Fire cocktails are a dangerous treat.

21.09.2019 Restaurant notes

Forecasters promise that a protracted autumn will soon be replaced by winter cooling and snowfalls. For those who want to not only warm up, but also get excited at this time of the year - recipes for burning cocktails.

Burning cocktails, like any other cocktails, consist of several components, but they get their ability to burn due to just one flammable component, hence the conclusion: with one strong drink you can make a great many spectacular cocktails.

The most burning drinks for cocktails: Cointreau liqueur, Bacardi 151 rum, tequila, absinthe. The most popular burning cocktails are made of them.

Fantasy Hot Cocktail Recipe

  • 60 g of cognac;
  • 25 g of liquor;
  • 5 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 lemon.

To prepare this hot cocktail, pour powdered sugar into a heated glass for grog, add cognac, liquor, put a slice of lemon and pour boiling water into this glass. In a teaspoon placed on a glass, put a small piece of sugar, pour cognac on it, light it and serve the Fantasy grog burning.

Recipe for a burning cocktail "B-52"

  • 20 ml Kahlua café coffee liqueur
  • 20 ml Baileys Creamy Liquor
  • 20 ml Cointreau Orange Liqueur

Pour into the wineglass in layers - at the bottom of the kalua, then bailis, gently at the top, and it is important that the layers do not mix. Set fire to!

Hot cocktail recipe "B-53"

All by analogy with the "B-52", only instead of orange cointreau, pour tequila

"Burning Punch" - a cocktail for 6-8 servings:
  • 1 liter of strong tea;
  • 1 small sugar head;
  • 1 small bottle of strong rum;
  • 2 bottles of dry white wine;
  • juice of one orange and one lemon.

Make strong tea. Put the tongs with the sugar head on the pot, saturate the sugar head with rum (use a pouring spoon, do not pour from the bottle), set fire to it and wait until all the sugar drains into the pot, pouring the rum all the time. Warm white wine with tea, orange and lemon juice, but do not bring to a boil. Pour everything into a punch pot, stir and serve hot.

Recipe for a burning "Extreme Cocktail"

It is prepared in two glasses - a martini glass and a shot.

  • 20 ml Kahlua liquor
  • 20 ml Bailey's Irish Cream
  • 20 ml Blue Curacao
  • 20 ml sambuca

In a martini glass, rum (preferably white) and sambuca are poured in equal parts, in shots - with layers of Blue Curacao and cream. Sambuca and rum are set on fire; you need to lower the straw to the bottom of the glass and drink it quickly. When more than half the glass is drunk, pour Curacao with cream from the shot into it.

Hot Lamborghini Cocktail Recipe

  • 50 ml cognac
  • 50 ml rum
  • 50 ml liqueur "Galliano"
  • 50 ml sambuca
  • 50 ml syrup "Grenadine"

Pour everything in layers ("Grenadine", sambuca, cognac, "Galliano" and rum). Set fire to.

Recipe for a burning cocktail "СLAB"

  • 40 grams of absinthe
  • 20 grams of Kizlyar cognac 3 * (it is softer)
  • 50 grams of cold cappuccino
  • a little sugar

Pour absinthe in a cognac glass, cappuccino in an adhesive tape glass, put a glass of wine sideways on a glass, add a little sugar to it, set fire to absinthe. Turn the wine glass so that the sugar starts to melt and the glass does not burst, absinthe is heated and the burning one is poured into a glass with cappuccino. To drink stopped burning, close the glass tightly.

How to serve burning cocktails

For greater effectiveness, you need to drink burning cocktails in a dark, dark room.

For EVEN more spectacular effect, pour cinnamon powder in a clean salt shaker and “season” the fire a couple of times - krasiiiiivaaaaa !!!

Safety precautions for hot cocktails

In order to prevent the glass from cracking while setting fire to alcohol, it is important to heat the dishes (for example, draw the tongue out of the lighter several times along the edge of the container)

For those who are very afraid to do something or set fire to something wrong, I advise you to first set fire to alcohol on a spoon, and pour the already burning liquid into a glass.

Do not bend over a burning cocktail low - you risk being left without eyebrows.

