Flairing is a technique for making cocktails. Flairing - the incendiary art of the Champagne Pyramid cocktail

19.01.2023 Lenten dishes

Each bartender who holds more than two bottles in one hand uses elements flairing. Just tossing a piece of ice and catching it in a glass is also a flair technique, albeit the simplest one. An obligatory component of this discipline is the most accurate pouring of the drink without the use of measuring utensils.

Spillage of drinks during stunts should be kept to a minimum and ideally should be non-existent. The main technical elements of flaring- reverse grips, simple throws, overhead throws, busts, balances, juggling and many other tricks and their combinations. In terms of complexity, flairing can be compared with martial arts.

In 1988, the movie "Cocktail" with Tom Cruise in the title role was released on the big screens. The film caused a sharp rise in the popularity of flaring

This is the direction of bartending art has existed for over 150 years. It was invented by the legendary bartender Jerry Thomas nicknamed "The Professor", who is considered the father of American mixology. For the first time, Jerry began to show the artistic preparation of cocktails in the middle of the 19th century. He prepared his famous blue blazer, setting fire to Scotch whiskey and pouring it from glass to glass in a long fiery stream, which greatly impressed the audience.

At the end of the century before last, flairing took on a different form: then a lot of jugglers and magicians performed on the streets, and bartenders borrowed elements of their art.

In 1988, the big screens came out movie "Cocktail" starring Tom Cruise. The film caused a dramatic rise in the popularity of flairing. Cruz was coached by John Bandy, the winner of the first American flaming competition, which was held by the famous firm T.G.I. Fridays. After the film was released, flair bars began to appear like mushrooms after rain. A huge number of bartenders began to try to twist and toss bottles, for some it turned out to be a passing hobby, for others it was a vocation for life.

Today, many bartenders learn the elements of flaring to add variety to their workflow and develop their own unique style. The value of such a specialist is also growing in the eyes of the employer, because the bartender is not only an expert in many recipes and mixing technologies, but also to some extent an artist and even a psychologist. A bartender demonstrating flair attracts visitors and brings additional income to the establishment.

Flairing has become big business these days. There are many organizations of bartenders specializing in this discipline, international competitions are held with considerable prize funds. Such events invariably attract the attention of the general public.

We do not stand up for the price

Working flair provides fast, easy and precise movements and tricks that can be performed without slowing down the maintenance process. Basically, bartenders have to manipulate a glass and one bottle, a bottle and a shaker, a side dish and ice. Juggling bottles, performing breakdancing with bar accessories and the like does not apply to this discipline. The International Flaming Bartenders Association considers working flaring to be ideal for regular bar work and actively encourages bartenders to use elements of it.

Show flaring performed for the entertainment of the public and for competitive purposes. He is distinguished by a long, measured performance program. This type of bartending art (or rather, sport) requires a long, thorough preparation, a special set of professional bottles and other accessories. In the vast majority of cases, show flaring is performed during special events, and not in a regular establishment. However, bars are starting to appear where show flair is part of the entertainment program. During the performance, bartenders demonstrate tricks with 2-5 bottles, glasses and shakers.

Show flairing may include elements that are not directly related to the preparation of drinks. The imagination of the bartenders here is not limited by anything - they arrange fire shows, show tricks, demonstrate miracles of dexterity that circus performers can envy. By the way, some of them really graduated from circus schools.

Bartenders who are professionally engaged in show flaring select accessories that are most suitable for them in terms of anthropometric indicators, and even make them to order. On top-class performances, even minor details can make a difference.

flaming competition take place in a variety of formats. Sometimes participants demonstrate show flairing in its purest form, show the most sophisticated programs, the most complex movements and tricks. According to the regulations of other competitions, both the acrobatic part of the performance and the ability of the bartender to create original drinks, as well as knowledge of recipes and mixology, are evaluated.

During the oldest competition Legends of Bartending participants' performances are evaluated in such categories as knowledge of mixology, accuracy, speed, working flairing, show flaring.

