Which nation is the most drinking in the world. Ten countries in which they drink the most

21.09.2019 Grill menu

The World Health Organization (WHO) published in 2014 a report on world alcohol consumption (as of 2010), which presented data on how many residents of different countries over 15 drink per liter of pure alcohol per year. Let's see who is in the top ten drinking countries in the world.


10th place. Slovakia. Alcohol consumption by the average resident of this country in terms of pure alcohol is 13 liters, with an average consumption in the European region of 10.9 liters. At the same time, the male population of Slovakia drinks 20.5 liters per person, the female - 6.1 liters. (Photo: Renata Opprecht / flickr.com).

How much pure alcohol does alcoholic beverages contain, for example, wine with a strength of 13 degrees? 750 milliliters of such wine contains only 97.5 milliliters of pure alcohol. Now try to imagine how much you need to drink so that the average consumption in the country is equal to that of the “world record holder for alcohol consumption” or 17.5 liters of pure alcohol per year !?

  9th place. Czech. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 citizen over 15 years old is 13 liters, including 18.6 liters for men and 7.8 liters for women. (Photo: flamedot / flickr.com).
  8th place. Hungary. Every resident of this country over 15 drinks 13.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 20.4 liters, women - 7.1 liters. (Photo: Matteo Muratore / flickr.com).
  7th place. Andorra. An average resident of this country over 15 years old drinks 13.8 liters of pure alcohol per year, while among men consumption is 19.5 liters per person, among women - 8.2 liters. (Photo: JK04 / flickr.com).
  6th place. Ukraine. Each resident of this country over 15 drinks 13.9 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 22 liters, women - 7.2 liters. (Photo: alxpn / flickr.com).
  5th place. Romania. An average resident (over 15 years old) of Romania drinks 14.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 22.6 liters, women - 6.8 liters. (Photo: Matt Bigwood / flickr.com).
4th place. Russia. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 resident of Russia aged 15 years and older is 15.1 liters. Men drink 23.9 liters a year, women - 7.8 liters. (Photo: Ilya Klenkov / flickr.com).
  3rd place. Lithuania. 15.4 liters of pure alcohol per year are drunk by an average resident (over 15 years old) of Lithuania, while men consume on average 24.4 liters, women 7.9 liters. (Photo: Michael Pretzsch / flickr.com).
  2nd place. Moldova. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per Moldovan resident over 15 years is 16.8 liters, including 25.9 liters per man and 8.9 liters per woman. (Photo: Andreas G / flickr.com).
  1st place. Belarus has become the world record holder for the consumption of pure alcohol per capita. For a year, an average Belarusian citizen over 15 drinks 17.5 liters of pure alcohol, while men drink 27.5 liters on average and 9.1 liters for women. (Photo: Radio Svaboda / flickr.com).

In the world today, alcohol takes more lives than HIV / AIDS, pneumonia and violence combined. In Belarus, the problem of alcoholism is becoming truly disastrous, it affects almost every family. And the social and economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption are becoming a heavy burden not only for a single family, but for the whole society. The only way to get rid of alcohol addiction is treatment. There are many methods for the complex treatment of alcoholism, both drug and non-drug, as well as innovative programs that can be found on netzavisimosti.by. Help your loved ones! Alcoholism is a disease that must be treated like any other!

Surely, many people around the world think that the most drinking country is Russia. One has only to look at the usual caricatures, which quite often depict Russian people in an embrace with a bear and a bottle of vodka. However, according to the published information of the World Health Organization, our country is not even one of the three leaders in the number of alcohol consumed per capita. "Prize" places in this case were given to countries from which, perhaps, this was not to be expected. So who can rightfully be called the most drinking country in the world?

Conversion to pure alcohol

Since each country in the world has its own culture of consumption of alcoholic drinks and a preference for one or another type of “strong drink,” WHO, when compiling such a rating, decided to calculate the use of alcohol by citizens of different countries in liters of pure ethyl alcohol. And for the greater representativeness of the statistics, people whose age exceeded 15 years were taken into account.

WHO experts have absolute confidence that when the average ethanol consumption of 8 liters is exceeded, nation degradation begins. It is with such a use of "strong" drinks that it is highly likely that the next generation will also be hit hard and will suffer from alcoholism due to heredity. And today many countries of Europe and the USA are in such a risky position.

Leader in drinking alcohol - Belarus

As a result of information about the consumption of pure alcohol per capita by the WHO, Belarus itself turned out to be the most drinking country, where citizens drink 17.5 liters of alcohol a year. Moreover, this is only an average indicator of this parameter. If we consider the use of alcohol by men and women, then Belarusians-men drink about 27.5 liters of pure alcohol, while for women this indicator is much lower - 9.1 liters.

Russia was in fourth place on this list, as our compatriots drink 15.1 liters of alcohol per year. The second in the ranking is Moldova, in which 16.8 liters of alcoholic beverages are consumed per person. The third place is occupied by Lithuania, where 15.4 liters of pure alcohol are accounted for per person per year.

