How to color eggs in onion peel. How to color eggs with onion husks

16.09.2019 Fish dishes

The bright Easter holiday and the whole week after it is impossible without eggs painted in different colors.

Since ancient times, our ancestors came up with different ways of painting them. The most common, perhaps, is - in onion peel.

Since onions come in many forms, their husks also have color differences. Use this feature to give the eggs shades and even patterns.


  • onion peel;
  • eggs
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cheesecloth;
  • elastic bands, threads;
  • lace trim;
  • any greens, flower petals that you find in the house.

  The classic way to stain eggs with onion husks

Fold the onion husks in a pan and pour cold water so that there is a third of the free space in it.

Boil over medium heat for 40-50 minutes, so that the water acquires a dark saturated hue. You can use ready-made boiling water, then reduce the cooking time to a quarter of an hour.

Remove the eggs from the refrigerator for at least an hour so that they do not burst or stain during cooking. Dip them in hot onion solution and salt it. Enough one tablespoon of salt for 3 liters of boiling water.

Cook the eggs over low heat for 10-15 minutes and periodically turn them so that their color is as uniform as possible.

Remove the finished eggs into the bowl and fill with cold water. After cooling, wipe them with a dry towel and spread with vegetable oil. So they will get a beautiful shine.

  Variations with drawings for coloring eggs in onion husks

To diversify your favorite Easter treats, color the eggs with the help of improvised tools in the same onion peel.

  • After wetting the egg and roll in dry rice, carefully wrap it in gauze and cook until tender.
  • Cut the paper in different shapes and stick to a dry egg, after moistening it in water. Where the paper sticks in one layer, the color will turn out darker, where in two or more - lighter.
  • Place the leaves of parsley, cilantro, leek around the egg and wrap in gauze. Cook until tender in onion peel. Instead of greenery, trimmings of lace fabric are also suitable. So the pattern on the eggs will be even more interesting.
  • Similarly, wrap raw eggs with rubber bands or reel of thread and go cook in hot onion solution. After cooling the eggs, unwind them and either leave as it turned out.

  Funny stripes on Easter eggs stained with onion husks

A simple but time-consuming way to stain eggs. For him, they should be placed vertically, that is, “on the pope”.

  • Place eggs in a pan.
  • Add the finished onion broth to a third of the container.
  • Boil with eggs for 5-7 minutes.
  • Add a third of the onion peel decoction.
  • Repeat cooking for 3-4 minutes.
  • Pour in the dark liquid so that it completely covers the eggs.
  • Hold on fire for 2 minutes and lay eggs.
  • After cooling, they will delight you with vertical stripes of different colors.

Coloring Easter eggs with onion husks is one of the oldest and easiest ways.In addition to simple coloring, such eggs can be additionally decorated - apply a beautiful plant pattern. Of course it will take time, but the result is worth it - an ordinary painted egg with the help of simple manipulations turns into a real Easter souvenir - mysterious painted eggs. Here I will also talk about what natural dyes, in addition to onion peels, can be used for coloring. I also have advice for those who have absolutely no time to do this - a modern and simplified way to decorate Easter eggs with heat film.

Easter recipes:

  • How to cook
  • How to bake real
  • How to bake simple
  •   grain and seeds

You will need:

  • raw eggs
  • onion peel
  • plant leaves
  • kapron stocking
  • threads

Natural dyes for Easter eggs:

Red brown   color gives onion peel - pour eggs with husk in cold water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Remove from the broth and fill with cold water. For a brighter color, you can cool in a decoction.
Green   the color can be obtained using spinach (fresh or frozen) - chop the spinach with a knife, pour cold water with the eggs, cook for 30 minutes, leave in the broth until it cools, you can overnight.
Blue   we get the color using red cabbage - for 1 liter of water, take 2 small heads of red cabbage and 6 tbsp 9% vinegar. Finely chop the cabbage, pour hot water, add vinegar. In this composition, immerse the cooked eggs and leave for a couple of hours. To get a deeper color, eggs are best left overnight.
Saturated blue   blueberries give color - just boil the eggs in a saturated blueberry broth.
Yellow - per 1 liter of water 3 tbsp. turmeric powder - cook for 30 minutes, cool in a decoction.

