Summer cabbage how many days is quas. Is it possible to store sauer cabbage in warm

28.09.2020 Fish dishes

Despite the fact that the cabbage does not differ as sour taste, it has a lot of vitamin C. It especially needs a person in the cold season to support immunity and successfully resist the influenza and cold. Vitamin C is well preserved when cabbage saucheel and even with one single frost. Summer cabbage at home helps to recover during the disease and not get sick at all. In addition, it is a very tasty snack and the basis for many rich dishes.

Features of serving cabbage at home

The first experience of serving cabbage at home can end in failure, if you do not know the secrets that are familiar with experienced hostesses:

  • Not all cabbage varieties are suitable for digest. The harvest, collected in the summer, for home billets is not suitable. Quake better late varieties, preferred the most juicy, whose kochens are almost completely white. One of the most popular varieties for chairs is "Glory", it is suitable for driving a dry way. "Kolobok" and "AMEGER" solit better in the brine.
  • Cut the cabbage for the roasting is needed with a sharp knife intended for batch. But the pieces at the same time do not quite thin, but about 5 mm. If you can make fine small pieces, then they will become too soft, and the sauerkraut is much tastier when the crunchy remains.
  • You can drink cabbage at home in an enameled saucepan, a bucket, as well as in glass jars. If there is an opportunity, you can try to break off cabbage in oak cadke or barrel - it will acquire a unique taste. However, this method is suitable only for those who have a cold cellar storage cellar. Aluminum packaging is not suitable in any case, since this material reacts with lactic acid, which is formed during the journey of vegetables.
  • Quiss cabbage at room temperature or slightly lower it. If the room temperature rises above 24 degrees, the cabbage can become slippery. At a temperature below 20 degrees, fermentation will not be intense enough.
  • To stand out enough juice, the cabbage must be placed under the oppression or very good to the ramp. This is especially true when sailing cabbage in a dry way.
  • During fermentation, the cabbage needs from time to time to pour a long sharp knife to come out of it. Otherwise, the finished snack will have no pleasant smell.
  • Saving cabbage at room temperature lasts 3 days, then it is already possible to eat, but still it will become a little later: classic recipes provide for chairs for a week.
  • Store sauer cabbage is best at temperatures from 0 to 2 degrees, so the cellar and refrigerator are ideally suitable for this. If necessary, the cabbage can be freezed. To do this, it is necessary to decompose on packages and put in the freezer. Portions It is advisable to make not very large, since the re-freezing cabbage cannot be subjected. For the same reason, the balcony is not the most suitable location for storing the sauerkraut at home.
  • While storing on the cabbage mold can be formed. Prevent her appearance help mustard, sugar, which can be sprinkled by the workpiece at least once a month.

With proper cooking and storage, the sauer cabbage can be used for 9 months after cooking. What it is fresh - the more delicious, so it is usually not strung up for so long.

Classic Sauer Cabbage Recipe: Dry Method

Composition (5 l):

  • white cabbage - 4 kg;
  • carrot - 0.4 kg;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • sugar - 80 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves from it. Tatch the strips of 3-4 mm.
  • Clean carrots, soda on a large grater. If you wish, you can grate on the grater for the preparation of salads in Korean.
  • Carefully mix cabbage with salt, comic to her hands.
  • Sprinkle with carrots and sugar, mix.
  • Fill the cabbage container in which you are going to pick it up. For this purpose, a five-liter pan or a clean glass bank of the same capacity will be suitable.
  • Outing cabbage, more often tamper her with hands or even a fist. Put the container in the pelvis, as a lot of juice will be highlighted soon. Cover the cabbage of clean gauze, if there is an opportunity, then install the cargo from above (while serving in the bank you can do without the oppression). Leave at room temperature for 3 days. Twice a day, remove the foam, rinse the gauze and pushing the cabbage with a knife.
  • Rearrange the container in a cooler place (unheated storage room, on the loggia, if there is no frost outside) and wait another 4 days.
  • Spread cabbage in tanks, convenient for its further storage at home (if desired, can be stored in the same in which the quasili). Remove into a basement or refrigerator. Do not forget that the sauer cauldron can be stored in the freezer.

For this recipe, a crunchy cabbage with light sourness is obtained. Before feeding to the table, it does not have to rinse or soak - you only need to pour oil.

Simple recipe for sauerkraut in brine

Composition (3 l):

  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • black peas - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash vegetables. Cabbage Touch, carrot Soda.
  • Mix cabbage with carrots, put in a jar, diligently her ramming.
  • Boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it.
  • On top of the cabbage put the bay leaf and pea peas.
  • Bank put in a plate, pour the cabbage to the hot brine so that it watered through the edge.
  • Leave in the room for 3 days, several times a day with a cappist, so that the smelling gases formed during fermentation come out.
  • Put cabbage to smaller banks, pour the remaining brine and remove to store in a cool place. At home, this place is usually a refrigerator, although some stored pickles in the basement.

Cabbage in the brine is preparing simply and quickly, it is possible even to inexperienced owners.

Sauer cabbage with apples and lingonberries

Composition (6 l):

  • cabbage - 3.5 kg;
  • apples of acid varieties (ideally - Antonovskiy) - 1 kg;
  • carrot - 0.3 kg;
  • lingonberry (can be replaced by cranberries) - 100 g;
  • rye bread (crushing) - 100 g;
  • juniper berries - 5-6 pieces;
  • cumin (seeds) - 5 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • currant leaves - 5-6 pieces;
  • vodka - 70 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare a packaging to the cabbage. Two three-liter banks or a large pot of 6-7 liters are suitable. Enamelled bucket and oak junction are also suitable tanks. The selected capacity you need to wash well and quivel.
  • On the bottom of the shop (or other capacity), put the cabbage leaves, before washing them. There are half the currant leaves and bread crusts.
  • Patch the cabbage, mix it with salt and wait for juice to stand out.
  • Add sugar, grated carrots and cumin seeds, mix.
  • Drive apples, cut into several parts, cut the core.
  • Put the cabbage layer by filling it the container for about a third. Good conquer it.
  • Put half of apples, juniper berries, remaining currant leaves.
  • Lay out the rest of the cabbage, carefully sink it.
  • Put the remaining apples, pour a lingonberry. Cover gauze or clean cloth. Pour cabbage to vodka and leave quas at a temperature of 18-22 degrees for 5-7 days. Regularly pushing the cabbage with a knife or a wooden spoon with a long handle.
  • Remove into a cool storage space.

The cabbage is not ashamed to serve the saunas on this old recipe even for a festive table.

