Dolphins face the threat of extinction.

19.01.2023 Vegetable dishes

    Mdaa. At first I thought that there were no dolphins. But found. As many as ten dolphins.

    Maybe, if you look even more closely, you can see more dolphins in the picture. Compare two pictures.

    For those who do not see dolphins, I can give a little hint. You look at part of the picture when the image is not perceived as a whole. For example so. Dolphins immediately catch your eye. Do you see at least two?

    Of course, a couple is visible, if we consider dolphins, then they turn out to be defective, well, if you take into account all sorts of anomalies there, then everything can be))))

    A very beautiful image, but I only guessed about the presence of dolphins based on the question asked. And it’s not even about spoiled hormones, as they wrote here, but most likely from a person’s worldview. Nowadays, many children are much more aware of adults in many topics, and even purely adults.

    As for the picture, if it is small, then everyone will see not dolphins, but if it is large, then dolphins will catch your eye first.

    In children, perception is not yet spoiled by hormones. In the pubertal period, everyone begins to see a couple in such a picture first. Since I am familiar with such pictures firsthand, I see both. Such pictures are used in psychology as projective techniques both for research and for changing the perception of a situation by a person, I have seen enough of them in five and a half years 🙂

    Great picture illusion. Thanks Irence, otherwise I couldn’t see dolphins in any way. There are pictures that allow you to see two completely different images. We can interpret the same picture in different ways, for example, in this picture you can see a girl or a saxophonist

    I see a couple, but dolphins too! The sun is envious of perception, but in children it is not yet spoiled!

    I don't see dolphins. Spring and long abstinence must be to blame)))) And in general, psychotherapists cry for people like me, incl. BVshnye)))))

    I'm kidding, of course. The question is still in lighting: depending on whether light or dark areas are easier to read, a couple or dolphins will become more noticeable.

    I am 10 years old, I don't see any dolphins. Kissing couple only.

    A couple immediately catches your eye, and dolphins if you look closely

    I immediately saw a loving couple. then I started looking for dolphins, I found them with difficulty and, to be honest, they are kind of stunted. The figure clearly emphasized the pair

    First I saw a couple, and then dolphins, but not all of them at first. And now you can see everything.

    of course a couple I don’t understand where the dolphins are

    Initially, the person in the question asked is already looking for an answer to the question, psychologically preparing the answer, the couple stands at the beginning of the question - while not straining, you can see, along with dolphins - two sharks stand in a candle along the edge with their mouths open - on the left they opened a little wider. The one on the right early you jumped - missed by clicking ...

    And I saw a couple and dolphins! everything is very simple.

    This picture is often used in the practice of psychologists.

    The fact is that we do not just see with our eyes, we analyze the image with our brain and find the outlines that are familiar to us. That is why children see only dolphins, and adults first of all catch the eye of a couple in love, and only then dolphins.

    I see a couple in a cave, and there is also a skeleton. It becomes scary for your imagination.

    No matter how much I looked, I saw only a couple.

    I love such interesting pictures, they are aimed at perception, and if you dig deeper, then every vision means something. First of all, I see a couple in love here, but I’m already trying to find dolphins, I find them, of course, but I try first, but I see a couple right away and clearly. In the picture of the user pozitivnost I also see the saxophonist right away, and then the woman's face.

    I saw a couple right away, and I saw dolphins the second time!

    But the couple is more pronounced, probably this is the dominant for me today!

    I like these pictures - it happens that the inner eye is blocked and you stop seeing the obvious!

Dolphins are often considered the most amazing and popular of all marine animals. These charming marine mammals are famous for their high intelligence and cheerful disposition. However, there are many more interesting facts about dolphins that you may not know. For example, did you know that dolphins only use half of their brains while they sleep? Or did you know that dolphins can eat about 13 kilograms of fish a day? These are just a couple of facts about dolphins. So if you like dolphins or just want to learn about nature in general, check out these 25 Funky and Weird Dolphin Facts (you won't regret it).

