The most delicious verguns. Funky verguns on the water for children How to cook verguns on the water

13.08.2020 Meat Dishes

We present you a recipe from childhood. These verguns were prepared by my mother for tea. Not a lot of products are required for their preparation, so this dish was very popular before. But even now many people love such pastries and are happy to cook them for their families.

Rum in this recipe can be substituted with vanilla.

Necessary products

  • flour - 700 gr
  • water - 50 ml
  • sugar - 50 ml
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • rum - 1 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
  • icing sugar - 100 gr

We start cooking

  1. Mix until smooth the products: eggs, sugar, salt and rum. Add water to the resulting mass and add flour a little at a time. Knead the dense dough. It shouldn't stick to your hands.
  2. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Roll them out and cut into strips. Then we make a rhombus from the strips and make an incision in the center. We put a piece of dough into the incision and stretch the ends in different directions. Stretch the dough slightly.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a small saucepan and fry the verguns until golden brown. As a result, they will double. We spread it on a paper towel. Sprinkle with icing sugar before serving.

Enjoy your meal!

How not to remember the recipes of verguns - even a beginner can cook these pastries, but the result is guaranteed to satisfy the expectations of connoisseurs of homemade treats. Many associate the taste of verguns with childhood, one has only to taste a bite, as wonderful moments of joyful tea drinking, accompanied by eating freshly baked sweets, awaken in their memory. Serve them to the table, and the conversation over a cup of tea will become lively, interesting, sincere.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Often the Ukrainian national dish is compared with the brushwood, traditional for Russia, but the recipes for these sweets are somewhat different: the composition of the tararushk or, as they are popularly called, the taratorushk contains more eggs and less sugar. The dough can be kneaded on water, on whey, on sour milk, on kefir or sour cream, on yeast - in this case, the treat will be more magnificent. If desired, you can make the preforms for frying thin, so you can achieve an appetizing crunch.

In appearance and taste, Ukrainian verguns most of all resemble brushwood and krebli. However, they are prepared in different ways, and they contain different products. Verguns use a lot more eggs and less sugar, and the traditional recipe prescribes to fry them exclusively on lard.

As the legend says, verguns were so popular in one of the regions of Ukraine that they even named this area after them.

What are verguns?

Ukrainian confectionery vergun is made from yeast-free dough. It contains flour, butter, eggs, sugar and alcohol. The latter can be replaced with rum, cognac or vodka. Often milk, sour cream or cream is added to the dessert instead of (or with it) butter, but this does not make verguns a dietary dish. The main distinguishing feature of verguns is their swirling shape, which allows you to make a steep dough fried in boiling lard.

Vergun recipe

To make the verguns look beautiful and have an interesting shape, it is important to prepare a tough dough, otherwise you simply will not be able to wrap the workpiece figured enough.

For this you will need:

  • flour - 250 g;
  • lard - 200 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • soda - 3 g;
  • kefir - 150 g;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar.


  1. First of all, you need to grind the eggs and sugar until smooth. Kefir and flour are added to this mass. The butter, which also needs to be placed in the dough, is prepared in advance: it is taken out of the refrigerator about 30 minutes before the start of cooking, cut and waited until it becomes soft. This will make it much easier to grind it with the rest of the ingredients than if it were chilled.
  2. At this stage, you can add an alcohol-based component to prevent the vergun from gaining too much oil. Sometimes alcohol is replaced with vinegar, sometimes they are used together.
  3. When the dough is kneaded, it is left for half an hour, after which it is rolled out in a thin layer and cut into strips. The thinner the strip, the crisper the verguns will be. In the center of each strip, you need to make a longitudinal cut through which you need to turn one edge of the product.
  4. They need to be fried in well-heated lard for 1-2 minutes, until a golden crust appears on their surface. This should reduce the fat content of the product, but when the product is ready, it is advisable to put it on a paper towel and get wet.

Kefir can be replaced with sour milk or any fermented milk product. In addition, there are recipes where this dish is prepared with yeast and sour cream.

How to serve verguns?

Verguns eat both cold and hot. Immediately after they were taken out of the lard and soaked with a napkin, sprinkle the verguns with powdered sugar - this way the grains will stick to the surface faster and will not crumble while you eat the cookies. You can also pour melted chocolate, condensed milk, or raspberry jam over the dessert just before serving. They can be served with tea, compote, hot milk or cocoa.

