List of the lowest calorie foods and dishes. What low-calorie diet products to choose? List and Overview

21.09.2019 Healthy eating

Dieting is now fashionable. Freshly baked weight loss methods replace one another almost as often as clothes on high catwalks. In fruitless attempts to find an ideal figure, many adhere to one or the other of such a diet.

But there is nothing easier than losing weight once and for all. All that is needed is to develop your diet in such a way that the lion's share of it consists of low-calorie foods.

... products

Do not flatter yourself with illusions: your favorite cheese with an indication of increased fat content on a wrapper, fried potatoes with all kinds of sauces, spicy sausage with slices of bacon or sugar-soaked sugar syrups donuts for weight loss are not suitable at all and will not fall into this category by definition.

The lowest-calorie foods are fresh, non-thermally processed vegetables and fruits, berries, low-fat dairy products, and light meats and fish. You can eat them in any combination and in almost any quantities: even if you gnaw 3 kilograms of cucumbers or apples a day, it is unlikely that this will negatively affect your figure, but it will be very useful for losing weight.

What foods are the most low-calorie and can be used for weight loss? The following list of approximate calorie content per 100 g of product will help you navigate the menu, and the table below includes the exact calorie content of each product separately.

0–20 kcal: any greens, bamboo shoots, cucumbers, watercress, lettuce, white radish, tomatoes.

The more water in a vegetable or fruit, the less calories in it, because water does not contain any substances. That is why the presented vegetables in energy terms do not weigh almost anything: they have the highest water content.

For weight loss, pay special attention to greens: being deprived, in fact, of calories, it contains substances that beneficially affect the general condition of the body.

20-30 kcal: lemon, bell pepper, celery, pumpkin, broccoli, coriander, spinach, mushrooms, almost all varieties of cabbage, eggplant, lingonberry.

This list, again, includes only the most healthy and necessary products for weight loss.

For example, lemon helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, sweet pepper contains a record amount of vitamin C, which supports our immunity, and pumpkin is an excellent preventive measure against diseases of the cardiovascular system.

30–40 kcal: zucchini, strawberries, grapefruits, melon, radish, limes, watermelon, green beans, pomelo, onions, peaches, radish, nonfat curdled milk.

Fruits are slightly more high-calorie than vegetables that contain a lot of water. That is why they are on our list just now. This is due to the fact that fruits contain natural sugars, which serve as the reason that fruits taste sweet.

And yet, on the basis of fruits, many effective diets for weight loss have been compiled, and the daily inclusion of fruits in the diet will help the body absorb vitamins and energy.

In addition, not all fruits are equally caloric. For example, 100 g of watermelon is only 30 kcal, unlike, for example, grapes, 100 g of which is already 67 kcal. In addition, some fruits actively burn excess fat! For example, a great tool for losing weight grapefruit - a quarter of this citrus fruit destroys as much as 800 kcal in the body!

40–50 kcal: apples, carrots, oranges, plums, nectarines, celery root and stalks, apricots, beets, blackberries, gooseberries, feijoa, cranberries, low-fat kefir, skim milk.

Natural milk in an energy sense will weigh more. For example, the calorie content of 2.5% kefir will be 50 kcal, and the usual home-made - 63.3 kcal.

50-60 kcal: cherry, redcurrant, pears, raspberries, blueberries, potatoes.

Despite the calorie content, the products included in this list must be on the menu of all family members.

Cherry - for the unique ability to cleanse the blood of toxins and harmful compounds, blueberries - for the ability to maintain healthy eyes, redcurrants - for the ability to remove heavy metal salts from the body.

60–70 kcal: sweet cherry, kiwi, pomegranate, grapes, blackcurrant, mango.

Some products that are on this list are better not to overeat. For example, grapes, a kilogram of which can be easily learned and not even notice it. Sweet cherries also disappear phenomenally fast. But pomegranate, for all its calorie content, is extremely useful for the body, having a beneficial effect on the composition and quality of blood.

Low-calorie meats - chicken, veal, turkey, lean beef. Flounder, carp, pike, perch, as well as shrimp, squid, crab meat - all these low-fat seafood can also be included in the menu.

... recipes

Recipes of low-calorie dishes, as a rule, consist of the same ingredients devoid of a large number of calories. It can be recipes for fresh vegetable or fruit salads, vegetable snacks. Low-calorie recipes with a minimum amount of vegetable and butter, sugar, meat and fish of fatty varieties, eggs or those in which these products are not at all.

Cereal cereals with vegetables, first dishes on a vegetable broth, pieces of meat or fish of low-fat varieties baked in a foil with spices, steamed vegetables - all these recipes contain a minimum of calories with maximum benefit.

It is noteworthy that quite ordinary recipes for very energy-weighty dishes can be changed in such a way that there are few calories in them and they are quite suitable for weight loss.

For example, nothing prevents in the preparation of ordinary kefir pancakes to use kefir with the indication "0% fat" on the package instead of the usual, natural low-calorie sugar substitutes such as stevia and fry not in butter, but without it in a pan with non-stick coating. Or take, for example, recipes for meat cooked in the oven.

Most of them use mayonnaise, which by no means can you name either diet or low-calorie sauce. Meanwhile, the problem is easily solved. It is very simple to replace it with low fat sour cream, flavored to taste with spices and herbs. Such a sauce will be much more useful and, by the way, tastier.

And if you can’t imagine your life without sweets, choose desserts recipes, again, with low-calorie ingredients. Sugar can be replaced with the same stevia, it is better to take milk fat-free or with a minimum fat content. Not able to refuse chocolate?

Then it’s better to take one whose cocoa content is not less than 72%: yes, it is dark chocolate, but it does not have excess sugar and milk. The best sweets for tea for you can be pastille, marshmallows and marmalade.

If shop sweets do not inspire confidence, you can cook them yourself: simple and easy-to-cook recipes are well known and posted on many culinary websites.


Ideal fluids for calorie content - water, green and black tea, herbal teas, black coffee. They weigh ... 0 calories. Of course, provided that they do not add two or three teaspoons of sugar or honey and do not pour 100-200 ml of cream or fat milk.

Complex drinks, such as cocktails, whose recipes include milk, sweeteners, cream, are often not worth drinking. Well, conjuring them, slightly modifying the classic recipes, is also not forbidden.

The table below will help you figure out the calorie content of your products and create the optimal menu for the day. Hanged in the kitchen in a visible place, such a table indicating the energy value of each product will help to prepare tasty and healthy dishes for the whole family.

