basil;
    • salt;
    • breadcrumbs;
    • mayonnaise.


    1. Tomatoes rinse, remove the fruit, cut the circles.
    2. Cheese Cut square pieces. Try to do slices in size of the diameter of tomatoes.
    3. Put tomatoes on the tray. Lubricate them mayonnaise. Some sput.
    4. Cheese slices are cutting in breadcrumbs and label 1 piece on each tomato circle.
    5. Sprinkle with top spices.
    6. Bake a quarter of an hour at 180 ° C.

    Tomato-mushroom casserole under raw fur coat

    This dish can be prepared as a casserole. Mushrooms are pre-roasted in a frying pan so that they do not soften when baked.


    • 4 tomatoes;
    • 150 gr. champignons;
    • 100 gr. cheese;
    • garlic slices;
    • sour cream;
    • black pepper;
    • salt;
    • 1 bulbs.


    1. Shampignons rinse, cut into cubes.
    2. Leek tatch.
    3. Fry champignons with onions in a skillet.
    4. Tomatoes cut into small pieces.
    5. Cheese soda. Lay out sour cream, pepper, squeeze garlic.
    6. Place in the refractory form in the ingredients in the layers: mushrooms with onions, slightly sprinkle, then tomatoes. Cut the raw mass casserole.
    7. Send it in the oven for 20 minutes. The temperature of the oven is 180 ° C.

    Baked tomatoes with eggplants

    Eggplants are perfectly combined with tomatoes, and the cheese layer will give the dish with a homogeneous consistency. Bake tomatoes with cheese in the oven with mayonnaise to make a snack gentful.


    • 4 tomatoes;
    • 2 medium eggplants;
    • 200 gr. Mozzarella;
    • mayonnaise;
    • salt;
    • bunch of dill;
    • garlic slices.


    1. Eggplants Cut with circles. Soak for 20 minutes in salty water.
    2. In a separate container, combine mayonnaise with extruded garlic and dill.
    3. Cheese finely soda.
    4. Cut tomatoes with circles.
    5. Fry eggplants in oil.
    6. In the container for baking, lay out first eggplants, richly lubricate the layer of mayonnaise with dill. Sprinkle with cheese.
    7. Place tomatoes, slightly spray. Lubricate mayonnaise again and sprinkle with cheese.
    8. Baking temperature 180 ° C. Cook for 20 minutes.

    Tomatoes with zucchiki

    Tomato-cycular casserole, richly arched with cheese, can become a favorite summer dish and adults, and children. It is helpful and tasty.


    • 4 tomatoes;
    • 2 zucchini;
    • black pepper;
    • sour cream;
    • 150 gr. parmesan;
    • dill;
    • parsley;
    • salt.


    1. Zucchini and tomatoes cut into circles. No need to shoot with vegetables.
    2. Prepare the sauce: crush the greens, add it to the sour cream, stick.
    3. Cheese soda on a grater.
    4. Squeeze the zucchini on the tray, salt. Lubricate sauce.
    5. Put tomatoes. Lubricate the sauce again. Sprinkle with cheese.
    6. Send to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

    Potato casserole with tomatoes

    This diet dish is served as a second. The tomato juice impresses potatoes, makes it soft and tender. Cheese when baking creates a crunchy and fragrant crust.


    • 3 tomato;
    • 6-7 potatoes;
    • 150 gr. Parmesan or Gaddy;
    • mayonnaise;
    • salt;
    • garlic teeth;
    • black pepper.


    1. Clean potatoes, cut the plates.
    2. Put into deep containers, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper, squeeze garlic. Leave to be soaked for half an hour.
    3. Tomatoes are finely cut. Cheese soda.
    4. Place the potatoes on the tray, cover the layer of tomatoes.
    5. Sprinkle with cheese from above.
    6. Bake for 30 minutes at 190 ° C.

    You can serve this snack with fresh greens. Cooking takes a little time, but the dish is obtained very tasty. This is the perfect option for serving the table in the conditions of maximum time saving. Guests will be satisfied, and your family budget is entire.

    Tomatoes and cheese can already be called a classic combination.

