What to try in Ecuador. National Kitchen Ecuador

09.10.2020 Meat dishes

Kitchen Ecuador - the legacy of Indian peoples. Here, Spain's influence is much less felt than in other Latin America. The country's population prefers dishes from vegetables, eggs, grains and rice. Also, soups and stewed meat, maniacs, fried bananas and yucca are common here.

Soups are an unchanged attribute of any table. Most modern recipes are based on Indian. The most common soups are "locomotive", which includes potatoes, cheese and avocado; Chicken soup "Caldo de Galina" from vegetables and fish. In addition, exotic dishes are very common: the "Caldo de Path" broth from the fried calf hoofs, the potato soup "Jaguarlockro", in the consistency of which is blood.

One of the national delicacies is the "Kui" dish from fried meat of the guinea pig, "Deregon" - is a roast milk piglet, "Guajte" - a national treatment from the scar, roasted in peanut butter with potatoes, spices and roasted green bananas; Baked pork "Horado"; Beef Bivstex with tomatoes, onions, rice and avocado; "Freedada" - fried in Sale of Pork and others.

Demut-mais dishes are usually served to the table from Maisic Lepsek, "Kangil" - fried corn or green bananas with salt, roasted in oil. Potatoes, maniacs, rice, yams and other root crops are often used as a side dish. Potatoes sometimes can be replaced with a "change" from lentils or beans - or Yuko. All these dishes are served with the National Hot Sauce "Aji".

Another kind of kitchen in which the country's population has a great success is "Sevich", the main attributes of which are marine products and fish. The traditional "Sevic" consists of pickled burning peppers and raw gifts of the sea in lime juice. It is served on the table with various samples and a raw bow.

In the north of the country on the table, you can often see unique fish dishes "ENCOSADOS" with tomatoes, garlic and coconut milk sauce. They are served with a large amount of rice or fried corn.

In local jungle, you can find a large number of a wide variety of exotic fruits, among them Chirima, Mami and Pipino. In the large demand, the population is fruit juices such as fresh and mixed with milk or water. All these juices are well quenched thirst. Also here you can find unique juice under the local name "Publishing", which is about medium between peach and citrus.

Teas from the herbs "Mate" or "Aromatikas" are among the most popular drinks in the country. And the number of species and varieties of these beverages is one of the largest in Ecuador.

Ecuador education

Hotels and hotels in Ecuador

Ecuadorian cuisine inherited many features of the culinary traditions of numerous Indian peoples who inhabited this territory before the coming of Europeans. Moreover, the Spanish influence characteristic of all countries of the region here is, perhaps, much less than in neighboring countries. Ecuadorians still give greater preference to soups and stewed meats, various cereal dishes, rice, eggs and vegetables. And the potatoes and other "European" side dishes are happy to be replaced by fried bananas, Yuko, Manica and other fruits of the local flora.

Soups, no doubt, the brightest part of Ecuadorian cuisine. There are a huge amount here, and for the most part, the recipe for local soup is entirely built on the centuries-old traditions of the ancestors. Typically, such dishes are most popular as the "locomotive" soup with cheese, avocado and potatoes, Chicken soup "Caldo de Galina", "Chupe de Pescado" from fish and vegetables, as well as various exotic dishes, like a potato soup " Jaguarlokro "with blood, soup from bullish genitals" Caldo de Manbon "or Delicious for local residents" Caldo de Path "broth with fried calf hooves.

Meat in the diet of local residents is becoming more and more, so for this, previously very rare in the local product diet, are used for the most part Spanish recipes. Although the influence of Indian cultures is noticeable here - it is worth trying the famous national delicacy "Kui" (roast meat of Guinea pig, we have a better known "guinea pig"), roast of the Milk Piggy "Deregon", "Guajte" - Ecuadorous dish of fried In the peanut butter of the Rubac ("Mondong") with spices, potatoes and fried green bananas ("Pattockon"), fried in Salen Pork "Freitada", Baked Pork "Horado", Bifsteks "Lomo" and Beef Bifsteks with onions and tomatoes "Lomo -Saltado "stewed with rice and avocado chicken" Sex de Polne ", wholely grilled or stewed goat" Seco de Chivo "goat and others. At the same time, maisic cakes "de Mais" are usually served to the table, fried corn "Kangil" or roasted green bananas of a special variety "Patchesta" with salt or "chifles" (more subtle slices of bananas are prepared by the same recipe). Also, rice, potatoes, yams, maniacs and other roots are widely used as a garnish. On the coast and in Amazonia, potatoes are often replaced by "Messtra" (beans or lentils) or Yuko. But all this is usually poured by local hot sauce "Aji", the options of which are more than two hundred.

