Cake Zaher step by step. How to cook cake zaher at home

14.11.2020 Dishes from seafood

Cake Zaher is a traditional dessert of Austrian cuisine, and it is also considered one of the best cakes in the world. This cake is obtained with a delightful chocolate taste and a simple fruit nota, due to the presence of a jam.

History of chocolate cake Zacher

The history of the creation is described in old Cookbooks of Austria, you can often see the recipes of desserts that can be called copies of this masterpiece, but the very Viennese cake is a zaner, which everyone knows about now, has appeared thanks to amazing insight.

It happened in 1832, when the prince of mettern, asked for personal cooks to come up with an important dinner any new masterpiece. Unfortunately, the chief culinary minister is sick that day, and the whole responsibility moved to the young Frank Zaccher, who was still studied cooking.

Contrary to experiences, a beginner cook perfectly coped with his task, and the guests enjoyed dessert. However, then of the real furor, the chocolate work of a novice cook still did not produce, and his recipe was lost and forgot for a long time.

In the meantime, Franz Zacher completed his studies and after a couple of years began to drag his skills in the kitchens of the rich houses of Bratislava and Budapest. In 1848, he was already recognized as a confectioner, he returned to Vienna, where he suddenly abandoned cooking and opened his shop of exquisite products and wines.

About the long-being forgotten recipe for chocolate delicacy remembered only the son of Franz, Eduard Zaher. Then Eduard worked in the popular confectionery "Demem", and it was there that the Austrian cake Zaher, who was previously served at the court, acquired his popularity.

What is the difference between the cake zakher from the Prague cake?

In the cake, the biscuit biscuit from chocolate and the layer of cortex with the jam. In the dessert Prague: cakes from chocolate, cream's layer, the jam is filled only the side parts and the surface of the cake.

Chocolate cake Zaher - is considered a symbol of veins, popular around the world due to good advertising.

Russian is not so famous among foreign citizens. According to taste, the cakes are practically no different. In Prague more cream. The main difference can be considered exactly the cost, Zaher in Vienna: diameter 12 cm costs 19.50 euros, about 800 rubles, and Prague cake costs 256 rubles.

Classic Cake Recipe Zakher

The highlight of this cake is its chocolate base and a coating from the jam. Consider how to cook the cake of the Zaher at home according to the classic recipe.


  • flour - 150 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • creamy butter - 150 grams;
  • chocolate component - 150 grams;
  • eggs - six pieces;
  • jam coating - 150 grams.


  1. First, it is necessary to melt separate chocolate products and oil. Then you need to beat yolks and sugar.
  2. Pour oil and continue to beat, then chocolate is added.
  3. The next step is the flow of flour.
  4. Everything needs to be stirred, the mass should get homogeneous.
  5. Beat proteins to foam and introduce sugar. It is necessary to beat until sugar becomes dissolve.
  6. Mix whipped proteins with dough.
  7. After completing the basic actions, it is necessary to pour the resulting dough into shape, bake 40 minutes at a temperature mode of 180 degrees.
  8. Then give the attachments to cool and divide them into two parts.
  9. Mix the cake with cream and sprinkle (melted chocolate). Put in the refrigerator for several hours.

There is a raisin (for lovers of additives) - the top of the dessert before the coating you need to lubricate the jam. After impregnation, it can be served to the table.

Cake recipe with almonds in a slow cooker

According to the previous recipe, you can understand how and from what the cake is created.

But how to work, if no oven?

Biscuit can be made in a slow cooker using the same products. For example, repeating the dessert with the almond crumb. In a multicooker, the biscuit will be made in an hour with the help of the "Baking" function.

Recipe for lean cake Zaher

Lean pastries are not inferior to baked cakes using eggs and dairy products. Make a lean masterpiece of the Zaccher and enjoy it taste.

