Pomegranate Tea Cooking recipes

07.08.2019 Seafood

He was not given such an honor in vain. Its rich composition justifies such an attitude. In Turkey, not limited to eating fruit. All parts of this plant are used to make tasty and healthy tea. This tradition has come down to us. How to make such a drink? And what is pomegranate tea good for?

The composition of pomegranate tea

The composition of the fruit in question is characterized by many elements valuable to the human body. The latter include:

  • boric acid;
  • apple acid;
  • succinic acid;
  • lemon acid;
  • wine acid;
  • oxalic acid;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B6
  • vitamin B15;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • 6 essential amino acids;
  • 9 essential amino acids.

Turning into tea, this fruit gives it all these valuable elements.

The healing properties of pomegranate drink

Tea made from pomegranate flowers has a healing effect on the human body. The benefit is that it:

  • promotes the elimination of toxins, toxins, radionuclides;
  • increases metabolism;
  • assists in the fight against inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, liver, ears and eyes;
  • relieves joint inflammation;
  • stimulates an increase in the efficiency of the immune defense (this affects the body's resistance to all kinds of infections);
  • contributes to the rise of hemoglobin;
  • is a prophylactic against the formation of malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands in women;
  • normalizes the process of blood formation;
  • is a prophylactic against gastrointestinal ailments;
  • accelerates the healing process with angina, stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis;
  • it has a calming effect and normalizes the state of the nervous system as a whole;
  • improves skin and hair condition;
  • helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens the muscle tissue of the heart.

Fruit bones normalize hormone production processes and keep pressure at the required level. Another important property of women is the removal of painful symptoms during menopause or menstruation. Pomegranate seed tea has an astringent effect, normalizes sleep, and helps fight stressful situations.

Drink contraindications

A drink made from parts of pomegranate is a fairly safe product. However, he also has contraindications.

Diseases / body features Possibility of including pomegranate tea in the diet Note
Gastrointestinal tract diseases (peptic ulcer, gastritis, high acidity) Contraindicated Due to the high content of pomegranate acids
Problems associated with the rectum (hemorrhoids, constipation, impaired integrity) Carefully The possibility of including tea in the diet is determined by the individual reaction of the body to the astringent property of pomegranate
Children up to one year old Contraindicated
Pregnant women and nursing mothers By agreement with the gynecologist
Individual intolerance Carefully Opportunity is determined by the ratio "desired effect - possible harm" based on individual reactions to the product

Use the product in moderation. Excess volume can cause deterioration of the teeth or nausea and heartburn.

Pure pomegranate juice negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel. This is manifested in its destruction. In order to reduce this effect, it should be diluted with water or rinse your mouth thoroughly after use.

How to choose pomegranate

A number of external characteristics help determine the quality of the pomegranate. Indicators that you need to pay attention to when choosing a fruit:

  • the peel is not damaged;
  • the surface of the fetus is uniformly dense;
  • unripe pomegranate is always easier than ripe;
  • the color is bright without an admixture of green near the place where the flower was;
  • dried peel;
  • a grainy pattern is slightly visible on the surface.

The ripe fruit is characterized by an incredible sweet and sour taste.

The quality of the fruit affects not only taste characteristics, but also its beneficial properties. Careful selection and observation will help not to throw money away.

Varieties of Pomegranate Tea

You can prepare the drink in question from such parts as:

It is even possible to add the juice of a given fruit to a hot drink. Pomegranate tea offers many recipes. Each of them is attractive in its own way.

Pomegranate Flower Recipe

Tea made from pomegranate flowers tastes similar to pomegranate juice. The recipe is reduced to the following steps:

  • fruit leaves and flowers (their buds) to combine in equal proportions;
  • separate one teaspoon with a hill of the resulting tea leaves;
  • pour hot water in a volume of 250 ml;
  • insist under the lid for 15-20 minutes (the most basic option is to cover the mug with a saucer, you can wrap a towel);
  • separate from the thick.

Tea from pomegranate petals, prepared according to this recipe, is not inferior in composition to its analogue - tea based on the juice of the fruit in question. You can supplement the drink with regular sugar or natural honey.

