How to make cutlets for burgers at home. Cutlet for Burger Recipe

24.11.2020 Vegetable dishes

Or parties, and they are damn delicious! Today you will learn how to prepare the excellent burgers and recognize ten lifehakov that will help you become the best in this matter.

Secrets of the perfect burger

Real burger far from Fastfud. This dish with its canons, where there is a considerable expanser for culinary fantasy. Follow these recommendations, and your burgers will be perfect.

  1. Prepare only from fresh meat. Marble beef is best suited for the burger, but other types of meat can also be used. It is only important to withstand the ratio: 80% of meat by 20% fat (800 grams of meat - 200 grams of fat).
  2. Do not buy finished mince. It is not known who did it, how and from what. Grind meat on your own, but not too much: mince for burgers should be textured.
  3. Mix the stuffing hands. You can even throw it about the board or table. So fat, greens, spices and other ingredients added to meat are evenly distributed, and the mixture will become more air. So that mince does not stick to the hands, wipe them in cold water.
  4. So that all burger-cutlets are the same shape and mass, form them using a culinary ring or use a lid from a large can. Sleep plastic containers are also suitable. The main thing is that the cutlet is not thicker one and a half centimeters and weighed about 200 grams. And do not forget to make a deepening in the center!
  5. Try to the burgers cutlets a little more buns. Then the meat is horror until the desired size.
  6. Keep the cutlets in the refrigerator while cooking sauce and cut the remaining ingredients. In the heat, the fat in the minced will begin to melt faster than it will be on the grill, and therefore the burger will succeed in dry.
  7. Solite burger-cutlets just before frying. If you add salt directly to mince, sodium chloride will begin to destroy protein bonds, and the meat will acquire a dense texture similar to the sausage. Burger will not be juicy.
  8. Do not turn the cutlets too often. The smaller you touch them, the juicier they turn out. First roast the meat in the zone of the direct heat, and then move to the edge of the grill. During the frying slightly, press the cutlet with a spatula. For Medium-Frozhal, six minutes have enough. Readiness you can determine a special thermometer: the temperature inside the cutlets should be at least 70 ° C.
  9. Collect correctly. First, the sauce (on both half of the bread), then lettuce leaves (on the bottom, less than half) and, finally, the cutlet. So bread will not spin ahead of time.
  10. Postpone the knife and fork - eat burger with your hands! Both hands. Press it pretty, turn it upside down (so the contents will not fall out) and enjoy yummy with a juicy kitlet.

Below you will find burgers recipes for every taste: both traditional with beef and various variations with pork, turkey, fish and seafood.

With Chimichurry Sauce


For Burger:

  • 1 kg of beef minor;
  • 6 buns with sesame;
  • 6 slices of smoked cheese of the Gaud;
  • 1 red bulb;
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

For sauce:

  • fresh parsley;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves oregano;
  • 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar;
  • ½ glasses of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon fresh black pepper;
  • ¼ teaspoon of flakes of red pepper.


Grind several beams of parsley and garlic, mix them with the rest of the ingredients for the sauce. Mix thoroughly.

Form the cutlets, season them with salt and pepper and fry grill. A few seconds before willingness, put the cheese on the cutlets so that he melted.

Lay out the cutlet on a slightly roasted buns, paint the chimicurry sauce and add the rings of a red bow.

With salmon, lemon and dill


  • 1 kg of fillet of salmon;
  • ½ cup of breadcrumbs;
  • 4 buns with sesame;
  • 4 radish;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh crushed dill;
  • 2 tablespoons of veraacha sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard;
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon zest;
  • ½ teaspoon salts;
  • arugula;
  • dzadzika sauce.


This is a burger with a fish cutlet - Fishburger. Three quarters of the fillet of the salmon (without bones and skin) skip through the meat grinder, the rest cut into small cubes. Mix with egg whites, mustard, breadcrumbs, lemon sister, salt, dill and Veracha sauce. If the last is not at hand, use any other sharp tomato sauce.

Form the cutlets and fry grill (about five minutes on each side). Also, cutlets can be frying in a pan on olive oil.

Warm buns on the grill and put ready-made cutlets on them. Top of put the radishes chopped by rings, arugula and pour dzadziki sauce.

Three cheese

Kirk K /


  • 200 g beef minced
  • 1 bun with sesame;
  • 1 small tomato;
  • 1 sliced \u200b\u200bMozarella, Cheddar and emmental;
  • salad Romano;
  • onion fries;
  • salt to taste.