Basic components for test

  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • oil - 250 grams;
  • almond dairy products - 500 ml;
  • bitter chocolate - 100 grams;
  • flour - 600 grams;
  • cocoa powdered form - five small spoons;
  • busty - two spoons;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoons;
  • lemon juice - two large spoons.

Components for cream

  • black tea - 270 ml;
  • dark chocolate - 300 grams;
  • jam with apricot flavor - 200 grams;
  • grated chocolate;
  • dried apricots.

Description of the process of stepgy

  1. Chocolate divide into pieces, and fill with warm milk. Still until the chocolate is absorbed.
  2. Pour the oil, add sugar, cocoa, salt and add a baking powder. All over.
  3. Flour seek and interfere in the dough.
  4. Pour half the dough and bake with T 180 degrees. In the same way, make another korzh.
  5. Welcome black tea and dissolve chocolate products in it.
  6. Make a "ice" bath. Add liquid with ice into the pan, put a container with chocolate tea and whisk by a mixer.
  7. Launch completely cakes with jam.
  8. Chilled icing Cover baking. Sprinkle with chocolate chip from above, decorate the Kuragia.

Cake Zacher in Multicooker

Baking in a slow cooker is highlighted with its puff, taste and aroma. Popular dessert "Zaher" can be quickly cooked in a slow cooker.


  • 120 grams of flour;
  • 120 grams of sugar;
  • 120 grams of oil;
  • some chocolate;
  • five eggs.

For glaze and impregnation:

  • jam with apricot - seven teaspoons;
  • several chocolate tiles;
  • lemon juice;
  • cream.


  1. Creamy oil and chocolate products melt on a water bath.
  2. Jolves disconnect from proteins, and scrape with sugar. Make a mass into a chocolate mixture, mix.
  3. Sketch the flour through the sieve and immerse it in the mass.
  4. In a separate plate, sweep the proteins with a small part of the sugar. Add the resulting cream to the dough.
  5. Lubricate the pan of the creamy butter. Pour the mass into the shape and bake an hour in the "Baking" mode.
  6. Through the sieve, skip the jam and add to the mass of the driver and lemon juice.
  7. Put a shill on the fire and bring the process to a boil.
  8. When the Corzhik will be ready, it will be necessary to divide the pressure or leave it entirely - this is a personal choice.
  9. Chocolate biscuit, you need to soak the jam and put in the refrigerator.
  10. To create chocolate glaze, break chocolate into small pieces, and melt it in the scenery.
  11. When chocolate products are dissolved, enter in greasy cream.
  12. Pull the cakes from the refrigerator and wake the dessert with icing.

Cake Zaher with Cherry

One of the best Viennese delicacies is a cherry cherry cherry.
The confectionery masterpiece is distinguished by a kind of chocolate taste. For cooking, it is not necessary to learn something for years.


  • black chocolate - 300 g;
  • creamy oil - 130 g;
  • powder from sugar - 150 g;
  • egg chicken - six pieces;
  • pod of vanilla - one thing;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • flour - 130 g;
  • cognac - two tablespoons;
  • cherry - 250 g;
  • cream fat - 170 ml.


  1. Melt 125 grams of chocolate products using a water bath. Remove aside.
  2. Mix the oil, add to it powder from sugar, yolks, vanilla pieces, whip up to uniformity.
  3. Wake up proteins and some sugar to soft peak. The foam must hold the shape and not to subscribe from the bunny.
  4. Add some proteins to chocolate, gently mix your spatula.
  5. Add the second part of the proteins to yolks and oil, prevent.
  6. Align two masses and very carefully, not appreciating, mix the shovel.
  7. Add flour and slowly mix all again. Put the dough into the mold, fold the oven at the oven heated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Cool.
  8. Cherry and a hundred grams of sugar thump in a pan, bring a mixture to a boil, hinder that sugar is dissolved, pour cognac, boil a minute, remove from the fire and cool.
  9. Cold cogichik divide into two parts. On the first pour the cherry mixture. Fluid separated from Cherry, divide into two parts, soak all the cakes. Cover the first corogist second.
  10. Divide into pieces of 175 grams of chocolate, add cream and 300 grams of sugar, put on a weak fire, housing until the mass is reached until a homogeneous state. Cool slightly.
  11. Warm icing. Cover the product from all sides, dear side sides. Put your masterpiece for the night in the refrigerator.

