Who drinks how much alcohol in the world. World alcohol statistics

21.09.2019 Snacks

According to a long-established stereotype, it is generally accepted that Russians, Irish and British are the most drinking nations in the world. But annually conducted research gives a completely different picture. The listed peoples are not even among the five countries whose population drinks the most. The most drinking countries of the world in 2015 - who is ahead of the whole planet in drinking alcohol? More about this in our article.

It must be said that there are many points of view regarding alcoholic beverages. Some doctors are categorical in the opinion that alcohol is evil. Others draw attention to the fact that when using it, it is important to observe the measure, and then wine, for example, can even act as a healing remedy. Be that as it may, the number of abusers of alcohol in many states exceeds all permissible norms, which cannot but worry.

Slovenia and Denmark

Tenth place among the most drinking countries in the world in 2015 is shared Slovenia   and Denmark. Here, the population consumes 10.6 liters of alcoholic beverages per year. The inhabitants of these countries have a great respect for beer, and in second place is wine. In the Slovenian city of Maribor, there are the oldest vineyards in Europe, which are more than 400 years old - Stara Trta. Well, Denmark is known around the world for the Tuborg and Carlsberg beer brands.

In ninth place of the most drinking countries is located, which is famous for its vineyards. 10.8 liters - so much alcohol is consumed here per year by an average resident aged 15 and over.

Spain and Portugal

Next come and   Portugal   with an indicator of 11.4 liters of alcohol per year. The hot sun allows these countries to grow excellent vineyards. Therefore, wine consumption is in the first place in these two most drinking countries. In second place in popularity is beer, which costs much cheaper than wine.

Spain ranks third in the world in wine production, but in terms of the total vineyard area, it comes first. About 90 grape varieties are grown here.

The average Irishman drinks 11.6 liters of alcohol per year. In the top five drinking countries of the world, Ireland, therefore, did not hit. Guinness - the most famous dark beer in the world, is produced here. In addition, Ireland is famous for several varieties of whiskey. But alcohol is quite expensive here - a pint of beer can cost up to two euros, and the price of a bottle of whiskey reaches 25 euros.

In sixth place among the most drinking countries is located. Yes, we still got on this not the most pleasant list. Russians on average consume about 15 liters of alcohol per year per person. The most popular strong drinks among residents of Russia are vodka and beer. Researchers note that from year to year there are more people who choose wine from among alcoholic beverages.

Lithuania, where 16.30 liters of alcoholic beverages are consumed per year, ranks fifth in the list of the most drinking countries of 2015.

Did you know that Lithuanian midus is the oldest alcoholic drink based on honey, yeast and water? Lithuania produces three varieties of mead and many honey nectars, tinctures and balms.

The fourth position in the amount of alcohol consumption (16.47 liters) was taken.

Czech beer has a long and rich history. Pilsner, Radegast and Velkopopovicky Kozel are the most famous Czech brewers in the world. Beer production began here in the 12th century thanks to the Celts. The drink became so popular that after a few years it was brewed in almost every home. Developed in the country and winemaking. Now it is the most promising agricultural sector in the Czech Republic. Most of the vineyards are located in Moravia, so Czech wines are also called Moravian.

In Prague, you can try almost all the local varieties of wine and beer - in the capital there are a large number of pubs and bars.

The third line in the list of countries whose population consumed the most alcohol in 2015 belongs to Estonia.   Tallinn has more than once been recognized as the most calm, cultural and romantic European city. Nevertheless, 17, 24 liters of alcoholic beverages are consumed here per year. In the Old Town, the historical center of Tallinn, you can not only admire the old buildings, but also spend the evening in the most famous local restaurant, Olde Hansa, whose furnishings are styled in the Middle Ages. Candles, oak tables and food that the knights could eat in ancient times - in such an atmosphere, the hand itself reaches for a mug with ale. For lack of it, beer will do.

The second in the list of countries where alcohol is most consumed turned out to be. 17.47 liters - on average, its inhabitants drink so much a year. The country is known for its national product - vodka, known since the XVII century. At least by that time, documentary evidence of Ukrainian vodka, which was then called "hot wine", dates back. There are manufacturers in Ukraine of high-quality alcoholic beverages that have proven themselves in the world. First of all, this is Nemiroff. The most famous product of this brand is Ukrainian honey with pepper vodka.