The specified number of ingredients is enough for one burger.

By molding and putting the cutlets, fry her on the grill. When it is almost ready, put on top of the sliced \u200b\u200bMozarella, Cheddar and emmental: the cheese must melt. Have time to remove the cutlets from the fire until the cheese began to bubble and flow.

Collect Burger: Lubricated onto the grilled homemade mayonnaise buns, lay out the leaves of the romano salad, sliced \u200b\u200bwith tomato with mugs, and then the cutlet. At the end, decorate all the onions of fries.

(Freet's bow is the same as Potato Fri, only in this case frying onions freshed in deep breather.)

With pork and mango


  • 1 kg of pork minced;
  • buns for burgers;
  • 2 pepper halapeno;
  • 1 small bow-shallot;
  • 1 small red bulb;
  • 1 small mango;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons of Lyme juice;
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro;
  • 1 tablespoon of cane sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce;
  • 1 ½ teaspoon with ground carnations;
  • ½ teaspoon salts;
  • ½ teaspoon of dried thyme;
  • ½ teaspoon of flakes of red pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil;
  • lettuce leaves.


Add chopped pepper to pork mince (do not forget to remove seeds), bow-shallots and garlic, as well as reed sugar, soy sauce, Lyme juice, carnation, thyme, red pepper and cinnamon. Mix everything thoroughly. Form the cutlets (it turns out about six pieces). Fry them on olive oil in a pan or grilled.

The flesh of mango and red onions cut the cubes, add a chopped cilantro and salt. Mix thoroughly.

Collect Burger: Bun - lettuce salad - Cutlet - a spoon of mango salsa - a bun.

With blueberry sauce and brie cheese


For Burger:

  • 500 g beef minced;
  • 4 buns for burgers;
  • 4 bacon slice;
  • 4 slices of brie cheese;
  • 1 plate of chopped arugula;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 2 tablespoons of onion powder;
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed herbs (for example, sage and thyme);
  • salt and pepper to taste.

For sauce:

  • 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries;
  • 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 ½ tablespoon of cane sugar;
  • 1 ½ tablespoon of ketchup;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • droplet of Worcestershire Sauce.


Let's start with sauce. To prepare it, connect the indicated ingredients (Blueberries rinse, clean and crush itch) in a small saucepan and put on a slow fire. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes until the sauce thickens.

Mix mince with chopped garlic, onion powder and herbs. Form the cutlets and fry them on the grill, immediately before this is more accumbered and spilling each. Also fry on the grill bacon.

Buns can be both shop and cooked personally. About how to bake universal buns for burgers, read.

For half a minute before readiness, put on each cutleter on the slication of brie cheese. Finished cutlets and slices of bacon lay out on buns, pour the blueberry sauce and decorate arugula.

With turkey and vegetables

Isabelle Boucher /


  • 1 ½ kg of minced turkey;
  • ¼ cup of breadcrumbs;
  • ¼ cup of crushed onion;
  • ¼ cup fresh chopped parsley;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of black hammer pepper;
  • baked vegetables (eggplants, peppers, tomatoes);
  • pesto sauce;
  • buns for burgers.


Connect minced meat, crackers, onions, parsley, salt, pepper, chopped garlic and egg whites. From such a number of ingredients you will have about 12 bolet. Their and vegetables need to fry on the grill (about 7 minutes on each side, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes - less).

Lubricate muffins with pesto sauce, place the cutlets and baked vegetables on them.


  • 1.4 kg of beef minor;
  • 8 buns for burgers;
  • 8 slices of Cheddar cheese;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder;
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cumin;
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano;
  • corn chips;
  • guacamole;
  • salsa sauce;
  • sour cream;
  • salad leaves (optional).


Mix mince with salt, Chile, Tmina, Oregano and immediately fry the cutlets (if you do it in the oven, set the temperature sensor 150 ° C and prepare 15-20 minutes).

Guacamole is a mexican appetizer from avocado pulp. It can be bought in the store or cook. Lubricate her buns, put the cutlets and cheese from above. If you wish, you can add lettuce leaves.

Pour salsa and sour cream sauce, sprinkle slightly chopped corn (if not - potato) chips. Burger is ready.

With prawns and sauce

vladMoses /


  • 300 g of shrimp;
  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • 4 buns for burgers;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 red bulb;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • ½ teaspoon mustard;
  • lettuce and parsley leaves;
  • salt to taste.