If you are starting in cooking, then at every stage of cooking, questions will appear. Guide the recommendations that will help cook a delicious confectionery.

  1. So that the biscuit does not rose when baking, close the shape of the foil layers.
  2. Before hitting the egg, it is necessary to put in a refrigeration unit for half an hour.
  3. So that the cortish is not donkey, the mixture of the protein must be entered into the dough, carefully interfering with it with a spoon.
  4. To add a piquant taste in the impregnation, you can add a couple of Roma droplets.
  5. Chocolate can be melted in a microwave oven.

Cake "Zaher" - flawless. Dessert Collects bright paints of a boring day!

Recipes Cakes Cakes at home with photos

cake Zacher.

2 hours 30 minutes

350 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

From each trip, I try to bring some culinary "highlight". True, acute and extreme exotic is still avoided, preferring strict European cuisine. Today we will prepare the Vienna Cake "Zaher", and all the steps of cooking are shown in the photo.

Inventory and kitchen appliances: Mixer, oven, deep bowls.

Required products

Cake recipe "Zaher" at home is unthinkable without chocolate glaze. For her, I usually take:

  • tablespoon butter;
  • milk (4 spoons);
  • bitter chocolate (not less than 150 g).

Features of the choice of products

There are no superhithrost when buying ingredients. Just overlook the expiration date and place whether the packaging. Cocoa, Vanillin, Flour and Sugar - somehow I can not imagine the kitchen without them.

Not particularly trusted by the "shopping" jamam, in our family chocolate cake "Zaher" makes with home apricot jam.

Cake story

This cake is already without a small 200 years - for the first time he prepared a 16-year-old Franz Zacher in 1832. Forgetting about your recipe for a half dozen years, Franz returned to the cake only in 1848, when he opened his own confectionery in the center of Vienna. His elder son Edward over time changed a little recipe, which made a treat popular outside Austria.

In our areas, the cake "Zaher" knew, but here the history of the creation remained a secret, because of which the other name was "Prague".

How to prepare Cake "Zaher" at home: step-by-step recipe

Take a test. Baking the biscuit is a form of a diameter of 20 cm.

The "real" cake can be tried only in the Vienna Confectionery "Demem". This establishment belongs to the dessert dessert descendants, and the recipe is strictly original.

Components of the 1st stage

  • Butter;
  • Sugar;
  • Vanillin;
  • Chocolate;
  • Eggs.

We melt the oil, and then add sugar and beat up to a homogeneous mass.

From egg yolks, we separate proteins that while we are sent to the refrigerator. Black chocolate I also melt and give him a little cool.

The shaken chocolate is stirred with oil composition. Vanillin goes there. You can add a spoon of brandy (for piquancy), but it is an amateur.

We add yolks and beat. For the preparation of the cake "Zaper", according to the recipe, add them to the mixture it is necessary separately, if you throw in one fell swing, then the porridge will turn out. We wash the mass until uniformity.

Components of the 2nd stage

  • Cocoa;
  • Almond;
  • Baking powder;
  • Sugar;
  • Egg white.

Cake "Zaher" in its classic form requires more preparation of a dry mix.

Dry mix can be bought in the store. We need a basis for the biscuit cake.

Cleaning almonds, crumble him in a blender. So that it is better crushed, you can pour boiling water for a couple of minutes. While almonds mock, we see the flour, add a baking powder into it and cocoa.

From the refrigerator, we have already chilled proteins and beat, gradually increasing the speed of the mixer.

