What to cook from river perch in the oven. How to cook perch in foil in an oven with vegetables

River bass - a common fish from fresh water, loved by both amateur fishermen and professionals. For this, as he is lovingly called, the "striped pirate" is constantly hunted - the perch has tender, lean meat.

How to cook perch?  It is better to fry small individuals in a pan, and if you have an impressive perch at your disposal, I advise you to bake it in the oven. Yes, not just bake, but placed in a salt sleeve of herbs and spices. And do not worry about the fact that the perch will turn out salty! On the contrary, the fish will pull on as much salt as it needs.

Many fishermen advise not to clean it before baking perch in salt. I am of the opinion that the fish should be well prepared before cooking, it is both tastier and safer.

The main culinary feature of river perch is that it is a low-fat, dietary, lean fish, so before you put it in salt, you should lubricate the abdomen with vegetable oil and add pieces of raw lard. In the process of baking perch in the oven, fat will let in fat, which will permeate the fish from the inside and make the meat more juicy. If you cook fatty fish according to the described recipe, oil and fat should not be added.

Cooking time: 40 minutes / Output: 2 servings.

Ingredients for the recipe

  • perch 800 g - 1 kg,
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt 500 g,
  • pink salt with herbs 250 g,
  • lemon 3 wedges,
  • fresh bacon 50 g
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.,
  • greens for decoration.

How to cook perch baked in the oven in salt

Prepare the fish. We clean from scales, cut off the upper fins with sharp scissors, gutted and cut out the gills.

Fresh bacon is cut into cubes, lemon slices.

The belly of the fish is greased with vegetable oil and spread a slice of lemon. Put the rest of the lemon under the gill bones.

On a baking sheet, pour 500 grams of sea white salt and place on top of the perch.

Pour pink salt with herbs onto the fish and wrap the perch completely in salt with your hands. Pink salt with herbs can be easily purchased at the store, it has a pinkish tint and it contains aromatic herbs, such as garlic, lemongrass, dried basil, thyme, cumin, rosemary, etc.

Bake fish in salt at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Then we reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and cook another 25 minutes.

We definitely check the readiness of the fish: we make a small hole in the sleeve from the salt and pierce the perch meat with a fork or the tip of a knife. If transparent juice does not flow from the fish, the river perch in the oven is ready!

We take the finished dish out of the oven, let it cool completely and only then separate the salt sleeve from the fish. Throw pieces of fat from the abdomen, it fulfilled its role, put the perch on a dish and serve.

Perch is a large genus of predatory fish that live in fresh and some brackish water bodies of northern Eurasia. First described by ichthyologists of the 18th century, and by the beginning of the 20th century, divorced in the southern European regions, in China, the Far East, in many African countries and even in Australia. The reason for this popularity of fish was its unusual taste, saturation of meat with many minerals and rare amino acids. Today, perches are mined on an industrial scale, as well as amateur fishing, in which they play the role of a valuable and welcome trophy. There are many methods for preparing this fish, but the simplest and most effective of them is perch in foil in the oven. We will reveal all the secrets of cooking this dish and share the best recipes that will create a real culinary masterpiece.

The taste of perch meat has a rich rich palette, so this fish can be baked without a lot of additional ingredients, using only some spices to accentuate sharp notes. If only half an hour is left before the guests arrive, or if you just don’t want to spend a lot of time and effort cooking, use the perch fillet in foil, for which you will need only a few components:

Before cooking, the fillets are washed thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. All spices are mixed in any small container (you can use a ready-made mixture of spices for fish, but it is better to mix the ingredients yourself), add salt and garlic gruel. The resulting composition is carefully rubbed with fillet.

The butter, cut into wide stripes, is spread on the foil, and fish is placed on it, after which the foil is wrapped. For the convenience of baking, you can use two pieces of foil - one will be the basis, and the second will close the fish on top.

The perch should be in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 8-10 minutes, after which the foil is carefully unwrapped, the temperature is slightly reduced and the cooking is continued for the same amount. The indicator of readiness will be a brownish-golden crust. Ready meal served, rice or pasta.

