How to make a classic bird's milk cake according to GOST at home. Bird's milk cake at home, step by step recipe with photo The most delicious bird milk cake recipe step by step

13.08.2020 Meat Dishes

This is one of the legendary Bird's Milk cake recipes. It's just a miracle!

Cook, call guests, relatives, friends and treat with this delicious cake.


For the test:

✓ yolks - 7 pieces;

✓ a glass of flour;

✓ 100 grams of butter;

✓ sugar - 1/2 cup;

✓ a pinch of vanilla;

✓ a teaspoon of soda slaked with vinegar (you can replace it with baking powder).

For soufflé:

✓ 20 grams of gelatin;

✓ proteins - 7 pieces;

✓ a glass of sugar;

✓ butter - 170 grams;

✓ condensed milk - 250 grams;

✓ citric acid on the tip of a knife.

For glaze:

✓ dark chocolate - 150 grams;

✓ cream - 180 grams;

✓ sugar - 30 grams;

✓ oil - 30 grams.


As you already understood, judging by the ingredients, we need to separate the whites from the yolks.

We will use the proteins for the soufflé, and the yolks for the dough.

Chill the squirrels in the refrigerator.

Add sugar, vanilla to the yolks and beat until white. While whisking, add room temperature butter.

Combine flour with baking powder. If using baking soda, add directly to the dough.

Add flour to yolks and butter. Knead the dough.

Line a baking dish with baking paper and lay out the dough. Smooth the dough all over the surface.

Place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 17-20 minutes.

Meanwhile, while the cake is baking. Pour 0.5 glass of water over the gelatin. Not boiling water, but room temperature. Leave the gelatin to swell.

We check the readiness of the cake with a match, if dry, then ready. Take it out of the oven and refrigerate.

While the cake is cooling, prepare the soufflé. To do this, beat the soft butter until white with a mixer. Continuing to beat, add condensed milk.

Optionally, set aside a couple tablespoons of the cream for decoration. Leave the cream at room temperature.

Put the gelatin, which is already swollen, in a saucepan and add 125 grams of sugar to it.

Put on fire and heat, but not bring to a boil 60 degrees will be enough. And leave to cool.

Whisk the whites straight from the refrigerator in a mixer until fluffy. Continuing to beat, add 125 grams of sugar, citric acid on the tip of a knife and vanilla.

Also, without ceasing to beat, pour in a thin stream of gelatin, which has cooled slightly.

Reduce the whipping speed of the mixer to medium, and gradually add the butter cream that we prepared earlier.

Divide the cake in half, this can be done with a knife or thread.

We lay out one cake in a split form, in which we previously baked, put half of the soufflé on top, then the second cake, and on top of the soufflé that remains.

Send the cake to the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.

After the indicated time, you can start preparing the glaze: pour cream into a saucepan, add sugar, put on fire, heat until sugar is completely dissolved.

In a bowl, grind the dark chocolate separately (or chocolate coins), fill it with hot cream.

Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Add butter and grind until smooth for another 4-5 minutes.

Remove the cake from the mold, pour the icing on it. cooled to 30 ° C, and spread evenly over the entire surface.

Send the cake to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Garnish with a cream of your choice, set aside. Or you can simply decorate with glaze. Imagine!

Enjoy your meal!

Bird's milk cake with delicate protein soufflé is a classic dessert popular since Soviet times. To enjoy this confection, then you had to stand in huge queues for many hours, and the unique recipe was kept in strict confidence.

Now the bird's milk cake can be easily made at home - the products are available, and there are a great many recipes on the Internet. During its existence, the dessert has acquired various cooking variations, but today we will form a soufflé, approaching the original version. Minor deviations include replacing agar-agar with gelatin and reducing sugar.


For the cake:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 50 g.

For impregnation:

  • water - 30 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tsp.

For soufflé:

  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 250 g (+ 80 g water);
  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • powder gelatin - 15 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp the spoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

For glaze:

  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cake "Bird's milk" recipe with photos step by step

  1. Cooking the cake. Add simple and vanilla sugar to the eggs, beat for at least 5 minutes - until "airy" mass.
  2. Sift flour into egg foam in small portions. Each time we smoothly and carefully mix it in strictly from the bottom up so that the fluffy dough does not settle.
  3. We lay the bottom of a detachable container with a diameter of 22 cm with parchment paper or carefully coat with a piece of oil. We distribute the dough in an even layer and send it to a preheated oven (temperature 180 degrees).
  4. We bake the cake for 10-15 minutes, checking the crumb for dryness with a match / toothpick. Cool the finished baked goods.
  5. We walk with a knife along the sides of the form, separating the cooled cake from the walls. Remove the ring, rinse. Put the cake on a plate and pour it with impregnation (sugar dissolved in water). Install the ring.

