Features of passing customs in Portugal. Alcohol import to Russia

09.10.2020 Dishes from seafood

From the journey abroad, you always want to bring not only souvenirs for memory, but also something significant. For example, high-quality local alcohol and products from Duty Free. But not always and not in any country can be imported or removed as much as it wants. This article discusses all popular tourist destinations and norms regulating the import and removal of alcoholic beverages in these countries.

When importing and exporting alcohol from the country, you need to navigate:

  1. On limitations, on baggage and manual sting (if the aircraft flight is carried out).
  2. Local customs norms and legislation. Special attention should be paid to this item, because in different countries, customs restrictions on the import and removal of alcohol can be very different.

In the post you can import duty free 3 Litra of strong alcohol or beer for every adult face. Yet 2 Litra can be imported with payment of fee of 10 euros per liter. It turns out currently, you can import 5 litersAt the same time, the total cost of drinks should not be more than 1,500 euros.

It is possible to take out of Russia how much alcohol rather than: the main thing is that the customs does not consider alcohol commercial parties - for this it may be a criminal punishment. Consequently, when calculating alcoholic beverages, which can be brought home from around the world, you should always be focused on the maximum number of 5 liters.

Turkish customs allows tourists to import 5 liters of fastening alcohol (strength up to 22 degrees) or 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages, as well as up to 20 packs of cigarettes or 50 cigars.

Excess this amount is no need - alcohol in Turkey is inexpensive. Regarding the removal of alcohol from the country there are no restrictions, but it is worth remembering the maximum 5 liters of the import of alcohol in the Russian Federation - the rest of the border guards will be forced to take away.


On the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the same customs norms on the importation and export of alcohol are operating as in Russia. Every adult citizen can enter the country duty free 3 Litra alcohol, still for 2 Litra will have to pay 10 euros for each liter.

Maximum summary amount for importation: 5 liters on an adult person with payment of fees in 20 euros. There is no difference between the norm on the fortress of alcoholic beverages.

Can be imported to the country without a duty 1 Litra drink on an adult, but the prohibition does not apply to alcohol from the Duty Free. You can remove from Thailand no more 3 Litres of alcohol (again, without limitation in DutyFree).

For violation of customs legislation, a rather large fine (about $ 1000) may be prescribed, but in reality, customs does not look at alcoholic beverages. In the network, you can easily find hundreds of messages that import and export of alcohol in Thailand for tourists is valid very weak, and they look through the limits through the fingers. Risk or not - let each decide for himself.

Drinks Fortress up to 22% in Finland can be imported from 18 years. Strong alcohol customs will miss only with travelers from 20 years and older. When exporting alcohol, it is necessary to focus on the customs legislation of the country where these drinks are planned to be imported (for the Russian Federation restriction 5 liters). It is allowed to import the following amount of alcoholic beverages:

  • 16 Litres of beer;
  • Or 4 liter of wine;
  • Or 1 liter of strong alcohol (22 or more degrees);
  • Or 2 Litra of other alcoholic beverages (including sparkling wines and champagne).

Alcohol within this number is not subject to customs duties. Drinks can be combined: For example, a liter of champagne and 0.5 strong alcohol will be placed in the limit. In order to ride alcoholic beverages into the country, the total duration of stay in Finland should be at least 72 hours (for those living in Finland, this period is reduced to 20 hours). This rule concerns not only the drinks brought with them, but also purchases from DutyFree.

In disruption, it is assumed to pay a fine in the form of a double value of alcohol. For example, if 1 liter of declared vodka costs 32 euros, then when another liter is detected, a penalty of 64 euros will have to pay.

UAE - United Arab Emirates

Everything is much more complicated with the United Arab Emirates than from most countries: the standards for importing alcohol in each emirate their own. This is logical: all the emirates are autonomous, have their own monarch and are essentially individual states.