"Sevich" (fish and seafood) is another kind of kitchen, in which the Ecuadorians have reached great heights of skill. Here, even far in the mountains, you can always detect excellent restaurants with sea cuisine, and in each area, even widespread dishes are prepared with the introduction of their highlights. Classic "Sevs" is preparing, pickling the raw seafood gifts in the lime juice and burning pepper, and feeding on a table with raw bow and various sides. On the northern coast, for example, you can try fine dishes from ENCOSADOS fish with sauce from coconut milk, tomatoes and garlic supplied with a huge mountain rice or fried corn. In the southern part of the coast, seafood soup "Levanta-Muerto", sharp soup with seafood "SUPE-de Mariscos" and all sorts of sea bass "Sorvin" are deserved. Moreover, "Sevice" can be prepared both from fish ("de Pescado") and shrimp ("de Camarones"), mollusks ("de-horse"), squid ("de-kalmari") or everyone together (" MICSTE ").

The jungle deliver a huge amount of fruit on the Ecuadorian table, including such exotic fruits, as "chirma" (taste resembles a custard), "Mami" with a chatter meat similar to meat, or like a striped cucumber "Pipino". Accordingly, fruit juices "Hugos" are enjoyed great attention. Juices can be both freshly squeezed ("purro") and mixed with water or milk ("Batidos") and perfectly quenched thirst. Only in Ecuador you can try the unique fruit juice "Publishing", which is something mean between citrus and peach. Sweet Corn "Humitas", delightful sweet cookies and pancakes with meat deserve attention from sweet dishes.

Oriente, inhabited by a huge number of local tribes, has a very diverse, although a somewhat rustic kitchen, the main products in which are Yuk, rice, bananas, a huge amount of river fish (including the famous piranha) and a variety of game, ranging from wild pigs and finishing Large rodents of "Guanta".

Despite the fact that Ecuador is one of the largest coffee exporters in the world, this drink itself is for some reason very low quality, regardless of the level of the institution. Tea ("those") drink without milk and usually with a slice of lemon. Herbal teas ("Aromatics" or "Mate") are among the favorite drinks of the local population, and the diversity of flavors and the recipes used here for the preparation of these drinks simply amazes.

Ecuador is famous for his beer, which is among the best in South America. The most popular brand is "Pilsner", but also good "Club" and "Beale". Ecuadorian wines are still extremely rare, but everywhere you can find first-class Chilean and Argentine wines (very cheap, by the way). Imported alcoholic beverages are also publicly available, but relative to the road. Traditional local drinks include the famous "Pisco" or more democratic "canlazo" ("guy") from sugar cane, lemon, sugar and cinnamon. Also in many institutions, especially in the Sierra, you can find an unusual alcoholic drink "Chiche", which is a specially fermented by the infusion of Yukki (a very specific drink, it should be noted). Aguardient ("Cana" or "Punta") is another local drink, most of all resembling a very strong rum. It is often mixed with fruit juices, sugar, cinnamon ("Callary") and hot water, getting a warming drink, especially popular in high mountainous areas. Also in Ecuador make rum, not the best quality, but it is very cheap.