Two main flaming competitions organized by the FBA and IBA.

competition FBA Flair Pro Tour takes place annually in several stages in different countries. Each stage is a separate competition with its own prize fund. The participant with the maximum number of points receives the title of champion of the year.

The largest event in the world of flaring is considered Legends of Bartending competition.

Many competitions are held on a commercial basis, they are sponsored by various alcohol companies that promote their products. The maximum prize fund reaches 50 thousand dollars. Many of them are held in Moscow.

What is in fashion now?

Flairing has received both popularity and rapid development in our country. His fame was boosted by the efforts Bartending Association of Russia and in particular its President Sergei Tsyro, who widely promoted flairing. In 1999, the first Russian competition of flaring bartenders was held, and in 2003 the Russian bartender Alexander Rodoman became the IBA World Champion. Flaming competitions held in Russia invariably attract the attention of the public.

Opponents of show flaring believe that the fashion for flaring hinders the development of creative mixology, contributes to the formation of a misconception about cocktails and the profession of a bartender. In England, for several years now, the passion for flaring has subsided, the number of professional mixologists is growing, and cocktail classics are of particular interest.

Defenders point out that many flairers- accomplished bartenders in every sense. They work as brand ambassadors in alcohol companies, develop cocktail offers for establishments, constantly improve their skills and expand their knowledge. Flaming supporters cite Las Vegas as an example, where 80% of all alcohol in America is “spilled”, and they sell it flairtenders. Flairingists are stars in the States, bringing huge profits to their establishments and, of course, only flairingists work there in top bars.

In any case, in each of the directions there are real pros and just amateurs. Neither a colorful show nor a luxurious look of the drink can save a mediocre cocktail. Even if the bartender performs a striptease on the counter, juggling ten bottles, or properly lays out colored layers, this will not help an establishment that offers guests tasteless cocktails accompanied by impolite service.

flaming stars

Alexey Mochnov

Alexey started working in the restaurant business in 1997 in the then most famous club in St. Petersburg Hollywood nights as a waiter and then as a bartender. From 1998 to 2003, he worked as a senior bartender and menu coordinator in well-known establishments in St. Petersburg. Since 2000, he began to perform professionally at Russian and international championships among bartenders. Today he is one of the best bartenders in Russia in terms of work and show flaring. Alexey is a prize-winner and winner of more than 50 championships among bartenders, both Russian and international, a European champion and a repeated champion of Russia. He is a member of the Flair Bartenders "Association, the Russian Bartending Association and the St. Petersburg Bartenders Association.

Now Alexey lives and works in Moscow, advises bars and restaurants, organizes the work of establishments, is a brand ambassador of the brand Putinka Limited Edition(Vinexim company).

Alexander Rodoman

Alexander - FBA member, head bartending schools Bacardi Flair School, world champion in 2003 and multiple champion of Russia among bartenders. Winner and prize-winner of many international and Russian championships: Grand Final BMGP 2003 (Italy), Bar Stars Flair 2008 (Russia), Putinka Flair Moscow 2008, Grand Final WCC 2003 (Italy), World Cocktail Competition 2004, 2003, 2001 (Russia), BMGP 2003 (Russia), Russia Open Cup 2003, 2002 (Russia), Flair Castle 2006, 2005 (Ukraine), Free Style 2006, 2004, (Ukraine), etc.). By the way, Alexander graduated from the circus school in the class of tightrope walking, juggling.

Christian Delpesh

Christian is one of the most famous bartenders in the world, one of the founders World Flair Association, FBA member, world champion 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, multiple champion of Argentina and the USA, winner and prize-winner of many competitions. Christian thought about a career as a bartender after he saw the famous movie "Cocktail". He learned tricks from the film, since there was nowhere else to learn and no one. He devoted all his free time to classes, and at the same time learned to do tricks. The magician's skills helped him a lot in the future, giving his movement softness and smoothness. He has worked in bars in Tenerife and Ibiza, but associates only in Miami. Christian says that the secret of success is dedication to his work, constant training and inventing new things.