The first place in the list of the most drinking countries took. According to WHO, this year, per capita consumption by residents of the country amounted to 17.5 liters. It should be noted that the researchers were not able to obtain data on home brewing, so the real data is higher than the official figures announced. Belarus, thus, became the most drinking country in the world in 2015.

Critical rate of alcohol consumption according to WHO and global average

Meanwhile, the critical rate of alcohol consumption per year per person, according to WHO, is 8 liters. If we take the global average indicator of alcohol consumption, then it amounted to about 6 liters of alcohol per year per person.

What do they drink in different countries

It should be borne in mind that in different regions of the world they use different types of alcoholic beverages. In France, Portugal and Spain they drink mainly wine. Beer and wine are equally respected in countries such as Germany, Bulgaria, Belgium and Switzerland. The north the country is located, the more hard liquor is consumed in it. These include: Czech Republic, Canada, Slovakia, Denmark, USA, UK, Finland, Japan, Norway.

But did you know that about 48% of the world's population have never touched alcohol in their life?

What is the most drinking country in the world? Such ratings are published annually by various scientific and public organizations. From the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development to the World Health Organization. The amount of alcohol consumed is a reflection of many factors. The standard of living and education, mentality and characteristics of the character of the nation. Among Russians, it is often believed that they are one of the most drinkers on the planet. But is this really so?

How to calculate the amount of alcohol consumed by the population?

The most drinking country is most often determined by the World Health Organization. To compile its ranking, WHO measures how much each resident of the state drinks in pure ethyl alcohol. Moreover, for the purity of the experiment, only citizens over 15 years of age are taken into account.

The calculations take into account all alcohol sold in supermarkets and restaurants, cafes and gas stations during the year. So this is the most objective and reliable data.

Who comes first?

Currently, the rating of the most drinking countries in the world is headed, surprisingly, by Lithuania. Objectivity The most recent WHO ranking, drawn up at the moment, is added by the fact that it takes into account the consumption of ethyl alcohol by each resident not for one year, but over the past five years.

It should be noted that the population of Lithuania is relatively small. A little less than three million people live in the country. Moreover, if five years ago each resident drank about 13 liters of pure ethanol per year, now this figure has grown by almost a half liters.

This is explained not so much by the Lithuanians' passion for drinking, as by the economic and social situation in the country. With a successful transition to the market economy and low inflation, the state retains a very scarce raw material base, and also a deficit in the services market is growing rapidly. Recently, Lithuania joined the European Union and abandoned the local currency in favor of the euro. At the same time, European assistance is by far the largest item of state budget revenue. She has already exceeded 30%.

The absence of borders with Europe also plays a role. Most of the talented and promising Lithuanians today can easily move to countries with a higher standard of living. And those who remain and lead the country to the leaders when the rating of the most drinking countries is compiled.

At the same time, the most popular drink in Lithuania is beer. It provides almost half of ethanol consumption. Another popular drink is midus, a local mead. Alcohol, similar to beer, but several degrees stronger.

Neighbors - in second place

In second place on this list, Lithuanian neighbors are Estonia. Moreover, the lag behind the leaders is very significant. Therefore, we can confidently say that in the coming years the most drinking country in the world will remain unchanged.

While in Lithuania each citizen consumes about 14.5 liters of ethanol per year, in Estonia this figure does not reach 12 liters. Moreover, it is worth noting that several years ago this figure was almost half a liter higher, however, the state is conducting an active anti-alcohol campaign, which is bearing fruit.

Estonia has the same economic and social problems as Lithuania. The almost complete absence of a raw material base, a large outflow of the population to European countries with a higher standard of living, and the dependence of the budget on EU subsidies.

In Estonia, beer and spirits are almost as popular as each other. Most often, local residents prefer strong liquor "Old Tallinn".

Who else is in the top three?

Over the past five years, there has been a tendency to decrease alcohol consumption per capita, but at the same time, the French still remain among the leaders. If several years ago each citizen drank about 12 liters of ethanol per year each year, today this figure has been reduced by almost a liter.