In order to make the pattern on the eggs beautiful, use small leaves with an uneven edge, you can take parsley or dill.

In addition to the leaves of plants, you can use flowers, moreover, not only “flat” - violets or lilacs, but also voluminous - shaggy chrysanthemums, chamomiles.
  You can wrap the eggs with thread or lace - you get beautiful stripes and curls.
  Eggs, wrapped before cooking in a plastic net in which they sell fruit, look great.
  You can cover the eggs with rice - dip the egg in water, and then immediately into a plate with dry rice - roll as it should, grains stick, then tie with stocking or gauze so that the grains of rice hold tight, and cook in onion broth. You can also get a pattern with peas - you get large dots.
  A very interesting pattern is given by pitted olives cut into rings.
Boil a couple of dozen quail eggs in onion husks, along with chicken eggs they will look very touching.

The process of coloring eggs with onion husks:

Cut the kapron stocking into squares (10x10) so that the egg is placed in it. Moisten a leaf with water and stick to the front of the raw egg shell. Spread the edges. Tightly tighten the egg with the leaf stocking and tie a thread. Trim the excess stocking. Prepare all eggs for painting in the same way.

Put onion peel - 2-3 handfuls on the bottom of the pan. Lay eggs on top. Cover the eggs with husks (2-3 handfuls). The larger the husk, the darker the color of the finished painted egg will be. Pour cold water over everything, put the pan on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. Boil the eggs for 10-15 minutes, then remove them with a spoon from the pan, transfer to a bowl and fill with cold water. Cut and remove the stocking and grass from the egg. Dry the eggs with a towel and wipe with a cotton pad slightly moistened with vegetable oil - this will give them a shine.

The easiest modern way to decorate Easter eggs is to put on a thermal film. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the size of the egg, because the film will not fit on a very large egg, but on a small egg it will collect at the edges. Cut the film along the cut line, put it on   boiled egg, put the egg in a spoon and dip in boiling water. As soon as the film fits tightly on the egg, remove it. Done!

In my opinion, this method only two flaws - does not develop imagination at all, kills the creative component of an important pre-Easter action, and then the egg is very difficult to clean. However, it is really simple, fast and harmless.
Tip: do not use thermal film with the image of the face of the Savior, the Virgin or the saints, because in a couple of days together with the shell all this will go to the trash. Respect the sacred images and choose a thermal film with a floral, floral or traditional Russian painting.

Colored eggs   among those who have faith in Christ, they have always served as a symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus, and with it purification in the name of a new better life. Giving each other Easter eggs, Christians profess faith in the Resurrection from the dead. If the Resurrection of Christ had not happened, then, as the Apostle Paul teaches, a new faith would have no foundation and price, it would be in vain. The Orthodox symbolism of the Easter egg has its roots in the millennial traditions of the religions of many peoples of the world. At the same time, in Orthodoxy, she receives a significant semantic addition: easter egg - this is   a symbol of bodily recreation in Christ, a symbol of the jubilant joy of the Resurrection from the dead, the victory of Life over death.

Happy Easter! Christ is risen! Truly risen!

  Short recipe.

You will need:

  • raw eggs
  • onion peel
  • plant leaves
  • kapron stocking
  • threads

Moisten a leaf with water and stick to the shell with the front side. Spread the edges. Cut the kapron stocking into squares (10x10) so that the egg is placed in it. Tightly tighten the egg with a stocking and tie it with a thread. Prepare all eggs for painting in the same way. Put onion peel - 2-3 handfuls on the bottom of the pan. Lay eggs on top. Cover the eggs with husks (2-3 handfuls). The larger the husk, the darker the color of the finished painted egg will be. Pour cold water over everything, put the pan on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. Boil the eggs for 10-15 minutes, then remove them with a spoon from the pan, transfer to a bowl and fill with cold water. Cut and remove the stocking and grass from the egg. Dry the eggs with a towel and wipe with a cotton pad slightly moistened with vegetable oil. This will give them shine.

