Salads for May 9th are simple. Recipe Squid breaded "Overseas treats"

23.04.2019 Healthy food

Ivan Gerasimovich Frolov with a comrade in the hospital (right)

Tells granddaughter Olga Zakharova:

“Ivan Gerasimovich Frolov fought from the first days of the Great Patriotic War. As part of the combat crew on a 37-mm anti-aircraft gun shot down an enemy aircraft, for which he received the highest military award for a soldier - a medal for bravery. He was also awarded medals for the capture of Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna. He was wounded and was hospitalized in the 44th year. Finished the war in Germany on Victory Day.

After the Victory, I did not tell anyone anything about the war - not to my wife, not to my son, not to my daughter. He did not share battle memories, and gave medals and orders to children to play. Ivan Gerasimovich devoted himself entirely to peaceful life. He worked as an excavator, was an excellent carpenter and made furniture for the house. He loved to play the accordion, sang folk songs and romances, worked in the garden in Izmailovo. He was also a loving husband and a good father. He helped numerous relatives who gathered for holidays at a large table in his house. Wife, Maria Petrovna has always been a hospitable hostess. She especially managed pies and entrees. Ivan Gerasimovich ate her branded soup with milletand always praised. "

Soup with millet porridge

Soup with millet porridge

Vera Nikolaevna Muracheva, daughter of a border guard officer of the Brest Fortress

Vera Nikolaevna Muracheva

Tells the daughter Galina Goncharova:

“When the war started, my mother was only 4.5 years old. This photo is the only one of her early childhood. The daughter of a border guard officer, she miraculously survived, having lived the whole war in Brest.

I am surprised that she remembers the years of the war in detail, as if she was 15-16 years old. It was all: the work in the gardens of the Poles, and the Belarusian grandmother, often bringing a glass of milk to her mother, and neighbors who hid children from bombing, and playing with the boys in the field, during which she almost lost her fingers one day, and the doctor the German who saved her.

Of course I wanted to eat all the time. Summer was the most favorite time when there were so many strawberries and strawberries on the abandoned fields that one could eat it enough. Yes, and in the gardens it was possible to pick apricots and plums ... Maybe war and hunger created a cult of food in our family, because my mother is a great cook, who prepares many tasty and hearty dishes every day. Children, grandchildren, acquaintances always leave her with packages, trays, jars full of food. Of course, about this strawberry pie  little Vera could only dream, but the abundance of berries in it is also a memory of the military childhood. ”

Open strawberry pie

Open strawberry pie

Klimenty Klimentevich Sebeshchuk andEdita B. Nemtsovskaya, members of the labor front

Klimentiy Klimentevich Sebeshchuk and Edita Borisovna Nemtsovskaya

Tells granddaughter Lyudmila Salnikova:

“In our family we did not share front-line memories - both grandfathers worked in the rear. But there was an amazing love story during the war years. My grandmother, Edita Borisovna Nemtsovskaya, came, as they say, from an intelligent Polish-Jewish family and was a beauty. Mom told me, people stopped dumbfounded on the streets, confusing the young grandmother with the movie star Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. Grandfather, Klimentiy Klimentievich Sebeshchuk - from the deaf Belarusian hinterland, “from the plow” - managed to get an education and became an engineer at the Moscow Bearing Plant. The grandfather took the grandmother by attack: he was on duty under the windows of the dormitory, everywhere he saw off, he was beaten by the gentlemen. Grandmother then joked: "all my life I dreamed of a high brunette, but I got a blond, a meter with a cap, from which you can’t get the words out."

When the war began, the grandfather was already the head of the assembly shop. They were evacuated to Kuibyshev (now Samara) together with the plant with their grandmother and little daughter, my aunt. The grandfather stubbornly rushed to the front, but he had an “iron armor” - there was no best specialist in setting up the machines at the factory.

We drove for a long time, even women and children did not run to hide in the woods under the bombings, and the first thing they covered was “green” cars with equipment. They landed in the open field: around the wasteland, wolves howl and frosts in the winter of the 41st stand cruel. A month later, in the midst of the snow-covered “nothing,” the plant should have earned, because bearings were needed for tanks and aircraft.

