Delicious charlotte with sour cream and apples. Charlotte with cottage cheese and sour cream

17.05.2019 Bakery products

I am not a great craftsman in terms of baking, so I always choose simple recipes for myself, which consist of the usual set of products, and at the same time do not require any great effort in cooking. In baking, I love recipes, in which there are three steps: "mix all the ingredients, put in a form, serve with tea, coffee."

It is to such simple recipes and recipe Charlotte on sour cream with apples. Pie that always turns out. It prepares very quickly, so you can cook it without work for evening tea after work.

Since I cook apple apple charlotte very often, I made such conclusions for myself, so that the charlotte is always excellent:

  • use sour cream in store, it contains lactic acid bacteria that will allow charlotte to rise
  • part of the flour is replaced by starch, then the charlotte will be more porous-air
  • apples combine very well with nuts and raisins, as well as with various aromatic spices such as vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg
  • it is desirable to use apples with a slight sourness

That is why, when I cook charlotte, then following my own rules, I add a lot of spices, nuts and raisins.

Prepare all the products for cooking charlotte on sour cream with apples.

First, mix in a separate bowl dry ingredients: flour, starch, cinnamon, baking powder for the dough. Mix the dry ingredients well with a spoon.

Apples cut into small cube, removing the seed box. Add half the raisins and finely chopped walnuts. Add some cinnamon. If you have sour apples, 2 tbsp. sugar we add to apples. Mix all ingredients well.

Beat the remaining sugar with a mixer with an egg until smooth.

Put a sour cream and beaten egg with sugar in a larger bowl and beat the mixture again well with a mixer.

Pour the remaining raisins and nuts into the dough.

Pour dry ingredients into the dough. Knead dough well.

Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil and sprinkle it with semolina or breadcrumbs.

Further, it all depends on your imagination. You can lay out the bottom of the beautifully sliced ​​apples, but I cook everyday charlotte, so I won’t bother with the decoration. Mentally divide the dough into three parts. At the bottom pour a little dough. Top half laid out apples.

Cover the apples with a layer of dough, again lay out the remaining apples and cover them with dough. Heat the oven to 180 degrees C and send the charlotte to the oven for 40 minutes. Check the readiness of the cake with a wooden skewer: we pierce the cake with it if the skewer is dry, the cake is ready.

We take the pie out of the oven and let it cool down a bit. Then sprinkle it with plenty of icing sugar. If you sprinkle powdered sugar on a hot cake, the powder will melt.

We serve ready-made charlotte for tea or coffee. Charlotte on sour cream with apples is well suited to milk.

Since I like to have a lot in charlotte, so in the section, as you see, there is a lot. Thanks to sour cream, charlotte turns out delicate, thanks to apples - juicy, and spices and nuts with raisins add flavor and taste.

Enjoy your meal!

Charlotte on sour cream is a cake that any housewife will cook with pleasure - despite the fact that its technology is somewhat different from the more usual version of the traditional apple product. Charlotte with sour cream has a surprisingly delicate flavor. It really melts right in the mouth, besides, there are many options for its preparation: both a simple recipe and more complex ones. The product is easily prepared in the oven and in the slow cooker.

Classic apple pie with sour cream

For those who prefer technology the most simple and more traditional, the classic version of the cake will be the most acceptable. In order to get a charlotte with sour cream quality, it is recommended to use a few tips.

When choosing apples, preference should be given to sweet and sour species, for example, Antonovka. Sour gives the cake a special piquancy and traditional apple flavor that can not be confused with anything else. It is better to put spices to taste only: it does not hurt to experiment a bit with lemon or orange peel, vanilla and, of course, ground cinnamon. Some housewives replace cinnamon with nutmeg or cardamom, depending on individual preferences.

The classic version of sour cream leaves includes not only apples, but also other fruits and berries. They are perfectly combined with each other or limited to any one component - especially in the case of limited time. By the way, cherry is best combined with dark chocolate, and apricots - with sour cream.

When baking in the oven, it is necessary to preheat it, otherwise the cake will rise poorly and will not be lush.


The dough for charlotte is easy to prepare, the main thing is not to forget that during the technological process you will need to use baking powder (to give the mass pomp and softness) and butter. A small amount will be needed to lubricate the molds so that the cake does not stick to its edges.