Aioli is a popular in the Mediterranean sauce from garlic and olive oil. To cook it, mix egg yolk, chopped garlic, salt and mustard. Scroll to homogeneity and, without ceasing to interfere, pour olive oil on slightly slightly. When the consistency of the sauce becomes similar to mayonnaise, add lemon juice. Mix again thoroughly.

Sauce Aii lubricate the buns twisted on the grill, then put on them on a sheet of salad, a slication of tomato, cucumber and a pair of onion rings. The final layer should be purified from the shelter and roasted shrimps.

With Kuragoy

California Bakery /


  • 450 g beef minced;
  • 80 g kuragi;
  • 4 buns for burgers;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped cilantro;
  • ½ teaspoon of ground coriander;
  • latua salad;
  • salt to taste.


Half the bulbs cut the rings, and the second half finely bare. Also crush garlic and kuragu. Connect these ingredients with minced meat, soy sauce, cilantro, coriander, salt and pepper. Form the cutlets and fry them on olive oil.

Put the lettuce, cutlets and onion rings on the buns.

In Hawaii

Chew Out Loud /


  • 1 kg of beef minor;
  • buns with sesame;
  • mushrooms (champignons or white);
  • 1 pineapple;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • ½ cup of teriabi sauce;
  • salad Romano;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Rinse, cut on thin plates, spray, pepper and roast on creamy mushrooms.

Form and fry the grill cutlets. Do not forget to escape and pepper.

Pineapple Clean and cut the rings. Fry it on the grill so that the characteristic strips remain. Also slightly dried on the grill buns.

Pour the buns with the teriyaki sauce (about how to cook it, read), put the cutlets, mushrooms and pineapple slices on them. Newly generously paint the sauce and decorate Salat Romano.

Our selection approached the end. But you can continue it in the comments. Share the recipes for your favorite burgers.

Cutlets for hamburgers fry software on each side on medium heat without lid.

Fry Cutlets for burgers

Beef tenderloin (very desirable fresh) - 200 grams
Salted fat (slightly frozen) - 30 grams (4-5 slices)
Salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide
Black Ground Pepper - Half Town Spoon

How to fry cutlets for hamburgers
1. Wash beef, dry with a towel.
2. Share beef on the board, cut into thin plates across the fibers, each plate is smaller cut into cubes across the fibers.
3. Rovented beef lay out in a deep bowl.
4. Salo cut into small cubes, add to beef.
5. Mix minced hands, rubbing the ingredients to each other.
6. Collect the minced meat into the ball, take into your hand and drive into the minced meas in your hand - this process is called stuffing, so that the minced air is saturated with air and the finished cutlet for the burger was air, while not breaking.
7. Futing procedure Repeat 20-25 times.
8. To make a 2.5 centimeter thick cutlet from the minced meat, cover the cutlet and remove it half an hour in the fridge.
9. Preheat the pan, and without pouring oil, put the boiler for the burger.
10. Finger the cutlet is needed 2 minutes on medium heat without lid.
11. Turn over the cutlet, fry it for 2 minutes without a lid.
Cutlet for Burger is ready!


Care should be taken when adding salt to mince - if sauces are sickly, the hamburger can have a charming taste.

If the minced is too easy to fall apart, add some flour and chicken egg to it. For a greater jucision, add to the mince chopped with a meat grinder or a shallow firing bulb.

- Sculpt Burger cutlets are conveniently using a serving ring, but if it is not - a small saucepan will help. In this case, the cutlet in the fridge for insteading should be removed directly in the ring or saucepan.

It is important that the burger cutlet was round and smoothHow the washer is only so possible to achieve visual similarity with hamburgers in Fastfud restaurants.

For roasting boiler for burgers perfectly use grilled skillet, with relief.

When roasting cutlets for hamburger on her it is impossible to pushnot to damage the shape of the cutlets. In addition, the juiciness and softness, if the cutlet is pressed, may disappear. Furning the cutlet with frying more convenient for wide tongs - then with a greater probability it will not disrupt the shape of the cutlets.

When cooking a boiler for burgers, consider that it is horror and decrease in weight about 10-15%.

If you want to increase roasure Burger cutlets - keep in mind that it is better to do it in the oven - heat the oven to 180-200 degrees and serve the cutlet for 5-7 minutes.

