Chicken fillet with pineapple - the first family exotic dish.

22.09.2019 Bakery products

Chicken with pineapple and cheese in the oven is the perfect dish for any special occasion. The ingredients for it will require a minimum, you won’t have to bother for a long time, and the taste will turn out to be gentle and piquant. And outwardly such a dish looks very festive and elegant.

Chicken recipes are very diverse, but adding pineapple to this tender meat always gives some kind of exoticism and piquancy. Chicken with pineapple and cheese in the oven cooks quickly enough, and even it takes a little time to pre-cook all the foods.

First, take chicken fillet weighing about 700-800 grams. We thoroughly rinse it, dry it with a paper towel or let it drain in water, and then cut the carcasses across not very wide layers, removing the films and veins.

Then we pick up a kitchen hammer and beat the meat from two sides. Salt, pepper, add spices and send to the refrigerator for 20 minutes for marinating. Then the meat is perfectly saturated and will be juicy.

Fresh or canned?

The question of what is tastier - chicken with canned pineapples or with fresh, does not have a clear answer. After all, they don’t argue about tastes. If you cook a dish with fresh fruit, it will give more acidity, and the pineapple itself can be cut both lengthwise and across, as soon as your imagination tells you.

But if there is no fresh pineapple on hand, preservation will come to the rescue. Now in stores there is a fairly large selection of this fruit: cut into rings, semicircles and slices. If for cooking you take canned pineapple, then you need to throw it in a colander to stack juice, which you can safely drink later.

Two options for one dish

Chicken with pineapple and cheese in the oven can be cooked in two ways. The first is when we spread all the ingredients at once. So, carefully pickle the chicken meat on a baking sheet, which is pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. On top of each piece of meat - a piece of pineapple. Sprinkle all this beauty with grated cheese (200 grams of hard cheese will be enough for 700 grams of chicken fillet). Those who like a fatter dish can put a couple of spoons of mayonnaise on top. However, without this sauce, the dish will turn out to be quite soft and juicy. Bake in the oven for about half an hour. The cheese spreads, and you get a single meat pie with pineapples.

If you cook according to the second method, then first you need to separately bake in the oven chicken fillet - 15 minutes on one side and 10 on the other. Then we transfer each piece to another baking sheet, cover the meat with a pineapple ring, sprinkle with cheese and send it to the oven for another 7 minutes. The advantages of the second method are that with this preparation each piece lies separately, in portions, it is more convenient to remove it from the pan and , respectively, serve. And since pineapple was cooked for very little time, it will be almost like fresh.

This dish can be cooked on the so-called onion base. 3-4 medium onions cut into rings and spread them on a baking sheet. Above are the main ingredients. If you are afraid that the dish will burn, you can put aluminum foil or oiled paper on a baking sheet.

In the food sleeve

And here is just an amazingly juicy chicken with pineapples and cheese in the oven, which is cooked using a food sleeve. We need about 900 grams of chicken, which we pre-cut into large pieces. But for this recipe, you can take wings and a drumstick. Add salt and pepper, add dry spices. Pineapple is better to take fresh - enough for such a volume of grams is 500-600 grams of exotic fruit. Also cut it into slices, mix with chicken. Add the grated cheese.

We lay out all this mixture in a sleeve, seal it on both sides, leaving enough space for air, and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes. The meat is perfectly saturated with juice and melted cheese, it will acquire a golden crust and extraordinary juiciness!

We put lettuce leaves on a large dish, and on them is a finished dish. For decoration, you can use cherry tomatoes, olives or olives, greens. For garnish, you can boil potatoes or rice, pasta or buckwheat.

What is the time to bake?

How quickly is the chicken cooked, how much is it baked in the oven? It all depends on the size of the pieces of meat and on your desire to get a crisp on the dish or, on the contrary, darken the chicken so that it is well stewed. The larger the chicken pieces, the longer it will take time to bake. If you do not beat the chicken, and put it on a whole baking sheet, then the cooking time will take about 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

If the meat is cut into thinner layers and well beaten, half an hour will be enough. If you want to get a crisp, then immediately turn on a large fire, at 250 degrees, and put the pan in a preheated oven. After 10 minutes, the fire must be reduced to 180 degrees and for another 20-30 minutes, bring the dish to readiness. Then allow the dish to cool - it is enough to stand for 10 minutes in the kitchen. And after that, you can immediately serve.

Spicy salad

Chicken recipes suggest not only hot serving, but also cold snacks in the form of salads. If you want to make a spicy dish, you will need the following ingredients: chicken, pineapple, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. Boil chicken fillet (take 500 grams) in salt water (later this broth can be used to prepare first courses). Let the meat cool and cut it into small pieces (approximately 3 by 3 centimeters). Add chopped pineapples to the meat (200 grams). We rub the same amount of hard cheese on a grater and add 3-4 cloves of finely chopped garlic to it. We mix all the ingredients and season the salad with mayonnaise. We spread this beauty in a deep vase and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Before serving, you can put several pineapple rings on top of the salad - this will decorate the dish. Also, the salad can be sprinkled with pine nuts or grated walnuts. Leaves of basil, cilantro, parsley are perfect as decorations.