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Dear friends, on the eve of the upcoming holidays, I want to tell you how to paint eggs in onion husks for Easter. This method is the most reliable: the eggs are beautiful brownish, as if velvet, and the protein of the peeled eggs is completely white, without any hint of paint. Moreover, onion peel is a natural dye, it does not cause concern, like multi-colored paints that are sold in stores. Onion peel is found in everyone in the house.

To get enough of it, it’s enough just some time before Easter (3-6 weeks - it depends on the amount of onion consumed by your family), while peeling the onion, do not throw away the husk. Painting eggs with onion husks is a fairly simple, but exciting activity, children especially love it and will be happy to help you in this matter. And how to paint eggs in onion husks, I’ll tell you now.


  • 1 large handful of onion peel (in a free state it occupies a volume of 1.5 l);
  • 7-10 chicken eggs;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to paint eggs in onion husks for Easter:

Peeling the onion, remove the dry husk and carefully sort it out. If there are areas with a damaged inner layer, we discard them. Carefully put the selected dry husk in a plastic bag, and on the eve of Easter we get everything that we have collected and ... we begin to worship.

First, put the onion husks on a colander and wash with running water.

Put the husk in a 2 liter pan. Pour 1 liter of cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 12-15 minutes. After 5-6 minutes after the start of boiling, the broth will get a beautiful brown color (but in order to keep the color steady, we don’t stop cooking.)

Then we filter the broth through a colander into another pan (in which we will boil the eggs). And set aside to cool - if you immediately begin to paint the eggs and dip them in hot water, they may burst.

While the broth of the onion husks (this is, in fact, the paint) cools down, we prepare the eggs.

Wash the eggs thoroughly. Wash off dirt, adhering particles. Carefully remove the colored markings with a brush (from eggs bought in the store).

In a cooled broth of onion peel, carefully lower the eggs. We make sure that the eggs do not hit each other - otherwise, during cooking, they may burst in this place. The eggs must be completely covered with liquid so that the color occurs evenly.

If suddenly some of the eggs protrude from the liquid, add a little cold water or transfer the eggs to another pan, where there would be less empty space between them, they would be denser adjoining each other - then less liquid is needed to completely cover them.

Bring the pot with eggs to a boil and cook for 10 minutes with a slight boil.

Then we take out the eggs, transfer to a bowl or pan and fill with cold water. Hold for 2 minutes under running water, and then just stand for 8-10 minutes in cold water. Then we remove the eggs from the water, put it on a plate and let stand until it cools completely.

A decoction of onion husks can be used again for coloring eggs. Eggs painted in such a decoction will be the same color as the first batch.

Before Holy Sunday, everyone begins to think: what is the best way to paint eggs. Of course, there are many dyes and other devices that will help to make a bright Easter egg. However, I do not really trust chemicals. Today I will tell you about the grandmother's method: now I always paint eggs with onion husks, maybe you will like it. In this article I will describe 12 technologies of the Easter recipe for painting and decorating eggs. So, let's look at products that are useful to us, and each of the methods of coloring.


  • eggs (quantity as needed);
  • rice groats - 1 bowl;
  • buckwheat - 1 plate;
  • millet - 1 plate;
  • onion peel - 50 grams;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • olives - a few pieces;
  • leaves of dill, parsley, various flowers.

What kind of eggs should be painted for Easter

In order for the pysanka to turn out not only bright, but also tasty, it is necessary to select and prepare chicken eggs correctly. So here are some guidelines.

  1. Eggs are best taken from the refrigerator in advance: about an hour before cooking: in this way they will acquire room temperature.
  2. Next, proceed to washing the eggs. To do this, use a tap with running water, soap and a brush: this is necessary to remove grease and dirt from the surface of the product: as a result, the Easter egg will turn out to be more saturated in color.

We paint eggs with onion husks. Step by step recipe

In order to create a wide variety of colored eggs in onion peel, the following blanks should be performed.