In sour cream sauce

An unusual recipe that will allow you to cook a delicious fillet of both ordinary river bass and sea bass in the oven, involves the use of fresh herbs. Like the previous recipe, it will require very little time and skills. The ingredients that can not be dispensed with include:

It should be noted that this method can be used to cook not only fillets, but also gutted and peeled carcasses of red perches in the oven. In any case, the process begins with the preparation, thorough washing and drying of the meat. Then it is rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and spices and left for 20-30 minutes, which is enough to prepare the sauce.

This step involves peeling the lemon from the zest, which should be grated or finely chopped, and then placed in a small deep plate. Squeeze lemon juice there, add sour cream, garlic gruel, mustard, spices. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass into which the fillets are laid. They try to completely cover the meat with sauce and leave for 20 minutes, while in the meantime they heat the oven.

The initial temperature of the oven, in which the fillet marinated in sour cream sauce is placed, is 200-210 degrees, the cooking time is 25-30 minutes. 5-10 minutes before ready, the foil can be slightly opened, but if you do it too early or too much, you can dry the sauce.

Sea bass, baked according to the described method, will become a real delicacy and decoration of any festive table.

We stuff with vegetables

No matter how excellent the taste of the fish fillet, no matter how delicious side dishes are served, it is hardly comparable to a stuffed carcass.

It is best to stuff the perch with a mixture of fresh vegetables, then it will not only acquire special taste, but also become a complex dish that does not require special additions before serving and has many useful properties.

To bake such a perch in foil in the oven, you need:

  • medium-sized perch carcasses - 4-6 pcs;
  • carrots - 2-3 pieces;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pcs;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • sour cream - 20 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • fresh dill - 2-3 branches;
  • italian herbs - 1 tsp;
  • white pepper - ½ tsp;
  • other spices, salt to taste.

Carcasses of perch are cleaned and gutted, gills are removed, thoroughly washed and dried. The peeled washed carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater or cut into cubes. Peppers get rid of seeds and crushed in any convenient way - cut into strips, cubes, twist in a meat grinder.

Finely chop dill, grind or squeeze the garlic. mix, add half the spices and salt. The mixture is filled with carcasses, the edges are fastened with toothpicks or stitched. Sauce is prepared in a separate container - mayonnaise, sour cream and the remaining spices are mixed, add some water if desired, and salt.

A large baking sheet is lined with foil greased with vegetable oil. Stuffed perches are placed on it. Each carcass with a silicone brush is covered with a small amount of sauce. The remaining sauce is distributed between the carcasses. On top of the fish cover another large sheet of foil.

The baking sheet is sent to the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees, for 35-40 minutes. After the first 15-20 minutes, the top sheet of foil will need to be removed. Ready, that is, having a characteristic golden crust, the dish is served to the table with lungs with light vegetable salads or just fresh vegetables - cucumbers, slices of tomatoes.

Perch is an excellent fish, affordable, easy to prepare and not inferior to exquisite delicacies.

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Gefilte fishusually prepared for the festive table. This dish is a cold appetizer. Very soon, the New Year holidays. Cook stuffed with this recipe and you will subdue your guests. Of course, we all know that a stuffed fish dish is a dish of Jewish cuisine. And we all love stuffed fish.

Stuffing for fish can be completely different. It can be minced from different varieties of fish. And you can make minced vegetables, as presented in this recipe. For stuffed fish, both large varieties of fish and a small fish are suitable. The perfect recipe for Jewish cuisine, of course, is stuffed.

But you can stuff carp, carp, perches, pelengas, silver carp, trout. Stuffed fish can be stewed, baked, served as aspic. In this recipe, stuffed fish will be baked in the oven.

What foods are needed for cooking stuffed perch in the oven:

  •   river, medium size.
  • Carrots a few things.
  • Sweet bell pepper.
  • Garlic a couple of cloves.
  • Spices to taste - Italian herbs, white hot pepper.
  • Dill can be in seeds, you can use greens.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Sour cream 1 tablespoon.
  • Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon.

