What delicious dishes can be prepared from turkey liver? How much do you cook turkey liver? How to cook it delicious? How many minutes to cook turkey liver.

19.12.2020 Dishes from seafood

Turkey liver is a sub-product endowed with stunning benefit. It is extremely useful to kids, people suffering from anemia. From the liver turkey prepare salads, second and snacks. Pates are especially tasty. Let's discuss how much cooking turkey liver.

Turkey liver is not only extremely tasty and useful, but also a dietary product. 100 g contains approximately 167 kilocalories. And in view of the rich component composition, it can be included in the children's diet, even in the first lure.

How much do you cook turkey liver in time? The duration of its thermal processing varies from 30 to 40 minutes.

When cooking this sub-product, observe simple rules:

  • pour in a pan at least 2 liters of filtered water;
  • after boiling water, it should be salted, and then lay out the prepared turkey liver;
  • stepping meat after re-boiling until readiness;
  • be sure to remove the noise foam.

Tip! If you are cooking for the baby, then the first water is better to merge after boiling, and before readiness the liver has been barely in the second water.

And how much do you cook turkey liver for a child? Cooking time is 40 minutes.

See also:

Warm salads, snacks, pies - all this can be cooked from the boiled turkey liver. This subprodukt is not only boiled in a saucepan, but also prepare in a slow cooker or pressure cooker. Choose the appropriate software mode, for example, "Multiproduder", "quenching" or "first dishes". Bon Appetit!

Meat sub-products are available at a price, tasty and useful. It concerns this and the Liver Turkey. In the liver of this bird contains a large amount of useful substances, including rare vitamin K, which helps to be used to calcium, contributes to bone strengthening. This product is considered one of the most necessary children in the diet. Adults appreciate his useful properties with relatively low calorie content, unique delicate taste. If you know how to make the turkey liver, it will be mild and juicy. It can be used to prepare pate and souffle, salads and other dishes, serve as an independent dish with a side dish. This will significantly expand the family menu.

Features of cooking turkey liver so that it is soft and juicy

The process of cooking the liver turkey is not difficult, but has its own specifics. Without knowing a few moments of the desired result, you can not get.

  • It is important to choose a quality product, otherwise even the culinary skill will not help correct the situation and prepare a delicious dish. Good turkey liver has a red-burgundy color, it is always darker chicken. Fresh product has a glitter glitter, it smells pleasant. If the Liver exudes an unpleasant smell, it is dull color, covered with stains, it is advisable to refrain from purchase. When choosing a product in the store also draws attention to the integrity of the packaging, the date of manufacture and shelf life.
  • If you cook a fresh or chilled turntable, it will come out more juicy and soft than visiting freezing. When defrosting the sub-product loses part of the fluid, which is why it turns out to be sucked. To minimize the losses, the liver is defrosting, trying to prevent a sharp difference in temperature. It is best to give the opportunity to overturn it in the refrigerator or at least at room temperature. If you want to cook a juicy liver, you should not try to accelerate the process of its defrosting with the help of microwave or warm water.
  • Before cooking, turkey liver is washed in several waters, dry the napkin, remove pieces of fat, bile ducts. Some hostesses pre-soaked the liver in cool water. Turkey Liver does not have an equally pronounced bitter taste, like beef or pork, so you can give up from soaking. The exceptions are situations where the product is preparing for a small child. Preparing Liver for kids, it can be soaked not even in water, but in milk, then it will turn out more gentle.
  • So that boiled turkey liver is soft and juicy, it is put on boiling water. You can satisfy it immediately or 10-15 minutes before readiness. The later add salt, the more juice will save the sub-product, as the salt has a property of pulling out of the products of moisture.

Turkey liver is boiled much longer than chicken, but it is important not to digest it, otherwise it will become tough and dry.

Time for preparing

Turkey liver cooking time depends on what size it is and what it is preparing.

