Green apple treatment. The apples

21.09.2019 Beverages

An Apple

Useful properties of apples

Good day, dear guests and readers of the blog " Traditional medicine recipes". Today's article is devoted to apples - their beneficial properties.

What are apples good for? Chemical composition

● Apple is the most valuable and affordable fruit for all residents of Russia. 100 grams of apples contain:

  1. - 86 grams of water;
  2. - 0.4 gr. squirrel;
  3. - 0.4 gr. fats;
  4. - 9.8 gr. carbohydrates.

● In addition, the apple has a lot of dietary fiber that improves bowel function, organic acids, pectin, various vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

More specifically, the apple contains almost all the vitamins necessary for human life: A, C, B-1, B-9, E, H, K, PP (nicotinic acid),.

● Apples contain a lot of chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, and potassium; there is chromium, selenium, fluorine, manganese, iodine, cobalt, copper, zinc, and iron. Verily the truth is said: « If you eat two apples daily, you will be protected from a hundred diseases!» .

● Apples strengthen the immune system, protect us from colds and infectious diseases. Vitamin A and carotene contained in this healthy fruit improve vision, vitamin P and iodine stabilize and lower blood pressure.

“According to legend, in the treasured garden of the goddess Hera, the ancient Greeks nymphs of the Hesperides closely guard the golden apples, which provide the gods with immortality and eternity. In the tales of the peoples of Russia, good heroes find youthful apples that give them youth and health. It’s not without reason that since ancient times in legends, tales, parables, legends and myths the useful properties of an apple have been associated with beauty, health and immortality. ”

● Apple is a wonderful storehouse of powerful antioxidants that help slow down the aging process of the body and protect against the development of malignant tumors. The juicy apple fruit contains pectin, which can cleanse the body of radioactive elements and salts of heavy metals.

The use of apples in traditional medicine

● In addition, pectin prevents the occurrence of and. Apples improve metabolism and. Everything is good in apples!

● If you suffer from anemia, or vitamin deficiency, drink in the morning before breakfast a mixture of apple juice (one glass), lemon and tomato (⅓ glass each). Put a reliable barrier - eat 2-3 apples a day, an average onion and 4 cups of green tea.

● You can solve problems with and with apples. And when heartburn torments you, instead of eating one apple, peeled.

Take care of yourself and be healthy, may God help you in this !!!

Apples are perhaps the very first fruits a newborn baby tastes. They have something in common with bread - this is not a delicacy, but rather, an essential food product, which contains a lot of useful and necessary substances for us. Everyone can and should eat apples - children and adults, pregnant and lactating, healthy and sick. Moreover, there are so many varieties of this universal fruit that each person can easily choose for himself suitable for taste and color. Apples very rarely cause allergies, and only some acidic varieties are contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal diseases. But in this case, it is not necessary to completely abandon apples, since apples can be baked in the oven, as well as prepare a decoction of apples or apple peels.

Chemical composition

What substances are in apples? According to numerous studies, apples contain all the vitamins a person needs: A, B, E, C, H, K, PP.

There are a lot of micro and macro elements in them: zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium. The seeds of one apple contain the daily norm of iodine.

Apples revealed natural antibiotics - volatile, capable of destroying influenza viruses, pathogens of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus.

Pectins, which are part of apples, bind harmful substances in the digestive tract and remove them from the body. Therefore, apples can and should be eaten for weight loss and purification from toxins and toxins.

Fiber of apples activates the intestines, prevents constipation, serves as a good prophylactic for bowel cancer.

Citric, malic and tartaric acids, which are also found in apples, do not allow the development of rotting and fermentation processes in the intestines. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of these acids is activated and normalized.

Tannins are a good prophylactic of urolithiasis and gout. Thanks to tannins, uric acid salts are removed from the body in a timely manner, joints and internal organs remain clean and healthy.

The peel of apples is very useful, it contains a lot of antioxidant quercetin, which has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Some scientists argue that in the peel of apples more nutrients than in the rest of its parts.