A complete list of essential ingredients looks like this:

  • granulated sugar - one and a half glasses;
  • chicken egg, medium - 2-3 pcs .;
  • sour cream - 190 ml;
  • wheat flour - one and a half glasses;
  • butter - 50 g (for lubrication of the form);
  • baking powder for dough - 1 pack;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • extinguishing vinegar;
  • 3-4 medium sour apples;
  • ground cinnamon powder and other spices are at the discretion of the hostess.


  1. The dough for charlotte with sour cream and apples is prepared in a deep bowl that is suitable for kneading. First, break the eggs, put sour cream, sugar in them and beat everything thoroughly with a whisk or a blender. The resulting mixture should be slightly insisted, leaving it for 10-15 minutes, and then mix again, making sure that all the sugar crystals dissolved.
  2. Then add hydrated soda, baking powder and flour. Flour is recommended to sift gradually with a sieve. So it is saturated with oxygen, which will give the dough additional volume, moreover, in this way you can easily get rid of most of the unnecessary lumps and not break them manually. The result should be a dough that resembles sour cream of medium thickness.
  3. Apples are usually divided into two parts, with the peel and core removed and cut into small lobules. It is best to roll them in ground cinnamon powder, adding to taste.
  4. The form should be greased with butter and lay out its bottom with a layer of fruit. Next, you need to fill the apples with half of the total mass of the dough, and put another apple layer on it, which is poured with the remaining mass, evenly distributing it over the surface using a wooden spatula.
  5. Now it remains to put the cake in the oven and bake it for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 o C, periodically checking the readiness of the product with a wooden stick, a match or a toothpick.

We offer to see the video recipe:

Exquisite charlotte with sour cream

Charlotte with sour cream pouring is not accidentally called the most delicious in the world, because in terms of pomp and airiness it is unlikely to yield to other cakes. Products for the test:

  • eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • baking powder - 1/2 tsp

The composition for making cream cream:

  • sour cream (any) - 190 g;
  • sugar or powder - 2 tbsp. l

For filling:

  • 2-3 sour apples;
  • ground cinnamon powder to taste;
  • crackers (small crumb) - 2 tbsp.
  1. The cooking process is not much different from the classic version, but it has its own nuances. Eggs should be whipped together with sugar for 10 minutes, to obtain a frothy mass.
  2. After that, the flour is mixed with baking powder and sifted through a sieve. Everything is re-beaten - at the same time, the speed of beating should be minimal. Apples are prepared by cutting into cubes, and the form is greased with butter.
  3. By the way, if a silicone mold is used, it is not necessary to lubricate it, because baking it does not stick to the edges.
  4. Apples are placed on the bottom of the container and sprinkled with fine breadcrumbs and cinnamon powder. Everything is mixed and poured mass. Bake at a temperature of 170-180 o C with a periodic readiness check.
  5. Beginner housewives should learn the rule: the oven can be opened only 20 minutes after the start of cooking. The total baking time is 40-45 minutes.
  6. While charlotte is baked, you can do the preparation of sour cream. It is done very quickly: sour cream is simply mixed with sugar or powder. Since the sugar crystals do not dissolve immediately, for more efficient work it is recommended to take powdered sugar.

After the product is ready, you need to cool it a little, then decorate it with cream and serve it to the table. Delicious cake is ready.

Recipe for multicooker

Lush smetannaya charlotte perfectly prepared in a slow cooker. To do this, you need the following products:

  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • any sour cream - 220 g;
  • apples (large) - 2-3 pcs .;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • egg - 2-3 pcs.
  1. Beat eggs with sugar until thick and fluffy foam is obtained. As soon as the mass acquires a volume twice the original, add sour cream to it and mix it thoroughly again. Flour is sifted through a sieve and gradually pour in the dough. At the same time it is necessary to bring slaked soda into the composition.
  2. Apples must be cut in such a way that they make thin peeled slices. If the pieces are thick and heavy, they can "spoil" the pomp of the dough in the baking process, weighting both the middle and the upper part of the cake.
  3. Layers of apples and dough are laid out alternately in a multicooker container. First, put a layer of mass on the bottom, and put apples on top, then again the dough - and so on. The number of fruit layers can be made at the discretion, depending on how much fruit is obtained.
  4. The product is baked when the “Baking” mode is set for one hour. It happens that the multicooker bakes the product unevenly, but this error is easy to fix. If the pie has not been baked for 60 minutes after being inside it, you will need to gently turn it over and hold it in the “Baking” mode for about half an hour in the container.

