E 251 food supplement is dangerous or not. Benefit or harm: is the use of food additives E251, E222, E223, E224 and E240 dangerous or not? Food supplement E251, sodium nitrate - use in food

31.10.2019 Snacks

Food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is also called sodium nitrate or sodium nitrate. The chemical compound is obtained as a result of exposure to sodium. In addition, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is formed as a result of the interaction of food salt and silver nitrate. The biologically active substance sodium nitrate, which is part of the food preservative E251, is obtained in a powdery state of aggregation. Moreover, sodium nitrate does not have a pronounced aroma.

On the palate, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is similar to ordinary table salt. Most often, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is used for the manufacture of canned meat products or frozen processed foods. Sodium nitrate can restore the color of processed meat. We can say that it is the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate that helps sausages and meat products to acquire their characteristic "meat color".

Interestingly, the antimicrobial properties of the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate are significantly inferior to other food additives, which are classified as preservative chemicals. Typically, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is used as a color stabilizer or dye. However, the E251 preservative can help prevent the onset and development of anaerobic microorganisms. Perhaps the useful properties of the preservative end there.

Harm food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate

Despite the fact that the preservative E251 has a negative effect on the human body as a whole, the nutritional supplement is still continued to be used in the production process of the food group of goods. Nowadays, no type of sausage products can do without the content of sodium nitrate in the chemical composition. As a result of scientific research and laboratory experiments, the harm of the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate to the normal functioning of the human body was identified.

There is a list of contraindications for sodium nitrate. The harm of the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate can be especially significant if a person suffers from hypertension, diseases of the liver, intestines, as well as the vegetative system. In addition, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate can provoke dysbiosis, cholecystitis, as well as severe allergic reactions. It should be noted that when the food preservative E251 sodium nitrate enters the human body, the chemical properties and characteristics of nitrate change.

The biologically active substance sodium nitrate, which is contained in the chemical composition of the preservative, is converted into a carcinogen. Carcinogens, in turn, are considered dangerous compounds, as able to provoke the emergence and development of malignant cancers. In case of an overdose of sodium nitrate, the following symptoms appear: sharp abdominal pain, cramps, impaired coordination of movements, fainting, dizziness, and general weakness.

Sodium nitrite (sodium nitrate, sodium nitrate) is a food supplement with the code E251, which is part of the group of preservatives. The substance is soluble in water, has the ability to improve color and maintain the required level of moisture products.

Food supplement E251 is a sodium salt of nitric acid - a light or colorless crystalline powder, odorless, readily soluble in water, and having a bitter, salty taste.

Scopes of food sodium nitrite

In food production, the additive plays the role of fixative and color improver, water-retaining and antibacterial agent. Most often, the substance is used in combination with other nutritional supplements, since it alone cannot qualitatively provide suppression of the vital activity of bacteria.

Food sodium nitrite is present in all types of sausages, it is used in the production of canned food (meat and fish), cheeses. The additive avoids the appearance of a grayish color of meat products, which manifests itself upon their contact with air, cracking hard cheeses.

In pharmacology, supplement E251 is part of vasodilator and laxative drugs. The substance fights intestinal cramps, helps to reduce intoxication of the body during cyanide poisoning.

In addition, sodium nitrite is used in the construction industry, the chemical industry (in the manufacture of dyes and rubber), and in agriculture (as nitrogen fertilizer). In the textile and pulp and paper industry, the substance is used for dyeing products.

The benefits and harms of the nutritional supplement E251 for the human body

Food supplement E251 is recognized as a moderately hazardous substance. Its use is permitted in Russia, but manufacturers are required to limit the concentration of the substance: not more than 50 mg of sodium nitrite per 1 kg of the finished product (the content in the body is not more than 5 mg per 1 kg of adult weight).

Exceeding dosages can provoke a change in blood composition, oxygen starvation, irritation of the mucous membranes, respiratory and intestinal diseases. With the systematic use of a large number of products containing E251, the risk of developing cancer is increased.

To reduce the harmful effects of the substance on the body, it is recommended to drink more - dietary sodium nitrite is washed out of the body naturally with water. For baby food, the use of this food supplement is not recommended.

It is a white powder of synthetic origin.

It is used as a preservative and antioxidant in food production.   Slows down the development of pathogenic bacteria and inhibits oxidation.

The use of this additive is allowed in Russia and the CIS countries and the European Union.


E223 is produced by reacting sulfur dioxide with wet sodium carbonate.