Do not drink over the edge - the flame will go out and you can burn yourself.

It is necessary to use a tube, but it is very important not to keep it on fire for a long time - it will melt. The algorithm is this: set fire to - inserted a tube - drank it in one gulp (in one sip), for the whole procedure 3-4 seconds!

You should not wait for the fire to go out on its own, of course, if you do not want to get a low-alcohol drink.

It is not necessary to add more alcohol at the time of burning - this is dangerous.

Do not set fire to cocktails near flammable things, the same open bottles with alcohol.

A strong drink, shrouded in myths, the inspirer of great artists and sculptors it is. Its strength can be from 55 to 85 degrees. Translated from French, absinthe means "wormwood." An important component is just the extract of wormwood, in essential oils which contains a large amount of thujone. According to one version of its origin in its current form, the drink was invented by the Enrio sisters at the end of the 18th century and was called Bon Extrait d’Absinthe.

The aristocrats of France called him the Green Fairy, and the British called the Emerald Witch. It was banned in many countries as a powerful narcotic drug, causing madness, from 1907 to 1998. Now this alcohol can be found on store shelves, and in bars it is served in a variety of ways, including burning.

Appearing, this alcohol was expensive. He quickly gained fame as a bohemian privileged drink and, shrouded in mysticism, aroused incredible interest among the rest of the population. Van Gogh, Maupassant, Edgar Allan Poe and many others used it constantly and publicly, as it was considered fashionable.

The desire to diversify the taste sensations of unusual alcohol leads to the birth of almost ritual ways of serving it, which have survived to this day. However, now they have acquired a more practical side.

The composition of alcohol includes wormwood, which gives a bitter aftertaste and alcohol .   It serves not only as a connecting link for essential oils, but also as an excellent combustible material. In order to soften the taste of bitterness, this drink is just ignited. This is usually how melted pieces of refined sugar flow into a glass of alcohol, making it ready to drink. Burned absinthe actively releases essential oils, while losing a small amount of alcohol, and this has a positive effect on taste. And, of course, the ignition of this alcohol is a spectacular and attractive sight, which makes drinking unforgettable.

How to burn absinthe properly

Many are interested in how to properly burn absinthe in order to get maximum pleasure.  There are quite a large number of ways to set fire, and all of them are spectacular.

Czech way

  1. A piece of refined dipped in alcohol.
  2. A special spoon is placed on the glass, and the refined impregnated on it.
  3. We set fire to the refined sugar and wait for the caramel to drain into alcohol.
  4. Add ice water or cold juice and drink.

Crystal Czech

  1. Pour alcohol into the glass.
  2. We set fire and wait until it burns out.
  3. Blow out the fire.
  4. We drink in one gulp, without washing down and without having a snack.

Czech harsh

  1. Set a spoon on the edge of the glass.
  2. Put a piece of sugar on a spoon.
  3. Pour 50 ml of alcohol into a separate glass and pour a few drops on sugar.
  4. We set fire and wait until it goes out.
  5. Once again, pour a few drops on the sugar so that it gradually leaches out and settles at the bottom.
  6. We set fire again and wait.
  7. Repeat the steps until the alcohol in the glass ends or the sugar dissolves.
  8. To drink in small sips.

Russian way

  1. Make sugar syrup separately.
  2. Dilute absinthe in the proportion that suits you.
  3. Set it on fire and let it burn.
  4. Cover with a second glass to extinguish the flame.
  5. Alcohol is quickly poured into a second glass. The first is covered with a napkin and turned over.
  6. They quickly drink, and under a second glass they stick a straw and inhale the vapors.

Ryazan severe

  1. No more than 70 ml of alcohol is poured into a glass.
  2. A spoon with sugar is placed on the glass.
  3. Sugar is either dipped in absinthe or watered on top of it.
  4. Burn sugar and wait for it to melt.
  5. Blow out the flame and chew sugar, but do not swallow.
  6. After that, drink alcohol.


  1. Take a slice of orange or mandarin, peel the film covering the pulp.
  2. Blend in a mixture of granulated sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Pour 50 ml of absinthe into a glass and set fire.
  4. With forceps, take the prepared pulp and hold over the fire so that the sugar juice with cinnamon falls into a glass.
  5. Blow out the fire and let it cool slightly.
  6. We drink and snack on burnt sugar with cinnamon.