  • If the turkey liver is boiled in a whole pot, it will take 40 minutes. Pre-cutting the Liver Middle slices, the time of its cooking in a saucepan can be reduced to 30 minutes.
  • Hooking time turkey liver in a slow cooker exceeds her cooking time in a saucepan for 10 minutes. It happens because during cooking the product in a saucepan, it is lowered in boiling water, and during cooking it in a slow cooker you need time to heated water.
  • When the turkey liver is booraying, it is cut into it with small pieces, so it is prepared for only 30 minutes.
  • In the pressure cooker, turkey liver needs to be prepared 10 minutes after a set of the unit of the desired pressure. Before removing the finished product, you will have to wait when the unit will lower the pressure. As a result, the total time of the cooking of the lever in the pressure cooker will be 20-40 minutes, depending on how quickly the unit is gaining and reassets the pressure. Significant savings in case of cooking turkey liver Using the pressure cooker does not give.
  • For children turkey, the liver is prepared as much as for adults, but it is pre-cooked for them.

A turkey liver readiness can be determined using a knife. If when it is punished with a sharp object, dark fluid does not flow out of it, it is ready.

Turkey liver for baby

  • turkey liver - 0.2 kg;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • carrot - 70
  • Liver rinse, cut out all unsightly sites, including fat pieces. Cut the liver into small pieces. Place them on the larcharge lattice.
  • Pour water in the main container - then the quantity recommended by the manufacturer of the aggregate.
  • Turn on the steamer for 30 minutes.
  • While the Liver is boiled, wash and clean the carrot, cut it into several parts.
  • In a small saucepan, boil the water, put the carrots pieces into it and boil them until soft. It will take about 15 minutes.
  • Cooked for a couple of liver Connect with boiled carrots and grind them with a blender to a state of gentle puree. If necessary, dilute it to the desired consistency with boiled water. Salt the kushan is not needed.

Puree from the liver of turkey children begin to offer from age 8-9 months, but not earlier than he gets used to meat. The first dust will be only half a teaspoon of puree, then the portion can be increased. If the child does not eat carrots for one reason or another (allergies are allergic), it can be replaced by cauliflower or other vegetables, to which the kid's body reacts well.

How to cook turkey liver for salad

  • turkey liver - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.;
  • black peas - 3-5 pcs;
  • salt to taste.
  • Wash the liver, cut the pieces of fat, bile ducts.
  • Boil the water, add pepper and laurel leaves into it.
  • Put the liver in a saucepan with water. Wait until the fluid boils back, remove the foam speaking on the surface.
  • Configure the liver of 20 minutes, satisfy. After another 10-15 minutes, check its readiness, punctures with a knife. If dark juice leaks out of the liver, and cook it for another 5-10 minutes, this time is already enough to bring the product to readiness.

If pre-liver cut into such pieces with such pieces, what are you planning to put in a salad, the time of its cooking should be reduced twice.

How to cook turkey liver for patesta in a slow cooker

  • turkey liver - 0.6 kg;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • water - 2 liters.
  • Wash the liver, delete everything too much. Cut the liver with medium slices, put in a multicooker's bowl.
  • Clean the bulb. Put it to the liver (entirely).
  • Draw carrots, cut her tips. Cut the vegetable on 4 parts, put pieces into a multicooker bowl.
  • Sung wash, add spices, pour with water.
  • Lower the cover and turn on the device by activating the "Captivity" program. Timer set for 40 minutes.

For cooking of the boiled liver of the turkey, PAstet grind over one carrot and a bully, fry them until readiness. Grind Liver with a blender or meat grinder along with roasted vegetables. Wrap the resulting mass with softened butter, put in the form and cool. The amount of liver specified in the recipe will sufficiently take 30-40 g of oil.

Turkey liver is a useful and dietary product. It can be cooked in a slow cooker, a saucepan or a couple. Boiled turkey Liver can be used to prepare pate, salads, stuffs for pies or pancakes. Also, this product is used for feeding small children. Properly cooked liver of birds is soft and juicy, without an unpleasant bitter task.

How to cook turkey liver

1. Non-turkey liver in cool water.
2. In the pan pour 2-3 liters of fresh cold water, wait for boiling on high heat.
3. In the boiled water in a saucepan put salt - a teaspoon without a slide.
4. In the salted water, omit the liver turkey, give re-boil, keep on the burner for 30-40 minutes.