The product's name Calories per 100 g of product, kcal
Greenery 13
Cucumbers 15
Tomatoes 19
Radish 19
Asparagus 20
Spinach 22
Zucchini 23
Green beans 24
Eggplant 24
Cabbage 27
Pumpkin 28
Mushrooms 30
Onion 41
Peas 55
Potatoes 83
Fruits and berries
Lemon 31
Mandarin 38
Orange 38
Pear 42
Raspberry 42
Plum 43
Peaches 44
The apples 45
Apricots 46
Cherry 52
Garnet 52
Milk and Dairy Products
Fat-free kefir 30
Skim milk 31
Fat-free cottage cheese 88
Sour cream 10% 115
Cream 10% 116
Meat and offal
Beef liver 125
Low-fat chicken 135
Veal 131
Chicken liver 140
Beef tongue 146
Rabbit meat 183
Beef 187
Fish and seafood
Sea kale 50
Mussels 50
Pollock 70
Squid 75
Cod 78
Blue whiting 81
Burbot 92
Zander 97

Such a table will serve as a strong help to housewives who care about the health of all members of their family. However, your own table, compiled on the basis of the proposed one, can include much more products: it all depends on the individual preferences of each household.

Low-calorie - this does not mean "tasteless" or "nutritious". Fill your fridge with these fat-burning foods and they will support you in achieving your dream weight!

Low-calorie donuts have not yet been invented, but there is a replacement for them. In the end, just think about the amount of extra exercise you have to do to burn calories after a whole pizza!

You probably already know that there are products with "negative calories" - to digest them, you need more calories than they contain. But ordinary foods can be very low in calories! Of the 35 foods we have collected here, 30 contain 100 or fewer calories per serving.

Moreover, when you lose weight, you think about the fact that the product was not only dietary, but also satisfying. Nobody wants to go hungry for a day.

There is good news too: not all of the food on the list is rabbit. In fact, the meat department, the dairy department, and other departments may be full of tasty low-calorie foods, which also have a lot of protein.

If you want to eat, but you are limited in calories, proceed to the list!


Watercress. 4 kcal per 1 cup

You definitely need to include watercress in your low-calorie diet: a study from the Center for monitoring nutritional disorders showed that watercress is the most nutritious, as these green leaflets contain a lot of healthy substances. Like other cruciferous, watercress is full of antioxidants.

Like other cruciferous plants, watercress contains many antioxidants.

As it is:

Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add 3 chopped pears, one chopped potato and 1 tablespoon of grated ginger. Pour 4 cups of vegetable broth, 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes under the lid.

After that, add 2 bundles of watercress, 2 tablespoons of red vinegar and 2 tablespoons of fresh tarragon. Heat for 5 minutes, pour in the juice of half a lemon and cook as mashed soup. Stir in 1 cup of almond milk and heat for 2 minutes.

Arugula. 5 kcal per cup

This peppered weed adds very few calories to your salad or sandwich. At the same time, it contains a lot of bone-strengthening vitamin K. Like other salad cultures, arugula is full of antioxidants. It can also be replaced with young spinach.

As it is:

To make a quick sandwich for lunch, send a few slices of bread to the toaster. Spread one slice of Dijon mustard and put on top a slice of prosciutto, a slice of apple, a handful of arugula and cover with a second slice of bread.

Celery. 6 kcal in one stem

Celery has not earned superfood status, unlike, for example, kale, which has become an icon for hipsters. But celery gives a low-calorie salad a crunch, and that's great! It is also a voluminous food, in the sense that you can easily eat a few bags of celery and not overeat.

Celery has not earned superfood status, unlike, for example, kale, which has become an icon for hipsters. But celery gives a low-calorie salad a crunch, and that's great!

With such a small amount of calories, you will get a huge amount of vitamin K, a very necessary substance that reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases. There are reasons to include it in the list of products for weight loss.

As it is:

Make a hearty chicken noodle soup. In a large frying pan, heat the oil over medium heat. Throw chopped onions, chopped carrots and chopped celery into it and warm until the onion softens.

Add 4 cups chopped chicken breast, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp black pepper and 1/4 tsp chili flakes. Simmer until the vegetables soften, then mix with cooked soba noodles and fresh thyme.

Chinese cabbage, 9 kcal per 5 leaves

Kale and spinach have taken all the fame, and after all, this Asian greens is a worthwhile component of the slimming menu. Another member of the crucifer family, Chinese cabbage is incredibly rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as antioxidants that prevent disease. It also has a milder taste than other dark green leaves, which will satisfy any whim.

As it is:

Separate the tops of Chinese cabbage leaves from the stems and cut the leaves carelessly. Thinly cut the stems. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the stalks, chopped leek (2 pieces) and 3 chopped cloves of garlic; fry for 3 minutes until the stems soften.

Stir the leaves of Chinese cabbage and 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel; fry until the leaves begin to fade slightly. Remove from heat, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and salt to taste.

Radish, 17 kcal per cup

Radish adds a slightly peppery flavor to the dishes, it is very low in calories and contains enough vitamin C. And our bodies require very large amounts of vitamin C to support the growth and restoration of body tissues, including growing muscle mass. And do not forget the tops of leaflets, which are quite edible, are also low-calorie and nutritious.

Radish adds a little pepper flavor, is very low in calories and contains a lot of vitamin C.

As it is:

Sprinkle a pound of radish with oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Spread on a baking sheet and put in the oven at 200 degrees for 35 minutes. Stir once. In a small bowl, mix 1/2 cup of low-calorie yogurt, 1 teaspoon of curry and 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Serve fried radish with yogurt sauce.

Zucchini. 31 kcal per average vegetable

When you start to get rid of excess calories in your diet, be sure to add this vegetable to your basket while shopping. When doing so, take into account that zucchini is rich in fiber, eliminating hunger, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin K and magnesium.

As it is:

Using a knife for peeling vegetables or just a sharp knife, cut zucchini into thin-thin slices in the shape of noodles and fry for a couple of minutes in olive oil. Season cooked zucchini noodles with tomato and meat sauce and feel comfortable at the pasta party.

Cucumber, 22 calories per half cucumber

In cucumbers - about 95% of the water, and this is a very, you know, low-calorie substance. This huge amount of water helps you stay fit and reduce your desire to steal extra cookies. To add a little fiber, remove it from the knife that used to clean the cucumber - its skin contains a maximum of fiber.

