Baked oatmeal with banana and apple. Oatmeal with banana

31.10.2019 Snacks

Oatmeal is good in any performance.

Whether it is prepared on water, or on milk, coarse or “quick” flakes are used. And you can add to it, well, almost everything that the soul desires, or that is lying in the refrigerator.

Of course, to prepare a particularly tasty dish, you have to select the products with the calculation, evaluating both the taste and the benefits of the final dish.

The apple version of oatmeal fully meets these requirements.

Oatmeal with apples - general principles of preparation

Oatmeal is cooked in a pan on the stove, cooked in the oven or slow cooker. For quick cooking use a microwave, and sometimes such a porridge is cooked without cooking, steaming with boiling water.

Oatmeal with apples can be prepared in water, milk or a mixture thereof. Sometimes milk is not mixed with water, but with clarified apple juice.

In most cases, cereals intended for instant cooking or “Hercules” are used. For steaming, it is better to take flakes intended for cooking without boiling. In any case, you should carefully read the instructions on the package, which accurately indicates the cooking time.

Varieties of apples are selected according to their taste preferences. If you do not like sweet cereal, take sweet and sour apples. The fruit is peeled or left with a peel, it is necessary to remove the hard partitions with seeds and chop. Fruits are cut into slices, medium-sized cubes or chopped on a fine grater. Apples are added both raw and stewed, lay them in the cooking process or in already prepared oatmeal.

Often, porridge is enriched with other products or fruits. In addition to apples, you can add bananas, dried fruits or honey to it. Oatmeal is flavored with cinnamon or vanilla, as you like, and be sure to season the hot gruel with butter.

Fragrant oatmeal with apples in the oven


Two large apples, any sweet variety;

300 gr oatmeal (cereal);

Half a glass of pitted raisins;

Unrefined sugar - 3 large spoons;

A small pinch of nutmeg;

Cinnamon, crushed in powder - 1/2 tsp;

A small pinch of vanillin;

20 gr. homemade butter;

Half a liter of milk.

Cooking method:

1. Scald raisins with boiling water and soak it in warm water for three minutes. Then rinse with cold and squeeze slightly.

2. In small cubes or cubes, cut both apples without peel and seeds.

3. Put the oatmeal in a deep bowl. Add chopped apples, raisins, spices to them. Sweeten, slightly add salt to your taste, and mix well.

4. Melt the butter at a minimum temperature, mix it with a fruit-oatmeal mixture and transfer to a heat-resistant form. Gently pour warm milk, mix and smooth the surface.

5. Place the pan in a hot oven and cook at 180 degrees.

6. Oatmeal with apples will be ready when all the milk is well absorbed into the cereal, after about 25 minutes.

Oatmeal with apples - a simple recipe


One glass of Hercules flakes;

250 ml of pasteurized skim milk;

One cup of filtered water;

Five tablespoons of sugar;

Two apples;

50 gr sweet cream butter;

A pinch of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Place a dry pan with cereal in it on a small fire.

2. Intensively stirring, fry the oatmeal for three minutes and set aside.

3. Boil a glass of water, mix it with milk and put on fire again. Into a hot, but not boiling, liquid, add the roasted oatmeal, stir and immediately lower the flame to the minimum. It will be even better if the container is placed on a flame divider.

4. Add three tablespoons of sugar, salt and, periodically mixing, boil a quarter of an hour. Be sure to add oil at the end and mix well.

5. Turn off the heat, cover the saucepan with something solid and leave it temporarily.

6. In a pan, melt a spoonful of butter. Dip peelless apples sliced \u200b\u200binto thin, approximately equal segments into it and fry them for three minutes. Then add two tablespoons of sugar mixed with cinnamon and continue to simmer until the sugar grains dissolve, until the sugar syrup begins to darken and thicken.

7. Put the prepared porridge on plates and lay on top of each serving a few caramelized apples.

Oatmeal with apples on the water in the microwave


Half a glass of “quick” oatmeal, small;

One glass of boiled drinking water;

Refined sugar - to taste;

A small bullseye.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the apple peel and cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Pour oatmeal into the microwave container. While stirring, add granulated sugar and chopped apple.

3. Pour in cold drinking water, stir, immediately put in the microwave and turn it on for one and a half minutes, setting the maximum power mode. If the porridge is thin, add another forty seconds.

4. Flavor the cooked porridge with melted butter and serve.

Oatmeal with apples and liquid cream in milk


  Hercules - 150 gr.;

Low-fat cream - 70 ml;

Two tablespoons of unrefined granulated sugar;

Natural clarified apple juice - 400 ml;

Two medium sweet apples;

400 ml of fresh unboiled milk;

Hard cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Pour Hercules with cold milk. Add all the juice and sugar, lightly salt and mix.

