Napoleon with filling from fruit. Cake "Napoleon" - the most delicious and original cooking recipes

Traditional delicious gentle cake in bright decoration

Ingredients for "Fruit Napoleon Cake" ":

Recipe "Fruit Napoleon Cake" ":

1) I smell 900 grams of flour into a large deep container, salt, add chopped into small pieces of butter (270 gr.). Let's hinder all your hands so that the oil is mixed with flour. We add on a slightly water and mix. It should turn out such dough as in the picture.

2) Forming 11 balls from the resulting test, these are our future cakes.
Roll in fine, piercing the fork so that there are no bubbles, we sprinkle with flour, lay out our damn, put in the oven, preheated to 200 s 15 minutes.

3) in parallel bake the cakes and make cream. To do this, we put 1.25 liters of milk on the middle fire. We need to bring milk to a boil.

4) While the milk is heated, we split 3 eggs into a separate bowl, add sugar, 250 gr, whipped with a fork, add 150 grams of flour, mix well. Add 250 ml of milk, mix.

5) By this time, we already have milk to warm up, add our egg mixture to hot milk. We constantly interfere until the mass thickens. (about 15-20 minutes)

6) We remove from the fire, add 90 grams of butter, mix, put cool.

7) Each finished crushing is cut off uneven edges, applying a plate. Overhead edges we add to the combine bowl. We will use them for sprinkles.

Here are such cortiers from us. Do not be discouraged if you have some cogghogs swollen after we lining their cream all irregularities will leave)))

8) After the cakes cooled, the cream cooled, we collect our cake. Lubricate every cake very plenty of cream so that everything is well soaked. I just got all the cream. Do not forget to lubricate the sides!

9) Grind in the combine the remaining pieces of cortex in the combine, and turn the sides of the cake, well applying palm to the crumb so that everything sticks.

10) Optionally, we decorate our cake with fresh tangerines, grapes and blueberries.

You can simply sprinkle the remaining crumb, add nuts, chocolate crumb, etc.

Bon Appetit

Today I am preparing a cake "Napoleon" ... But since I am a lazy mistress, I use ready-made cakes for Napoleon. If they are not at hand, you can bake cakes from a layer test. I will immediately say that the cakes once did it myself, but it's long and troublesome))
Napoleon cake, according to legend, appeared in Russia for a long time. Back in 1912, during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the victory over Bonaparte, the most famous chefs were preparing exquisite dishes. Then they prepared a new cake-puff with cream, in the form of a triangle (in memory of the famous triangle of Napoleon). The cupcake was called "Napoleon".
For Napoleon use custard. I cook it in a very simple recipe. He is attracted by the fact that it is boiled literally in 10 minutes and, even if suddenly in the process of cooking cream, lumps will appear, then at the last stage they will easily dispel a mixer)))

Products for cream:
milk-0.5 liters;
creamy butter-100 gr.;
flour-3 tbsp.;
sugar-1 glass;
yolks-3 pcs ..

cakes for Napoleon-1 package;
kiwi-3 pcs.;
mandarins-3 pcs ..

Tags dishes: Cold dish, festive dish, sweet, boiled.

1 Preparing the necessary products. 2 Pour milk, fall asleep flour. 3 Add 2 yolks. 4 Fall asleep sugar. 5 Turn on the mixer and mix everything thoroughly. 6 We put the saucepan on a slow fire, constantly stirring, cook cream. 7 We put the cream cool, but while we cook fruit for a layer. We clean and cut thin slices of kiwi and cut the tangerine slices. 8 In the cooled cream, add oil and turn on the mixer again. Mix the cream thoroughly. Optionally, you can add vanillin or cinnamon. 9 lay out the first cake and lubricate it with cream.

First of all I sat down all the flour - 700 grams.

Then laid out the creamy butter cooled to it - cut it with cubes.

Pulled flour with butter in the crumb.

In the glass broke the egg and beat it with salt.

Valled a glass with filtered water to 250 ml. I got the water a little more than 200 ml, because The egg was slightly less than 50 ml.

Stirred and poured to the crumb.

Even the elastic dough. If you get the dough too dry or vice versa wet, you can add some more water or flour, respectively.

He posted the dough into the food package and removed the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Cutting test:

Released the dough from the refrigerator and cut on 10 approximately equal parts.

Tens of cute balls rolled;)

Each of them rolled very thin on the board, slightly sprinkled with flour.

I slept with a fork dough, so that it is unnecessary not bubble when baking it.

Baking the cortex:

Carefully, with the help of a rill, moved the dough on the baking sheet. She put the plate and cut the circle with a wooden spatula on it, so as not to scratch the teflon surface. I chose a plate with a diameter of 24 cm.

Baked in preheated to 180-200 "C oven 5-7 minutes, to light shut down.

Finished korzh immediately removed from the back and shifted to the grid for cooling.

Thus prepared all 10 cakes.

Cooking crumbs for sprinkles:

Sliced \u200b\u200bon the sides and baked pieces of cores folded separately.