How to cook turkey liver baby

Turkey liver - 400 grams
Carrot - 1 piece
Onions - 1 head
Salt - Half Tea Spoon

How to make a souffle of turkey liver for children
1. Turkey liver washed in cold water.
2. Pour into a saucepan 2-3 liters of fresh cold water, wait for boiling on a strong fire.
3. In the boiled water, put salt, turkey liver, give a re-boil, keep on the burner for 30-40 minutes.
4. Clear carrot, cut along into two parts, clean the bulb, do not cut.
5. In a separate pan, pour 2 liters of water on a large fire to boil.
6. Put carrots in the boiled water, the bulb, to keep 15 minutes on fire.
7. Boiled and cold liver to grind in a blender.
8. Put boiled carrots and onions in a blender in a blender, grind 1 minute.
To warm up, you can put the liver mixture into the form, warm up 10 minutes in the oven heated to 180 degrees.

Thousands of turkey boiled liver

Turkey liver - 800 grams
Carrot - 1 piece
Onions - 1 head
Vegetable oil - 30 milliliters
Creamy oil - 40 grams
Salt - tea spoon

How to make a pate of turkey liver
1. Turkey liver boil and cool.
2. Clean the bow, cut it into small squares.
3. Carrot clean, chopping up a thickness of several millimeters, a couple of centimeters long.
4. Pour oil into the pan, on medium heat heated a couple of minutes.
5. Fry a couple of minutes onions, add carrots, fry 7 minutes.
6. Pre-boiled and cold liver cut into cubes with a thickness of several centimeters.
7. In a blender, place the liver, softened butter, fried carrots, onions, salted.
8. For a few minutes, the contents of the blender grind to receiving a homogeneous consistency.
9. Ready pate to remove in the refrigerator.

Turkey liver in Chinese

Turkey liver - 500 grams
Head Luke
Garlic - 2 teeth
Soy sauce sweet - quarter cup
Tomato paste - tablespoon
Honey - 1 teaspoon
Olive oil - 5 tablespoons
Starch - 1 tablespoon
Paprika - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1 teaspoon

1. Drying the turkey liver thoroughly rinse, remove films and fat, cut with straw 1 centimeter thick.
2. For marinada - clean garlic, crushing, mix starch and salt, paprika, 2 tablespoons of oil, mix well.
3. Share the liver pieces in the marinade, remove in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
4. While the liver is marked, cook sauce: mix honey, soy sauce and tomato paste.
5. Loose cleaned, cut rings.
6. Share the liver on the hot, political oil frying pan, periodically (once every 3 minutes) stirring. Fry 15 minutes.
7. Add bow, fry for another 5 minutes.
8. Add sauce, stir well, cover with a lid and stew 7 minutes.
Rather, serve to the table together with rice and soy sauce. And pleasure. 🙂

The cooking time is 1 hour.
The cost of all products is 250 rubles. (price average in Moscow for June 2017).


Calorie Turkey liver - 162 kcal / 100 grams.

Cost Turkey liver - from 270 rubles / kilogram (average price in Moscow for June 2017).

How to choose a turkey liver
1. Check her shelf life.
2. Find a special stamp on the liver, which is put after checking sanitary services.
3. The color of high-quality turkey liver should be dark. Light color happens at a waste liver or obtained from an old animal.
4. Turn the liver hand - it should be wet, but not sticky. The surface of a good liver is smooth, homogeneous, accommodation can occur.
5. Fresh liver does not have an unpleasant acid odor.
6. If there is uncertainty in the freshness of the liver, pour it with a knife. The fresh product from the cut is highlighted with a larger blood.
7. When buying a frozen liver, check the tray to be damaged. The liver should be without dark spots and gray plaque.

- Turkey liver especially useful People with blood disease - anemia, as it contains a lot of vitamin B12. He plays a role in the process of forming red blood cells. In addition, turkey liver is rich in other vitamins. Vitamin A, contained in the turkey liver, is responsible for vision, C andE contribute to the strengthening of immunity, RR - regulates cholesterol content, is responsible for the operation of the heart and blood circulation, to - contributes to the absorption of calcium. Thanks to this, the turkey liver is recommended even for the diet of young children.

2 years ago

Turkey liver is a sub-product endowed with stunning benefit. It is extremely useful to kids, people suffering from anemia. From the liver turkey prepare salads, second and snacks. Pates are especially tasty. Let's discuss how much cooking turkey liver.