Tea under the influence of natural honey, changes its taste. The aroma becomes less saturated.

Grain Based Recipe

You can get it by following these steps:

  • design of a steam bath (two teapots are placed in a column, a fire source is located underneath);
  • pure water is poured into the lower kettle;
  • black tea leaves + pomegranate seeds in the ratio of one teaspoon per 50 grams of raw material are poured into the top;
  • the first batch of boiling water, pour the mixture;
  • refill the lower kettle;
  • after boiling, allow the drink to sweat for 5-7 minutes.

An excellent combination with lemon or lime, mint, cinnamon was noted. The use of sugar and honey is possible with certain taste preferences.

Crust recipe

To prepare such a drink you must:

Such a drink helps fight worms and diarrhea.

The white part inside the fruit during the preparation gives the drink a tangible bitterness. Therefore, it should be carefully removed.

Juice Drink Recipe

This recipe is the easiest to prepare. According to him, it is necessary:

The basis can be used tea leaves and black and green varieties. Juice is also suitable from the supermarket. However, it is preferable to use freshly squeezed one yourself. Several ways to get such a product:

  • To clear a fruit from a peel and partitions. Mash the grains thoroughly in any way. Separate the juice with gauze.
  • Whole fruit to soften intensively. To do this, you can crush it with your hands or beat it on hard objects. Then make a hole in the peel and drain the juice.
  • Cut the pomegranate into two halves and use a citrus juicer. In this case, the juice will take a little bitterness from the seeds.


Tea made from pomegranate flowers or other parts of it will look equally good on the dining table in a quiet family company and at a festive feast. And the impressions of a pleasant taste and alluring aroma will be complemented by the youth of the soul and body, presented as an exquisite drink.

Garnet - a unique and incredibly healthy fruit. Due to its healing properties and the rich content of vitamins and minerals in the east, it is considered to be the king of fruits and berries. In our area, many people like to use pomegranate in its pure form or drink pomegranate juice. But far from everyone knows that it is possible to make a unique and exotic pomegranate tea from it. In this article we will try to correct this situation and tell not only about how to make delicious tea from pomegranate, but also tell about its benefits and harms.

Pomegranate tea from Turkey

The first to drink pomegranate tea were residents of Turkey. It is to this country that we owe the appearance of a unique drink. Yes, it’s a drink. This tea has a great feature: it helps to quench your thirst very well. That is why it was especially popular in hot countries.

Pomegranate tea: what are they made of?

Pomegranate tea is prepared from pomegranate juice, flowers and peel of ripe pomegranate. Each of these drinks has its own peculiarity and taste. It is mainly fruit juice that is used, both squeezed with one's own hand and bought in a store.

Before you make tea from juice, you must either squeeze it out of fruit or purchase it in a store. Purchased juice often has the worst taste, and it is not rare that it also contains preservatives. Therefore, we recommend that you squeeze the juice yourself.

There are several ways to do this:

We want to draw attention to the fact that tea must be used in good quality, preferably leaf tea.

Tea of \u200b\u200bpomegranate flowers and leaves

As you understand, you can make tea not only from pomegranate juice, but also from its flowers and even leaves. The recipe for making such tea does not require special knowledge and skills. All you need is a spoonful of pomegranate leaves and a spoonful of pomegranate flowers. Pour all this with boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Next, the drink must be filtered and you can start drinking tea in the company of relatives or friends.

Tea made from pomegranate peel is not particularly widespread due to its bitter taste. In addition, crusts contain a small amount of alkaloids (these are toxic substances that can cause various disorders such as dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, cramps and even high blood pressure).

Brew such tea from crushed crusts, pouring boiling water. It is necessary to insist for about 10-15 minutes, after which it must be filtered. To improve the taste, you can add tea,.