Stuffed perch in the oven - recipe

Start cooking stuffed perch by first preparing the fish. This recipe used frozen river perch. Before freezing perches, they must first be cleaned, gutted, rinsed well under running water. The gills of the fish must be removed.

Carrots must be peeled and washed. After that, rub it on a grater. Can be cut into thin slices.

Sweet bell pepper must also be washed, cleaned, removing all seeds. Cut the pepper into thin strips. This point is not fundamental either. You can cut into cubes, you can also scroll the pepper in a meat grinder.

Dill seeds, in this case you can use dried or fresh seeds, finely chop. Grind garlic under a press.

Combine all vegetables in one bowl. Add to them white hot pepper, salt and mix everything.

Stuff each fish with minced meat.

Put all the stuffed perch on a baking sheet, which must first be covered with foil and greased with vegetable oil. If you bake in a ceramic people, then you need to lay the fish nicely, so that in this form then serve.

In a small container, mix sour cream, mayonnaise with a small amount of water. You can optionally add a little water to the resulting mixture.

With the resulting mixture, coat the stuffed fish, and pour the remainder into a baking sheet with fish. When coating, use a silicone brush. She, enveloping the entire surface of the fish, very well lubricates it.

Sea bass is a frequent guest at a festive feast. By taste, juiciness and health, this fish can compete with any others, including elite ones: salmon, salmon and pink salmon.

Before cooking, remove the fins. They are sharp enough and it is easy to injure the palm of their hands. Then they cut off the head, clean the scales and gut the insides. Most often it is baked in its entirety, in various sauces and marinades, but sometimes it is cut into portioned steaks.

In the sea bass, the bones are much less than in the river, but anyway you need to be careful and extremely attentive while eating.

This fish is baked in an electric oven with various vegetables, cheese, mushrooms, in foil, in a sleeve or simply seasoned with spices, placed on a wire rack and baked like on a grill. Whichever of the cooking methods you choose, do not forget that the sea fish cooks very quickly and you do not need to overexpose it on the stove, otherwise you will get a dry, tasteless dish.

Whole baked sea bass

Baking fish whole in the oven is the easiest way to cook, which not only an inexperienced young housewife will cope with, but also a host no less distant from this.

My carcass under a stream of cold water. Carefully cut tail and fins with special scissors. Remove the scales with a knife. It is better to do this in a deep sink so that it does not fly in all directions. We cut the belly perch and with one sharp movement of the hand we remove all the insides. We thoroughly wash the abdominal cavity so that the blood comes off and the fish does not bitter.

We rub abundantly inside and out with salt and spices, leave it to be saturated with aromas of herbs. We turn on the electric oven at 175 ° C. We prepare a glass roasting pan and put a piece of butter there.

Wash the parsley, chop and finely chop. We stuff the perch inside with greens, transfer to a dish and set to bake for twenty minutes. Some housewives squeeze lemon juice on the fish, but this will only make the dish drier.

Before baking on the sides, it is necessary to make incisions corresponding to portioned slices, in the finished form it is more difficult to do - the dish will fall apart.

Red sea bass with potatoes and cheese

A tasty dish is obtained from red perch fillet with young potatoes and grated cheese. From one mention, there is a desire to immediately prepare it.

  • fillet of red sea bass - 650 g;
  • potato tubers - 1 kg;
  • cheese - 300 g;
  • dill - 1 tsp;
  • homemade mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking: 75 minutes.

Calories: 73 Kcal / 100g.

You can buy red sea bass whole and cut it at home into beautiful fillets, but it will take at least an hour. You can pay a little more, but buy ready-made meat. In any case, this must be done in a trusted specialized store to get a quality product.

We clean young potatoes with a knife or using a metal mesh. If the tubers are large, cut them into quarters. Beat eggs with homemade mayonnaise, add salt.