Traditional Ecuadorian dishes Literally affect the imagination with their diversity, unusual, great sophisticated taste. This kitchen is deservedly considered one of the delicious in the world. In general, Ecuador is the only Latin American country, who managed to most fully preserve the culinary traditions of the Indian peoples who inhabited the territory of the country before introducing Europeans here. Ecuadorians, like hundreds of years ago, prefer various soups, dishes from the gifts of the sea, all sorts of garniram from rice, grain, vegetables and eggs. Various "European" side dishes and potatoes are successfully replaced by fried bananas, yukki, manic and other fruits of local flora in all variations and hypostatas. In addition, the cuisine of Ecuador is distinguished by uniqueness and sophistication, local cooks are distinguished by amazing skill in the original design of dishes.
The brightest component of national cuisine is definitely soups. It is all sorts of soups that occupy a special place in the cooking of Ecuadorians. For the most part, the recipes of local soups are built on centuries-old Indian traditions.
The most, perhaps, a popular soup in Ecuador is a potato "locomotive de papas" which is preparing with maize and peas grains, and served with grated cheese and avocado.

Ecuadorian kitchen recipes. Dishes for holidays. National New Year recipes.

First meal:

  • Soup with corn dumplings / Sopa de Bolas de Maiz
  • Runs made of legs / Caldo de Patas de Res
  • Soup Chupe of shrimp / Chupe de Camarones

Main dishes:

  • SanCoCo Fish / Sancocho De Pescado
  • Karicho / Cariucho.
  • Empanadas from mature bananas / Empanadas de Maduro
  • Tamales from Yukka / Tamales de Yuca
  • Stuffed pork rolls / Carne Mechada
  • Tragede / Lengua Guisada
  • Dried goat / seco de chivo
  • Potato locomotion / Locro de Papas
  • Chigles / Chiguiles.
  • Mature Bananas (Maduro) with Cheese / Maduros CON QUESO
  • Banana Cake / Torta de Platano
  • Salpikon de Marisco / Salpicon de Mariscos
  • Rice with shrimps / Arroz Con Camaroones
  • Shrimp Sevice / Ceviche De Camarones
  • Corviche / Corviche.
  • Pirate Chicken

National Drinks:

  • Aguardite - "Firewater"

Such dishes are very popular as chician soup "Caldo de Galina", "Chupe de Pescado" - Fish soup with vegetables, "Sanachio" - Fish soup with banana and yukka. In general, the most popular are soups cooked from the rubbish green bananas, corn cobs, and more from fish and seafood.

Features of the life of the indigenous population of the country, undoubtedly affected and on the composition of traditional dishes, therefore various exotic dishes are popular in the national cuisine: potato soup with Blood "Jaguarlockro", "Caldo de Manbon" - soup made from bull genital organs, and Also delicious bouillon "Caldo de Path" with fried calf hooves. One of the most exotic national dishes is the roasted guinea pig "Kui", which is usually served in the mountainous regions of Ecuador.

In any, even a tiny restaurant, you will be offered a traditional dish "Sevic" - a complex dish that is preparing from fresh seafood marinated in Lyme juice with
addition of burning peppers; The popular dish "Patakon" - fried bananas and "kangrehada" - a special way of welded crabs.
Actually, seviche (dishes from the seafood) is a whole layer of Ecuador's kitchens, in which the Ecuadorians reached the highest skill. Here, even high in the mountains, you can find excellent restaurants offering dishes from seafood, and in each area they are prepared with their special highlight. For example, on the northern coast you can taste a dish of ENCOSADOS fish with sauce cooked from coconut milk, garlic and tomatoes, which is served with rice rice or fried corn. At the southern part of the Ecuador coast, spicy seafood soup "Levanta-Muerto" and all sorts of dishes from the sea bass "Sorvin" are very popular.
Also from fish dishes are loved and popular "Salmon-Kon-Velduras" - salmon stewed with vegetables, "Aos Marineros" - rice with seafood and "drum" - river trout.