25. Dolphins are capable of making a wide range of sounds using nasal air sacs located just below the blowhole. Approximately three categories of sounds can be distinguished: chirps with frequency modulation, sounds of short impulses, and clicks. Clicks are among the loudest sounds made by marine animals.

24. Dolphins are becoming an increasingly popular choice of animals to help treat psychological problems and developmental disabilities.

23. Dolphins are known for their playful behavior and one of the most entertaining playful displays is making a bubble ring. They can create all sorts of bubbles by releasing air from their blowholes underwater. They create large bubble clouds, bubble streams, and even individual bubbles. Many of them serve as visual displays, a kind of communication signals.

22. The killer whale is the largest member of the dolphin family. They can reach over 9 meters in length and swim at speeds in excess of 48 kilometers per hour.

21. Along with bonobos and humans, dolphins are the only animal species that have sex for pleasure.

20. Dolphins can swim at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour when they are in a hurry, although they tend to swim at speeds of 11 to 13 kilometers per hour.

19. One of the proofs of their unusually high intelligence is that adults sometimes teach their young how to use devices. For example, they cover their snouts with sponges to protect them while searching for food on the bottom.

18. Dolphins are very social animals, often living in packs of up to ten individuals, although pack sizes and structure vary greatly from species to species and habitat. In places with a large abundance of food, flocks can temporarily unite, forming a superflock, the number of which can exceed 1000 individuals.

17. The length of the smallest dolphins is approximately 120 centimeters, while the length of the largest can reach 9 meters. Their weight ranges from 40 kilograms to more than 11 tons.

16. Dolphin skin is very thin and easily damaged by contact with other surfaces. That is why you must remove all sharp objects, such as rings with stones, when interacting with these animals.

15. Their gestation period varies by species. In smaller species such as the white dolphin, the period is about 11 to 12 months, while in killer whales it is approximately 17 months.

14. In the oral cavity of a dolphin, there are about 100 teeth. They use their teeth to grab their prey, but they don't chew it. All food is swallowed whole.

13. The name "dolphin" comes from the Greek word "Delphis", which was associated with the Greek "delphus", meaning "womb". Therefore, the name of the animal can be interpreted as "fish with a womb."

12. Dolphins can dive up to 304 meters, but they usually don't dive very deep. Many bottlenose dolphins live in fairly shallow water. In the Sarasota Bay area, Florida, dolphins spend considerable time in waters less than 2 meters deep.

11. Dolphin bonds within a group are very strong. They take great care of sick individuals, the elderly and the wounded.

10. All dolphins breathe air, but their breathing intervals differ depending on the species. Some have to rise to the surface every 20 seconds, while others only do it every 30 minutes. In order to inhale and exhale, they must breathe through their blowhole, not through their mouth.

9. Most species of dolphins live in salt water, but some (like the Irrawaddy dolphin) thrive in fresh water as well.

8. The oldest dolphin in human care was Nelly, who died at 61. She was kept at the dolphinarium at Marineland's Dolphin Adventure, Florida.

7. The dolphin is the only mammal that gives birth with its tail forward instead of its head.

6. Dolphins use echolocation to search for food and navigate in space.

5. Dolphins often use interesting hunting tactics. They surround a school of fish and force them to huddle into a tight ball. They then take turns swimming through the center of the ball to eat.

4. Dolphins must remain conscious in order to breathe. This means that they cannot fully sleep. Instead, dolphins allow half their brains to sleep at a time, so that one half of the brain is always awake. This was determined by performing electroencephalography on dolphins. They sleep about 8 hours a day this way.

3. Dolphins are very playful and curious animals. They play prank fights with each other and also play with seaweed. They also occasionally play with other animals such as dogs or cats if the opportunity presents itself.

2. Dolphins can jump out of the water to a height of approximately 6 meters.

1. An adult dolphin can eat up to 9 kilograms of fish per day.

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Dolphins are famous for their intelligence, sociability and acrobatic abilities. But there are much lesser known facts about dolphins that are also important to understanding these aquatic animals.