  1. Pour absinthe and grenadine into a glass with a ratio of 9 to 1.
  2. We set fire to the mixture and place it in a champagne glass. It turns out a drink of saturated eggplant color.
  3. The pile stays in the glass all the time.
  4. We blow and mix with a tube so that the taste is evenly distributed.
  5. Drink slowly.


  1. The glass is filled with cold absinthe by a quarter.
  2. The drink is set on fire.
  3. To a burning drink bring a spoon with refined sugar.
  4. After the refined sugar has dissolved, the spoon is removed and the fire is extinguished.
  5. Serve with a straw and drink slowly.

The main methods of use

First of all, pay attention to what is used in the filing process.. This will help to comply with all the rules to get real pleasure from drinking.

  • Absinthe. The most important thing is to choose the right drink in order to get maximum spectacle and minimum consequences. It is best to purchase well-known brands of alcohol - they are tested over the years and the experience of bartenders. One should pay attention to Czech Hill’s and King of Spirits, the latter retained the original recipe from 1792. Italian is made according to an old recipe, hidden from prying eyes. Absinthe is a popular strong wormwood alcohol from Spain. French is the most popular alcohol of this series in the world. The manufacturer claims that the “Tunnel” gives heat, light and an angelic touch.

  • Wine glasses. A special serving glass is made of thick glass, which prevents the possibility of cracks during sudden heating. The glass itself has the shape of a cone with an extension upward. The volume of a classic glass is 250 ml. In the lower part, such a container has a mark that will help you sort out the amount of alcohol being poured. If you are not principled in following the rules, you can use ordinary glasses for vodka or a glass for drinking.
  • Absinthe spoon is used when mixing alcohol and relieve excessive bitterness, which may interfere with the drink. It is made of silver-plated metal by casting. Perform a spoon in the form of a flat spatula with recesses for the edges of the glass. Holes on a spoon can take many forms: stars, crosses, circles, flowers.

Absinthe is. E go served before meals and do not snack. However, if you serve alcohol as the main drink, then you can bite with bitter chocolate, slices of orange, mandarin or lemon, as well as a variety of seafood.

Does absinthe always burn or not?

It all depends on which way of drinking you choose yourself. There are several ways to consume this drink.

  • Classic way. On a glass of alcohol put a spoon with a piece of sugar, which is pre-poured with cold water until the alcohol becomes cloudy.

  • Fiery way.  Unlike the classical method, here sugar is dipped in absinthe and set on fire so that drops of molten sweetness soften the taste of alcohol. This method is also the most dangerous, because the drink itself may ignite during the procedure.
  • With syrup. First, sugar syrup is prepared, and then added to a glass of alcohol.

  • With juice. To lower the “degree” and soften the bitterness, it is mixed with pineapple, lemon or orange juice, sometimes a tonic.
  • Two glasses. A glass of alcohol is placed inside a large glass. Then, water is poured into the same glass until liquids flow into a large glass.
  • Undiluted. Before serving, it is cooled to zero, because it is at this temperature that you can drink it undiluted. Served in small glasses no more than 30 ml at a time.

Witches were burned at the Inquisition bonfires, and absinthe lovers set fire to the "green fairy" - this is what the French call this strong alcoholic drink. Want to know what absinthe is, how to drink it by all the rules, and how to set fire to it? Then this article is for you.

The Greeks called this wormwood drink "unbearable." Try to drink a liquid green from chlorophyll with a strength of 55 to 86%! Indeed, you will not drink such a lot in one gulp. Actually, they do not drink “pure” absinthe in one gulp.

The herbs that make up absinthe - anise, wormwood, mint, lemon balm, fennel, angelica and others - give the drink a magical taste. That is why artists and writers so often appealed to this “enchantress” in search of inspiration.

Absinthe is one of the strongest spirits in the world, because it is served with water and a piece of sugar

"How to drink absinthe? - many will ask. - And what you need to do?". So, in addition to the bottle with absinthe, you will need:

  • rafinated sugar;
  • special spoon with holes;
  • water.