The grandmother, who was seriously pregnant by that time, was settled in a peasant house, the grandfather worked at a construction site for twenty hours, and then he went home anyway: to hastily kiss her grandmother and give the family an engineering ration, without which his girls would not have survived. And then, one day, he did not come: no two days, three. My grandmother felt something was wrong and, in the cold, in light shoes and a “city” coat, she traveled ten kilometers. I didn’t remember how I got there, with difficulty I found an engineering warming house, asking for half-dead grandfather colleagues, with eyes hollowed out from lack of sleep and tiredness. Finally, she found - her grandfather was ill, delirious. In a teplushka subzero temperature, grandfather's back in a quilted jacket tightly frozen to the wall. The grandmother asked for help, rushed about construction, but for now they would react, until someone sent ... Then she got some scrap, more and heavier than herself, dragged her to a teploushka. And she began to beat the grandfather from the wall: with a huge belly, heavy crowbar, bare hands. Saved, fought off, another 10 km dragged home. I changed my “city” coat with a boa, the only thing left over from the pre-war life, two hens and millet, and in a couple of days my grandfather put on his feet "Engineering" Kuleshwhich grandfather and grandmother then prepared for each wedding anniversary. The plant has earned, passed the products on time. After 2 months my mother was born in Kuibyshev. After the war, his grandfather was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. And my grandmother was ashamed all her life, hiding frostfied hands from prying eyes. ”

Kulesh engineering

Kulesh engineering

Georgy Ivanovich Podzhary, commander of a partisan detachment in Belarus

Georgy Ivanovich Podzhary with his grandson Andrey

Tells grandson Andrey Zakharin:

“At the beginning of the war, my grandfather commanded a partisan detachment in Belarus. The headquarters constantly changed its deployment depending on the situation at the front, but it was always located in the combat area.

Once the headquarters detachment was surrounded in a swampy area. The Germans were afraid to attack, but the ring was closed. After a couple of days, the stocks of food and drinking water were almost over, and it was decided to go for a breakthrough. From the remnants of rice, millet and buckwheat, the cook cooked porridge, adding mushrooms and herbs gathered in the forest to it. It turned out pretty nourishing dinner, flavored in a fraternal split half a liter of moonshine. A couple of hours dawn broke and the squad went into battle. From the environment escaped 15 people out of 44, including the grandfather.

For military merit, he was awarded the Order of the Battle Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star, and the medals "To Partisan of the Patriotic War" and "For Victory Over Germany".

My grandfather safely reached the end of World War II, and after it ended he worked in the Regional Executive Committee in Brest. BUT partisan porridge  Grandmother often cooked in peacetime too, since there are many mushrooms in the forests of Belarus. ”

Guerrilla porridge

Guerrilla porridge

Ninel Naumovna Mikhailovskaya, a member of the labor front

Ninel Naumovna Mikhailovskaya with parents

Tells the daughter Natalia Mikhailovskaya:

“At the beginning of June 1941, my parents sent my mother, Mikhailovskaya Ninel Naumovna, and her youngest brother Tolya to rest with distant relatives, on a Ukrainian farm not far from Kiev. Mom was then 13 years old, Tole - only three. There they found the war. Mom told me that she remembered the first German air raid for the rest of her life. It was scary - crashing, screaming, ruins and blood everywhere. Soon the relatives left for the evacuation, without telling my grandmother and grandfather where exactly. And maybe they themselves did not really know. My grandfather spent several months looking for children. And when, mom saw how the gate opened and her father entered in a flowing leather coat, she lost consciousness.

Grandfather was deputy director of a large military factory. Production was transferred to Zaporozhye, closer to the front, and the families of the workers were evacuated to whom. As a result of numerous moves, my grandmother with three children in her arms was in Kyrgyzstan, in Frunze (now Bishkek). But before that, she and my mom had not sweet. In different cities, where their fate threw them, they worked on peat knee-deep in smelly water, collected spikelets left over after the harvest (it is difficult for us to imagine now, but then every grain was registered), threw "cigarette lighters" from roofs , helped the hospitals to the wounded, built roads ...