In cucumbers - about 95% of the water, and this is a very, you know, low-calorie substance. This huge amount of water helps you stay fit.

As it is:

To make salsa, mix chopped cucumber and chopped bell pepper, diced avocado, jalapeno pepper, chopped cilantro, fresh lime juice and a little salt. Serve with fish.


Plum. 30 kcal per plum

This sweet fruit easily satisfies the sweet tooth and does not affect physical fitness. What more could you want when even the fruits from the supermarket are rich in antioxidants?

As it is:

Take 4 plums, take out the seeds and chop. You will need half a cup of port, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 2 teaspoons of fresh ginger, 1 teaspoon of fresh thyme, 1 teaspoon of grated orange zest, 3 whole cloves of garlic and 1/4 tsp. salt in a medium sized skillet.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium and simmer over low heat without a lid, stirring occasionally until the plums soften (about 12 minutes). Serve with chicken breasts.

Grapefruit. 37 kcal per half grapefruit

Here it is, the lowest calorie fruit. Like other citrus fruits, grapefruit is heavy in vitamin C. The University of Arizona at Tucson found that if you eat grapefruit daily, you can lose weight, improve blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

As it is:

Divide the red grapefruit into slices above the bowl and collect all the juice that will flow out. Combine the grapefruit slices, chopped avocado and thinly chopped fennel root. Add grapefruit juice, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, drizzle with salt and pepper. Garnish with mint leaves.

Strawberry, 49 kcal per cup

Now strawberries are available in supermarkets all year long. This is good, because it is low-calorie and rich in fiber, which fights fat and vitamin C. Studies have shown that the more vitamin C you take, the easier you breathe during exercise, which is especially true for those who have asthma.

What else? in 2014, the Journal of Nutrition Biochemistry found that eating plenty of strawberries helps keep coronary arteries healthy and clean and lowers blood cholesterol.

As it is:

To make a variation on the superfood Spanish gazpacho soup, mix 1/3 cup water, 1 cup strawberries, 3 medium tomatoes, 1 red bell pepper, 1/2 cucumber, 2 pieces of leek, 1/3 cup fresh mint or basil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

White cantaloupe, 61 kcal per cup

The sweet, juicy pulp of the white cantaloupe almost does not contain calories, but it contains a lot of vitamin C and potassium protecting the heart. Melon slices are good in themselves as a snack, but you can also add melon to smoothies, yoghurts, salads and salsa. If you have never bought this melon, look for one that would seem heavy for its size and have a wax skin. Avoid melons with soft spots.

The sweet, juicy pulp of the white cantaloupe almost does not contain calories, but it contains a lot of vitamin C and potassium protecting the heart.

As it is:

To make a refreshing salad, mix young spinach with melon cubes, chopped cherry tomatoes, chopped cucumber, feta cheese and fried almonds.

Blackberry, 62 kcal per cup

Blackberry is not only low in calories, it is also full of fiber - it has 8 grams per cup, which helps to feel full.

By slowing down digestion, a fiber-rich diet helps control your appetite.

Blackberries have an impressive summary, which also includes antioxidants and vitamin K.

As it is:

In a medium-sized pan, add 2 cups of blackberry, 1/3 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1/2 tsp almond extract. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Dissolve 2 teaspoons of corn starch in 1 tablespoon of water, pour into a blackberry mixture, hold for 1 minute on fire. Serve this sauce with oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, cottage cheese or yogurt.


Bulgur, 76 kcal for 1/2 cup (prepared)

Bulgur is made from whole grain wheat, which is boiled and dried. It is rich in fiber, which helps calm blood sugar levels.

As it is:

To make healthy porridge in the morning, take 2 cups of water, 2 cups of low fat milk, 1 cup of bulgur, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Boil, stirring all the time, until the bulgur softens and accepts the consistency of oatmeal, for 10-15 minutes.

Soba noodles, 113 kcal per cup (cooked)

Soba noodles contain 50% less calories from starch than whole grain spaghetti. This noodle is made from gluten-free buckwheat and is good for your six dice. Just be sure to buy noodles made from 100% buckwheat. If wheat flour is added there, the calorie content of the product will be higher.

As it is:

Prepare the noodles in accordance with the instructions on the packaging (unlike regular pasta, this must be washed after cooking) and add salmon, peas, carrots and chopped leek. Season with sauce made from soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar and sriracha.

Wheat bran, 31 kcal per 1/4 cup

Adding wheat to your diet makes it more nutritious. Wheat bran - the first in the list of products containing magnesium and B vitamins. 6 g of fiber in a quarter cup will help you stay full and slender.

As it is:

To make delicious pancakes with wheat bran, mix 1/2 cup wheat flour, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. baking powder and 1/4 tsp soda. Mix 1 beaten egg with 1 cup of low fat milk. Add all liquid ingredients to dry. Pour the dough into a hot pan: a quarter cup of dough for one pancake.

Popcorn (31 kcal per cup)

Of course, multiplex popcorn is a sweet calorie bomb, but when you think it would be easy to have a bite, your waist will not be against popcorn. Since it is very voluminous, it will saturate you with fewer calories than other snacks.

As it is:

To make an Asian-style snack, mix 1 tsp. curry, 1 tsp dry basil, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper and grated zest of one lemon. Sprinkle cooked popcorn with this spice mixture.

Rice bread without additives, 35 kcal in 1 pc.

When you want to crunch something, you will be satisfied with rice bread without causing irreparable damage to the body. They are made from brown rice and are a source of whole grain grains and carbohydrates. Avoid flavored and bread with additives, so as not to get an unnecessary portion of sugar.

As it is:

For a quick bite, sprinkle a little low-fat ricotta cheese on the rice bread and garnish with a few blackberries!

Shirataki noodles, 0 kcal per 85 g

This translucent, gelatinous noodle is made from the grated root of an Asian brandy plant. It consists mainly of easily soluble, but difficult to digest fiber, which is called glucomannan. Shirataki practically do not contain calories.

The taste of noodles is difficult to describe, but they easily take on the tastes of concomitant sauces and spices.

It consists mainly of easily soluble, but difficult to digest fiber, which is called glucomannan. Shirataki practically do not contain calories.

As it is:

For a quick lunch, cook the shirataki noodles in accordance with the instructions on the package, then mix with pesto and chopped cherry tomatoes.

Meat and fish

Turkey breast ham, 72 kcal per 80 g

When you think what to put on a sandwich, stop at this option. Turkey breast is the most lean meat. Try to read the packaging to avoid extra calories.