Unlike butter-cooked donuts, they are not as greasy, but you shouldn't overeat anyway.

Verguns, crunches or brushwood - all these are the names of one dish, which is served with tea, like any pastry. The peculiarity of verguns is that they are not baked, but deep-fried. Verguns or brushwood can be cooked in different ways. Today I will present you a method of cooking verguns on unleavened dough. You can still cook. Crisps should be crispy, so the classic recipe for water dough is applicable. If you are preparing soft dough, it is better to call this pastry simply verguns. Deep-fried donuts are also fried, as, for example, or with yeast. To make the verguns from unleavened dough more crispy, the dough needs to be rolled out thinner. The shape of brushwood or crunches can be very diverse, even just sticks.

Servings: 8
Calorie content: High calorie
Calories Per Serving: 825 kcal

To cook verguns on unleavened dough, you will need:

flour - 3.5 tbsp.
water - 0.25 tbsp.
sugar - 0.25 tbsp.
salt - 0.25 tsp
vanilla essence - 1 tsp
eggs - 2 pcs.
vegetable oil for deep fat - 0.5 l
icing sugar for decoration - 3 tbsp.

How to cook verguns on unleavened dough.

1. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla essence. Instead of vanilla, you can use any other flavoring, such as rum.

2. Add water to the egg mixture and stir.

3. Add flour, adding a little and kneading the dough with a whisk.

4. The dough should be soft and not sticky to your hands. The consistency of the dough is the same as for homemade noodles. Add flour as needed.

5. Transfer the dough to the work surface and knead by hand, roll into a ball.

6. Roll out half of the dough into a thin layer. I got a layer about 3 mm thick, but it's better to make it a little thinner.

7. Cut the dough into strips and cut them diagonally to make diamonds. Make a small notch in the center of the rhombus.

8. Now roll up the verguns. Thread the top of the diamond into the cut.

9. Pass the tip of the dough through the incision by gently pulling on both tips. In the middle, you get a wrapped dough. It is better to stretch each vergun a little to make it oblong.

10. These are the verguns. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a deep fat fryer or small saucepan. The pan will not work, as it is wide and shallow, and we need to completely immerse the verguns in the oil.

11. When the oil is hot, throw a small piece of dough from the cuttings into it. If he hissed right away, it's time to start. The temperature of the oil should not exceed 200 ° C, otherwise the products will quickly burn out on the outside and remain moist on the inside. Stir the oil with a spoon when lowering each item so that it does not stick to the bottom or to another item. Fry for about 40 seconds, turning, until the verguns brown equally on all sides.

12. Place a batch of verguns on a plate of paper towels to absorb excess fat. Then cool the verguns completely and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Verguns in each family are called differently. We call them "brushwood", and this name comes from the fact that verguns cooked in water are not fluffy, but crispy and thin, with airy pimples.

Verguns on the water, or rather, on unleavened dough, will appeal to all lovers of homemade pastries, which can be prepared both for evening tea and for a festive table.

Let's prepare products according to the list. Instead of rum, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Drive eggs into a bowl, add sugar, salt and rum. Beat the mass well with a whisk or mixer.

Add water to the resulting mass.

After that, gradually add flour, stirring the dough with a whisk or fork.

As a result, we should have a soft, tender dough. The dough should not stick to your hands.

Divide the dough into two parts. We roll each part into a layer 2 mm thick.

Cut the dough into longitudinal strips with a knife.

Then we cut the strips into identical rhombuses. Make a cut in the middle of each diamond.

We take a diamond of dough in our hands and push one of the corners into the hole. Then we pull on both ends so that the vergun stretches a little.

IMPORTANT: do not twist all the diamonds into verguns at once, they may stick together and will not turn out to be airy.

In a saucepan or deep fryer, heat the vegetable oil to make smoke. Fry several verguns at a time for literally 2 minutes on each side. Verguns increase in size during the baking process.

Put the finished verguns on paper towels to get rid of excess oil. Let the verguns cool completely and then sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Yeast-free verguns on the water are ready!

Enjoy your tea!