Benam Jerami

Benham is a member FBA, medalist of the World Championships and multiple medalist of the US Championships. He has been actively flaming for more than 10 years, constantly travels the world and participates in a huge number of competitions, consistently taking high places. Benham believes that flaring is more about sports than bartending, and hopes that there will be one big competition in this discipline. Jerami says that in order to achieve high results, you need to take flaring more seriously than just a hobby.

The work of a bartender is not limited to a boring pastime at the bar: professionals who love their job have come up with the opportunity to prepare and serve drinks, embellishing the action with original tricks - this skill is called flairing.

Flaming for beginners - what is it?

If you have not yet decided how to choose your hobby, but are committed to the work of a bartender, improve it to turn your profession into a passion. Translated from English, the word "flairing" means "rotating or flying." This definition very accurately describes this type of activity.

Skillful game with bottles, shakers, glasses and fruits includes elements of juggling, magic tricks, dancing and even acrobatics.

It is unlikely that anyone remembers the exact date of the appearance of this hobby among bartenders. However, the hobby became especially popular after the release of the feature film "Cocktail" in 1988.

The first famous bartender, flairing which is the basis of modern tricks - American Jerry Thomas. It was he who became the first to set fire to cocktails and pour them into different containers in the second half of the 19th century. His book The Bartender's Guide is considered one of the best textbooks for bar workers.

Flaming has become such a common activity that in 1997 the International Association of Flaming Bartenders was formed.

Types of flair

For a long time of existence, the hobby of bartenders has developed so much that it has been divided into several areas, classified according to the complexity of performing tricks.

Working flair

From the name it is clear that this kind of hobby is suitable for use in the main workplace - behind the bar, which hinders movement and limits the space for tricks.

As a rule, the bartender takes as a basis simple but attractive tricks with a bottle and a shaker, a bottle and a glass, a glass and its decorations. In addition, you can use improvised items like toothpicks, napkins, ashtrays to entertain visitors with sleight of hand.

A special art among bartenders is the ability to use cramped space to their advantage, striking everyone with the skill of throws and juggling objects surrounded by glasses and bottles - fragile glass objects.

Despite the spectacle, not all bartenders like flairing - some believe that it negatively affects the time spent preparing and serving the order to the client.

Show flaring

This type of activity is not limited to the workplace and is more about showing off than a desire to embellish one's professional skills in the workplace.

Currently, there are many flaming championships, among which the most famous are the annual rounds of competitions from the International Flaming Association and the World Flaming Championship from the International Bartenders Association.

Here you can not be afraid to stumble upon furniture and breakable objects, and also delay the time of order fulfillment. Nevertheless, many well-known restaurants specially equip wide areas and attract visitors with their show program - the bartender playing with drinks.

On wide, specially designed stages, masters juggle several full bottles at once, perform tricks with glasses and acrobatic etudes, while preparing cocktails in a shaker. You can see an example of a professional flairing performance in the following video.

Recently, such a direction of show flaring as street flaring has also been actively developing, the founder of which is considered to be the Englishman Nicholas Saint Jean. A feature of this type is the combination of breakdance and tricks with bar accessories.

How to learn flairing on your own?

Despite the fact that in recent years there have been many courses and schools, the basis of which is the teaching of art flairing, most experienced bartenders learned the art of tricks and tricks on their own.

You can also achieve a certain professionalism by following simple tips and rules.

Daily Workouts

Since the main components of flaring are juggling, acrobatics and agility, develop these qualities in yourself with persistent diligence. Devote at least half an hour every day to training - and the result will not be long in coming.

Learn to juggle balls first. Having mastered this art to perfection, use empty plastic bottles, gradually moving to full glass vessels. If you immediately start with fragile items, you risk breaking them and injuring yourself.

