Countries by alcohol consumption. The most drinking countries

19.01.2023 Egg dishes

In the spring of 2017, a World Health Organization (WHO) report was presented, which named the 10 most drinking countries in the world in 2017-2018. It should be noted that although the order of the countries in the ranking changes from year to year, the traditional leaders of the list are the republics of the former Soviet Union, as well as the developed countries of Western Europe, while the Muslim countries of the world drink the least, which is quite natural, given the attitude of Islam to alcohol, that is, its complete rejection. By the way, the majority of the world's population (more than 60%) does not drink at all, and the average world consumption rate is about 6.2 liters of pure alcohol per year. In addition, it is noted that approximately 16% of the total number of drinkers are people who are said to systematically abuse alcohol, in fact being alcoholics.

Top 10 drinking countries in the world 2017-2018

The list was presented by WHO Representative Gauden Galea and is as follows:

10 Australia

Opens the top ten countries in the world where they drink the most Australia. The so-called Australian way of life is inextricably linked to drinking beer. It is this foamy drink, and also wine, that accounts for the lion's share of alcohol consumption in the country. The biggest problem in Australia is the excessive consumption of alcohol by Australian Aboriginal people, for whom drunkenness and alcoholism have become commonplace. Therefore, the state takes quite strict measures to combat this problem. So in the Northern Territory, where the largest number of the indigenous population of Australia lives, the method of compulsory treatment for alcoholism is practiced.


There is no doubt that Germany owes such a high place in the ranking of the most drinking countries in 2017-2018 to the consumption of beer. In addition, the country is quite loyal not only to drinking beer (beer and wine can be drunk from the age of 16), but also to the use of strong alcoholic beverages (allowed after 18 years). In the country, you can drink while driving, but the presence of ethanol in the blood should not exceed the norm of 0.3 ppm. In addition, there is a precedent when a court in one of the German cities allowed drinking alcohol on the streets, arguing that the ban infringes on the rights of citizens and the authorities should fight not with alcohol in public places, but with direct violators of public order. True, there are very few of them in the country.


Not far behind its neighbor France and Italy, where there are a large number of traditional alcoholic beverages, many of which are known throughout the world. Italian wines and vermouths are considered to be among the best on the planet and it is not surprising that the Italians themselves like to spend the evening with a glass of, for example, a good Chianti.

7 France

The inhabitants of the country, where vineyards occupy 58 million hectares, which is equal to two Belgiums in area, cannot but use the results of their labors, because France is one of the largest producers of wine and wine products in the world. The traditions of drinking alcoholic beverages in the country, such as dry wine, champagne or cognac, have centuries-old roots, so the French regularly get into the rankings of the world's most drinking countries.


Alcohol has long been a part of the country's daily life and, apparently, the British themselves are not particularly concerned about this. The UK's world-famous pubs and restaurants are rarely empty, but what's most often seen on the tables of their patrons? Although Great Britain is the birthplace of many world-famous alcoholic beverages, including whiskey and gin, beer is drunk most of all in the country, including the original English drink - ale. Drinkers are not particularly prosecuted in the country and by law. So, in England and Wales, drinking in public places is not formally prohibited. In addition, British drivers, like their counterparts in most Western European countries, can afford to drink alcoholic beverages while driving. However, in strictly limited sizes.


Not only European countries are in the top 10 countries for alcohol consumption. South Korea ranked fifth in the ranking and became the most drinking country in Asia. It should be noted that Koreans traditionally drink a lot of alcohol and among the most popular alcoholic drinks among them is soju or rice vodka. Koreans also love rice or fruit wine and local beer. Despite the fact that in Korea they drink a lot (among the local population it is considered commonplace to end the working day in one of the drinking establishments) and on the streets of cities you can often meet tipsy people, including drunken teenagers, Koreans behave more and less decently, even when under the influence of large amounts of alcohol.


Both of these countries consume about 12 liters of pure alcohol per year, per person. The fact that Russia did not get into the top three can already be called an achievement for a country where the use of strong alcoholic beverages is a national tradition. But the fact remains, and for three years now, the country has seen a trend towards a decrease in the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population, which cannot be said about Poland, which, on the contrary, has been rising in such ratings in recent years. It should be noted that the Poles are big fans of all kinds of parties, and as the purchasing power of the population grows, which, of course, is good, the level of consumption of alcoholic beverages also increases, which is no longer so good.