Waiting when they ride and flashes, add 100 g of sugar. Half of the protein will go into the chocolate mixture, they add cocoa, baking powder and flour.

Bake the cake "Zaper" can be able to perform enough recipe.

3rd stage: baking

In the resulting dough, add the remaining proteins and mix this mass.

I lubricate the shake and sprinkle with flour, pouring the dough and send the biscuit in the oven, where it is a baked at a temperature of +180 ° C for an hour.

At times, look at what is happening there with the basis.

On cakes brought from veins, you can see a triangular medal. This indicates that we are in front of us - the real "demel" "Zaher".

It is better to comply with technology and, having reversed a biscuit, give it to "relax", if there is time, then it is a few hours.

Components of the 4th stage

  • Chocolate;
  • Butter;
  • Apricot jam;
  • Milk.

Cake "Zaher" according to the classic recipe is almost ready, which confirms the photo of the process.

Already ready biscuit is neatly divided into two corgis. Sootheless Jam Maude Lower Korzh, and then cover it with the top (without separate handling jam).

The collected cake is cooked by the jam completely, with sides.

Recipe Glazers for Cake "Zaher"

In the "accelerated" mode, the glaze is done like this:

Give the glaze to cool, you can start decorating the cake. The glaze is applied to the entire surface of the dessert.

Cream for decorating the cake should not be seized and be too fluid.

We figured out how to prepare the cake "Zaher", it's small - to decorate it.

How beautiful to arrange and apply the cake "Zaher"

Beautifully filed dessert cattons appetite, so the design plays a role. The easiest way to add the same glaze. Draw a pattern, write text or make huge numbers - for such purposes it is suitable ideal. This will require a fantasy and a confectionery bag.

You can go even further, sprinkling a chocolate chip. Several almonds or a little kuragi will also add charm. But with other dried fruits, you should not mess - they will look strange. So that the Austrian Cake "Zaher" pleased with the exquisite taste, does not include fruit in his recipe.

If everything is done correctly, it does not arise difficulties. But there are small things about which you need to know. Experienced hostesses are familiar with them, but for beginners will repeat:

  • in the biscuit dough starch is not added, otherwise the cake simply swalls;
  • if you do not glue sugar, it turns out another effect (the cake is tight and hardly cut);

The rights to the recipe were challenged for a long time, and only in the 1960s authorship was fixed behind the confectionery "Demel".

  • by adding new ingredients into the mixture, the dough is not stirred longer than 2-3 minutes;
  • finished dough immediately put in the oven, it is not necessary to rewrite it;
  • it happens that the finished biscuit is stuck in the form, and pull it out without damaging, difficult. There is a way out - cover from above a pure moist towel. It absorbs heat, and the sides will set out the walls.

Video from the preparation of the cake "Zaher"

How to just make a cake "Zaher", tells this video disc.

Cake Zacher.

Chocolate cake recipe "Zaher". Delicious, gentle, with fageful taste, with apricot jam and chocolate Austrian cake - Zaher.


For biscuit:

200g. butter
5 eggs, 150g. Dark bitter chocolate (at least 75% cocoa),
200g. Sahara,
1 cup flour.

150ml. water,
150g. Sahara,
200 - 300g. Dark bitter chocolate +
200 - 300g. apricot jama
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The recipe is described here -

Greetings to you, dear friends, and guests of the culinary site home restaurant! Today I will tell you how to prepare a classic cake Zaher (Sacherte) at home. Like any classic recipe, this cake has no strict formulation, and the recipe for the original Austrian cake Zaher is still contained in the secret. Below, I will show you my vision of this chocolate dessert, and you already decide for yourself: suits you a recipe, or not.

Cake Zaher was enveloped with culinary myths and legends, and in view of this, many hostesses are afraid to cook the cake of the Zaher at home. Spectacle dispel a part of your fears, and I will say that nothing complicated in the preparation of the cake.