By the way, mother never had any benefits as a participant in the labor front. And when I advised her to contact the appropriate authorities, she was terribly surprised, saying that she hadn’t done anything special, then everyone acted like that.

What is hunger mother also knew well. I will not tell you how and what they ate, but I know for sure: the most favorite holiday dish for children was cottage cheese casserole. That recipe of the war years, my mother kept and often made us this casserole. Both me and my son considered it a real holiday dessert. Mom is not already 7 years old, but we still cook her casserole. ”

Cottage cheese casserole

Cottage cheese casserole

Alexander Denisovich Ilyin, radio operator on the ship of the Pacific Fleet

Alexander Denisovich Ilyin

Tells granddaughter Elena Zakharova:

“Grandfather took part in the battles of Khalkhin Gol, fought on the Eastern Front, was in Korea. He was demobilized in 1946. The first years after the war, he worked as a postmaster in a closed campus, where a large tungsten-molybdenum plant was located. In 1950 he graduated from the economics department of the Moscow University and the Higher Party School - in absentia. Then for many years he worked as chairman of the Republican regional committee of trade unions of builders up to retirement.

He loved nature very much, he could walk for a long time in the forest. In his spare time engaged in tailoring. Possessing a beautiful voice, he sang songs with pleasure. He was a gourmet and esthete. He preferred to sit at a beautifully laid table, regardless of the occasion. He believed that the food should be served beautifully and harmoniously. With great pleasure I ate jelly and okroshka. He loved his family very much: his wife and 2 daughters. ”

Okroshka with horseradish

Okroshka with horseradish

We heartily congratulate you on the great holiday - Victory Day! May there be peace and long live family traditions: gather at the same table more often, all together - young and older! And do not forget those who gave us the opportunity to live in peace and prosperity.

The Great Victory Day of the Russian people and its allies in the Great Patriotic War - May 9, and this day must be celebrated especially solemnly. We offer you some ideas for decorating dishes by May 9, and you choose, fantasize, embody!

Salads to Victory Day - May 9

What is Victory Day now? These are, firstly, flowers and festive salute. Let that, and another, be on our holiday table on this wonderful day.

These tulips, for example, stuffed with eggs, mozzarella cheese, green onions and fresh cucumber. Dressed with mayonnaise. And you can make a completely different salad with the same design -.

Another design of the salad is improvised poppies, and the salad itself is very tasty:

Or here are these roses from pancakes with beet salad:

And so we got to the salute. Let's make an ordinary herring with splashes of salute under a fur coat, draw a fountain with a fork and sprinkle with yolk.

Victory Sign - St. George Ribbon. It is also very simple to depict it on a salad; it is enough to have carrots and olives or prunes on hand. And the stars on the salad will make a tomato or red sweet pepper. The recipe for the salad itself can be varied.

But if you think about it once, here are the ingredients: 150g of crabmeat, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 onion, 5 pcs of boiled potatoes, 2 pcs of boiled carrots, 4 eggs, 1/2 red pepper, 10-15 olives. On a fine grater, three cucumbers, boiled potatoes, carrots, whites and yolks of eggs (separately). Chop the onion. Cut the crab meat. Putting the salad in layers: potatoes, carrots (leave a little for the ribbon), crab meat, yolks, cucumbers, corn, proteins. Each layer is divided by mayonnaise mesh. To decorate the salad, chop the olives and red pepper finely. From olives and carrots lay out St. George ribbon. From red pepper - a star. Decorate with greens.

Or here's a ribbon with a salute from the ordinary Olivier:

Quite a lot of recipes and decorations for festive dishes by May 9 echo the decoration of dishes for February 23 (Day of Fatherland Defenders). This topic was discussed in detail on our forum - these are edible honorary orders, epaulets, and even military equipment :), the girls shared their secrets:


Give flowers to beloved people - with or without reason. And not just flowers, but whole bouquets. Let them be original, for example, a flower in the form of a salad. Or a flower salad. Beautiful, original, tasty!

Salad "Star"

If you like to decorate your favorite dish in an original way, then turn your attention to the Star salad.

Salad "Slavic"

I bring to your attention an interesting salad "Slavic", in which extremely clear and accessible ingredients are unusually tasty combined.