The resulting substance is highly soluble in water, almost insoluble in alcohol, does not dissolve in oil substances at all. When burned, toxic gas emits sulfur dioxide.

Sodium pyrosulfite is used in many areas of production. In industry, it is used to prevent spoilage of products and in pharmaceuticals, as a filler for tablets, as part of disinfectants and as painkillers.

Effect on the body

Is food supplement E 223 dangerous or not? E223 practically does not harm the body, since sodium pyrosulfite is completely excreted by the liver.   However, large amounts of E223 can cause severe allergies and even Quincke's edema.

E222 powder

E222 - sodium hydrosulfite.

Available in the form of powder from small crystals or granules of a yellowish color.

It acts as a preservative, stabilizes the color, has the functions of an antioxidant and whitening.

The use of sodium hydrosulfite is prohibited in all countries of the world, except Russia and Ukraine.

Component Overview

E 222 is highly soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol and insoluble in oily substances.   Flammable. Upon contact with water in an oxygen-saturated environment, it releases sulfur.

The release process is accompanied by a large heat release, which can cause a fire. Sodium hydrosulfite is used in food, textile, chemical and light industries.

Human health effects

E222 is a strong poison.   In large doses, it can cause allergies. It provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Destroys vitamin B1.

Stain stabilizer E224

Potassium pyrosulfite. It is a preservative, antioxidant, coloring stabilizer, has a whitening effect. It is allowed to use in Russia, Ukraine and the countries of the European Union.

The properties

Potassium pyrosulfite is a colorless granule or crystal with a distinct smell of sulfur. With high humidity, it tends to dissolve, decomposes at high temperatures.

E224 is used in industry to extend the shelf life.   In winemaking to stabilize the color and taste of the final product.

What effect does it have?

REFERENCE!   The use of E224 is in many ways similar to E223. They are interchangeable.

Unlike sodium pyrosulfate, potassium pyrosulfate is more dangerous for the human body. May cause asthma attacks, allergies, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness.

Preservative E240


Preservative with pronounced antifungal, antimicrobial and carcinogenic effects.

Formaldehyde has a strong antiseptic effect.

Strong poison, banned for use in food production in all countries of the world.

Constituent components

Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a strong unpleasant odor. It is highly soluble in water.   An aqueous solution of formaldehyde is called "formalin."

It is used in the manufacture of plastics, film, explosives. Due to its antiseptic effect, it is used for preserving biological materials and creating anatomical models.

What effect does it have?

E240 is dangerous for the human body, can provoke cancer.

Dangerous not only in the food industry. Products made with the addition of formaldehyde are able to release its vapor into the atmosphere.

Inhalation of formaldehyde vapor causes leukemia and diseases of the nasopharynx.

IMPORTANT!   Avoid food with this label!


Allows you to restore the color of meat after its processing.

Its preservative properties are much weaker than that of other additives in this group. Permitted in Russia, Ukraine, EU countries and the USA.

Specific features

Sodium nitrate is a white powder, odorless. The powder tastes like ordinary table salt. Easily soluble in water.

It is used in the food industry, mainly in the manufacture of meat products.   It is an explosive substance.

Effect on the body

Sodium nitrate has a negative effect on the body as a whole.

It can cause dysbiosis, allergic reactions and provoke cholecystitis.

It has carcinogenic properties, can contribute to the formation of cancer.

High doses of the substance cause severe abdominal pain, cramps, dizziness, and fainting.

Where do they meet?

Additive Group Products that may contain




  • jam;
  • marmalade;
  • mushroom products;
  • stockfish and dried fish;
  • non-alcoholic;
  • beverages;
  • wine;
  • beer;
  • frozen vegetables and fruits.



baking powder


  • marmalade;
  • canned vegetables and fruits;
  • beer;
  • sweets;
  • wine;
  • seafood;
  • tomato puree;
  • raisins;
  • mustard;
  • sausages;
  • sauces.




  • jams
  • marmalade;
  • candy;
  • high sugar flour products;
  • wine;
  • beer;
  • seafood;
  • frozen vegetables and fruits.
  • marinated mushrooms;
  • compotes;
  • juices.
E251preservative dye fixative
  • sausages;
  • meat products;
  • canned fish;
  • cheeses.

Already so firmly entered into our lives that to avoid their use completely is no longer possible. Yes, and do not be afraid of any inscription with the name of the food supplement. They are used in almost all food products.

Not all of them are harmful. You just need to learn how to choose products with the lowest content of harmful additives.

