What is zucchini and what does it differ from the zucchini? What is zucchini. Preparation of dishes

11.12.2020 Dishes from seafood

If you think of cooking vegetable pancakes, then pay attention to which zucchini in your hands. Or is it not a zucchini at all? How to distinguish zucchini (zucchini or zucchino) from his congor zucchini? From that other vegetable, you can cook delicious snacks and lunches. From rushing in the oven, fry, prepare from them honey, stew, casserole. It has a lot of beneficial properties, one of which is the low calorie content of Zucchini, which is indispensable when they lose weight, as evidenced by positive feedback.

What is zucchini

If you want to have a delicious dinner, but at the same time do not worry about how to eat food on weight, this vegetable will become the best choice. Energetic value is lower than that of the zucchini, it is only 16 kcal / 100 g. Externally, this vegetable with a length of 15 cm has a saturated green or yellow peel, stripes or specks. The flesh is tender, inseparable fibers, small seeds, almost imperceptible in the core of vegetable.

Features of cultivation

Zucchini is a thermo-loving plant, which belongs to pumpkin. It blooms with large bright yellow flowers. If you want to achieve a good harvest, you need to create suitable conditions. Grow a plant on a plot where there are constant access of sunlight. The vegetable should be regularly water and fertilized. Frost plants are contraindicated if the temperature is lower below 5 degrees Celsius, it dies. With good weather conditions, this vegetable gives a rich delicious harvest.

The composition of vegetable

The benefits of this type of zucchini lies not only in taste quality and low calorie. The composition of the vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin, the necessary microelements, mineral substances. It is rich in carotene, vitamin C, folic acid, pectin, iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium. The composition is as follows:

  • water - 90%;
  • fiber - 2-2.5%;
  • protein - 1.5-2%;
  • carbohydrates - 3-4%.

Benefit and harm

If the vegetable is add to the menu, then after a while you can see how well-being improved. It removes toxins from the body, improve the condition of the skin and hair, make muscle tissue with elastic, teeth and bones - strong. The fiber contributes to a good digestion, it cleans the intestines from slags, settles the work of the liver. Big plus - this zucchini grade does not cause an allergic reaction.

The vegetable helps to normalize the amount of sugar in the blood, produces a diuretic effect on the body, soothes with nervous breakdowns. Recommended to use during pregnancy due to folic acid in the composition, which has a beneficial effect on the development and growth of the fetus. There is a group of people who include this vegetable in the diet is contraindicated. It:

  • Patients who have a violation of the kidneys. As part of this delicious vegetable, there are a lot of oxalates that can provoke a urolithiasis.
  • People who have been diagnosed with a different gallbladder disease. The reason is a large number of oxalates that affect the production of bile.
  • People who have a bad assimilation of calcium or disadvantage of this substance. Oxoiles interfere with good absorption calcium.

The difference between zucchini and zucchild

Zucchini is a zucchini, and more precisely, it is a "elite" variety or delicious hybrid of this vegetable. If the zucchini was brought to Europe from America, then Zucchini brought the Italian breeder. Here are the main featuring these vegetables among themselves:

  1. The size. Zucchini can be called a giant.
  2. Color. Elite zucchini grade is easy to determine the bright color, while his ancestor has a light green color.
  3. Peel. The zucchini is stronger, it is recommended to clean it.
  4. Seed. Tsukini seeds are inconspicuous, and they have hard and large zucchini.
  5. Growing. Zucchini requires a delicate approach to cultivation, the zucchini is not so capricious.
  6. Taste qualities. Zucchini has a more tender, juicy flesh.

Is it necessary to clean zucchini

In order to prepare this or that dish, it is not necessary to clean the zucchini. He has a very thin and soft skin, which does not spoil the taste sensations. Cooks do not recommend removing the peel from this vegetable for another reason. Studies have shown that it contains useful vitamin C, which helps to maintain good immunity. If the vegetable has been processed by pesticides or other chemicals, then the peel is better to count.