In the cooking of local residents, the amount of meat increases, so meat dishes, before very rare in the Indian diet of the product, are prepared for the most part in Spanish recipes. However, traditional Indian meat Kushans have been preserved: it is worth trying "dear" - a roast of a gentle milk piglet; "Guajte" - a dish of the scar (cow's stomach) in peanut sauce and potatoes; "Mondonggo" - soup of cow's salary with spices; "Patkens" - fried savory green bananas with guacomole; "Freedada" - fried pork with onions and garlic; "Horado" - baked pork; Beef Bifstex "Lomo", Fried Beefstex with onions and tomatoes "Lomo-Saltado", "Sex de Polne" - stew chicken with a side dish and avocado; Churaco - fried eggs prepared in the form of a steak on coals, served with rice, fried banana and vegetable salad; "Seco-de-Chivo" - entirely fried bayna or goat carcass with peanut sauce, etc. To meat, instead of the usual bread, special pellets from Mais "De Maiz" are served, roast corn "Kangil", the most popular dish "Patakone" - Green stem bananas fried in oil, or "chifles" - such banana chips. Potatoes, rice, maniacs, Yams tubers, etc. Korneflods are used as a garnish in the equadore gastronomy. In coastal areas and often used beans, lentils and yukka, which are abundantly watering the "Aji" sauce, usually cooked from wood tomatoes, onions, garlic and lemon juice, although the options for the preparation of this popular sauce in Ecuadorian cuisine are more than 200.

In a country where coffee is grown, surprisingly, this drink does not use much popularity, and the familiar tea from tea sheet is found and rarely, they are often drinking herbal teas "Aromatica" or "Mate" from all kinds of local herbs and colors. Such teas are among the most favorite drinks of Ecuadorians, while striking the variety of flavors and recipes for the preparation of these delightful drinks.

And for lovers of fruit juices Ecuador - True Paradise! The jungle provides the table of Ecuadorians abundance of fruits, including such exotic, like "Chirmaiya" with a delightful taste, resembling custard, "Mami" - with a similar to meat of core, or Pepinos, which looks like a striped cucumber. Fruit juices "Hugos" are very popular. Juices can be both fresh and mixed with milk or water "Batidos" - those and others are perfectly quenched thirst. Most often, all sorts of "juice products" are consumed here when fruits and berries are grinding in a blender with water. As an exotic, it is worth trying Tomates de Arbo juice tomato juice only in Ecuador, it is possible to enjoy the Naranhilla juice - the "golden fetus of the Andes" with the taste of pineapple, strawberry and maracuy at the same time.

For dessert, except for a rich diversity of tropical fruits, you will be offered local
Ice cream yogoso, Humitas corn and amazingly delicious cookies!
Ecuador is famous for his beer, by the way, Ecuadorian beer is considered to be one of their best on the South American continent. The most popular brands: "Pilsner", "Belle" and "Club".
From drinks, it is necessary to taste the cane vodka "Aguardate" - a local drink that is strongly resembling a strong rum. It is often mixed with fruit juices, sugar, cinnamon, receiving a warming drink, particularly popular in the high-mountainous regions of the country. Corn "Chiche" is also popular.
The traditional drinks of Ecuadorian cuisine includes the famous elite "pisco" of the nutmeg varieties of grapes or "canlazo" - a more democratic drink made of sugar cane, lemon, cinnamon and sugar.