Our recipe cutlets for hamburgers perfectly replaces burgers cutlets in McDonalds.

- Calorie Burger Cutlers Farming - 270 kcal / 100 grams.

To burgher cutlets perfectly suitable spices Oregano, Curry, Kinza. To prepare the original burger, the tomato ketchup can be replaced with tomato-plum, and mayonnaise - the mixture of sour cream with the cucumber is sour cream.

There are 6 not difficult items, following which you will be able to prepare the perfect beef with a burger beef.

It is not worth checking the level of luck, buying ready-made mince in the supermarket or on the market. Because the ideal proportions of fat and meat in a boiler 20 to 80, where 20% is fat. But the fact is that such proportions can give us marble steaks, the bodies in our time standing is not very cheap. Therefore, I take a beef clipping and a little beef fat, which cut out of the sternum. Why do we talk so much about fat? Yes, because it is he who betrays such a bright and unforgettable taste of your Burger. Remember what kebab is tastier: from the lean Korean, or from the oily neck? Here. Therefore, do not hesitate and add fat in the proposed proportions. All excess fat is just a sterling on a frying pan.

Low temperature is the best friend of the burger. Before the cutlets fall into a frying pan, heat will destroy their structure, which will lead to the release of juice and the folding of fat that, as a result, sticks to hand and meat grinder. Therefore, before the mouth, the meat is better to keep it and the details of the meat grinder or combine (blender) in the refrigerator.

Salt and spices

When it comes to these ingredients, cooks are divided into two lacers: those who are clamped seasonings right into mince and those who season the cutlets are directly in front of hot. However, if black freshly ground peppers and other spices are worth adding to the minced meat even before you start sculpt the cake, then it is necessary to salt strictly last. I want to offer you soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and black pepper hammers.


Most and gentle! These are the main rules when working with minced meat. Too long formation of cutlets can make it too dense. Before you form cutlets, you need to divide the mince to the same balls. To do this, you can use the weights. With the same size of the kitlet, you can estimate the approximate cooking time, and not guess, whether this cutlet ejaled or that thoroughly, even raw.

Temperature or evaluation of readiness

Of course, the essence of a simple way to check availability is to pick up the cutlet fork or a knife and see its color inside. Pink color of stuffing without blood is a faithful sign of the middle knocker. With experience you will be able to check the degree of meat roasted, just pointed with your finger. But if you are tuned seriously, you can buy a culinary thermometer. Just like the steaks, the burgers have their own degree of roasted.
49 ° C Rare (red and raw meat in the center)
54 ° C MEDIUM-RARE (meat acquires pink color)
60 ° C medium (completely pink, starts to push)
66 ° C Medium-Well (brown-pink, significantly land)
71 ° C Well Done (fully roasted, without moisture)


Do not make too much campaigns and cast the cutlet every few seconds. Just wait until she roasted on the one hand (it will leave for about 5 minutes), turn it over and roast another 5 minutes. At the end, you can put a piece of cheese.

Burgers stopped being a cheap fast food dish. They are found in the menu of expensive restaurants and famous steakhouses. They are prepared from the highest quality, and sometimes very expensive ingredients. Burgers are suitable for the most bold culinary experiments, but before we advise you to master the basic recipe. Today we will talk about where the preparation of a classic burger and, how to make mince for burgers right.

How to cook mince for burgers: simple rules

You can easily find frozen bifhtex for the burger in the supermarket. But is it not better to prepare them yourself, to your taste? Want to know how to make mince for burger perfect? Here are some recommendations from the T-Bone Academy.
1. Classic burgers are prepared from 100% marble beef. So that mince for burgers was juicy and at the same time, choose the meat of dry excerpt. It may be fillet from the blade or marble chuck roll from the cervical department, but premium Riby Rostable leave for steaks. Under the most suitable prices in Ukraine, you can on the website of the company T-Bone - the first in Ukraine producer of marble beef.
2. The next stage is the preparation of beef minor. Immediately discard the idea about to kill meat in a blender. Cashes-shaped mince for this dish is not suitable. The best way to make minced meat for burgers is to nourish meat manually. First, the fillet is cleaned with films and lived. Then cut by plates, and after - strips that cut the knife into small cubes.
Tip from the T-Bone Academy: If there is no time to cook chopped minced meat, scroll through the meat pieces through a meat grinder using a lacquer with a large grid. Mash through it a beef mince for burgers twice - and it will turn out more than one.
3. It does not provide for the presence of other ingredients, except for marble meat, salt and pepper. But, if you want to experiment with the taste, add a slice of a slasher or BBQ to the meat mixture. Well wash the mince - it should be thick and sticky. Only in this case, the burger's burger cutlet will not fall apart when frying.