Chicken in the oven with pineapple: stuffed, with potatoes and cheese, diet skewers

Chicken with pineapple in the oven - even sounds festive. But there are so many subtleties in this dish that it is not easy to cook it correctly! Which fruit to choose? What spices to use? How much to keep in the oven? We learn the answers to these questions, and learn how to bake chicken with pineapples each time in a different way!

The combination of chicken and pineapple pulp comes from oriental cuisine. Juicy berries (and not at all fruit, as is commonly believed) complement the slightly dry bird fillet, and combine the tastes together with rich spices: ginger, curry, paprika. For our table, this combination is not familiar, so be careful in trying to cook chicken under pineapples in the oven for the first time for the holiday. First, you should “try” the dish in a more relaxed atmosphere at home. And if it falls to the table, then you can serve it to the guests.

Subtleties of cooking

Pineapples come to our country from warm places, from where they are delivered by air and ships. In the first case, the berries are more expensive, but the most delicious, as they pluck them already ripe. In the second, they ripen on the way, which affects the quality of the pulp. It becomes less fragrant, it has less sugar, more astringency. Unfortunately, such instances are most often found in supermarkets.

In cooking, fruits are used fresh and canned. Each case has its own characteristics.

  • For roasting chicken, it is better to choose a canned fruit in light syrup, with a minimal addition of sugar. In such a dish, the sweet taste of the berry will only slightly contrast with the salted meat. In a pair it is better to take a diet fillet, which is soaked in juice and gains a refined taste.
  • Using fresh pineapple, you can cook the most juicy meat. The advantage of this combination is in the acid contained in the golden fruit. It corrodes meat fibers, giving them softness. Such a chicken in the oven with pineapples will not get the sugary sweetness for sure. Therefore, it will become a more suitable solution for our table.
  • The dish is suitable for both diet food and a hearty gala dinner. In the first case, we recommend using a fresh fruit in combination with white chicken meat, and in the second - the whole carcass of the bird, which can be stuffed with juicy, aromatic slices. You can also bake chicken thighs or drumsticks under a cheese crust or with potatoes. Many decisions on how to cook chicken with pineapple in the oven allow you to use this dish for different situations.

By the way, despite the limited use of the fetus in our culinary, nutritionists recommend paying attention to those who monitor their weight. It contains the substance bromelain, which in composition is similar to digestive system enzymes. It enhances the productivity of digestion, preventing excess calories from settling in the body and accumulating fat. Therefore, slimming our recipes will also come in handy.

Canned Pineapple Dishes

The simplest and cheapest solution is to cook chicken in the oven with pineapple and cheese or with potatoes, using canned fruits. The cost of dishes will be lower than with fresh berries, and their satiety will be higher. We offer several recipes for your culinary samples.

With mayonnaise and curry

This recipe uses chicken thighs, so the dish is very convenient in the distribution.

  You will need:

  • hips - 8 pcs.;
  • cheese - 250 g;
  • homemade mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • curry - 1 teaspoon;
  • canned pineapple - 1 can;
  • salt pepper.
  1. Remove the skin from the thighs, add salt, pepper and coat with mayonnaise. Refrigerate for an hour.
  2. Rub cheese finely.
  3. Drain the pineapple juice, remove the rings from the jar.
  4. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil, spread the meat pieces tightly. Lay on top of a pineapple ring, cover with cheese.
  5. Place in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 °.

Do not leave the meat in the oven longer so that it does not dry out.

Stuffed chicken

The luxury solution for the festive table. The chicken stuffed with pineapples in the oven looks very impressive, hearty and tasty.

  You will need:

  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • ginger - 1 teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • canned pineapples - 1 can;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper.
  1. Rinse the carcass, dry.
  2. Mix salt with pepper, grate chicken.
  3. Combine lemon juice, ginger, chopped garlic. Lubricate the carcass, leave to marinate for an hour.
  4. Add sour cream to the marinade, smear the carcass again, leave for another hour.
  5. Cut pineapples, put inside the abdomen, fasten the skin with toothpicks.
  6. Put in a preheated oven, bake at 180 ° for 1 hour under a lid (foil) and an open carcass for another 30 minutes.

With potato

Chicken with pineapple and potatoes in the oven is the “invention” of our cuisine. Well, we love to be satisfying! The recipe for a delicious dinner of a large company.

  You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 800 g;
  • potatoes - 5 medium size;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • pineapples - 1 can;
  • pineapple marinade - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • salt pepper.
  1. Cut the fillet into slices, beat off, add salt, pepper.
  2. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin circles.
  3. Fill a baking sheet with foil, grease with oil.
  4. Lay the potatoes, chicken on top of it, then pineapple rings.
  5. Combine mayonnaise, garlic, jar marinade. Pour the ingredients in a baking sheet.
  6. Place in oven for 45 minutes at 180 °.
  7. Grate cheese, sprinkle the dish. Bake another 5 minutes.