2. Put the pan on a small fire and, not ceasing to mix, bring to a boil. Then lower the flame to a minimum and continue cooking for another five minutes.

3. Remove from heat, wrap the pan in a terry towel and temporarily set aside.

4. Wash the apples, cut the peel and cut them into thin, medium-sized slices.

5. Add hot, unboiled cream, apple slices, and cinnamon powder to the finished oatmeal. Stir intensively and serve immediately.

Walnut oatmeal with apples on the water


Sweet large apples - 2 pcs.;

One and a half glasses of cool water;

A small handful of walnut kernels;

10 gr. "Peasant" or homemade oil;

1/2 tsp cinnamon powder;

Spoon of refined sugar;

Full glass of Hercules flakes.

Cooking method:

1. Pour washed flakes into boiling white water with vigorous stirring. The liquid should cover the oatmeal with two fingers, if it is not enough - add boiling water and stir well after that.

2. Add sugar, salt to your taste, and leave to cook over low heat for five minutes.

3. Cut the peeled apples into thin, of any size, slices and put them in a pan in melted butter. Sprinkle the fruit with ground cinnamon and cook with the lid open until the slices are softer, for about five minutes.

4. Crush the mortar or chop the walnuts into small crumbs. You can grind on a coffee grinder.

5. Stir the prepared oatmeal well with nut crumbs and put on a plate, along the bottom of which spread out part of the stewed apples in advance. Put the remaining apples on top and decorate the serving with whole walnut kernels.

Oatmeal with apples and banana in a slow cooker


Small sized banana;

Small sweet apple;

Butter homemade butter - 10 gr.;

A large, without a hill, a spoonful of sugar;

Four glasses of skim milk;

A glass of ordinary oatmeal.

Cooking method:

1. Pour oatmeal into the appliance. Add butter, granulated sugar and a little salt.

2. Grate the banana and peeled apple on a fine grater. Transfer the fruit puree to the oatmeal, mix everything well and start the “Porridge” mode.

3. In addition, season the oatmeal with butter and decorate the dish with banana rings, serve.

Oatmeal with apples, honey and candied fruits without cooking


Three tablespoons of instant oatmeal (Extra);

A large spoon of dried apricots;

A spoonful of coconut flakes;

Candied fruits - 1 tsp;

Large juicy apple, sweet;

Honey - 1 tbsp. l .;

Spoon of raisins raisins;

150 ml of drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Cook such a gruel in advance, preferably in the evening, so that the flakes have time to soften well.

2. Rinse raisins with dried apricots and pour dried fruit over boiling water. After this, rinse and dry well again. Leave the raisins whole, and cut the dried apricots into thin “noodles”.

3. In a small bowl or a half-liter jar, add raisins, chopped dried apricots and oatmeal. Shake, stirring, and pour boiling water. Cover, leave until morning.

4. Transfer the stable oatmeal to a plate, add the apple, chopped with a fine grater, honey and mix well. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top and garnish with candied fruit.

Oatmeal with apples - cooking tricks and useful tips

When preparing oatmeal, add flakes to a hot liquid base, and when steaming, do the opposite - pour boiling water into the flakes.

Hercules flakes are thicker and cook longer than others, but porridge from them turns out to be much tastier, thicker and healthier.

Not sure how to choose the right proportions? Take 100 grams of cereal and 570 ml of liquid base (milk or water) and get a liquid gruel. For more viscous on the same mass of flakes it is enough to take 350 ml of liquid.

Do not often and intensively stir the dish during the cooking process, this slows down the cooking time.

Oatmeal with apples should be cooked just before eating, as it tends to thicken quickly. If you plan to cook in advance, take more fluids.

Oatmeal likes to “steam”, so wrap the finished dish for 10 minutes in a warm blanket or terry towel.

You can cook the oatmeal completely in water and season with margarine. Sugar is added to taste or completely replaced by a handful of crushed raisins, and apples are placed on top and in large slices. It is very good to eat such a dish with cold boiled water.

Oatmeal is good in any performance.

Whether it is prepared on water, or on milk, coarse or “quick” flakes are used. And you can add to it, well, almost everything that the soul desires, or that is lying in the refrigerator.

Of course, to prepare a particularly tasty dish, you have to select the products with the calculation, evaluating both the taste and the benefits of the final dish.

The apple version of oatmeal fully meets these requirements.

Oatmeal with apples - general principles of preparation

Oatmeal is cooked in a pan on the stove, cooked in the oven or slow cooker. For quick cooking use a microwave, and sometimes such a porridge is cooked without cooking, steaming with boiling water.