Introduction to learning materials

Don't forget to learn from the pros! Join thematic communities on social networks, read information and watch videos from performances at competitions.

Flairing, recorded on video, will help you understand the technique of performing this or that element better than other ways.

Participation in competitions

Because the bartender's job is to be unashamed and keep a smile on his face, flaming competitions will help beginners develop not only physical skills with equipment, but also calmness when performing in public.

Participation in the championships is an undoubted experience, acquiring which you will become more confident and better at flaring.

Flairing lessons - simple master classes

Before you start staging complex tricks, learn the basics of the correct capture of the bottle - you can see examples in the table. This skill will help you hold the object firmly and control it more easily during difficult elements.

Practice: grab the bottle in one of the ways and twist it first with the hand, then with the elbow joints, and finally with the whole arm in different directions. By learning how to work three joints at the same time, you can perform interesting circular elements with your hands - while you don’t even need the ability to throw objects.

Remember - training should be performed only with safe equipment!

When you feel that you have developed enough skills of speed, agility, coordination, try to learn the simplest trick with a shaker and a bottle.

  • Grab the bottle by the neck in one hand and the shaker in the other. Cross your arms. Give the elbow joints a little momentum and spread your arms to the sides.

  • Throw the inventory so that it lands upside down right on the back of your hand. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the shaker and the bottle weigh differently - therefore, they need to be tossed with different forces.

  • Set the shaker aside. Bring the brush with the bottle to your chest. Lightly toss it so that you catch it again by the neck with the same hand.

Having mastered flairing in perfection, you can proudly consider yourself the owner of one of the rare professions - not everyone has the patience to constantly improve the mechanical movements of throws, juggling, catching, etc.

Using these basic exercises, you will be able to come up with your own tricks over time - more complex and spectacular. In addition to them, take as a basis the instructions from the following video tutorial.

Take it, tell your friends!

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Do you like flair? Do not rush to blush, it has nothing to do with intimate life. Go to the bar and look at the man behind the counter.

Flairing(eng.: talent, style) - artistic preparation of mixed drinks, during which the bartender turns, rotates, tosses and catches bottles, shakers, ice and other bar accessories.

If the bartender not only knows how to drink and knows how to mix delicious cocktails, but also impresses you with all sorts of circus-like wisdom, this means that he knows the technique of flairing. From English, this word is translated simply and unpretentiously: abilities. So, how can a “bartender with abilities” surprise a client? He can dance, juggle with bottles, shakers, pieces of ice, and in general everything that comes to hand, that is, arrange all sorts of visual effects. And don't spill anything. Moreover, do not deviate from the recipe and get the right drink as a result.

flair show

First flair master considered an American bartender of the mid-19th century, Jerry Thomas. He went down in history under the nickname "Professor" and is rightfully considered the parent of modern bar culture. On the Internet, it is easy to find old posters depicting how a dense man with a chic mustache pours from one mug to another ... fire. It's Scotch whiskey on fire - Jerry Thomas creates his famous Blue Blazer cocktail.

They say that this spectacle so impressed US President Ulysses Grant that he personally presented a cigar to the dexterous bartender. Apparently, flairing, in fact, was born from the "burning cocktails" invented by Jerry Thomas. Their recipes can still be found today if you look at Thomas' book "Bartenders Guide". It was from her that many generations of bartenders and flairing masters drew inspiration. After all, Professor Jerry had a lot of admirers and "students". The man behind the bar gradually turned from a waiter into an artist and an artist. Bartenders invented new tricks themselves, and also learned various tricks from circus performers.

However, for a long time, flairing was known only to a rather narrow circle of regulars in expensive bars. Mass popularity of this phenomenon was brought by the blockbuster Roger Donaldson's "Cocktail", in which the main role was played by Tom Cruise. Released in 1988, the film was about a young bartender who learns the basics of flaring. Tom Cruise had to work hard to perform mind-blowing tricks with shot glasses and bottles in the frame. He was given mastery lessons by the champion of America in flaring, John Bandy. Immediately after the premiere, thousands of fans set out to follow the path of the main character of Cocktail and learn the bar art. In the United States, special flairing bars began to appear here and there, and flairing courses began to open.