Drinking undiluted absinthe is bad taste. Water passed through sugar on a special spoon directly into the drink makes absinthe unclear. Sugar is intended to sweeten the bitterness of wormwood. A green fairy is served before meals as an aperitif.

The high strength of absinthe (from 55 to 86%) is not a whim of manufacturers, but a necessity: only with such a concentration of alcohol will the drink hold essential oils in dissolved form.

Until 2004, absinthe was "outlawed." The toxicity of thujone (a hallucinogenic substance that is part of wormwood) makes the drink a real poison. The ban on its manufacture was caused by alcoholism among lovers of "fairies" and the increasing incidence of schizophrenia in the early XX century. This reputation has made the drink unpopular for a long time.

Why and how to burn absinthe?

If you want entertainment, there are several more effective ways to present absinthe. Many are interested in why and how to burn absinthe. Let's try to give some recommendations.

Carefully choose glasses for absinthe - under the influence of fire, the container may not withstand and burst

1. "Czech way" orders to set fire to sugar saturated with absinthe. Turning into caramel, sugar flows into absinthe, and then 3 parts of ice water are added there.

The inscription "Absinthe refined" on the bottle with a drink is a sign of fake absinthe. There is no bitter wormwood in it, and thujone, respectively, is also absent.

2. "Russian way"  more difficult. 1 part of absinthe is poured into a glass, set on fire. After the liquid briefly “burns with a blue flame”, the glass is covered with another glass. The flame goes out, hot absinthe is poured into the second glass, immediately covering the first with a napkin and turning upside down. A straw is pushed under an inverted glass and the absinthe vapor is inhaled, washed down with a cooling drink from the second glass. The way is impressive with its ritualism and bewitching mastery of the bartender. After all, you can’t do without training here.

Some absinthe lovers recommend drowning the bitter taste of a drink with a slice of lemon

3.   Gives special sensations "Bar way": a 4/5 cup is filled with ice-cold absinthe, sugar is placed on a spoon and held over burning absinthe. Sugar is caramelized and drips into absinthe. When all the caramel has dissolved, the spoon is removed, the flame is extinguished and absinthe is served with a cocktail tube.

In order to attract customers, bartenders staged a real show. They juggle with bottles, twirl glasses in their hands, mix liquids of wild colors and even set fire to prepared cocktails! It is quite difficult to break away from such a bewitching action, and we, as if under hypnosis, take out money and order something even more enchanting. One of the most popular alcoholic drinks in bars and clubs is Italian anise liqueur. Sambuca».

Perhaps the very word "sambuca" will seem unfamiliar to you, but the anise flavor is known to everyone. One need only recall the famous anise vodka, Bulgarian mastic, Greek ouzo, French pastis or Turkish crayfish. Residents of many countries add anise to their national strong alcoholic drinks, because everyone knows how useful this ingredient is used for the manufacture of medicines.

Of course, sambuca is considered an Italian drink, but we hasten to sow doubts about this fact. For the first time, the world saw a drink reminiscent of the taste of sambuca during the Middle Ages. It was then that the Saracens brought to Rome “zammut,” an anise-based drink. Italians liked zammut, they drank it as a medicine, like an aperitif before eating and just for the fun of it. So aniseed drink took root in Italy.

Now it is impossible to say exactly how the recipe and production technology of this drink changed over time. Nowadays, sambuca contains sugar, anise, wheat alcohol and aromatic herbs. Which ones, and in what quantity - is a trade secret that only manufacturers can know. But how did it happen that the zammut drink suddenly became known as sambuca? Similarity of names aniseed drink and elderberry, which in Italian sounds like sambucus, has generated rumors that the composition of sambuca includes an extract from elderberry, in honor of which the liquor got its name. However, this statement in connection with the statement of the largest manufacturer of sambuca, Molinari company, that elderberry has nothing to do with the drink, is doubtful. There are other assumptions about the origin of the name that seem more plausible. It is believed that the liqueur was called sambuca in honor of the name of the type of ship that transported this drink, or in honor of the city in the province of Tuscany. Which of these versions to believe and whether to believe at all is up to you.