Food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is also called sodium nitrate or sodium nitrate. A chemical compound is obtained by exposure to nitric acid. In addition, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is formed as a result of the interaction of food salt and silver nitrate. The biologically active substance sodium nitrate, which is part of the food preservative E251, is obtained in a powdery state of aggregation. Moreover, sodium nitrate does not have a pronounced aroma.

On the palate, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is similar to ordinary table salt. Most often, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is used for the manufacture of canned meat products or frozen processed foods. Sodium nitrate can restore the color of processed meat. We can say that it is the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate that helps sausages and meat products to acquire their characteristic "meat color".

Interestingly, the antimicrobial properties of the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate are significantly inferior to other food additives, which are classified as preservative chemicals. Typically, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate is used as a color stabilizer or dye. However, the E251 preservative can help prevent the onset and development of anaerobic microorganisms. Perhaps the useful properties of the preservative end there.

Harm food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate

Despite the fact that the preservative E251 has a negative effect on the human body as a whole, the nutritional supplement is still continued to be used in the production process of the food group of goods. Nowadays, no type of sausage products can do without the content of sodium nitrate in the chemical composition. As a result of scientific research and laboratory experiments, the harm of the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate to the normal functioning of the human body was identified.

There is a list of contraindications for sodium nitrate. The harm of the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate can be especially significant if a person suffers from hypertension, diseases of the liver, intestines, as well as the vegetative system. In addition, the food preservative E251 Sodium nitrate can provoke dysbiosis, cholecystitis, as well as severe allergic reactions. It should be noted that when the food preservative E251 sodium nitrate enters the human body, the chemical properties and characteristics of nitrate change.

The biologically active substance sodium nitrate, which is contained in the chemical composition of the preservative, is converted into a carcinogen. Carcinogens, in turn, are considered dangerous compounds, as able to provoke the emergence and development of malignant cancers. In case of an overdose of sodium nitrate, the following symptoms appear: sharp abdominal pain, cramps, impaired coordination of movements, fainting, dizziness, and general weakness.

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The food additive serving under the ciphering classification number E 251 belongs to the group of preservatives with disinfecting properties.

Due to the fact that when it enters the human body during certain interactions, this substance turns into a powerful carcinogen, its level of danger to human health is regarded as very high.


Danger:high level;

Synonymous names: E 251, sodium nitrate, E-251, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrate, Sodium nitrate, nitrate of soda, sodium nitrate, soda nitret, Chile saltpeter, Chilean nitrate, sodium nitrate.

General information

Sodium nitrate or E 251, a preservative that is obtained in vitro. In fact, it is the result of a reaction that occurs when direct exposure to sodium nitric acid.

In addition, you can observe the appearance of this substance and in the interaction with each other of edible salt and silver nirate.

The physical characteristics of this additive include the powder form, friability, white color, the absence of any smell, the taste of salt.

The property of sodium nitrate to restore the natural color of the product, makes it possible and makes it applicable in food production. It is added to canned meat and convenience foods, frozen meat products.

In addition, this substance can be used as a dye and color stabilizer. It also prevents the appearance and development of anaerobic microorganisms.

In the form of a chemical formula, this type of preservative will look like this: NaNO 3.

Effect on the body


Sodium nitrate is a biologically active active ingredient in the composition of the preservative and it is it that is converted in the body into a carcinogenic substance that carries a danger to the health of the human body. First of all, any carcinogen is capable of causing the development of malignant tumor diseases.

Symptoms that will be manifested during intoxication with this preservative: general weakness of the body, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, sharp painful syndrome in the abdomen, impaired coordination of movements, blue lips and nails, cramps, intense.

Since this additive serves as a nitrate fertilizer in the soil in agriculture, it is recommended to soak all vegetables before use in cold water, which reduces the risk of poisoning.


Unfortunately, in view of the artificial origin of this substance, useful qualities and properties were not found in it.


The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of sodium nitrate is sausage production. Also, no meat preservation can do without this preservative. This substance gives the finished product a natural meat color. Thus preserving the presentation, as meat after heat treatment acquires an unattractive gray shade.

Smoked meats and sprats are also made using sodium nitrate. It is added to some varieties of hard cheeses, and canned herring.

The generally accepted dosage of this substance is 150-200 mg per kg of finished product.

In addition to food production, this additive is used in the manufacture of glass, pyrotechnics, fuel for rockets, and in metallurgy. And in its pure form, sodium nitrate is an excellent fertilizer in agriculture.


Additive E-251 is approved for use in food production in the countries of the European Union, Ukraine and the Russian Federation.