Very tasty cinnamon charlotte

Charlotte with apples and sour cream in the oven can be cooked with cinnamon. If such baking becomes the choice, the pie will turn out absolutely special. For its manufacture will need:

  • egg - 2-3 pcs .;
  • sour cream (20%) - 26 g;
  • granulated sugar - 220 g;
  • vanilla and cinnamon - 1 gram each;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • 2-3 sour apples;
  • butter - to lubricate the form.
  1. Eggs and sugar are whipped. In the frothy mass, you need to make sour cream and whip again, then add vanilla and cinnamon. Everything mixes up. Next, you need to take a separate cup and cook in it flour, which is first mixed with soda. Only after that all the components are put together.
  2. Soda in this recipe can not extinguish, because the presence of sour cream and sour apples completely replaces vinegar, and soda will be extinguished inside the dough, in a natural way.
  3. Apples are cooked by cutting into thin slices, and the baking dish (if it is not silicone) is oiled. The bottom of the form is poured with dough, an apple layer is put on top and poured again with mass.
  4. Most often, apples get two layers, and the test - three. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes, periodically checking the readiness of the product.

We offer a recipe for a pie with apples and raisins on sour cream:

Today will be a delicious recipe for lush charlotte with sour cream, available even to novice hostesses. Delicate taste, soft dough, beautiful sweet cake that serves to decorate your table - what else do you need on a cool autumn evening? Very tasty, join us!

Why was this cake called charlotte?

Charlotte is loved all over the world, but somewhere it is pudding, somewhere is a cold dessert, and in Russia it is a simple pie with apples.

Many know romantic legend  about the creation of charlotte by a certain cook from the UK, who was hopelessly in love with a girl named Charlotte, for whom he created a wonderful apple dessert and named it after her lover.

Name, place of residence or work, but at least the time of life is lost forever, except for dessert with a beautiful name. Doubtful version, but live and live for a long time.

Recipe Charlotte with apples on sour cream

You will need:

  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • sour or sweet-sour apples - 5 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour (general purpose) - 1 cup;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp (or 1 tsp. baking powder).


  1. Turn on the oven, set the mode to 180 degrees. At the time when you are preparing the dough for charlotte with sour cream, it is just warming up.
  2. Wash the apples, peel them, remove the core and cut into slices. If they seem too acidic to you, you can sprinkle them with sugar.
  3. Mix sour cream and soda (or baking powder). Soda do not need to extinguish - it will make sour cream.
  4. Whip the sugar and the egg in a separate container, combine with the sour cream.
  5. Sift flour and pour it into the dough. Mix everything thoroughly. The dough should be of medium thickness, without lumps.
  6. Spread the baking dish, place half the apples on the bottom, pour out a portion of the dough and place the rest of the apples. Pour over the remnants of the dough, level. It turns out a sort of puff apple pie. For this dessert, you can use a metal form, and silicone.
  7. Send charlotte to bake for 35-40 minutes.
  8. You can check the readiness with a wooden stick (in order not to burn your hands with hot air, instead of toothpicks you can take wooden skewers for kebabs).

We hope you did it? Enjoy your meal!

Text: Eugene Bagma

Airy, lush, tender, melting in your mouth it turns out charlotte on sour cream. It is not difficult to cook it, and guests and home will be delighted.

How to make a charlotte on sour cream?

Charlotte - French cake, which is traditionally made from white bread, liquor and custard. But in our latitudes, the name Charlotte has long been biscuit apple pies, in which, however, instead of apples, you can use other fruits, such as pears, plums, and even bananas.

You can cook the dough for charlotte on sour cream, on kefir and even with the addition of mayonnaise. It is believed that the charlotte on sour cream is more airy and light. The dough itself should have the consistency of thick cream.

Charlotte recipes on sour cream

Charlotte on sour cream

Ingredients: 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of sour cream, 1 egg, 1 cup of flour, ½ h. L. soda, 3-5 apples.

Preparation: in the bowl, break the egg, add sugar, sour cream, soda, flour, mix to the consistency of thick cream. Peel apples, cut into thin slices. Put half of the apples into the buttered form, pour half of the dough, put the remaining apples and pour the dough again. Bake 40 minutes.