A landmark in the history of sambuca was the coastal city of Civitavecchia. It was there that in 1800, Luigi Manzi perfected the anise liquor, which indiscreetly called Sambuca Manzi, and brought its product to the market. Already in 1875, at his distillery near Rome, sambuca began to produce Virgil Pallini. However, only in 1945 did Angelo Molinari establish an entire sambuca company. The liquor of its production was called Sambuca Molinari.

The start of production of sambuca according to the updated recipe coincided with the end of the Second World War. In Italy of the 50s, secular life unfolded on an incredible scale, there were places where bohemians gathered. And, as you know, where there is bohemia, there is chic, luxury, flash of cameras, music and expensive alcohol. To sell something to a Bohemian representative, you need to make it chic, incredible and delightful.

Molinari was able to present his drink so that they were interested. He came up with a new way of serving: a burning liquor with coffee beans at the bottom. In addition to a new shade of taste, the use of this drink has become spectacular, attracting attention, and thanks to the alcoholic vapors that stand out when burning, also intoxicating. Perceived with a bang by the bohemian sambuca, it acquired a new meaning, now it was considered a drink of the rich and successful and has become attractive to others. Thus, it was Angelo Molinari who made sambuca special and then a fashionable drink. Today, Molinari is not the only manufacturer of sambuca, the most famous brands now are Pallini, Molinari, Luxardo and Barbero.

Speaking of sambuca, one cannot but mention the ways of using this liquor. Often, the preparation of sambuca is accompanied by a colorful show with setting the drink on fire, but it’s worthwhile to warn that nobody drinks this drink while burning, the risk of burning your face or burning your hair is too great.

You can drink sambuca in its pure form or add ice, but as soon as it starts to melt, the liquor becomes cloudy, and you get a milky white refreshing drink. The use of sambuca with coffee is popular, due to which the drink acquires an unusual taste and aroma. The classic way of drinking this drink is called con mosca, which means flies. The essence of this method is that the liquor is served with three coffee beans, which rush directly into the drink and shade with its bitterness the overly sweet taste of sambuca. Then the drink is set on fire and drunk only after it goes out, not allowing it to cool. Sweetness is taken with the remaining coffee beans at the bottom.

The following method is used along with the classical one. Two glasses are needed, one is cognac snifter, the other is old fashion. Pour 30 ml of sambuca into a cognac glass and gently tilt it so that part of the drink remains on the walls, and then set on fire. Ten seconds later, the burning liquor is poured into the second glass, and the empty snifter is placed on top to block the access of oxygen and extinguish the flame. As soon as the fire disappears, the cognac glass is placed upside down on a saucer with a napkin. Now you can drink sambuca and breathe through the tube the contents of the snifter.

Often, sambuca can be found in various cocktails, for example, “fiery”. When preparing it, a tall glass and several types of alcoholic beverages are used, the strength of which increases from bottom to top. First, light liqueur is poured into the glass, then champagne, sambuca, vodka and finally absinthe is added. Then the drink is set on fire and a tube is inserted into it, after which it can be drunk. If the taste seems too sweet, you can drink the cocktail with lemon juice.
To find out which way of using sambuca is right for you, you will have to try everything, because every taste may turn out to be unexpected. But no matter what method you choose, you will not be left without a whirlwind of unforgettable sensations of taste and aroma, and maybe turn into an ardent fan of this liquor. Try, experience new sensations and experiment, and we will introduce you to cocktail recipes, the basis of which is sambuca!

Russian roulette

  15 ml of vodka
  15 ml coffee liquor
  30 ml sambuca,
  1 slice of orange.

  Pour vodka and coffee liquor into a glass, cover with a circle of orange. Pour a sambuca into a wine glass and set it on fire. Pour the burning sambuca onto a circle of orange and let it burn a little, then put it out and cover with something. Drink a cocktail in one gulp and have a bite of orange soaked in sambuca.

Storm and luxury

  30 ml of becherovka,
  20 ml of light rum,
  10 ml sambuca,
  120 ml grapefruit juice
  1 lime

  In a tall glass, mix becherovka, sambuca, light rum, grapefruit juice and add lime sliced \u200b\u200bin thin circles. Add ice and drink gradually.