    Soufflé for cake "Bird's milk" recipe with photo

  6. Beat soft butter at room temperature until fluffy, gradually pouring in condensed milk. We work with a mixer until the components are connected. We put the resulting butter cream aside (not in the refrigerator!).
  7. Pour gelatin with 120 ml of cold water. Leave to swell for 10 minutes or for the time indicated in the instructions.
  8. Cooking syrup. Pour the sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  9. We add water. In the classic recipe for the "Bird's milk" cake, one and a half times more sugar is required, so lovers of very sweet desserts, as well as those who want to get as close to the original taste as possible, can increase the rate. Just do not forget to proportionally increase the amount of water!
  10. We put the saucepan over medium heat. The syrup needs to be heated to 110 degrees, so a cooking thermometer is required. It is very risky to prepare syrup without it, as it will be much more difficult to catch the moment. In this case, you will have to focus on the "thin thread", that is, watch when the syrup is drawn from the spoon in a continuous thin stream. The whole process will take about 10 minutes, so in parallel we will have time to prepare the proteins.
  11. Add a pinch of salt, lemon juice and vanilla sugar to the egg whites. Beat until firm mass, which, when turning the bowl, will firmly hold in place, without sliding down the walls. We remind you that whisk and bowl when working with proteins must be dry and perfectly clean, without fat. It is extremely important to beat the protein mixture correctly - the taste and consistency of the soufflé will depend on this!
  12. Remove the heated syrup from the heat and slowly pour in a thin stream to the whites along the side of the bowl, continuing to beat the mass. We work continuously with a mixer until the protein mixture cools down to room temperature (about 10 minutes). If done correctly, the result is a very thick, homogeneous protein cream.
  13. In parts, add butter with condensed milk to the proteins, whisking at the lowest speed and not for long (just before combining the components).
  14. We warm the swollen gelatinous mass, stirring actively, until the powder is completely dissolved. You can do this with a "water bath" or, for example, place a bowl of gelatin in a larger bowl of hot water. Do not forget that gelatin cannot be boiled.
  15. Cool slightly, and then pour the gelatinous solution in a thin stream into the cream while beating with a mixer. After adding gelatin, the mass will become more liquid.
  16. Pour the snow-white cream onto the cake, smooth out the top. We put in the refrigerator until the soufflé "sets" (for 2-4 hours).

    Frosting for the bird's milk cake recipe

  17. Cover the finished cake with icing. Chop the chocolate into slices, mix with pieces of butter. We put it on a "water bath".
  18. Stir the chocolate-butter mixture continuously until it is completely melted and a homogeneous glossy glaze is obtained. Make sure that the water in the lower container does not touch the bottom of the upper bowl. We work on low heat so as not to overheat the chocolate.
  19. After cooling a little, distribute the glaze over the surface of the soufflé. We put the cake in the refrigerator until the chocolate solidifies.
  20. Optionally, you can draw a pattern with melted chocolate, for example, draw thin intersecting lines or make an inscription.
  21. Carefully run a knife blade along the sides, and then remove the ring.
  22. It is not necessary to soak the bird's milk cake, but if possible, it is advisable to let it brew overnight in the refrigerator. The next day, the soufflé will become a little denser, and the dessert itself will be even tastier.

Bird's milk cake is ready! Have a nice tea!

By the way, I also tried different biscuits for this cake. In the GOST version, there is a shortbread dough, many confectioners prepare homemade Bird's milk with a classic biscuit and soak it well, I also met an option with an almond biscuit ...

And we will bake a cross between shortbread and biscuit cakes. And to be even more precise - we will make a muffin dough on the yolks (anyway, for the soufflé, we will need proteins, at the same time we will attach the yolks). Baked with thin cakes and cooled, it turns out to be moderately dense and crumbly, but does not break like "sand", and is in perfect harmony with delicate soufflé.

For two cakes 16 cm in diameter, take 80 g of butter at room temperature and 80 g of icing sugar or sugar. Place in a whipping bowl.

Beat well with a mixer at high speed until the mass is fluffy and light. We can add vanilla extract (1 tsp) or vanilla sugar (10 g).

Add 3 yolks one at a time and beat thoroughly after each.

It turns out like this.

Sift 100 g of flour, 0.3 tsp into a separate dry bowl. baking powder and a pinch of salt. Mix well with a whisk.

Add dry ingredients to the egg and butter mixture.

Mix with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

We bake cakes!