Acute sauer cabbage with beet, horseradish, garlic

Composition (at 5-6 l):

  • cabbage - 4 kg;
  • beet 0.4 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • grated horseradish root - 30 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  • Clean the raw beets, wash, cut into large pieces and soda them on an ordinary grater or on a grater for Korean salads.
  • Garlic skip through the press.
  • Sattail hell.
  • Slim sink cabbage.
  • Mix cabbage with horseradish, beet and garlic.
  • Boost water by solving salt and sugar in it.
  • Put cabbage into a container for chairs (you can decompose by banks). Put the container itself on a large plate or in the pelvis.
  • Diligently rented cabbage so that it lay as close as possible.
  • Fill cabbage hot brine.
  • If the size of the capacity allows, put the cabbage on top of the cabbage and install the load on it (for example, a jar filled with water).
  • 2-3 times a day During the week, remove the goods and pierce the cabbage to the outlet for fermentation in several places.
  • After 7 days, lay out cabbage to banks and remove into the fridge. If the cabbage quas is already in banks, you can store it right in them.

For this recipe, an acute snack of a beautiful color, which will have to taste fans of spicy dishes.

Gentle cabbage, quashen with honey

Composition (6 l):

  • cabbage - 4.5-5 kg;
  • salt - 85-90 g;
  • honey - 70-75 g;
  • bay leaf - 5-6 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Patch the cabbage, mix with salt, remember and wait until the juice is highlighted.
  • Melt honey, dissolve it in a minimum amount of water (a quarter of a glass).
  • Fill with a honey fluid cabbage, mix well.
  • Sterilize liter or larger banks, spread the laurel leaves along it.
  • Tamping each layer, fill cabbage jars so that there is enough space to exit the cabbage juice. Banks put on plates.
  • Put for 3 days in a fairly warm room (from 20 to 24 degrees). Twice a day, pierce the cabbage.
  • Drain extra juice, leaving only a small cabbage layer.
  • Put a wooden circle or cloth into a large saucepan. Put in the pan of cans with cabbage. Fill with water with water so that it reaches approximately the cabbage level in banks.
  • Put on a weak fire. Sterilize from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the volume of cans.
  • Remove the cans with the cabbage from the pan, sunk them and turn them over.
  • Wrap and leave cool in this form.
  • When banks are cooled, they can be removed into the storage room.

The cabbage prepared on this recipe will be tender. It is well stored even at room temperature. This is advantageous distinguishes this method of its preparation from others.

Video: Delicious sauer cabbage on a family recipe!

Taste, crunch, beauty!

Summer cabbage tasty itself, but traditionally it is served as a snack, adding the onions cut with thin semirings and watering vegetable oil. In addition, the sauna at home cabbage can be used to prepare a saltwater, bigos, and other dishes.

This folk tradition has been preserved to this day. Quasus the cabbage, of course, according to the "grandmother" recipe, while few people deliberately in the essence of the process - well, quas the cabbage and quas. To the question: "Why exactly, and not otherwise?" With a lot of probability, you will be answered that, they say, so it should be, so accepted. It's time to decipher these "it is necessary" and "accepted" and in detail to consider the technological steps of the kapankend.

- How is the chance going on -

To launch the process of chairs, we need heat, salt, special bacteria and sugar. The last two "variables" are already present in the product itself, we just have to create the condition necessary for the reaction and add salt. To do this, the chopped cabbage is salted, slightly kneaded, after which they put into the jar, are covered with a clean cloth and put on top of the neut. On the one hand, this tricky design creates an anaerobic environment, on the other - performs the function of the press.

Natural sugar contributes to the release of lactic acid containing the very bacteria - reaction catalysts, and the salt helps stretch the juices from the cabbage. In a natural brine with an acidic medium without access of oxygen, they begin to develop rapidly, and all harmful bacteria die. Salts should not be too much, because it slows down the fermentation process, but not too small, otherwise the cabbage will be overhaul. The golden middle is considered to be 20-25 grams of salt by 1 kg of cabbage.

- What is the role of the negle -

In the process of fermentation, the experiment is thin straw, one way or another will float to the surface. However, without brine, it quickly flies, so on top of the chopped cabbage a piece of fabric, whole cabbage leaves or customize the pickup circle under the size of the container. In any case, the press design needs to be thought out so that the cabbage is always closed and is under the cough. If the mold appears on the surface, it is removed, and the neuts and cabbage leaves / tissue are washed and hung with boiling water.

- Why do you need sugar and other additives -

One of the mandatory components of the base is sugar. A certain amount of sugar is already contained in the cabbage, but if you increase its number, you can speed up. You can do this in two ways: just additionally putting a little sugar or adding chopped carrots, turnips, beets and other vegetables to the cabbage. When using other vegetables, we not only increase the content of natural sugar, but also change the taste characteristics of the final product. So, some crushed apples will make the taste of cabbage sweeter, the radish will give sharpness, and if you lack a spicy note, you can add ginger, garlic or sharp pen. You can also achieve contrast game with spices and seasonings, such as juniper berries, fennel seeds or coriander.

- how much can

In a warm place, they hold the cabbage for 2-3 days, depending on the temperature, and after they rearrange it to slow down the microbiological processes. The optimal temperature of the fermentation is 17-20 ° C. If it is higher, the cabbage you need to have time to clean in the cold place in time: at high temperatures, the reaction will flow faster, and the cabbage can simply react. When fermentation at low temperatures, bitterness may appear in taste.

In the period of active fermentation, foam and gas is distinguished. From time to time, foam should be removed, and the gas will be released, the cappist is a long knife several times a day. If this is not done, the cabbage will have a bitter taste, and from the foam will begin to form mold. The cooking process ends in about 15 days.

- Shelf life -

In the refrigerator, in a tightly closed jar with a sufficient amount of pickle cabbage stored 1-1.5 months. With a longer storage, sooner or later cabbage begins to deteriorate. It is not so worried about her too sour or bitter taste - such a cabbage without pans can be thrown into soup as changing texture and color. If the cabbage acquired a brown or pink shade or became slippery to the touch, send it to the trash can without hesitation. Prepared Included Sai cabbage should not be idle in the refrigerator - turn it on into the daily menu, so the product will not even have time to spoil.

Well, how I can't get a sauer cabbage tried to do, then dry, then some kind of bitter was for many years as I threw my cabbage to translate it) marinated with anything and in different recipes, it turned out delicious, but I wanted to learn to pick up! There are many recipes in the internet, everything seems to be simple, but I'm already afraid) In general, who know who Kvasit himself - how do you do it ???? What are the conspiracy use?))))


today I tried cabbage, tasty, but I a little reasured)
i will experiment on)
thanks to all!

The most important thing is constantly piercing the can with cabbage to the bottom (only carefully! Do not damage the glass bottom). Sucking to start already from 8 h. For example, in the morning, chopped and tamped very tightly to the bank, and in the evening you can already pushing the screwing movements. I am piercing a wooden handle of a bevel of meat.
Make this:
We take about 4 kg - 4.5 kg of white cabbage (and not green!) Colors and 1 carrot on a 3-l can.