Turkey liver is not only extremely tasty and useful, but also a dietary product. 100 g contains approximately 167 kilocalories. And in view of the rich component composition, it can be included in the children's diet, even in the first lure.

The duration of its thermal processing varies from 30 to 40 minutes.

When cooking this sub-product, observe simple rules:

  • pour in a pan at least 2 liters of filtered water;
  • after boiling water, it should be salted, and then lay out the prepared turkey liver;
  • stepping meat after re-boiling until readiness;
  • be sure to remove the noise foam.

Tip! If you are cooking for the baby, then the first water is better to merge after boiling, and before readiness the liver has been barely in the second water.

And how much do you cook turkey liver for a child? Cooking time is 40 minutes.

Cook the liver correctly.

  • Rising hemoglobin in the blood
  • Cleaning the body from slags
  • Healing Ran.
  • Beneficial development of the fetus in pregnant women

Therefore, it is very important when preparing it is not only the preservation of taste, but also all useful substances.
Knowing some secrets of cooking, you can achieve the desired result easily and simple.

How much cooking beef liver piece to readiness to be soft?

Cook the liver beef kosk how much? The most useful is the beef liver.
External distinguishing features of high-quality cheese product:

  1. Dark red
  2. Dense, smooth structure
  3. Thin, smooth, shiny surface covered with film


  • Put in a saucepan with warm water for 2-3 minutes, we rinse well
  • Cut a slightly from the edge prepared whole piece on 4-5 centimeters
  • Engage the film, remove from the whole surface
  • Large veins cut out, cleaner, like "eyes" in potatoes
  • Magnify milk or cold water for an hour
  • In boiling water put a waterproof liver
  • Cook 40 minutes
  • Readiness check by a spinning knife - if sucrovica does not stand out, the liver is ready
  • Solim in 5 minutes before readiness

IMPORTANT: soaking in milk gives the product softness, removes bodice inherent in the beef liver. Solim before the very willingness so that the liver is not a rigid

How much can cook chicken liver until ready?

How much cooking chicken liver to readiness? Dietary and refined is the dish of the bird cooked from the liver, this also applies to chicken.

  • Prepare it similarly to beef liver, but without prior soaking and removal of the film
  • It is boiled in a saucepan much faster - 10 - 15 minutes, from the moment of water boiling
  • The finished liver has a homogeneous dark color on a cut.

IMPORTANT: Do not stand for too long to boil the chicken liver. Superior heat treatment time gives it hardness

Breaks such a liver:

  • In a double boiler - 30 minutes
  • In a pressure cooker or microwave stove - 10 minutes

Video: Chicken liver is easy and fast

How much and how to cook turkey liver?

More calorie than chicken, is the turkey liver.
It is very rich in vitamin K. Many potassium, sodium, magnesium, selenium, macro, microelements useful for the human body. Due to what the turkey failure is recommended to include in the diet of young children.
Cooked in boiling salted water 35-40 minutes, without pre-winding

How and how much to cook the Liver Baranu?

Beautiful dietary dish with fairly low calorie - 101 kcal / 100 grams


  • We run by the sub-products with boiled water
  • Cleaning from film
  • We send to boiling water
  • Cook 7 minutes after boiling on medium heat

IMPORTANT: Baigue Liver Solim when serving in a finished dish. Salt during cooking makes her tough.

  • It is better to cook fresh or cooled liver, as the frozen product turns out hard
  • The light color of the liver breakfast, suggests a more gentle and soft finished product.
  • In a multicooker in the "Cooking Cap" mode or in a barrailer Barbage Failure Cooking 15 minutes

How much time cook pork liver until ready?

How much time to cook the liver pork to readiness? Pork liver is as saturated with vitamins and microelements like beef. It is much more nutritious, other species. But it has less pleasant taste. In addition, some culinary pushes her bitter taste.

  • You can get rid of bitterness using longer soaking in milk - 2-2.5 hours
  • In a saucepan with cold water put a washed liver
  • Solim, Supil seasoning
  • Bring to a boil, cook 50 minutes on ordinary fire

In the pressure cooker, the process will take 15 minutes, in a multicooker -60 minutes

IMPORTANT: in counterweight beef liver, pork on its surface has a mesh grain. Bile moves in it are missing

How much and how to cook bunny liver?