Spider bit

  30 ml silver tequila,
  30 ml black sambuca,
  150 ml cola
  15 ml vanilla ice cream


  Put three ice cubes in a glass. Pour tequila, add cola and black sambuca. Put a small spoonful of vanilla ice cream on the surface of the cocktail. Drink gradually.

Sambuca is a famous national Italian drink. This liqueur has a specific aroma of star anise, or as it is also called - star anise. It is because of the unique aniseed taste for sambuca that you cannot remain indifferent. They either love her or cannot bear it to the spirit. For many, the peculiar spicy taste of sambuca is associated with medical syrup. But nevertheless there are much more admirers of this drink than those who did not like it.

What is a sambuca?

It is worth noting that this is a fairly strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 38 to 42%. Often it is transparent, but sometimes it is painted with the help of natural dyes in black, red and even blue.

What taste, besides anise, does sambuca have? The anatomy of the drink is quite complex and consists of extracts of aromatic herbs, berries, flowers. Another famous ingredient in sambuca is elderberry flowers, but still the exact recipe of the drink is not known to anyone. Manufacturers carefully hide the full composition of aniseed liquor from the masses.

Origin history

Many admirers of this liquor ask the question: "Sambuca - what is this amazing drink, and how was it invented?" In fact, the history of the invention of this liqueur is very cliched and peculiar to many alcoholic drinks. It all started with an ordinary experiment, when someone decided to add a spicy spice - star anise (star anise) to wheat spirit. The result of the experiment was so amazing that after many years you and I can enjoy the fragrant invigorating sambuca. But then this drink was nicknamed “Zammut” and was considered a drug, although sometimes it was used just for fun.

Naturally, sambuca is not only wheat alcohol and anise. Its composition was enriched for many years, and the recipe was improved. 1945 was the year of the official birth of this alcohol. It was then that the Italian winemaker Angelo Molinari improved the recipe by adding extracts from plants known only to him, and gave the name sambuca to spicy liquor. That this creation would bring him fame and become a recognized alcoholic beverage, he did not yet know.

Now the most popular and widespread brand of sambuca bears the name of its creator - Molinari Sambuca Extra.

The origin of the name "sambuca"

Let's look at the origin of the name "sambuca". What is this word, and where did it come from?

There are several options for the emergence of such a name for the drink.

The first option is the name Sambucus nigra elderberry, the flowers of which are added in the manufacture of liquor. There is also an Arabic version of the appearance of the name. She says that she got the name of the sambuca due to the name of the Arab ships that transported it between the continents. Some are of the opinion that the name comes from a similar name for a city in the Tuscan province.

Nevertheless, the most historically substantiated opinion is that the name of the drink gave the name of its main component - anise (translated from Arabic). Zammut - the so-called drink-ancestor of sambuca, which was made and consumed in the Middle Ages.

Ways to use sambuca

It simply surprises a huge number of methods (you can call them rituals) for using sambuca. How to drink sambuca? 6 correct ways we will consider further.

1. In its pure form, sambuca is rarely drunk and in very small doses. Most often they use it as a digestif after a plentiful meal. The Romans slightly modified this way of making anise liqueur. Traditionally, they fill a special glass with sambuca, throw a couple of coffee beans there, warm them up and drink in one gulp.

2. Perhaps the most famous method of consumption - "sambuca with flies" - is also from Italy. There are also coffee beans. According to an ancient legend, there should be three of them. Each grain thrown into a glass with liquor is the personification of the human good: eternal health, unlimited happiness and prosperity.

3. "Props" for the implementation of the following method - "fire sambuca" - will serve as a special glass made of thickened glass. Pour liquor into this glass, set fire to it and wait until the flame goes out by itself. After the contents of the glass you need to drink in one gulp, without biting. It is important to feel and enjoy the spicy aftertaste of the drink.

4. Another way to use sambuca can be compared with this presentation. This is perhaps the most extreme method. Sambuca is typed in the mouth, for safety, you need to wet your lips with a napkin, then throw your head back and open your mouth. The show begins when the waiter sets fire to a drink in the mouth. It should be swallowed as soon as the heat begins to be felt.