  As it is:

To prepare a quick and healthy snack, take vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cucumber) and string on a toothpick. Squeeze some mustard on the turkey slices and add to the makeshift kebabs.

Cod, 70 kcal per 80 g

Cod does not contain many calories, but its delicate white flesh is full of an impressive amount of selenium. Acting as an antioxidant, selenium helps lower the level of oxidative stress and the amount of muscle microtrauma caused by fitness. If possible, choose the cod caught in the waters of Alaska.

As it is:

Beat in a blender 2 cups of arugula, 1/2 cup of parsley, 1/3 cup of almond, 1 clove of garlic, juice of half a lemon, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp black pepper and 1/4 cup olive oil. Serve with toasted cod.

Mussels, 73 kcal per 80 g

Here is the proof that you need to introduce more mussels into your diet! In 1 serving - 10 g of high-quality protein, in addition, the ratio of protein to calorie in them is the most successful. In addition, it is the least expensive of all seafood, and they also have a high proportion of omega-3 fats.

The European Journal of Sports Science conducted a study which found that high omega-3 fats in the diet help to show better results in sports, as it improves blood pressure, as a result of which muscles receive more oxygen during movement.

In 1 serving - 10 g of high-quality protein, in addition, the ratio of protein to calorie in them is the most successful.

As it is:

Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet. Fry chopped onions and 3 crushed cloves of garlic until they are softened (about 3 minutes). Add 1/2 cup of white wine and cook until all the liquid has evaporated (about 3 minutes).

Add a handful of cherry tomatoes cut in half, 1/2 cup water and 1/4 tsp. red pepper, salt, black pepper in a pan. Keep on low heat for about 4 minutes.

Add 1 kg of mussels to the pan, cover and hold for about 8 minutes until they open slightly. Those that themselves did not open, open it yourself.

Turkey legs, 91 kcal per 80 g

Time to satisfy your inner Flintstone. This tasty and low-calorie meat contains an impressive 16 g of protein per serving of 80 g, which gives the muscles the opportunity to grow. Just do not eat the skin, so as not to add extra calories.

Soaking the legs in the liquid will remove gelatin from the connective tissue, which will make the meat soft and tender.

As it is:

Heat the oil in a large skillet (so large that all legs fit) over medium heat. Season the turkey with salt and pepper. Add the legs to the pan and bring to brown on both sides (about 6 minutes each). Remove the legs from the pan and discard the fire until small, add more oil if necessary. Add 1 chopped leek root, 2 chopped garlic cloves and 1 tablespoon of grated ginger; cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently, or until the legs are bronze and soft.

Add 1-1 / 2 cups of chicken stock to the pan. Pour in 1 cup of orange juice, 2 shoots of fresh thyme, 1 tsp. cloves, 3/4 tsp paprika and 1/4 tsp salt. Return the legs to the pan, bring to a boil, remove the heat to very small, sticking toothpicks every half hour to check readiness.

Chicken breast, 92 kcal per 80 g

A high-protein meal helps in your battle in two ways at once: you feel full for a long time, and you burn quite a lot of calories just by digesting food.

This is not the most interesting meat in your basket, but it is low-calorie, full of muscle-building protein - in these properties little is compared to chicken breast.

As it is:

To prevent the chicken breast from being dry, boil it in boiling water. Put the breasts in a large saucepan and pour enough water to cover the meat. Bring the water to a boil.

Do not need boiling water! Again, remove the heat to medium, partially cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes or until the meat is cooked. Put the fire on such a level that the water boils slightly, and remove all the foam that appears.

Pork tenderloin, 92 kcal per 80 g

Pork tenderloin is a good, suitable meat that will fit perfectly into your diet in calories. It also contains significant amounts of thiamine, a group B vitamin that your body uses to turn food into fuel for your workouts. And do not forget about protein: here it is 18 g per serving.

As it is:

Heat 1 tbsp. l butter in a large pan. Cook 1 chopped onion, 500 g chopped pork tenderloin and 2 crushed garlic cloves for 5 minutes. Pour in a cup of red wine and boil for 5 minutes. Add a small jar of tomatoes in your own juice, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of brown rice, 1 chopped green bell pepper, 2 tsp. Dijon mustard, 1 tsp. dry oregano and 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper, salt and pepper. Cook until rice is soft, about 30 minutes.

Beef steak, 100 kcal per 80 g

If you are looking for meat that provided you with protein and did not violate nutrition plans, you have found it - beef. The fantastic ratio of proteins to fats, 6 to 1, makes it the best choice. Before cooking, marinate the meat - it will be juicier and will not dry during frying.

As it is:

In a deep baking dish or in a container, mix 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1 lime juice, 1/3 tsp. cumin. Add 600-700 g of beef, cover and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, turning over once. Heat 1 tbsp. l butter in a grill pan or ordinary pan over medium heat.

Remove the steak from the marinade, dry and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook, turning over once, 8-10 minutes over medium heat. Then let the steak cool (10 minutes). Can be served in tacos.


Gentle tofu, 31 kcal per 80 g

Tofu can have many different texture variations. “Tender” tofu has less compressed water, so it tastes good and contains fewer calories than regular tofu. Tofu is good in dishes such as puddings, smoothies, spreads and salad dressings - there he brings his easily digestible protein.

As it is:

To make a low-calorie post-workout shake, mix 1 cup of coconut water, 80 g of tender tofu, 1 scoop of protein, 2 tablespoons of flax seeds, 1 cup of frozen mango cubes and 1 tsp. fresh ginger.

Beans in a jar, 108 kcal per half cup

Beans are a quick way to get low-calorie vegetable protein and fiber. Protein and fiber in inexpensive beans contribute to the slow burning of complex carbohydrates, which provide energy and satiety. And, if you look, you can find beans without salted liquid in a jar.

As it is:

To make a healthy low-calorie salad for lunch, take a can of beans, drain the liquid from it, chopped bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers and parsley. Sprinkle with lemon dressing.

Lentils, 115 kcal per half cup

Not many foods are as rich in nutrients as lentils. It is low-calorie, but it contains muscle-building protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals ... And is friendly to any budget!

It is low in calories, but it contains muscle building protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals

As it is:

To make a raunchy veggie burger, put 1-1 / 4 cups of dry green lentils into a medium-sized stewpan along with 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and hold until lentils soften (it takes about 25 minutes). Dry the lentils and set aside - let cool. Then put it in a blender and beat until it is crushed - but not to the state of the powder.