Shinkut and spend salt. 2 tablespoons of a stone salt with choiroshai such a slide on 4 kg of cabbage.
To peat nothing, it is not necessary - all juices are mixed in the bank.
For dowry, the microbes that are in your hands. Therefore, we take a dry jar and begin to lay cabbage with hands carefully there is a tamping fist (not damage the jar). We apply a cabbage and with effort all by adjustment, then the next portion of cabbage with carrots. Then it will be already the juice all out if you cut cabbage with thin stripes. Maybe there is little juice first - he is a little later to stand out.
Fill the bank to the very edges, cover the gauze or we put in a bowl - will flow juice in the process.
Quacious 2-3 days (depending on what temperature in the room, if high, then fermentation will be faster). I pierce the 1st time after 8 hours, and then the singers and look at bubbles - if they appear. That cabbage was not yet prepared and fermentation goes - she quas. The liquid that can escape from the can fill back (if there is where to upload - the juice should absorb) the cabbage should still get diluted with this juice.
After 3 days, we close the lid and remove into the refrigerator.
I rushed out and early the bank removed the refrigerator. After 2 days I arrived, I opened the bank and saw bubbles there - it means not yet to do. I added salt slightly on top and left her on the table in the kitchen for a day of the priest 3-4 times a day. To gas leave. Then again in the refrigerator. Cabbage is the most excellent. So do not be afraid, it turns out to be adjusted.
The juice is very necessary and its presence depends on the cabbage variety. You can add the driver. How advised below, but I did not try. Usually it is so much that the juice is allocated myself.

23.10.2016 10:15:27, do not be afraid - the main practice

How to make sauer cabbage at home.

Summer cabbage is a favorite dish in the national cuisine of many countries. In China, the sauerkraut is known from the 3rd century BC, it is known that she fed the workers who built the Great Wall. In Korea, the time of time is also prepared by the acid cabbage, which is called Kimchi in Korean. German and Austrian cuisine are unthinkable without famous pork legs with sour cabbage, Polish cuisine is famous for Bigus - this is a dish of sour cabbage with various types of meat. Romanians love to cook Sarmal - stew ...

8 products from which you will not recover.

You still think you can lose weight, only exhausting yourself with diets and constantly starving? Forget! You can lose weight, experiencing quite comfortable sensations and without refusing to yourself in a piece ... well, if not bread, then some other product. You just need to know which products and dishes do not add to you kilograms. Not at all to eat with one parsley - there are other low-calorie in the world, and, nevertheless, useful and delicious things. Soup soup is a liquid dish that is less hot than ...

Sauer cabbage - home in its own juice

Kochan cabbage - by 2-3 kg. Carrot - 2-3 pieces (small or 1-2 large) salt to taste or 15-25g. (1 tbsp. Cabbage

Sauer cabbage for men

Sauer cabbage is a food-habitual person. There are many recipes for its preparation and each of them is good in its own way. The sauer cabbage is used as a side dish, as an independent dish, is used as a component for individual dishes (salads, soups, etc.). Cabbage contains useful substances for the body in a huge amount, which are stored in it throughout the entire shelf life. What is contained in sauerkraut? When doctors recommend drinking juice ...


In the 3-liter bank pouring brine (1 liter of water 2 tanks with a slide salt, boil and cool) laid cabbage with a grated carrot laying into the jar, I will flash the brine to be on top of two days, you can make punctacles several times, then In the refrigerator and you can eat. Very simple and tasty, it turns out a crispy. Bank put in a plate, the juice runs down a little.

I forgot to write that when a foam appears, you need to pierce the cabbage (I do a long knife), as if turning. It's not a crust of bread in banks, it is needed only at the time of fermentation. Caprakes turned out to be delicious, oxygen needed, if you immediately Slow, then air for fermentation will not be enough, or will have to pick it up several times on several times in a saucepan.

teach the cabbage to pick up !!! Please!


Cabbage shinkuchka (take winter varieties, it is then not soft, it turns out) - on the 3-liter jar goes about 4 kg, 1-2 carrots on a large grater. All this is mixed with salt so that it is saltota. All this is tightly stuck in the jar, if the juice is not enough, then tighten the boiled winding water. We hold three times at room temperature. Without a lid, in order to leave the hydrogen sulfide, with the same purpose every day, several times pierce the cabbage with a knife to the bottom of the can and hesitate. And try. As soon as you enjoy, clean it in the refrigerator. Everything.

carrot grate on a large grater, salting (I do not remember exactly, on the eyes).
All this business is well messed with hands and under a press for a couple of days.
Then remove the press, it's deep enough to remove, make such holes deep, that B bittering went out, cover with Mellovka and still stand so a couple of days, periodically bursting. Everything seems to.
But in my opinion it is still not possible to pick up, so-called. Indoiest days. Looking in November somewhere, it is necessary to clarify the parents, so if necessary, tomorrow I will say. Or maybe some of the girls know :)
Good luck!

due to the culinary impotence protracted over the measure, I ask for help. Share the skills, secrets and receptions in the easier cabbage. What are you quasite, in what dish? Do I need to strongly "jump" with your hands, a lot of morkers? When how and what to pushing it and when to clean in the refrigerator.


you unfortunately did not eat :(, but Quach and really tasty :). I'm just dragging from the process :) somehow wrote here, it seems last year, I will find a refill, I will kill.
Sugar is not put, square in an enameled bucket.

Not at all, I am not jamping, cutting, preventing carrots, on the 4-liter pan tightly naked already finished cut cabbage - 3 large carrots. I laugh in 1 liter of cold water 3 table. Spoons of salt without a slide and pour with this brine of the cabbage, under the oppression of the day at 3 warm, then piercing the wooden stick several times, as it will stop bubble, we shift into the cans and in the refrigerator.

I ask for a request, throw in me a recipe, tested, salty cabbage, anything, I don't want to buy my grandmothers, I want my own, and I can, eggplant, I can, but a lot of things, but I don't know the cappust of proportions: ((((Inese all the prematched grateful.


quake cabbage on the usual recipe, not a salad, even early, after 2-3 weeks you can. If you are interested in the ratio (ready after 3 days), then tomorrow I will throw off.

In the sense, sauerkraut? I'll try to write, only I have a proportion very proven time and, therefore, in the expressions of my great-grandmothers :)
Cabbage to salting is only winter varieties (as a rule, "glory", she has not yet arrived on sale, will be by the end of October). On the bucket of the chipped cabbage, a large bowl of grated carrot (2.5 deep plates) and 2 coaststore salt (grinding No. 1). If the salt is simple, small, then it must be smaller, approximately 1.5 handstones. Salt should not be iodized! All this is mixed on the table, do not rub too hands. Amateurs add 2 more cups of cranberries. Then move in a bucket (enamelled), close gauze, pushing your hands to spoke and press the cargo (if there is no special circle, then a large plate with a can of water from above). Let stand in the kitchen for 3 days, 2 times a day should be pushing it to the bottom in several places (to close the door before the procedure, as the smell of 2 day is already very small :)). Then put it on the balcony, having previously tried the juice: it should be sour. If not - let it last :) In principle, it is possible for 5 days, but the real readiness of the cabbage takes place after 3 weeks when all biochemical processes are completed.