Oatmeal with apples can be prepared in water, milk or a mixture thereof. Sometimes milk is not mixed with water, but with clarified apple juice.

In most cases, cereals intended for instant cooking or “Hercules” are used. For steaming, it is better to take flakes intended for cooking without boiling. In any case, you should carefully read the instructions on the package, which accurately indicates the cooking time.

Varieties of apples are selected according to their taste preferences. If you do not like sweet cereal, take sweet and sour apples. The fruit is peeled or left with a peel, it is necessary to remove the hard partitions with seeds and chop. Fruits are cut into slices, medium-sized cubes or chopped on a fine grater. Apples are added both raw and stewed, lay them in the cooking process or in already prepared oatmeal.

Often, porridge is enriched with other products or fruits. In addition to apples, you can add bananas, dried fruits or honey to it. Oatmeal is flavored with cinnamon or vanilla, as you like, and be sure to season the hot gruel with butter.

Fragrant oatmeal with apples in the oven


Two large apples, any sweet variety;

300 gr oatmeal (cereal);

Half a glass of pitted raisins;

Unrefined sugar - 3 large spoons;

A small pinch of nutmeg;

Cinnamon, crushed in powder - 1/2 tsp;

A small pinch of vanillin;

20 gr. homemade butter;

Half a liter of milk.

Cooking method:

1. Scald raisins with boiling water and soak it in warm water for three minutes. Then rinse with cold and squeeze slightly.

2. In small cubes or cubes, cut both apples without peel and seeds.

3. Put the oatmeal in a deep bowl. Add chopped apples, raisins, spices to them. Sweeten, slightly add salt to your taste, and mix well.

4. Melt the butter at a minimum temperature, mix it with a fruit-oatmeal mixture and transfer to a heat-resistant form. Gently pour warm milk, mix and smooth the surface.

5. Place the pan in a hot oven and cook at 180 degrees.

6. Oatmeal with apples will be ready when all the milk is well absorbed into the cereal, after about 25 minutes.

Oatmeal with apples - a simple recipe


One glass of Hercules flakes;

250 ml of pasteurized skim milk;

One cup of filtered water;

Five tablespoons of sugar;

Two apples;

50 gr sweet cream butter;

A pinch of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Place a dry pan with cereal in it on a small fire.

2. Intensively stirring, fry the oatmeal for three minutes and set aside.

3. Boil a glass of water, mix it with milk and put on fire again. Into a hot, but not boiling, liquid, add the roasted oatmeal, stir and immediately lower the flame to the minimum. It will be even better if the container is placed on a flame divider.

4. Add three tablespoons of sugar, salt and, periodically mixing, boil a quarter of an hour. Be sure to add oil at the end and mix well.

5. Turn off the heat, cover the saucepan with something solid and leave it temporarily.

6. In a pan, melt a spoonful of butter. Dip peelless apples sliced \u200b\u200binto thin, approximately equal segments into it and fry them for three minutes. Then add two tablespoons of sugar mixed with cinnamon and continue to simmer until the sugar grains dissolve, until the sugar syrup begins to darken and thicken.

7. Put the prepared porridge on plates and lay on top of each serving a few caramelized apples.

Oatmeal with apples on the water in the microwave


Half a glass of “quick” oatmeal, small;

One glass of boiled drinking water;

Refined sugar - to taste;

A small bullseye.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the apple peel and cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Pour oatmeal into the microwave container. While stirring, add granulated sugar and chopped apple.

3. Pour in cold drinking water, stir, immediately put in the microwave and turn it on for one and a half minutes, setting the maximum power mode. If the porridge is thin, add another forty seconds.

4. Flavor the cooked porridge with melted butter and serve.

Oatmeal with apples and liquid cream in milk


. Hercules - 150 gr.;

Low-fat cream - 70 ml;

Two tablespoons of unrefined granulated sugar;

Natural clarified apple juice - 400 ml;

Two medium sweet apples;

400 ml of fresh unboiled milk;

Hard cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Pour Hercules with cold milk. Add all the juice and sugar, lightly salt and mix.

2. Put the pan on a small fire and, not ceasing to mix, bring to a boil. Then lower the flame to a minimum and continue cooking for another five minutes.

3. Remove from heat, wrap the pan in a terry towel and temporarily set aside.

4. Wash the apples, cut the peel and cut them into thin, medium-sized slices.

5. Add hot, unboiled cream, apple slices, and cinnamon powder to the finished oatmeal. Stir intensively and serve immediately.