Can there be a vegetable raw

There are many recipes for dishes in which the zucchini is included in the raw form. Thanks to the gentle and sweet pulp, this vegetable can be used in raw form, without prior heat treatment. In the dish it will be pleasantly crunchy. He absorbs the salt well, releasing a lot of juice, therefore, it is better to escape the vegetable in a separate bowl, merge the liquid, and then add to the dish.

Cooking recipes

The descendant of the zucchini is prepared in different ways. Zucchini eat raw, fry, salted, marinate, stuffed, dip in the batter, cook ragners and juices. It is well combined with other vegetables, which allows you to make delicious stew and honeycomb from it, and perfectly harmonizes meat, especially with such varieties like a bird, beef, lamb. This vegetable can be simply frying in a pan, and then suck with boiled rice or spaghetti to get a delicious feed dinner. It is necessary to taste baked on the grill or in the oven baked.

Zucchini baked with cheese

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of portions: 6 servings.
  • Calorie dish: 120 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • Difficulty: average.

This recipe is very well suitable for summer dinners and dinners. The dish is light, but satisfying due to dripping in the oven. Cheese has useful properties. The amount of protein in this dairy product is greater than in meat. It contains amino acids, vitamins, and such desired trace elements as zinc, phosphorus, calcium. The pair of "Cheese Plus Zucchini" will cover the daily necessity of the body in trace elements and vitamin.


  • zucchini - 500 g;
  • parmesan cheese - 200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 5 pcs.;
  • bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • greens - a small beam;
  • black ground pepper - to taste;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the zucchini with tomatoes. Cut vegetables on rings or semirings of 0.5 cm each.
  2. Sweet before grinding on a shelter.
  3. Onions and carrots Put in the cubes, fry in olive oil before the formation of golden color.
  4. Take a baking sheet, lubricate small. Turn on the warm up the oven by 220 degrees Celsius.
  5. At the bottom of Tsukini. Save, pepper.
  6. Top Make a layer of tomato. Do not forget about salt and pepper.
  7. The next layer will be fried onions and carrots.
  8. Next, sat down with sweet pepper. Sprinkle with olive oil.
  9. Put in the oven for 20 minutes. At this time, soda the cheese on the grater.
  10. Remove the dish and sprinkle with cheese, remove back into the oven for another 10 minutes.
  11. Before serving, decorate the greens. Harmonies well with potato mashed potatoes.

Coney from Zucchini and Bulgarian pepper

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 6 servings.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Mexican.
  • Difficulty: average.

This dish love to prepare hostesses in Mexico. The main feature of the dishes of this country is the abundant amount of various vegetables and spices. The cell of Zucchini and Bulgarian pepper will have to do vegetarians, as the composition does not include animal components. The source of the protein here is the beans, which for a long time dulls the feeling of hunger and gives a feeling of satiety.


  • canned red beans - 450 g;
  • zucchini - 500 g;
  • pumpkin - 200 g;
  • green peas - 200 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • leek - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • basil greenery - a small beam;
  • parsley greens - a small beam;
  • chile Pepper - 0.5 h. spoons;
  • black ground pepper - 0.5 h. spoons;
  • thyme - to taste;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Zucchini and peppers Cut into cubes, tomatoes - slices, onions - half rings.
  2. Throw zucchini to a preheated frying pan. When frying, add part of the spices and salt. Put everything into a separate saucepan with a thick bottom.
  3. Repeat the process with pumpkin, onions and sweet pepper.
  4. Put the beans, peas, tomatoes, greens and the remaining part of the spices. You can take raw beans, but before use it must be prepared separately. During boiling, do not forget to escape it.
  5. Add lemon juice.
  6. Cushion 10 minutes on small fire under the lid.
  7. Serve in rice or potatoes.

Vegetable Cutlets with Zucchini

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of portions: 6 servings.
  • Calorie dishes: 200 kcal / 100 g
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: average.

When a harvest is sleeping on a garden, it's time to prepare a hearty and easy dinner with useful ingredients in the composition. For this, fragrant cutlets are perfectly suitable, but not simple, but with the addition of a descendant zucchini and cheese. For preparation, it is recommended to use beef or chicken minced meat. The dish will be dietary and tasty. Tip: So that the cutlets come out the most useful as possible, it is better to cook them in a double boiler, and add garlic for taste.