Salad "Odessa Curb"

Light, tasty and very useful salad "Odessa Curb", the main ingredient of which are the leaves of the same name lettuce.

Salad "Men's Dream"

“Male dream” (culinary) is reduced to a salad of ham, pickled mushrooms, eggs, chicken and the hostess, who will prepare such a salad. And to prepare such a salad is simple, it will take you about 20 minutes to complete.

White Night Salad

Your attention is invited to a hearty and very tasty dish with a very romantic name - White Night Salad.

Salad "Ryzhik"

“Ginger” everyone has his own, but there must be red mushrooms, red chanterelles or red carrots. My fish will be very "temperamental", bright, fresh, with carrots, chanterelles, bell peppers. I share!

Layered salad "Festive"

Puff salad "Festive" should be served in a huge glass salad bowl.

Salad "Lyudmila"

It often happens that guests come completely unexpectedly. Or you want a snack, but there is no time to stand at the stove. In such situations, they help out dishes in a hurry, one of them is Lyudmila salad.

Salad "Far East"

I bring to your attention a truly delicious, satisfying and fairly easy-to-prepare recipe - the Far Eastern salad.

Salad "Health"

Do you want to cook something not only tasty, but also healthy? Then I bring to your attention just an amazing recipe with a suitable name - salad "Health".

Salad "Bracelet"

Very appetizing and unusually beautiful salad "Bracelet" can be prepared not only for lunch or dinner, but also on the festive table.

Salad "Flagship"

Bright, very nourishing and tasty puff salad "Flagman", which can be prepared for a holiday.

Salad "Catherine"

Well, dear Catherine, this wonderful delicious salad in your honor! Although he, no doubt, will appeal to all without exception.

Salad "Country"

Simple, hearty and incredibly delicious - this salad is sure to please you! Prepare him for dinner in the family circle or on the holiday table, believe me, he will not find his fans!

Salad "Old Miller"

I suggest you heed the simple, but nourishing and tasty salad "Old Miller". It can be cooked not only for lunch or dinner, but also served for the festive table.

Salad with beans and crackers is very simple, but at the same time very many beloved, incredibly nourishing salad, the taste of which is known to almost everyone.

Victoria Salad

I bring to your attention a hearty, very tasty and easy-to-prepare Victoria salad. It is well suited for dinner or lunch, and for the holiday table.

Salad "Moscow"

Looking for recipes for new and interesting dishes? Tried salad "Moscow"? This is a delicious, nourishing and fast-cooked salad that is perfect for lunch or dinner.

Salad "Traffic Light"

Salad "Traffic Light" cook of any ingredients. The main rule - they must be three colors: green, yellow, red. The rest is a wild flight of fantasy! My traffic light - with chicken "roof".

Salad "Anastasia"

I bring to your attention an interesting and quick-to-prepare salad "Anastasia", the recipe of which got accustomed in our menu. This dish is perfect for both lunch and dinner.

Salad "Irina"

Salad "Irina" is flaky, festive, tasty, it can be decorated using the ingredients that make up the composition. This salad is light, beautiful, be sure to decorate it with flowers, even from eggs.

This recipe for flaky potato salad is more of a dish idea, and not a particular recipe. You can make layers of what you like and always get a completely new salad.

This is not just a salad, but a real protein bomb! The recipe for a salad with red beans and tomatoes is very simple, and it will help you prepare a delicious, nutritious and healthy salad in a matter of minutes.

You do not know how to surprise your guests with a salad? Prepare them a puff salad with shrimps - they definitely haven't tried that. In addition to shrimp, potatoes and eggs go to this puff salad.

Salad "Olivier" with salmon

Perhaps this is one of the most "festive" options popularly favorite dishes. I tell you how to make salad "Olivier" with salmon.

Prepare chicken breast, boiled eggs and ... grapes! You will have a terrific salad with love, dressed with an unusual sauce of mayonnaise and honey.

Salad "Russian beauty" with ham

Delicious and easy to prepare salad "Russian beauty" with ham, I make with fresh vegetables. It turns out amazing.