Add 1/2 cup instant oatmeal, 110 g soft goat cheese, 1/3 cup chopped walnuts, 1/3 cup chopped dried tomatoes, 2 tbsp. l balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. l Dijon mustard, 1 tsp. cumin, 1 chopped clove of garlic, salt and pepper to taste; beat until smooth.

From the mixture, form 6 medium-sized pancakes and fry in a pan oiled.

Milk products

Liquid egg whites, 25 kcal per 3 tablespoons

If you need pure, low-calorie protein, a package of liquid egg whites can help. In recipes you can use them instead of whole eggs (3 tbsp. L. Equal to 1 whole egg), and there is no need to break something. Protein from egg white is saturated with essential amino acids, which makes it a superstar among protein products.

Egg whites are pasteurized, so you can eat them directly from the package, so they can be used as a source of additional protein in your smoothies.

As it is:

In a pan, fry 1/2 cup of liquid egg whites, 1 chopped zucchini and 1 cup of chopped plum-like tomatoes until the whites are frozen. Stir frequently. Season the resulting low-calorie scrambled eggs with hot sauce.

Mozzarella, 71 kcal per 30 g

If there is too much high-calorie fat cheese, your six dice may turn into one. But you can still eat cheese - if you have mozzarella in your fridge. Compared to regular cheddar cheese, mozzarella has 61% fewer calories. So you can safely add it to sandwiches, pizza, tacos and scrambled eggs.

You can still eat cheese - if you have mozzarella in your refrigerator

As it is:

Make caprese salad with pasta: mix whole grain penne pasta with canned tuna, mozzarella, chopped cherry tomatoes and fresh basil. Separately mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and black pepper. Season this salad.

Skim milk, 83 kcal per cup

This cow juice helps to get protein and not get extra calories. Each glass also contains a bone building trio: calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus. If you don’t mind spending it, choose organic skimmed milk, which gives livestock that do not receive antibiotics.

As it is:

Make oatmeal without a plate, mixing: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup regular or vanilla protein, 1-1 / 2 tsp. chia seeds and 1/4 tsp cinnamon. Pour in 2/3 cups of skim milk while stirring and add as a topping some chopped strawberries and nuts. Cover and let stand overnight in the refrigerator.

Fat-free yogurt, 137 kcal per package

Low-fat yogurt is a good way to get high-quality protein and beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and not to devour extra calories from fatty or sweetened yoghurts. In addition to boosting the immune system and helping the digestive tract, probiotics make it doubly better!

Low-fat yogurt is a good way to get high-quality protein and beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and not to devour extra calories from fatty or sweetened yoghurts.

As it is:

Fill 1/2 cup low fat yogurt, 1/2 avocado, 1 tbsp. In a blender bowl. l lime juice, 1/4 tsp chipotle or chili powder and a pinch of salt. Turn on the blender. Use the resulting mixture as a sauce for tacos, steaks or fish.

Nuts / seeds

Almond milk without sugar, 30 kcal per cup

This nutty, dairy-free alternative to milk (it is made from crushed almonds mixed with water, then the mixture is filtered) contains much less fat than the nuts themselves, so this is a good and low-calorie option for adding to oatmeal, post-workout shakes or Sunday pancakes. Be sure to look for the words “sugar free” on the packaging.

As it is:

Recover after a workout by mixing 1 cup of almond milk in a blender with 1/2 cup of plain nonfat yogurt, adding a few tablespoons of peanut butter, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon and 1 cup frozen strawberries.


Red wine vinegar, 3 kcal per tablespoon

If you want to improve the taste of dressings and sauces without adding calories, make sure that you have different types of vinegar in the kitchen, especially red wine. Many studies confirm that acetic acid slows down the absorption of food, which improves blood sugar and helps maintain a sense of fullness.

As it is:

To make a delicious salad dressing, mix equal parts of olive oil and red wine vinegar with chopped shallots, garlic, Dijon mustard, fresh thyme, salt and black pepper.

Thyme, 3 calories per tablespoon

Fresh herbs such as thyme, basil and dill are a great way to revitalize your dishes, give them a taste and not add extra calories. These flavor bombs also contain a whole arsenal of antioxidants, so with them your nutrition plan will be not only dietary, but also beneficial.

Fresh herbs such as thyme, basil and dill are a great way to revitalize your dishes, give them a taste and not add extra calories.

As it is:

Mix 1 tbsp. l fresh thyme, grated lemon peel, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1/2 tsp paprika, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp black pepper. Use the mixture to rub chicken, steak or pork.

Cinnamon, 6 kcal per 1 tsp.

When it comes to oatmeal, smoothies and crepes, cinnamon gives them an excellent taste, which does not affect calories. Many studies, including a recent report by the Nutrition Institute, have linked cinnamon to improved absorption of sugar in the blood, which reduces the risk of diabetes and guarantees a long feeling of satiety, gives energy, and reduces the risk of fat deposits at the waist.

As it is:

To make a delicious pudding without busting in calories, bring to a “nearly boil” over medium heat 1/2 cup almond milk without sugar in a small saucepan. Remove the pan from the heat, add 80 g of shabby dark chocolate and 2 tbsp. l cocoa powder. Leave on for 5 minutes.

Stir until chocolate melts. Pour 2 tsp. grated orange peel, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/4 tsp chili powder. Pour the chocolate mixture into the blender bowl, 1 pack of gentle tofu and 2 tbsp. l maple syrup and beat until smooth.

Cool the pudding for at least 2 hours before serving.

D time, dear readers! Finally, spring has come, which means that "weight loss" topics are becoming increasingly popular. Millions of men and women are now in search of a way to bring their figure into proper shape in the next 2-3 months. Having read the advice of nutritionists about reducing the calorie content of the diet, and the average person seeks to fulfill the main recommendation - to reduce the number of calories consumed. And here low-calorie foods come to the rescue, which we will talk about today.

Different calories

Driving in the search engine "Low-calorie products for weight loss list", we often come across vegetables or fruits, which are very difficult to get enough. And all because calories from different sources are different from each other. Some low-calorie foods can serve us only as a side dish, while not being a full-fledged dish.

Today, we will slightly depart from the established tradition of perceiving calorie too literally, and we will divide low-calorie foods into several groups.

Energy sources

We are talking about food that contains a lot of long-term carbohydrates. Such foods often have a high calorie content, and therefore they do not fall into the lists of low-calorie foods. But there is an exception. This exception is cereals.