Perhaps the most volatile part of the recipe, I would call an apricot confiture: it should be prepared from selected ripe apricots, to be properly consistency (not broken, not spread and stroke in the cold), and, of course, be delicious. Therefore, I prepared an apricot confiture for the cake, and I was confident in this ingredient for all 100%. Recipe see.

Another "nail of the program" is a mirror chocolate glaze. For the beautiful name there is no less tasty and beautiful content: the glaze is really very interesting, it is prepared with the use of gelatin, and on the finished cake looks simply amazing. A mirror chocolate glaze is preparing quite simply, you yourself make sure that reading the recipe to the end.

Ingredients on the form 26 cm:

Chocolate Biscuit:

  • 8 pcs. Yaitz
  • 180 gr. butter
  • 150 gr. Sugar powder
  • 140 gr. Sahara
  • 160 gr. flour

Chocolate Ganash:

  • 180 gr. Dark chocolate min. 70% cocoa
  • 180 gr. Cream 33%
  • 4 tbsp. Sugar powder

Cake impregnation syrup:

  • 150 ml. water
  • 40 g. Sakhara
  • 20 g. Cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp. Roma or inland

Mirror chocolate icing:

  • 170 gr. Sahara
  • 75 gr. Cocoa powder
  • 90 gr. Cream (from 33%)
  • 100 gr. water
  • 12 gr. Gelatin +70 ml. water


  • 350 gr. Apricot confiture or jam

How to prepare Cake Zaher at home:

Cooking Cake Zaher, start with chocolate biscuit. Chocolate lying on pieces, and send it to a water bath, so that by the time it will be needed, chocolate completely melted and became liquid.

In a large deep dish, connect soft butter and sugar powder.

Whip oil with powder using a mixer to homogeneity.

In a sweet oil mixture, one by one we introduce yolks, continuing to continuously beat the mass of the mixer.

Similarly, we gradually introduce liquid chocolate.

The chocolate mixture assigns to the side, and engage in proteins.

We get proteins from the refrigerator, add a pinch of salt, and beat until they start to be white. It should turn out about how I have in the photo.

Gently, in small portions, begin to introduce whipped proteins in the oil-chocolate mass.

So that the proteins do not dare, it is desirable to do it with a shovel, or at a very low speed of the mixer. I decided not to risk, and the mixer in this case does not use.

And the last stage: in small portions we introduce a sifted flour.

And just also gently interfere with the flour to the shovel, until the total homogeneity of the dough on our chocolate biscuit for the cake of Zaher.

At the end, try the dough taste: if you feel that air bubbles are bursting in the language - it means you did everything right: a chocolate biscuit will rise, it turns out a lush and air, despite the dense oil dough and the absence in the bundle.

Baking a baking shape with vegetable oil, and perturbate flour.

We shift the chocolate biscuit dough into a prepared form, grow up with a spatula, and send to heated to 180 degrees. oven for 40 minutes. Lattice position in the middle, heating from below and on top.

Ready chocolate biscuit get out of the oven, and let him cool completely.

Preparing chocolate ganash:

Dark chocolate lying on small pieces.

We mix cream with sugar powder, and bring to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles appear - immediately remove the cream from the fire. Add all chocolate to hot cream.

We begin to intensively stir the Ganash for the cake with a whisk, achieving homogeneity.

As a result, a homogeneous and dense chocolate mass should be turned out, which is well holding the shape, and does not spread. If everything looks like me in the photo, then you did everything right, and the chocolate ganash is ready. It remains only to cool our Ganash for a cake to room temperature.

Cake impregnation syrup:

In a small casserole mix: sugar, cocoa, and pour water. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring constantly. Remove from fire, and add brown rum or brandy. We assume our syrup to impregnate the cake to the side to the complete cooling.

Collect chocolate cake Zaher:

Cut the chocolate biscuit for three embers. For this, I used the usual thread: for the first time it turned out perfectly. How to cut biscuit thread, look for videos on YouTube. I know that in the classic version of the cake Zaher, just two embers, but I really wanted to add chocolate ganash to this dessert so that it turned out really a full-fledged cake, and not a "chocolate cake with apricot jam", as culinary skeptics are written on the Internet.