Walnut oatmeal with apples on the water


Sweet large apples - 2 pcs.;

One and a half glasses of cool water;

A small handful of walnut kernels;

10 gr. "Peasant" or homemade oil;

1/2 tsp cinnamon powder;

Spoon of refined sugar;

Full glass of Hercules flakes.

Cooking method:

1. Pour washed flakes into boiling white water with vigorous stirring. The liquid should cover the oatmeal with two fingers, if it is not enough - add boiling water and stir well after that.

2. Add sugar, salt to your taste, and leave to cook over low heat for five minutes.

3. Cut the peeled apples into thin, of any size, slices and put them in a pan in melted butter. Sprinkle the fruit with ground cinnamon and cook with the lid open until the slices are softer, for about five minutes.

4. Crush the mortar or chop the walnuts into small crumbs. You can grind on a coffee grinder.

5. Stir the prepared oatmeal well with nut crumbs and put on a plate, along the bottom of which spread out part of the stewed apples in advance. Put the remaining apples on top and decorate the serving with whole walnut kernels.

Oatmeal with apples and banana in a slow cooker


Small sized banana;

Small sweet apple;

Butter homemade butter - 10 gr.;

A large, without a hill, a spoonful of sugar;

Four glasses of skim milk;

A glass of ordinary oatmeal.

Cooking method:

1. Pour oatmeal into the appliance. Add butter, granulated sugar and a little salt.

2. Grate the banana and peeled apple on a fine grater. Transfer the fruit puree to the oatmeal, mix everything well and start the “Porridge” mode.

3. In addition, season the oatmeal with butter and decorate the dish with banana rings, serve.

Oatmeal with apples, honey and candied fruits without cooking


Three tablespoons of instant oatmeal (Extra);

A large spoon of dried apricots;

A spoonful of coconut flakes;

Candied fruits - 1 tsp;

Large juicy apple, sweet;

Honey - 1 tbsp. l .;

Spoon of raisins raisins;

150 ml of drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Cook such a gruel in advance, preferably in the evening, so that the flakes have time to soften well.

2. Rinse raisins with dried apricots and pour dried fruit over boiling water. After this, rinse and dry well again. Leave the raisins whole, and cut the dried apricots into thin “noodles”.

3. In a small bowl or a half-liter jar, add raisins, chopped dried apricots and oatmeal. Shake, stirring, and pour boiling water. Cover, leave until morning.

4. Transfer the stable oatmeal to a plate, add the apple, chopped with a fine grater, honey and mix well. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top and garnish with candied fruit.

Oatmeal with apples - cooking tricks and useful tips

When preparing oatmeal, add flakes to a hot liquid base, and when steaming, do the opposite - pour boiling water into the flakes.

Hercules flakes are thicker and cook longer than others, but porridge from them turns out to be much tastier, thicker and healthier.

Not sure how to choose the right proportions? Take 100 grams of cereal and 570 ml of liquid base (milk or water) and get a liquid gruel. For more viscous on the same mass of flakes it is enough to take 350 ml of liquid.

Do not often and intensively stir the dish during the cooking process, this slows down the cooking time.

Oatmeal with apples should be cooked just before eating, as it tends to thicken quickly. If you plan to cook in advance, take more fluids.

Oatmeal likes to “steam”, so wrap the finished dish for 10 minutes in a warm blanket or terry towel.

You can cook the oatmeal completely in water and season with margarine. Sugar is added to taste or completely replaced by a handful of crushed raisins, and apples are placed on top and in large slices. It is very good to eat such a dish with cold boiled water.

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There is one very good saying: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy." Breakfast carries our body a supply of nutrients and energy for successful activities throughout the day. Our health and performance depend on what and how we eat for breakfast. The breakfast menu is very diverse, there are various cereals. Porridge for breakfast is easy to prepare, and with a creative approach to cooking, the dish turns out to be very attractive both in appearance and in taste. Today I want to offer you rice porridge for breakfast, but not simple, but rice porridge with apples, cinnamon and banana.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • 1 tbsp rice
  • 2 tbsp of water
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • a pinch of salt
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon
  • apples 1-2 pcs (sweet)
  • 1-2 bananas
  • raisins, nuts (which you like), cinnamon stick

To make porridge for breakfast more quickly, you can pour a glass of rice in the evening with cold water.

Cooking rice porridge with apples

In the morning we put the slightly swollen rice on the fire, when it boils, reduce the fire, add salt, add sugar and cook under a tightly closed lid, stirring occasionally until all the water has been absorbed.

While the rice is boiling, peel the apples from the skin and seed box, cut them into small cubes. Several apple slices can be left for decoration.