The following restrictions apply to attractive Emirates for tourists:

  • Abu Dhabi and Fujeir You can import before 4 Any alcoholic beverages for each non-Samulmanin.
  • IN Dubai.24 Beer banks or up 4 l any other alcoholic beverages.
  • IN Sharjah - before 2 l alcoholic beverages and 1 Packaging beer.

Alcohol export from Europe (EU)

For countries - members of the European Union, there are single alcohol export regulations (customs norms). These norms apply to 28 states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia , Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden and Estonia.

There is also some restrictions on the territory of the EU countries: 16 liters of beer, 4 - wines, 2 liters of alcohol to 22% and 1 liter of strong drinks.

These countries can be removed without duties and for personal consumption the following alcohol:

  • Up to 110 liters of beer and beer drinks;
  • Up to 90 liters of wine, of which up to 60 liters can be sparkling wines;
  • Up to 10 liters of strong alcohol (with a degree above 22%);
  • Up to 20 liters of drinks with a strength of less than 22%, not specified above.

It should be understood that the opportunity to take out of European countries such a number of alcohol does not mean that the customs in the country of arrival will miss all this good. Even if you purchase tens of liters of alcohol in any of these countries, in Russia, no longer miss more than 5 liters per person.

Restriction on the importation of alcohol in other countries

  • Poland - You can bring with you 16 liters of beer, 4 liters of wine (not champagne), 2 liters of low alcohol beverages (up to 22%), 1 liter of strong alcohol. You can carry / export to restrictions from the past paragraph.
  • Tunisia - 2 liters of alcohol with a strength of up to 25% or 1 liter of alcohol tight 25% is allowed to go into the country.
  • Ukraine - Every adult can enter 1 liter vodka, 2 liter wine or 5 Litres beer.
  • Estonia - 16 liters of beer, 4 - wines, 2 liters of alcohol to 22% and 1 liter of strong drinks.
  • Kazakhstan - Customs norms are similar to the Russian Federation: 3 liters of alcohol for an adult + two liters additionally with payment of fees of 10 euros per liter.
  • Lithuania - The country allows you to import 1 liter of strong alcohol or dessert wines, 2 liters of table wines or 4 liters of beer.
  • Israel - Customs in Israel will miss adult citizens without a duty, who decided to introduce 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages or 2 liters of wine.
  • Georgia - Customs rules are allowed to import no more than 4 liters of any alcoholic beverages into Georgia.
  • Armenia - You can enter the country with no more than 2 liters of any alcohol.
  • Vietnam - One adult person (from 18 years old) can carry 3 liters of beer, 2 liters of alcohol to 22% and 1 liter of strong drinks over 22%.
  • China - In China, there is a restriction on a duty-free import in the form of 1.5 liters of alcohol on an adult person.
  • India - It is allowed to import any alcoholic beverages through customs to 2 liters.
  • Egypt - Not more than 1 liter of alcohol regardless of the strength.
  • Bali - up to 2 liters of any alcoholic beverages per adult person.

United States of America

On the territory of the United States there are uniform customs rules, rarely different from the state to state (in contrast to the Emirates in the UAE), but still it is desirable to clarify local internal legislation. In the matter of importation of alcohol, America's customs rules strongly distinguishes from other countries yet the fact that it is possible to carry alcohol here. from 21 years, not from 18.

The limit on the import of alcohol is very small: before 1 liter of alcoholic beverages regardless of the strength. That is, at least 2 bottles of whiskey on the floor of the liter, at least 2 bottles of beer similar volume. With regard to tobacco products, American customs officers are more loyal: 50 cigars can be transported, up to 2 kilograms of chewing tobacco or 200 cigarettes (block). In case of exceeding the limit on the import of alcohol on the rest, the volume will have to pay the customs duty. Possible fines and other sanctions are also possible - 1 liter should be limited to 1 liter or to clarify the laws of the state.

  1. Check information about your flight on the information board and go to the front desk, the rooms of which are indicated on the scoreboard. When registering, check the passport and ticket.
  2. After passing and ads on the start of the landing, you must go to the relevant areas for international flights.