I broke them and sent them to the shredder (blender).

Ground into the crumb, which later blocks the sides and top of the cake.

If you do not have a blender - not trouble. These pieces can be converted into a crumb in any mill. Or use a pestle or a rolling pin for this - just to stretch them. You can still try to grate on the grater :) But this option seems to me the most time consuming.

Cooking cream:

Prepared the desired ingredients.

A liter of milk poured into an aluminum saucepan and put it on a slow fire. I took a shop ultrapasteurized milk of 3.2%.

Eggs connected with sugar.

Whipped in a foam.

Milk heated to a hot state, not letting it boil.

Poured a couple of hot milk hot milk to the egg mass, stirred.

After that, overflow the whole egg mass to hot milk in a saucepan.

Cook, constantly stirring a spoon, not giving to form a lump, until thickening. Even if you have small lumps, do not worry - we can beat the mass and convert to homogeneous.

In the photo I tried to show the consistency of the cream. It should be pretty thick. But it is important and not to digest. I went to heated with stirring about 10 minutes.

He took off the cream from the fire and gave him to cool completely. Usually I place a saucepan in a pelvis or sink filled with cold water. Well, if I cook in the cold season, I just come to the balcony. But you can gain patience and wait for the cream will be cooled natural by simply at room temperature.

Creamy oil was taken out in advance - by the time it was connected to the cooled part of the cream, it should be completely softened. Crushed his spoon.

Added several spoons of the mammary of the cream from the pan.

Then another part, again stirring the wedge.

Thus, the oil was connected together with the entire milk wave mass. The cream is ready! It seems that it is a lot? And here is not! Everything will go ...;)

Preparation of layers:

Prepared the necessary products.

The cherry washed cool water and removed the bone out of her.

I sent to the blender with sugar.

Whipped at maximum speed until homogeneous.

Cake assembly:

The layer can be made anywhere. I decided to distribute it evenly. And since I had three cherry layers in the plans, then I decided to apply them - between the 2nd and 3rd, 5th and 6th and between the 8th and 9th.

The first crude was put on the coach for the cake, smeared it with cream. Then placed the second root, covering the cream again.

By the cream distributed 1/3 of the cherry layer.

Put the third, fourth and fifth kazis, missed each of them cream. On top - again the cherry layer again.

Next - the sixth, seventh and eighth cakes with cream. The last time smeared the cherry.

Now the ninth and last tenth korzh, too, with cream. A couple of spoons of cream I left for the decoration, but it is not necessary.

The cake piled earlier with a crumb of cake.

All the remaining crumb launched on the top of Napoleon.

He decorated so - on an equidalued distance, 12 balls of cream put on each other, about 0.5 tsp. everyone. Those. Posted by the type of clockball hours. The center put one more cream ball more.

For each ball laid out on cherry (washed, dry, without a bone) and slightly pressed it into cream. In the center placed 3 berries.

I left the cake to be soaked at room temperature on the half (you can less, but 6-8 hours it should still stand).

The cake turned out to be incredibly gentle and tasty! With a pleasant cherry sourness ...;)

Along with the words "very tasty!" I was touched by the phrase of my guest: "His taste ... Real!" :) It was the best reward for my work! ;)

I fill 900 grams of flour into a greater deep container, salt, add chopped into small pieces of butter (270 gr.). Let's hinder all your hands so that the oil is mixed with flour. We add on a slightly water and mix. It should turn out such dough as in the picture. From the resulting test form 11 balls, these are our future cakes. Roll thinly, piercing the fork so that there are no bubbles, sprinkle with flour, lay out our damn, put it in the oven, warmed up to 200 ° C for 15 minutes.

In parallel, bake the cakes and make cream. To do this, we put 1.25 liters of milk on the middle fire. We need to bring milk to a boil. While the milk is heated, we split 3 eggs into a separate bowl, add sugar, 250 gr, whipped with a fork, add 150 grams of flour, mix well. Add 250 ml of milk, mix.

By this time, we already have to warm up milk, add our egg mixture to hot milk. We constantly interfere until the mass thickens. (For about 15-20 minutes), we remove from the fire, add 90 g of butter, mix, put cool.

Each finished crusher is cut off uneven edges, applying a plate. Overhead edges we add to the combine bowl. We will use them for sprinkles. Here are such cortiers from us. Do not be discouraged if you have some swirling cakes, after we enjoy their cream all irregularities will leave.

After the cakes cooled, the cream cooled, collect our cake. Lubricate every cake very plenty of cream so that everything is well soaked. I just got all the cream. Do not forget to lubricate the sides! Grinding the remaining pieces of cortex in the combine, and hand over the sides of the cake, putting a thicketer with a palm to the crumb that everything sticks. Optionally, we decorate our cake with fresh mandarins, grapes and blueberries. You can simply sprinkle the remaining crumb, add nuts, chocolate crumb, etc. nice appetite!

Napoleon cake, which has long become beloved for many, can be prepared not only by classic recipe, because, as for any other popular dish, many different additions and variations have been invented for him. Read about interesting recipes for Napoleon cake in this article.