Working flair today

Today the excitement has cooled down. Random people dropped out. But flair elements, even the simplest ones, have become almost a mandatory skill for any bartender. Employers prefer to hire people who not only cook well, not only know how to listen to the client, but also entertain the public.

Types of flair

Nowadays it is customary to distinguish two types of flair. Possession of the simplest, initial elements of this art is called " working flair". This is not yet a performance or a show, but it is already interesting to watch the hands of the bartender serving you. Trained in working flirting a person acts gracefully, accurately, artistically and, which is important for a crowded bar, quickly. Representatives of the international organization FBA (Flair Bartenders Association) believe that every bartender should be able to do this.

The aerobatics of bar art is called " show flaring". To master it, you need years of training, constant practice, the presence of your own accessories, "sharpened" for a particular bartender: glasses, shakers and even bottles. " Show flaring» borders on circus art. This is no longer just a beautiful preparation of a cocktail, but a whole performance, with an outset, climax and denouement, sometimes to the music, sometimes in silence, interrupted by a thunder of applause. Bottles fly, alcohol burns, ice falls like a fountain right into glasses, and the bartender himself dances or ... stands on his head. The result of such a performance is not necessarily an ideal quality drink (although this is also appreciated). Show-flaming is not a work for one client, but for all bar visitors at once. Masters of show flaring are highly valued in the club and bar environment. They tour, often performing in a team with well-known DJs. They, as singers or artists, are often invited to corporate parties and holidays.

It is worth mentioning another, so far only emerging, form of this art - street flaring. This is a mixture of classic flair and ... break dance. Its main ideologist is the bartender from Great Britain Nicolas Saint Jean. Street flaring brings the bar show from elite clubs to the streets, making it more democratic.

It is believed that in each country flairing has its own characteristics. So, for example, Americans are very fond of juggling, the British often use such a technique as interception, the French are distinguished by their bright artistic individuality and manual dexterity, which is inherent only in magicians.

Flaming organizations

Today there are several organizations that unite flairers from all over the world. Members of one of them - FBA (Flair Bartenders Association) - are about eleven thousand bartenders who work in one hundred and forty countries. No less numerous is the International Bartending Association (IBA). The main function of such organizations is to promote flair among bartenders and bar owners. Both FBA and IBA are engaged in the development of international relations, promote the exchange of experience between masters from different countries, and also hold championships in flaring.

Flaming competitions

To take the main prize of the Flair Pro Tour (FBA championship), you need to become the best in several stages. This championship is relatively young: it has existed since 2005. The competition held annually by the IBA is no less prestigious. It's called the World Cocktail Competition. Only those bartenders who have become the best in their country take part in it. This championship is devoid of a commercial component.

However, it should be noted that quite often leading alcohol brands provide financial support to such competitions. For example, two Moscow championships are widely known - Bacardi Pro Flair and Barstars Flair. Their winner receives a good jackpot - about fifty thousand dollars.

The oldest and one of the most respected bar art competitions is Legends of Bartending. It was first held in 1998. Here they choose the best in each type of flairing - both work and show. Much attention is paid to the speed of the contestants, their artistry. It is no less honorable for a flairing player to win a competition called Nations International Flair Challenge. This championship specializes in show flaring. The presentation of each participant of this competition is evaluated by an experienced jury at once according to several criteria. The flairing player receives separate balls for circus, acrobatic skills, and culinary skills. The champion must not only move outside the box, but also know the theory of his profession perfectly - keep thousands of recipes for various drinks in his head.