  1. For the first method, we need rice groats. We take an egg, soak it in water and envelop in rice. After, neatly, wrap in a mesh so as not to knock down the grains. When I paint the eggs, I take the usual nylon tights and cut them into medium squares so that I can completely capture the Easter egg. The ends of the stocking are tied with a strong thread.
  2. Method number 2. Buckwheat is used for this method. Technology coincides with the previous option. We wet the egg, envelop in buckwheat and wrap it in a stocking. Thus, the pattern is more massive.
  3. Method number 3. We are doing the same thing, only with millet.
  4. For the following options, we need fresh leaves. So, first we take a small sprig of parsley and soak in water. Next, apply to the surface of the egg and smooth all the edges. The leaf should ideally lie on the shell. We wrap a stocking so that it does not get lost in boiling water.
  5. For the next option, you need to take a sprig of dill. Dip the krashenka in water and glue the leaf. We cover with a capron and tie.
  6. The krashenka looks very beautiful if you attach a sprig of coniferous tree. Attach it follows the above method.
  7. You can specially cut the stencil from waterproof material and, just like that, stick to the egg.
  8. To give an original white pattern, use a regular stationery elastic: it is usually used to connect banknotes. To do this, wrap the egg several times so that the gum is placed throughout the volume. It will turn out for Easter quite an interesting egg.
  9. A very beautiful Easter egg is obtained if you use lace. Wrap them in an egg, then wrap nylon material on top and secure the ends with thread.
  10. The next way to decorate Easter eggs for Easter is to use chopped olives. Paste the egg around the perimeter, and wrap it with a stocking - fasten on top.
  11. Small flowers look very beautiful. The pasting is done according to the above technology.

So, we examined the options for creating patterns. The next step is to paint the eggs with onion husks.

Onion peeling eggs

Decoction for coloring eggs, I prepare as follows.

  1. I collect 1.5 liters of water in a pot. This amount will require 50 grams of onion husks.
  2. Fill the husk with water and leave it overnight.
  3. We put the pan on a small fire, bring the water to a boil. Stir the liquid for about 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and leave the broth to cool.
  5. Next, immerse the eggs in a pan: they must be completely covered with liquid, so that the color turns out to be uniform.
  6. We put on the fire, bring to a boil. After we set the average temperature and boil the butter for 5 minutes. Next, remove them. Let them stand for several minutes and dip in cold water until cool.

In order for the dye to shine brightly, you should take a napkin and wipe the surface of the eggs with vegetable oil. For a beautiful and original supply of Easter eggs, you can create a bird's nest of chips on a pallet. Place painted eggs on top. You can find photos of ornaments and finished painted dogs on our website. I like to cook.

Easter Egg Coloring   onion husk is the oldest way that our great-grandmothers used.

This is a natural, affordable and simple method with which you can get not only a uniform color of eggs, but also a few interesting options.

For coloring eggs you will need:
   - Onion peel
   - eggs
   - a pinch of salt
   - rice
   - threads or elastic bands
   - gauze or nylon stockings
   - vegetable oil

   The first method is the main

Put the husk in a saucepan and pour boiling water. After 2-3 hours, slightly salt the water and put eggs in it at room temperature (not from the refrigerator). Boil water with eggs and husk, and then simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After the water has cooled - take the eggs with a spoon and dry them with paper towels.

Depending on the type of onion, you can make eggs multicolored - yellow husk,
   orange, red gives the corresponding color to the eggs.

Method Two - Marble Effect

A beautiful marble effect is obtained when staining with husks of various colors. To do this, mix the husks of orange, red and yellow onions with small pieces of paper and wrap all this with an egg in gauze or a nylon stocking. In order for the eggs and paper to stick better to the egg, it must be wet. The resulting bags with eggs and husk must be cooked in a saucepan, in which you also need to put the husk, about 30-40 minutes over low heat.

Method Three: Speckled Eggs

Wet eggs must be rolled in dry rice and tightly tied with gauze or nylon,
   and then boil in the onion broth.

Fourth method: striped eggs

To get a striped egg, put ordinary gum on the egg before cooking. The more elastic bands, the more stripes. Cook as described above.

After the onion-colored eggs have cooled, they can give a beautiful glossy effect. To do this, grate vegetable oil with grease each egg.