Europe looks the most drinking in the world - Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Slovakia have added to the list of some of the most drinking countries in the world. And the scary thing is that for reasons related to alcoholic beverages, a lot of people are dying all over the world. For example, according to WHO, in 2012 about 3,300,000 people died worldwide, which is a very impressive figure. And mortality, according to experts, is unlikely to decrease - rather, on the contrary, it will increase, and the reason for this is an increase in the number of people living around the world and increased consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially in rapidly developing countries.

What more Belarusians drink in a year?

As a rule, the inhabitants of the planet stupefy their brains most of all with strong drinks, which account for just over half of alcohol consumption. Beer is consumed in an amount of 35 percent, while wine accounts for 8 percent. So Belarusians consume vodka the most - its share of consumption for the year is 47 percent. Belarusians consume beer in the amount of 17 percent, and grape wine - 5 percent.

And 31 percent of alcohol-containing drinks in Belarus are cheap wine drinks and fruit wines, which often cause high mortality and the risk of various diseases. So, for example, in 2013 in the Republic of Belarus 3100 diseases of psychosis from alcohol and 1600 deaths from the adoption of alcoholic beverages were noted.

Having created such a disappointing rating, WHO nevertheless noted that the number of completely non-drinkers in the whole world is high - it makes up 48 percent of the total population of the planet. These people have never taken a drop of alcohol in their mouths. Also, experts noted that teetotalers are often women - men are more loving to alcohol.

And rare but abundant libations of “strong” drinks into one’s body are carried out by young people. Representatives of all generations in the amount of 7.5 percent, as a rule, indulge in such episodes of drinking, but the proportion of young people aged 15 to 19 years in this matter is growing and now stands at 12 percent.

Alcohol is an indispensable companion of relaxation. At the same time, in some countries of the world they drink purely symbolically, while in others there is a real cult of strong drinks. Among countries where alcohol is held in high esteem, France and Ireland can be distinguished. It turns out that the harsh Finns love to get drunk to insensibility, but the Italians are much more restrained in this regard.

The organization of economic cooperation and development tried to give an answer to the question about the drinking country itself. Based on the results of her research, 10 countries were identified whose citizens beat all records for alcohol consumption. They do not drink there because of a feeling of thirst or a solemn occasion; for this, the reason is not needed. The criterion for determining leaders is simple - the number of liters per year of alcohol consumed per capita.

Interestingly, testing was carried out in countries around the world, but the first 15 places belong to European countries, the exception was only distant Australia. It is also worth taking into account the existence of a culture of drinking and a penchant for hard drinking. This largely determines the predisposition of the nation to alcoholism. So, where do they drink the most, at meetings, holidays, when eating and just like that?

France (consumption of pure alcohol - 14.2 liters per year per person). Only one beer in the country is drunk annually per capita 35.5 liters. The image of the Frenchman is quite traditional - these people slowly sip wine, enjoying every sip. In America, the French are considered saturated snobs, but even there they cannot deny the fact that the “paddling pools” have the same excellent taste. In this country, in addition to wine, they are well versed in food. In general, in France, exquisite wine goes hand in hand with delicious food, these two concepts here are inseparable, like baguette and brie cheese. It can be said simply - rarely when a meal is not accompanied by a meal. It is interesting that cheeses, pastries and fatty sauces are considered national products in France, only here residents of the country suffer from obesity and heart disease quite rarely. The reason for this is the food culture. In America, people usually eat fast, spending a minimum of time on it, as if participating in some kind of competition. The French, on the other hand, eat slowly, trying to feel the full taste of the products they ingest. Here it’s customary to sit by the TV after work, enjoying a multi-course dinner, wine and a cigarette. Also, the French are very talkative, not ceasing to communicate even for food and drink. Thus, even a ritual developed. There are quite a few favorite alcoholic beverages in France - Bordeaux, Burgundy, champagne, Beaujolais and this list is truly endless.

Italy (consumption of pure alcohol - 8 liters per year per person). Italy is one of those countries where wine is not only drunk, but also mass produced. As in the previous case, wine is an indispensable part of the Italian food culture. In this country, a grape drink is enjoyed with food and even children are allowed to do this, diluting only strong degrees. Italians even encourage their descendants in their addiction to a truly national drink. And you can understand the strong connection of food and wine only by looking at the local groves - here the vine is adjacent to olive trees. The US Department of Commerce in 2007 estimated that most of the vermouth and table wine in the country is imported from Italy. The statistics took into account the most diverse varieties of famous wines. The increase in exports was the result of increased demand for Italian wines, all of which improved the quality of alcohol products created in the European country. For example, in the Chianti region, they do not pursue the quantity of wine produced, but pay special attention to its quality. This area is famous for the manufacture of alcoholic drinks exclusively from red grapes Sangiovese. The variety is considered the most refined, and therefore expensive in the whole country. But in the recent past, Chianti was an ordinary red wine, in which white was added. The pride of Italy is such a liquor as grappa. It is made from grape marc, observing a number of strict conditions. The ripeness of the berries, the method and nature of wine production affect the quality of the final product.