Correlation: the benefits and harms in apples are clearly on the good side. These fruits strengthen the heart muscle and vision, lower cholesterol, normalize the acidity of gastric juice, activate metabolism, lower blood sugar, prevent the development of anemia and Alzheimer's disease, act as a good diuretic and choleretic agent,

As for the harm from apples - in the fresh state they are contraindicated in exacerbations of cholelithiasis, in acute pancreatitis, and also after surgery on the stomach, liver and intestines.

If for some reason a person should not eat fresh apples, there is a way out - these fruits remain as tasty and healthy after heat treatment. Their chemical composition almost does not change from this.

Heat treatment

We all know such a food product as dried fruits. They are most often sold in the form of mixtures of dried or dried apples, pears, prunes, raisins, dried apricots - the compote from them turns out to be very tasty and healthy. However, if you are allergic to some of these components, only dried apples can be used to make decoctions, and you can make them yourself in the oven.

Dried apples contain no less vitamins and minerals than fresh ones. They saturate the body with useful substances, and at the same time do not have a significant effect on the gastrointestinal tract. All this suggests that the benefits of dried apples are no less than fresh ones.

But apples sold in sachets are dried using sulfur dioxide in production, and E220 index is indicated on the package - such apples should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, they should not be given to infants.

No matter how beautiful and large apples are from supermarkets, their benefits are less than in modest apples grown in the country or in the garden. It is these apples that need to be preferred in the kitchen, since they are grown without nitrates and chemical fertilizers. Especially when it comes to the nutrition of the child, pregnant and lactating women.

Even a scallop of country apples for drying and cooking decoctions is more useful and better than large and beautiful imported apples stuffed with chemicals.

It is best to dry the apples on their own in an ordinary home oven. They are cut into thin slices with a thickness of not more than 1 cm, spread on a baking sheet and put in the oven. The first 2 hours they are dried at a temperature of 50 degrees. The second two hours - at a temperature of 70 degrees, and at the end of another 2 hours - at a temperature of 80 degrees.

Finished products need to be transferred to a paper bag or in china.

Dried apples can be eaten just like that, or make a decoction of them. To do this, 2 tablespoons of apples pour 1 cup boiling water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool and drink like a regular compote. To taste, you can add sugar or honey to the broth.

Treating children

A decoction of dried apples is also useful for babies aged 2 months. At the same time, it is necessary to observe how the baby's body reacts to such an additive, perhaps at first it will have problems with the stomach and intestines. You should not give more than 10 ml of decoction per day - babies need to be accustomed to the baits gradually. Over time, the volume of the decoction can be increased, and the decoction itself can be prepared not only from apples, but also from other dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes.

At first, it is not necessary to sweeten the broth, but when the child is 6 months old, sugar can already be used, however, in very small quantities.

It is not advisable for children up to a year to give chemical medicines and drugs, but meanwhile, they also have a cough that needs to be treated with something. And here you need to remember a simple folk recipe - an infusion for cough from apple peels.

It is very easy to make - 15 grams of apple peel need to be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, and infused for 10-15 minutes, then divided into three parts and drunk warm 3 times a day before meals. Such medicine can be given to babies from 6 months.

All parents know how difficult it is to treat colds in young children, because not all medicines can be given to them. A good cough remedy for babies can be made from boiled potatoes. Boil the potatoes, carefully knead, spread in a warm form in a bag and apply to the bronchi. Top cover with a warm, soft diaper, folded several times, the compress should fit snugly to the body.

A small child will benefit from inhalation from potatoes, he needs to breathe over the steam from the pan in which the potatoes were cooked. Of course, you need to ensure that the child does not get burned, the temperature of the water in the container should not be higher than 70 degrees. Inhalation eases even a strong dry cough.

Cough in children can be treated with other methods and folk remedies, for example, a good cough remedy is onion, which is a natural antiseptic.

To do this, rub the onion on a fine grater, squeeze the juice from it, mix with liquid honey in a 1x1 ratio and give the child 0.5 tsp. every 2 hours.