Many championships are dedicated to working flair, although it is, of course, not so spectacular. The speeches here are short, because the client does not have to wait long for a normal situation. If in competition show flair the weight and fullness of the bottles are clearly specified (exactly 60 ml of liquid in each of them), then at the “working” championship - all containers can be different. Moreover, the participant of the competition does not know in advance what equipment he will get. Experienced flairers say that show flaring competitions are difficult, but more predictable, because everything is rehearsed to the subtleties. But in working flairing there are more opportunities for improvisation - and hence more broken dishes.

Bartender flaring show in Russia

Flaming came to Russia relatively recently, about fifteen years ago. It quickly became popular among bartenders. The Bartending Association of Russia and its head Sergei Tsyro actively promoted this art to the masses. Masters of the Russian circus arena had a hand in training flairingists. Such, for example, as the juggler Sergei Gribkov. Yes, and the first Russian world champion in flairing (IBA version) was in 2003 a graduate of the circus school in juggling and balancing act Alexander Rodoman. They say he can put a bottle on his knee, and then toss it up and catch it with his chin. They say that no one has yet managed to do such a trick.

Flaring has a lot of fans. But there are also opponents. They are sure that you should not mix "God's gift with scrambled eggs" - the ability to prepare delicious cocktails with frank circus performances. However, what is considered here as a gift from heaven, and what is considered a dish from a chicken egg, is unclear. In addition, it is rather strange to call "do not mix" when it comes to cocktails.

Flairing (English: talent, style) - the artistic preparation of mixed drinks , during which the bartender turns over, rotates, tosses and catches bottles, a shaker, ice and other bar accessories, while the bartender takes more than 2 bottles in one hand, uses elements of flairing. Just tossing a piece of ice and catching it in a glass is also a figure of flairing, albeit the simplest one. An obligatory component of this discipline is the most accurate pouring of the drink without the use of measuring utensils. Spilling of drinks during stunts should be kept to a minimum and ideally should be non-existent. The main goal of flaring is to make a cocktail as accurately, effectively and efficiently as possible. At the same time, the bartender should not forget about the quality of the drink and the drink recipe of the restaurant.

The main technical elements of flaring - reverse grips, primitive throws, overhead throws, busts, balances, juggling and a lot of other tricks and their combinations. In terms of difficulty, flairing can be compared with martial arts.

It is known from history that Flairing has existed for more than 150 years. It was invented by Jerry Thomas, nicknamed "Professor" - a mythical bartender, the one who is considered the father of overseas mixology. For the first time, he began to show the artistic preparation of cocktails in the middle of the 19th century. Jerry prepared his famous Blue Blazer cocktail by setting fire to Scotch whiskey and pouring it from glass to glass in a long fiery stream, which was quite impressive for the audience.

At the end of the century before last, flairing took on a slightly different form. A lot of jugglers and magicians performed on the streets then, and the bartenders borrowed elements of their art. In 1988, a significant event for bartenders around the world happened - the movie "Cocktail" with actor Tom Cruise in the title role was released on the big screens. The film contributed to a sharp increase in the popularity of flairing. Cruz was coached by John Bandy, the winner of the first American flaming competition, which was held by the well-known firm T.G.I. Fridays.

By the way, the 1st bar in which Cruz's character worked was in reality a New York Fridays establishment. The result of the film turned out to be magical - flair bars began to appear like mushrooms after rain. A huge number of bartenders began to try to twirl and toss bottles. For some it was a fleeting addiction, for others it was a lifelong calling.

Today, many bartenders learn the elements of flairing in order to bring diversity to the workflow and develop a personal unique genre. The value of such an expert is also growing in the eyes of the employer, since a great bartender is not only an expert in many recipes and special mixing technologies, but also to some extent an actor and even a psychologist in any restaurant business.

The bartender demonstrating flair attracts visitors and brings additional income to the restaurant or bar establishment. It is also a good way to stand out from the competition. Flairing has become a huge business these days. There are a lot of organizations of bartenders specializing in this discipline, international competitions are held with considerable prize funds. Similar events unwaveringly attract the attention of the general public and owners of the restaurant business.