Czech Republic (consumption of pure alcohol - 11.8 liters per year per person). But beer in the country accounts for 157 liters per year per person. And this is no coincidence, because in the Czech Republic the traditions of brewing and consumption of a foamy drink are centuries-old. And since the 1930s, local beer has become known and popular throughout the world. The process of production of the drink here is original. Beer pasteurization is not carried out, open fermenters are used. After the Velvet Revolution in the country, corporations significantly increased production volumes, which affected the quality. But still, the Czech “lager” and “Pilsner” are considered to be classics of beer varieties. Any guest who has visited this country is simply obliged to try draft beer in one of the many pubs. What is only U Fleku - the famous brewery restaurant, existing in Prague for more than 500 years! In such an institution you can feel the real Czech Republic, get acquainted with its cuisine and, of course, beer. Lager or Pilsner beer is a classic of the alcoholic genre in this country. Light, dark, banana, coffee - eyes widen out of diversity.

Germany (consumption of pure alcohol - 10.8 liters per year per person). And in this country much attention is paid to beer - they consume an average of 117 liters per year per person. Is it any wonder, knowing that such a drink here is not much more expensive than plain water? Germany is known for its liberalism, which is why alcoholic beverages are sold everywhere - at newsstands, small shops, and even at gas stations. The country is famous for the fact that it is allowed to drink alcohol in public places. This alone puts her at the highest places in the ranking of drinkers. So no one will pay attention if you open a bottle of beer at a bus stop or in a park. In general, Germans are very fond of having a barbecue in nature, and a plentiful amount of food will certainly be washed down with an alcoholic foamy drink. It is beer that is dedicated to national festivals that attract thousands of guests. The most famous of them is Oktoberfest. It is held annually in Munich, the capital of Bavaria. The beer festival lasts for 16 days in October. So harvest is celebrated. At the same time, the Germans eat their traditional sausages, eat sauerkraut, sing national songs and drink rivers of beer. Even mugs here are used in liter volume, immediately making it clear that no one intends to hack. In Germany, there are several varieties of wheat beer popular outside the country - Weizen, Weizenbock, Berliner Weisse and Leipziger Gose.

Denmark (consumption of pure alcohol - 11.5 liters per year per person). A lot of beer is also consumed in this country - 90 liters per month per person. The country is generally quite loyal to drinking alcohol - about 96% of Danes over 14 years old drink openly. It is not surprising that this small country unexpectedly became one of the leaders in terms of drinking alcohol. Such statistics are quite frightening, it suggests that in Denmark, as in other European countries, the attitude towards drinking is quite calm. In addition, in this country, cheap alcohol relative to Scandinavia, that’s why many Swedes come here for a drink. There are many different drinking establishments in Denmark, connoisseurs will like vinstues in traditional wine bars, and those who want to save money will have to visit vaertshus. In these smoky stalls, it’s also bad with lighting and full of suspicious personalities. French-style cafes are represented by bodegas, and in kaffebars taverns you can taste coarse greasy food and drink alcohol directly from the throat. The most famous Danish beers are Tuborg, Carlsberg and Lager.

Australia (consumption of pure alcohol - 9.8 liters per year per person). It is also worth considering about 110 liters of beer drunk per year per person. This country is the only one that does not represent Europe on this list. And the thing is that in the era when Western Australia was only conquered, this huge mainland, which was a British colony, used strong rum as a type of currency. Is it any wonder that the inhabitants of the colony were almost always in a state of drinking? Friendly drinking and drinking was considered quite a routine here. Since then, in Australia it is considered indecent to drink alone. Residents themselves are constantly looking for someone to share a drink with. Until the 1970s, Australia was generally among the leaders, competing in drinking alcohol with Ireland and Germany. But since then, the passion for drinking has gradually lost fashion. But there is still a tradition to order a drink for everyone present in the bar, just wait until one of the visitors gets drunk to insensibility. Such a ritual makes Australia one of the most drinkers. One of the most famous alcoholic drinks in the country is wine made from the Shiraz grape variety. ” The berry has taken root perfectly on the mainland, they say that the taste of the drink from it is rich and bright, which is impossible not to appreciate for gourmets.

Russia (consumption of pure alcohol - 9.29 liters per year per person). The word "vodka" has become one of the synonyms of our country. We invented this legendary already alcoholic drink from us. Vodka allows you to quickly get drunk before losing consciousness, which is often done by Russians. In an alcoholic dope it will be easy to get away from reality, only what to do with a terrible hangover? Russia is not a country where they pay attention to refined alcoholic cocktails. Martini, popular in Europe, is just an overseas curiosity. And why experiment when there is a proven national product? And the point is not only in patriotism, but in the fact that vodka is really cool alcohol. In Russia, it is used in its pure form, without additives in the form of soda, as in the West. The most zealous experimenters add even vodka to beer or drink it with this foamy drink. It’s hard for subtle connoisseurs of Russian drinks to drink, but such cocktails are quite common here. No wonder in Russia they say - "Vodka without beer is money down the drain." Vodka is usually served chilled, in small piles, and drunk in one gulp.