5. The next method, although connected with the flame, is not as dangerous as the previous one. It is necessary to take two glasses, in one of which pour sambuca and set on fire. After a few seconds, pour the burning sambuca into another glass, and turn it over or empty it with a napkin. The burning sambuca is drunk in one gulp, after which the vapors from the first glass are inhaled through the tube. All this can be eaten with coffee beans.

6. Sambuca with ice. Italians love to use sambuca on hot days, putting a few ice cubes in a glass or pre-freezing the drink. One variation of this method is to dilute aniseed liquor with iced mineral water. If ice is thrown into the sambuca or water is added, the presence of essential oils in the composition makes the drink cloudy.

What is sambuca used for and what is it for?

Sambuca - what is it and with what is it drunk? Not all questions have been answered. As you noticed, there are many different interesting ways to absorb this liquor, but what can be a complement to it? What foods are best combined with sambuca?

Extreme lovers and owners of strong stomachs drink this alcoholic drink with milk. You should immediately warn that not everyone will like such a connection. Much more harmonious than sambuca is combined with coffee (strong espresso) or tea.

The best sambuca duet forms with Italian dishes. It will also be appropriate in combination with traditional Japanese dishes.

It is advisable to serve brackish, light meals - cheese, cheese, cold meat snacks, olives in the form of appetizers for sambuca. For lovers of sweets, you can recommend marmalade and a variety of desserts containing peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts and other nuts. A good combination for this liqueur will be fruits: grapes, orange, lemon, apples.

Sambuca liquor: calorie content, useful properties  a drink

Like any strong alcoholic drink, sambuca in large quantities can adversely affect the body. But the correct, dosed use of aniseed liquor will not do any harm. Or maybe the other way around.

Since ancient times, sambuca was served after food and played the role of a digestif. Its purpose is to help in the digestion of food. In addition, alcohol that is consumed on a full stomach does much less harm to the body.

Components such as anise and elderberry give this liquor a whole list of beneficial properties. It improves digestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves cough, strengthens the immune system and promotes a speedy recovery from colds.

The composition of sambuca contains vitamins B6 and PP, calcium, potassium, sodium. The calorie content of this liqueur is 240 kcal per 100 ml.

Sambuca Cocktails

We learned that there are many ways to use pure sambuca, but there are also a huge variety of cocktails where this liqueur is combined with other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, creating unique notes of taste.

How to use this drink - the choice is yours. Someone likes to feel a clean, refined aftertaste of sambuca, and someone likes to dilute its taste with other, alcoholic and not only components.

Admirers of aniseed drink will not remain indifferent to cocktails, which include sambuca. What kind of recipes are to be found out below.

Sambuca Cocktail Recipes

Cocktail "Poison Mint"

Mix mint syrup and sambuca in a cocktail glass until smooth. Carefully pour in absinthe to form a layer. Absinthe set on fire. Drink through a straw as quickly as possible.

The Four Horsemen Cocktail

Four components are used in equal parts: tequila, sambuca, rum, Jagermeister (fruit and herbal liquor). Mix everything in a glass for whiskey. Drink very carefully and little by little.

Cocktail "Red Dog"

  • Sambuca - 30ml.
  • White tequila - 30 ml.
  • Spicy Tabasco sauce.

Fill the shotka shot with half sambuca, carefully pour white tequila on top. In appearance, the cocktail will be monophonic, but due to the difference in density of sambuca and tequila - two-layer. When you drop a couple of drops of Tabasco sauce, it will lie on the border between two liquids, in the middle. The cocktail produces an invigorating effect. You need to drink it in one gulp.

Sambuca in cooking

Earlier we learned that for an amazing drink - sambuca, everything about sambuca, liqueurs with sambuca, cocktails with sambuca, but few people know that this strong alcoholic liquor can add spice to culinary masterpieces.

But not only for sweet dishes, you can use this drink. Culinary experts often experiment by adding sambuca to sauces for meat and fish dishes. Sambuca is a favorite ingredient for "adult desserts." Ice cream, jelly, creamy panacotta will gain a new sound if the composition contains sambuca. Anise liqueur is able to transform the taste of almost any sweet dessert.