Passengers of international flights are customs, passport control, as well as security monitoring, after which the flight is expected to fly in the sterile zone of the gallery of international air lines. When controlling controls, a foreign passport and boarding pass are presented.

When transporting animals or plants, it is necessary to undergo phytocontrol / veterinary control.

Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspection

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for the pre-flight and post-flight inspection, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2007 No. 104 it is forbidden to pronounce On board the aircraft with passengers in a registered baggage and in things that are under passengers following hazardous substances and items:

Permitted transport On board the aircraft by members of the crew and passengers in compliance with the required conditions, the following items and substances:

  • in registered baggage in cargo, luggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passenger access to baggage during flight:
    • crossbows, rifles for underwater hunting, checkers, sabers, tesaks, yatagans, executioners, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting, knives with throwing blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
    • household knives (scissors) with a length of the blade (blades) over 60 mm; Alcoholic beverages with a content of more than 24%, but not more than 70% of alcohol in volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in a container intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;
    • liquids and alcohol drinks with alcohol content of no more than 24%;
    • aerosols intended for use in sports or domestic purposes, the exhaust valves of the cans of which are protected by caps from spontaneous release of content in containers with a capacity of not more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 l per passenger;
  • in things at the passengers:
    • medical thermometer - one on the passenger;
    • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one on the passenger;
    • barometer or mercury pressure gauge, packed in a sealed container and sealed sender seal;
    • disposable lighters - one on the passenger;
    • dry ice for cooling perishable products - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
    • fluids, gels and aerosols related to non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of not more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other volume measurement units), packed in a reliably closing transparent plastic package with a volume of no more than 1 l - one package on the passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml to transportation are not accepted even if the container is filled only in part. Exception for transportation have medicines, baby food and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased in duty-free shops at the airport or on board the aircraft must be packed in a reliably sealed (sealing) plastic bag, which provides the ability to identify the contents of the package over the flight and having reliable confirmation that this purchase is made in airport stores duty-free trade or on board the aircraft per day (days) of the trip. Keep a check confirming the purchase. Do not open the package before landing into the salon or during the flight.

Administration of the airport, airport enterprises, the operator has the right to decide on the introduction of additional measures to ensure aviation security on flights with increased danger, as a result of which prohibit transportation in the aircraft of the next items:

  • corkscrews;
  • needles for subcutaneous injections (if the medical justification will not be presented);
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors with a length of the blade less than 60 mm;
  • folding (without a retainer) Road, peer knives with blades long less than 60 mm.

Flight time

Moscow-Lisbon is about 5 hours, Lisbon-Faro is about 40 minutes, Lisbon-Porto is 45 minutes, Lisbon-Funchal about 1.5 hours.

Upon arrival at Lisbon Airport, Faro, Funchal Regular flight

Upon arrival at Lisbon Airport from the country that is not included in the Schengen zone, immediately go to passport control, then get your luggage. On the monitors above the baggage ribbons, the flight, the luggage from which will be issued on this tape.

Tourists who arrive regular flights to Lisbon, Porto, Funchal met with TEZ Tour or Lusitana SOL sign in case of a group transfer or a sign with the names in the case of booking an individual transfer in the arrival halls (Chegadas).

Tourists traveling to Algarve holidays are met with a sign with surnames in case of booking an individual transfer and with TEZ Tour or Lusitana SOL sign in case of a group transfer.

Guests are delivered to the bus station or railway station Lisbon. Further on the bus or railway train moving to the Algarve region. All tickets and moving are included in the Group's price.

If for any reason, tourists did not meet with the driver / guide, you need to contact the phone: +351 964827679 / +351968743828 / +351969348017.

On operational issues (assistance in recreation organization, tips and information on the reverse transfector) contact by phone: +351 964827679 / +351968743828 / +351969348017.

Attention! In the event of a flight delay, you must urgently call the hotline to correct the transfer time. Otherwise, the tourist will get to the hotel independently!