England (consumption of pure alcohol - 10.4 liters per year per person). Another 99 liters a year is drunk here in the form of beer. When the British begin to drink, they no longer feel the measures. Light or dark beer, ale, porter, whiskey pour in. Keeping up with the European Union, the country adopted a law according to which alcohol is allowed to drink around the clock. And before the adoption of such a decision, the British did not particularly restrain themselves. Now it has become possible to drink beer even at breakfast. The fact that drinking for England is a special passion is proved by the increase over the past 10 years in the number of diseases associated with alcohol consumption. And where without classical liver cirrhosis? There was a time when almost all English pubs closed at 11 pm. This fact provided fairly low rates of alcohol consumption. But today, nothing prevents drinkers in a hug with a bottle hanging around in such institutions around the clock. A break is made only for sleep. It is believed that in England they love warm beer. In fact, it cools here, as elsewhere. It's just that in America, the drink is served generally icy. Among the favorites in England are ale and light bitter beer, they are drunk from simple half-liter glass mugs.

Finland (consumption of pure alcohol - 9.9 liters per year per person). Living in this northern country is not so fun. In winter it is cold, dark and boring. The air temperature drops to minus 30, and the night gives up its power to the day for only a few hours. Is it easy to resist drinking in such conditions? So the Finns seem to drink to forget and not notice the cold. In 2005, a study was conducted in Scandinavia, which showed that alcoholism is the main cause of death in these countries. Drinking killed more people between the ages of 15 and 64 than cancer or cardiovascular disease. The tradition of drinking in Finland is so rooted that the prohibitions of the authorities are perplexed. During the Prohibition period, even his hero appeared in the country, a resident of Helsinki Algot Niska (1888-1954), nicknamed the “king of smugglers”. All his exploits were carried out on the basis of illegal import of alcohol in the country, which the grateful Finns could not appreciate. Guinness vodka and beer are the most favorite spirits in the country. Strong strong drinks are in fashion, as in Russia. In addition, there are many Irish pubs in the country where you can taste the real Guinness.

Ireland (consumption of pure alcohol - 14.2 liters per year per person). Another 131 liters per person is drunk in the country of beer. Sometimes it seems that a sober Irishman is nonsense. In the country, drinking has long become commonplace. The stamina of the Irish in terms of drinking can best be seen at the St. Patrick's Day parade. Studies conducted by the London Press Associated show that at least once a week, about 48% of Irish drink alcohol. For comparison, in England this figure is 40%, and in France - 9%. Over time, beer was able to become an integral part of the island's life, now being mentioned in all the stories about it. The most famous brand, the subject of pride of Ireland, was Guinness. This beer is a legend, a symbol of St. Patrick's Day, the patron saint of Ireland. On this day, the slogan sounds everywhere in the country: “Kiss me, I am Irish,” and all the inhabitants put on green clothes. It is not surprising that in other countries, Ireland appears as the land of the Celts, where they drink without stopping. That is why this country takes first place in our ranking. And in addition to Guinness beer, it is worth noting the famous Harp beer. But is it possible to forget about Irish whiskey, known since the XII century?

The first country in Europe to drink alcohol is the Czech Republic. The volume of alcohol consumed per capita in this country is almost 16.5 liters.

A similar figure is associated with the rich beer traditions of the Czech Republic. It’s not without reason that the Czechs have the following expression in use: “A real Czech spends a third of his life in a dream, a third - in a pub, and another third spends on everything else.”

The following European countries also have “outstanding” indicators: Hungary, Ukraine, Estonia, Andorra and Romania.

In the world, primarily in Asia, the volume of alcohol consumption is much less. This is mainly due to other sociocultural experiences and traditions that have developed over many centuries, which do not involve the use of strong alcohol or establish sobriety as the only socially acceptable model of behavior.

So, in the East, where Islam is prevalent, scripture forbids the use of alcohol. .

Alcohol consumption rating

Per capita alcohol consumption (L)




Interesting statistics of female alcoholism. Over the past 3 years, the number of Russians suffering from alcohol dependence has increased from 10.2% to 14.7%. The Scandinavian countries and the USA, speaking about the problem of female alcoholism in their country, call the figure 30%. In Britain, this figure is even more terrifying - 50%.

Child and adolescent alcoholism

The problem of dependence on alcohol is getting younger every year. According to a survey among people suffering from alcohol dependence, 50% of respondents had a first experience drinking alcohol before 10 years, and in the second half - from 10 to 20 years.