Now we take a form 16 cm in diameter (I have a pastry cutter ring), line the bottom with baking paper or place it on baking paper / silicone mat. Half the dough (it is better to weigh so that the cakes are the same!) Spread over the shape as evenly as you can. The most convenient thing is with a small curved palette knife, from those with which artists paint in oil. As a last resort, help yourself with a silicone spatula. How am I here.

We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 15 minutes - until golden brown. The exact time depends on your oven!

We do the same with the second cake. If your oven allows you to bake two cakes at the same time, you're in luck, use this opportunity)

Freshly baked, the cakes are very fragile, handle them very carefully. Upon cooling, they will get a little stronger, but still remain quite brittle, be careful.

While the cakes are cooling ...

... let's make a souffle!

For it we need one very important component - agar-agar. It is a natural herbal gelling agent. It is obtained from algae. It is considered an analogue of gelatin, only working with agar should be completely different, and products with it have a completely different structure than on gelatin.

Agar-agar can be of different strengths, but I have never seen the degree of this strength somehow indicated, just as I have not seen that on the packages of gelatin they write how much bloom it is (a unit of measure for the strength of gelatin). Unfortunately, you have to learn all this on your own skin.

It should also be borne in mind that agar weakens with a long shelf life. Fresh is stronger. So, buying a lot at once, plan in advance where you will use it, do not let it stagnate.

This time I used agar agar from the Aidigo store, and it is downright armor-piercing, I can tell you) Very good. Light, odorless, strong. I recommend it to you with a clear conscience. It is also quite convenient that it is sold in small packs of 10 g. But, by the way, the consumption of agar is small: this package, for example, is enough for as many as three standard bird milk cake!

So, we take 1 tsp. with a slide of agar-agar.

Place it in a medium (not small!) Saucepan. Pour 270 g of cold water there. Mix, set aside.

Now we take 180 g of good butter at room temperature and 80 g of high-quality condensed milk (Rogachevskaya still takes the first place in my personal rating).

Beat them at high speed into a light, fluffy cream. If we use vanilla extract (mine is from here), then add it now (1 tsp). Set aside.

Let's get the whites that we got from the yolks when we baked the biscuits. Proteins, I remind or inform those who do not know, need to be separated very carefully, in a dry bowl, so that not a drop of yolk gets to the proteins. Place the whites in a large bowl and add a pinch of citric acid to them.

Let's prepare the form. It is convenient to make this cake directly on a substrate. We put a ring for assembling a cake (or a form without a bottom) with a diameter of 18 cm on a substrate and lay the walls with acetate film or any other dense and even film, not food grade: it is too thin and soft, it will fold down and the cake will not have smooth sides.

We return to our agar.

We put agar with water on fire, bring to a boil. Pour in 430 g of sugar (don't be alarmed, at first I also thought that a lot, but the soufflé turned out to be not cloying at all, but very balanced, just right!).

Bring to a boil. The syrup will rise very strongly and boil! This is why you shouldn't take a small saucepan.

We continue to cook the syrup. Actively browning, it will settle slightly, but continue to bubble.

Cook for about 10-12 minutes, to a temperature of 110 degrees (if you have a culinary thermometer) or to the so-called "thin thread", when the syrup is pulled by a whisk or spoon like a thread.

But! Until the syrup has reached the desired consistency and temperature (about 105 degrees or 8 minutes, but this very much depends on what kind of dishes and fire you have), you need to beat the whites into a strong foam.

So the syrup is ready! It was difficult to shoot, but I hope it's understandable: the syrup really stretches behind the whisk with an unbreakable thread. You will see it!

Turn on the mixer again and, whisking the whites at high speed, pour the syrup into them in a thin stream. We try not to pour on the corollas!

The mass brightens and increases in volume right before our eyes!

Beat for another minute or two. The mass continues to increase and strengthen.

Beat until the mass cools down in no case. See, our future soufflé is already wrapped around corollas? You can stop at this stage.

Add our prepared butter cream.

And at low speed with a mixer we mix it into the protein mass.

The mass immediately liquefies, but not too much. Stir until smooth. The soufflé is ready! Left…

... collect the Bird's milk cake!

The soufflé freezes quickly, so we also work at the pace of a waltz. But if everything is ready in advance, do not worry, do not fuss, do everything beautifully, you will have time.

We take out our pre-prepared form with a backing. We put the first cake on the bottom.

Pour half of our soufflé on it. It is advisable to weigh and collect the cake on a scale so that the layers are the same. I did not do this, but it is better to do it if you have everything at hand and you have weighed the bowl in which the soufflé was prepared in advance. Having weighed the soufflé along with the bowl, you just need to subtract its weight and divide the resulting number in half.

We put the second cake. He is slightly pressed into the soufflé on his own, I did not have to help him.