  • minced beef - 200 g;
  • zucchini - 300 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • solid grade cheese - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • black pepper ground - to taste;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter cream - for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Tut the zucchini, carrots and cheese on a large grater. Leek cut as much as possible. Garlic skip through the press.
  2. Mix vegetables and cheese with minced meat and egg. Sung and pepper. Add flour, mix thoroughly.
  3. Heat the frying pan, pour oil.
  4. Put the cutlets with a spoon. Fry on both sides.
  5. The cutlets go well with any garnish, but it turns out especially tasty with rye bread and pickled onions.


What a zucchini looks like

Than zucchini differs from zucchini

In fact, Zukini is one of the varieties. This European variety has a cylindrical, more elegant shape and light-salad or dark green. The pulp of this vegetable is light, with a weak greenish tint.

This vegetable culture has come to us from America, or rather, from Mexico, where only her seeds were originally used. In Europe, Zucchini was at the end of the XVI century, first time was grown in botanical gardens as a wonder. Food began to eat in Italy. And then the mass distribution in this vegetable began.

Today, the fruits of this culture have gained so much popularity that it is already difficult to present our kitchen without them.

A special attitude to Italian zucchini from Mediterranean cuisine, where no dish is not to do without it.

Lovers of zucchini advise: if the zucchini in the juice is mixed with olive oil in front of the fierce, mixed with olive oil, their taste will become more saturated.

Unlike zucchini, zucchini can be eaten by raw, adding salt, pepper or with dip sauces (for fooling).

Cooking this vegetable is not long - when boiling no longer than a minute. Although it is better to cook them for a couple or fry. Many are wondering if it is necessary to clean zucchini. In fact it does not matter. You can cook directly in the peel, but you can clean before cooking - how who likes it.

Good taste from Italian zucchini in a grain. At the same time, it is perfectly combined with parmesan and, with creamy oil and salt (not small).

Tsukini dishes can become a decent snack on the festive table. For example, fried or cooked rolls with soft cheese or with cottage cheese and herbs will not leave guests indifferent.

Application in folk medicine and cosmetology

Found the use of zucchini not only in cooking. For example, the seeds of this zucchini are successfully used in cosmetology. Many cosmetology companies add them to drugs regulating the work of the sebaceous glands.

Since zucchini is distinguished by a magnificent moisturizing effect, it can be used in various masks for both the face and hair. The pulp of the fetus improves the skin color, rejuvenates, normalizes the microcirculation of blood, protects the skin from ultraviolet.

  1. The simplest and most common mask: Raw zucchini grate on a shallow grater and squeeze a little. Apply the resulting Cashitz on the face, he has previously cleaned it. Cover the mask of gauze and keep it in this way 20-30 minutes, after which wash the face with cool running water.
  2. You can use zucchini juice to get rid of such a problem as bags and swelling under the eyes. To do this, the skin around the eyes is wiped fresh juice.
  3. When the seeds appear, it is recommended to use hair masks Based on Zucchini Juice. The composition should be thickened in the head, then rinse with warm water. Such a mask will strengthen the structure of the hair, fit the roots, give a healthy appearance and improve the overall condition of the hair.

Zucchini is a type of zucchini, has an oblong shape of a green color. Motherland of Vegetable - Mexico and West India "West". In Europe, he fell through Italy, and Zucchini is a plural from the Italian "Zucchino".

What is zucchini different from zucchini?

  1. If you have a whitish or light green shade, then zucchini can be yellowish, dark green or even openwork pattern.
  2. Tsukini tastes tenderly than a zucchini.
  3. This plant is distinguished by randomness, more long storage and ability to continuous fruiting.
  4. If the zucchini grows to the "giant" sizes, then Zucchini always remains much smaller.
  5. Peel: Kabachkov - Hard, Tsukini - gentle and thin. Zucchini is used for extinguishing and frying, and a pleasant, gentle and soft pulp of the second is often used in salads.
  6. During the cultivation of Zucchini, you need a little more heat and moisture than zucchini. Ripens zucchini faster than his fellow.
  7. This pumpkin can even eat raw, adding it to salads.