How much and how to cook bunny liver? A digestible dietary product containing a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts, animal proteins is useful to both children and adults.

  • We prepare within 30 minutes, after boiling. Previously clearing films and ducts
  • Solim in the process of cooking, to taste
  • Soaking these sub-products do not require

How much can liver caliper?

How much can liver caliper? The calf liver is more tender and young than beef. Accordingly, it will be necessary to cook it less.

  • Sub-products are soaked in water for half an hour
  • Drunk pouring clean water for a quarter of an hour
  • Solim before readiness

How much cooking duck liver?

Diversify the menu and please our loved ones with culinary delights will help dishes cooked with duck liver

  • When buying a raw product, we pay attention to the uniformity of texture. Smoothness and shine surface
  • Cook the washed product without soaking - 15 -20 minutes
  • Experienced cooks prefer to fry or stew duck liver. Since in this way all its useful properties are preserved and the individual, spicy taste is emphasized.

How and how much cooking liver for baby beef, chicken, rabbit?
  • Any liver for children is prepared only by the reflection process of the product. With further grinding on the blender
  • Cooking time is equally for both adults and for children
  • You should not digestly, digesting the liver, as it can be digesting it to get a hard dish and lose all useful properties

The rate of beaming of insides:

  • Chicken-10 minutes
  • Beef - 40 minutes
  • Rabbit-30 minutes

How much time to cook liver for PAstet?
  • Cook liver for patenta will not be difficult using the above proposed recipes
  • After the heat treatment is enough to twist ready-made by-products, salt, add an egg and butter. Ready delicate and useful pate Ready
  • It should be borne in mind that various sub-products have a distinctive cooking time. And if there is a desire to combine them for the preparation of pate, we take into account these features

How much time cook liver for salad?
  • Most often on the salad, the liver is cut by small pieces. So cooking will take no more than 10 minutes
  • Not depending on the type of sub-products, during boiling by large pieces, we reduce the time of approximately half
  • Then you can additionally fry until readiness

Video: How to cook liver?

How much time cook liver for pies?

How much time cook liver for pies? Optimal ledge options. But if necessary, you can cook mince from any offal.

  • Since the hepatic minced meat is dry, it is better to boil the product to the half of the readiness. Almost almost leaving half. It takes no more than 5 minutes
  • Must be changed only the color of the surface, inside - the color does not change
  • When piercing, Sukrovitsa occurs abundantly.
  • Patties are subject to additional heat treatment, so the liver will be ready in the process of further cooking.
  • Stuffing thanks to such a cooking is juicy and fragrant. In any case, if there is a desire to cook liver for the filling until complete readiness - choose the cooking time depending on its type

The liver is very thin in the preparation of the product, the slightest ignorance of the rules of cooking leads to very scouring results.
Proper preparation - allows you to enjoy both the dish of it, both an independent option and combining with other products.
You can liver, of course, fry and stew, but the most optimal option suitable for healthy diet is the cooking.

Video: How to choose and cook beef liver?

A variety of family menu is almost an eternal theme in which there is a separate chapter dedicated to the preparation of sub-products from the bird. Thinking over how to fry a delicious turkey liver in a pan, it is useful to familiarize yourself with our post on this issue and find out the lot of interesting things. So, if this treats to reap for just a couple of minutes, it will become tougher shoe sole, but if you remove it from the fire too early, it will be damp.

Turkey Liver: Delicious Freshness

We will try to fully answer the question how much to fry the turkey liver on a home frying pan, so that it turns out to be delicate, in moderation is roasted and become the most useful as possible.

But if you choose an initially non-excessive product, no culinary tricks will help - the dish will still remain inedible. So, first of all, attention should be paid to the choice of raw materials, that is, the liver turkey.

So, how to choose a product for cooking on fire? The perfect option is to purchase fresh liver, leaving frozen on the store shelf. To find it, you need to go to the nearest market.

Turkish liver is not stored for long - just a few hours, so most often this sub-product is sold chilled. This option is also suitable, but you need to take a liver uniform dark red shade. Any spots are excluded!

To make sure that the liver is fresh, it needs to touch. To the touch, it should be smooth and spring, in no case - not slippery. Another indicator of freshness is the smell.

As you know, all ingenious is always very simple. It is for such a principle that the liver turkey must be prepared - simple and tasteful.