Human intestine: what is happening in it because of antibiotics and preservatives


And according to TV, there was a lot of transmission about the benefits and dangers of home yogurt. Therefore, in the store I buy an ordinary yogurt without additives and mix it with berries in a blender. Just, only a child doesn't love this

Many thanks for the article! I recoup the purchased yogurts periodically, although I know that the benefits of them in comparison with homemade is very small ... And now it is generally finally assured that you need to start cooking!

8 reasons to use juice sauerkraut

1) Summer cabbage and its juice - a real storehouse of vitamins: a good dose of vitamin C, vitamins of group B, vitamin K and very rare and valuable vitamin U, known as methylmethionine. Rich these products and minerals: iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iodine, potassium, phosphorus and others. With proper frowning, all vitamins are preserved, and the proceeding process itself additionally enriches the product with organic acids (dairy and acetic). 2) in the process of roding are formed ...


It seems to be a gas-forming cabbage .... I wonder, maybe there is no sauna, since it forms bacteria that suppress pathogenic microflora, a good article, a lot of useful learned for yourself.

I did not know that the sauna cabbage is so useful! Arriving to the grandmother to visit guests always refused to take it to the hotel. Preferred salads from fresh vegetables. I thought they were more benefit. Thank you! Live and learn!

Sauer cabbage for women

This is not only a food product, but a medicine with a bed that helps get rid of many diseases, strengthen immunity and improve appearance. Due to the large amount of cabbage fiber, increased gas formation can cause, but can neutralize this effect by using cabbage juice. Cabbage juice has long been treated by many diseases, among which diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the upper respiratory tract, skin, avitaminosis. And beauties to this day actively apply cabbage juice ...


And I, on the contrary, preferred fresh cabbage salad. With vegetable oil, carrots, greens. I thought in such a combination would be the greatest benefit. Now I realized that the sauna cabbage is also able to benefit the body and my appearance.

Wow, I did not know that you can lose weight from the cabbage juice, interestingly) I adore cabbage, I know that it is very useful for immunity, because in the cabbage a lot of vitamin C, and it turns out that it is useful In general, for the whole organism and beauty.

10001As I ask the recipe for a quashed cabbage, but I know what they gave and more than once, but I actively shove them somewhere, delicious and crunchy. I do not rush to the links. And also marinate cabbage and quickly cry


I am salt in a three-liter bank for a long-standing recipe. There is always an excellent crisp cabbage. Everything is very simple. Cut cabbage and cut carrots. For example, I love it to be more cut into, but the whole thing is taste. Next, the salt cabbage to taste and a little many times before the formation of juice. Tightly scoring the bank. On top of the cabbage pour a tablespoon of honey and fill with boiling water (how much will fit, it usually climbs a little :)) We leave for 3 days at room temperature, twice a day I pierce the knife. After 3 days, the cabbage is ready.

for a crunch, it is very important that salt is not iodized, we are roaring it (salt) in a frying pan, iodine flying and when heated is heated. but this is if a bucket and saline more, and if the pot on "quickly eat" then you can not steam

Friends Tell me the recipe for the best in your life of the sauming cabbage, pliz. For some reason, I wanted, I didn't understand this chapel for 35 years, but now I want it (not pregnant))). All that in the store has tried - well, Fu (((


thank you friends))) I will try the recipe for a ficus - exclusively because of the small amount of salt. She, I keep water in the body (((

i wonder if the mixture of olive herbs add, what will happen?))

Standard recipe (always do it):
10 kg cabbage
200 - 500 g of carrots
250 gr Sali (stone, not iodized)
Choise, to change, put under the oppression, put it in heat. When bubbles go - pushing a thin wooden stick. When bubbles stop - it means cabbage ready, you need to clean it in the cold.
Sometimes you can add 25 gr seeds of cumin or dill in the cabbage - they prevent excessive fermentation.
Cranberry, lingonberries, apples prefer to put on the finished cabbage before serving on the table.

It's time to pick up cabbage. Blog of user awesome on 7Y.Ru

Cabbage with us this year at the cottage grew gorgeous. The seedlings gave me a neighbor, I planted it, and the whole cabbage passed on without too much effort. Grandmas-neighbors who go to each other to drink tea through my plot, my efforts rated)) Winter this year has been undergoing, November it is abnormally warm. The searched cabbage lay in the house at the cottage, while I last weekend finally did not decide that it was time to pick up cabbage, cover roses and clematis, sow a carrot under the winter. Today cappist ...

Preparation of seed vegetables to landing.

The quality of seeds plays an extraordinarily significant importance for growing a large and high-quality harvest of vegetable crops in optimal terms. Mandatory requirement that the composition of seeds was one variety, at least 90% of the germination and absolutely non-various impurities of other cultures. The role of culture ripening time. Take, for example: Early cabbage landed according to the rules of 50-60 centimeters in a bent and 30-40 centimeters between plants. It reaches ripeness in 60-70 days ...

Sooner or later, it happens almost with any woman.

Cabbage pie :) For dough: 250 gr. Curd (any fatness) 125 gr. Creamy oil (room temperature) 2 eggs 1 tbsp. Sugar 2 cups of flour 1 h. Support baking powder + 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. Milk (for fault) for filling: 1 kg. Cabbage 10-15 gr. Creamy oil 4 eggs to boil dill 1. Cabbage is smallly chopping, fill out, bring to a boil, reduce the fire and leave for 25-30 minutes to prepare under the lid. 2. Cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and softened oil well mix up ...

Do you make seasonal workpieces?.

Survey from user jasmin Autumn blanks Do you make seasonal blanks? No, what do you get driven? Vegetables fruit berries Mushrooms are still something :) Current results Other polls Polls on the site


specifically for speakers;)
cabbage is our sauna :)
we take a white cabbage, shining and many, add carrots incented large. We fold tightly 3l. Bank and pour this number of brine (6 cups of cold water, 2 tbsp. Salt spoons). We leave for 2 days at room temperature, periodically pushing the fork. After 2 days, we drain the brine, add 100 grams of sugar, boil, remove the foam and pour back to the jar, right on the cabbage. When cool - you can already eat. I have stored in the honey or on the balcony. At least effort and tasty :)

this year, probably for the first time, I have so masculously happened to cook something for further eating :) Apparently because there will still be a storage room with a rack;)
at the moment we have 18 liters ledge (hello recipe from Culinary Culinary)
4 liters of cabbage for two recipes from mom
and 2 liters of jam + 3 liter compote from apples thanks to charlie;)
oh, I also remembered, having a kilogram of dried tomato, who were more appropriate in a gram jar at 300-400 :) Strange thing. I also tried for the first time.
and you?