Pomegranate tea: the benefits and harms of the drink

As we said - pomegranate is a unique fruit. It contains a lot of vitamins, organic acids, iron. Thanks to this, pomegranate tea is so useful and helps:

However, despite the mass of positive properties, this tea has contraindications, which must be taken into account by people suffering from various diseases. So, pomegranate tea is not recommended to be consumed:

  • people who have diseases of the duodenum or stomach ulcer, patients with pancreatitis and with high acidity;
  • children under the age of one year, pregnant women and people who suffer from frequent constipation;
  • people who are prone to allergies.

In any case, even healthy people should not abuse this healing drink, because everything should be in moderation.

To brew real pomegranate tea, it is Turkish pomegranate tea that is used. The raw materials for this drink are grown exclusively on plantations on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, and a special twin teapot is used for brewing.

  1. It is important to use cold water for brewing, as it contains more oxygen and makes tea even tastier.
  2. Tea is added to the teapot at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass.
  3. Pour boiling water immediately after it just begins to boil. Do not allow water to boil.
  4. Insist pomegranate drink is necessary for at least 5 minutes.

Have a nice tea party and good health!

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Pomegranate flowers tea benefit and harm

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Pomegranate tea - guest from Turkey

Dear readers, have you heard about pomegranate tea? Those who rested in Turkey, probably could get acquainted with such a tasty and healthy drink. I also like pomegranate tea. When I am on vacation in Turkey, I will definitely bring him home. Everyone who was treated to such tea was very pleased.

Why are we talking about pomegranate tea from Turkey? Everything is very simple. The Turks were the first to combine tea and pomegranate itself. This is a real oriental drink that can quench your thirst in heat and delight you with your taste. Pomegranate, ripening, accumulates a lot of vitamins, minerals and other valuable components. He gives them tea too. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of pomegranate tea from Turkey and how to make it ourselves. It’s not necessary to go to distant countries, you can cook everything at our place.

For tea, fruit peel and pomegranate flowers are used. But most often they take pomegranate juice for a drink.

Pomegranate tea has a beautiful red color, and its taste is with noble sourness. Someone calls it a “tea drink,” because pomegranates are added to black or green tea. You can bring a drink from Turkey in the form of ordinary tea and also powder concentrate. There is also a powder from natural grated pomegranate.

Composition of Turkish Tea

Turkish pomegranate tea takes everything of value from a ripe juicy fruit. There is no doubt - with this drink the body will receive a set of vitamins and minerals. Tea contains such important components:

  • Organic acids (succinic, malic, citric, etc.);
  • A large number of amino acids (15, of which 6 are essential);
  • Vitamin complex (C, B -1, 2, 6, 15, PP);
  • Trace elements (potassium, manganese, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, etc.).

Pomegranate tea from Turkey. Benefit for health

Pomegranate fruit for the treatment of various ailments was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Having a good mineral and vitamin composition, pomegranate tea has a range of beneficial effects. It acts on the body as:

  • Diuretic;
  • Choleretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Astringent;
  • Anesthetic (for the digestive tract);
  • A tool that enriches blood and strengthens the heart;
  • Antioxidant

If you drink pomegranate tea, then in addition to the taste of pleasure, the drink will help in healing in several areas. Pomegranate tea can strengthen the immune system. Therefore, it is useful to drink it when the cold season begins, when there is another flu virus. Strengthening immunity, a rich vitamin reserve make this drink an effective tool for weakening the body after an illness for a speedy recovery.

The healing properties of Turkish pomegranate tea are enough:

  • Helps to eliminate various inflammations - liver, kidneys, joints, throat, ears, eyes;
  • It normalizes metabolic processes, helps to remove toxic substances, waste, radionuclides;
  • Useful tea for the gastrointestinal tract, a means of preventing a number of diseases. Improves appetite;
  • Good effect on the work of the heart (contains a lot of potassium), on the composition of the blood. Helps to effectively increase hemoglobin levels. Useful for anemia;
  • Tea on pomegranate peel gives astringent effect. Recommended for diarrhea, enterocolitis and colitis;
  • Tea with fruit seeds will be useful for hormonal disorders;
  • Tea has a mild sedative effect. Eliminates anxiety, stress, helps to fall asleep;
  • Pomegranate tea is a good disinfectant for the throat and oral cavity. You can drink with angina, pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • Good effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Pomegranate tea from Turkey has many fans around the world. As a restorative, vitamin, prophylactic, it is also used by world stars. In this were Will Smith and Jennifer Lopez. Let's talk about how you can make pomegranate tea yourself.