Cereals are sources of long-term carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. This is a fairly low-calorie food and, at the same time, food that can satisfy hunger.

We distinguish the main low-calorie cereals:

Note that we are talking about the energy value of the finished dish. That is, we weigh the portion, calculating the calorie content, we are after cooking, and not before it.

As for the other sources of energy that will allow you to get you out of a lethargic state during the diet, you have to admit that they are all high-calorie. Therefore, cereals - this is the only of the usual dishes in everyday life that can be used on a diet.

Below is a small table for comparing low-calorie and high-calorie foods.

Protein Products

High-quality protein products of animal origin are the basis of any diet. Among protein foods, you can really find products with which you can both remove the feeling of hunger and not gain extra pounds.

The emphasis on the consumption of high-quality protein foods should be made to men who plan not only to lose weight, but also to maintain their existing muscle mass. So, the least high-calorie protein foods:

  1. Fat-free cottage cheese - 86 kcal / 100 gr. The absolute leader for losing weight men and women. The basis of any protein diet. Moreover, cottage cheese is the cheapest high-quality protein food, which is important in our crisis times.
  2. Pollock fish - 70 kcal / 100 gr. A more expensive, but no less high-quality low-calorie source of protein.
  3. Squid - 75 kcal / 100 gr.
  4. Cod - 75 kcal / gr.
  5. Perch - 82 kcal / 100 gr.
  6. Chicken breast - 113 kcal / 100 gr.

Here is a list of quality high-protein and almost fat-free products. All products, like cereals, are weighed after cooking. In this case, confusion can occur with calories, because after boiling the weight of the product often decreases.

From myself I advise you to eat bird and fish, these are the best protein foods, eating which you can easily lose a couple, or even a couple of tens of extra pounds.

Vegetables and fruits

Let's move on to the main point, for which the townsfolk are looking on the network for "low-calorie products for weight loss list."

Vegetables and fruits are also carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. But, firstly, it’s unlikely that you can get enough of it exclusively with the help of them, and secondly, eating only vegetables and fruits is quite an expensive pleasure, it’s better to arrange for yourself. But, of course, if you want to lose weight and not bother too much with calories, which are mandatory to be calculated on a diet, it is better to get half of the energy received during weight loss from vegetables and fruits. So here is our list:

This list goes on and on. The bottom line is that vegetables and fruits have a lower glycemic index, which is closely related to calorie content, due to which it is virtually impossible to gain weight by eating vegetables and fruits. And you can get rid of extra pounds.

How to make a diet?

To create a diet based on calorie intake with low energy value, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. And we are talking about both moral and material capabilities.

If you do not know how to make a diet and want to get everything ready, then this course is for you!

Learn more about the course »»

It is known that eating vegetables and fruits is an expensive pleasure that will cost you a pretty penny even with low calorie content. In addition, a decrease in the glycemic index of food is a decrease in blood glucose, and therefore, by eating kilograms of celery and cabbage, you will still feel lethargy and a constant desire to relax.

Of course, in urgent cases when you need to lose a few kilograms in 2–5 days, such a diet may be suitable, however, if you plan to lose weight from one week.

An ideal option would be a situation in which you will receive 25% of calories from cereals, 25% of energy from low-calorie protein foods, and another 50% of energy from vegetables and fruits. Add to this scheme 2-3 liters of water and your tactics for the fastest weight loss can be considered ideal.

Well, that’s all. Subscribe to updates, leave your comments and share information with friends. See you soon!

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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A lot of people promise themselves to start eating right on Monday. It turns out this is not for everyone. An even smaller percentage of these people will adhere to such a diet for at least a year. Real units can make proper nutrition their way of life. To help your body not “break down” ahead of time, it’s important to keep track of what and how you eat.

Healthy Weight Loss Diet

Obesity is turning into a big problem for humanity. It’s not even the pair of extra kilograms that is terrible, but what follows it are various diseases.

As a rule, overweight is not limited to the development of shortness of breath or heart problems. Each organ, without exception, suffers from this. In most cases, overweight leads to diabetes, and this diagnosis will go through its life with its owner, depriving him of the opportunity to enjoy food, and sometimes his favorite pastime.

Drinking will help to avoid such consequences. It is important that such a diet becomes a way of life. It is necessary not only to choose the right and wholesome foods, but also to be able to cook them, and also to monitor what a person eats out of the house.

Any dish from a restaurant, even the most expensive one, will be much more high-calorie than a similar dish cooked at home. Therefore, trips to cafes are best limited, and when you visit them, it is still preferable to vegetable dishes, light berry desserts and soft drinks, since alcohol can intensify or cause hunger.

Diet Nutrition

In the process of losing weight, the main problem is the need to balance your diet. When reducing the amount of kilocalories consumed, it is important to maintain the proportions between carbohydrates, proteins and fats. For this, it is important to remember that fats or carbohydrates cannot be completely excluded from the diet. Proteins are the “building material”, but without a sufficient amount of the remaining two organic substances, it is impossible to achieve a long-term positive effect from the diet.

Another important point in losing weight is drinking the right amount of water. On average, this figure is 1800-2000 milliliters per day. It may sound funny, but the lowest-calorie product for every day can be called water. Of course, if you drink only it, then it will not bring to good, but at the very beginning of the diet you can deceive your stomach in this way. If you really want to eat, and it’s already midnight on your watch, you can drink a glass of warm water.

Nutrition for certain types of diseases

Knowledge of recipes for dishes from low-calorie foods will be needed not only for losing weight. People with digestive problems also often follow such a diet. Cholecystitis, diabetes and many other diseases require a special diet. In some cases, life may depend on this.

Foods high in fat and carbohydrates provoke insulin release, which is bad for people with diabetes. Patients with cholecystitis may experience discomfort after consuming such dishes and products.

Nutrition for gastritis and duodenal ulcer should be as low in calories as possible. At a minimum, fatty and heavy foods will cause discomfort in the stomach, but can also lead to more serious consequences: hospitalization and surgery.

In order to make your diet correct and safe, it is important to know which foods to eat, how to cook them, and even how to store them. But the most important thing is not to be lazy and calculate the calorie content of the foods used. Special tables and lists of low-calorie foods can help people with this. For counting, it is best to have a notebook. For a simpler and faster calculation, special scales are suitable that show the content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Low calorie foods list

It seems to many that in order to fully saturate, one needs to eat something solid: mashed potatoes with cutlet, fish soup, potato salad and necessarily dessert. If these dishes are not present in the diet, it seems that the person is not eating well. Any diet is primarily associated with something tasteless. It seems that a person will have to eat “grass”. This, of course, is not so.