The most popular drink of the French is wine. Largely because of him, many believe that France is the most drinking country. In the total share of consumption of all alcoholic beverages, it accounts for almost 60%. At the same time, the beer consumption rating is extremely low - less than 20%.

Such a high level of consumption in this case is explained by the mentality. Almost no meal in France is complete without a glass, or even a bottle of wine. The country itself produces a large amount of this alcoholic drink, which is actively popularizing among its citizens. Teenagers begin to drink wine and do not stop until their death.

Another factor is the large number of migrants who have arrived in France in recent years. They also contribute.

And where is Russia?

Now you know that the answer to the question, which is the most drinking country, is definitely not Russia. In the current rating, our state is in 8th place. Ahead - Czechs, Irish, Germans and residents of Luxembourg.

However, there is an unpleasant trend: in recent years, the amount of alcohol consumed is growing.

In Russia, the most popular drink is vodka. In general, strong alcohol in the total mass accounts for more than 50% of consumption, a little less than 40% is beer. Men on average drink 4 times more women.

And where do not drink?

The people of Pakistan cannot say about themselves that they are the most drinking country in the world. This state in South Asia is one of the most densely populated in the world. Almost 200 million people live in it - this is the 6th place in the world.

At the same time, the level of alcohol consumption is one of the lowest on the planet. On average, Pakistanis drink about one tenth of a liter of ethanol per citizen per year.

The reason for this low consumption is in religion. The state religion in the country is Sunni Islam. Any alcohol is strictly prohibited. So the main consumption of alcoholic beverages falls on visiting specialists who have long settled in Pakistan.

The Sunnis themselves cannot drink alcohol, however, it is not forbidden to buy, sell or give it to representatives of other religions.

Alcohol has a long history and is distributed throughout the world. Drinking reflects the cultural characteristics of the population of different countries. Hot drinks are used in religious ordinances and just for fun at a feast.

However, alcohol is not at all harmless and can cause dependence, the consequences of which are extremely sad and sometimes fatal. That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has for many years been involved in controlling and reducing alcohol consumption.

Alcoholism is widespread in the world, but in some countries this problem is especially acute. For many years, the members of the former USSR occupied the leading positions, and over the past decade, the states of Western Europe have broken out into the top five. Who is distinguished by an enviable constancy are the Muslim peoples who do not welcome the use of alcohol.

Ranking of countries according to statistics for 2016-2017

Statistics on alcohol consumption are handled by WHO and several other authorities. For example, the OECD is an international economic organization of developed countries. The report is submitted every few years.

The latest data was published on the Delphi portal in mid-May 2017. Goudin Galea, Director of the Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Health Promotion, WHO Authorized Representative shared official findings with the online publication and named the top five drinkers.

It should be noted that WHO statistics take into account the consumption of both legal and self-made alcohol. For example, the population of Moldova prefers domestic wines.

In addition, WHO collaborates with the United Nations, evaluates tourism flows, smuggled drinks and adjusts statistics accordingly. The level of alcohol consumption is calculated in liters of pure ethyl alcohol drunk per capita over the age of 15 years. At the same time, 60% of people in the world do not drink at all and 16% suffer from chronic alcoholism.

Lithuania is ahead of the rest

It was this country that took first place. According to WHO estimates, in a small Baltic state, one inhabitant consumes on average 16.2 liters of pure ethanol per year. In an interview, Gauden Galea literally stated: “This, according to the latest estimates, makes Lithuania one of the most drinking countries in the world.” The indicated amount of ethanol is 400 liters of beer. It is the foamy drink that is preferred by the Lithuanians (46%). Strong alcohol is consumed by 34% of the population, and wine by 8%.

In addition, statistics show that alcohol in Lithuania is drunk in 90% of cases at home. For comparison, in other countries of Europe (Greece, Spain and the United Kingdom), more than 60% of consumption falls on entertainment establishments - restaurants, pubs, bars.


From 2008 to 2015, Belarusians occupied an honorable first place in terms of alcohol consumption in the world. In 2016, the rating of countries has changed slightly. Belarus managed to reduce the amount of pure alcohol consumed per year to 15 liters. This happened due to the increase in alcohol prices, which were minimal, the struggle with manufacturers of low-quality drinks, as well as the toughening of the punishment for drunk driving. What do they prefer to drink in Belarus? According to statistics, the population predominantly drinks strong alcohol (47%). Beer (17%) and wine (5%) are less popular.