Every crude impregnate the syrup that we have prepared in advance. Special attention should be paid to the impregnation of the edges of the cortex, so that the ready-made cake is soothing.

The top of the cake "face down" is installed on a flat dish, or a special stand - it will be the lowest layer of chocolate cake Zaran. Lubricate the first korzh chocolate ganash. It takes about half from the entire chocolate ganasha, the remaining Ganash left at room temperature, then we then use to align the cake.

We cover the bottom layer with the second cake ganash, and we wist with an apricot confiture, or a jam.

The apricot layer is covering the third chocolate cake, and cover the entire cake by an apricot confiture, including the sides of the cake. In this form, we send our chocolate cake in the freezer, about 40 minutes so that the apricot conforter is frozen, and all the layers "grab".

After the specified time, we get a cake from the freezer, and align the cake to the remnants of chocolate ganasha. This stage is optional, and you can skip it. We send the cake back to the freezer wait for the coating of the icing.

Mirror chocolate icing:

This chocolate mirror glaze for a cake is perhaps the most interesting glaze I have ever prepared. A mirror chocolate glaze is prepared for coating a cake with gelatin, based on cocoa without butter. On the finished cake looks very elegant and beautiful, so I strongly recommend learning how to cook and work with such a glaze.

Please note that in the recipe all ingredients are listed in grams, that is, water and cream we also asslapse on scales in grams.

Gelatin smell a cup and pour warm water. We put a cup with gelatin on a water bath, and periodically stir so that gelatin completely dissolved.

In the casserole mix the sugar and cocoa, and mix the wedge.

We add water and cream to dry ingredients.

And again mix the wedge to the homogeneity of the ingredients.

We put the glaze on the stove and bring to a boil, constantly stirring the wedge. We cook about one minute, and remove from the fire.

We are waiting for the glaze slightly cool, but it will still be hot (about 60 degrees.) And add gelatin.

Further, we need to cool the mirror chocolate glaze to the operating temperature of 37 degrees. The glaze will be quite liquid, let it not frighten you. If you have a culinary thermometer - excellent, if not, is not scary. Just apply a drop of glaze on the brush hands - if not hot, it means everything is fine, the glaze is about 36-37 degrees. And you can proceed to the coating of the cake.

Give the cake from the freezer, and install on the grille. Further, we pour out the mirror chocolate glaze on top, and quickly recall the surface with a spatula, or a long knife. Due to the fact that the cake is cold, the glaze will quickly grab, and will fall smoothly. We give the ledges of the glaze freely drain, and we remove almost ready-made chocolate cake in the refrigerator.

Before serving on the table, a chocolate cake Zaher is mandatory with a minimum of one hour from the refrigerator in one hour, and we leave at room temperature. All chocolate ingredients and oil biscuit must be slightly told.

In the cold form it will be just a dry chocolate cupcake with icing. And only when the chocolate cake Zaher will reach room temperature, you can feel all the magic and the magic of taste of this famous Austrian dessert.

If you like the recipe - put apartments ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, share in social networks or write a commentary with the photo report to the dish. Your feedback is the best reward for me 💖💖💖!

I'm just convinced that this unusually chocolate cake will enjoy lovers of juicy and fragrant homemade baking. The Austrian Cake Zaher (Sacher Torte) is not just like popular worldwide: juicy, densitious and rich chocolate biscuit, a layer of delicious apricot jam and a thick layer of delicious chocolate glaze - to resist unreal! At the same time, the cake cake recipe, which we will prepare at home is completely not complicated.

In fact, the original recipe for this delicious chocolate dessert is a secret. However, resourceful confectioners, then simple housewives, derived proportions (naturally) used ingredients and, subject to the right technology, made a cake recipe for the Zaher with publicly available. Today's sweet dish, which I suggest you is one of the options for the preparation of this legendary cake.