When a flight delay from Lisbon on Madeira, it is necessary, without fail, call the hotline by phone: +351 964827679 / +351968743828 / +351969348017 and report your arrival time on Madeira.
Also, with luggage luggage and with any problems that have arisen on the territory of Madeira airport, you must call the hotline.

Transfers in Lisbon do not always imply the mandatory presence of the accompanying guide.

Carefully listen to the information that accompanied (transferman) can report on the tracking path. Also accompanying (transferman) will inform you about the time possible meeting with the guide at the hotel. After the customers will arrange at the hotel, the representative of Tez Tour will contact them and, at will, will hold a welcome meeting.

Upon arrival at Faro Airport (Algarve)

Tourists who fly by flights on Algarve meet with a sign with the names in the case of booking an individual transfer and with TEZ Tour or Lusitana SOL sign in case of a group transfer.

If for any reason, tourists did not meet with the driver, you need to contact the phone: +351 964 827 679 or +34 977 085 720.

For operational issues: assistance in recreation organization, tips and information on the reverse transfector, please contact: +351 964 827 679.

Transfers on Algarve do not imply the mandatory presence of the accompanying guide.

The procedure for passing passport control at the entrance to Portugal

General requirements

Important! When passport control staff, Portugal Border Service staff may require cash cash at the rate of 60 euros for each day of staying in the country, as well as a vacuocer for accommodation in the hotel and return flight (date of departure from the country should not be the end of the expiration of the tourist visa) .
Tourists without a return air ticket, as well as those who are not able to present the financial guarantees necessary for staying in the country for the period of the travelers committed, can be deported.

In the hotel

  1. Go to the reception where you will be given a registration card.
  2. Fill in the registration card in English.
  3. Pass the completed registration card, voucher (1 copy), passport (foreign passport will be returned to you after removing photocopies, check at the reception when you can pick up your passport).
  4. Expect settlements. Settlement to the hotel takes place mainly until 14.00. If you want to go to the room for the previous time, you need to book a day for a day before the date of your arrival (for example, you fly to Portugal at 5 am on September 10, so as not to wait for the settlement until 14.00, you can book a room not from September 10, but From September 09th. In this case, you will be settled in the room right away as soon as you arrive at the hotel). When settled, you will be given keys to the room.
  5. After check-in in the room, read the hotel provided by the hotel. Pay attention to which services are paid, and how much they cost (as a rule, the information is in the folder and lies on the table or bedside table).

Tourist tax

C 01.01.2016 From all tourists arriving in Lisbon and Santa Cruz (Madeira), a tourist tax is charged, you should pay directly at the hotel. The tax is subject to every adult tourist, children up to 13 years have been released from him.

Tourist accommodation tax in Lisbon and Econaloga for accommodation in Santa Cruz (Madeira)

  • In Lisbon hotels - 2 € per person / night, but not more than 7 nights;
  • In the hotels of Santa Cruz (Madeira) - 1 € per person / night, but not more than 5 nights;
  • At the Hotels of the Municipality, Obidysh - 1 € per person / night, but not more than 5 nights;
  • In Portimao hotels - 1.50 € per person / night, but not more than 7 nights (from 03/01/2020).

Meeting with a hotel guide

In Portugal, tourist support is conducted by phone.

For a meeting with the guide, refer to the phone +351 964827679 / +351968743828 / +351969348017 and negotiate the meeting time. At the appointed time you have to approach the hotel guide, which will be waiting for you in the hotel's lobby (in some hotels there is a separate room for info meetings). At the meeting, take a passport with you, the voucher, the air ticket to the reverse departure.

For all emerging issues and issues of operational nature (assistance in recreation organization, tips and information on the transference) can also be checked by phone +351 964827679 / +351968743828 / +351969348017.

On the eve of departure home

  1. Come on the reception, check if you have unpaid bills for additional services (use of the minibar, telephone, etc.). In the presence of debts, pay them.
  2. In the evening, on the eve of the hotel at the reception, information about the transfer time to the airport is sent. In case the information is not delivered to the room, check the departure time and departure from the hotel by phone +351 964827679 / +351968743828 / +351969348017.