On a baking sheet with high sides, distribute potatoes, sprinkle with vegetable oil. Put the perch fillet on top. Fill with egg-mayonnaise dressing and sprinkle with a thick layer of grated cheese.

We put baked in a heated electric oven for fifty minutes. We immediately lay the finished hot dish on plates and serve it on the table.

How to cook sea bass deliciously in foil

Seafood baking in foil is one of the most common ways to cook them. Due to this winding, the product retains all its juice inside and it turns out to be very tender.

  • fish (sea bass) - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • pepper, salt

Cooking: 40 minutes.

Calories: 59 Kcal / 100g.

I wash fresh sea bass in the water, cut off the fins, clean the scales and take out the insides. The head can be left or cut off in the ear. Bulbs are chopped with thick rings, carrots - with bars.

Lubricate the fish well with salt inside and on the surface. Cut a long piece of foil, fold it in half and put one fish in the center. Grind with pepper. We put vegetables in the abdomen, pour oil on top and tightly wrap in foil so that there are no gaps.

By the same principle, we process the second fish. We start the device at 180 ° C. We spread the blanks on a baking sheet and send to bake for twenty-five minutes. At the end, gently tear the foil and let the fish brown. Make sure that all juice does not leak. Form a semblance of a boat.

Put the finished dish on a plate, decorate with sliced \u200b\u200bslices of lemon and red tomatoes.

Recipe for fillet in sour cream

Homemade fat sour cream is always a win-win option for pickling and pouring any fish that is baked in the oven. This fermented milk product helps to soften already tender meat.

  • perch fillet - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • parsley - 25 g;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • unrefined oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt is a pinch.

Cooking: 55 minutes.

Calories: 92 Kcal / 100g.

My finished fish fillet and dried on a napkin.

Lubricate the frypot with vegetable oil. Peel the vegetables, cut into half rings. Sprinkle fish with special seasonings, herbs and salt, leave for ten minutes. Grind parsley.

We turn on the electric oven at 185 ° C. Put the fillet in the roasting pan tightly to each other, distribute the prepared vegetables with a thick layer on top. Spread homemade sour cream all at once in the center and spread with a spoon throughout the dish. It turns out a vacuum for baking. We set to cook for thirty minutes. At the end, sprinkle fish with sour cream parsley and serve with mashed potatoes or buckwheat.

According to the same scheme, you can cook perch, only marinate it not in spices and herbs, but in homemade light mustard. It will also turn out delicious.

Sea bass with vegetables in the sleeve

When baking perch with vegetables, you can experiment every time - change the ingredients. So the dish will not bother you and by the end you will find the most suitable option for you to combine products.

  • peas - 200 g;
  • fish (sea bass) - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • broccoli - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • fragrant herbs for fish - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking: 75 minutes.

Calories: 87 Kcal / 100g.

We clean the fish, remove the insides, cut off the fins and tail. We make an incision along the ridge and in one sharp movement we turn it inside out. So the ridge instantly exfoliates from the meat, and only small bones remain in the fish, which, when baked, will practically dissolve. We rub the resulting fillet with dried herbs: rosemary, thyme, dill. Everything that is available will do.

We are engaged in the preparation of vegetables. Immerse the broccoli in boiling water for one minute, remove it with a slotted spoon and lay it on a towel. Passion the onion in vegetable oil. My tomatoes and cut into rings.

We take a deep roasting pan, put onion, broccoli, tomatoes at the bottom, pour out canned peas and top with fish fillet. Salt, pour over the remaining oil and set to bake in a heated electric oven for fifty-five minutes.