Salad "Russian beauty" with chicken

Light salad "Russian beauty" with chicken is prepared with apples and lettuce. Try it.

Salad "Russian beauty" with mushrooms

Salad "Russian beauty" with mushrooms served in an unusual way. And baked in the oven. Be sure to try this amazing salad.

Salad "First Love"

My first love is associated with something young, weak, green. Therefore, this simple and delicious salad, I called the "First Love". Greens and cream sauce - a great combination.

Salad "Three Flowers"

Salad "Three Flowers" looks great on the holiday table, and the flowers that will decorate this salad are edible. Such ideas with flowers are full of the Internet and yet, it is worth taking note of the simple idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating.

Salad "Bashkir Beauty"

Salad "Bashkir Beauty" is known to many. He prepares quickly, does not require hassle. You will need mushrooms, better mushrooms, chicken and pickles.

Salad "Basket with flowers"

Salad "Basket with flowers" can be transformed into a vase with flowers, depending on where you put our salad. And cooking it is very simple. This salad will decorate the table March 8.

Fern Flower Salad

Fern flower is extremely difficult to find, so we will have a difficult salad. But with a fern! For its preparation, we will need pickled morels and young leafy shoots of fern.

Salad "Beauty"

Salad "beauty" really looks very appetizing! Cooked with baked chicken fillet and dried tomatoes. Try it.

Salad "Favorite"

If you think that you cannot please everyone, you are mistaken! Prepare the salad "Favorite" and absolutely everyone will be glad. The salad recipe is simple, you don’t even have to mix it, and yummy comes out rare.

Salad "Valentine"

I cooked this Valentine salad for the first time for my aunt. It is not difficult to guess what her name was. Salad with avocado, apples and chicken fillet.

Salad "Stone Flower"

Salad "Stone Flower" can be created from a tomato and a favorite salad. From the color of the tomato depends on the color of your stone flower. Show imagination, walk on the market or shop.

When I was visiting in Imereti (this is a region of Georgia), in one of the houses I was treated to an unusual beef and radish salad. The combination seemed to me very successful, and to this day I cook this salad at home.

Salad "White Flowers"

The White Flowers Salad is more of a table decoration than an ordinary edible salad, although all its parts are edible. Make it - extremely easy. True, the flowers will be white and pink, female.

Salad "Beloved Dad"

Salad "beloved father" I do with boiled meat and pickled mushrooms. Prepares simply, it turns out delicious. Try it.

If you want to hit the beloved man, the way to the heart of which lies through the stomach, as you know, cook him a wonderful salad with king prawns according to this recipe.

Salad "Life in pink"

I offer you, dear women, a simple salad recipe for your beloved husband. Arrange his "Life in pink" (without sarcasm, of course!). For this you need red potatoes, bacon and mayonnaise! Go!

Salad "Favorite" with chicken

Salad "favorite" with chicken, I cook with otvornny chicken or smoked. Both options are very tasty. Try it.

Salad "Favorite Woman"

The recipe for the salad "beloved woman" really like men. After all, its preparation will take a maximum of 10 minutes. Simple, fast and not a lot of ingredients.

Salad "Favorite Wife"

Salad "beloved wife" is prepared with bell pepper, baked in the oven. Therefore, it takes a little more time than regular salads. But it's worth it.

Salad "Heart of the beloved"

When I cooked the heartbeat salad for the first time, I laid it out in a heart shape. Well, it is very romantic, but did not repeat. Strawberries, the main ingredient, so in the shape of a heart.

Salad "Mushroom Glade"

Mushroom Glade Salad is a very tasty and elegant salad for the holiday. Salad looks so impressive that your guests will have only one way out - to be delighted :)

Have you learned about the many beneficial properties of beets and wanted to cook some dish of this vegetable? Taste the red beet salad! This dish will conquer you with its taste and simplicity!

Salad "Fur"

Salad "Fur" - a well-known holiday salad, which is prepared with herring. The main feature of my recipe is that the salad is prepared in portions, in separate salad bowls. It is very convenient!

Mimosa salad"

All familiar salad, suitable for the holiday table for any reason. Salad "Mimosa" - a classic salad is easy to prepare and incredibly delicate in taste.