Departure from the hotel

On the day of departure, the room is released during the hotel established by the Administration: in most hotels at 11:00 or at 12:00. Until the set time, hand over the keys to the reception. You can learn about the possibility of renewaling the hotel at the reception of the hotel or seek help to your guest at the hotel. This service is paid and not provided in all hotels. Some hotels with the impossibility of renewaling the number to the date of departure provide guests free duty room in order for you to take a shower and change yourself before leaving the hotel.

You can leave your luggage in the hotel storage.

To avoid various complications, please do not be late and approach the transfer at the specified time.

Arrival at the airport for departure

  1. During the return transfer from the hotel to the airport, the guide will tell you about the process of passport and customs control, the declaration of baggage, design and receiving Tax Free.
  2. Pass register for flight (provide a passport and ticket).
  3. Pass the luggage at the front desk.
  4. Get a boarding pass. Pay attention to the output number and time to board the aircraft (in the landing coupon, the output is indicated by the word Gate, time - time).
  5. Complete passport control (provide an abroad passport, visa).
  6. Go to the departure room where you expect ads for landing your flight.

In the case of loss of passport, air ticket or baggage, we ask you to immediately inform the representative of Tez Tour, which will tell you how you can solve the problem.

Helpful information

Medical service

Medical care is paid. If you need a doctor's help during your holiday, please contact your insurance company right away. The company's telephone is indicated on the insurance policy. An insurance company employee will inform you which medical center or the hospital to contact. Do not forget to take a doctor from a doctor to present it to pay in the insurance company.

Aid kit

Before a trip, create and capture a first-aid kit, which will help you with easy disadvantages, will save your time searching for medicines and relieve problems in a foreign language, in addition, many drugs can wear different names in different countries.


Souvenir shop in Lisbon

The most common souvenirs from Portugal - products from traffic jams (bags, shoes, clothing, plates); Ceramics (dishes, panels and tiles Azulzhio with hand painted, the symbol of Portugal is painted cockerel); leather products (bags, wallets, purses, belts); Portuguese wines - Portwine, Madera, Green Wines, Muscatcher, Pastle De Belem confectionery, etc.

RegistrationTaxFree. in Portugal

VAT (IVA) ranges from 6% to 23% (depending on the type of product or service). Many shops offer tax refunds when buying goods for a certain amount (to obtain VAT, the minimum amount of the check should be 61.35 euros). The refund is 18.7% of the check amount. It is necessary to receive a check on the tax reimbursement, to present a passport, fill in a special form, the money will be translated into the score specified by the applicant. You can also get a tax reimbursement when departing from the country at Lisbon Airport, in the Lisbon Seaport, at the airports of Porto and Funchal.


Most of the long-distance transport is carried out by buses and trains. On the site of the railway company Portugal, you can see the train schedule and buy tickets. Trains of long-distance (for example, in the direction of Lisbon - Porto) are mainly seated and consist of "comfortable" and "tourist" cars (that is, the 1st and 2nd) classes. In the suburban and local trains all cars of the same class.

Bus transportation between major cities of the mainland Portugal transport companies Renex and Rede Expressos. Tickets are better to reserve in advance, at least a day before departure, especially when traveling on the coast and other resort areas.


When registering at the hotel, tourists may ask to leave a deposit at the reception in the form of a sum of money (quantity is determined individually by each hotel, an average amount amounts to from 50 to 200 €) or a copy of the credit card. This amount / credit card data Hotel takes as a deposit to the future tourist costs. If the guests had no spending in the hotel, this amount is returned to the tourist. If the costs were, then the amount spent deducted from the pledge. If you left a copy of the credit card as a collateral, the hotel will always ask how you wish to pay, in cash or card. Without your permission, no operations with your credit card are made.