In nature, low-calorie and tasty foods are found. For example, fruits, berries, dairy products. Such a diet is ideal for many girls and women. Although for men it will be a little "poor."

For example, low-calorie dairy products include low-fat cottage cheese and milk, as well as kefir and yoghurts without added sugar. They can be consumed at any time of the day and not worry about the consequences. Unfortunately, such low-calorie foods are not satisfying.

To comply with the diet, you can also give preference to vegetables. Below is a small table with the calorie content of the main fruit crops.

The most high-calorie vegetable is potatoes. In 100 grams of the product can be 80-100 kcal. If the potato is boiled with salt, and then seasoned with butter or milk, then its usefulness is reduced by another half or even two times. Therefore, everyone who tries to adhere to a low-calorie diet should limit the use of potatoes. The same goes for soups. The calorie content of such dishes can be very, very high, and the benefit is minimal.

Salad is not a panacea

A very big mistake of people who try to monitor proper nutrition is their true belief that any dish of the most low-calorie foods will be useful. This, of course, is not so. The cooking method and the additional ingredients used in the dishes are important. For example, a salad dressing that uses mayonnaise will not be useful. Also, lean beef fried in vegetable oil turns into a "forbidden fruit."

Uncontrolled consumption of sweet fruits and berries will also not be beneficial to the diet. Grapes can contain up to 70 kcal per 100 grams of product. At first glance, it can show that this is not so much. But even in the simplest fruit salad (apples + kiwi + banana) can contain up to 200 kcal. Such a dish will no longer be low-calorie, although it can still claim to be useful.

Vegetable salads are also not always 100% healthy. For example, a salad with fresh carrots and white cabbage will be quite useful, and if you add potatoes, dressing (oil, mayonnaise, sauce or sour cream) to it, then it definitely will not get into the list of the lowest-calorie foods and dishes.

Myths about sweets

If during the day 100% of the calories eaten is not more than 10% of the calories obtained due to various goodies, then this will not bring any problems. But refuse sugar in tea and coffee is necessary. Do not add it to homemade fruit drinks and compotes. Sugar greatly increases the calorie content of any foods and dishes.

Sweet tooth does not have to completely abandon the sweet. You can simply give preference to safer goodies: marmalade (without sugar sprinkles), oatmeal cookies, rye gingerbread cookies, dark and dark chocolate, marshmallows, sorbet ice cream or wedge syrup without sugar.

You can replace sweets with dried fruits, nuts or fresh berries. As desserts, white fat-free yoghurts without sugar with the addition of fruits or berries are suitable. You can also add a couple of tablespoons of honey or maple syrup to your morning diet.

How to balance nutrition?

The amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins consumed during the day should be proportional. Fats or carbohydrates cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, you can leave rice, spaghetti and pasta from durum wheat, some cereals, rye bread, some sauces and dressings (in particular, mustard, wasabi or tomato paste) in the diet.

Eggs can only be consumed boiled, scrambled eggs and omelets are prohibited, but this product cannot be completely excluded from the diet. The same goes for cheeses. It is only important to choose hard varieties with a low fat content (not more than 40%, and preferably 20-25%).

You need to eat in small portions every 2.5-3 hours, drink enough water, limit yourself to coffee and black tea.

Myths about flour

Buns and gingerbread should be used with caution, but you should not forget about them once and for all. Flour in the diet responds to certain B vitamins, the absence of which in sufficient quantities in the diet can lead to problems in the future.

It is better to choose yesterday’s pastries made from oat, rye or any durum wheat flour. You also do not need to buy rolls in glaze and sugar sprinkles, donuts and white yeast dough are strictly not allowed.

Heat treatment: for or against

It is generally accepted that fresh vegetables and fruits are more beneficial. The way it is. If possible, they should be consumed raw. They can also be steamed or “dried” in the oven. Frying and deep-frying are strictly contraindicated for those who suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or are trying to lose weight.

Oil from grape seeds, olive or truffle can be consumed "fresh". So it is tastier and healthier. One spoon of such oil per serving of salad will not harm the body and will help you quickly absorb a number of trace elements. Frying on such oils is practically equivalent to frying on ordinary sunflower.

What to cook?

Simple and easy-to-prepare salads from the lowest-calorie foods are known to everyone: "Spring", "Vitamin", "Caesar", "Carrot", "Beetroot with sour cream" and others. Their preparation will take very little time. It is best to season such dishes with low-fat kefir, sour cream with a fat content of not more than 10%, white yogurt, a spoonful of vegetable oil.

As an afternoon snack, you can serve vegetable or fruit slices without dressing or with sour cream whipped without sugar. You can also mix berries or fruits with low-fat dairy products in a blender, getting a kind of mousse.

Desserts can be easily prepared from nuts, berries, dried fruits, crumbs from oatmeal cookies. It can be home-made non-fat ice cream (from banana and white yogurt), cookies made from rye flour or ground almonds, dried fruit candies without glaze, yogurt with marshmallows.

You can also make light cocktails based on berries, vegetables, fruits and mineral water, soft drinks, home-made vegetable juices. Adding sugar to such drinks is not recommended. In extreme cases, it can be replaced by sucralose.

How not to lose your diet?

The hardest thing is to survive the first three weeks of a healthy diet, then the body begins to get used to it. To reduce the temptation, you need to get rid of all the high-calorie foods that are in the house, give up going to cafes and restaurants, and immediately make a menu of healthy and useful foods.

If there are other residents in the house who do not agree to eat healthy low-calorie foods, then all “unhealthy foods” are best stored in a separate box. They should not even catch the eye, otherwise it will not be easy to resist the temptation.

In the first couple of months, it is better to leave yourself some of the usual products. To do this, select the least harmful. For example, you can not limit yourself to sweet and a few high-calorie fruits (grapes, bananas) or allow yourself to eat a little more bitter chocolate. When the body responds more calmly to such a diet, you can switch to a completely healthy diet.

A person who monitors his health and figure carefully selects his diet. Such a diet should consist of the right foods, they should saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, while having a low calorie content. It is very important that food provides the body with the necessary energy, which is required for an active and healthy lifestyle. Regardless of gender and age, you need to choose hearty and low-calorie foods.