Types of flair

Working flair - this type of flairing is widely promoted to the masses of specialists by the international association of flairing bartenders - FBA (Flair Bartenders Association). The association considers work flair to be appropriate for everyday work in a bar or restaurant and actively encourages bartenders to apply artistic elements. Working flairing provides for swift, light and precise movements and tricks that are allowed to be performed without slowing down the service.

Basically, bartenders have to manipulate a glass or a glass and one bottle, a bottle and a shaker, a side dish and ice. This type of flairing is invariably performed during the preparation of cocktail recipes or some other drink. Juggling with empty bottles, performing breakdance with bar accessories, etc. does not apply to this discipline.

Show flaring performed for the amusement of the public and for competitive purposes. He is distinguished by a long, measured performance program. This type of bartending art requires a long, thorough preparation, a special set of professional bottles and other accessories. In the vast majority of cases, show flaring is performed during special events, and not in a regular establishment.

However, bars and restaurants are starting to emerge where show flair is part of the entertainment program. During the performance, bartenders show tricks with 2-5 bottles, glasses and shakers. Show flaring may include elements that are not casually related to the preparation of drinks. The imagination of the bartenders here is not limited by anything - they arrange fire shows, show tricks, show miracles of dexterity that circus performers can envy.

Bartenders, masters of show flaring, select accessories that are especially suitable for their anthropometric indicators, just as biathletes use weapons made just for them. In high-class performances, even minor details can make a difference.

There is no single correct, "correct" method of flaring. Different genres do not compete, but complement each other.

The largest and most influential organization of bartenders practicing flairing is the International Association of Flairing Bartenders - FBA (Flair Bartenders Association). It has more than 11 thousand professional bartenders from 140 countries in its ranks. The association is headquartered in the United States, and its representative offices and branches operate throughout the world. The organization was organized in 1997, its original name is the International Flair Bartenders Network, FBN (Flair Bartenders Network).

The main goal of the FBA is to popularize flairing, to establish connections between bartenders, regardless of their qualifications, location, chosen genre, etc. The association provides information support to its members, and also organizes a lot of competitions. Flaming competitions are also held by other famous bartending organizations, such as the International Bartending Association (IBA).

The two main flaming competitions are organized by the FBA and the IBA. The FBA Flair Pro Tour competition takes place every year in several stages in different countries. The first tour was held in 2005. Each stage is a separate competition with its own prize fund. The participant with the highest number of points for participation in the stages receives the title of champion of the year. In 2007, 14 competitions were held as part of the tour, 7 of them in the United States. Competitions are held on a commercial basis, they are sponsored by various alcohol companies that promote their products. While the highest prize fund reaches 50 thousand dollars. These are the Bacardi Pro Flair and Barstars Flair competitions. Both events are held in Moscow.

The biggest event in the world of flaring is the Legends of Bartending competition. The IBA holds a flaming competition once a year as part of the world's largest bartending championship, the World Cocktail Competition. The main difference between the WCC and the FBA Flair Pro Tour is that it takes place once a year. In order to take part in it, it is necessary to win the national qualifying competitions. The competition is held on a non-commercial basis.

Flaming competitions take place in a variety of formats. Let's say, during the NATIONS International Flair Challenge, participants show show flairing in its purest form. There you can see the most clever programs, especially difficult movements and tricks. According to the regulations of other competitions, both the acrobatic part of the performance and the ability of the bartender to create unusual drink recipes, as well as knowledge of recipes and mixology are evaluated.

During the oldest competition, Legends of Bartending, participants' performances are evaluated in such categories as knowledge of mixology, accuracy, speed, working flaring, show flaring. Competitions are also held for each type of flaring separately. The main difference between them is the speed and duration of the performance. As it was said, the process of working flirting should not slow down the service of the visitor. The second significant difference is the amount of liquid in bottles. At work flaming competitions, the bottles are filled differently, i.e. the competition simulates a real working atmosphere. Show Flaming involves working with bottles filled with 60 ml (about 2 ounces) of liquid. As usual, the performance is held to the music that any participant himself chooses for his program.