Most hotels offer food through a buffet system, but drinks during the power (with the exception of breakfast) are charged additionally. According to the general rules, it is not allowed to bring food and drinks to the hotel and make anything from restaurants and bars. The use of pools is free. Sauna, Jacuzzi, Gym and Tennis Court in some hotels are charged additionally. The rooms have safes, which is paid additionally use. Many hotels rooms are equipped with a paid minibar. In the evening, complimentary entertainment programs are held in some hotels: discos, concerts, musical show Fada, etc.


Beaches on continental portugal municipal and free. The rental of sun beds (3-5 euros per day) and umbrellas (5-7 euros per day) are paid. On the island of Madeira, the cost of entry into city municipal beaches from 5 euros per person. Tourists have excellent water sports facilities in resort areas.


For a trip to Portugal, it is necessary to arrange a Schengen visa.


Continental Portugal, about. Madeira: 2 hours during the summer time, 3 hours during the winter time;
Azores: 3 hours during the summer time, 4 hours during the winter time.


The monetary unit is Euro (EURO). In the turnover of banknotes with a par value of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros, as well as coins with a par value of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents. It is more convenient to exchange money at Lisbon Airport (favorable course, below the commission fee), in banks and hotels the course below, and the collection is higher (in banks the Commission is 0.5%).

Currency courses in different banks can differ significantly from each other. Some banks do not take commissions from transactions worth less than 30 euros. Dollars for payment are not accepted. The study checks are accepted by banks.

Banks work on weekdays from 08.30 to 15.00, some branches of banks in Lisbon and tourist areas are closed at 18.00 hours, and in major shopping centers of the resort region, Algarve work daily from 09.00 to 21.00 hours.

Voltage of electrical stress

Electrical voltage 220 V.


The bulk of the population of Portugal - Catholics (about 75%).


Export of currency from the Russian Federation

The amount exhausted from the Russian Federation currency (Russian and / or foreign currencies) exceeding $ 3,000 in equivalent is filled with a written customs declaration.

If the amount of currency exported from the Russian Federation (Russian and / or foreign currency) is from 3001 to 10,000 US dollars (inclusive), the provision of documents confirming the import or purchase of this currency (currencies) to the Russian Federation is required.

For one person, a duty-free importation is allowed: strong drinks - 1 liter, wine - 2 liters, cigarettes - 200VTUK, Tobacco - 250 gr., Coffee - 500 gr., Tea - 100 gr.


The tip system applies to the services of waiters in bars and restaurants, maids in hotels, taxi drivers and guides and is 5-10% of the order value. Payment of tips is not mandatory, but if the client has been satisfied with the service, tips - a sign of good tone.


Portugal has a ban on smoking in public places, in health organizations, in educational institutions, museums, theaters, libraries, in closed sports facilities, hotels, shops, in closed parkings and on the territory of gas stations (penalty - up to 750 euros).


For automatic telephone communication with Portugal, the country code (351) is gained, then the nine-digit number of the called subscriber. When calling from Portugal to Russia is recruited 007, then the city code and subscriber. In the telephone boards, coins and special cards that are sold in specialized stores Portugal Telecom, in post offices and newsstands can be used. Country codes and many special meters are listed on the sign in each telephone cabin.

Useful phones

Reference telephone service in Portugal - 118
Unified number of services: Ambulance, Police, Fire Protection - 112
Salvation service - 115
Tourist Information - 808-781-212

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Lisbon: AV. Das Descobertas, N.º 4, 1400-092 Lisboa; Tel.: +351 213-011-606, emergency telephone: + 351-91-594-03-05

Tez Tour Tourist Support Phones in Portugal

+351 964827679

+351 968743828

+351 969348017

When calling from Moscow: access to the international connection of your operator * and 351 964827679/351 968743828/351 969348017
In Portugal (Lisbon, Porto, Algarve, Madeira) when calling from the local number: 964827679/968743828/969348017
In Portugal (Lisbon, Porto, Funchal) when calling from Moscow Mobile: +351 964827679 / +351968743828 / +351969348017

* Exit to the international line can be different depending on your telephone operator. For example, MGTS: 8 beep 10 (access to the international line) Next city code and phone number.