Saturday spreads. Menumshka user blog on 7Y.Ru

I am preparing cold snacks for the weekend for a week. This is our favorite recipes for adults and children, and for unexpected guests, and for a festive table. Baked Bulgarian pepper 12 large peppers Juice of Lemon Halves 1 tsp Salts 1 tbsp. Sugar 3 tbsp. Olive oil peppers bake at the maximum temperature in the oven for about 20 minutes (until it is started to darken). Hold, put in the package, close tightly and leave up to a complete cooling. To come from the skin, carefully pull out the middle, collecting ...

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I am usually cabbage-carrot liner, salt there, sugar, spices (pepper peas and laurel). Male cabbage well, all stirred, folded into the enameled / glass / trees -anne veduce, covered the cloth and under the oppression of it, at room temperature. Daily rod roded, skewed cabbage, so that the air came out and day after 3-4 it was possible. The cons of this method is the absence of proportions and long-term expectation :))) about the proportions this time quite sefilate, it seems like ...


Last year here was given "Babushkin Recipe"
Very sensible and technological.
I always waited for him, so it seems to me.

No "mine" cabbage. Hands should also be careful. Cabbage juice with salt - just a rattling mix for them!

Cabbage with carrot bold.
Making pickles:
2.25 liters of water 125 gr. Salt. Salt salt (I boil for this, but only then you need to cool down). Then you take a handful of cabbage with two hands, dip it into the water, and do not squeeze the hands to squeeze the brine. On the contrary, it is necessary that he "the flavor" is all cabbage.
And laid in the container for the solka (better than an enameled thread).
When the whole cabbage is processed, plunge on top of the oppression and leave warm for 3-4 days before readiness. Each day to remove the oppression, pour cabbage in several. Places to release mustard gas, and again under the oppression.

By readiness to shift into the bank - both in the refrigerator.

In fact, beautiful cabbage comes out. And crisp and moderately soft ...
And prepares - it does not happen easier.

Thank you very much to those who gave a recipe. Just light at the end of the tone.
And the fact that for the way: "Manty to give juice." Here, sorry who believes. It seems to someone that the juice is already given, and someone who needs to might and mive ...

sugar seems to be added to the rocky

Cabbage contains tartronic acid, which inhibits the transformation in the body of carbohydrates into fats. Finally, cabbage is rich in fiber, which favorably acts on the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to the removal of cholesterol from the body. Preparing cabbage dishes - salads, soups, etc., it should be remembered that as a result of the content of the active substances, the cabbage contributes to the blown of the abdomen and the meteorism, which is deprived of a sauerkraut in which vitamin C is contained almost as much as in Lemon. The sauer cauldron is called "Northern Lemon". The dosage and dietary value of the sauerkraut is due to the fact that when the cabbage is saved, some of the vitamins (C, B2, PP) and other bioactive compounds switch to the saline solution. According to many professionals, the pickled cabbage brine is even more useful than the cabbage itself. For example, regular treatment of heat ...

In antiquity with fires fought with the help of bugs, shovel, hooks and buckets - means, to put it mildly, not too efficient. Modern citizens are available to more technological ways of salvation from the fire, nevertheless we remember about them most often when it is too late.

Bed :-) The mother-in-law went to the "cruise", but promised to arrive at return with the inspection - try our sauer cabbage. And I sowed a piece of paper with her recipe: - (((((Before the return of mother-in-law, the week was left. Sauce! :-)))


My recipe for 2.5-3 kg cabbage is 1 liter of brine (2 tbsp. Sali, 1 tbsp. Sugar, 1 tbsp. Dill seeds), 300 g of carrots, mix with carrots, tumble in Pan or in a jar, pour hot brine. If in a saucepan - under the oppression, if in the bank, to push the jar with a holey kapron lid into the bank. It's more often to pierce the cabbage to the cabbage, so that bubbles come out, then it will not be very impressed. Ready in a couple of days. For some reason, I do not boil from the hot brine, crustes

10/25/2001 12:09:41, Nata * Sha

Help me please! I love stewed cabbage, and she does not want to get it in anything. So I'm sitting on Kochan again and I think how to defeat it.

Hot time for cabbage saving - September-October. Cabbage is poured by juice to this point, finally ready for the processes of canning and salting. In winter, sauerkraut is the most pleasant and vitamin product that can offer us a garden and its good harvest.

What is good sauerkraut?

Pluses from sauerkraut - the sea. And the main advantage of it is not at all that it is possible to save the exhausted yield of cabbage to the winter and spring. At one time, the sauer cabbage saved from zingi and other diseases associated with the fall of immunity, many nations.

Sauer cabbage, in addition to the large content of vitamin C in it, has a huge number of other useful vitamins, trace elements. For example, vitamin B6 in it helps food rather assimilated. Obviously, in winter, nutritionists are happy to prescribe a sauer cabbage to their patients as a side dish to protein meat and fish dishes.

Nicotinic acid contained in the sauerkraut stimulates hair growth, improves their condition, strengthens the nails, helps to normalize the operation of the internal tissues and organs of the human body.

In addition to multiple vitamins in the sauerkraut, minerals are present, the most important for life support and maintain normal health in humans, such as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium and others.

The dietrooms are focused on a large amount of fiber in it, for low caloric content of the product (the most interesting thing is that fresh cabbage, and more calorie, than sauer), and even for the presence of valuable tartanic acid, which blocks the conversion of food into subcutaneous fat.

So from all sides, sauerkraut is suitable for food to all family members, not only saturate, and still improves. Therefore, the whole fresh cabbage, which was not eaten for lunchs in the fall, should be frown on the shustroma and do not regret it for it, since in the winter thanks themselves for this work.

Favorite recipes for making salty, and more precisely by sauerkraut in all owners a lot. These tips will be pleased, most likely beginner hostess. But they can adjust the actions in the kitchen of experienced.

The most delicious sauerkraut is always in a wooden barrel or a tub. Alas, today there is such a row today, because in the absence of the best chamoker in enameled dishes or in glass. It is not worth a charm in plastic, and in no case cannot be caught in a cabbage in an aluminum container, since its walls in contact with acid can be distinguished in it harmful elements.

Keep track of the amount of salt at Zapvask. The lack of salt makes it a soft, non-crispy, and if the salt is too much, it will give the cabbage not that taste, and useful lactic acid bacteria with an overlapping salt of cabbage salts are lost.

The most rational amount of salt for every 10 kilograms of cabbage will be 200 grams, no more. Do not rub all the cabbage to Zakvask. Draw some kind of souls, quantity and put them between the chopped cabbage layers. By the way, in such quarters and halves, and in general, the small kochene of the sauerkraut contains a larger amount of vitamins, rather than in sliced.

Do not rinse the cabbage before meals. You wash off most of the vitamins. Just slightly press and put in a plate as you need. It is possible to extinguish with sauer cabbage, just keep in mind that it loses many of its useful properties. We will not say that her baying of vitamins and minerals contained in it generally kills.