Composition of Zucchini: Vitamins and Calorie

By chemical composition, they are very close to the zucchini, but the substances contained in them are absorbed by our organism much easier and faster. These vegetables are rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron. They contain carotene, vitamins of group B, C, RR, E, provitamin A, pectin substances.

Calorie Zucchini per 100 g of product is 16 kcal:

  • Proteins - 1.5 g
  • Fat - 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 3.0 g

First of all, Zucchini is good for weight loss - take this note! There are very few calories in it!

They also remove bile and have a diuretic effect, which is useful for those who suffer from urolithiasis.

The benefits of Zucchini are that it improves digestion and removes harmful substances from the body. Recommended to use fruits in heart disease, liver, stomach, kidneys.

These vegetables are very easy to cook, be it cooking or boiling, roasting in a pan or baking in the oven. You should not cook them for too long, since when boiling, they can be decking in water and become tasteless. The optimal option is cooking for a pair. You can even fry small young zucchini entirely in creamy oil with thyme. But the most original dish of Italian cuisine is the dish of flowers of this vegetable in the batter. Frying large yellow flowers in a grain is considered the most sophisticated hot snack.

Many hostesses love to cook a vegetable with parmesan. To do this, it is cut by large pieces, we are saturated, pepper and lay out into one layer on the baking sheet, pre-lubricated with butter. From above you need to sprinkle with a grated parmesan and chopped garlic. Bake should be about 15-20 minutes before the golden crust appears. Serve preferably with crispy loaves and green salad.

You can add zucchini to the diet of those who go on amendment, as well as in the children's menu, since this vegetable causes allergic reactions.

The useful properties of Zucchini also normalize the metabolism and improves the composition of the blood, derives from the body "harmful" cholesterol. And plant flowers are used in medicinal purposes - with the help of their decoction, it is possible to facilitate the flow of allergic reactions.

Vegetable is rich, so it is useful for pregnant and nursing women. Folic acid, as is known, is useful for the reproductive human system and reduces the risk of impairment of the nervous system of the fetus. In 100 g of Tsukini, there is about 5% of the daily rate of folic acid.

Video Recipe: Roots with Zucchini

Zucchini - European grade of cylindrical background, vegetable belongs to the pumpkin family, and can achieve, like pumpkin, huge sizes, if they give it to paint. Zucchini has the color of the peel from light to dark green. In the word "zucchini" in many European languages Call all kinds of zucchini regardless of color and size.

Chemical composition Zucchini. Zucchini contains a lot of carotene, magnesium, vitamin E, while all substances perfectly relate to each other, which much faster helps the absorption of nutrients. The content of proteins, fats, organically saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (in small quantities), dietary fibers, carbohydrates and purest water, allows you to stimulate the metabolism, ensure the proper work of the thyroid gland, protect against viruses and bacteria mucous membrane, as well as to upset the cells From free radicals. Available in Tsukini Potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, will provide the body useful, for normal life, substances and will save from many violations, if you eat this vegetable regularly. Such a vitamin composition of zucchini as carotenes, vitamins C, E, RR, A, contribute to the strengthening of immunity, while the work of the brain and the nervous system is significantly improved.

Zucchini comes from America, where initially only seeds were used eaten. To Europe, a vegetable hit the XVI century through Italy. At the beginning of Zucchini, as most of the dicks, were grown in botanical gardens. Today it is difficult to imagine without this vegetable Mediterranean cuisine. It is believed that it was the Italians in the XVIII century began to use unreasonable zucchiniHow we do it today. Tsukini was brought to Russia from America in the XVI century, and only in the XVIII century began to be used in food immature, such as we use them at the present time.