24-hour telephone in Russia

If you have any problems with a set of support service number, report it around the clock phone 8-800-700-7878 (calls from any regions of Russia for free).

European Culture, North Africa's proximity, hot climate - all this is woven into the unique Portuguese atmosphere. At the junction of cultural winds, amazing works of art and crafts of artisans are born, which must be grabbed into Moscow.

From Portugal, the Russians are carrying everything from clothes and ceramics and ending with thoroughbred puppies. We will make a list of "top" portuguese souvenirs, choose gifts for relatives and friends, look into Portugal grocery stores. And let no one go offended.

What can be brought by tourist?

Local Portuguese travel guides, you will find frequent mentions of tiles, cork souvenirs and port. Add a bag, haberdashery and jewelry, handmade shoes, lace and embroidery. In each Portuguese town, there are souvenir shops, but you need to beware of Chinese fakes.

Conditionally, Portuguese souvenirs can be divided into several groups:

  1. Ceramic products.
  2. Food and alcohol.
  3. Cosmetics.
  4. Cork souvenirs.
  5. Shoes and leather products.
  6. Textile products.
  7. Clothing.
  8. Small souvenirs.
  9. Fruits.
  10. Works of art (paintings).

A special place in Portuguese culture is the town of Fatima, located in the west of the country. This shrine is visited by Catholics of the whole world. According to legend, in 1917, Fatima visited bright religious visions. In the town you can buy the figures of the children who were in a dream holy, statuette of the very Fatima and bottles filled with holy water.

Beware of Chinese fakes!

Top 5 Portuguese souvenirs for all occasions

The time of the main dish is the most popular souvenirs brought by tourists from Portugal. You will learn that bring to a gift to relatives and friends, get an approximate price picture. Let's proceed.

Gifts: Children - Cockerel, Baba - Ocean Salt

Some souvenirs look good on the traveler shelf, others better give to someone from their relatives. What gift to choose? Children, for example, adore roosters from Barcelusha produced in Lisbon. Petushkov images can be found on key chains, magnets, small ceramic crafts. There are rooster-bells. Make cockerels from traffic jams, clays and glass are a unlawful symbol of Portugal. The cost of such a souvenir - from 2 euros.

Girls can be pleased with high-quality cosmetics. In Portugal, the supply of "Castelbel" is in demand. We are talking about the fruit soap of handmade (there are flavors of rice, pears and lavender). A good cosmetology appliance is the ocean salt mined by Portuguese in the Atlantic. Go to the town of Aveiru - there oceanic salt is sold in large quantities. As for small souvenir products, you can bring the following trinkets:

  • Tiles Azesel - Traditional Portuguese souvenirs for wall decoration (depict funicular, vintage trams, lingerie wipe and narrow streets);
  • pumpkin boats (cheap gifts for children, cost about 1 euro);
  • plates with cities;
  • magnets;
  • football attributes.

You can bring high-quality cosmetics.

Put the route to Lisbon. , background information, transfer and everything you need to learn before the trip - read on our resource.
How the visa is happening in Portugal -. We collect documents, get a visa and way!

What else to carry: from Portugal with love ... Food and Port

Now proceed to the review of Portuguese food and drinking. Like other Mediterranean countries, Portugal is famous for wines, olive oil and fruit. Consider the entire list of alcohol and non-alcoholic products, which can be removed from Lisbon.

There are no restrictions on the import and export of currency. The amount of over 10,000 € must be declared.