Dishes with fresh pineapple

These delicious dishes use tender chicken, and the presence of a fresh fruit reduces calorie content. You can eat them even during the diet!

With tomatoes and parmesan

The ingredients in the baking dish are laid out in layers, so that the meat is nourished by juices and becomes incredibly soft. The presence of juicy components allows you to use a minimum of mayonnaise or abandon it completely.

  You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • pineapple - 150 g;
  • parmesan - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • tomatoes - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • curry - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt pepper.
  1. Beat off the fillet.
  2. Cut the pineapple into triangles.
  3. Chop the garlic.
  4. Cut the tomato into slices.
  5. Rub cheese finely.
  6. Grease a baking sheet with butter, put the fillet. Salt, pepper, sprinkle curry. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  7. Put pineapple, tomatoes in layers, sprinkle with garlic.
  8. Lay out the cheese.
  9. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 °.

Diet kebabs

This dish is both tasty and low-calorie at the same time. A real find for the diet!

  You will need:

  1. Squeeze the juice from half the pineapple pulp, cut the other into slices.
  2. Cut fillet into slices, marinate in pineapple juice, black pepper for 1 hour.
  3. String pieces of fillet and pineapple on skewers, alternating, add salt.
  4. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 °.

Barbecue in the oven is convenient to do on the grill. Under it you need to put a baking sheet to collect juice.

Oven with chicken and pineapple

Many cooks do not really like to cook chicken breast, since in most recipes it turns out to be hard and dry. I cook chicken in the oven with pineapples in a special marinade sauce, which makes the meat soft and juicy. Pineapples are very well in harmony with chicken breast, sauce and red onions and give the dish a light sweetish piquant note.

I really like this recipe in that it is very quick and easy to prepare, but it turns out very tasty and juicy. Minimum ingredients, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

  Everyone who tried chicken breast according to this recipe at first doubted that it was the fillet, it was so juicy and tender. This dish can be prepared in general form, or in portioned small pots or ramen.

In such a marinade, you can cook not only chicken breast, but any meat, the dish will be tender and very tasty.

  • chicken breast - 250 grams,
  • pineapples - 2-3 rings,
  • mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon,
  • tomato ketchup - 1 tablespoon,
  • red onion - 1 piece (medium),
  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon,
  • sweet paprika - to taste,
  • ground black pepper to taste,
  • salt to taste.

How to cook chicken in the oven with pineapple:

Wash the chicken breast, remove the skin and cut into small pieces (I do not recommend cutting into large pieces, as it is better to be marinated). Put chicken in a deep bowl.

  Cut the onion into thin half rings (I use red onion for this recipe, it goes very well with pineapple).

Add chopped onion to chicken. Add soy sauce (necessarily of good quality) to the bowl, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (odorless), add mayonnaise (do not replace sour cream), add tomato ketchup (you can use high-quality tomato paste).

Mix all the ingredients well, add ground sweet paprika to taste, black pepper and salt to taste. Stir again.

Pineapple rings cut into small pieces (you can immediately take pineapple sliced). Use canned pineapple only, fresh for this recipe will not work.

Put the pineapple slices in a bowl with chicken, onions and marinade, mix and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour, sometimes mix gently to make the chicken fillet uniformly marinated.

Lightly grease the baking dish with odorless vegetable oil, put the fillet with pineapple and marinade sauce.

Bake in a preheated oven, at a temperature of 180 degrees, for 30 minutes.

Serve the finished chicken fillet with pineapple immediately. It goes well with fresh vegetables and herbs.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo specially for the site A well-fed family. Sincerely, Elena Gorodishenina.

  • 07/25/2017 | 12:30 pm

    I have several proven chicken dishes with pineapple, but there the chicken is cut in portions. Take note of this recipe. In general, the combination of chicken with pineapple is simply amazing!

    / li\u003e

    07/25/2017 | 2:04 pm

    Wow! I can imagine what a fragrant and tasty dish it turns out. Be sure to cook a chicken with pineapples.

    / li\u003e

    07/27/2017 | 7:14 dp

    In this way I cook chicken with pineapples, but still put grated carrots. And if the carrots are very young, then I cut in circles.

    Tender chicken with pineapple in the oven

    “Eat pineapples, chew grouse!” - with these words I want to start my recipe of incredibly tasty, but at the same time simple enough to prepare the dish - oven baked chicken with pineapple.

    When I started cooking this dish for the first time, I still did not have much experience in cooking. At that time I was a freshman student. And I decided to cook chicken with pineapples in order to surprise my future young man. And show him what a magnificent hostess I am. So, cook the baked chicken fillet in the oven.