Zucchini have a light green or yellow color, depending on the variety they are in the speck or striped. According to the European Standard Zucchini, it is necessary to collect when they reach the length of about 20 cm, they should be as thin as the usual middle cucumber. They may look like a small pumpkin. For Zucchini, there are a rule: the more the fruit, the more tasteless and porous to the flesh. In the middle of the vegetable there are white dense seeds that are placed on cream or white pulp. Zucchini has no shape, such as cucumber, because the content of fluid in the fruit is much smaller. This vegetable is low-caloriene and is easily digested. Zucchini has a slightly nut taste and is well combined with other vegetables. Zucchini need to be stored in the refrigerator, while it is better to avoid strong cold. Fresh vegetable can be stored up to three weeks.

Application and use of zucchini. All Zucchini, before the tail, can be eaten, even the flowers can be worse to cook, for example, stuff them or use as a decor. The peel at Zucchini is very thin, so it can not be removed before cooking, while the zucchini can be used in the raw form. Fetrains before use must be flushed. If the size of zucchini is a little more, it is necessary to remove seeds from it. Seeds Zucchini Delete the same way from a large cucumber: the fruit must be cut in half along, and a spoon to embroider solid bones. Smaller fruits can not be cleaned of seeds, which is greatly simplified by preparation for cooking.

Zucchini preparation area is very large and diverse: in raw form, stuffed, fried, rustled, baked, like a vegetable side dish, this vegetable is good hot and cold. Almost all Mediterranean cuisine use zucchini in different dishes.

Delicious snacks from Zucchini, where this vegetable is combined with other vegetables. Such combinations are good for grill or baked in the oven.

All zucchini, which can be both long, green and striped, and small, round and bright yellow, delicate peel and gentle cream core. Raw grated zucchini - Excellent supplement to salads or garnish to the fish baked on the grill. From Zucchini can be puree and serve it to baked mutton. Milk Zucchini You can fry in a length with a finger in a creamy oil with thyme or cook for a couple - then they will remain crispy. Zucchini is prepared with pesto and parmesan sauce, with anchovy and sesame seeds, with coriander and shrimps, they are added to Penne, honey, pizza, stew and chutne. The vegetable is well suited as a side dish to white meat, for example, to chicken breast. Zucchini can be the main dish, for example, stuffed with meat or cottage cheese. Fritters from Zucchini are still very popular, they can be prepared exactly as potatoes, and combine different vegetables! And of course, a very fast and tasty dish is zucchini Soup Cream. This vegetable is good for cooking casseroles, pies and bread!

Useful properties of Zucchini. Zucchini recommend those who want to lose weight. Fruits contain the minimum calorie amount, plus to everything, they contribute to the elimination of excess fluid from the body, which will allow not only to lose weight, but also help people suffering from the swelling.

Zucchini useful people with sick liver - they help the assimilation of proteins; When problems with gastrointestinal tract, they are prescribed as part of a gentle diet; Sick diabetes must limit fats and carbohydrates, so zucchini is also the optimal option for them.

Zucchini Zucchini often include small children; Cosmetologists are also recommended to use them as much as possible, because they feed the skin from the inside, they support the optimal water balance in it and even protect against aging.

Zucchini remove radionuclides, the metabolism and composition of blood lead to normal, maintaining the optimal level of cholesterol in it. Even the flowers of this plant can be used for therapeutic purposes - their decoction facilitates the course of allergic diseases.

Zucchini seeds are used by leading cosmetic firms as a component for creams regulating the work of the sebaceous glands.

We think each of you at least once in your life I drove zucchini. In a salad, soup, stew, stewed or fried, as well as the famous zucchini caviar.

In our country, this is a rather popular vegetable, which is on every garden, summer or land plot. Zucchini belongs to the pool family. He has a close relatives - Zucchini.

A variety of zucchini with a clearly Italian name is also actively grown with us. Talk about whether there are distinctive properties between these brothers-vegetables? Both externally and internally they differ.

The peculiarity of these two types of vegetables is that they do not require long maturation like a pumpkin. You can eat in food, and even more delicious, use young fruits.

And his Italian relative is quite close in composition and many properties. But you can also distinguish them in appearance.

Zucchini has a light green, white, yellow color. At the same time, Zucchini is dark: green, black, green in dark stripes or in polka dot, green color is also possible in yellow stains.

Both fetus have an oblong shape. Only a zucchini can grow to gigantic sizes, both in length and volume. Zucchini are more compact and neat. Both vegetables grow the bush method.