Bird Salad

In the salad "Birdie" the main ingredients are eggplant and chicken breast. By the way, a very interesting combination! The decorated "Birdie" salad is amazing. I advise him to everyone.

Salad "Hat"

Salad "Hat" I cook for all women's holidays of our family. Birthdays dear mothers and the eighth of March. I advise you to try. Chicken breast and champignons - a great combination.

Curd Easter: TOP-7 recipes 1) Curd Easter without eggs Ingredients: ● curd - 650 g ● powdered sugar - 250 g ● sour cream - 200 g ● butter - 250 g ● vanillin ● raisins - 80 g ● dried apricots - 80 g ● prunes - 80 g Preparation: 1. Scroll through the meat grinder through the meat grinder, or rub it through a sieve (2 times), because after the meat grinder it can become crumpled, crushed and viscous. And curd rubbed through a sieve will be lush, airy and saturated with air. Then add the softened butter, mix. 2. Wash dried apricots, raisins and prunes and pour boiling water for about 15-20 minutes. Then cut slices of dried apricots and prunes. 3. Mix the vanilla with powdered sugar and add to the curd mass. 4. Add sour cream and mix in a blender. 5. Add dried apricots, prunes and raisins, mix again. 6. Prepare pasachoon (if it is not, you can use a sieve, colander). We cover the form for Easter with gauze in 2 layers and put it in a container (it is possible in a plastic bowl). 7. Spread the curd mass in a pasochnica, press it down well. The ends of the gauze top wrap crosswise and put the load. If you are using another form, place a deep plate under the bottom so that the liquid flows. We put Easter in the fridge for 10-15 hours. Easter is ready! 2) Easter cottage cheese with chocolate Ingredients: ● sour cream - 800 g ● chocolate - 200 g ● eggs - 6 pieces ● sugar - 350 g ● cream - 100 ml ● butter - 400 g ● cottage cheese - 200 g ● vanilla sugar - 5 g ● Almonds - 70 g. ● Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. ● powdered sugar - 300 g Preparation: 1. We lay out sour cream on gauze, twist it and hang it for several hours - this is necessary to make the glass excess liquid. While serum flows, we divide eggs into yolks and proteins. 2. Three chocolate chops, chop the yolks with sugar, vanilla and chocolate, add cream. The resulting mixture is put in a water bath, stirring, give boil, and then cool. 3. Slice the butter into small pieces and let stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes so that it becomes soft. After that, mix it with settled sour cream, egg-cream mixture and beat. 4. Finely chop the almonds (can be crushed in a blender), wipe the cottage cheese until smooth, mix all the ingredients, beat with a mixer. 5. Prepare forms for Easter, cover them with gauze in several layers. In the form put the resulting mass, cover the ends of the gauze, put on top of the load and put in the refrigerator. Easter will be ready in 24 hours. 6. Cooking glaze: whip proteins with powdered sugar and lemon juice to make a thick white foam. We cover this glaze with Easter, sprinkle with grated chocolate, let it frost. Easter is ready! 3) Easter curd with candied fruit Ingredients: ● curd cheese - 1 kg ● eggs - 3 pcs. ● sugar (icing sugar) - 200 g ● candied fruit - 300 g ● vanilla sugar - 2 sachets ● cream - 100 ml ● candied fruit and marmalade for decoration - to taste Preparation: 1. If the curd is wet, it should be put on any thin fabric ( either gauze rolled up in two layers), gauze or cloth should be tied in a knot and the cottage cheese should be hung over the plate in order to make serum from it. Then you need to wipe the curd through a sieve, preferably twice. The result should be airy and crumbly curd mass. 2. Then separate the whites from the yolks and then rub the yolks with sugar in a water bath to a pale cream color. It is necessary to make sure that the yolks do not stick to the bottom of the dishes. 3. Cottage cheese mixed with vanilla sugar and candied fruit. And again, everything is well mixed. 4. After stirring, add 1 tbsp of cream, 1 tbsp of softened butter and 1 tbsp of yolks. Again everything is thoroughly mixed until the curd mass is completely homogeneous. 5. A special form for Easter cheese cake (we mentioned above) is placed top down on a plate and laid with a double layer of gauze, part of which must remain outside the edges of the form. 6. Then the curd mass is transferred to this form. Gauze ends are stacked on top of the curd, a plate or saucer is placed on them, and a small load on top (approximately 500-800 g). Excess serum will flow through a special hole in the top of the form. 7. After that, the form is removed for the night (or about 12 hours) in the refrigerator. 8. Easter is already decorated with candied fruit or marmalade. 