Bagels with marmalade step by step recipes. Bagels with marmalade - enjoy some magical childhood memories! Lean cookies with marmalade

03.03.2020 Dishes for children

Step 1: Prepare the dough.

In a bowl prepared for kneading the dough, soften the butter by crushing it with a fork. Then add flour, sour cream and soda, previously quenched with boiling water. Knead the dough with your hands and place it to cool in the refrigerator 30-40 minutes. While the dough is cooling, start preparing glazes and toppings.

Step 2: Cook the icing.

In a separate bowl, mix the egg and sugar with a whisk until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Sugar should be completely dissolved.

Step 3: Prepare the marmalade.

Marmalade cut into small rectangles. Choose a size so that the filling easily fits into the prepared slices of dough.

Step 4: Cut the dough.

Remove chilled dough from the refrigerator. Share it on 3-4 parts and roll one of the pieces into a pancake, then cut it into slices. Repeat the same with the remaining test.

Step 5: Form the bagels with the filling.

Put the pieces of marmalade on the wide side of the strip of dough and twist the bagel as shown in the photo, packing the filling.

Step 6: Bake the bagels.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. In the meantime, heat it up, lay the paper on a baking tray, and place the shaped bagels on it. Using a brush, grease them on top with prepared egg glaze and bake 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Then let the ready bagels with marmalade cool down and you can serve.

Step 7: Serve the marmalade bagels.

That's all ready to treat guests with this wonderful delicacy. Serve marmalade bagels like any other dessert with tea.
Bon Appetit!

It also turns out very tasty if you sprinkle bagels with icing sugar.

It is best to cook the dough in advance, then quickly form it into bagels. Also, such a dough can be stored in the freezer.

It is not necessary to add sugar to the icing, because bagels thanks to marmalade will turn out to be quite sweet.

Tasty and unusual pastries, which attracts only with their bright appearance, will certainly cause delight in children. Small bagels, inside of which there is a multi-colored marmalade filling, really look very attractive, but this taste is simply delicious. Dough for bagels on sour cream and butter, and not on margarine, so we can say that it will not be harmful. Bagels are very tender, crispy with a sweet, colorful filling. Such pastries are suitable even for a children's holiday or just as for home tea drinking. and the cooking technique you can see in step-by-step preparation of bagels with marmalade with photo. Now you know how to bake bagels at home, quickly and easily!

Marmalade Bagel Ingredients

Step-by-step preparation of bagels with marmalade with photo

Bagels with marmalade are served cooled to tea, juice or stewed fruit. Store baked goods in a sealed glass container. Bon Appetit!

These bagels are a treat from childhood. Probably, once their recipe was published in the popular magazine "Worker", and all the mothers prepared it for their children. More than once I tried to cook something "from the past." And, unfortunately, the taste spoiled by modern delicacies said - "something is missing." Bagels with marmalade are an exception.

The taste is simply indescribable, and such cookies disappear instantly and somehow completely imperceptibly, just the hand itself stretches

Butter (200 g);
- sour cream (200 g);
- flour (3 tbsp.);
- granulated sugar (2 tbsp.spoons);
- sandwich marmalade (200 g).

We leave the oil at room temperature and knead with a fork. Or can be dissolved in a water bath. Add sour cream, granulated sugar.

Mix thoroughly.

Add flour

and knead the dough.

What I like about this test is that it rolls out easily. Soft, supple. Here are all the procedures that go on, did my daughter. So, we divide the dough into 4 parts, each roll out into a thin circle.

Marmalade for rolls cut into slices:

Cut the circle of dough with a knife into triangles - 16 or more. The more triangles you get, the shorter the finished liver will be. I prefer long ones - rolls will look better. On a wide edge, put a piece of marmalade.

We make bagels - we roll each triangle to the center, trying to press denser the edges so that the hole is as small as possible, otherwise the marmalade will leak from the bagel during baking.

We spread on a baking sheet, oiled or covered with baking paper.

Bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 160-180 degrees.

Serve for tea. And the kids will like to find a liver with a surprise, for example, a twist.

When in childhood I visited my girlfriend, I was sometimes treated there with homemade bagels with marmalade, which her mother loved to bake. Never and nowhere else have I tried such cookies. But I just loved these sandy bagels - so soft and crumbly, from a gentle unleavened dough with sweet and sour fruit filling, they just melted in my mouth and flew apart in an instant. Much later, having already begun my culinary “career”, I came across a recipe for bagels with marmalade on the Internet, and even being quite inexperienced in the art of baking, I managed to reproduce it quite easily and accurately. The result was invaluable childhood memories, and of course, a great treat for the whole family, which quickly took root in our house.

By the way, my friend later admitted that her duty in childhood was to prepare the filling for these bagels, for which she had to cut sugar powder from curly marmalades for a long and tedious time. Well, I suggest you use a sandwich of marmalade for the filling, which does not have such a sprinkling, moreover, it usually has a more natural composition and taste. You can also use any thick jam or jam, but in this case there is a greater chance that when baking it will leak and burn. Try to make bagels with marmalade from shortcrust pastry, they will surely appeal to both adults and children, and may become your new family tradition!

Helpful information

How to cook bagels with marmalade from childhood - a recipe for bagels from shortcrust pastry on sour cream with step by step photos


  • 400 g flour
  • 200 g of cold butter
  • 200 g cold sour cream 15 - 20%
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt
  • 300 g marmalade sandwich with any taste
  • 1 yolk + 1 tbsp. l milk
  • brown or plain sugar to sprinkle


1. First, prepare the dough for bagels with marmalade. To do this, sift the flour into a deep bowl, add sour cream and salt.

2. Grate the butter on a coarse grater.

3. Pour in vegetable oil and knead a dense dough with a hook nozzle.

4. Divide the dough into 4 identical parts (200 g each) and roll them into balls.

5. Roll each ball with a rolling pin on a flour dusted surface into a circle with a diameter of 25-30 cm and cut it into 8 identical segments of a triangular shape. While working with one ball, the rest should be kept in the refrigerator so that the dough does not heat up.

6. On the base of each triangle put 2 - 3 small slices of marmalade. Roll the tubes, starting from the base of the segment and moving to the opposite sharp corner.

7. Put bagels with marmalade onto a baking sheet covered with parchment, at a small distance from each other. Grease them with yolk mixed with milk and sprinkle with sugar.

Advice! You can use brown sugar instead of the usual one to give the baking a pleasant aroma and taste.

From this number of ingredients, 2 large baking sheets of 16 bagels each are obtained.

8. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 25 to 30 minutes until browning is noticeable.

Delicate crispy crumbly bagels with marmalade from childhood are ready!


A bit of marmalade sweets (I like citrus fruits)
1 protein (the yolk will be used for lubrication)
0.5 tbsp. Sahara
1/3 tsp salt
12 g dry yeast (2.5 tsp)
1 tbsp. water (a little warm), you can also sour milk, kefir, milk - it doesn’t matter
100 gr margarine
~ 3.5 tbsp. flour and a little flour to add


Melt margarine and cool to a warm state. Combine all the ingredients, while the flour needs to be mixed with yeast, and then combined with the liquid. Knead soft dough, cover, put in a warm place for 20-30 minutes, to double. Marmalade cut into small pieces. When the dough is suitable, separate a small piece and roll it into a rectangular layer 2-3 mm thick.

Lubricate the reservoir with vegetable oil

Cut with a curly knife into equal triangles

On a wide part of the triangle put a piece of marmalade


And put on a greased baking sheet

Let them stand in a warm place, grease with yolk and bake in a preheated oven at t 180 * 15-20 min.

Bon Appetit!!!