A cough medicine from onions can also be made with sugar - chop the onion, add sugar to it, and wait for it to drain juice. Onion juice is given to children in the same way as in the previous recipe.

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Traditional medicine recipes

And now we offer you several recipes based on apples and apple peels, which are not difficult to make at home to treat a wide variety of diseases.

Recipe 1.

Tea from dried apples for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, urolithiasis. Put 2-3 tablespoons of chopped apples in a thermos and pour 500 boiling water. After 2 hours, you can start taking tea, drink it in 100 ml several times a day.

Recipe 2.

A decoction of dried apples from rheumatism. 200 grams of dried apples, licorice root syrup, 1 liter of water. Pour apples and water for 15 minutes, then remove from heat, cool, add licorice syrup at the rate of 1 tsp. on a glass of broth. You need to drink a decoction 2 times a day, 200 ml for two months, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not come.

Recipe 3.

A decoction of dried apples from kidney stones, from coughs and colds. Pour 100 grams of dried apples with a liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. When the broth cools down to a comfortable temperature, you can start drinking it. Take an apple decoction of 200 ml 2-3 times a day for a month.

Recipe 4.

Decoction of fresh apples. In a pot of boiling water, put unpeeled apples and cook for 15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and drunk 200-250 ml three times a day before meals. Prepare a decoction at the rate of 3 apples per 1 liter of water.

Apple broth is effective for coughing, swelling of the throat and vocal cords, as a diuretic and laxative.

Recipe 5.

A decoction of dry apple peel powder for rheumatism. 1 tablespoon of powder pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, strain and drink in two doses before meals in the morning and evening. The course of treatment should last at least 1.5 months, after which you can take a break for 10 days and repeat the course.

Recipe 6.

Alcohol tincture of apples. To prepare it, you need to cut 2.5 kilograms of apples - you can drop the scallops, put in a large container, for example, in a five-liter bottle, and pour alcohol or vodka in a volume of 1.5 liters. The container must be placed in a warm and bright place for 3 weeks, then strain and soak for another 10 days in the refrigerator.

Infusion can be used as a dessert drink, or as a remedy, taking it 20-30 drops 2 times a day before meals for colds. In a similar way, you can make tincture from apple peel.

Recipe 7.

Gruel from fresh apples from gastritis. 300 grams of green apples need to be washed, peeled and core, wiped on a fine grater, add 20 grams of honey. Mix take 1 tbsp. morning and evening two hours before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days, after which they take a short break.

Recipe 8.

Apples and cough onions. On a fine grater you need to rub 1-2 apples and 2 onions, add 20 grams of honey and mix. Take 3-4 times a day, 15 grams 1-2 hours after a meal.

Recipe 9.

Apples and pumpkin for anemia. Pumpkin pulp and sour, green apples should be taken in equal quantities, cut and boiled for 20-30 minutes with the addition of a small amount of water, so that the components boil until soft. Then the mixture must be removed from the heat, allowed to cool, rub through a colander and boil again for 5-10 minutes, removing the foam.

The resulting mashed potatoes can also be given to infants aged 5-6 months, it is useful for people to take it after surgery on the liver or stomach, and eat just like that, adding sugar or honey.

An apple can be called the most popular fruit in Russia. Many legends and traditions are associated with it, it is mentioned in folk tales and songs. And this is no accident - even our ancestors knew that apples are not only tasty, but also very healthy.

The pulp and peel of apples contains many minerals that our body needs - soluble salts of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron), as well as carotene, pectins, vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid. It is in apples that the combination of vitamins and minerals is optimal!

Raw and baked apples in the oven are recommended for digestive disorders, constipation, diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract. Beneficial fruits act as a natural laxative, diuretic, and choleretic drug. Doctors advise eating apples to alleviate the condition of the patient with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, colitis, gastrointestinal infections.

Since the flesh of fresh apples grown without the use of pesticides and excessive fertilizers has antiseptic properties, pulp from ripe fruits is used in the treatment of frostbite, ulcers, uncomplicated burns. Of course, all therapeutic procedures should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

If you eat at least one large apple a day, the level of cholesterol in your blood will decrease markedly, the risk of developing atherosclerosis will decrease. In addition, your blood pressure stabilizes, and you feel better.