How to fry mince for burger?
We told how to cook mince for burgers, but it is only half of the case. It is equally important to fry correctly. Many are faced with the fact that they fall apart, they are dry or, on the contrary, raw.
Burgers cutlets will not fall apart at the moment of roasting, if you pre-mix mince. And then use the Lifehak of professional chefs: lubricate the prepared beef bifhtectes with vegetable oil and put on the board shining with parchment. Send it to the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Slightly subporpable bifhctecs are better kept form at temperature processing.
Another problem with which those who are preparing burgers at home are "swollen" in a panfshtex frying pan. So that this does not happen, having formed the Bifshes, make in each small deepening in the middle. With frying, such cakes will retain the form and will not turn into mitblly.
Grill temperature, frying pan or oven should be as high as possible. Meat must quickly grab the crust. For the same reason, do not hurry to turn the bifhtecxes - risk damage to the crust and deform them.
Finally how to cook juicy bipstack? Everything is simple: Choose the right temperature mode. Remember that the most juicy gets MEDIUM RARE and MEDIUM? For burgers, medium is recommended, in which a slightly pink core and transparent meat juice can be seen in the section of the biphxtex. Burger Cutlet Weight 200 g is prepared for 3-4 minutes on each side to obtain the average degree of roasted.
Author's recipe for Burger from T-Bone
For the preparation of the most juicy and delicious burgers, we recommend. In their composition 80% of marble beef Dry Aged, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bis marble fat for juiciness. TM T-Bone bifhtecses are prepared without adding spices, taste amplifiers and other additives. After all, the main thing in the classic burger is "clean" meat taste.
Lubricate each bifstex thin layer of olive oil and sprinkle a large sea salt. Put the grill on the preheated grille and leave for a couple of minutes. With the help of forceps, turn the bipfstex when on the one hand it covers the crust. Leave for a couple of minutes. Measure the inner temperature with a culinary thermometer - it should be at least 57 degrees. Put for each bipfshtex on the slice of cheese and leave for another moment so that it is resolved.
Give ready-made bifhtecs for a couple of minutes to rest, and meanwhile you cut the sections of wheat buns. It is necessary to do it in the smallest heat zone.
As soon as they are twirmed, lubricate them with sauce, lay out lettuce leaves. Behind the bifhctexes with molten cheese, and then vegetables, onion rings, pickled cucumbers. Cover the burgers with upper pieces of buns, lubricated sauce, and serve to the table.
Burger Sauce Recipe from T-Bone: Mix the sour cream with a spoonful of mustard, add some cream, a few drops of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. Optionally, add fresh chopped greens.

Recipe for Burger at home

We told how to cook burger on the grill, and now we offer you a recipe for a burger at home. We advise you to prepare it in the grill pan. It will give not only appetizing stripes, like the grill grille, but also will make bifhtectes juicy and more useful. Read more on how to prepare on the grill in a pan, read.
Put the grill frying pan without oil. Lubricate the Bifhtectes oil and season them with a large sea salt. Put on a preheated frying pan and roast, turning the blade, 6-8 minutes to the average degree of roasted. A minute before the readiness of the steaks, lay out for each slicker of cheese and cover with a lid, reducing the fire. As soon as the cheese fell, the burgers can be removed.
Lubricate the cream sauce on the t-bone recipe, lay out greens and steaks. Add your favorite seasonal vegetables from above, several strips of roasted bacon, onion rings and marinated cucumber mugs. Pour the sweet sauce that can be on the website T-Bone. Cover the second part of the bun, also lubricated sauce.
Tip from the T-Bone Academy: Experiment, complementing the classic recipe for beef burger, original components. For example, the above-described burger recipe can be supplemented with a fried egg. Recipe for beef bifhtex with fried egg and bacon for breakfast read.
Another interesting Burger recipe in Asian style. Add in beef mince for steaks oyster sauce, honey and cereal of acute pepper. Also try to prepare mince for burgers with dried cherry and olives. The recipe for the Burger in the Mediterranean style you will find.

What can best be suitable for meeting old friends than burgers. It is reliable, understandable, satisfying and soulful food. It warms in the winter even better than any cereal and soups. How to make and fry Burgers correctly, told Irina Schwab, Chef Bar Lumberjack.