Persons over 20 years old are allowed to import without paying duty:

  • Wine - 2 l, strong alcoholic beverages - up to 1 l
  • 16 L beer
  • Cigarettes (200 pieces), or 50 cigars or 250 g Tobacco
  • Products worth not more than 430 €
  • Personal medicines
  • Coffee (500 gr)
  • Tea (100 gr)
  • Perfume (50 ml) or 250 ml of toilet water

Customs Portugal forbids importing:

  • Drugs, drugs containing narcotic substances
  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • Pornographic materials
  • Meat and making products (including sausages and canned food)
  • Chocolate
  • Potatoes not from the countries of the European Union

Disport from Portugal

Portugal Customs forbids to export:

  • Historic Values, Antiques, Jewelry
  • Weapons and ammunition without special permission
  • Pornographic materials

Portugal alcohol export

In essence, the customs of Portugal does not impose restrictions on the export of wine and alcohol from the country. But these restrictions exist in Russia. You can clarify the rules of the Russian customs.

Taks Fries in Portugal

You can save 10-14% of the money spent on the return of goods purchased in Portugal. To return the tax, arrive at the airport at least 3-4 hours before departure.

In order to properly arrange a tax refund necessary:

  • Make a purchase worth not less than 61 € in stores that support the Tax Free system (usually they say logos at the entrance to the store, check with the seller)
  • Get in the shop check Taks-Free. Cash check and check Taks-Free are different things, you need to save them both.
  • Put the seller passport. Make sure that he correctly filled the data in Taks-Free Chek. If necessary, report the details of the card to which funds will be listed.
  • At customs to present: the goods filled with a check of Taks-Free, cash check and passport. Put the print on the check of Taks-Free. Packaging of goods should not be damaged!
  • Put a check with an affected stamp, as well as a passport and credit card at Global Blue paragraph or in another point for payment refund. The return amount may be issued in cash or translated into account
  • Tax Free design items can be found on the airport scheme or learn at the information desk.

The check can be credited at the airport or in any of the authorized tax returns in Russia. Refund points can be clarified on the official

Gathering on a trip to Portugal, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the customs requirements for the transportation of things and currency. Although in Portugal, in essence, standard customs rules are in effect, as in the EU countries, familiar with them to the trip does not prevent each tourist.

What can be imported into Portugal

In Portugal, there is no ban on the import of tourist checks or credit cards. So, together with the currency, you can take them with you. There are no restrictions on the transport of foreign currency or national in Portugal. The only one, the amount of foreign currency in 500 EUR and more, as well as local - more than 50 thousand eating, need to declare when entering.

As a rule, it is allowed to import in Portugal, except for your personal belongings with a total amount at 175 EUR (limit on the 1st tourist), without paying the fees and souvenirs with a total value of 800 USD (no more), as well as various sports goods. You can take a set of fishing equipment, two tennis rackets, a couple of skis, a tape recorder or a radio, binoculars, TV. Although the import of weapons is prohibited, if necessary, you can bring with you two guns intended for sports hunting, and for them 100 ammunition. But it will be important for you to get from Luxembourg to transport the consent of the Ministry of Justice.

If a tourist is more than 17 years old, a duty-free import of such categories of goods as table wine is allowed (per person 2 l.), Drinks are liquor or effervescent (2 liters), other strong alcohol drinks (in hand 1 liters. ), toilet water (only - 0.25 liters), tea (no more than 100 g) or tea extract (40 g), various spirits with a volume of 50 g, coffee (floor kg. In beans) or coffee extract (weighing 200 g. ), as well as cigarettes (only 200 pieces) or instead of their tobacco (250 grams), or cigars - fifty pieces (at the discretion of the tourist).

Animal imports will be resolved in the event of a medium of international sample and references against rabies, made thirty days before the border crossing day. Animals, like plants, are provided for inspection of quarantine service workers.

What is forbidden to import Portugal

The country is forbidden to import jewels over 150 euros (EUR). The import of chocolate chocolates, bass, meat (including sausages and canned food), dairy products are not allowed. Exception - baby food or special preparations (2 kg) for people with chronic diseases. It is standardly forbidden to import different types of drugs, potent poisonous or psychotropic substances, various weapons, medical preparations, ammunition and explosive objects. Revered to the transportation of things representing artistic or historical value.