Checked way to break cabbage in brine

Personal recipe for kale in brine (for many years I prepare for the winter cabbage only and in any way differently - readers, of course, can take advantage of its recipes from the roasted cabbage).

It takes about 2 kg of cabbage to each three-liter glass jar (late, which is suitable for canning), a pair of carrots, 3 laurels leafy, cumin, chopped garlic, black pepper peas, but without them.

Separately prepares brines. In every one and a half liters of water (just somewhere on the jar), 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt are added. Salt not iodized! The brine must be boiled and cool to room temperature.

Cabbage is chopped by a convenient method, marching the carrot on a large grater. Cabbage and carrots with chopped garlic, tmin, laurel, pepper should be mixed neatly. You do not need to eat cabbage!

Cabbage is shifted in a jar. It is not necessary to put it on it. Slightly tamper and fill with the cooled brine to the very top. Cover the jar and put in a plate or a baske table on the kitchen table. The plate is needed that the juice flowing out of the cans during the fermentation of cabbage has not poured onto the table.

On the cabbage table should stand 2-3 days. The optimal temperature in the room for its preparation is 20 degrees. With heat and cold cabbage is bad. After 3 days, close the cabbage with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator. Cabbage can be khata in a large enameled basin (without a blowing!), Also bay it completely brine, and then shifting on glass cans when it gets ready.

Sauer cabbage is one of the favorite dishes in every family, especially in winter. Often we wonder: how to make a sauer cabbage? Many people think that for this you will need a barrel or trough, but, for sure, every hostess has a big saucepan - here it will be perfect.

Be sure to thin the cabbage - it will only benefit from this dish, and thoroughly overtake with salt - men's hands will not interfere with you.

How much can sleep cabbage?

When cooking sauerkraut in a traditional recipe, the time for fermentation is 3-5 days in the warm room, then the cabbage is exposed to the cold. If you want to taste fast sauer cabbage, then try the recipe with hot marinade. In this case, cabbage will be ready to use in a few hours.

How to cook sauer cabbage?

The sauerkraut recipe is very easy and fast. I advise you to purchase a batch, the thing is always useful in the farm, and not only for the preparation of sauerkraut, but for cutting any other vegetables.


  • white cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 30 g


Cabbage and carrots lie or cut into small straws. Perelete with salt, add sugar. Fold in a saucepan, the best enameled, and put under the gilt for 5 days. Sange into several places in several places with a knife or a wooden wand, so that the accumulating gases come out and remove the foam on top, which the bacteria is distinguished. It is necessary to keep a saucepan in a warm place to speed up the fermentation process. Five days later, the cabbage should turn out to be sweet and crispy. Before serving on the table, fill with vegetable oil and fine-sliced \u200b\u200bgreen onions.

Sauer cabbage with apples

Traditionally, the cabbage go various additives: carrots, cranberries, apples, beets. You can make a sauer cabbage with apples, adding 3-4 apple when sickling at a calculation of 1.5 kg of cabbage. Apples will need to be pre-wash and, clearing the seeds to cut into slices. Cabbage will work out sweet and will like not only adults, but also for children.

Sauer cabbage with beet

When adding beets to sauerkraut, you will get a very beautiful salad of soft pink. And if you add garlic, you will delight the seven acute and spicy snack.


  • white cabbage - 3 kg;
  • beets - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water boiled - 1 l;
  • pepper black peas - 5 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.


Cabbage we clean from damaged leaves and cut the squares. Beets with peel and cut thin plates. We mix cabbage with beet and cooking marinade: one liter of water is heated in a saucepan, let me boil and add black pepper, salt, sugar, bay leaf. Boil on low heat for about 10 minutes. Then add vinegar and boil another minute. Fill cabbage with beet marinade, mix, put under the gilt. We stand in a warm place 3-4 days, then we shift in the bottle and send it to the fridge. You can serve as a salad, pre-locating vegetable oil.

As you can see, cook the sauer cabbage is simple, a little patience and on your table in winter will appear vitamins that are so rich this dish. The benefit from the sauerkraut is enormous: it has a strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties, contains vitamin C, B, potassium, zinc, iron, milk acid. In addition, sauerkraut is a low-calorie dish, and you can use it in cosmetology purposes if you make a face mask.

Tell me how how to quas cabbage at home? Some quiss it 3-5 days, and some ascribed by the author Natalia Dubinina The best answer is He strongly depends on temperature. This is what the Pishst Industrial Guide on this.
Cabbage bumps, mixed with salt, placed in a vessel and pressed the oppression. Then she gives it to a week at a temperature of 16 ° (from 15 ° to 20 ° - from one day to a month). Store sauer cauldron is better at a temperature close to zero, more precisely from 0 to 2 °, pre-removing the gas with a piercing or pressing so as not to be prouded.
Almost how she stopped boulling, then ready.

Answer from Choir[guru]
depends on temperature. I will define readiness to taste. When a week stands when 3-5 days.

Answer from able-bodied[guru]
Cabbage quashen
I cut the cabbage straw, the husband of carrots passes through a rotary grater, add salt into the sliced \u200b\u200bcabbage, carrot, peer before the formation of juice, periodically trying to salt, the juice should be slightly stralee than needed. You can add Antonovka chopped with plates. All mixed in plastic large pelvis, you can (better) in the enameled bucket. As a capacity filled not reaching the edge, cm 15-20, put a large plate or cover, a jar or a water saucepan on it. Leave at room temperature, usually the next evening begins to appear foam. Here it is not lazy and regularly (3-7 times a day) by the cappist of the cabbage or can be a metal stick, removing the neut, it turns out the air from the lower layers is very active, well, the smell of the corresponding one. I usually have a cabbage for 3-5 days, the brine becomes transparent, lay out on banks and a garage basement. The mother-in-law in his house made cabbage differently, they have a big barrel in the subfield, she slandered everything there, mounted in small swings cut on halves and quantity, but there is a completely different cabbage to taste, it salts at a different temperature.
In the sauced cabbage before serving, it is possible to add a little sugar - very much improves the taste, well, and the lounge, crunette, oil and who is accustomed.
Cabbage sauna in the bank
My recipe is simple - a tire cabbage, and Tver's carrots on a grater, snatching a 5-liter jar and pour boiling brine in the proportion: 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. Spoon of croup. Salts and 1 tbsp. spoon sah. Sand. I pour brine so that it covers the cabbage.
I put the jar in a plate to be where to merge juice. On the trail. day singeling der. A shovel and almost on the 3rd day of cabbage is ready.
Sugar can be replaced with honey.

Answer from chevron[newcomer]
thanks for the advice.

Answer from Daria Samson[guru]
You can see here:
in detail and accessible, what for what, and how it all deliciously do it.