KITCHEN Ecuadorian cuisine inherited many features of the culinary traditions of numerous Indian peoples who inhabited this territory before the coming of Europeans. Moreover, the Spanish influence characteristic of all countries of the region here is, perhaps, much less than in neighboring countries. Ecuadorians still give greater preference to soups and stewed meats, various cereal dishes, rice, eggs and vegetables. And the potatoes and other "European" side dishes are happy to be replaced by fried bananas, Yuko, Manica and other fruits of the local flora. Soups, no doubt, the brightest part of Ecuadorian cuisine. There are a huge amount here, and for the most part, the recipe for local soup is entirely built on the centuries-old traditions of the ancestors. Typically, such dishes are most popular as the "locomotive" soup with cheese, avocado and potatoes, Chicken soup "Caldo de Galina", "Chupe de Pescado" from fish and vegetables, as well as various exotic dishes, like a potato soup " Jaguarlokro "with blood, soup from bullish genitals" Caldo de Manbon "or Delicious for local residents" Caldo de Path "broth with fried calf hooves. Meat in the diet of local residents is becoming more and more, so for this, previously very rare in the local product diet, are used for the most part Spanish recipes. Although the influence of Indian cultures is noticeable here - it is worth trying the famous national delicacy "Kui" (roast meat of Guinea pig, we have a better known "guinea pig"), roast of the Milk Piggy "Deregon", "Guajte" - Ecuadorous dish of fried In the peanut butter of the Rubac ("Mondong") with spices, potatoes and fried green bananas ("Pattockon"), fried in Salen Pork "Freitada", Baked Pork "Horado", Bifsteks "Lomo" and Beef Bifsteks with onions and tomatoes "Lomo -Saltado "stewed with rice and avocado chicken" Sex de Polne ", wholely grilled or stewed goat" Seco de Chivo "goat and others. At the same time, maisic cakes "de Mais" are usually served to the table, fried corn "Kangil" or roasted green bananas of a special variety "Patchesta" with salt or "chifles" (more subtle slices of bananas are prepared by the same recipe). Also, rice, potatoes, yams, maniacs and other roots are widely used as a garnish. On the coast and in Amazonia, potatoes are often replaced by "Messtra" (beans or lentils) or Yuko. But all this is usually poured by local hot sauce "Aji", the options of which are more than two hundred. "Sevich" (fish and seafood) is another kind of kitchen, in which the Ecuadorians have reached great heights of skill. Here, even far in the mountains, you can always detect excellent restaurants with sea cuisine, and in each area, even widespread dishes are prepared with the introduction of their highlights. Classic "Sevs" is preparing, pickling the raw seafood gifts in the lime juice and burning pepper, and feeding on a table with raw bow and various sides. On the northern coast, for example, you can try fine dishes from ENCOSADOS fish with sauce from coconut milk, tomatoes and garlic supplied with a huge mountain rice or fried corn. In the southern part of the coast, seafood soup "Levanta-Muerto", sharp soup with seafood "SUPE-de Mariscos" and all sorts of sea bass "Sorvin" are deserved. Moreover, "Sevice" can be prepared both from fish ("de Pescado") and shrimp ("de Camarones"), mollusks ("de-horse"), squid ("de-kalmari") or everyone together (" MICSTE "). The jungle deliver a huge amount of fruit on the Ecuadorian table, including such exotic fruits, as "chirma" (taste resembles a custard), "Mami" with a chatter meat similar to meat, or like a striped cucumber "Pipino". Accordingly, fruit juices "Hugos" are enjoyed great attention. Juices can be both freshly squeezed ("purro") and mixed with water or milk ("Batidos") and perfectly quenched thirst. Only in Ecuador you can try the unique fruit juice "Publishing", which is something mean between citrus and peach. Sweet Corn "Humitas", delightful sweet cookies and pancakes with meat deserve attention from sweet dishes. Oriente, inhabited by a huge number of local tribes, has a very diverse, although a somewhat rustic kitchen, the main products in which are Yuk, rice, bananas, a huge amount of river fish (including the famous piranha) and a variety of game, ranging from wild pigs and finishing Large rodents of "Guanta". Despite the fact that Ecuador is one of the largest coffee exporters in the world, this drink itself is for some reason very low quality, regardless of the level of the institution. Tea ("those") drink without milk and usually with a slice of lemon. Herbal teas ("Aromatics" or "Mate") are among the favorite drinks of the local population, and the diversity of flavors and the recipes used here for the preparation of these drinks simply amazes. Ecuador is famous for his beer, which is among the best in South America. The most popular brand is "Pilsner", but also good "Club" and "Beale". Ecuadorian wines are still extremely rare, but everywhere you can find first-class Chilean and Argentine wines (very cheap, by the way). Imported alcoholic beverages are also publicly available, but relative to the road. Traditional local drinks include the famous "Pisco" or more democratic "canlazo" ("guy") from sugar cane, lemon, sugar and cinnamon. Also in many institutions, especially in the Sierra, you can find an unusual alcoholic drink "Chiche", which is a specially fermented by the infusion of Yukki (a very specific drink, it should be noted). Aguardient ("Cana" or "Punta") is another local drink, most of all resembling a very strong rum. It is often mixed with fruit juices, sugar, cinnamon ("Callary") and hot water, getting a warming drink, especially popular in high mountainous areas. Also in Ecuador make rum, not the best quality, but it is very cheap.