Closing the top three is another Baltic country. Here, according to statistics, the local population on average drinks about 12.8 liters of pure alcohol per year. Moreover, a leadership trend has been outlined in Latvia recently. Some 5–10 years ago in the country they consumed less than 10 liters of alcohol per year.

From drinks, Latvians prefer beer. According to one study, they spend almost 100 euros a year on alcohol, and they spend half as much on attending cultural events. In order to reduce the popularity of alcohol back in 2014, the authorities banned its advertising, but this did not lead to positive changes.

Fourth place was shared by Russia and Poland

According to the results for 2016, both countries consume close 12.2 liters per one inhabitant. For Russia, fourth place is a kind of achievement. Over the past 10 years, the level of alcohol consumed has declined by about 5 liters. But Poland, on the contrary, began to drink more. Her traditional drinks are vodka, various honey, beer. In Russia, the population prefers strong alcohol.


Closes the five most drinking countries. The level of 11 liters of alcohol per capita in Estonia is the lowest in the last ten years. The authorities managed to achieve a similar result by raising the excise tax. However, this did not stop some citizens, they just started buying alcoholic beverages in Latvia, where prices are lower by a factor of 3. Regarding the preferences of Estonians, they consume strong alcohol and beer at about the same level - 37 and 41% respectively.

Europe vs Russia

Many people ask, where do they drink more alcohol, in Russia or in Europe? Statistics speak for themselves. Over the past decade, the situation with alcoholism in Russia has improved markedly, but in Europe, on the contrary. However, the amount of pure ethanol consumed is not the only criterion that is important to consider when speaking about the health of the nation. The culture of drinking alcohol, its quality and the therapeutic measures taken are of great importance. So, according to WHO, it is in Russia and a number of other countries that were part of the USSR that the highest mortality rate from injuries associated with alcohol intake is noted. They also lead in the frequency of deaths from cardiovascular diseases that have developed from alcohol abuse.

But if Europe drinks more, why does Russia suffer? The point is the culture of consumption, cheap alcohol, its availability, according to WHO. In Europe, the population does not know what withdrawal symptoms are; they are not customary to celebrate unconscious. They drink regularly, but in moderation.

Moreover, many countries, such as Norway, sell alcohol exclusively in specialized stores. Moreover, in some cities they work only for tourists.

In Sweden, alcohol is so expensive that it’s cheaper to catch the Germans on a ferry. As for Germany and Italy, although they are large suppliers of beer and wine, they themselves do not abuse, thanks to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the education of the younger generation about the dangers of alcohol.

You can visually see statistics on total alcohol consumption in the world on WHO maps. The latest such graphic is available for 2015. The results of 2017 will be summed up in 2018, presumably also in the spring.

The problem of alcoholism in the world has been acute for many years. More than 3 million people die each year from the effects of alcohol abuse, which exceeds the number of AIDS deaths.

Alcoholic beverages contribute to addiction and increase the risk of developing more than 200 diseases, including cirrhosis and some types of cancer. In addition, excessive drinking leads to violence and injury. The world average ethanol consumption is 6.2 liters. Moreover, every second inhabitant of the planet does not drink at all.

There is not a single country in the world in which alcohol is not consumed at all. Even where its sale is limited, citizens find ways to serve the "green serpent." But of course, drinking alcohol becomes drunkenness only when its amount exceeds a reasonable norm. In which countries do they drink the most, according to the rating in 2018?

2018 World Beer Ranking According to WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO for short) regularly conducts research related to the health of the world's population and publishes ratings. The issue of alcoholism is no exception. According to the organization, alcohol is one of the three main causes that directly or indirectly increase mortality. Moreover, in general, the number of consumed alcoholic beverages per capita increases from year to year. Information on the amount of alcohol consumed is received by WHO from organizations controlling its sale.