Charlotte on sour cream and mayonnaise

Ingredients: half a cup of sour cream, half a cup of mayonnaise, 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup of flour, 1ch.l. baking powder.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients for the dough, peel the apples and cut into slices. Put the apples in a deep, oiled form, cover with dough and bake for 30-4 minutes at 180 ° C. Thanks to the mayonnaise in the dough, the charlotte will get a piquant taste, but will also be more fat.

Charlotte on sour cream with semolina

Ingredients: half a cup of kefir, half a cup of sour cream, 1 cup of sugar, half a cup of semolina, 2 eggs, half a cup of flour; 10 apples, walnuts, pine nuts, vegetable oil.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients for the dough, sift the flour, beat the dough with a mixer. Peel apples, cut into small cubes, chop nuts a little. Pour more than half of the dough into a greased form, sprinkle with walnuts, lay out the apples, then again the walnuts and pour out the remaining dough, sprinkle with pine nuts and put in the oven on medium heat. You can decorate charlotte with powdered sugar or sour cream sauce with powdered sugar.

Charlotte on sour cream is equally tasty as hot and cold (although cold charlotte with hot tea or coffee with sour cream sauce is much tastier). The cake can be decorated with powdered sugar, cinnamon, caramel sauce, whipped cream, ice cream. Have a nice tea party!

Traditional Slavic apple pie is made from sponge cake on sour cream. It is believed that the recipe with sour cream makes the dough tender and airy.

What country just did not attribute the original recipe for charlotte. Some believe that apple sharlot is a truly English dessert, a peculiar kind of pudding, which is made from layers of bread, soaked in cream, apples and eggs.

Some attribute the origin of the recipe of France, where the cake was made from bread, custard with the addition of liquor. There is a third option - Germany is considered the birthplace of the classic apple pie.

We have got accustomed to our recipe for apple baking in the oven.


For charlottes with apples and sour cream, simple ingredients for such a pie will be required. Since sour cream is taken as the basis for preparing the cake, due attention should be paid to its choice. Sour cream should be fresh, and the taste - sour. It will give the dough a delicate texture, and the whole charlotte will taste good.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp .;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp .;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp .;
  • Apples - 3-4 pcs .;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack.

After the cake is ready, you can sprinkle cocoa or powdered sugar, sugar or cinnamon on top of it. A traditionally served charlotte, pre-decorated with a piece of whipped cream.

Exquisite charlotte with sour cream

It is sour cream that gives the cake a piquant and delicate flavor.

How to make a charlotte with sour cream step by step:

  1. Wash 6 large apples. If necessary, clean them from the hard skins. Summer apples have delicate skin, so it can not be cut. Cut apples into thin slices.
  2. In a deep bowl, break 4 eggs, add a pinch of salt to them. Beat eggs with a mixer until a fluffy and thick mass is formed. You need to start beating slowly, gradually increasing momentum.
  3. To beaten the eggs gradually pour 1 cup of sugar, while not stopping whipping the bulk. 10 minutes, the mass should be whipped until the mass will not get a magnificent view.
  4. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Stir with a mixer.
  5. A glass of flour, in two or three stages, fall asleep to the total mass and mix.
  6. Grease the baking pan. Put apples on them. Cover the filling with filling and level.
  7. Send charlotte in the oven at 180 degrees or a slow cooker for 30-40 minutes.
  8. Remove the charlotte and allow it to cool.
  9. Prepare sour cream. Beat sour cream with sugar or powdered sugar. Smear charlotte cream and decorate as desired.

Charlotte with sour cream will be soft and tasty. It will satisfy all family members and guests.

The traditional recipe for the test for charlotte with sour cream

A traditional Slavic recipe for making charlottes on sponge dough is common among housewives. In order for the dough to have a fluffy structure, cold sour cream should be added to the eggs and sugar.

In order to be sure of the quality of sour cream, it is best to purchase it in specialized supermarkets.

In the traditions of our country, a bake with apples is baked on the basis of biscuit dough, the basis for which is sour cream. It is she who gives the cake tenderness and makes it melt in your mouth. The dough can be made without sour cream, for example, if it is not available. Cooking charlotte is very simple and fast, all you need is to mix the necessary ingredients, and the rest will be done by an oven or a slow cooker.

Charlotte with apples recipe with sour cream step by step with a photo