Varieties of apples rich in pectins must be eaten by people working in high-risk environments (for example, in hazardous industries). The pulp of healthy fruits prevents the absorption of certain toxins, bacterial poisons, fumes of mercury, cobalt, lead, strontium into the blood.

With excess body weight, nutritionists recommend regularly organizing fasting days, during which you can only eat fresh apples. Such a diet has not hurt anyone yet - fiber and useful substances for the body will help you avoid digestive problems and prevent the accumulation of fat reserves in problem areas of your figure.

But you must remember that not all apples can be called useful!  Remember what fruits you saw on store shelves. Russian fruits usually do not look very attractive - medium-sized, slightly crumpled, with darkish barrels. Against their background, imported apples clearly win - large, smooth, smooth, brightly colored. Unfortunately, appearances are often deceiving. If you buy imported apples, and you are not stopped by their high price, think about what may be contained in the pulp and peel of beautiful fruits. For example, most well-known companies that export fruits to many countries around the world use paraffin compounds to increase the shelf life of apples. These drugs are applied to the peel. It is almost impossible to wash them off, since paraffins do not dissolve in water. A person who ate such an apple with a peel will feel bad after a while. Paraffin compounds are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and the aromatic hydrocarbons present in their composition act on living cells as toxins. Therefore, for personal safety, apples should be cleaned before eating.

Small brown seeds located in the core of the apple contain many iodine compounds. Experts believe that if you eat at least 6 apple grains per day, iodine deficiency and thyroid dysfunction do not threaten you.

Doctors recommend adding fresh apples to the daily diet for anemia, iron deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiency, rheumatism, and gout. You can cook compotes, desserts, and other tasty and healthy dishes from ripe fruits. And in some countries it is customary to add finely chopped fresh apple to hot tea - an unusual and very pleasant drink is obtained.

The peel of quality apples contains the natural antioxidant quercetin. In combination with vitamin C, this compound prevents the negative effects of free radicals on living cells and thus prevents early aging.

A mixture of natural juices will help obese people.  Mix the freshly squeezed juices of apple, melon, tomato and lemon in equal proportions, if necessary add some spices. Drink 1 incomplete glass 2 times a day - and with an adequate diet, your weight will begin to decrease very soon.

With a prolonged cold, try to brew fresh apple peel with a little boiling water and insist under the lid for half an hour. Of course, the peel should belong to Russian, not imported fruits! You can also cook a light compote of 3 to 4 medium-sized apples. Pour the chopped fruit with 2 liters of water, boil over medium heat for 15 minutes, strain, add a little honey or fructose to the broth. Tasty and healthy drinks can be drunk 3-4 glasses a day, warm or cool.

The lack of vitamins in the body can be eliminated if you regularly drink a mixture of juices of fresh apples, other fruits and vegetables. Apple juice goes well with carrot, lingonberry, beetroot, currant, blueberry. Proportions are selected depending on personal preferences.

  (Photo: K13 ART, Yuri Arcurs,

Undoubtedly, apple fruits contain the most valuable nutrients, such as sugar (sucrose, fructose, glucose), fiber, tannins, pectins, essential oil, vitamins B, P, carotene, a small amount of ascorbic acid, malic and citric acids, potassium, manganese , sodium, calcium, volatile.

Polysaccharides absorb and remove toxic substances from the body. Potassium salts in the body delay the formation of uric acid, helping to fight urolithiasis and gout.

The constant use of apples prevents the aging of the body, hinders the development of acid - base imbalance, that is, the accumulation of acidic metabolic products formed in the decay of aging cells in tissue fluids and yablochnyy-blood.

Apples are used to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, in the treatment of anemia, to prevent first constipation and increase appetite.

The benefits of apples have been repeatedly proven in diseases such as shortness of breath and irregularities in the heartbeat.

Eating apples and breathing in their juicy smell is very useful for nervous disorders.

Apples refreshingly and favorably affect the brain, increase its performance.