When all the water has been absorbed into the rice, add milk, slices of apples and cook porridge for a few more minutes, stirring so that the rice boils well and it turns out to be a mess-mess.

At the end, add cinnamon, mix well again, remove the porridge from the heat and let it stand under the lid for several (3 - 5) minutes.

Five easy steps to decorate our rice porridge

  1. Peel and cut the banana in circles.
  2. We spread rice porridge with apple on plates.
  3. Decorate each serving with apple and banana slices.
  4. Sprinkle with nuts and raisins.
  5. Garnish with a cinnamon stick.

Such an unusually decorated porridge for breakfast will appeal to even the most capricious children, and adults will enjoy a treat.

Bon Appetit!

An ordinary semolina porridge can be made much tastier if you boil it with a banana, and already add an apple to the finished porridge. During heat treatment, a banana changes its taste and texture, and semolina becomes completely unrecognizable. Your capricious child, who usually abandons the usual one, may simply not realize that this is his unloved porridge. Take a recipe for semolina porridge with banana and apple on your note!

  semolina - 3 tbsp. l
  milk 2.5% - 2 tbsp.
  salt - 0.25 tsp
  sugar - 0.25 st. l

Semolina porridge with banana and apple, recipe:

Bring milk (2 tbsp.) To a boil, reduce the heat. In milk, put salt (0.25 tsp) and sugar (0.25 tbsp.).
  Pour semolina into boiling milk, stirring continuously.

Cook porridge at moderate boil for 5 minutes.
  Peel and dice the banana.

In 1 min before cooking, add chopped banana to the porridge.

Before you put the porridge in a plate, cut the peeled apple into cubes.

Put the apple directly on the plate. The child will eat semolina with banana and apple with pleasure.

If the child is still very small and it is difficult for him to chew apple slices, mark the porridge with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

And in your portion of semolina porridge with fruits, you can also add new-fashioned goji berries. It is known that goji berries contain vitamin C, which is more in them than in lemon and flavonoids that remove excess fat from the liver.

  • Skim milk - 2 cups
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Honey or sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Cinnamon to taste


  1. In a small saucepan, bring the milk to a boil, add 1 cup of oatmeal.
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 5-10 minutes or until thickened.
  3. We cut the banana into rings, add to the porridge with honey or sugar.
  4. Sprinkle porridge with cinnamon.
  5. Serve to the table with a glass of milk. Bon Appetit!

Oatmeal porridge with apple and banana


  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Butter


The recipe for making oatmeal with apple and banana does not differ at all from the 1st recipe presented in this article with the exception of one point. After the moment the porridge has thickened, cut the banana into rings, as well as the apple into small slices. Add the resulting slices along with butter and honey to oatmeal and mix it. Bon Appetit!

Oatmeal with banana in a slow cooker


  • Milk - 1 cup
  • Water - 1 cup
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Butter
  • Honey - 1 tsp


  1. Pour oatmeal and a glass of water and milk into the multicooker bowl.
  2. We put the MULTI-PRODUCT mode. Cook for 15 minutes at a temperature of 90C.
  3. At the end of cooking, add a piece of butter, honey, as well as sliced \u200b\u200bbanana slices.
  4. Mix porridge, arrange in bowls and serve. Bon Appetit!

Pros of adding banana to oatmeal

Oatmeal is a naturally occurring low-fat, high-fiber foods. It is a great choice for a daily breakfast. Adding fresh fruit to the porridge can provide not only an excellent taste, but also make the dish more healthy, especially if you use a banana. Bananas contain a large number of useful trace elements, fiber and vitamins. A regular combination of these two components is a great way to make your breakfast more healthy, hearty, high-calorie and delicious.


A banana contains a moderate amount of calories, about 100 in the average fruit. Carbohydrates, which are the main nutrient, are contained in the amount of 27 grams per average fetus, protein - about 1 gram. Bananas also contain vitamins A, C and E, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Finally, bananas are an exceptional fruit in terms of potassium, with an indicator of more than 400 mg per average fruit. Potassium is a mineral that helps the body regulate the distribution of fluid in the body, maintain normal blood pressure, it strengthens bones and improves muscle function.

Fiber passes through the entire digestive tract almost unchanged, and finally becomes part of the stool. Bananas are a fiber-rich product. The average fruit contains about 3 g. This includes both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fibers help normalize stool and digestive tract function, and help to relieve constipation. Soluble fiber turns into a kind of intestinal lubricant, which slows down the absorption of saturated fats and glucose by the body. In addition, soluble fiber lowers cholesterol and the risk of developing serious illnesses such as diabetes.