4) Easter curd with chocolate and nuts Ingredients: ● curd cheese - 600 g ● butter - 100 g ● sour cream (25%) - 150 g ● sugar - 200 g ● vanilla sugar - 40 g ● icing sugar - 50 g ● walnuts - 70 g ● chocolate - 150 g Preparation: 1. Wipe the curd through a sieve several times. This is done to make the curd airy. If there is no sieve, you can roll the curd in a meat grinder. 2. Soften the butter. I do not always remember in advance that you need to get it out of the fridge, so I usually soften it a little in the microwave before cooking. 3. Mix in a separate dish cottage cheese, sour cream and butter. Mix well. 4. Then add sugar and vanilla sugar. Mix thoroughly with a blender. It should be a homogeneous mass. If there is vanillin - you can take 1 g and add instead of vanilla sugar. 5. We will rub chocolate on a coarse grater in a separate plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. 6. Remove the grated chocolate in the freezer for 5 minutes, it should cool well, so as not to paint our Easter chocolate color. 7. Chop the peeled walnuts into small pieces. 8. Add the walnuts to the curd mass first, mix well. 9. Then add the grated chocolate and mix quickly. 10. Take the form for Easter and lay it out with gauze, folded in several layers. 11. Put the curd mass, tie a gauze on top. 12. Put the load on top (I used a small jar of water). 13. Under the bottom of the form with Easter we place a plate so that the formed serum flows there. 14. Let’s stand Easter cheese cake with chocolate and nuts in the fridge for about 12 hours. 15. Carefully remove the Easter from the form. Decorate it with nuts or chocolate. 5) Easter cottage cheese with cocoa Ingredients: ● cottage cheese - 1 kg ● sugar - 2 tbsp. ● butter - 300 g ● sour cream - 6 tbsp. ● cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. ● chocolate - to taste ● vanillin - to taste ● salt - 1/4 tsp. Preparation: 1. Grind the softened butter until thick sour cream. Add sugar, vanilla, cocoa powder and salt, carefully fray. 2. Cottage cheese take fresh and dry, rub through a sieve. 3. Add sour cream and mix well. 4. Add in small portions a mixture of butter, cocoa and sugar. Mix thoroughly until a uniform uniform color mass. 5. Put the resulting mass in a pasochnica and put it under pressure 6. Put it in the fridge for about a day. 7. Frozen Easter turn over a dish and decorate with dark chocolate, grated on a grater. 6) Easter cottage cheese with poppy filling Ingredients: ● cottage cheese - 400 g ● gelatin - 1 tbsp. ● sugar - 150 g ● cream - 50 ml ● vanilla sugar for poppy filling: ● poppy - 1/3 tbsp. ● milk - 1 tbsp. ● sugar - 5 tbsp. Preparation: 1. So, gelatin soaked in cold water. 2. We are engaged in poppy. You can grind it in a blender, but if you like a whole poppy, then leave. Thoroughly wash it, put it in a scoop and fill it with milk. It is important that the milk completely cover the poppy in a dipper. Then add sugar and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Then we cover with a lid and let cool. 3. Gelatin is dissolved in a small amount of water in a water bath or in a microwave oven. 4. For our curd Easter, you must use the freshest curd. Put the cottage cheese, gelatin, cream, sugar and vanilla sugar in the blender bowl, whisk well. 5. Cooking Easter is best in the Easter pot, but if you don’t have one, you can use a high bowl. If you have pasochnitsa, then distribute the cottage cheese using a pastry bag, fill the form in half, lay out the poppy filling in the center. Then lay out the remaining curd. 6. If you are cooking Easter in a different form, then you need to cover it with cling film and smear it with a little odorless vegetable oil. Then you can spread the curd - first half, then poppy filling and the remaining curd. 7. Cottage cheese is left in the form for 3-5 hours, and better - at night. 8. Then we take out the Easter cheese cake from the mold and decorate it at will (with sugar, dried fruits, chocolate, flowers. 7) Choux Easter "Delicate curd" Ingredients: ● market curd - 500 g ● egg yolks - 2 pcs. ● sugar - 0.5 tbsp. ● milk - 2.5 st. ● butter - 100 g ● vanilla sugar - 1 tsp. ● candied fruit - 100 g ● chopped walnuts - 2 tbsp. Preparation: 1. Squeeze the curd through two layers of cheesecloth, then rub through a sieve. 2. Spread egg yolks with sugar, pour in milk. Put the mixture in a water bath and warm up, stirring, until it thickens (not boiling). 3. Pour the hot mixture into a large bowl, add the butter, mix. Pour in vanilla sugar, candied fruits and walnuts. Stir once more. 4. Add cottage cheese to the mixture in small portions, mixing it carefully each time. 5. Fold the mass in a gauze bag and hang for 10-12 hours. 6. After that, transfer the curd mass to the breadbox, give it the desired shape and decorate.