Answer from Maxi[guru]
3-5 days of cabbage will be quas, if it is in small quantities (for example, in a 3-liter bank) pour boiling water. To do this, the shared cabbage with carrots salts, it is added to it (optional) garlic, pepper, laurel, all this folds into the container, poured boiling water and leaves for fermentation.
Traditionally, the cabbage can be quashed in a cold way, when the cabbage prepared with additives and salt is laid into the container, they are very tightly tamped, covered with a clean cloth and a wooden circle, to which t. N. Grooms (pure, covered boiling water cobblestone). The groove should be in weight in order to spoke out of cabbage juice covered it completely. Friction will really be up to 3 weeks. Periodically, in the process of fermentation on the cabbage, it is necessary to flap with cold water, a circle, a stone, clean from the spraying upper layer, if it is, to pushing the cabbage through a clean stick.
Cabbage must be taken to breed necessarily a winter grade, otherwise it will be soft and tasteless.

Answer from *** Ember ***[guru]
i'm quasha 3 days

Answer from Anna[guru]
cabbage how to put it starts to separate the juice, at this time you need to pour cabbage to the bottom with a stick (carbon dioxide comes out), and a few days later, this juice begins to "leave" and the top of the cabbage as it should be rolling .... everything, it is ready, close and closure and In the refrigerator

Answer from Irinka.[guru]
I keep the house for three days, it is impossible for a longer, otherwise it will browse! Then I back on the loggia. After a week, remove the sample!

Answer from Inga[guru]
from 3 days to a week, depending on the quantity and container. in which Solita

Answer from Oksana Vershinina[newcomer]
When laying a salt of 250 g. Per 10 kg. Cabbage (2.5%). Fernation cabbage begins for 2-3 days. Every 3-4 days to pour to the bottom to remove gases. The optimal temperature is + 18 + 20gr. Friction end in 10-12 days, depending on the volume.

Answer from Endimated cat Nataly.[guru]
Everything that wrote above is right! And the chip is what - it all depends on the volume. The greater the container in which you quasite, the longer the brewing time. If in banks - breaks quickly, in 3 days. And if a large volume (in a barrel or a saucepan of an enameled 40-liter), then up to 3 weeks you need!

Answer from Yotarushka isvergil[guru]
Who likes how. I have a week-to-one and a half in my barrel. After the balcony.
I also read that I need to keep the cabbage to keep the cabbage in October. Ideally on Thursday, new moon. Then the cabbage allegedly gets excellent!

Answer from Vera Omeleianenko[newcomer]
In glass cabbage cans, 2 days can be quas at room temperature (if more, it will be brought). It is necessary to pour 2 p per day to go out and watch the juice (brine) from above. On the 3rd day to remove in the cold place.

Proper storage of sauerkraut is a serious problem that exciting not only beginners, but also experienced owners. Make a blank for the winter - the first part of the case, the main thing, do not heat the delicious and useful products, find a great place to store.

How to store sauer cabbage

Russians have a special attitude to sauerkraut. It prepares a variety of dishes from it, although this is not the main thing. Belococcal cabbage is called "Siberian Lemon" due to the presence of a large amount of ascorbic acid. It is an indispensable product for cooking vitamin salads in winter, when the flu is dominated in the country.

Running a white vegetable on your favorite recipes, you need to decide how to keep cabbage, what conditions need to be supported. It concerns the temperature and humidity of the room, the protection of products from mold, the use of various preservatives, as well as the selection of containers.

Temperature and humidity

  1. The ideal storage temperature is considered +1 - +5 degrees. At higher indicators, it continues, although slowed down, the fermentation process, which adversely affects the taste of the Summer Vegetable.
  2. It is not bad to preserve the blank in the cold, the main thing is not to defrost it twice. Experienced hostesses recommend spreading cabbage portion.
  3. As for air humidity in the room, where there is a sauerkraut, it should be within 85-95%.

Attention! When taking into account temperature and humidity, the sauer-white vegetable can be stored 8-9 months, almost to the new crop.

Protection against mold

It is necessary to protect the bundled cabbage from the appearance of the fungus: white plaque on the surface of the workpiece and in the brine itself. Although infrequently, this problem happens when the containers are in the basement or cellar. Mold can be removed, but it will not help save saved white vegetable. There are salads dangerous, it is fraught with allergic reactions or intestinal disorders.

There are options to help avoid the appearance of fungus on the workpiece and save taste:

  • add sour berries such as cranberry and lingonberry;
  • the surface of the cabbage during the storage period to sprinkle with sugar sand or dry mustard;
  • use for the sprinkle grated root of the shred;
  • put on the sauer cabbage mustard seeds in a canvas bag.

Number of brine

When stored by sauerkraut, you need to monitor the brine above the layer of vegetables. Otherwise, the upper layer will dare and will become unsuitable for eating. If the chipped leaves are denied, it is possible to dissolve in the cooled boiled water salt and add to the container.

Attention! In order for the brine did not leave, he oppresses, after the next portion of the cabbage was taken, returns to the place.

Use of preservatives

  1. Sugar sand from time to time sprinkle the upper part of the workpiece.
  2. Acetic acid contributes to the preservation of the product, it is added quite a little bit to not spoil the natural taste of cabbage.
  3. As a preservative when stored by sauerkraut, you can use vegetable oil so that it covered the blank with a thin film.
  4. You can add more salts when you can add, but then the salad cabbage is not suitable.

Summer storage location

When the fermentation process ends, the question arises where to put the containers with the finished product so that all useful and taste qualities are preserved.

Storage in the cellar

Grandmothers were quasilled cabbage in large oak barrels and stored in the cellar. In this place, the vegetables did not freeze. The temperature and humidity of the air were just perfect.

Today, such an opportunity remained only from rural residents, and even not everyone. There is never mold and rotted in the cellar, the rodents do not fall into the room.

In the apartment on the balcony

In urban environments it is difficult to store containers with sauerkraut. After all, the temperature in it is much more ideal. Of course, in winter, the contents of the bucket or pan are freezing, but it is not scary for white-baked vegetable.

To do not get an ice cream product every time, it is enough to jumble a cabbage, then it will be easy to take it. Develop such a number of vegetable so that it can be seated within 2-3 days.

A warning! The second time the sauer cabbage should not be frozen, otherwise it will lose not only vitamins, but also a crunch.

In old houses under the window, "cold lockers" are preserved. This is a great place to store the sauer-bored vegetable for several days. In this place there is no light, the temperature and humidity of the air are ideal for storage not only cabbage, but also other billets for the winter.

Storage in plastic containers

If you need to break a small amount of white-baked products intended for fast consumption, you can use containers and buckets from edible plastic. Capacities need to be close tightly covers so that air does not flow into the products.

Important! The shelf life of cabbage in plastic containers from 3 to 6 days, no more.

Storage of sauerkraut in banks

Glass jars for storing sauerkraut for the winter - a great option. Before their use of the tank is thoroughly washed with hot water with soda, and then steamed for 15-20 minutes. During sterilization, pathogenic microflora is destroyed, so products do not deteriorate, do not lose their qualities.

