Table wine: what is it. What is the difference between table wine and dessert wine

12.08.2019 Bakery products

An ordinary buyer can not always understand what is the fundamental difference between them. And if everything is even less clear with the color and country of the producer, then how to determine the degree of strength, sugar content and aging?

Wine classification

All grape wines are divided into two main types - these are sparkling (sparkling and sparkling) and still wines. If we talk about quiet (not containing carbonic acid), then all of them, in turn, are divided into three categories - dining, fortified and dessert. Table wines have the smallest strength (not more than 14% vol.) And are produced using natural fermentation technology. Depending on the sugar content, table wines are divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. In color, they can be white, red and pink.

The following two categories of wines are fortified (aged), which allow the addition of rectified alcohol in the production technology, and dessert wines, which are aromatized with various additives and have a high sugar content.

How to consume table wines

Having dealt with the main classification of wines, you also need to know that the definition of "table" is not always indicated on the label. The correct table wine is “ordinary” wine, as labels are usually labeled. Ordinary wine began to be called dining room due to the fact that these wines, by their taste, are best suited for consumption during meals. And if we talk about the use of ordinary wines, then, depending on their classification, certain wines are served for different types of food.

For example, dry white wine is served with fish and poultry dishes. Heavier meat food involves the use of saturated red wines, and the appropriate wine is selected depending on the type of meat served. So, for example, beef goes well with any degree of sweetness, but dry red wine is most suitable for fatty pork.

Pink table wines are served with light salad dishes and as an aperitif before dinner. It is allowed to serve rosé wines with some desserts and fruits. Rosé and white wines can be consumed throughout lunch, while red wines are usually served only for the main course.

One cannot but mention the classic use of table wines as an addition to a picnic. In the open air, any ordinary wine goes well with appetizers made of cheese, bread and cold meat.

On sale you can find a variety of types of drinks from grapes: dry and sweet, sparkling and quiet, seasoned and young. On some copies, the year and region of manufacture are indicated, on others, these data are not available. One of the many categories that are presented at any outlet are table wines. The group includes completely different drinks, united by certain characteristics.

What wines are referred to as canteens

The category includes natural grape drinks with a low concentration of sugar and alcohol. Typically, such wines are produced without designation of the region of production, year of harvest and varietal composition. Although some bona fide manufacturers try to provide this information. In Russia, they are designated as “natural (table) wines”, in other countries products can be recognized by the inscription “Vino da tavola” or “Vin de Table”.

In the hierarchy of wines, table drinks occupy the lowest level, but this does not mean at all that these products are not worth attention. Among table wines you can find both mediocre cheap drinks and products of excellent quality with vivid taste characteristics. The problem is that you cannot predefine these properties.

What parameters are required for table wines

Drinks in this group do not have a specific manufacturing technology or belonging to a particular region. However, there are a number of characteristics:

  1. Naturalness

    These drinks are obtained only during the natural fermentation of wort or pulp without the addition of alcohol and sugar; usually on the label of such products you can see the inscription "natural", which corresponds to the truth.

  2. Security

    For the consumer (despite the variability and simplicity of table wines, there are strict requirements for their production, which determine the acceptable level of all components, such as volatile acids, salts of heavy metals, sulphurous acid, etc.).

  3. Alcohol content

Are table wines healthy?

Undoubtedly, these drinks have beneficial effects on the body. Of course, when it comes to good quality wines and moderate wines. Red dry drinks are most beneficial. The positive effect is expressed:

  1. In the normalization of digestion.
  2. Improving immunity.
  3. The supply of essential trace elements and vitamins.
  4. Prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
  5. Rejuvenation of all systems and organs.
  6. Improving blood circulation.
  7. Elimination of toxins, etc.

What are table wines?

There are several varieties of these drinks.

According to the level of sugar, there are:

  1. Dry (0-0.3%).
  2. Semi-dry (1-2%).
  3. Semi-sweet (3–8%).

Dry ones are obtained as a result of a complete fermentation cycle, semi-dry and semi-sweet - partial.

By color:

  1. Red (obtained by fermentation of dark fruits with peel and seeds).
  2. White (produced from light grape varieties without the use of pulp).
  3. Pink (made by blending two types of wines or by mixing the raw materials of different colors).

According to the manufacturing method:

  1. Varietal (one type of grape is used).
  2. Blending (several grades are taken as raw materials).

Depending on the shutter speed:

  1. Ordinary (aged up to 1 year).
  2. Vintage (from 1.5 or more).

It is worth remembering that fortified, sparkling and aromatic wines are not considered table wines, as are special collection items with a long aging time.