For May 9, I want to cook something special that will create a festive atmosphere, because this year we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory. Ideal for this layered seafood salad, it can be colorfully decorated using the symbolic color for May 9 - orange and dark brown.

Salad Recipe by May 9

Prepare a quick and very tasty salad, decorate it with fresh greens, as well as red caviar and olives - you get a great festive dish that will look great on your table. Delicate and refined taste, as well as the original design of this salad will be able to surprise your guests and relatives.

How to cook an original salad by May 9:

  • First, fill the eggs with water and cook for 10 minutes. Then pour boiling water from them and pour it with cold water. We clean the eggs, whites and yolks are separated.
  • Grind the whites with a knife or grate them, rub the yolks with a fork into a crumb.

  • We defreeze squids, carefully remove a thin film from them, after heat treatment it will be more difficult to remove it. Fill the tubes with boiling water and boil for a minute. In order for squid to acquire a refined taste, you can boil it in the marinade: add 0.5 tsp to 0.5 l of water. salt sea, 1 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tsp. 6% apple cider vinegar, a few peas allspice and bay leaf.
  • Squid should not be cooked longer, since they will become rubber. We leave the tubes in the marinade to cool. Cut the squid into small cubes and lay out on the dish in the form of a circle.
      Apply the top layer of mayonnaise and distribute over the entire surface of shredded seafood.

  • Wash cucumbers and cut in the same way as squid. Peel the cucumber can be pre-cut, do as you like. We lay out as the second layer of salad. Thoroughly coat everything with mayonnaise.

  • Crab sticks cut into medium cube, mix with chopped yolks. Distribute this mixture on the surface of the salad. Crab sticks can also be cut into thin plates, put them on a salad, and then sprinkle with yolk crumbs. Thanks to such cutting, the taste of crab sticks will be felt brighter in the salad.
  • This layer is necessary, just like the previous ones, to smear with mayonnaise.

  • The last layer lay out the crushed proteins, gently align the surface of the salad with a spatula.

  • Sides of lettuce coat with the remaining mayonnaise. This can be done both with a tablespoon and a silicone spatula, so mayonnaise is evenly distributed.
  • Now you can proceed to the design of the dish. Dill or parsley greens finely cut and sprinkle the sides of our salad. Chopped greens will not only make the salad look bright, but also complement its taste with fresh notes.
  • Top on the surface of the salad lay out red caviar "May 9", and just below have eggs in the form of a bow. Each of the bow halves consists of 2 strips of caviar, between them we leave a small gap. After that, lay eggs bow ends.
  • Black olives are crushed and spread between the strips of red caviar, now the bow has turned into a St. George ribbon. Put crushed olives in the middle of the laid out “9” caviar. Now our holiday salad is completely ready.
  • Salad is sent to the fridge, better at night, so that it should be soaked with mayonnaise and become more tender. Bright and very beautiful salad for the holiday of May 9 can be served.