    What foods are needed to make chicken

    • Chicken fillet - 4 pcs (weight approximately 500 grams)
    • Canned pineapple rings - 1 can
    • Cheese - 300 gr. (I took poshekhonsky)
    • Onion - 1 head
    • Garlic - a pair of cloves
    • Curry sauce - 300 gr (in a bottle)
    • Lettuce - fresh in a pot (for decoration)

    I cooked for a side dish oven-baked potato wedges.

    For this we need:

    • Potato - 1 kg
    • Salt, pepper - to taste
    • Dijon mustard
    • Dill - a pair of bunches

    At that time, I have not yet had the Internet. Imagine once there were such times. Now this is pretty hard to imagine. And I took the recipe from my mother’s cookbook.

    How to easily bake chicken in the oven with pineapple

    I took the chicken, washed it in cool water. And then hit it to the thickness in 0.5 centimeters. I admit, I didn’t have a special hammer for beating. I tried to beat off with a knife (ineffective process), a pusher (it also doesn’t work well), as a result I wrapped an ordinary hammer with a plastic bag and beat them meat.

    To make the chicken more tender   taste, you need it on marinate for half an hour in sauce and spices.

    The combination of juicy sweet exotic fruit and chicken came to us from the east. But today it has become very popular in European cuisine. Cooking chicken with pineapple in the oven is quick and easy. Such a treat will be perfect hot for the festive table.

    Serving meat according to this recipe is delicious not only hot, but even cold. Ingredients: a pound of poultry fillet, 70 g of hard cheese, salt, half an onion, a clove of garlic, a standard can of pineapple rings in syrup, mayonnaise, aromatic herbs.

    1. The fillet is not cut, but only washed with cold water and thoroughly beaten off by the blunt side of the knife.
    2. Billets are immediately salted, sprinkled with seasonings and laid out on an oiled baking sheet.
    3. On top, the meat is smeared with mayonnaise.
    4. It remains to sprinkle the fillet with small onion cubes and chopped garlic, cover with fruit slices and cover with grated cheese.
    5. The chicken is baked for 35 minutes in a well-heated oven.

    A treat is served with light vegetable salads.

    With the addition of potatoes

    In order not to be puzzled by the garnish, you can immediately add sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes to chicken and fruit. It is saturated with juices from the rest of the ingredients and as a result it will be tender. Products: 800 g of potatoes, 4 chicken, cans of pineapple (canned), mayonnaise, 220 g of hard cheese, egg, salt, a mixture of peppers.

    1. Potato slices (1/3 of the total) are laid out in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet. It is important that the vegetable is sliced \u200b\u200bvery thinly, otherwise the baking time will increase markedly.
    2. Small pieces of chicken sprinkled with pepper and salt are laid out in a second layer.
    3. Next is the potato again.
    4. The remaining layers: pineapple cubes - potatoes - grated cheese. The last row can be slightly sprinkled with fruit syrup.
    5. Products are poured with a mixture of mayonnaise and slightly beaten eggs. Potato layers should be added to taste.
    6. Baking treats 45-55 minutes.

    Check the readiness of the dish by the softness of the potatoes.

    With pineapple and cheese

    Cheese creates an appetizing crust on the surface of the treat. It also prevents drying out of the layers of the dish. Ingredients: a can of pineapple rings in syrup, 950 g of boneless breast, mayonnaise, salt, 320 g of hard cheese.

    1. Small pieces of breast are well beaten and salted, after which they are laid out tightly on an oiled baking sheet.
    2. Thin pineapple rings horizontally sliced \u200b\u200bare sent from above. Previously, they need to drain the liquid as much as possible.
    3. It remains to make a thick mayonnaise net and generously sprinkle with grated cheese. The more it turns out, the tastier the dish will turn out.

    Baked chicken with pineapple and cheese in the oven at 200 degrees 45 minutes.

    With mushrooms

    From mushrooms, it is best to choose fresh champignons. They will be enough to take 270 grams. The remaining ingredients: 450 g of bird fillet, a small fresh pineapple, red onion, a few feathers of green onions, salt, a pinch of turmeric, sweet paprika and dried garlic.

    1. Mushrooms are cleaned, get rid of the tip of the legs and skirts, and then cut into 4 parts.
    2. Onions are chopped into thin half rings.
    3. Fruit without a peel is cut into small cubes.
    4. Chicken fillet is chopped into strips.
    5. All prepared components are laid out in a bowl, sprinkled with salt, seasonings, and also poured with any oil. After thorough mixing, the ingredients are poured into the sleeve and allowed to marinate for half an hour.
    6. Next, the dish will be baked in a hot oven for 35-45 minutes.
    7. About 10 minutes before being ready, you can cut the bag and let the food brown.

    Served with finely chopped onions.

    Chicken with pineapple, tomato, onion and cheese

    Despite the large number of ingredients, such a meal is prepared easily and quickly. Ingredients: large breast of poultry, 4 tomatoes, half a can of canned pineapple, onion, salt, mayonnaise, 70 g of hard cheese.