Another Baltic country was in the top three of the rating. At the same time, seeing her so high on the list is rather unusual, because Latvians have not previously been noted for particular alcohol abuse. Nevertheless, 13 liters of pure alcohol - such an indicator per capita in Latvia leads WHO. The country is taking some measures designed to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In particular, alcohol advertising was banned back in 2014, but this did not lead to a tangible decrease in the level of consumption. At the same time, the data of another study show such unpleasant facts: the inhabitants of Latvia spend twice as much on drinking (about 100 euros per year) than on attending cultural events.

2 Belarus

15 liters of pure alcohol per capita allowed Belarus to confidently take second place in the list of the most drinking countries in the world in 2017-2018. It should be noted that the country is geographically adjacent to the leader, Lithuania, which means that the alcohol traditions in these countries are very similar to each other. The state has developed a special program to prevent and overcome drunkenness, designed for the period up to 2020. Its goal is to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to 8 liters of pure alcohol per person, since, according to the same World Health Organization, a higher level of consumption leads to a general degradation of society and negatively affects future generations.


“The biggest drinker in Europe, and also the most drinking country in the world,” that is how the above-mentioned official put it in relation to this small Baltic state, where, according to WHO estimates, 16 liters of pure alcohol are drunk annually. This news simply shocked the people of Lithuania and the local parliament immediately approved a number of changes to the legislation, which are designed to reduce alcohol consumption among the population of the country. So, from 2018, only persons who have reached the age of 20 will be able to buy alcoholic beverages. In addition, alcohol advertising will be completely banned in the country and temporary restrictions will be introduced on the sale of alcoholic beverages, both on weekdays and on holidays.

The rating of the most drinking countries in the world in 2017-2018 was calculated using the method World Health Organization which is based on systematic sociological and medical research and is updated every few years. Such WHO attention to the problem is due to the fact that it is the use of alcoholic beverages that is the third leading risk factor in the world for deadly diseases, and this despite the fact that less than half of the world's population consumes alcohol.

Measures taken to combat drunkenness

According to the same World Health Organization, the most effective measures to deal with problems with excessive drinking are:

  • Limiting access to alcohol, including for minors
  • Alcohol advertising ban
  • State pricing policy

Do not forget about the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the creation of conditions for an active pastime, excluding the use of alcoholic beverages. In Western European countries, the application of such measures leads to a decrease in alcohol consumption, even in countries where drinking has become a real national tradition. So, drinking a glass of wine in Spain, Portugal, Italy or France for appetite has always been considered commonplace, the same can be said about a glass of beer for a German.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) published in 2014 a report on alcohol consumption in the world (as of 2010), which presented data on how many liters of pure alcohol are consumed per year by people over the age of 15 in different countries. Let's see who was in the top ten most drinking countries in the world.


10th place. Slovakia. Alcohol consumption by an average citizen of this country in terms of pure alcohol is 13 liters, with an average consumption in the European region of 10.9 liters. At the same time, the male population of Slovakia drinks 20.5 liters per person, the female - 6.1 liters. (Photo: Renata Opprecht/

How much pure alcohol does alcoholic beverages contain, for example, wine with a strength of 13 degrees? 750 milliliters of this wine contains only 97.5 milliliters of pure alcohol. Now try to imagine how much you need to drink it so that the average consumption in the country is like that of the “world champion in alcohol consumption” or 17.5 liters of pure alcohol per year!?