Often initiation to alcohol is promoted by short-sighted parents who are not aware that adolescent addictions are formed much faster. Hence the expression that drinking parents give birth to drinking children.


1st place - Moldova (18.22 L)

You should not be particularly surprised that this small country has taken the lead in the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world - in the end, grapes are its main agricultural crop.

The population of Moldova, amounting to about 3.5 million people, on average "takes on the chest" 18.22 liters of alcohol per year per person. At the same time, only a smaller part (about 8 liters) is used officially, that is, it is bought in stores that have a state license.

But even more Moldovans drink products manufactured in clandestine workshops. In Moldova, from strong drinks it should be noted an analogue of cognac, tsuyku - tincture on pear, apricot or plum and, of course, excellent grape wine.

At the same time, cognac is made only at official factories, but wine and tinctures are produced both officially and illegally.

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4: Czech Republic

The Czech Republic was a little behind Moldova, where everyone drinks “only” 16.45 liters of alcohol per year. Czech beer is world famous and has a rich history.

The most famous brands are Velkopopovitsky Goat, Pilzner, Radegast. Beer here in the XII century began to produce Celts.

This drink was so enjoyed by the local Slavs that a few years later it was already brewed in almost every house. But the Czech Republic does not forget about winemaking, which has become the most promising in local agriculture.

Most grapes are grown in Moravia, so Czech wines are often called "Moravian". In the capital of the country - Prague, in its many bars you can try most varieties of Czech wine and beer.

Alcohol consumption in the world is growing steadily. About the same level with France is the Czech Republic.

Residents of the country revere and actively drink their national treasure - becherovka. Also part of the Czech culture is beer.

It is here that drinks of world famous brands are produced (for example, Velkopopovetsky Kozel, Pilsner and others). The wine industry is also developing thanks to the extensive plantations in Moravia.

8. Australia

Around 9-10 liters of spirits are consumed annually by Australians. Addiction to alcohol is a historical feature.

The fact is that in ancient times, strong rum was real monetary currency, which was actively used for settlement in trade operations and transactions. When Australia was a British colony, people considered drinking to be quite common and even normal.

Now alcohol in the country is gradually losing popularity. Nevertheless, many honor the tradition of drinking unconscious.

Alcohol consumption: 9.70 L of alcohol per person per year

The Australian lifestyle is inextricably linked to beer consumption. It is this foamy drink, and also wine, that accounts for the lion's share of alcohol consumption in the country.

Australia's biggest problem is the excessive drinking of alcohol by Australian Aborigines, for whom drinking and alcoholism have become commonplace.

Therefore, the state takes quite tough measures to combat this problem.

5 Russia

For 2017-2018, alcohol consumption by the population decreased slightly, but the country was still included in the ranking of the most drinkers in the world. The average Russian drinks 15.1 liters a year.

Recently, the number of Russians who prefer wine to other spirits has increased.

According to UN statistics, in 2015 the volume of alcohol consumed per capita per year in our country amounted to 13.5 liters. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation claims that in 2017 the overall level of consumption of alcoholic beverages decreased - compared with the same 2015, the volume of consumption decreased by 2 liters.

Analyzing data from previous years, the ministry states that there is a steady trend towards a decrease in alcohol consumption. This fact cannot but rejoice.

However, alcohol is still consumed in our country. And still doing it in large numbers. 3.4% of the population suffers from alcoholism in Russia; only half of this number is registered in drug treatment clinics.

If we talk about the stages of alcoholism, then the majority of the population are moderately drinkers. There are 68% of such. Another 10% suffer from alcoholism of the 1st stage, 5% - of the 2nd stage, 0.5% - of the 3rd stage. The remaining 16.5% do not drink alcohol at all.

The problem of female alcoholism is also relevant for Russia. According to statistics, 10 male alcoholics account for 3-4 women suffering from alcoholism. Abuse of alcohol among adolescents also occurs. In Russia, 25 thousand adolescents suffering from the first stage of alcohol dependence are registered.

At the end of 2017, alcohol consumption by the population slightly decreased, but the country was still among the five most drinkers in the world. The average Russian drinks 15.1 liters a year.

alcohol. Women consume half less - 7.8 liters.

The national drink is vodka. In Russia, more preference is given to vodka and beer, the purely Russian habit of choosing “little white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries that a person is more inclined to get intoxicated when drinking alcohol. , as soon as possible.

Recently, the number of Russians who prefer wine to other spirits has increased.

But the first below the line of winners was Russia. Unfortunately, Russians do not drink wines too much, but they fill up their lack with beer and vodka. Although, according to researchers, the percentage of the population, prone to drink wine, is gradually growing.

Alcohol consumption in Russia is about 15 liters per person. The main share falls on vodka.

In second place is beer. Russia's inclusion in the rating of drinking countries is also caused by the price of alcohol.