    1. The breast is cut into small pieces, each of which is beaten and salted.
    2. Tomatoes are cut into thin rings, and onions into cubes.
    3. Hard cheese grates with the largest divisions. Its amount can be increased to your liking.
    4. Prepared meat is laid out on an oiled baking sheet. Small slices of pineapple get enough sleep on top of the breast. It’s easier to take chopped canned fruit right away.
    5. Meat and pineapple blanks are generously greased with mayonnaise. Next, tomato rings and onion cubes are sent.
    6. On top of the fillet with the rest of the ingredients is covered with grated cheese.

    Chicken under a pineapple according to the selected recipe is cooked for about 25 minutes in a well-heated oven. A temperature of 200-210 degrees will be enough.

    In a slow cooker

    If the hostess does not have the opportunity to use the oven, together she can turn to the “smart pan” for help. Any device model will do, but it’s best to choose one that has a special “Pilaf” mode. Ingredients: 430 g of poultry fillet, 1 standard can of pineapple rings in syrup, 5 large tablespoons of mayonnaise, 230 g of hard cheese (you can take spicy), salt, a mixture of aromatic herbs.

    1. The chicken is thawed, washed well, dried with a paper towel and cut into small pieces. You can immediately salt and pepper the bird to taste.
    2. In the bowl of the device, lubricated with any oil, first prepared chicken pieces are laid out. Small cubes of pineapples are sprinkled on top. Juice left in the jar can be poured over chicken for greater juiciness.
    3. The cheese is rubbed onto a coarse grater and sprinkled on top of all the other ingredients.
    4. It remains to generously lubricate the surface with mayonnaise.
    5. In the program "Pilaf" the dish will be baked for 35-45 minutes.

    To taste, it is allowed to replace mayonnaise with fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. It is also very tasty to mix the selected sauce with chopped garlic and various hot spices.

    And cheese in the oven - a great dish for any special occasion. The ingredients for it will require a minimum, you won’t have to bother for a long time, and the taste will turn out to be gentle and piquant. And outwardly such a dish looks very festive and elegant.

    Cooking fillets

    Chicken recipes are very diverse, but adding pineapple to this tender meat always gives some kind of exoticism and piquancy. Chicken with pineapple and cheese in the oven cooks quickly enough, and even it takes a little time to pre-cook all the foods.

    First, take chicken fillet weighing about 700-800 grams. We thoroughly rinse it, dry it with a paper towel or let it drain in water, and then cut the carcasses across not very wide layers, removing the films and veins.

    Then we pick up a kitchen hammer and beat the meat from two sides. Salt, pepper, add spices and send to the refrigerator for 20 minutes for marinating. Then the meat is perfectly saturated and will be juicy.

    Fresh or canned?

    The question of what is tastier - chicken with canned pineapples or with fresh, does not have a clear answer. After all, they don’t argue about tastes. If you cook a dish with fresh fruit, it will give more acidity, and the pineapple itself can be cut both lengthwise and across, as soon as your imagination tells you.

    But if there is no fresh pineapple on hand, preservation will come to the rescue. Now in stores there is a fairly large selection of this fruit: cut into rings, semicircles and slices. If for cooking you take canned pineapple, then you need to throw it in a colander to stack juice, which you can safely drink later.

    Two options for one dish

    Chicken with pineapple and cheese in the oven can be cooked in two ways. The first is when we spread all the ingredients at once. So, carefully pickled put on a baking sheet, which is pre-greased with vegetable oil. On top of each piece of meat - a piece of pineapple. Sprinkle all this beauty with grated cheese (200 grams of hard cheese will be enough for 700 grams of chicken fillet). Those who like a fatter dish can put a couple of spoons of mayonnaise on top. However, without this sauce, the dish will turn out to be quite soft and juicy. Bake in the oven for about half an hour. The cheese spreads, and you get a single meat

    If you cook according to the second method, then first you need to separately bake in the oven chicken fillet - 15 minutes on one side and 10 on the other. Then we transfer each piece to another baking sheet, cover the meat with a pineapple ring, sprinkle with cheese and send it to the oven for another 7 minutes. The advantages of the second method are that with this preparation each piece lies separately, in portions, it is more convenient to remove it from the pan and , respectively, serve. And since pineapple was cooked for very little time, it will be almost like fresh.

    This dish can be cooked on the so-called onion base. 3-4 medium onions cut into rings and spread them on a baking sheet. Above are the main ingredients. If you are afraid that the dish will burn, you can put aluminum foil or oiled paper on a baking sheet.

    In the food sleeve

    And here is just an amazingly juicy chicken with pineapples and cheese in the oven, which is cooked using a food sleeve. We need about 900 grams of chicken, which we pre-cut into large pieces. But for this recipe, you can take wings and a drumstick. Add salt and pepper, add dry spices. Pineapple is better to take fresh - enough for such a volume of grams is 500-600 grams of exotic fruit. Also cut it into slices, mix with chicken. Add the grated cheese.