With low calorie apples, they can be used in diets for obesity: patients are advised to eat only this product on fasting days, up to 2 kg of apples per day.

Patients with hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, biliary dyskinesia with increased gastric secretion are recommended to take sweet varieties of apples.

With hypacid gastritis, spastic colitis, biliary dyskinesia with reduced gastric secretion, as well as with anemia, it is recommended to take sour apples.

For the treatment of anemia, malic acid extract is prepared from acidic varieties of apples.

Apple juice, apples and apple broth treat liver diseases, taking them for a fairly long time.

Medicines prepared from the bark from the roots of the apple tree are used for mild forms of diabetes (this bark contains substances that lower blood sugar).

For fever, for healing wounds, digestive disorders and cleansing the internal organs, apple cider vinegar diluted with water is used. Also, in case of poisoning, drinking from warm apple cider vinegar helps.

Especially, the benefits of apples are felt in winter, when you have to introduce fatty and protein-rich foods into your diet.

Due to the high content of tannins in apples in dermatology and cosmetology, apple masks are used for inflammatory skin diseases.

Apples for prevention.

Each person needs to eat 2 to 3 apples a day. Apples are the best fruits and vegetables to lower blood cholesterol.

Apples with anemia.

The patient is prescribed daily to use 3-5 apples 3 times a day or apple juice or compote 1 glass 3 times a day.

Apples to improve appetite and prevent constipation.

Apples for gastrointestinal diseases.

Apples for gout and urolithiasis.

It is very useful to eat apples for a long time without peeling. You can also eat apples in dried form, or taken in the form of compote.

Apples with exacerbation of gout.

A compress of soaked apples is applied to the affected joints overnight, covered with oiled paper and wrapped with bandage. In the morning, the compress is removed. This procedure must be done for 2 to 3 weeks, until the pain disappears.

Inflorescences of apples with vitamin deficiency.

Decoction of apples for a diuretic effect.

3 unpeeled apples should be poured with 1 liter of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Broth take 1 cup 3 times a day before meals.

You can also make an infusion of dried peel apples. For this, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple peel you need to pour 1 cup boiling water and insist like tea and take up to 6 times a day before meals.

Decoction of apple leaves for colds.

A decoction of dried apple leaves helps with a cold. To do this, chopped leaves need to be filled with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and boiled for 10 - 15 minutes, take 2 to 3 tbsp. tablespoons up to 5 times a day before meals.

Apple juice for diabetes.

Patients are prescribed apple juice from sour apples, squeezed before use, 100 ml each. 3 times a day before meals.

The use of apple cider vinegar in folk medicine:

With angina.

The most common remedy in folk medicine is gargling with apple cider vinegar. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. cider vinegar in a glass of water.

From burns.

Processing the burnt skin surface with undiluted vinegar relieves burning pain and pain.

From shingles.

To the affected area on the skin, you need to apply undiluted apple cider vinegar - 4 times a day and, if possible, 3 times at night. After some time after applying apple cider vinegar, burning and itching of the skin disappear. Such treatment is considered very effective, soon lichens heal quickly.

In order to narrow the varicose veins.

Apple cider vinegar is poured from a bottle and the varicose vein region is rubbed in the morning and night. After about a month, compression of the varicose veins is observed. Also, along with grinding twice a day, drink 2 tsp. cider vinegar in a glass of water.

There are contraindications for apples.

With gastric and duodenal ulcers, sour apples are contraindicated. Sweet varieties should not be consumed in gastritis. Fresh apples should not be consumed with exacerbation of intestinal diseases, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, for any disorders accompanied by the appearance of blood in the stool.

And in conclusion, I want to say that the beneficial properties of apples do not make them a unique cure for all diseases, everything should be in moderation.

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For diseases of the stomach, it is recommended to include apples in the diet. Treatment with this fruit has a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. For treatment, you will need fresh, carefully peeled fruits. Refuse from consuming apple seeds (they contain an element that can affect the functioning of the nervous system).