Choose pomegranates and get juice

Ripe pomegranate

To make pomegranate tea yourself, you need to be able to choose a suitable, ripe pomegranate. A good quality fruit will give both benefit and taste for tea. The pomegranate peel must be firm to the touch. The soft crust indicates that the fetus froze during storage or began to rot. The peel should be dry, intact. The ovary - where the flower was - should be without greenery. Such a pomegranate will be ripe and suitable for consumption.

How to get juice

Pomegranate tea needs juice. You can get it in different ways. A standard juicer will do. Remember that the partitions between pomegranate seeds will give bitterness to your juice. Then you have to clean out some juicy grains.

If you have the strength and time, you can stretch the fetus with your hands. After a while, you will feel that enough juice has been released inside the pomegranate. Make a hole in the fruit and drain the juice into a cup.

The easiest way is to buy a store of pomegranate juice. You have to find it is natural juice, not nectar. And there will be no guarantee that pomegranate tea with purchased juice is comparable to tea with a real ripe fruit, from which you got valuable juice. Therefore, the method is easy, but not the best.

In the article Pomegranate juice - the king of vitamins, I talked about its benefits, how to quickly clean pomegranate, how to get pomegranate juice, so here I talk about this very briefly.

How to make pomegranate tea

Refined, fragrant, sour, Turkish pomegranate tea will quench your thirst and will be beneficial for the body. Brewing it is not so difficult, and there are several ways to cook at home.

To make pomegranate tea in this recipe, a steam bath is used. Two heat-resistant containers (teapots) will be needed. You will also need clean water, preferably from natural sources, pomegranate seeds, a couple of teaspoons of black or green tea leaves. In Turkey, special bunk teapots are traditionally used for making tea, including pomegranate.

Tea leaves and pomegranate seeds are poured into a small container. Water is poured into another container, set on fire and brought to a boil. A container with grains and tea is placed on a vessel in which water is about to boil. The infusion should be steamed. The water in the lower tank will boil, then both tanks are removed from the heat. Tea leaves and grains are poured with boiling water. Water is poured into the lower tank again and placed on the fire, the welding vessel is placed on top. When the water in the lower vessel boils for 5 minutes. - Tea is considered ready.

Use as many tea leaves as you usually are used to taking for your tea. Tea strength and the number of pomegranate seeds you can determine for yourself pretty soon.

Simplified recipe

Pomegranate tea can be brewed in a simpler way. We need pomegranate juice, water and your favorite tea leaves. For lovers of sweet tea you will need sugar or honey. But I do not recommend adding sugar to tea.

Tea (black / green) is brewed as usual. Sugar is added to taste, mixed. Tea must be allowed to cool. Then pomegranate juice is added to the cooled drink, it should not be cold. The recommended ratio of tea to juice is 1: 1. But there are no clear rules, and you can change the proportions to taste. For some freshness, mint leaves are suitable for this tea. I don’t like pomegranate tea that is too saturated in juice content.

Pomegranate Tea

You can make pomegranate tea directly from the flowers and leaves of pomegranate. It will be just as useful as in the recipes described above, but it will also have a different, specific taste.

For brewing take a glass of boiling water and 1 tablespoon. of flowers with leaves. Insist, wrapped in cloth, 15 minutes. Having passed, tea can be drunk.

Powder concentrate

You can buy and bring with you a powder - tea-pomegranate, soluble. It should have natural ingredients. In this concentrate there will be tea, dry grated pomegranate, there may be crushed peel, septum, stone. Brew 1 teaspoon in a glass of boiling water. This is the easiest way to make a drink.

As a rule, Turkish pomegranates are processed for powder without the use of preservatives. Ground pomegranate dissolves well. In the peel, bones and partitions there are additional useful components. These are flavonoids, volatile and antioxidants.