    We lay out all this mixture in a sleeve, seal it on both sides, leaving enough space for air, and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes. The meat is perfectly saturated with juice and melted cheese, it will acquire a golden crust and extraordinary juiciness!

    We spread it on a large dish and on them is a finished dish. For decoration, you can use cherry tomatoes, olives or olives, greens. For garnish, you can boil potatoes or rice, pasta or buckwheat.

    What is the time to bake?

    How quickly is the chicken cooked, how much is it baked in the oven? It all depends on the size of the pieces of meat and on your desire to get a crisp on the dish or, on the contrary, darken the chicken so that it is well stewed. The larger the chicken pieces, the longer it will take time to bake. If you do not beat the chicken, and put it on a whole baking sheet, then the cooking time will take about 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

    If the meat is cut into thinner layers and well beaten, half an hour will be enough. If you want to get a crisp, then immediately turn on a large fire, at 250 degrees, and put the pan in a preheated oven. After 10 minutes, the fire must be reduced to 180 degrees and for another 20-30 minutes, bring the dish to readiness. Then allow the dish to cool - it is enough to stand for 10 minutes in the kitchen. And after that, you can immediately serve.

    Spicy salad

    Chicken recipes suggest not only hot serving, but also cold snacks in the form of salads. If you want to make a spicy dish, you will need the following ingredients: chicken, pineapple, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. Boil chicken fillet (take 500 grams) in salt water (later this broth can be used to prepare first courses). Let the meat cool and cut it into small pieces (approximately 3 by 3 centimeters). Add chopped pineapples to the meat (200 grams). We rub the same amount of hard cheese on a grater and add 3-4 cloves of finely chopped garlic to it. We mix all the ingredients and season the salad with mayonnaise. We spread this beauty in a deep vase and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    Before serving, you can put several pineapple rings on top of the salad - this will decorate the dish. Also, the salad can be sprinkled with pine nuts or grated walnuts. Leaves of basil, cilantro, parsley are perfect as decorations.

    Baked or boiled chicken goes well with pineapple and cheese, not only in salads and snacks, but also in hot dishes. Especially delicious in this accompaniment is chicken breast with pineapples and cheese in the oven. Pineapple slices impregnate chicken meat with juice, when baked, it remains tender and juicy, and the cheese, when melted, forms an appetizing golden crust. I also really like such meat in French in the oven.

    For baking in the oven, it is better to take canned pineapples with a minimal addition of sugar or pineapples in your own juice. To determine how sweet syrup is very simple - the further the sugar in the list of ingredients from the first position, the less it is. Sweet pineapple is not very suitable for baking, it is better to use it in the preparation of desserts. And sweet and sour is just what you need. But if you could not buy pineapples in your own juice, sprinkle a few circles with lemon juice - the taste will immediately change. The rest can simply be eaten or attached to desserts, salads, pastries.

    - canned pineapples - 4-5 slices;

    - grated cheese - 150 gr.;

    - onions - 1 pc.;

    - freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp (taste);

    - tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.;

    - vegetable oil - 1 tsp;

    - lettuce, greens - for serving.

    We cut the chicken breast into two parts, cut the narrow side to get two rectangles. If the breast is small, just cut it in half.

    Wrap the chicken in a plastic wrap or put it inside a plastic bag and gently beat it off, make the meat layer thinner.

    Season with salt on one side, sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper. You can add a little paprika or a pinch of hot red pepper.

    We shift the chops onto a greased baking sheet or in portioned dishes convenient for baking and serving. Lubricate the surface of the meat with mayonnaise.

    We cut onions in half rings, not quite thinly. Sprinkle chops. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices or small pieces, lay on the chicken fillet.

    We take the pineapples out of the jar in advance, leave them in a colander so that the juice flows. For baking, you can leave the slices whole or cut in half, into small pieces. We lay out slices of pineapples between the tomatoes or completely close the chops.

    To prevent cheese from drying out during baking, add it later, at the stage of semi-finished meat. In the meantime, send the chicken breast to a hot oven with a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes. We get it, fill it with a thick layer of cheese, grated on a fine grater, and put it back for another 10 minutes. Be sure to look at this recipe with a photo of French meat in a pork and tomato oven.

    Ready chicken breast chops are served on lettuce leaves, supplemented with slices of tomato and herbs. Usually this dish is served without a side dish, like a hot appetizer, but if you need a side dish, boil rice without salt - it goes well with meat and fruits and vegetables. Bon Appetit!

    Pineapple Chicken Breast

    Pineapple Chicken Breast  - a very tasty and juicy dish. The sweet taste of pineapple, in perfect harmony with chicken, and the cheese crust gives piquancy. Who doubts this combination, we simply advise you to try, and you will certainly not remain indifferent. I’d like to add to everything that, despite the simplicity of the recipe, chicken breast with pineapple  It will look great not only on a daily table, but also perfect for a festive feast.


    • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
    • Canned Pineapple - 4 rings
    • Mayonnaise or Sour Cream
    • Garlic
    • Salt pepper


    I want to note right away that this dish is portioned. From one whole chicken breast, 4 pieces are obtained, from this we calculate the number of pineapples, i.e. 1 slice of fillet + 1 circle of pineapple. Everything is simple! But! Even if you can cut more slices of fillet, I advise you not to do this because as a result, the dish may turn out to be rather dry. Let's start cooking.

    Prepare the fillet. My breast. We cut the skin and bones, we do not need them. Cut the fillet along and beat off a little, but not much, because the fillet is very tender and it can burst. And immediately spread on a baking sheet.

    We prepare the sauce for greasing the fillet. We choose mayonnaise or sour cream at our discretion, you can mix everything together. It takes about three tablespoons, again it depends on who, as he loves, is fatter or less fat. Squeeze a clove of garlic, add, add ground pepper. Various seasonings for meat will not be superfluous, but only with them you need to be careful not to interrupt our taste of the dish. When the sauce is ready, grease the fillet.

    We put in the preheated oven at 220 degrees, for about 15 minutes. We check the fillet for readiness.

    Once the fillet is cooked, sprinkle with grated cheese on top. And put back into the oven for 10 minutes, until golden brown. Our chicken baked pineapple breasts  ready.

    Oven with chicken and pineapple

    Chicken breast in the oven with pineapple is a recipe for those who want to quickly and certainly cook a simple, tasty and beautiful holiday dish. It does not require special skills in cooking, simple and affordable, in short, the recipe is absolutely for everyone!

    In fact, I always say that the simpler the dish, the more healthy and tasty it is. Therefore, I have long switched to such recipes. Personally, I am offended to spend hours in the kitchen, but at the same time, I really love my family to feed it semi-finished products. And this recipe often helps me out, especially when I have to arrange a festive dinner on weekdays and whipped up.

    Today I will cook chicken breast with pineapples especially for you! By the way, my idea of \u200b\u200bher as a boring and dry meat has long changed. I found a million ways to make it juicy and tender. And this method of cooking it is just one of those. Just a couple of secrets, and the chicken will simply melt in your mouth!

    • two chicken breasts (5 pieces of the finished dish will come out of them)
    • soy sauce - 100 ml
    • pineapple slices - 5 tablespoons
    • grated cheese - 5 tablespoons
    • garlic - 2 cloves
    • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons (with top)
    • large onion
    • vegetable oil for greasing the pan

    To implement the claimed recipe, the chicken breast must first be washed, then cut across into two (and if the breast is large, then into three) parts, then beat off slightly, but only slightly! To do this, I use cling film or a regular plastic bag:

    Then I put the pieces in a bowl and pour them with soy sauce so that it covers the meat almost completely:

    Now it should lie for two hours in this sauce (and it can be all night, if you don’t rush anywhere, nothing will happen to it), but in principle, one hour or two is enough for the meat to marinate and become just what you need. No soy sauce - marinate in salt, pepper, spices, also a good option, but I prefer soy sauce, and I also recommend it to beginners in the kitchen. Then you probably will not salt the chicken, do not pepper, and its meat will become tender and soft - this is my first secret.

    While the chicken pieces are marinated, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, about a tablespoon for each piece of meat:

    I will squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic to it:

    Then add two tablespoons (with top) of mayonnaise and mix everything:

    This will be my cheese coat for chicken, it will not only heat it, but will also make it much more spectacular!

    I usually buy pineapples in rings, they are usually thinner and more tender, but this time I bought slices at a discount and did not regret it. Look how bright and beautiful they are, and, by the way, they are extremely homogeneous, there were practically no rough pieces. I slightly reduced them in size, each divided in half. Pineapples will also need about five tablespoons, so I did everything by eye:

    Now I cut the large onion into large rings (or two small ones) and put them into a greased frying pan:

    Onion in this case will play the role of a pillow for our meat, with it it will become incredibly juicy, because the onion will not let it dry, and even soak it with its juice. This is my second secret. It’s still convenient for me because the children don’t eat onions, and thus it can be easily left in the pan.

    On it are pieces of pineapple:

    I cover them with a prepared cheese coat:

    And I put it in a preheated oven to 200 degrees, for about forty minutes.

    If you are going to cook chicken breast for the first time in this way, do not be afraid to do something wrong. Everything will surely work out! It simply cannot be ruined. And even if you overexpose the meat slightly, do not be afraid that it will become dry, and the onion and cheese coat will not allow this.

    And pineapples in combination with chicken, cheese and garlic will give such an amazing flavor combination that you will cook this dish again and again, I assure you!