Alcoholic drinks are many times cheaper than, for example, in Europe. Fortunately, thanks to state policy, the population’s craving for alcohol is gradually decreasing.

There is also growing public interest in quality wine, which is less fatal to health than vodka.

Alcohol consumption: 10.12 L of alcohol per person per year

For three years now, a tendency has been observed in the country to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population.

9. Denmark

When studying alcohol consumption by country, one wonders why Denmark was in the ranking. Every citizen of the state drinks almost 10.7 liters of strong strong drinks every year.

They especially love wine and beer. As a rule, dependence begins to form from adolescence (from about 15 years old).

The situation is not catastrophic, but alarming. It is believed that the Danes still drink a little, since alcohol in the country is expensive.

Alcohol consumption: 9.64 liters of alcohol per person per year

Although it is believed that excessive alcohol consumption leads to aggressive and rude behavior, the Danes instead become very open, friendly and loving.

Danes are very tolerant of drunken behavior if this happens on weekends.

A glass or two wines at dinner during the working week will make you an alcoholic in the eyes of local residents, but 20 glasses on Saturday will be taken absolutely calmly.

2: Ukraine

In Ukraine, 17.4 liters of alcohol per person per year. The alcohol market is very poorly regulated in the country, so the number of young people who are addicted to alcohol is increasing.

Vodka and beer - are the most popular alcohol, in third place is wine. Ukrainians prefer to drink wines of domestic producers, mainly because of the affordable cost, in comparison with European brands.

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It is easy to predict that Ukraine will be on this list next to Russia. In Little Russia, back in the 17th century, the main strong drink was “vodka” - local moonshine.

True, in those days it was more often called "hot vodka." In today's Ukraine, the production of high-quality Nemiroff vodka that meets international standards has also been launched.

The most famous of this line is Ukrainian Honey with Pepper. Ukrainian vodka Khortytsa is no less famous all over the world.

Studying the most drinking countries, one cannot but say about Ukraine. Here, a person accounts for about 17 liters of alcohol per year.

The whole problem lies in the weak regulatory policy of the state in relation to the alcohol market. Low prices and the availability of alcohol - all this becomes the reason for people to get involved in alcohol from a young age.

In addition, there are many enterprises producing alcoholic beverages in the country. In the first place the popularity of vodka.

The second is beer, and the third is wine.

6. UK

A little more than 10 liters of strong alcohol each year falls on every Briton. It is believed that with the first glass drunk, they lose their sense of proportion.

In this regard, it is not surprising that over the past decade the number of people suffering from cirrhosis has significantly increased. And all because alcohol in the UK can be consumed around the clock, pubs and bars also have flexible hours.

Alcohol consumption: 10.66 liters of alcohol per person per year

UK's world famous pubs and restaurants are rarely unfilled

Although Great Britain is the birthplace of many world-famous alcoholic drinks, including whiskey and gin, the most drinkers in the country are beer, including the original English drink - ale.

Drinkers are not particularly persecuted in the country and by law.

6th place - Estonia (15.57 L)

In third place on the list is Estonia. The national drink is Old Tallinn.

Despite the fact that the capital of the country received the title “City of Culture” many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person

in year. Of alcoholic beverages, beer is more preferred here.

It costs $ 3 a glass, ale or other alcohol costs about $ 5. Locals love to spend time in crowded bars.

It will be interesting for a tourist to visit the Old Town, where there are many stylized restaurants.

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In sixth place in the list of the most drinking countries was another fragment of the former USSR - Estonia. But at the same time, Tallinn has always been considered one of the most cultured and calm European cities. Probably because Estonians prefer ale or beer over strong drinks.

8 Portugal and Spain

Alcohol consumption varies by country. For example, in Spain, 11.4 liters of strong alcohol are produced per person per year.

This is usually port, wine and beer. People’s addiction to alcohol is due to two factors.

The first is developed winemaking. Thanks to the large plantation areas, Spain ranked third in the world in wine production.

The second reason is the hot weather. During the siesta, the Spaniards like to quench their thirst with cold beer with ice.

In the evening, multi-component cocktails are in demand.


An impressive volume of consumption of strong alcohol can boast of Finland. Life in conditions of almost year-round cold is not easy at all.

Low air temperature and lack of sunlight encourages people to seek solace in alcohol. Alcoholism is the leading cause of death in this country.

Most cardiovascular and oncological diseases in people from 15 to 70 years of age are caused precisely by excessive alcohol consumption. Despite the fact that the authorities are intensely struggling with this problem and introduce all kinds of restrictive measures, ordinary people seem to ignore them.

8th place - Romania (15.3 L)

This medium-sized European country, with about 21 million people, is only in the 50th place in terms of the human development index, but in terms of alcohol consumption it is much higher - in eighth.

Moreover, in Romania, with approximately equal zeal, residents drink strong alcoholic drinks and beer. Although the Balkans are an ancient wine-growing region, the Romanians prefer the strongest (40-60 degrees) “brandy”.