How to choose table wine

  1. First of all, it is worth focusing on the manufacturer. There are proven brands that are characterized by the optimal ratio of price and quality. If in doubt, it is better to study consumer reviews or dwell on red dry wine, which is considered more useful and rarely faked.
  2. You should not buy very cheap drinks: even with a natural composition, such products will not bring pleasure and will not bring special benefits. It is better to refuse to purchase wines in cardboard packaging: usually it indicates a low quality, but there are exceptions.
  3. The label should contain information about the manufacturer, product category, amount of sugar and strength. When searching for a good vintage wine, make sure that the year of manufacture is indicated on the bottle cap.
  4. It is worth paying attention to the cork. It is good if it is natural and equipped with the brand of the manufacturer. Do not expect that the old, darkened cork indicates aging: usually this indicates a low quality of the drink.
  5. Good table wines can be found among the products of Georgian, Abkhaz, Armenian, French, Italian, Moldavian and some other producers.

How to drink table wines

This category of drinks got its name precisely because of its unpretentiousness in the selection of dishes. Table wine does not require special culinary delights. It will well complement regular snacks or serve as a worthy aperitif.

Everyone probably understands the relationship of these drinks with a table or feast. Indeed, precisely because of their relative simplicity and excellent combination with most food products, these wines have earned their name. But let’s nevertheless take a closer look at this topic. Forward!

How is the dining room different from the geographical, dessert and any other?

In this case, we are not talking about any external characteristic. Table wines can be white, and red, and pink.

The name does not mean that only such wine can be put on the table, while others cannot. This does not mean at all. Rather, this suggests that such drinks are best suited for a simple family (or even lonely) feast, during lunch or dinner. In wine countries and regions they are completely consumed as water.

Unlike sweet desserts, these wines have less sugar. Dining rooms are divided according to cooking technology into:

  • dry with a sugar content of less than 1%;
  • semi-dry - sugar from 1 to 2.5%;
  • and semi-sweet - from 2 to 7% sugar level.

Also, the difference with the same dessert is in one-sorted. That is, most often table wines are made from the same grape variety. Dessert is often blended (that is, made with a mixture of different varieties).

One of the main differences between table wine and the geographical one is the practically absence of any legislative or official requirements for production and labels. Moreover, the label may not indicate at all that you are dealing with table wine. Rather, it is a peculiar sign of simplicity. But it doesn’t mean at all quality. In this, it does not necessarily differ.

In general, the legislation of the vast majority of countries is more than loyal to these simple wines, both in terms of grape selection, and in terms of production and labels. This means that any grape varieties are selected, produced by standard methods, and the packaging does not say what kind of variety, where the wine comes from and so on. Maximum simplicity to maintain a low price.

Another important difference is the almost complete absence of the stage of maturation and aging. After all the basic procedures, it is usually bottled and sent to the shops in order to quickly get to the table. For rich aroma-flavor bouquets, you should turn to completely different species.

In general, such wines are distinguished by mild taste, light acidity and freshness.

General table wine production technology

As already mentioned, dining rooms are pink and white with red. And we already wrote about their production and cooking technologies. We will not repeat ourselves. Let's note the main thing.

  1. The fermentation process in table wines is always longer than the same dessert and fortified. It is important that the yeast process all or almost all of the sugar.
  2. Of ripening in barrels and in general about this process, there is often no talk here. The manufacturers of these drinks do not have the goal to create a drink with a rich bouquet of aromas and tastes. It is much better to quickly put them on the table to consumers.
  3. For production, one variety is often selected (without blending, that is, mixing varieties) of grapes. Moreover, most often any popular for mass production or revered by local consumers.

In principle, more than any distinctive features and not to mention. So it's time to take stock.

Summarize the main differences and differences

Table wine is a popular drink for every day, which is most often consumed at the dining table with accompaniment to different dishes. It is lightweight, low in sugar (sweetness) after cooking. Legends do not compose such wines; poems are rarely dedicated to them. This is a kind of "wine infantry." But not just “officers” to fight!

Choosing alcohol for family gatherings or a romantic evening, it is easy to get confused. What designations you will not see on a label!

Manufacturers offer a whole gamut of various wines:

  • dining room;
  • dry
  • fortified;
  • dessert
  • semisweet;
  • geographical.

And that's not all! Moreover, dessert may well be, for example, geographical. And what does table wine mean - is it possible to buy a bottle of semi-sweet table wine if the price looks very tempting? Or is “canteen” one classification, and “semisweet” is already “from another opera”?