    Pineapple Chicken Breast

    If I undertook to cook chicken breast with pineapples, it means that my children ordered it. For some reason, they prefer to see this dish on the festive table or in cases where there is a reason to eat deliciously. Although, to be surprised, it really looks very appetizing and festive, and nothing can be said about taste, the combination of chicken and pineapple, cheese and garlic never fails. Read my recipe with 11 photos.

    Baked chicken breast with pineapple and cheese

    I did not cook chicken breasts with pineapple and cheese in the oven for long. Served the same dish to the New Year's table when we saw off 2016. In general, such a chicken with pineapples is one of my favorite and most popular recipes.

    Thus prepared bird fits perfectly into any menu, whether it is festive or everyday. Thanks to pineapple, the meat turns out to be juicy and, in general, every piece is fragrant.


    • 1 kg of chicken;
    • 3-4 eggs;
    • hard cheese, approximately 200 g;
    • the average can of pineapples with ringlets;
    • about a glass of mayonnaise;
    • spices to taste;
    • vegetable oil.

    For serving, you can take lettuce, fresh vegetables and herbs.

    A little walk through the products. You can buy chicken breasts, which is cheaper than fillet and carefully cut the meat from them. I wrote the cheese tentatively, since its quantity (weight) is again optional. For example, I like this dish, densely sprinkled with cheese, so it seems even juicier comes out - the pineapple does not dry and gives all the juices to the meat.

    With mayonnaise, busting is possible, since it is only needed to lubricate meat before baking, so focus on your taste.

    Pineapples do not have to be bought with ringlets; cut pieces are also suitable. Just with rings, the dish looks more appetizing and festive.

    For spices, I used ground black pepper, saffron and some salt.

    Cooking Chicken Breasts Baked with Pineapple Cheese

    1. On a cutting board, spread a piece of cling film, lay out a portion of chicken, sprinkle with lightly ground pepper and salt, close the film and beat off the fillet with a culinary hammer. So prepare all the pieces of meat. If there is no film, and the board is wooden, then moisten it with water, and sprinkle the meat with spices only later, when you beat it.

    2. In a bowl, beat the eggs, adding saffron or the spices you have chosen. You can add a little salt, the main thing is not to overdo it with salt, as mayonnaise is still waiting for us.

    3. Heat the oil in a skillet. Dip each fillet in an egg and fry on both sides until browning.

    4. Cover the baking sheet with foil, but not necessarily. Place the fried chicken immediately on a baking sheet as close to each other as possible.

    6. Pour all over with thick cheese chips. Yes, it’s more delicious, but I’ll tell you calorie ...

    7. Cook chicken breasts with pineapple and cheese in the oven for about 40 minutes, at an average temperature of 180 degrees.

    8. Serve hot on lettuce, garnished with greens and fresh vegetables.

    © Source of the recipe

    Many cooks do not really like to cook chicken breast, since in most recipes it turns out to be hard and dry. I cook chicken in the oven with pineapples in a special marinade sauce, which makes the meat soft and juicy. very well in harmony with chicken breast, sauce and red onions and give the dish a light sweetish piquant note.
      I really like this recipe in that it is very quick and easy to prepare, but it turns out very tasty and juicy. Minimum ingredients, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

    Everyone who tried chicken breast according to this recipe at first doubted that it was the fillet, it was so juicy and tender. This dish can be prepared in general form, or in portioned small pots or ramen.

    In such a marinade, you can cook not only chicken breast, but any meat, the dish will be tender and very tasty.


    • chicken breast - 250 grams,
    • pineapples - 2-3 rings,
    • mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon,
    • tomato ketchup - 1 tablespoon,
    • red onion - 1 piece (medium),
    • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon,
    • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon,
    • sweet paprika - to taste,
    • ground black pepper to taste,
    • salt to taste.

    How to cook chicken in the oven with pineapple:

    Wash the chicken breast, remove the skin and cut into small pieces (I do not recommend cutting into large pieces, as it is better to be marinated). Put chicken in a deep bowl.

    Cut the onion into thin half rings (I use red onion for this recipe, it goes very well with pineapple).

    Add chopped onion to chicken. Add soy sauce (necessarily of good quality) to the bowl, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (odorless), add mayonnaise (do not replace sour cream), add tomato ketchup (you can use high-quality tomato paste).

    Mix all the ingredients well, add ground sweet paprika to taste, black pepper and salt to taste. Stir again.

    Pineapple rings cut into small pieces (you can immediately take pineapple sliced). Use canned pineapple only, fresh for this recipe will not work.

    Put the pineapple slices in a bowl with chicken, onions and marinade, mix and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour, sometimes mix gently to make the chicken fillet uniformly marinated.

    Lightly grease the baking dish with odorless vegetable oil, put the fillet with pineapple and marinade sauce.

    Bake in a preheated oven, at a temperature of 180 degrees, for 30 minutes.

    Serve the finished chicken fillet with pineapple immediately. It goes well with fresh vegetables and herbs.