Tea in which there are pomegranate seeds with its sour taste can remind many hibiscus. But pomegranate tea and hibiscus tea are not the same thing. They are united by color, but the basis of tea is completely different. In pomegranate tea it will be pomegranate, in hibiscus tea - hibiscus petals. You can read more about it in the article Karkade - all the secrets of an exotic drink

I also invite you to watch the video material. Here is a recipe for making cold refreshing pomegranate tea based on green tea. Pleasant and useful in the summer heat.

Where can I buy

In Istanbul, in Antalya, you can find traditional Turkish pomegranate tea in shopping malls or markets. There are juice-soaked tea leaves. There are mixtures of tea and dried pomegranate. Today there are many variations on the subject of this drink. You can choose tea to your liking and taste. When you go to the airport, tourists are always brought to shops. There is nothing there, including a large assortment of teas.

In Russia, you have to look for this type of tea in tea shops or in specialized online stores.

Pomegranate Tea Harm and contraindications

We saw how pomegranate tea is useful, how it can be brewed. Let's talk about possible harm and contraindications. Do not recommend drinking this drink in too much quantity. Abuse will definitely not benefit - there are poisonous alkaloids in the pomegranate peels, albeit in small volumes. Pomegranate peels in tea, if consumed a lot and constantly, can cause cramps, nausea, and vision problems. Overuse of pomegranate tea can damage tooth enamel.

Among the contraindications, pomegranate tea has the following:

  • Gastritis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer in the stages of exacerbation;
  • Chronic constipation
  • Period of pregnancy;
  • In childhood - up to a year;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.

Pomegranate tea is a wonderful refreshing drink that quenches thirst and has its own unique taste. It will give its benefits to the body, give good immunity, a sense of youth. And this is a great opportunity to add something new to a tea party or holiday table.

And when you make tea, do not throw out pomegranate peels. You can use them further with health benefits. I advise you to read my article Cork Pomegranate in folk medicine

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Reviews (14)

I have not tried pomegranate tea, but I have no doubt that it is very tasty. Thank you, Irina, for an interesting post about tea.

I watched the video, it’s nice that this is the channel of our Transnistrian television and the bar is located in Tiraspol.

And do not try. When brewing, real pomegranate tea (from pomegranate flowers) gives a brown liquid with a taste of some kind of rubbish, and costs from 5 to 15 dollars per 100 grams, and everything that is considered to be “pomegranate tea” is nothing more than ordinary hibiscus at best with a small addition of dried pomegranate skin. Almost every pack of "pomegranate tea" sold in Turkey has a composition and the first word that you see there is Hibiscus (Sudanese rose) is a hibiscus ...

What kind of tea does not exist! The color and taste of pomegranate tea, probably a bit like hibiscus?

For the first time I hear about such tea, I will have to try to make it myself.

I love Turkey, we try to go there almost every summer! Pomegranate tea has long become almost the national drink of this wonderful country. It was interesting to know that it is not only delicious, but also very healthy!

A little grain, and so much benefit and taste! ... I haven’t tried to make such tea at home, but, it turns out, it’s not difficult. You can try ... Thanks, Ira!

Irina, thanks for the interesting article, I made such tea at home on my own, I get an interesting taste, the main thing is not to go too far with pomegranate peels, otherwise it will be a disaster. And thanks for the warning about careful consumption.

Tanya, how did your operation go? not so long ago remembered just ...

About the pomegranate peel, oh yes! It’s impossible to overdo it, just like in everything!

Pomegranate is a very healthy fruit and there is no doubt that pomegranate tea is a healthy drink. We haven’t met him and I doubt that we can find natural. I would like to try pomegranate tea, thanks for a useful and informative post!

Lara, it’s best to make tea from the pomegranate itself. A bit troublesome, but worth it ...

And in May of this year I was resting in Turkey, saw pomegranate tea for sale, drank it. But I didn’t. Rather, she put off the purchase until the last day and then forgot to buy. So it is true that they say that you should not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Anya, you can cook it here too. Recipes are given. It’s easy in principle ..