This drink can have a different origin: “plum brandy” is made from plums, “smokinov” is made from figs, “kaysieva” is made from apricots, and “muscatov” is made from grapes. At the same time, brandy is drunk not only chilled, but also heated, while adding orange peels, cinnamon and cloves.

8: Germany

When considering alcohol consumption by country, Germany cannot be ignored. About 12 liters of strong alcohol per person per year.

Of course, the most impressive share is beer. This drink is sold literally everywhere.

Even at newsstands. And it is quite inexpensive by local standards.

In Germany, there is no ban on drinking in public places, and beer festivals are often held.

Alcohol consumption: 11.03 liters of alcohol per person per year

7: France

In France, alcohol consumption per capita is about 14 liters. Despite the fact that the main drink of refined Frenchmen is considered red wine, the first place for consumption is cheaper beer.

But still, do not write off the grape drink. The French love him and are well versed in him.

Good red wine is considered an integral part of the daily meal.

Alcohol consumption: 11.50 L of alcohol per person per year

1: Belarus

Belarus is the most drinking country in the world.

According to the World Health Organization last year, more Ukrainians and Russians drank only in Belarus. Here, each resident drinks an average of 17.5 liters.

alcohol per year. Moreover, strong drinks are preferred by 47% of people, beer, only 17%, other alcohol –32%, and wine, very little - 4%.

Women also like to drink, on average, 7 liters. in year.

These figures are official, but real, presumably, much higher, since they could not get data on home brewing in conservative Belarus.

Belarus closes the top ten most drinking countries in the world and is ready to push Slovenia from 9th place. At the same time, the data on moonshining remained inaccessible for researchers, therefore, it is obvious that the real consumption of alcohol in this country is much higher than the official results give.

After all, it is known that Belarusians love to make Vilnius home-made beer, and sbiten, and a variety of tinctures: currant, cranberry, mint, and aronia. There is also a drink with the strange name “krambambula” - mead with spices, used in hot and chilled form.

In 2016, Belarus took first place in the ranking of “The Most Drinking Countries in the World”. For every inhabitant of the country, almost 18 liters of alcohol per year are consumed. It is worth noting that when compiling statistics, the black alcohol market was not taken into account. And moonshining, as you know, is a problem of Belarus and other post-Soviet countries.

12th place - Latvia (15.03 L)

Most of all in Latvia is known the “Riga Black Balsam”, which has been produced since 1755, but it was not he who allowed this Baltic country to take 12th place. After all, many high-quality liquors and vodkas are produced here, for example, caraway vodka, tomato vodka and a variety of herbal tinctures.

In general, in Latvia they have long been able to brew beer, and today the Latvian foamy drink has an excellent reputation.

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13th place - Republic of Korea (14.8 L)

The combination of cheap alcohol and the Koreans' cravings for the “green serpent” put this country on the 13th line of the rating. Both throughout East Asia and Korea, in particular, the most important agricultural crop is rice, which is why traditional alcoholic drinks are made here on its basis.

In addition to rice, fruit, herbs, flowers and more exotic ingredients are used to add a certain flavor to the drink, which is much stronger than, for example, in Chinese wines.

Koreans have 6 main alcohol-containing drinks: distilled liquor (including soja), yakcha, takcha, floral, fruit and medicinal wines.

Alcohol consumption: 9.33 liters of alcohol per person per year

Koreans also like rice or fruit wine and local beer. Among the local population, it is considered commonplace to finish a working day in one of the drinking establishments, so you can often meet tipsy people on the streets of cities.

Top 18 most drinking countries in the world

Statistics on alcohol consumption over the past few years indicate that the most non-drinking country is Yemen. For the year per capita accounts for several milliliters.

And all because Islam, which is professed by the overwhelming majority of the population, forbids drinking alcohol, up to Sharia punishment. In Somalia, Pakistan, Kuwait, Libya and other Muslim countries near Yemen, the rate of alcohol consumption is also low.

WHO specialists collect such data annually, this helps to find out the general degree of dependence and the percentage of alcohol consumed.

The global level of alcohol consumption has grown on the planet. In 2018, for every person over 15 years of age, there are 6.6 liters of pure alcohol per year. Since 2014, this indicator has been growing by 0.2 percent.

Examining countries with a strong economy, experts found that one in five of their inhabitants is a chronic alcoholic. Europe has held the leading position in suicides under the influence of systematic drunkenness for five years. Every 4 attempts to take their own lives here is associated with a drink.

This year's rating is presented almost entirely by the countries of Europe and the post-Soviet space. Closes the top 18 of the world list Australia. She first came to 20 countries with an increased interest in alcohol.

And the most drinking country in the world in 2018 is Belarus, and here the share of consumption of all categories of drinks has increased.

But, due to the ubiquity of local varieties of wine and beer, the kangaroo country is faced with the problem of alcoholism among Aboriginal people. The health of many of them was so shaken that in some territories it was necessary to introduce compulsory treatment of alcoholism for local Indians.