    These two products are ideal for each other, so they are based on their wonderful recipes. Today, we will reveal the secrets of cooking baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven.

    Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven - General principles of cooking

    For the preparation of baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven you need to use only ripe tomatoes. Unfortunate fruits may have a small mustard, which will affect the ultimate taste of the dish. As for the variety, any tomatoes are suitable, from classic pink, yellow, red, to exotic black. It is better to choose dense fruits that it is easier to cut. The skin with tomatoes is usually not removed, since it is due to the upper film the pieces hold their shape.

    Tomatoes are usually cut with mugs, halves or cut the top, and the insides are removed for the filling. It is necessary to work with tomatoes only with sharp knives.

    You can take a cheese for cooking any, most often in the recipes are solid, as it gives an appetizing crust. Typically, the product is rubbed on the grater or slices are cut. Cheese is always laid on tomatoes on top or inside.

    You can also add any spices, herbs, additional products to dishes. They are wonderful combined with eggs, meat, mushrooms, milk, sour cream, croups and various vegetables.

    Recipe 1: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "It does not happen easier"

    The easiest way to prepare baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven. We spend the minimum of ingredients and time, and we get a delightful snack that is suitable for lunch, dinner and even a festive table. The number of products and spices take the eye.

    Basil (Fresh or dried);

    1. Pomators cut in half.

    2. Garlic shred, add salt, olive oil and chopped basil.

    3. Abundant watering the cut of the cut of tomatoes, we put them into the form, we send it into the oven and bake about 20 minutes. The temperature is not more than 190-200 ° C.

    4. Cheese grind on any grater.

    5. Remove the baked tomatoes, to each put a pinch of cheese and put 5 minutes before the melting of cheese. The one who loves a grilled crust can hold a snack a little longer.

    Recipe 2: Stuffed baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven

    A beautiful and interesting dish of baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven, which can safely qualify for the role of festive. It looks spectacular, it turns out delicious. It is desirable to use enough tight tomatoes for cooking, soft fruits will not fit. Instead of cheese, you can take a cheese.

    2 garlic teeth;

    Spoon of any oil;

    Salt, any greens, pepper.

    1. Tomatoes are rinsed, cut off on top of the cover and with the help of a spoon, carefully remove the insides.

    2. Cheese rub on the grater. If a cheese is used, then you can simply close it on the pieces or squeeze with a conventional fork.

    3. Garlic shred and send to cheese.

    4. Add salt, pepper, oil and mix well filling.

    5. Fill tomatoes with a prepared mass and bake for 15 minutes. You can serve on the table both hot and cold.

    Recipe 3: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "Cheese holiday"

    Very interesting and satisfying recipe. For the preparation of baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven, in addition to the main ingredients, they will also need spiches and crackers. The snack is sufficiently satisfying, and the pre-roasting products makes it very fragrant.

    0.2 kg of white bread or baton;

    100 gr. fresh stuck;

    1. Spin shredding cubes, send in a frying pan and fry until fat appears.

    2. Bread cut the cubes and send to the scuff. Fry all together, do not forget to mix. As soon as the crackers are riding a little, remove from the fire and cool.

    3. From tomatoes cut off the top and remove the flesh.

    4. Cheese grind, mix with crackers and suts, salt, add any spices to taste, then mix the tomato pulp everything.

    5. Fill out tomatoes with a prepared mass, fold into the form, fill with broth and baked half an hour in the oven.

    Recipe 4: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "Bliss"

    Another option stuffed vegetables. The method of lightweight, instead of a toasted bread, ready-made breadcrumbs are used. And you will need a little garlic and sour cream.

    A glass of grated cheese;

    0.1 kg of breadcrumbs;

    3-4 garlic teeth;

    1. Cut off the top and tomatoes, we remove the insides, as in the previous recipe.

    2. Mix cheese, sour cream, breadcrumbs and crushed garlic. Add salt to taste.

    3. Start tomatoes, we put the crushed insides of tomatoes on top, fill out allocated juice.

    4. We are folded and baked for 20 minutes at an average temperature.

    Recipe 5: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "Rice gnomes"

    Raw and fragrant baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven, which look like vegetable cabbage. For the preparation, the usual white rice is used, you can take round, long and even sch.