Table: statistics of drinking states at the beginning of 2018

Ranking placeA countryConsumption
of alcohol
per capita
of the population
2018 year
of alcohol
per capita
of the population
2017 year
of alcohol
per capita
of the population
2016 year
Relative percentage / ratio
1 Belarus17,5 16,6 14 Increased by 25%
2 Ukraine17,4 15,3 12 Increased by 45%
3 Estonia17,2 17 16,5 Increased by 4%
4 Czech16,4 16 16,2 Grew by 1%
5 Lithuania16,3 14 15,8 Increased by 3%
6 Russia16,2 15,8 16,2 Not changed
7 Italy16,1 16 16,1 Not changed
8 South Korea16 14 12 Rose by 33%
9 France15,8 15,6 15,8 Not changed
10 United Kingdom15,8 15,7 15 Grew by 1%
11 Germany11,7 12,3 11,5 Grew by 1%
12 Ireland11,6 11 8 Increased by 45%
13 Spain11,4 11,3 11,6 Decreased by 2%
14 Portugal11,4 11 11,2 Increased by 2%
15 Hungary10,8 10 6 Grew by 18%
16 Slovenia10,7 10,5 10,8 Decreased by 1%
17 Denmark10,7 9 6,3 Grew by 69%
18 Australia10,2 10 7 Increased by 45%

Contrary to popular belief, a large amount of alcohol is not consumed due to poverty. This can be seen from the rating above, where only a small part of the seats belong to developing countries. According to WHO, a number of European countries remain stably high. The reason for this is low employment and affordable alcohol in countries with a high standard of living. According to experts, every fifth resident of a developed country is a chronic alcoholic.

The leading countries of the rating are knocked out of the general picture for reasons of drunkenness and for its unexpected distribution. In Ukraine, due to political changes and economic instability, the alcohol market is almost not controlled. These reasons serve to increase the number of people drinking. In Belarus, in recent years, the system of combating alcoholism that existed before has been practically eliminated. True, in mid-2018, the government decided to launch a new large-scale anti-alcohol campaign.

The most drinking countries: statistics from the University of Washington and the Melissa Gates Foundation

Not only is WHO conducting research: in early September 2018, American scientists compiled their alcohol drinker rating, which was published in the medical journal Lancet. Country data vary depending on the gender of the person who drinks alcohol. The conventional unit of measurement was the “drink” - 100 milliliters of red wine or 30 milliliters of strong alcohol.

On average, around the world, representatives of the stronger sex drink 1.7 drinks per day, that is, 170 ml of wine or 51 ml of stronger alcohol. The first three places in terms of the number of men's booze are:

  • Romania - 8.2 conditional drinks per day (820 ml of wine or 246 ml of strong alcohol);
  • Portugal and Luxembourg - 7.2 drinks per day (720 ml of wine or 216 ml of strong alcohol);
  • Lithuania and Ukraine - 7 drinks per day (700 ml of wine or 210 strong alcohol).

For women, statistics are much more modest: on average a day, beautiful ladies on the planet consume 0.73 drinks, which is equivalent to 73 ml of wine or 21.9 ml of strong alcohol. They are dominated by the number of alcohol consumed by women:

  • Ukraine - 4.2 drinks per day (420 ml of wine or 126 ml of strong alcohol);
  • Andorra, Luxembourg, Belarus - 3.4 drinks per day (340 ml of wine or 120 ml of strong alcohol);
  • Sweden, Denmark, Ireland - 3.1 drinks per day (310 ml of wine or 93 ml of strong alcohol).

Interestingly, according to the University of Washington, the most sober men live in Pakistan, and women in Iran.

The most drinking countries in the world are our neighbors and European states. However, in Russia they still drink a lot. But the inhabitants of the Americas in excessive drinking are not seen.

18.12.2017 Svetlana Afanasevna8

Rating of the most drinking countries in the world

The World Health Organization published the ranking of the drinking countries of the world 2018-19. According to WHO, alcohol is directly or indirectly considered one of the three main causes of increased mortality. At the same time, the proportion of alcohol consumed per adult grows every year.

WHO specialists collect such data annually, this helps to find out the general degree of dependence and the percentage of alcohol consumed.

For more than ten years, the list has been headed by the states of Eastern Europe and those formed from the former republics of the USSR. Russia is almost always in the middle of drinking dozens.

The world began to drink more. These statistics have been compiled by WHO since 1961; based on these data, special programs are being developed to combat the spread of alcohol. However, almost every nation accepts its own rules for drinking or not drinking.