I brought powder from Turkey - a concentrate of pomegranate tea, I bought it in a store. Honestly, I didn’t like him at home later on. Although in Turkey we were treated to the same tea and it was so delicious! Maybe it's in the water ...

Taisiya, but I don’t like the powder ... neither pomegranate nor apple. It’s better to buy plain tea there.

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Source: http://irinazaytseva.ru/granatovyj-chaj.html

Turkish pomegranate tea beneficial properties

One cup of pomegranate tea a day will preserve youth and beauty, solve a lot of health problems and give the mood to a new day. Drink this tea in the morning or in the evening, alone or with friends and family: there are no restrictions for receiving unrealistic pleasure and tangible benefits. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and competently brew this magnificent drink.

Pomegranate tea: a delicate taste of the East

Almost everyone knows about pomegranate, which is delicious in its beneficial properties. Few people have the idea that pomegranate can be used when brewing tea.

A fragrant and delicious drink can quench your thirst in the worst heat. It is extremely useful - it saturates the body with necessary vitamins and charges with energy and health. In order to get the maximum benefit from a tea drink with pomegranate, you need to choose the right raw materials and learn how to brew this useful and unusual infusion.

What is the use of pomegranate drink?

  • The main component of the oriental drink is pomegranate. And that's it. Having diversified your diet with pomegranate tea, in the end you get a lot of vitamins, minerals and minerals, which are so necessary for our body to maintain strength and health.
  • Pomegranate tea has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. Thanks to vitamin P, it has a firming effect on the walls of blood vessels. Regular consumption of pomegranate will help normalize blood pressure.
  • Pomegranate drink is useful in the treatment of colds and for their prevention. This effect is due to the high content of vitamin C.
  • Pomegranate infusion is actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis. It is prescribed as an adjuvant for anemia, low hemoglobin, atherosclerosis.
  • As a vitamin therapy, pomegranate tea is useful for problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Thanks to the presence of tannins, a drink made from pomegranate is useful for tuberculosis, dysentery, and intestinal problems.
  • Pomegranate is a source of essential amino acids for health. These organic substances are building materials for muscle mass, necessary for the synthesis of protein and enzymes. 15 types of amino acids are contained in pomegranate, which makes the infusion of it as useful as possible.

What is pomegranate tea made of?

There are some fairly simple recipes for brewing a healing drink at home.

To create a masterpiece of the tea ceremony, you can choose:

  • Pomegranate flowers - bear all the value of a pomegranate drink, reminiscent of hibiscus to taste
  • Pomegranate juice is the most popular component of the infusion;
  • Pomegranate peel - especially useful for certain diseases (problems with the intestines, the need to cleanse the body).

Pomegranate Juice Tea

  • Green or black tea.
  • Cane (brown) sugar.
  • Pomegranate juice.

To start, we brew strong tea. Then add sugar. Lastly, we supplement the drink with pomegranate juice. The ideal proportion is 1: 1, but it can be changed to suit your taste.

Cane sugar does not change the taste of tea, so it is better to use it instead of the usual beetroot.

It is better to make the juice yourself, in this case, the quality of the future infusion is guaranteed.

Flower tea

Tea made from pomegranate flowers and its leaves is no less useful than a juice-based drink. Special attention should be paid to the choice of raw materials.

The recipe is incredibly simple:

Welding at the rate of one tbsp. spoon per serving is poured with boiling water. The infusion time is from 5 to 30 minutes. The longer the brewing time, the brighter and more fragrant the aroma.

For brewing, freshly boiled water is used.

Rind tea

To prepare a wonderful healing infusion, dry peel is used. It can be crushed to powder or brewed whole.

  • Pomegranate peel.
  • Green or black tea.
  • Honey or brown sugar.

Pour green or black tea and pomegranate peel with cold water, bring to a boil. After boiling, keep on fire for 1-2 minutes. Remove from fire. Insist 5-10 minutes. Strain. Add sugar or honey. A tasty and healthy drink is ready!

If you remove the white flesh from the peel before drying, the tea will not give away bitterness.