Beneficial features

Green fruits contain useful vitamins and minerals that can help the body fight infection:

  • pectin;
  • fructose;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • carotene;
  • biotin and other vitamins.

The above elements have a beneficial effect on the state of immunity, mucous membranes of organs, help the body quickly cope with the infection, improve the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fresh apples

  Depending on the variety, the properties of apples may vary.

The benefits of regular consumption of fresh apples:

  • improving the process of splitting organic acids;
  • faster digestibility of iron;
  • stabilization of food and metabolic processes;
  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • prevention of constipation;
  • decrease in total cholesterol;
  • stimulation of peripheral circulation;
  • improving the general condition of the body during an illness;
  • improvement of vision, the provision of a cosmetic effect on the skin.

Consumers should remember that the properties of this product can vary depending on the variety, storage conditions, the use of various fertilizers and more. Get quality fruit at certified points of sale to avoid low-quality products.

The use of a certain variety of apples depends on the existing pathology of the digestive tract. If the patient is diagnosed with gastritis, it is recommended to eat sweet fruits, for diseases with low acidity - acidic green fruits. There are several basic rules for consuming fresh apples:

  • do not eat rotten fruits;
  • thoroughly rinse the fruit (a special brush is acceptable);
  • refuse consumption of seeds (the maximum allowable amount is 3 grains);
  • at the stage of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, heat treatment of food products is recommended - consumption of baked fruits, puree from them.

Baked apples

The main difference between baked apples and raw ones is the rate of digestibility. Baked fruits are digested and digested much faster. In addition, it is permissible to introduce such food to babies in complementary foods, which once again confirms their quality and safety. The use of baked apples is allowed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (regardless of the stage of the pathology and the form of its manifestation). Cooking Rules:

  • core the fruit;
  • completely peel the fruit;
  • put cottage cheese, honey, any additive to taste inside the fruit;
  • pour some water on the bottom of the pan (this will help make the fruit peel softer and more tender);
  • put the pan in the preheated oven until cooked.

The amount of consumption of baked apples is unlimited.

Apple juice

  Freshly squeezed apple juice should be drunk no later than 2 hours after preparation

It is permissible to consume exclusively freshly squeezed juice within 1-2 hours after preparation. After this time, the beneficial properties of the drink disappear. Indications for consumption:

  • anemia;
  • renal failure;
  • liver disease
  • cholecystitis;
  • malfunctions in metabolic processes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • violation of the normal functioning of the joints;
  • infectious diseases of the body.

The tool has a choleretic and diuretic effect. The recommended norm is 2-3 glasses of freshly squeezed juice per day.

Effects on the stomach

Apples are considered “heavy” food for the stomach due to the high fiber content (for this reason they are digested and absorbed in the body for a long time - about 3 hours). Due to long digestibility, fruits can cause colic, flatulence, and in some cases have a pathogenic effect on the digestive tract.

Opinions regarding eating apples on an empty stomach are ambivalent. Some doctors believe that malic acid stimulates digestion and helps the body digest food more quickly. Others argue that eating apple fruits can complicate the metabolic process, causing discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.


  • Individual intolerance to the fruit.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are at the stage of exacerbation (with the exception of baked fruits).
  • Eating rotten fruits that have been naturally damaged or due to improper care / storage / transportation.

Gastric acidity

  Apples affect stomach acidity

Consuming apples can have a different effect on the acidity of the stomach. This indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the presence of an ulcer, the general characteristics of the digestive tract and other things. Different fruits (sweet / sour) affect the acidity differently.

Patients who suffer from increased acidity of the stomach should consume more sweet and ripened fruits, otherwise an exacerbation of the current disease, impaired functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract is possible. Patients with low acidity of the stomach can not worry about the selection of fruit varieties.

It should be noted that the level of acidity depends on the use of apple peels.

The peel contains many useful substances for the body, but this complicates its digestion and digestibility. Experts say that a rough peel can damage the mucous membranes of the internal organs, so its consumption should be discarded. It is recommended to heat the fruit before consuming it. This will help to avoid a sharp change in the level of acidity of the body, impaired functionality of the digestive tract.