How many sauer cabbage stored in the refrigerator

The storage period of sauerkraut in the refrigerator is 7-10 days in an open container. In a hermetically closed bank - about two months.

Is it possible to store sauer cabbage in warm

As already noted, warmly, it is necessary only in the first steps when fermentation occurs. It stops at a temperature of less than +10 degrees. Cabbage, which is stored in the warm room, quickly reclaims, becomes unsuitable for eating.

How to increase cabbage storage

You can extend the shelf life of cabbage using acidic berries: lingers or cranberries that are added to the workpiece. It helps a periodic slumber of sugar sand. Microorganisms over time turn it into vinegar.

If there is no optimal place to store the workpiece in winter, you can cook cabbage, which is not bad "feels" in an apartment.

In the recipe you can use honey instead of sugar sand. Ingredients are the most ordinary, 5 kg of forks will need:

  • 3 carrots;
  • 90 g salts;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • 5 laurel sheets.

Cooking order:

  1. Vegetables clean: with kochanov remove green leaves, cut the nachera. Wash carrots, clean.
  2. Forks chuck with straw, and groaning carrots on a grater with large cells.
  3. Fold the vegetables in the pelvis, add all the spices, mix well and tumble.
  4. Put a wooden circle or a wide plate. Top to put a jar or a plastic bucket with water instead of the oppression.
  5. The workpiece is left in a warm room (no more than 25 degrees) of four days for fermentation.
  6. On the fifth day - rinse liter cans hot water with soda or detergent, disappear. Then put the cabbage in them. From vegetables to the neck, there is no space of at least 3 cm.
  7. Banks need to be put in a wide saucepan, the bottom of which is covered with a towel, poured warm water. It should be not up to the top, but to the shoulders.
  8. The saucepan is put on the middle fire. When the water begins to throw, the temperature is reduced. Cook cabbage suitable for storage in the apartment, 40 minutes.
  9. Then the banks are removed and rolled with metal covers.

Sterilized sauer cabbage is stored all winter in the cabinet in the kitchen. It can be used to prepare salads, first and second dishes.

Sauer cabbage is a valuable and useful product. With it, you can diversify the winter diet of the family. But for this you need to keep the white vegetable.

Useful tips will help it:

  1. The workpiece is well kept, if the Kochans of the late and late varieties of cabbage were used for the calving, which grabbed the first frost. There is a lot of starch and sugar in such a workpiece, so the vegetable is obtained in saturated and crispy.
  2. Features of the room. In places where sauerkraut is stored, it should be cool and dark. It should be remembered that the sun's rays destroy vitamins, the vegetable darkens.
  3. In tanks that are stored at a temperature of +1 - +5 degrees over chosen vegetables should always be brine. Otherwise, the top layer of cabbage will be unusable, it will have to throw it away.
  4. Preparation of containers. It is clear that any utensil should be clean, sterile. On how to prepare banks to lay the vegetable for storage, has already been said. If pancakes or barrels are used, you can resort to a grandmother's method. In the pre-washed capacity, the twigs of the honeysuckle or dill are poured and poured with boiling water. Grandmothers still heated stones and threw them in a barrel.
  5. Top covered with a lid. Both dill and honeysuckle destroy the pathogenic microflora. In such a dishes, sauerkraut is stored perfectly, not covered with mold.
  6. Choosing a capacity for chairs. When using enameled dishes, it should be aware that chips and cracks not only reduce the storage time, but also adversely affect the quality of products.
  7. Aluminum pots for chairs are not suitable, as they are oxidized. As a result, the preserved products become dangerous for life.
  8. Plastic containers. You need to choose containers designed to store food. Plastic, in contact with the acid, can highlight harmful impurities.

A warning! Billets for the winter that were stored in improper conditions is better not to eat, there is a risk of poisoning.


Storage of sauerkraut - the care of each mistress. The quality of the workpiece for the winter, therefore, the health of households depends on the choice of the method and location of storage.

Sauer cabbage is one of the favorite dishes in every family, especially in winter. Often we wonder: how to make a sauer cabbage? Many people think that for this you will need a barrel or trough, but, for sure, every hostess has a big saucepan - here it will be perfect.

Be sure to thin the cabbage - it will only benefit from this dish, and thoroughly overtake with salt - men's hands will not interfere with you.

How much can sleep cabbage?

When cooking sauerkraut in a traditional recipe, the time for fermentation is 3-5 days in the warm room, then the cabbage is exposed to the cold. If you want to taste fast sauer cabbage, then try the recipe with hot marinade. In this case, cabbage will be ready to use in a few hours.

How to cook sauer cabbage?

The sauerkraut recipe is very easy and fast. I advise you to purchase a batch, the thing is always useful in the farm, and not only for the preparation of sauerkraut, but for cutting any other vegetables.


  • white cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 30 g


Cabbage and carrots lie or cut into small straws. Perelete with salt, add sugar. Fold in a saucepan, the best enameled, and put under the gilt for 5 days. Sange into several places in several places with a knife or a wooden wand, so that the accumulating gases come out and remove the foam on top, which the bacteria is distinguished. It is necessary to keep a saucepan in a warm place to speed up the fermentation process. Five days later, the cabbage should turn out to be sweet and crispy. Before serving on the table, fill with vegetable oil and fine-sliced \u200b\u200bgreen onions.

Sauer cabbage with apples

Traditionally, the cabbage go various additives: carrots, cranberries, apples, beets. You can make a sauer cabbage with apples, adding 3-4 apple when sickling at a calculation of 1.5 kg of cabbage. Apples will need to be pre-wash and, clearing the seeds to cut into slices. Cabbage will work out sweet and will like not only adults, but also for children.

Sauer cabbage with beet

When adding beets to sauerkraut, you will get a very beautiful salad of soft pink. And if you add garlic, you will delight the seven acute and spicy snack.


  • white cabbage - 3 kg;
  • beets - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water boiled - 1 l;
  • pepper black peas - 5 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.


Cabbage we clean from damaged leaves and cut the squares. Beets with peel and cut thin plates. We mix cabbage with beet and cooking marinade: one liter of water is heated in a saucepan, let me boil and add black pepper, salt, sugar, bay leaf. Boil on low heat for about 10 minutes. Then add vinegar and boil another minute. Fill cabbage with beet marinade, mix, put under the gilt. We stand in a warm place 3-4 days, then we shift in the bottle and send it to the fridge. You can serve as a salad, pre-locating vegetable oil.

As you can see, cook the sauer cabbage is simple, a little patience and on your table in winter will appear vitamins that are so rich this dish. The benefit from the sauerkraut is enormous: it has a strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties, contains vitamin C, B, potassium, zinc, iron, milk acid. In addition, sauerkraut is a low-calorie dish, and you can use it in cosmetology purposes if you make a face mask.