Fiercker from liver turkey with carrots


  • Turkey liver - 800 g + -
  • - 1 PC. large + -
  • 2 middle cornestod + -
  • - 3-4 tbsp. + -
  • - 1/2 C.L. + -
  • - taste + -

How to fry turkey liver in a frying pan

From the goose liver, the French are preparing a famous Foie Gras dish, and from the turkey it turns out a delicious fragrant edger. We will need the budget products, minimum of time and culinary skills.

  1. The liver is placed in a deep container, pour water, we leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse well.
  2. We obscure the bulb and root crops, cut thin circles.
  3. Butter pour into a frying pan and put chopped vegetables there, pass about 15 minutes to half-year.
  4. Having placing vegetable roasted on a plate, we will go biscuit.
  5. It is divided into portion pieces of somewhere 5x5 cm and put on the same pan, lulb oil.
  6. Next - frying on strong fire with frequent stirring. Cooking time - 5 minutes.
  7. Hepatic pieces as a result will be demochanging and will begin to exhibit an appetizing aroma. How much to fry the turkey liver in a pan, we define, breaking one of the preparing pieces. If there is no blood inside - it means ready!
  8. At the end, we add to them passable vegetables, putting on them, slow the fire and under the lid after another 10 minutes for softening vegetables.

The most delicious garnish to such a treat is puree potatoes. True, it is not necessary to get involved in such a treat, because in 100 g of turkey liver - almost 300 kcal, and in fried form - and more. But it's delicious! ..

Liver fried homemade in sour cream

Gentle sour cream notes in this home treat - very much by the way. A pair of spoons are not too fat milk product will make it even more spicy and tasty.


  • Liver Turkey - 500 g
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream (15%) - 3 tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Ground black pepper - 1/3 tsp.
  • Salt to taste.

How to tasty fry liver in sour cream at home

  • The washed product is divided into pieces, salt, season with pepper and leave for 10 minutes, but for now we can apply the rings of the leaf.
  • When the oil on the bottom of the pan will begin to shoot slightly, put into it hepatic pieces and fry 2-3 minutes on the fire of medium intensity.
  • Then put onions and fry for another 5 minutes.

Those who are not very "friendly" with sour cream, can not add it. If the liver spare enough, and the onions became soft, you can spread the treat on the dish.

Sour cream in roaster is needed to give it a gentle, slightly acidic taste and flavor of cream. In it, the sub-product is slightly driven by, covering, just 5-10 minutes. At the end, you can add chopped greens of dill - the fragrance will be indescribable! ..

Rash dinner in the presence of the necessary products is not a problem even for not the most experienced hostess. Remembering how and how much to fry the turkey liver on your favorite pan, you can cover a luxurious table for which you can even invite guests for which you can even invite guests. An easy-to-look product in skillful hands is easy to turn into an exquisite delicacy ...

The liver is a gentle product, which in most cases people are used in a fried form. But with its proper cooking and boiled liver is quite tasty. I would like to note that the liver of poultry or beef meat is best suited for cooking. But pork is better to use for frying or extinguishing. So let's find out with you, how to brew the liver and how much time.

How much time to cook pork liver?

Pork liver - the product is quite in demand, because it has a gentle taste and is saturated with trace elements. But it is this liver that most often has a mustard. To avoid this, to begin with soaking it in water or even better in milk and leave to stand for about 30 minutes. Competently exposed liver will result in much more gentle and cease to taste. Then carefully drain the fluid, we shift the liver in the saucepan, pour clean water and drunk on slow heat for 40-50 minutes.

And any spices will help to drown a specific smell. In general, to boil any liver best on the lowest fire. If you are in a hurry, then you can reduce, but for this we will pre-cut the pulp on small slices of small size. In this case, cooking time will be about 5-10 minutes. The only drawback of this method of boiling is that the liver is welded with a large piece looks much appetizing and more attractive.

How much do you cook turkey liver?

Turkey liver is a tasty and nutritious product. It is much refreed, chicken liver and vitamin K. Turkey liver also contains a number of other vitamins, so it is recommended to include in the diet of young children. For proper cooking, we rinse the liver well, put it gently into a boiling, slightly salted water and cook on a weak heat of 30-40 minutes depending on the size of the piece.