Chocolate biscuit, which is part of this delicacy, I baked in a slow cooker. I have a very simple - Scarlett SC-411, the power of the device is 700 W, the volume of the bowl of 4 liters. When preparing a biscuit in the oven, I advise you to take a detachable round shape, a diameter of no more than 24 centimeters (the optimal option is 20-21 centimeters). Baked biscuit in a pre-dried oven at 180 degrees of 30-40 minutes (the time depends on the nature of the oven and the diameter of the form).




Chocolate glaze:

Preparation of dishes by steps:

First, we will make the preparation of the dough for chocolate biscuits. To do this, in advance of 150 grams of dark chocolate, having broken it with pieces and folding into a suitable bowl. You can drip chocolate on the water bath on the stove and in the microwave oven. I do it on the defrost mode, which is more gentle than, for example, the same heating. I do not interfere, but simply about every 10 seconds I pause and actively mix the chocolate fork. Then he melts evenly and will not come. The main thing is not to overheate chocolate, otherwise everything will spoil everything - it will turn to the lumps and there will be no road.

A melted dark chocolate is completely homogeneous, smooth and brilliant. So far I will leave it on the table to cool to room temperature.

Mixer briefly rubber oil with sugar at low speed. Then add the same emission yolks to the same level (proteins put in the refrigerator) and again everyone whipped to the formation of a more air mass of a whitish shade.

Eggs with sugar and oil will increase in volume in 4 times, while the tanks of sugar almost dissolve. We add to them a melted dark chocolate room temperature.

You can mix it all up to homogeneity with a tablespoon or blade, but it is more convenient to do this with a mixer. Just at low speed, sweat the mass to a homogeneous chocolate color. While leave the dough.

Next you need to beat 6 chilled egg proteins. To do this, pour them into the bowl and begin to beat first on low revs, gradually increasing speed to medium. We continue to beat at almost maximum speed for another minute or two. In the process of whipping, we sweep the remaining sugar (90 grams) in the tablespoon. We increase the torque of the mixer to the maximum and beat the meringue, not forgetting about sugar. If you use the planetary mixer, it turns out much easier, because your hands are free. The manual mixer whipped the proteins as if we draw eight or infinity sign. It is necessary that the mass is sharpened evenly. The finished whipped proteins are perfectly holding the shape, the mass is thick, rather dense, shiny and resemble the basis for cookies meringue. If you are not sure whether the proteins beat themselves enough, just turn the bowl upside down the bottom - the proteins should not move away from a millimeter. Risky? No, if everything is done correctly!

Now we return to the chocolate test for the biscuit. In parts (3-4 times) we introduce 150 grams of sifted wheat flour of the highest grade, interfering with a spatula or a tablespoon.

Also add portions and well whipped egg squirrels with sugar, interfering with carefully, but at the same time pretty fast in the dough. Movements should be directed from the bottom up, as if folding. Only with the right introduction of proteins the dough will remain air, and the finished biscuit does not fall after baking. In no case do not think to mix all the mixer, otherwise you will receive a non-porous biscuit at the output, and the flat chocolate pancake is all air bubbles you simply release out of the test.

According to the tradition of the biscuit, I exclusively in a slow cooker, as they are always included there. Shoot the dough into the bowl, the walls and the bottom at the same time do not lubricate the oil.

Bake this fragrant chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker is needed on baking mode for 1 hour. However, cooking time may differ, since the power of electrical appliances is different. Be sure to check the readiness of the biscuit using a wooden spanch or toothpick. Unlike a simple biscuit, this baking should be slightly wetted in the middle - the wooden mud leaves them with small pits. But not a raw dough, feel the difference. Just if the sinking will be completely dry, it means that the biscuit will be dry, and we need a juicy. Therefore, start checking about 10 minutes before readiness.