1 Dolphins Are Mammals

4. Some sea dolphins have a rostrum

The muzzle of some oceanic dolphins is long and tapering due to their elongated, protruding jawbones. This elongated beak contains numerous conical teeth (some species have up to 130 teeth in each jaw). The genera of dolphins that have rostrums include: common dolphins ( Delphinus), bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops), long-beaked dolphins ( Sotalia) and many others.

5 Pectoral Fins Are Dolphin Legs

The forelimbs of a dolphin are anatomically equivalent to the forelegs of other mammals (for example, they are similar to the hands of humans). However, the bones of the dolphin's forelimbs have evolved to become smaller and stiffer to support connective tissue. Pectoral fins allow dolphins to change direction and regulate speed.

6. Not all dolphins have a dorsal fin.

The dolphin's dorsal fin (located on the animal's back) acts as a keel when the animal swims, giving it directional control and stability in the water. But not all dolphins have a dorsal fin. For example, northern right whale dolphins and southern right whale dolphins lack this swimming organ.

7 Dolphins Don't Have Ears

Dolphins do not have visible external ear holes. Instead, animals have small slits (located behind their eyes) that do not connect to the middle ear. Scientists believe that sound is perceived by the inner ear and air cushions located in the frontal part of the head.

8. Dolphins see well in and on the water

When sunlight travels from air to water, it changes direction. An optical effect is created, called refraction or refraction. For dolphins, this means that their eyes must adjust to these differences and see well in both conditions. Luckily, dolphins have a specially adapted lens and cornea that allows them to see clearly on the surface of the water and underwater.

9 Dolphins Face Extinction Threats

In recent decades, the population of the Chinese river dolphin has declined sharply due to pollution and heavy industrial use of the Yangtze River. In 2007, a single individual of this species was filmed on video by a resident of China. Already in 2017, the species was declared completely extinct. Currently, many dolphins are suffering from fishing nets, in which the animals get entangled and then die.

10. Dolphins probably don't have a strong sense of smell.

Dolphins, like all toothed whales, lack olfactory bulbs and nerves. Since dolphins do not possess these anatomical features, they most likely have a poorly developed sense of smell.

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Even the most hardened skeptics believe what their senses tell them, but the senses are easily deceived.

An optical illusion is an impression of a visible object or phenomenon that does not correspond to reality, i.e. optical illusion. Translated from Latin, the word "illusion" means "mistake, delusion." This suggests that illusions have long been interpreted as some kind of malfunction in the visual system. Many researchers have studied the causes of their occurrence.

Some visual deceptions have long had a scientific explanation, others still remain a mystery.

site continues to collect the coolest optical illusions. Be careful! Some illusions can cause tearing, headache, and disorientation in space.

Endless chocolate

If you cut a chocolate bar 5 by 5 and rearrange all the pieces in the order shown, then, out of nowhere, an extra chocolate piece will appear. You can do the same with an ordinary chocolate bar and make sure that this is not computer graphics, but a real-life mystery.

Illusion of bars

Take a look at these bars. Depending on which end you are looking at, the two pieces of wood will either be next to each other, or one of them will lie on top of the other.

Cube and two identical cups

An optical illusion created by Chris Westall. There is a cup on the table, next to which there is a cube with a small cup. However, upon closer inspection, we can see that in fact the cube is drawn, and the cups are exactly the same size. A similar effect is noticed only at a certain angle.

Cafe wall illusion

Take a close look at the image. At first glance, it seems that all the lines are curved, but in fact they are parallel. The illusion was discovered by R. Gregory at the Wall Cafe in Bristol. That's where its name came from.

Illusion of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Above you see two pictures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. At first glance it looks like the tower on the right is leaning more than the one on the left, but the two pictures are actually the same. The reason lies in the fact that the visual system considers two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photographs are not symmetrical.

Disappearing circles

This illusion is called "Disappearing Circles". It consists of 12 lilac pink spots arranged in a circle with a black cross in the middle. Each spot disappears in a circle for about 0.1 seconds, and if you focus on the central cross, you can get the following effect:
1) at first it will seem that a green spot is running around
2) then the purple spots will start to disappear