Table wines have a number of common features:

  • produced by complete (or incomplete) fermentation of the wort;
  • can be made in any country;
  • exempted from any requirements for sugar content, grade and type of raw materials used, production technology.

These are natural drinks containing alcohol in a volume of not more than 14%.

Such wines are divided into:

  • semi-dry;
  • semisweet.

How is it different from usual?

Ordinary wine as such does not exist. Any alcohol-containing drink is subject to classification.

You may come across a bottle of dessert,. It is possible that you will prefer vintage - it can decorate a festive table.

But if you see the “table” supplement, know that the manufacturer had the right to make a drink according to his own recipe, so its taste may differ from what was expected. Wines with the same name, one of which is a table wine, can be completely different.

Dining and geographical - what's the difference?

Geographic wine appeared in the international classification just a few years ago. Such an inscription on the label means: alcohol is produced in a particular country using certain grape varieties.

The dining room is a "surprise box": winemakers have every right not to indicate in which state the wine berries were harvested for a drink.

What is the difference from sweet?

Can table wine be sweet? Most likely, if you read such an inscription on a bottle, it is a fake: after all, these wines have different production technologies.

If the wort for the dining room should ferment completely (or almost completely), then for the preparation of sweets, the process is interrupted in the early stages and alcohol is added.

What are the differences between dry and sweet wines?

Dry is obtained after fermentation is completed naturally. This is a rather weak alcohol; its maximum strength is 11 revolutions. It contains a small percentage of sugar content, not more than 1.

Sweet wines are prepared with the addition of alcohol, they are slightly stronger than dry ones, and the proportion of sugar in them grows to 8% or more.

Dry are not stored for long, especially in open form. You can drink a little sweet, stretching one bottle for several weeks.

Collectible and Vintage

Wine can be ordinary - that is, aged less than a year, but more than 3 months, made from inexpensive grape varieties.

Collectible will definitely be more expensive, because its exposure is at least one and a half years. Only a certain grape variety is used to make a specific vintage wine. A producer claiming that his wine is vintage, thereby gives a guarantee of compliance with manufacturing technology.

The most expensive wines - collectible. 6 years is the minimum exposure time for such a drink. The number of bottles is usually limited, so this wine can cost a lot of money.

How to drink dessert table wines?

If you adhere to the classification of wines adopted by international standards, then table wine can hardly be dessert - they are prepared using different technologies. Therefore, the rules for the use of these wines differ.

Table wines are often dry and semi-dry. Canteens - that is, they are served at the table, and therefore should not interrupt the taste of the main dishes. Their task is help digestion, arouse appetite. Before serving, these wines are warmed up. They drink such wine for hot dishes: fish, meat, and sometimes soups.

Dessert is usually served with something sweet. Ice cream or cake will go well with the drink. Just make sure that the taste of wine is brighter than the taste of dessert. Wine can be poured into glasses after it has been slightly cooled.

If you pick up a bottle of wine and find out from the accompanying inscription that it is table, this is not a reason to put the bottle back and look at other alcohol. Yes, such a wine does not have strict standards. Yes, it is not known on which land the grape harvest is harvested.

But your chances to get a truly tasty and even healthy drink are high if you came to buy a large trusted store. Such stores do not work with unscrupulous suppliers selling dubious products. Therefore, luck may well be on your side and for little money you can taste a great drink.

  Do you like table wines? Please tell us about those that you think are worthy of attention. We are happy to taste it!

Wine is an assembly of magnificent flavor and aromatic colors that give the consumer an unforgettable experience. All types of this alcohol are divided into three types, and one of them will be discussed later.

In the article you will learn what table wine is, how it happens, what products it combines with and how to choose it correctly. In fact, you will discover all the necessary skills for the correct selection of drinks belonging to one of the most popular wine segments.

The answer to the question why wine is called tableware lies on the surface. This is a special kind of alcoholic drinks that are drunk directly with meals.

With all their nature, they are recognized to accompany the meal and not stand out for special gastronomic values. This alcohol is made on the basis of the fermented juice of freshly picked grapes without the addition of alcohol, sugar and various aromatic substances. The strength of the segment representatives in this case can vary from 9 to 14%.


Table drinks today can be presented in the widest possible range of visual performances. They can be white, pink or red. It all depends on the variety of grapes used and the manufacturing principles provided by the manufacturer.


Aromatic indicators are multifaceted, but restrained. The basis of the bouquet is often grassy and fruit plumes.


The taste of table wines is perfectly balanced. In it you will never encounter strongly dominant aspects that can interrupt the taste of certain dishes set on the table.