This wonderful cake, which, with home cooking, is simply fabulous, can be done differently: with honey, fruit, nuts, cocoa, etc. And you can even cook it in the microwave! We have collected in this article only the most interesting recipes, with the help of which you can make a variety of taste of your favorite cake.

Recipe first: Napoleon with cocoa

It will take: for 200g margarine and butter, 2 glasses of wheat flour, 1 cup of water and sugar, 1 egg, 3 tsp. Cocoa powder.

How to cook Napoleon from cocoa. Flour chopped with margarine with a knife, spill, pour water gradually, knead the dough. Separate the dough on 3 parts, each roll into the ball, remove 1 h in the freezer. Separate each ball in half, roll out 6 cakes. Lay on a baking sheet of 2 embers and bake them until readiness. In the pan pour a small amount of water and pour cocoa, add some sugar, bring everything to a boil, then give cool. The oil soften, sugar sugar, pour the cooled cocoa, add egg yolk and beat all the mixer. White protein separately and one spoon gently add it to the cream so as not to donkey. Give the look to cool, smoothly cut them, and make a crumb to sprinkle from trim. Lubricate every crude, excluding the upper, cream, put them on each other, put under the press for an hour. Next, lubricate the top cortex and sprinkle with it.

Recipe Two: Folden with nuts

It will take: 500g cream oil, 200g nuts, 1l sour cream, 5 Wheat flour glasses, 2 sugar glasses, 1.5 glasses of water, vanilla, salt.

How to cook Napoleon with nuts. To sift the flour, add the oil sliced \u200b\u200bby pieces, chop everything into the crumb, pour water, knead the dough. Separate the dough on 16 pieces, remove 2h to the fridge. Each piece of dough roll out into a thin crude, bake in the oven, give cool. With sugar, beat the sour cream, adding also for flavor vanilla (sugar must completely dissolve). Nuts are crushed, add half to cream, mix, wrap the cortish cream, two swaying into a small crumb. Cake to deceive with cream. Crumb mix with the remaining nuts and sprinkle a cake.

Recipe Third: Lemon Honey Napoleon

It will take: 250g oily sour cream, 150g butter, 4 eggs and cups of wheat flour, 1 lemon and sugar cup, 1.5 cup of sugar powder, 4 tbsp. Money, 1.5 ppm hawed soda.

How to prepare lemon and honeymoon. On the water bath, melt oil with sugar and honey, give cool. Eggs beat, add to them a haired soda and flour, knead the dough, divide it on 10 pieces, remove into the refrigerator. Lemon along with the leather to lose on a small grater. Sour cream to beaten with powdered sugar, mix with a grated lemon, beat everything again and remove into the refrigerator. Dough to roll out, in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees, bake thin cakes, before baking the punctures by their fork. One korzh to colaw, and the remaining cream and put on each other. Sprinkle a cake with a crumb of embezzlement.

The last two recipes that we will tell, suggest using the ready-made puff pastry.

Recipe Fourth: Napoleon Cake in Microwave

It will take: 500g puff pastry, 400 ml of milk, 80g sugar, 50g cream oil, 2 egg yolks, 4 tbsp. Wheat flour, vanilla.

How to prepare Napoleon in a microwave oven. Dough split in half, roll out fine, bake each reservoir at a temperature of 250 mods in the "Convection" mode on a low grille. Yolks of eggs to be confused with sugar, gradually adding flour, thin-rod pouring milk, make cream, mix, put into the microwave and cook 5-6min at full power, mixing every minute. When the cream cools a little, add oil and vanilla to it, split ready-made cakes in half, wrap with cream, connect, deceive the cake with cream from all sides and sprinkle with cortex with cortex.

Recipe Fifth: Napoleon with Fruit

It will take: 400g condensed milk and puff pastry, 350g fruit, 250g cream oil, 6 eggs, 2 glasses of milk, 8 tbsp. Sugar, 2 tbsp. creamy liqueur, 2 ppm Starch.

How to prepare Napoleon with fruit. It is fine to roll the dough, cut it into circles, bake the cakes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees before shutting, let it cool and one break up to the state of the crumb. For the cream of doing a softened oil, pour into it condensed milk, continuing to beat, remove the mixture into the cold for 30 minutes. Sugar and starch lay out in a saucepan, knock the eggs, mix 1-2mm, then pour milk and put on a slow fire, stirring with a wooden blade to warm up to warm up. As soon as the first bubbles appear, remove the cream from the stove, leave cool, then pour the liquor into it and mix everything thoroughly. Mix with oil cream the first crude, cover the second, lubricate it with a custard, then the third is again the oil, the fourth - custard, etc. A piece of oil cream should stay to fracture the cake. The uneven edges of the cake cake, to deceive with cream, sprinkle with a crumb to decorate with fruit from above.

Cooking Napoleon's cake with your own hands at least once, you will never again buy it in the finished form - this amazing delicacy will conquer everyone with its magnificent taste and tenderness!