The summary is not only based on the amount of pure drunk ethanol. For accounting, all produced alcohol imported or bought is taken. Moreover, as a rule, in the leading territories themselves, the population does not consider alcoholism a national problem.

The statistics of the most drinking countries in the world in 2018-19 suggests that due to the containment policy, the share of alcohol consumed has increased significantly in countries with an open economic border. In the explanation of the study, WHO provided the rationale for this situation. The organization noted that a lot of alcohol, which is considered consumed in the territory of the countries, the first three is not bought in order to drink. Most often, such a sale is for the purpose of further distribution.

Permanent states included in the world ranking remain countries where the culture of consumption of the so-called light alcohol - wine, beer, local fruit flavors is very developed. Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Italy, and others, are leaders in another statistical list - the consumption of low-alcohol drinks per capita. This year, they joined the countries of Africa and South Korea.

  Beer consumption per capita for 2018-19

Top 18 most drinking countries in the world

The global level of alcohol consumption has grown on the planet. In 2018-19, for every person over 15 years of age, there are 6.6 liters of pure alcohol per year. Since 2014, this indicator has been growing by 0.2 percent.

Examining countries with a strong economy, experts found that one in five of their inhabitants is a chronic alcoholic. Europe has held the leading position in suicides under the influence of systematic drunkenness for five years. Every 4 attempts to take their own lives here is associated with a drink.

This year's rating is presented almost entirely by the countries of Europe and the post-Soviet space. Closes the top 18 of the world list Australia. She first came to 20 countries with an increased interest in alcohol.

And the most drinking country in the world in 2019 is Belarus, and here the share of consumption of all categories of drinks has increased.


18 line rating. Three years ago, this state was one of the thirty drinkers. But, due to the ubiquity of local varieties of wine and beer, the kangaroo country is faced with the problem of alcoholism among Aboriginal people. The health of many of them was so shaken that in some territories it was necessary to introduce compulsory treatment of alcoholism for local Indians.

Slovenia and Denmark

17th and 16th place. Traditionally, countries have the same indicator of population alcoholization. In these countries, beer is not considered an alcoholic beverage; its sale is permitted to people from the age of 15. Often start drinking alcohol much earlier. It is noteworthy that local health care does not consider these national traditions a threat. Many medicines are based on beer and derivatives.


15th place. Two-thirds of the territory of this state is occupied by vineyards. Wines are produced even more than in Italy. This alcoholic drink is considered a national treasure and is drunk everywhere. Hungary remained the only country in Europe where, you can pretty drunk to drive. Criminal prosecution begins only for the systematic use of alcohol, which led to death from an accident.


14th place. This country closes the list of territories where lovers of low alcohol drinks live. Despite the fact that more often we recall the national port, the Portuguese themselves prefer local wine and beer. The latter is considered tastier than Slovenian and Czech, as it is made with the addition of grape sugar.


13th place. Spanish wines are a frequent export commodity. Over the past two years, the percentage of consumption of strong alcohol has increased here. Grape vodka and moonshine took the main places on the table of the Spaniards. Over the past year, sobriety societies have become popular in the country. Many believe that in this way wine producers try to fight those who make strong spirits.


12th place. Classic Irish whiskey annually produce up to 30 liters for every Irish living in the world (!). In the country for 4 years there has been an alcoholic riot. And today, local producers have reached a high world level in the production of various alcohol-containing drinks based on malt and distillates.


11th place. It is still the only country in the European Union where drinking is allowed everywhere. Local and imported drinks are so popular that they talk about them in high school. The authorities believe that such awareness will help young people make the right choice and stop drinking alcohol.

France and the UK

10 and 9 line rating. These countries have a constant high alcohol rating. Local traditions of the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages originate from the very beginnings of statehood. More than half of the culinary recipes of these countries are based on wine, beer, whiskey, etc. Until recently, some faiths considered it normal for children to drink wine from the first year of life.

South Korea

8th place. Asian countries do not often get into alcohol statistics. SK owes such attention to the production and consumption of quite European drinks - vodka, moonshine, tinctures, liqueurs. 10 years ago it was completely forbidden to drink in the country, the lifting of restrictions led to so many alcoholics that the authorities started talking about returning the taboo.