And pour out the second part of the soufflé.

All! In this form, we put the cake in the refrigerator or freezer and keep it there until the soufflé grabs. This will happen quite quickly, but it is better to hold it for a little longer, at least an hour, or all two. After the specified time ...

Although since childhood I did not understand where the milk comes from, but still I have always loved sweets and a cake with this name. It is so delicate and sweet, it just melts in your mouth and you don't feel at all that you have eaten not even the first bite. The whole secret is thatcake-souffle "Bird's Milk", as on the recipe with the photo below, has a lot of butter in its composition, and from this it turns out to be very tender. And it's not that hard to make, especially the dough and frosting. But with a souffle, you need to do everything right.Bird's Milk recipe is a classic cake recipe which I associatewith photo , always hanging in my grandmother's kitchen, but it also has several different variations. But they basically differ only in the addition of different ingredients for flavor in the soufflé itself, so see my version and you will be able to makecake "Bird's Milk" and other recipes with step by step photos.

Cake "Bird's Milk" with agar-agar

Kitchen appliances: mixer, spoon, cake molds of different diameters, baking sheet, oven, stewpan, bowls.


Cooking process

First step

  • yolks;
  • 70 g butter;
  • baking powder;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • flour.

Second phase

  • 100 g butter;
  • condensed milk;
  • 270 g sugar;
  • agar-agar;
  • 100 ml of water.

Stage three

  • cream;
  • chocolate.

Video of the recipe for making a cake "Bird's Milk" with agar-agar at home

There are quite a few different details in the recipe, so, in order not to be mistaken anywhere, watch this video and find out howmake bird milk cake ". So you will see how to make a soufflé, make Bird's Milk cream for the cake and icing to it.

How to decorate the Bird's Milk cake

It is very convenient to draw on the frozen soufflé and icing, so you can decorate the cake as soon as you come up with it. Take a pastry bag with colorful cream or just white chocolate and draw patterns, flowers, or write congratulations. Draw different animals or cartoon characters if making a cake for children. Or, simply garnish it with white or dark chocolate pieces, candy, or cookies. Anything you come up with can be done with this cake.

  • The crust should be smaller than the cake tin so that the soufflé can be poured evenly.
  • Do not hesitate to pour over the soufflé, as it hardens very quickly.
  • Do not use hot ingredients; let cool until warm to avoid spoiling the cake.

What to serve with

It is customary for us to serve cakes with hot drinks. It is this cake that I love to eat with black coffee, and my husband always prefers tea. Children can cook cocoa or hot chocolate for it, the main thing is not to overdo it with sweetness. You can simply pour a glass of compote or juice, or grab a soda from the store.

Other options

If you don't have agar in your kitchen, then you can replace it and make it easily, and it will be just as good. And at the same time, the soufflé itself can be made with chocolate, coffee or honey, if you make another cream for it. Or even make and get a taste from childhood. If you miss your favorite sweets, then it's not so difficult to prepare them yourself, if you only want to.

Did you make a cake? Is the soufflé tender and sweet? How did you decorate it and what did you serve it with? Tell it all in the comments.

Cake pigeon's milk" - our not so distant past. Crazy queues, empty shops, artificial shortages. Along with the Kiev cake "Bird's milk" was the most famous and favorite, and delicious. There was no large selection of cakes. We knew such as Odessa Troyanda, Bird's milk, Sloika, Skazka and Biscuit. All the cakes were cheap, but we had no idea what could be even tastier and much more expensive in comparison with today's. And the price was from 2.20 to 4 rubles. It was bird's milk that cost 3-4 rubles. Other times have come, and with them advanced cake recipes. Many housewives are now experimenting and creating more and more new recipes.

There are plenty of products, the main desire. No matter how much I looked at the recipes for this cake, I have never met the same. I present to your consideration the Bird's Milk cake, which tastes so much like the original that I christened it - classic. Good mood to you all!

Cooking steps:

11) Carefully separate the cake from the walls of the mold and put it on a dish. Pour out the icing that has cooled down enough and flatten the top. We send the cake to the refrigerator for at least one hour so that the icing hardens.
We decorate the cake at our discretion. Bon appetit!


Flour - 1 glass
Egg yolks - 7 pieces
Sugar - 0.5 cups
Butter - 100 grams
Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
Baking powder or slaked tea soda - 1 teaspoon

Egg whites - 7 pieces
Gelatin - 20 grams (12 plates)
Sugar - 1 glass
Butter - 170 grams
Condensed milk - 250 grams
Citric acid - a quarter teaspoon

Bitter chocolate - 150 grams

Cream - 180 grams
Butter - 30 grams