Flairing as a way of making drinks has existed for more than 150 years. The founder of flairing is Jerry Thomas, nicknamed "Professor", he is called the father of American mixology. Rotation, flipping, tossing bottles, shaker, ice and other bar accessories by the bartender can even be classified as martial arts.

The main goal pursued by flairing is the production of any cocktail with maximum accuracy, showiness and efficiency. The quality of the drink remains the main component.

Flaming elements are used by every bartender already when he holds more than two bottles in one hand. The simplest figure of flairing is to catch a tossed piece of ice in a glass. The most valuable thing when performing flaring is the accuracy of pouring a drink without the use of measuring utensils. Spillage when spilling drinks should be absent or minimal.

No wonder flairing is compared to martial arts. The bartender has to perform complex technical elements: reverse grips, busts, overhead throws, simple throws, juggling, balances and many different difficult tricks.

From the history of flaring

As already mentioned, the first appearance of flairing is celebrated more than 150 years ago. Its ancestor, the legendary bartender Jerry Thomas, began to amaze the public in the middle of the 19th century, using spectacular spectacular tricks to prepare drinks. Jerry was especially proud of the "Blue Blazer" - a cocktail for the preparation of which he set fire to Scotch whiskey and poured the burning one from one glass to another, while playing with a long fiery stream. Of course it was impressive!

At the end of the nineteenth century, flairing borrowed many elements from jugglers and magicians then performing on the streets.

With the release of the film on the big screen Cocktail in 1988, the popularity of flaring skyrocketed. The main role in the film was played by Tom Cruise, who virtually performed flair tricks. And his coach was John Bandy, the first winner of the flaming competition held in America under the auspices of the famous T.G.I. Fridays.

The release of the film contributed to the numerous opening of flair bars. Each bartender tried his hand at this art, the art of twisting, tossing, catching bottles masterfully. And if some of them soon abandoned this fleeting hobby, for some, flairing became a vocation of a lifetime.

Many bartenders today try to use flair elements to add variety to your workflow and develop your own unique style. Bartenders who master the elements of flaring are appreciated and welcomed by employers. It is important for them to have a bartender in their establishment who knows many different recipes and owns various mixing technologies. It resembles an artist, attracts visitors, increases the income of the institution and looks worthy against the background of competitors.

Flairing has become an important element of business these days. Organizations of bartenders have been created, international competitions in the art of flaring are organized, the winners become owners of large prize funds. Such competitions become real show programs with numerous spectators.

Flairing has its own varieties.

Working flair

Working flair features fast, light and precise moves and tricks that are easy to perform without slowing down the service. In the process of working flaring, the bartender manipulates a glass and one bottle, or one bottle and a shaker, as well as ice and a side dish.

Working flairing, according to the specialists of the international association of flairing bartenders - FBA (FlairBartenders Association), is especially suitable for the daily work of a bartender using artistic elements.

Working flairing is performed when preparing cocktails or any other drinks.

Show flaring

Show flaring suitable for the entertainment of visitors and the public, and also acts as an element of the competitive process. It is distinguished by a long, well-balanced program of performance. Show flaring requires professional supplies, as well as a special set of bottles.

Show flaring is very often an element of special events, rarely used in the daily workflow. Recently, there has been a trend towards the appearance of show flair in the entertainment programs of some bars. Bartenders demonstrate virtuoso tricks with 2-5 bottles, shakers and glasses.

Elements of show flairing can be elements that have nothing to do with the preparation of drinks. It all depends on the imagination of the bartenders, there are no restrictions here, the bartender's program can include a fire show, tricks, a demonstration of dexterity and other tricks, most of which are typical for circus performers.

There are no standards and “correct” ways for flaring. Different styles only complement each other, and the only competition is the skill of performing tricks by the bartender.