Cuccachkov bush is worst and allowed a lot of shoots, while occupying enough square. The tunic is a compact bush, grows carefully, beautifully raising the leaves up, not spreading widely on the ground.

Leaves from a bush of a light color zucchini and medium size. Green zucchini blades are large and possess beautiful rich color. Regarding the flowers of the same story: the zucchinny light and smaller, at the same time the flowers of dark relatives are large and bright.

Thanks to these characteristics, it is zucchini more attractive and available for insects that pollinate it. Zucchini bushes in this regard are not deprived of attention, but significantly inferior from these indicators.

Regarding the conditions of cultivation, there are also its own characteristics of each of these vegetables. For example, zucchini less arrogant. They have enough medium humidity, a good chernozem and a lot of solar heat and light.

In this case, they will lay on a wide area and will soon give a good crop. They have so much soil that even weeds will not be able to break through. As a result, weigly pour and especially care for the site where the zucchini is growing, do not have to.

Zucchini will not grow on any earth. If the soil is acidic or oversaturated with fertilizers, then the plant does not fit. Also, this vegetable does not tolerate cold weather. Therefore, it is dangerous to plant it in early spring in the soil.

It is better to wait for the final warmth or to pre-plant in the greenhouse, and then replant in open locality. At the same time, the zucchini is more prone to temperature drops.

To fry the Tsukini bushes in the sun is also not desirable. It is more moisthable, therefore often requires an additional irrigation.
Skin and flesh in these fruits is also different. The pulp of the dark fruit is more tender and soft.

Seeds of small sizes and not tough, practically imperceptible in food. Given these properties, they do not require pretentious and long preparation. Some recipes suggest even the use of raw zucchini.

Zucchini must be prepared: stew, fry. More mature fruits are large and hard seeds, because when cooking is better to withdraw.

For winter workpiece and preservation, zucchini suits more. Zucchini frost well in the fresh form.

As for the skin, then Zukini is also soft and practically imperceptible in food. The skin of the zucchini, especially mature (young people are soft), to clean. It affects the storage of vegetables.

Zucchini without any external damage can be ruled in the cool for a long time. Zucchini after cutting is better prepared for a day or two. For the fifth day they will begin to deteriorate.

And the zucchini, and zucchini small-calorie, therefore are welcome during diets. They are easily absorbed by the stomach, help to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, bring harmful accumulations. In addition, they are rich in vitamins, folic acid, carotine.

After examining all the characteristics of both brethren-fruits, you can sum up and list the distinctive features of the zucchini and zucchini:

External characteristics

Color gamut zucchini dark shades (green, black, striped and in polka dot), zucchini - light. Bushes are second more swinging, with a lot of shoots.

Zucchini are compact and stretch in height. The leaves and flowers of zucchini are smaller and lighter, the zucchini is large and saturated color.

Fruits, their size

Both vegetables are oblong. Only a length of the zucchini can reach up to 40 cm, dark relatives are not more than a quarter meter.

Taste qualities

Cuccachk pulp harsh, tasteless. They are used only in the finished form or after conservation.

Zucchini have a soft, gentle flesh with a pleasant aroma and taste. Therefore, they can be subjected to minimal culinary processing. It is possible to eat even in raw form.


Kabachkov she is tough. For very mature fruits it is better to clean it before cooking. Dark vegetable peel soft and tasty.


Zucchini seeds of large sizes and hard, therefore feeling in food. It is better to remove them before cooking. In relatives, they are soft and do not require cleaning.

Growing conditions

Zukini love moisture, enough heat, do not tolerate frosts - picky. Fruits ripen much faster. Bright relatives are not so capricious, there is a lot of sun and a good chernozem.


Zucchini, if they are not damaged, can be stored for a long time in the cold and darkness. Dark fruits quickly deteriorate.


Tsukini have a minimum calorie calorie - a half dozen. Square this limit is more luxury - about thirty.

And zucchini, and zucchini are useful vegetables. Therefore, eat them in pleasure, with the benefit for the figure and the excellent health effect.