Slovenia and Denmark

17th and 16th place. Traditionally, countries have the same indicator of population alcoholization.

What is the most drinking country in the world? Such ratings are published annually by various scientific and public organizations. From the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development to the World Health Organization. The amount of alcohol consumed is a reflection of many factors. The standard of living and education, mentality and characteristics of the character of the nation. Among Russians, it is often believed that they are one of the most drinkers on the planet. But is this really so?

How to calculate the amount of alcohol consumed by the population?

The most drinking country is most often determined by the World Health Organization. To compile its ranking, WHO measures how much each resident of the state drinks in pure ethyl alcohol. Moreover, for the purity of the experiment, only citizens over 15 years of age are taken into account.

The calculations take into account all alcohol sold in supermarkets and restaurants, cafes and gas stations during the year. So this is the most objective and reliable data.

Who comes first?

Currently, the rating of the most drinking countries in the world is headed, surprisingly, by Lithuania. Objectivity The most recent WHO ranking, drawn up at the moment, is added by the fact that it takes into account the consumption of ethyl alcohol by each resident not for one year, but over the past five years.

It should be noted that the population of Lithuania is relatively small. A little less than three million people live in the country. Moreover, if five years ago each resident drank about 13 liters of pure ethanol per year, now this figure has grown by almost a half liters.

This is explained not so much by the Lithuanians' passion for drinking, as by the economic and social situation in the country. With a successful transition to the market economy and low inflation, the state retains a very scarce raw material base, and also a deficit in the services market is growing rapidly. Recently, Lithuania joined the European Union and abandoned the local currency in favor of the euro. At the same time, European assistance is by far the largest item of state budget revenue. She has already exceeded 30%.

The absence of borders with Europe also plays a role. Most of the talented and promising Lithuanians today can easily move to countries with a higher standard of living. And those who remain and lead the country to the leaders when the rating of the most drinking countries is compiled.

At the same time, the most popular drink in Lithuania is beer. It provides almost half of ethanol consumption. Another popular drink is midus, a local mead. Alcohol, similar to beer, but several degrees stronger.

Neighbors - in second place

In second place on this list, Lithuanian neighbors are Estonia. Moreover, the lag behind the leaders is very significant. Therefore, we can confidently say that in the coming years the most drinking country in the world will remain unchanged.

While in Lithuania each citizen consumes about 14.5 liters of ethanol per year, in Estonia this figure does not reach 12 liters. Moreover, it is worth noting that several years ago this figure was almost half a liter higher, however, the state is conducting an active anti-alcohol campaign, which is bearing fruit.

Estonia has the same economic and social problems as Lithuania. Almost complete absence of a raw material base, a large outflow of the population to European countries with a higher standard of living, and the budget being dependent on EU subsidies.

In Estonia, beer and spirits are almost as popular as each other. Most often, local residents prefer strong liquor "Old Tallinn".

Who else is in the top three?

Over the past five years, there has been a tendency to decrease alcohol consumption per capita, but at the same time, the French still remain among the leaders. If several years ago each citizen drank about 12 liters of ethanol per year each year, today this figure has been reduced by almost a liter.

The most popular drink of the French is wine. Largely because of him, many believe that France is the most drinking country. In the total share of consumption of all alcoholic beverages, it accounts for almost 60%. At the same time, the beer consumption rating is extremely low - less than 20%.

Such a high level of consumption in this case is explained by the mentality. Almost no meal in France is complete without a glass, or even a bottle of wine. The country itself produces a large amount of this alcoholic drink, which is actively popularizing among its citizens. Teenagers begin to drink wine and do not stop until their death.

Another factor is the large number of migrants who have arrived in France in recent years. They also contribute.

And where is Russia?

Now you know that the answer to the question, which is the most drinking country, is definitely not Russia. In the current rating, our state is in 8th place. Ahead - Czechs, Irish, Germans and residents of Luxembourg.

However, there is an unpleasant trend: in recent years, the amount of alcohol consumed is growing.

In Russia, the most popular drink is vodka. In general, strong alcohol in the total mass accounts for more than 50% of consumption, a little less than 40% is beer. Men on average drink 4 times more women.

And where do not drink?

The people of Pakistan cannot say about themselves that they are the most drinking country in the world. This state in South Asia is one of the most densely populated in the world. Almost 200 million people live in it - this is the 6th place in the world.

At the same time, the level of alcohol consumption is one of the lowest on the planet. On average, Pakistanis drink about one tenth of a liter of ethanol per citizen per year.

The reason for this low consumption is in religion. The state religion in the country is Sunni Islam. Any alcohol is strictly prohibited. So the main consumption of alcoholic beverages falls on visiting specialists who have long settled in Pakistan.

The Sunnis themselves cannot drink alcohol, however, it is not forbidden to buy, sell or give it to representatives of other religions.