    3 tbsp. dry rice spoons;

    2 spoons of soybean sauce;

    1. In salted water, it is necessary to weld rice, we drain the liquid.

    2. At tomatoes, we remove the insides with seeds.

    3. The bulb is finely shining, fry in a frying pan, add the core of tomatoes and the pastry 5 minutes.

    4. We connect the bow, rice, add soy sauce, sour cream, spices to taste.

    5. Start prepared tomatoes, bake 15 minutes.

    6. Give their ovens, in each put grated cheese and cook for another 5 minutes. We apply to the table in the hot.

    Recipe 6: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "Raw with ham"

    Very beautiful and fragrant snack, which is also remarkably suitable for breakfast. Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven for this recipe is better made from large fruits, so that a sufficient number of fillings fit.

    1 salted cucumber;

    1. The ham is converted into small cubes, also a salty cucumber. If he has a solid skin, then it can be cut off.

    2. Add dried greens, you can use any. We put the mayonnaise and mix the stuffing.

    3. We cut tomatoes with thick rings, preferably at least 1 cm. Outlet on a lubricated baking sheet, you can use a silicone rug.

    4. On each circle we put a little filling, distribute the whole equally.

    5. Cheese grind on the grater and sprinkle every circle of tomato.

    6. Bake 5-10 minutes before the appearance of a cheese crust. Such tomatoes can also be prepared in a microwave oven.

    Recipe 7: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "For guests"

    From tomatoes, you can prepare a spectacular snack in the form of a harmonica, and very simple and quickly. It will help if the guests are already on the threshold. In addition to the main products, a parsley and slices of salami will need for baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven, but you can do without sausage, too, it turns out delicious. All products take in arbitrary quantities.

    1. On slices cut tomatoes, but not to the end. There should be a harmonica. Each section is made approximately at a distance of 0.5 cm from the other.

    2. Cheese cut thin plates, ham mugs.

    3. Layout in every incision for slices of cheese and ham. Optionally, the ingredients can be alternate and put in each section on one product.

    4. Petrushka we divide on the leaves, you can simply cut down and also lay down inside the tomato.

    5. Bake the accordion in the oven literally 7-10 minutes before the melting of cheese.

    Recipe 8: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "Secret"

    This dish you can not call simple, as it contains mushrooms that require preliminary training. But but, such baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven will surprise with their filling and will definitely delight the taste. We will use ordinary champignons, and a highlight of the dish will give a nutmeg.

    8-10 identical tomatoes;

    0.1 kg sour cream (can be used);

    Hammer nutty nut.

    1. Shining mushrooms with thin slices, fry on a frying pan with the addition of 5 minutes oil.

    2. Lukovitsa shining cubes, send to mushrooms and prepare together. At the end, add salt and nutmeg. Starting cool.

    3. From tomatoes, we cut a lid, free from the internals and put on a baking sheet or shape.

    4. Unlock equally filling from mushrooms.

    5. We put in a teaspoon sour cream.

    6. Cheese rubbed and fall asleep filling in every tomato.

    7. We bake for 20 minutes at 200 ° C. Ready tomatoes with a surprise decorate the greenery of parsley.

    Recipe 9: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "Creamy"

    A feature of this recipe is the milk sauce, which is added inside each tomato with cheese and then baked. The filling is delicate, sufficiently thick and has a pronounced creamy cheese taste.

    Black pepper, salt.

    1. Tomatoes prepare for the filling with a standard way, we assign to the side.

    2. Pour oil in the pan and fry wheat flour to cream color. It is important that it is not burdened, so it is continuously stirred.

    3. Pour milk with a thin ridge, cook before running and turning off the fire. Enjoy.

    4. Three cheese, mix with cooled dairy sauce.

    5. Separately whip the proteins and rub the yolks.

    6. We introduce in the cheese sauce of yolks, add pepper, salt intensively mixing.

    7. Gently introduce whipped proteins whipped in foam.

    8. Fill tomatoes with the resulting sauce and send it to baked 25 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C.