Quite often there is an opinion that if you reduce the amount of food, eat less often and in small portions, you can quickly lose weight. This is a complete misconception, firstly, it all depends on the composition of the products and their calorie content, and secondly, in this way you can harm your health. With any diet, the most important thing is not to harm your health and provide everything you need. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time studying the composition of the product, namely nutrients and kilocalories - this does not take much time, but provides an effective result for losing weight.

Calorie content of the product depends on the content. With the breakdown of fats, caloric content increases by 2 times, and if there is a breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins, on the contrary, it decreases. But at the same time, the lowest-calorie foods should have enough and.

Easily digestible carbohydrates (they are) make it possible to quickly cope with the calories that appear from fat. Fiber, in turn, allows a person to feel full.

Another condition is the water content. Water has no calories, so its consumption does not affect the figure in any way.

Low calorie foods

When a person wants to lose weight, he does not have to give up normal and nutritious nutrition and torture himself with diets. After all, this can be harmful to health, and the final result will be completely different from what was expected.

Practical advice: It will be right to compose your diet in such a way that it consists of useful ingredients that, at low calorie content, will help get rid of extra pounds.

Plant origin

Many have heard about the benefits of fruits and vegetables during the diet, which is fully justified. After all, they contain a lot of fiber, which perfectly lowers the level and at the same time helps to slow the absorption of carbohydrates.

Fiber is the fiber part of a plant. It is present in vegetables, fruits, berries. Another advantage is the high content of vitamins of minerals and dietary fiber.

Among a large selection of vegetables, there are clear leaders, such as broccoli. 100g contains only 33 kilocalories, with this ratio it has many useful properties, contains magnesium, protein and calcium. It should be noted carrot, which has 35 kilocalories per 100 g, it has an antioxidant effect, helps strengthen immunity, has a beneficial effect on vision and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

No less useful artichoke, it contains only 40 kilocalories, has a large number of vital components for human health. In addition, it contains a complex of enzymes, they contribute to the normalization of sugar in human blood.

Below in the table you can find low-calorie products of plant origin, which will help to make a healthy diet:

Product Kcal per 100g product
Eggplant 24
Parsley (greens) 49
Parsley (root) 47
Potatoes 83
Squash 27
Celery (root) 32
Red cabbage 31
White cabbage 28
Cauliflower 29
Leek 40
Sweet pepper - red 27
Sweet pepper - green 23
Turnip 28
Beet 48
Onion 43

Regarding fruits, when they are fructose, they are low-calorie. Nutritionists note that people who want to lose weight, eat them better in the afternoon, before lunch, then they will bring maximum effect. It is also necessary to consume in small quantities. Speaking of fruit leaders, one can note grapefruit. These are the most low-calorie and at the same time satisfying foods. It contains 35 kilocalories, but has an excellent property - interrupts the appetite.

Practical advice: If you miss a piece of fruit or drink juice, the feeling of hunger goes away. And for those who are losing weight, it will be useful to know one more fact. This fruit helps burn fat, часть part of it copes with 80 kcal.

Perfectly copes with fats pineapple, in which 48 kilocalories. It perfectly affects the gastrointestinal tract and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

Enzymes are needed to help proteins absorb in the body, they are found in large quantities in papaya. This fruit will also help burn fat and contains 43kcal.

It is worth paying attention to the following fruits:

It is useful to use a variety of fruits and vegetables in the diet, saturating the body with various vitamins and nutrients.

Animal origin

Despite all the benefits and rich composition of low-calorie vegetables and fruits, meat products can not do without losing weight. They contain protein, which is responsible for the structure of muscles. It is the muscles that provide movement, thereby burning fat.

But here you should also choose hearty foods with low calorie content, which will give everything the body needs and will not bring extra pounds when losing weight. The diet includes rabbit and poultry, beef and veal are great, you just need to choose lean slices.

Products Calories per 100g
Rabbit 199
horsemeat 143
Turkey 197
Chicken 165
Chick 156
Veal 90
Meat 187
Udder 173
Brain 124
Kidney 66
Heart 87
Language 163
Liver 108
Kidney 80
Heart 89
Lamb kidney 77

It is better to make a diet using different meat products, alternating them in the menu.

Milk products

Another product that is necessary for a healthy diet is dairy. The advantage of such food is the ability to burn fat. The fact is that the calcium contained in them contributes to the production of calcitrol, which is able to burn fats.

These are not all the advantages of dairy products, they also contain lactose, trace elements and useful substances that are necessary for a healthy body when losing weight.

Products that can be added to the diet for weight loss:

What products you need to know about

When a diet is compiled, basic foods are taken, calorie counts, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are calculated. Often, people who want to lose weight, be afraid of the menu, because they believe that healthy foods are fresh, dry and not tasty. This is a delusion, a balanced diet is no less tasty and can surprise. Thanks to non-nutritious products, you can diversify dishes, discover new tastes, aromas and create a festive menu. What foods are included in the ranking of the lowest calorie foods and how can they be consumed.


With the help of greens, you can change the tastes of familiar dishes, and it can contain 0-50 kilocalories. It can be consumed fresh, added to salads and sprinkled with ready-made dishes. It can also become a full-fledged ingredient in stewing, baking and cooking. But the most beneficial effect on the body is unprocessed greens.

Pumpkin, asparagus

When losing weight, it is very important that excess fluid leaves the body. This process is carried out using physical exercises or supplements that have a diuretic effect. But you can give preference to natural products, such as pumpkin and asparagus, which also have an effect on the body. If we talk about the calorie content, then in the pumpkin there are 22, and in asparagus only 20.


It is rich in vitamins, useful substances and perfectly strengthens the immune system. This ingredient should be consumed in its raw form, and it contains only 15 kcal.

Kale cabbage

This product will be useful as a source of vitamins, trace elements, which has an excellent effect on the skin, hair, nails. And you should not be afraid of calories, as it contains 5kcal.


A wonderful ingredient that is used as seasoning adds aroma and flavor to dishes. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and is a strong antioxidant. Indispensable in the winter, when colds and viral diseases increase. Contains 4kcal.


Also great seasoning for dishes. It contributes to the development of a natural analgesic. The effects on the body are the same as in the two previous examples, but it contains 20 kcal.


It is not only tasty, but also healthy. Regardless of which type of tea to choose, it will not bring one calories to the body, as it simply will not restrain them. But it has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, acts as an anti-allergenic agent.

Since each product contains different vitamins and minerals, it is correct to use different ingredients in the menu.