9th place. Czech. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 inhabitant of the country over 15 years old is 13 liters, including 18.6 liters for men and 7.8 liters for women. (Photo: flamedot/
8th place. Hungary. Each inhabitant of this country over the age of 15 drinks 13.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, while men - 20.4 liters, women - 7.1 liters. (Photo: Matteo Muratore/
7th place. Andorra. 13.8 liters of pure alcohol per year is drunk by the average citizen of this country over 15 years old, while among men consumption is 19.5 liters per person, among women - 8.2 liters. (Photo: JK04/
6th place. Ukraine. Each inhabitant of this country over the age of 15 drinks 13.9 liters of pure alcohol per year, while men - 22 liters, women - 7.2 liters. (Photo: alxpn/
5th place. Romania. The average resident (over 15 years old) of Romania drinks 14.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, while men - 22.6 liters, women - 6.8 liters. (Photo: Matt Bigwood/
4th place. Russia. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 inhabitant of Russia aged 15 years and older is 15.1 liters. Men drink 23.9 liters per year, women - 7.8 liters. (Photo: Ilya Klenkov/
3rd place. Lithuania. An average resident (over 15 years old) of Lithuania drinks 15.4 liters of pure alcohol per year, while men consume an average of 24.4 liters, women 7.9 liters. (Photo: Michael Pretzsch/
2nd place. Moldova. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per inhabitant of Moldova over 15 years old is 16.8 liters, including 25.9 liters per man and 8.9 liters per woman. (Photo: Andreas G/
1 place. Belarus has become the world record holder for the consumption of pure alcohol per capita. During the year, the average resident of Belarus over 15 years old drinks 17.5 liters of pure alcohol, while men drink an average of 27.5 liters, and women 9.1 liters. (Photo: Radio Svaboda/

Alcohol is currently causing more deaths globally than HIV/AIDS, pneumonia and violence combined. In Belarus, the problem of alcoholism is becoming truly catastrophic, it affects almost every family. And the social and economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption become a heavy burden not only for a single family, but for the whole society. The only way to get rid of alcohol addiction is treatment. There are many methods of complex treatment of alcoholism, both drug and non-drug, as well as innovative programs, which can be found on Help your loved ones! Alcoholism is a disease that needs to be treated like any other!

Surely, many people around the world think that the most drinking country is Russia. One has only to look at the usual cartoons, which quite often depict Russian people embracing a bear and a bottle of vodka. However, according to the published data of the World Health Organization, our country is not even in the top three in terms of the number of alcohol consumed per capita. "Prize" places in this case were given to countries from which, perhaps, this should not have been expected. So who can deservedly be called the most drinking country in the world?

Conversion to pure alcohol

Since every country in the world has its own culture of consuming alcoholic beverages and preference for certain types of “hot drinks”, when compiling such a rating, the WHO decided to calculate the consumption of alcohol by citizens of various countries in liters of pure ethyl alcohol. And for greater representativeness of statistics, people over 15 years of age were taken into account.

WHO specialists have absolute confidence that if the average consumption of ethyl alcohol exceeds the value of 8 liters, the degradation of the nation begins. It is with this use of "hot" drinks that the next generation is also likely to hit all hard and suffer from alcoholism due to heredity. And in such a risky position are today many countries in Europe and the United States.

The leader in alcohol consumption is the Republic of Belarus

As a result of the data studied by WHO on the use of the amount of pure alcohol per capita, Belarus turned out to be the most drinking country, where citizens drink 17.5 liters of alcoholic beverages per year. Moreover, this is only an average indicator of this parameter. If we consider the consumption of alcohol by men and women, then Belarusian men drink about 27.5 liters of pure alcohol, while for women this figure is much lower - 9.1 liters.

Russia, on the other hand, was in fourth place in this list, since our compatriots drink 15.1 liters of alcohol per year. The second in the ranking is Moldova, in which there are 16.8 liters of alcoholic beverages per person. The third place is occupied by Lithuania, where 15.4 liters of pure alcohol per capita per year.

Europe looks like the most drinking in the world - the list of some of the most drinking countries in the world has been replenished with Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Slovakia. And the scary thing is that a lot of people around the world are dying for alcohol-related reasons. For example, according to WHO, in 2012, about 3,300,000 people died worldwide, which is a very impressive figure. And mortality, according to experts, is unlikely to decrease - rather, on the contrary, it will increase, and the reason for this is an increase in the number of people living around the world and an increase in alcohol consumption, especially in rapidly developing countries.

What do Belarusians drink more in a year?

As a rule, the inhabitants of the planet intoxicate their brains most of all with strong drinks, which account for just over half of alcohol consumption. Beer is consumed in the amount of 35 percent, and wine accounts for 8 percent. Belarusians also consume vodka the most – it accounts for 47 percent of annual consumption. Belarusians drink beer in the amount of 17 percent, and grape wine - 5 percent.