7th place. The country of wine and the sun is always among the ten most drinking nations. Here, alcoholic drinks are used as soft drinks. Surprisingly, in Italy with a fairly high rating, you can hardly find anyone drunk. Nevertheless, here the percentage of regular drinkers of strong alcohol has reached high rates. According to statistics, every third adult Italian is a chronic alcoholic.


6th place. Our country, 5 years ago, was one of the top five drinking countries in the world. In general, the Russians began to drink less. Experts attribute this to the general impoverishment of the population. A small role in the fight against bad habits is played by the program for the development of a healthy lifestyle.


Closes the top five. Residents of this small state quickly responded to rather poor indicators, the local parliament just a few days later approved a program to combat alcohol dependence. Starting next year, you can drink any alcoholic beverages only after reaching 20 years of age. Alcohol advertising will be completely banned in the country. The concept of time without alcohol is introduced - 2-3 weekdays and all holidays, you will not be able to buy a drink anywhere.


It takes a stable fourth place. The situation in the country has not changed for five years now. Neither restrictions nor propaganda help stop alcoholism. Most people drink beer here, but along with it, strong alcohol.


This country was in the top three for the first time, usually it took a place in the second ten. This is due to the removal of age restrictions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any Estonian over 16 years old can now drink. It is noteworthy that such a measure is also valid for foreigners. Frequent tourism was an alcoholic tour of this Baltic country.


Second place. A depressing result was obtained as a result of an almost unregulated alcohol market. In a country with strong traditions of home brewing and winemaking, today every 4 under 25 is considered a chronic alcoholic.


First place ranking. The highest relative rate of consumption of pure ethanol. Almost half of the respondents (47%) confirmed that they regularly drink strong alcoholic drinks 2-3 times a week. Over the past three years, the system against alcoholism has been almost completely destroyed. And most likely the consumption data is greatly underestimated.

Summary statistics of drinking countries

Based on statistics, a summary table was created showing the dynamics of alcohol consumption over several years.

Ranking place A country Alcohol consumption per capita 2018 (L) Per capita alcohol consumption 2017 (L) Alcohol consumption per capita 2016 (L) Relative percentage / ratio
1 Belarus 17,5 16,6 14 Increased by 25%
2 Ukraine 17,4 15,3 12 Increased by 45%
3 Estonia 17,2 17 16,5 Increased by 4%
4 Czech 16,4 16 16,2 Grew by 1%
5 Lithuania 16,3 14 15,8 Increased by 3%
6 Russia 16,2 15,8 16,2 Not changed
7 Italy 16,1 16 16,1 Not changed
8 South Korea 16 14 12 Rose by 33%
9 France 15,8 15,6 15,8 Not changed
10 United Kingdom 15,8 15,7 15 Grew by 1%
11 Germany 11,7 12,3 11,5 Grew by 1%
12 Ireland 11,6 11 8 Increased by 45%
13 Spain 11,4 11,3 11,6 Decreased by 2%
14 Portugal 11,4 11 11,2 Increased by 2%
15 Hungary 10,8 10 6 Grew by 18%
16 Slovenia 10,7 10,5 10,8 Decreased by 1%
17 Denmark 10,7 9 6,3 Grew by 69%
18 Australia 10,2 10 7 Increased by 45%

World free of alcohol

In 41 countries of the world, absolute prohibition is in force. The governments of Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the principles of sobriety are enshrined in law.

  • In the countries of Scandinavia there is a sober city social program, according to it, weeks of freedom from dependence are held annually in each locality.
  • Uzbekistan became the first prohibition country in the post-Soviet space. It prohibits the sale, advertising, production of alcohol. And the court speaks to those who use it.
  • In many Muslim countries, drinking and selling alcohol is punishable by criminal penalties. And in Iran, Jordan and the UAE, the drinker is publicly humiliated or even killed.
  • China became the first sobriety champion. Almost everywhere there are laboratories in which you can undergo a free examination for diseases caused by alcohol.
  • There are more than 400 religious denominations in the world, their followers are not just against the use of alcohol. In many cults, drugs and alcohol are under strict taboo.

As noted in his WHO report, the proportion of drinkers replenished mainly due to countries with developed economies. This is facilitated by the availability of alcoholic beverages and the relatively low employment of the population.