  1. The dish will turn out even tastier if the fish is pre-marinated;
  2. Scales can easily be removed from the perch if it is immersed for one minute in boiling water or sent for five minutes in the freezer. Another trick: sprinkle the fish with coarse salt at night, in the morning the plates themselves exfoliate. But it is best to use a special knife for cleaning seafood;
  3. To hide the skin without difficulty, freeze it, then make an incision on the back, and it will come off in one motion;
  4. This sea fish is not only tasty when baked in the oven. The ear welded on it is simply divine. The perch is already immersed in boiling water and boiled for no more than ten minutes;
  5. If the dish is intended for children, then it is better to cook the fish in a double boiler and carefully select the bones;
  6. Baked sea bass goes well with crumbly rice, fresh vegetable salad and fried potatoes;
  7. Do not defrost fish in water, it will lose all vitamins and dry. It is better to do this in the refrigerator, even if it takes more time;
  8. It is better to trim the tail and fins with special scissors and gloves so as not to prick your fingers or palm;
  9. Experienced chefs cook sea bass in white wine, in batter, with mushrooms and herbs, and also rubbed with a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Enjoy your meal!

Initially, two types of identically named fish should be distinguished, and, accordingly, completely two different types of dishes: river bass in the oven and sea bass in the oven. About sea bass - in a separate article on our website. The meat of river perch is white, tender, practically without fat, its taste cannot be confused with anything. In terms of digestibility, utility to the body is comparable to pike perch meat. Freshwater perch is very common in the culinary arts of the Scandinavian countries, the Baltic states.

Due to its taste and wide culinary opportunities, perch has earned a reputation as one of the best river fish. The main trouble, because of which cooks often refuse to prepare perch, is the difficulty of cleaning it due to the small and tightly set scales. But here there are tricks that are outlined in our tips at the end of the article. You will quickly learn how to solve this problem, and you will have a delicious perch in the oven as a frequent dish for dinner. You will have one question - how to cook perch in the oven.

Perch can be used in the preparation of vegetable stew, fish soup, it can be baked whole or in portions with vegetables - there are many options for dishes. But the perch, baked in the oven, is worth it to pay special attention to it. You can use foil for this dish, as perch in the oven in the foil will better preserve its juiciness and tenderness. If you are not a fisherman, but buy fish in a store, take the fillet immediately. You will avoid problems with cleaning, and the perch fillet in the oven will cook faster. If you have a whole fresh fish, and a little time, take a simple recipe for baked perch in the oven in foil: rinse and gut the perch, rub it with pepper and salt, wrap it in foil and bake in the oven.

Feel free to cook perch in the oven, select the recipe to your liking. Cooking perch in the oven with any recipe is a simple matter. In addition, photographs of dishes will be of great help in their preparation. We chose the appropriate option for the “perch in the oven” dish, the photo should tell you whether you did it right or not. So, the choice is made - perch in the oven! A recipe with a photo in front of you. There is very little of your effort, desire and good luck. Whatever you cook, you will succeed. For example, perch in foil in the oven, its recipe is simple and reliable. Or - perch baked in the oven, the recipe differs from the previous one in details (spices, way of laying on a baking sheet, etc.). To see the difference, take a look at the photographs of these dishes. Baked perch in the oven, his photo is more colorful and visual, because the foil hides the fish itself in the photo. Therefore, we will support your choice: perch baked in the oven, select a recipe with a photo on our website. Picked up? Have you studied? Now you know how to cook perch in the oven, or even more, how to cook perch in the oven, whole or in batch slices, with vegetables or just spices. Good luck in the kitchen!

To achieve a good result, you should also familiarize yourself with our tips for preparing perch:

In order not to be pricked with sharp spikes of perch, the cutting of its carcass should be done with rubber gloves;

In order to clean the perch without problems, it must be doused with boiling water, or immersed in boiling salted water for a few seconds;

The second way to clean perch is to freeze perch in the freezer. Before cooking, remove and thaw a little at room temperature for up to an hour. Then you need to make incisions on the skin, but without touching the meat, as well as on the back, belly and around the head. The skin, along with the scales, can easily be removed from the frozen perch by dexterous sharp movements of the hands;

You can cook perch in the oven and in scales, the basic rule

- thoroughly gut and rinse well;

Mushrooms, juicy or dried roots, as well as dry white wine or pickle from pickled vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.) are added to perch dishes for an additional taste sensation.