Traditional dishes ecuadorian cuisine Amazed imagination with their diversity and unusualness. Kitchen Ecuador It is deservedly considered one of the most ascetic, but, nevertheless, the delicious in the world. - The only Latin American country, who managed to mainly preserve the culinary traditions of the Indian peoples who inhabited the territory of the country before the coming of Europeans here.

In contrast, for example, from the Many gastronomic ideas from Africans; Or from and, kitchens of which have absorbed Spanish traditions. Ecuadorians, like hundreds of years ago, prefer various soups, dishes from the gifts of the sea, all sorts of garniram from rice, grain, vegetables and eggs. Various "European" side dishes and potatoes are successfully replaced by fried bananas, yucca (tropical plant of the Agavov family), manic and other fruits of local flora in all sorts of variations and hypostatas. Most on the table Ecuadorian dishes from rice, bananas, yukki and potatoes.

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The brightest component of national cuisine is definitely soups.

It is all sorts of soups that occupy a special place in the cooking of Ecuadorians. For the most part, the recipes of local soups are built on centuries-old Indian traditions.

Perhaps the most popular soup in Ecuador is a potato "locomotive de papas" (Span. Locro de Papas), which is preparing with maize grains and peas, and served with grated cheese and avocado.

Such dishes such as chicken soup "To aldo de Galina"(Iz. Caldo de Gallina)," Chupe de Pescado "(CHUPíN DE PESCADO) - Fish soup with vegetables, SanCocho (Sancocho) - Fish soup with banana and yucca. In general, the most popular are soups cooked from the rubbish green bananas, corn cobs, and more from fish and seafood.

The composition of the dish can be judged by the expirations of the names, for example: "-Ed Pescado" - soup from fish, "- Koncha" - from mollusks, "- Pulpo" - a dish cooked from octopuses, "-" Camerence "- soup Shrimps, and "-sevich mixtops" - Soup-assorted of several main components.

Features of the life of the indigenous population of the country, undoubtedly affected and on the composition of traditional dishes, therefore various exotic dishes are popular in the country's national cuisine: potato soup with Blood "Jaguarlokro" (Sp. Yaguarlocro), " Caldo de Manbon"(Iz. Caldo de Manger) - soup made from bull genital organs, as well as a delicious Caldo de Path broth (Caldo de Patas) with fried calf hooves.

One of the most exotic national dishes is the roasted guinea pig "CUY" (CUY), which is usually served in the mountainous regions of Ecuador (photo from below).

In any, even a tiny restaurant, you will be offered a traditional dish "Sevic" (Spanish seviche) - a complex dish that is prepared from fresh seafood marinated in Lyme juice with the addition of combustible zhugochi pepper; Patacon's popular dish (Patacon) dish is fried bananas and kangrehada (kangrehada) - a special way for welded crabs.

Actually, seviche (dishes from the seafood) is a whole layer of Ecuador's kitchens, in which the Ecuadorians reached the highest skill. Here, even high in the mountains, you can find excellent restaurants offering dishes from seafood, and in each area they are prepared with their special highlight. For example, on the northern coast you can taste a dish of ENCOSADOS fish with sauce cooked from coconut milk, garlic and tomatoes, which is served with rice rice or fried corn. On the southern part of the Ecuadorian coast, spicy seafood soup "Levanta Muerto" (Spaning Levanta Muerto) and all kinds of dishes from the sea bass is "Sorvin" (Sp. Sorvina).

Also from fish dishes are loved and popular " salmon Con-Velduras"(Span. Salmone Con Velduraz) - Salmon stewed with vegetables," Aros Marineros "(AROS Marinoc) - Rice with seafood and" drum "(Span. Trucha) - River Trout.