We give a ready-made chocolate biscuit for 10 minutes to relax in the form, and then remove it using the insert for cooking for a pair. Completely cool the finished baking.

Everyone who visited Vienna is familiar with this Austrian dessert. It is served in any cafe, confectionery and even a restaurant. The glory of the cake "Zaher", called in honor of his inventor, confectioner Franz Zache, has long overlooked the borders of Austria!

Now it is popular around the world, and you can meet it in any cafeteria. With all the simplicity of the components - a chocolate biscuit, an apricot jam and a thick layer of chocolate glaze, - the taste of the cake is just divine! Here is the classic cake recipe "Zaher".

Name: Cake "Zaher" Date added: 30.07.2015 Time for preparing: 10 h Portions from the recipe: 12 Rating: (4 , Wed. 4.25 out of 5)
Product number
For dough:
Flour 140 g
Sugar 110 g
Vanilla sugar 1 bag
Chocolate 130 g
Eggs 6 pcs.
Butter 140 g
Powdered sugar 110 g
For filling:
Apricot confiture 200 g
Cognac 2 tsp
For glaze:
Sugar 200 g
Water 125 ml
Chocolate 150 g


Chocolate for this cake should be taken only black, with a large cocoa content (no less than 70%). First you should take eggs and gently separate the proteins from yolks. Proteins put in the refrigerator - chilled they will be better cheb. The oil soften to room temperature, beat the mixer with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.

In the resulting oil mixture, egg yolks, constantly whipping. Must get a lush mass. Chocolate, meanwhile, melt in a water bath and gradually enter into an egg-oil mixture. Egg proteins get out of the refrigerator, save and start to beat on small revolutions. When the foam is obtained, increase the speed of the mixer.

Be whipped until the proteins begin to form soft peaks. Small portions to add sugar to proteins and beat at high speed to sharp glossy peaks that are well holding the shape. Whipped proteins gradually shifted into the chocolate mixture. From above through a small sieve to sift flour. Very neatly mix until homogeneous mass.
The classic feed of the "Zaher" cake with whipped cream of movement with stirring should be "folding": from top to bottom. The resulting dough is put into the detachable form 22-24 cm with a diameter, pre-lubricating it from the inside with butter and sprinkled with flour. Heat the oven to 170º, insert into it with a dough and bake. The first 15 minutes of the oven door to keep slightly ajar.

After that, close the oven and bake another 35-40 minutes. Ready biscuit get out of the oven, but from the form not to take another 10 minutes. Therefore, remove the form, and give the biscuit to cool on the grid. It is desirable that the biscuit "rested" 5-6 hours before assembling the cake. It is very convenient to bake it in the evening, and in the morning to collect a cake.

Before assembly, the biscuit is cut in half. According to the rules of the Zane, the top of the biscuit is cut to the perfectly smooth surface, but if desired, it is possible to "align" with its icing. Confiture need to warm up and add cognac to it - for fragrance. If you want to get a homogeneous confiture, then it stands to grind it through the sieve.
Cake "Zaher" in chocolate glaze is then confident to smear the lower cake of the biscuit, put on it the upper root, smear it and thoroughly rinse the sides of the cake. Put the dessert in the refrigerator so that the jam "grab". For glaze: in 125 ml of water, sugar sugar, put a saucepan on a small fire and constantly stiring to get sugar syrup. Boil.

As soon as the syrup boils, stop it to interfere and remove it from the surface of the foam. Cooking a syrup of 7 minutes, then turn off the fire, and cool the syrup to room temperature. Chocolate melt on a water bath and a thin ridge to carefully pour into the cooled syrup.

Mix to the state of smooth homogeneous mass. Cake to get out of the refrigerator and pour the top and sides with the icing, so that the uniform layer is turned out. After that, give a cake is broken within 4 hours. In Austria, it is customary to serve the cake "Zaper" with whipped cream. Bon Appetit!