Benefit and harm: fine line

Pomegranate is an incredibly healthy fruit. But you should not abuse it. There are certain contraindications for this miracle healer.

  • From the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers of the stomach and intestines, increased acidity of the stomach.
  • From the rectum: cracks, constipation, hemorrhoids.
  • Do not give infusion to children under one year of age.
  • Women should refrain from pomegranate tea during pregnancy.

The first Greeks began to brew a pomegranate drink. One of his admirers was the famous philosopher Aristotle. In the countries of the Near and Middle East, pomegranate tea has acquired the status of a national drink. It is especially in demand in Turkey, where there is a special profession - chaiji.

In the form of powder or granules, pomegranate tea is supplied from Turkey to other countries. Pomegranate drink is gaining popularity in Western countries. It will be enjoyed by Will Smith and Jennifer Lopez.

  Description and preparation

Pomegranate is a popular fruit in the East. Taste and useful qualities earned him the title of “King of Fruits”. Pomegranate is consumed not only fresh, but also made from it tea.   For cooking, all parts of the plant are used:

  • peel;
  • grains;
  • internal jumpers;
  • leaves;
  • flowers.

Pomegranate cocktail in appearance resembles hibiscus - tea from the petals of Sudanese roses. It has the same reddish tint and sour taste. In all other respects, these are completely different drinks.

For the preparation of pomegranate tea, individual parts of the plant are collected and dried. Then they are ground into powder and added to black or green tea. The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water and brewed for five minutes using a steam bath. Drink hot or chilled.

There is another way to create an unusual pomegranate drink: mixing freshly squeezed fresh grains with tea (1: 1). Sugar syrup is added to the resulting tea-juice mixture. To add flavor to the chilled mix, add mint, lime or cinnamon. Turkish gourmets came up with tea to mix with pomegranate juice. The pleasant tart taste and illuminating effect of the drink was enjoyed by the inhabitants of the East. Pomegranate tea and pomegranate cocktail are not the same thing. The first is a mixture of tea leaf and dry parts of pomegranate, and the second is brewed tea with the addition of juice. Pomegranate drink in any form has useful properties.


Hippocrates wrote about the healing properties of pomegranate in his writings. The benefits of pomegranate tea were first studied by Avicenna.

Pomegranate tea strengthens the immune system, nourishes the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. In folk medicine, the drink is known as a remedy for the treatment of colds and viral infections. Vitamin C, which is rich in pomegranate fruits, helps strengthen the body and fight microbes. Pomegranate juice is recommended to increase hemoglobin in the blood, with anemia. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart. Tannins help deal with diarrhea.

Tea made from pomegranate flowers is useful for people who often suffer from insomnia, experience stress, and are prone to excessive nervousness. It acts as a sedative.

A juicy vitamin cocktail will have a healing effect on the body with a thyroid disease. Pomegranate is prescribed to people working in hazardous industries and in areas with increased radioactive background. It has the ability to remove radionuclides from the body.

The antiseptic qualities of pomegranate decoction have long been known. It is used to rinse the mouth with dental problems (stomatitis, gingivitis).

The use of pomegranate infusion has a cosmetological effect: the skin becomes clean and supple, hair - shiny and silky.

Fruit drink perfectly quenches thirst. It is good to drink when doing fitness. In combination with physical activity, it positively affects the correction of the figure.

In the daily menu of almost every person there is tea. Today, many have abandoned the traditional black in favor of green, relying on its healing properties. However, this is not the only thirst quenching and beneficial. Pomegranate tea, which many first tried while on vacation in Turkey, is gaining popularity rapidly and irrevocably.


A chic red fruit with juicy grains, according to legend, suggested the idea of \u200b\u200bthe shape of a royal headdress to people. Indeed, the pomegranate tail looks like a real crown. Due to it, and also because of the rich “inner world”, the fruit has ascended to the highest steps in the hierarchy of its own kind.

Potassium, silicon, iodine, calcium, iron - these are minerals with which pomegranate is “charged”. Of vitamins, the fetus will share with you the essentials of groups B, C and P. Your immunity will gladly accept multilateral assistance from the “King of Fruits”. Yes, and the blood will sparkle in a new way, if you eat enough pomegranate. It retains all its beneficial properties, transforming into juice or pomegranate tea.