In the cooking of local residents, the amount of meat increases, so meat dishes, before very rare in the Indian diet of the product, are prepared for the most part in Spanish recipes. However, traditional Indian meat kushans have been preserved: it is worth trying "ledge" (Ip. LechNOn) is a roast of a gentle milk piglet; "Guajte" (Guatita) - a dish from the scar (cow's stomach) in peanut sauce and potatoes; "Mondongo" (Ip. Mondongo) - Cow Soup Required with spices; "Patkens" (Span. Ratacones) - Fried Single Green Bananas with Guacomole; "Fritada" (Span. Fritada) - Fried pork with bow and garlic; "Horado" (Hornado) - baked pork; Beef Bifstex "Lomo" (Sp. Lomo); Fried Beefstex with Lomo-Saltaddo tomatoes (Span. Lomo Saltado); "SECO-DE-POLLO" (Seco de Pollo) - stewed chicken with a garnish of rice and avocado; Churaco (Spanish Churarasco) - scrambled eggs prepared in the form of a steak on coals, served with rice, fried banana and vegetable salad; "Sek de Chivo" (Seco de chivo) - entirely fried bay or goat carcass with peanut sauce, etc.

To meat instead of the usual bread for us, special cakes made from Mais "De Maiz", fried corn "Kangil" (Cangil), the most popular Patakones dish (PataCones) - Green Special Sorted Bananas, Roasted in Oil, or "Chifles" - such banana chips. Potatoes, rice, maniacs, Yams tubers, etc. Korneflods are used as a garnish in the equadore gastronomy. In coastal areas and often used beans, lentils and yukka, which are abundantly watering the "Ajì" sauce (Ajì), usually cooked from wood tomatoes, onions, garlic and lemon juice, although the options for cooking this popular sauce in Ecuadorian kitchen has more 200.


In a country where coffee is grown, surprisingly, this drink does not use much popularity, and the familiar tea from tea sheet is found and rarely, they are often drinking herbal teas here ("Aromatica" or "Mate" from all sorts of local herbs and colors . Such teas are among the most favorite drinks of Ecuadorians, while striking the variety of flavors and recipes for the preparation of these delightful drinks.

And for lovers of fruit juices Ecuador - True Paradise! The jungle provides the table of Ecuadorians abundance of fruits, including such exotic, as "chirimy" with a delightful taste, resembling a custard, "Mami" - with a similar to meat of core, or "Padinos", which looks like a striped cucumber. Fruit juices "Hugos" are very popular (GUGOS). Juices can also be freshly squeezed ("Jugos Naturales"), and mixed with milk or water "Batidos" (P. Batidos) - those and others are perfectly quenched thirst.

Most often, all sorts of "juice products" are consumed here when fruits and berries are grinding in a blender with water. As an exotic here, it is worth trying Tomates de Arbo juice (taste like a combination of tomato and orange juice), only in Ecuador it is possible to enjoy the Naranhille juice (Lat. Solanum Quitoense) - "The Golden Andes" with the taste of pineapple, strawberries and Maracuy at the same time. For dessert, except for a rich diversity of tropical fruits, you will be offered local ice cream Yokoso (Spanner Yokoso; thick ice yogurt), sweet corn "Humitas" (Humitas) and amazingly delicious cookies!

Ecuador is famous for his beer, by the way, Ecuadorian beer is considered to be one of their best on the South American continent. The most popular brands: "Pilsner", "Belle" and "Club".

From drinks, it is necessary to taste the cane vodka Aguardient (Aguardiente; means "fiery water") - a local drink that is strongly resembling a strong rum. It is often mixed with fruit juices, sugar, cinnamon, receiving a warming drink, particularly popular in the high-mountainous regions of the country. Also popular corn "Chicha" (Sp. Sichha).

The traditional drinks of Ecuadorian cuisine includes the famous elite "Pisco" (Pisco) from nutmeg grape varieties or "canlazo" - a more democratic drink made of sugar cane, lemon, cinnamon and sugar.

But no matter how much we told about the delights of Ecuadorian cuisine, how folk wisdom says: "It is better to try once than 100 times to hear!"