And 31 percent of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Belarus is made up of cheap wine drinks and fruit and berry wines, which often cause high mortality and the risk of various diseases. For example, in 2013 in the Republic of Belarus there were 3,100 cases of psychosis caused by alcohol and 1,600 deaths from drinking alcohol.

Having created such a disappointing rating, WHO nevertheless noted that the number of completely non-drinking people all over the world is high - it makes up 48 percent of the entire population of the planet. These people have never taken a drop of alcohol into their mouths in their lives. Also, experts noted that teetotalers are often women - men are more loving to alcoholic beverages.

And young people carry out rare, but plentiful libations into their bodies of "strong" drinks. Such episodes of drinking tend to occur across all generations at 7.5 percent, but the proportion of young people between the ages of 15 and 19 in this case is increasing and currently stands at 12 percent.

Alcohol has long been considered an integral part of life for most people. Since then, little has changed. And even more, every year the number of drinking people only increases. Alcohol is drunk on holidays, on vacation, corporate parties. Some drink it purely symbolically, while others drink themselves unconscious. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a list of countries by the amount of alcohol consumed in 2017 was compiled. So, the 12 most drinking countries in the world in 2017!

1: Belarus

Belarus is the most drinking country in the world in 2017. According to the World Health Organization, last year more Ukrainians and Russians drank only in Belarus. Here, each resident drinks an average of 17.5 liters. alcohol per year. Moreover, strong drinks are preferred by 47% of people, beer, only 17%, other alcohol -32%, and wine is very little - 4%. Women also like to drink, on average, 7 liters. in year. These figures are official, but the real ones are supposedly much higher, since data on moonshine production in conservative Belarus could not be obtained.

2: Ukraine

In Ukraine, there are 17.4 liters of alcohol per person per year. The alcohol market is very poorly regulated in the country, so the number of young people dependent on alcohol is increasing. Vodka and beer are the most popular alcohol, followed by wine in third place. Ukrainians prefer to drink domestically produced wines, mainly because of the affordable price compared to European brands.

3: Estonia

The three most drinking countries in the world in 2017 are opened by Estonia. The national drink is "Old Tallinn". Despite the fact that the capital of the country has received the title of "City of Culture" many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person in year. Of the alcoholic beverages, beer is more preferred here. It costs $3 a glass, ale or other alcohol costs about $5. Locals like to spend time in crowded bars. It will be interesting for a tourist to visit the Old Town, where there are many stylized restaurants.

4: Czech Republic

The national drink is Becherovka. A resident of the Czech Republic drinks an average of 16.4 liters per year. hot drink. Beer accounts for almost 160 liters. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture, it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world-famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classic beers. There are many pubs here that sell draft beer, and in Prague there is a restaurant that is more than five centuries old! Here you will try Czech cuisine, different types of beer (dark, light, coffee, banana) and feel the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state is actively investing in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian because most vineyards grow in Moravia.

5: Lithuania

According to the Director of the Department of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion of the WHO European Office, in Lithuania in 2017, on average, one resident consumed 16 liters of alcohol. As a WHO spokesman told reporters: “This, according to the latest estimates, makes it (Lithuania) one of the most drinking countries in the world.

6: Russia

In 2017, alcohol consumption by the population decreased slightly, but the country still entered the top ten drinkers in the world. The average Russian drinks 15.1 liters per year. alcohol. Women consume half as much - 7.8 liters. The national drink is vodka. In Russia, preference is given to vodka and beer, a purely Russian habit of choosing “white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries that a person is more inclined, drinking alcohol, to reach a state of extreme intoxication , as fast as possible. Russia's entry into the ranking of the most drinking countries is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, in comparison with Europe - $ 4 per half liter and a low standard of living. Recently, the number of Russians who prefer wine to other alcoholic beverages has increased.