    Recipe 10: Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven "Sunny Italy"

    Ideally, Italian Mozarella is used for this recipe, but it turns out tasty with any other. The dish is fairly spicy and fragrant, as a mixture of fragrant Italian herbs is used.

    50 gr. Omlin without bone;

    1 tsp. Italian blend of herbs;

    If there are no Italian spices, you can independently mix any dried greens, add a fragrant pepper, carnation, coriander. You can just use your favorite seasoning.

    1. Tomatoes with shields, lay out in a lubricated shape, a little cleaner. Sprinkle with vegetable oil.

    2. Olives cut into circles, sprinkle slices of tomatoes.

    3. All we sprinkle with salt and fragrant spices.

    4. Now goes a layer of grated cheese.

    5. We bake to ruddy crust.

    Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven - Useful tips and tricks

    When stuffing tomatoes, it is necessary to remove the flesh, but you do not need to throw it away. You can add to the container, remove in the refrigerator and then use in any dishes. If there is a lot of pulp, then you can boil it in a saucepan, in this form it will remain suitable much longer.

    When baking halves of tomatoes, you do not need to remove the place of attachment to the fruit. If you want so much, it is better to cut it carefully in the finished dish. And the violation of the shape of the tomato will lead to the fact that the juice will flow, and the dish will not be so tasty.

    If the halves of tomatoes ride on babysitter and do not want to stand, then you need to cut a small plate from the opposite side or choose a form in which tomatoes will tightly touch with each other.

    Baked tomatoes with cheese in the oven are far more fragrant, if using dried greens instead of fresh leaves.

    Tomatoes bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    How to knick tomatoes

    How to knick tomatoes
    Tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms
    Fresh-hearted pepper - 1 teaspoon
    Sea Salt - 1 tablespoon
    Rosemary - 1 teaspoon
    Oregano - 1 teaspoon
    Majorana - Half Tea Spoon
    Garlic - 3 teeth
    Vegetable oil - 1 cup

    How to knick tomatoes in the oven
    Tomatoes wash and dry, cut on quantity, cut froths and remove the cores. Laying a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out tomatoes tight to each other. Sprinkle tomatoes with a mixture of salt and pepper. Square tomatoes with butter.
    Heat the oven to 80 degrees and put a baking sheet with tomatoes in the oven. Slide tomatoes for 6 hours with a dutched oven door. Ready dried tomatoes are a slightly wet, easily curled.
    Clear and clear garlic and thin. In the bank to lay / fill with layers: pour some oil, put spices and part of garlic, a third of tomatoes. So to the end of the bank. Turn the tomatoes in the bank and pour oil. Close the jars with dried tomatoes covers and remove into the dark cold place. You can use dried tomatoes in food in a week. You can store dried tomatoes about 6 months.

    How to knick tomatoes in Aerium
    In the aerogrile tomatoes, bake at a temperature of 120 degrees 4 hours with a roof cover.

    Council: If you want dried tomatoes without oil, then you can fold the dried tomatoes in the package and store them in the freezer.

    Dried tomatoes are fed on sandwiches, in salads; Use when cooking paste, pizza, pies, meat.

    How to bake tomatoes in the oven

    Tomatoes - 4 pieces
    Feta - 100 grams
    Garlic - 2 teeth
    Russian cheese - 100 grams
    Green onions and dill - 5 twigs of grams
    Olives - 2 tablespoons
    Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
    Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil

    How to bake stuffed tomatoes
    Tomatoes scream with boiling water and clean from the peel; Cut the frozen. Clean and crumple garlic with grooves, mix with feta, chopped dill, salt and spices. Fill tomatoes with this mixture and sprinkle with oil.
    Laying a baking sheet with parchment paper for baking, put the tomatoes on the baking sheet. Put the baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Russian cheese rub on a large grater, the maslines finely cut, the green onions chop. Sprinkle tomatoes with greens, then with olives, then cheese. Retail with tomatoes Return in the oven for 3 minutes.