For the burgers you need to take ebb. Not a blatant part, namely, the oval. It will be quite a lot of fat, it is not necessary to cut it. Machine with him.

Meat should be half-rooted. So it is easier to turn it.

Yes, we take frozen meat. And I can explain why. The fact is that the cooler is a bunch of microbes that can be in vacuo. Unfortunately, the meat that we use is imported. What ice cream, which is chilled. Chilled falls to us like this: a calf-cow was killed, cut off beautiful meat, packed him into a vacuum, all - can be stored no more than 3 weeks.

And then ... for the country that sends meat to us - a lot of checks, SanEpidemstation, inspection, a bunch of documents. And then we just begin to check this meat, our Rossky SanEpidem services. And all - three weeks have already passed.

And when our companies receive this meat, they understand that it is already waiting for it that it is already starting to deteriorate. It is frozen. And then they defrost and sell a restaurant or shop.

It comes to me that meat in vacuum packaging and with a label that lights up almost the entire piece. I can not open the vacuum before buying. And after buying, I can't return it back either. Yes, this meat is starting to fry and hear the familiar smell when the meat is on the verge, maybe you will not be poisoned yet, but there is a risk.

That's why we have frozen meat. He is frozen immediately after slaughter. Fresh.


Grease beef, per 1 kg of beef minor - 200 g fat. And it should be frozen. So to turn it easier. It will not soften and spread.


You need to intensively mix mince with fat. Even in the process you can throw a lot about the board or about the table. This is done so that the meat is saturated with oxygen. When fat evenly distributed in the minced member - you can sculpt the cutlets.

1 kg beef

200 g beef fat

For feeding:

Bun for Hamburger

Iceberg Salad or Roman

Mugs of tomatoes

Pickpit halapeno

Blue Chizes sauce

Ketchup, french fries, onion rings and tomato Cherry

Step 1. Meat and fat to skip through a large grille of the meat grinder and mix.

Step 2. To make the cutlet, more buns in diameter, 1.5 cm thick.

Step 3. To fry on the grill with a small amount of oil, for 6 minutes, press with a lift during frying, not more than 4 times turn over.

Step 4. On the meat to put a chopenos chopenos, from above - cheese. Heat on the grill so that the cheese melted.

Step 5. Preheated buns to smear the sauce, put the salad and tomato, then the cake with cheese.

Step 6. On the burger put a little sauce, then onion rings, cover with a bun and secure the design with a cherry tomato.

Step 7. Serve with FRI potatoes, ketchup and cabbage salad.

How to sculpt

For one burger goes about 200 g mincedah. You can loose with the help of a culinary ring, but you can also with your hands. It is important that the cutlet should not be thicker 1.5 cm. Otherwise it will have to fry it for a long time and the juice leaves meat. Yes, and fat will burn. And leop the burgers more diameter than a bun. After all, they are horrong.

In the process of modeling, you need to press a little cutlet from above.

Tip: Do not hold the scrolled mince in the refrigerator for a long time. It will take blood from it, and meat will lose juiciness. Mince can stand up to a maximum of 6 hours. Ideally, fry you need immediately after the minced meal.

Important!It is better not to touch the meat once again. You will be enough, blood will be absorbed into meat, and the burgers will not work juicy.

How to fry

Grilled grill with plenty of oil (refined, not burning). When Fry - Meat Solim. Immediately on both sides. For grilled medium grilled enough 6 minutes. If fry in a pan, then you need a little more - 8 minutes and turn over 6 times, otherwise the burger will burn. During frying slightly add the burger with a spatula. This is necessary in order for the cutlet to do evenly and did not lose form. Turn over no more than 4 times, one and a half minutes on each side. If the twist is more - the burger will not work juicy.


In principle, the burger filling depends only on your imagination, usually the sauce is placed on both half a bun. And on the bottom half - a leaf of salad to separate the juicy kitlet from sauce and bread, so that the bun does not twice.


We used the simplest sauce - Blue CES. It is made on the basis of mayonnaise with the addition of Cheese Dor Blue, Garlic, Worcester Sauce. Those who love fighter can add still tobasco.

As it is

Hands! Burger eat so that everything around was in sauce, meat juice. Americans are generally normal that this whole story is on a shirt, on a T-shirt. For me, spiritual injury, when the burger eat a knife and fork!