Did you know?  In France, the share of table wines on sale is over 90%.

How to get original alcohol

The modern alcohol market upsets consumers with a large number of fakes. Today, counterfeit products can be found on almost any branded product.

Thus, when choosing a table wine for personal tasting, you should be extremely careful. Otherwise, you have to "enjoy" the falsification.

To prevent this from happening and you could reveal the full flavor of the tasting indicators of the wine purchased in the store, try to take into account the following points when buying:

  • The appearance of the packaging.

Manufacturers of our time monitor the quality of design of their products. Consequently, on branded products you will not find glass chips, glue drips and other unpleasant moments. Also, be sure to visit the site of its manufacturer before buying an attractive product and get acquainted with the main nuances of how licensed packaging should look like.

  • Excise.

Preferring foreign alcohol, pay attention to the excise stamp. This protection element is required to be present on all bottles of alcohol that undergo customs clearance.

  • Fluid structure.

The consistency of branded table wine should be perfectly clean. Any impurities, including sediment and turbidity, are signs of poor quality contents. Such products are best returned to the shelf.

  • Place of acquisition.

Do not buy wine at stalls or local grocery stores. Trust supermarkets and specialized alcohol boutiques, where the client can be provided with a solid choice, recommendations and, of course, quality certificates. Practice shows that the largest number of alcohol counterfeit products is realized through a dubious point of sale.

How to serve

Whatever wine you choose from the dining room segment, rely on the generally accepted classic principles of serving during the tasting process. Bottling of drinks should be carried out in transparent glasses with thin glass and on a high leg.

Such glasses will allow you to enjoy the colorful aroma of the purchased product and its unique color. The ideal taste indicators of table wines are revealed at certain temperatures.

Red drinks need to be cooled to 16-18 degrees, white - to 10-12, and pink - to 6-8 degrees. Neglecting temperature standards, be prepared for the appearance of chaotic tastes and aromas.

Did you know?  Table wine today is the smallest of the two general categories of quality. It presents the simplest wine products.

What products is combined with

When tasting table wines, pay special attention to the gastronomic accompaniment. The best representatives of the segment are best served meat dishes and juicy slices.

White and pink options go well with salads, desserts and seafood. The ideal pair is selected individually for each drink. As for universal snacks, then they should include cheeses and fruits.

Other Uses

Sometimes a table wine tasting does not bring the consumer the desired experience. In such situations, do not be upset, because these drinks can always be tried as part of popular cocktails.

Based on table wines, today you can create many unique delicious mixes that can become a real highlight of any event. In particular, the most interesting cocktails on wine should include such drinks as Grape Rush, Opera, Louisiana and Lillet.

What are the types of this alcohol

Table wines are not just the most affordable, but also the most diverse segment of drinks. In it you will find elegant assemblages that can satisfy the interests of even the most sophisticated tasters.

At the same time, not wanting to miscalculate in the process of acquiring stylish alcohol for today's event, try to pay attention to the following products in the store:

  • Koktebel.  It has a rich golden honey color and a complex aroma, in which the notes of aging and make-up are clearly emphasized. The taste will delight with a burning nature with elegant notes of a red walnut.
  • MassandraRed table wine, in the taste characteristics of which you can hear sour fruit lobes. The aromatic component is based on fruit and berry aspects with woody tones.
  • Chiaretto Serenissima.  Pink table wine with a delicate grape bouquet. The gastronomic value is expressed by a rather dry nature and enveloping freshness.
  • .   Alcohol attractive ruby \u200b\u200bcolor and a tart, but soft fruity flavor. The aroma is built on the plumes of strawberries and roses.

Historical reference

Wine is an exquisite alcoholic product that has been prepared for several millennia in various parts of our planet. For example, in Iran, a jug of approximately 9 liters was found, in which, according to a chemical analysis, more than 7 thousand years ago, grape wine was stored.

Did you know?  Table wine labels must include a reference to the word “table”. It can be indicated in different languages, depending on where the drink was made.

Get new tasting experiences daily

Table wines are one of the most diverse segments of wine products. It presents a wide abundance of white, red and pink assemblages with unique aromatic and taste characteristics.

Based on this, it is not surprising that these products are actively used to create the necessary atmosphere both at large parties and at individual tastings.

With such drinks, you can always discover the brightest taste and aromatic bouquets, and for this it is enough to just visit a specialized alcohol market more often.

Go to the nearest alcohol boutique right now and buy a couple of drinks that are guaranteed to brighten up the upcoming tasting evening.