7: France

In France, the consumption of pure alcohol per year per person is 14.2 liters. Beer alone in the country annually per capita is drunk 35.5 liters. The image of a Frenchman is quite traditional - these people slowly sip wine, enjoying every sip. In America, the French are considered saturated snobs, but even there they cannot deny the fact that the “paddling pools” still have great taste. In this country, in addition to wine, they are well versed in food. In general, in France, fine wine goes hand in hand with delicious food, these two concepts are inseparable here, like baguette and brie cheese. It can be put more simply - rarely when eating is not accompanied by drinking wine.

8: Germany

The national drink is schnapps. On average, Germans consume 11.7 liters. alcoholic products. Especially here beer is held in high esteem, which is cheap by local standards. The country is deservedly one of the ten most drinking countries in the world, as alcohol is sold everywhere: in shops, at gas stations, in newsstands. The Germans are liberal, it is not forbidden to drink beer in the park on a bench and in other public places. There are many beer festivals in Germany that last from a couple of days to two weeks. More than 12 million people attend Oktoberfest, the harvest festival, and beer here costs up to $13 per liter glass.

9: Ireland

According to official statistics, an ordinary Irishman drinks 11.6 liters. alcoholic drinks per year. This is not enough to get into the top five drinking countries in the world in 2016-2017. Ireland is famous for its whiskey and the national beer brand Guinness, which is drunk by almost everyone, as it is considered low in calories (198 kcal). It was in this country that the Guinness Book of Records was created in 1954 to resolve the dispute over which beer is better. It’s impossible to get drunk in this country, alcohol is expensive: the average price of a glass of beer in bars is $ 6, and a bottle of whiskey can cost 30 euros.

10: Portugal

The Portuguese drink approximately 11.4 liters. alcohol for 1 person in year. The national drink is port, but more often they drink wine and beer. Portuguese winemakers are proud of their vineyards. This country prefers wine more, followed by beer, which is much cheaper: for a large glass of beer in a supermarket, you will have to pay almost 3.5 dollars.

11: Hungary

The next line in the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world in 2017 is Hungary. Here they drink 100 g more - 10.8 liters. per person per year. The country is famous for its wines, Hungary has many vineyards and 22 wine growing areas. Wine is drunk here mainly in bars, where it costs from $2 per glass. Budapest has many uniquely designed bars where you can relax and dance, and Hungarians love and know how to have fun.

12: Slovenia

Completing the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world 2017 is Slovenia. Citizens of this country drink 10.7 liters. strong drinks per year for 1 person. And it doesn't have to be hard alcohol. In Slovenia, they drink beer and wine more often, and both are not cheap by European standards: the average cost of a half-liter bottle is $2.15. They love national drinks here: wine from their own ancient vineyards, beer from the Slovenian brand Union and Lasko. Finally, I would like to add - take care of your health. And if you still want to drink, then buy high-quality alcoholic beverages and most importantly, do not abuse alcohol!

Dorofeev Pavel/ Date: 2016-04-24 in 4:31 Category: 4 comments

Alcohol consumption per capita in Russia and the world. Terrifying statistics

Hello dear readers of my blog. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the share of annual alcohol consumption per person should be no more than 8 liters. Exceeding this norm endangers the existence of the nation. I prepared an article about alcohol consumption per capita in Russia and the world. After reading it, you will simply be amazed at how many countries exceed the permissible norms at times!

Having learned the process of fermentation and the manufacture of ethyl alcohol, alcoholism advanced on the scale of bad habits and addictions, and over time became a problem on a global scale. Every year the ranks of alcoholics in the world are replenished with new adherents, partly because of ignorance of the consequences of addiction, partly because of the sluggish promotion of sobriety.

world ranking

As a basis for the rating of residents who consume alcohol by country, it is worth taking not only regions in which demand for high-grade drinks prevails, but also those where any liquid with an ethanol content of more than 0.1-1.5% is classified as alcoholic.

Situation in Russia

In Russia, a stable situation has been recorded over the past five years. Only the priorities for choosing alcoholic beverages have changed, and alcoholism, despite government programs, has become much younger. In general, there is a steady increase in ethanol consumption around the world, despite the fact that, according to WHO recommendations, only consumption of up to 8 liters of alcohol-containing products per year can be considered safe.

With this, I conclude today's story. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments and subscribe to new blog articles.

See you again. Dorofeev Pavel