The "Carthaginian apple," as the ancients called this fruit, is very popular in Turkey as an additive to various dishes. Tea has a special place on the long list. The local population simply adores him. With pomegranate, this drink gains high status. A peddler ("chaiji") warps between offices and shops, delivering a healthy hot drink to the afflicted. In large organizations, the kettle is not removed from the fire during the day.


The drink has a pleasant slightly sour taste and a characteristic red tint. It is called a pomegranate cocktail. And it is implemented in various forms. It can be brewed traditionally with the addition of pomegranate juice or you can use the skin, grated partitions and the grains themselves as an additive to the black and green varieties. Pomegranate tea from Turkey is also brought in concentrated powder form. It is made from natural starting ingredients. In addition, pure garnet concentrate is sold in powder. Just a small spoon on a mug of regular tea.

Another common option for making a drink is to add royal fruit juice. It is advisable to use not diluted, but concentrated natural. Then pomegranate tea will acquire the necessary delicate taste and preserve the beneficial properties of the fruit.

Invaluable properties

The drink gained fans not only among ordinary inhabitants. Omniscient journalists have repeatedly mentioned Will Smith as a fan of healing nectar. Rumor has it that Jennifer Lopez regularly fortifies the body with a pomegranate tea shake. And there is nothing particularly surprising. The drink is credited with the glory of a defender against many diseases. On this list are oncological diseases, which now affect a large percentage of the world's population. Here as well as early aging of the body. Of course, pomegranate tea cannot cure an already affected person. Its use is to enrich the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and therefore, to strengthen immunity, increase resistance to various diseases.

First of all, pomegranate is recommended for people with low hemoglobin levels. This tool is proven and true. Moreover, not everyone can eat the fruit in its pure form. It is good for weakened heart muscle. Potassium contained in pomegranate can correct the situation.

Speaking about the healing properties of the drink, one should also remember contraindications. Doctors do not recommend abusing tea with peptic ulcer diseases, pancreatitis, and acidity. Expectant mothers should also be limited to more traditional drinks.

Cooking features

Pomegranate tea from Turkey is brought almost ready-made. But there are many recipes on how to treat yourself to a refined and healthy drink, probably knowing its composition, without doubting the naturalness and quality of the ingredients.

To make tea, often use the leaves or flowers of the plant itself. It may not be so tart, but still retain some useful properties. Turkish pomegranate tea is brewed using the famous "steam bath". For the procedure, two vessels are used. In one of them, ordinary green or black tea is poured, dried leaves, flowers or pomegranate seeds are added. In the second kettle, water is collected and brought to a boil over a fire. Then we put the tea leaves over boiling water, steam the leaves a little. Next, pour boiling water from the lower teapot into the vegetable mixture in the upper, again draw water and put the structure back on fire. Tea can be considered ready for the moment when the water in the "bath" boil for about five minutes. Some wash dry leaves with water before starting the procedure.

Simple cooking option

The complexity of the process can slightly cool the ardor of those who have never tried pomegranate it, if there is no concentrate at hand? There are other recipes for these purposes. For example, you can use, as mentioned above, natural juice. Freshly squeezed slightly bitter due to the granular filling of the fetus. Therefore, you can add a drink purchased in a store. Just make sure that it is not nectar, namely pomegranate juice.

It should be mixed in equal proportions with brewed green or black tea and sugar syrup (half of the juice volume) added to the resulting mix. You can add a slice of lime, mint leaves or cinnamon on the tip of the knife to the chilled ready-made drink for taste.


Pomegranate tea has already become a symbol of a healthy lifestyle and youth of the body for many. This is an excellent tool in the fight against colds, flu. Daily stresses from worries and problems, seasonal depressions, stress after tiring work - all this unbalances. A cocktail with pomegranate will help restore the nervous system to normal. This drink will be a loyal defender of the immune system, as well as an excellent accompaniment of friendly gatherings and parties.