The rarest food. Where to buy rare products

19.01.2023 Buffet table

Hello: Food is all of me, and the more refined my food, the more attractive, more beautiful, more irresistible I become.

Inventing weekly, I use other people's unfinished recipes using rare products. Not just for fun, I try my luck, I try and see how my body feels, but I strive for new tastes and a variety of smells.

Stomach strong, I can handle it.

So, if you are an experimenter and, like me, are looking for rare useful products, then first remember the main inescapable principle to consider that you can never try everything, because it will fundamentally fall into your hands!

I won’t and don’t want to list such products as black watermelon, green strawberries or millennial wine, since this is a perversion of nutrition, and below I will talk about rare products that are absolutely useful for biological survival in a dangerous man-made environment for a person.

rare products.

1. Sea urchin caviar.

Sea urchin meat can be easily and freely purchased both on the Internet and in specialized stores focused on marine (bio) products, it will cost approximately 100 grams of meat - 500-600 rubles.

Previously, the sea urchin was a rare delicacy for Europeans due to the fact that it was mined in limited quantities, as it was considered an endangered species with incredible biologically beneficial qualities for humans, until they learned how to breed it.

The first farms appeared in Primorsky Krai.

Okay, the sea urchin with its unusually useful body, which is considered a unique delicacy with healing properties that increase male strength and rejuvenate the female body.

But sea urchin caviar costs a little more than black caviar and is a unique source of useful, necessary, indispensable for:
- fortifications,
- protection,
– anti-aging,
- boosting immunity
- brain work
- proper functioning of the intestines,
- withdrawal of radiation
- restoration of the thyroid gland,
- improvement of the work of the heart,
- increasing reproductive function in women and all human organs.

Just imagine how many useful things are in one prickly ball that feeds only on algae and lives at the bottom of a reservoir.

Someone thought of getting it and using it for food.

By the way, most likely the use of unusual food in the daily diet is another of the many experiments on one's own body that a person has set.

Contraindication to use: sea urchin caviar is one thing - a small salary and individual intolerance.

Caviar consists of:
– proteins – 20%
– fats – 34%
- glycogen (polysaccharide - in which glucose is stored) - a protector from diabetes.
– vitamins – A.E.V
- and many incomprehensible names that only assert the usefulness of hedgehog caviar without saying anything.

Science tested - oh well!

Important: substances that enter the body after eating sea urchin caviar act selectively (many experiments have been carried out) restore or strengthen the human internal system.

I just want to say - "Eat caviar - live a thousand years!"

100 grams of sea urchin caviar,
300 grams of butter 82.7% fat,
mix well.

Smear in the morning on bread, drinking tea.

In the morning, the body perceives better and quickly absorbs nutrients.

2. Wild bird.

Wild bird is a rare product on our table, and everything from the fact that meat is not for everybody. A person is so delicate that he prefers tough wild high-protein, easily digestible, most useful meat, tender “soft” stuffed with something even during the life of a bird.

Wild birds are the most commonly eaten!
- quail,
- capercaillie,
- pheasants,
- black grouse,
- partridges,
- grouse.

Important: in no other meat, except for wild poultry meat, there is such an amount of amino acids that a person needs.

Daily need in grams for one person in amino acids.

- glycine - 5,
- proline - 6,
- phenylalanine - 2,
- tyrosine - 2,
- cystine - 1,
- serine - 3,
- methionine - 2,
- lysine - 3,
- glutamic acid - 2,
- alanine - 3,
- threonine - 2,
- leucine - 4,
- tryptophan - 1,
- aspartic acid,
- histidine - 40,
- isoleucine - 3,
- valine - 3.

Imagine - this is the daily norm of the necessary substances for the normal functioning of all human organs, and it is the "norm" present in the "rare product" (which we ourselves avoid using).

As soon as a person “switched” to eating meat of a non-wild bird grown in an unnatural environment, that's when the sores that are difficult to treat started.

Table of vitamins per 100g. (a little surprising with one trace element that is only present in wild meat) of the product (for athletes).

- water - 65g,
- fats - 20g,
- proteins - 18g,
- carbohydrates - 1g,
- ash - 1g,

Vitamins - A, B-1-2-3-6-9-12, E, H, PP,

trace elements:
- iron - 3 mg,
- potassium - 250 mg,
- calcium - 15 mg,
- choline - 70 mg,
- magnesium - 20 mg,

and now just compare the composition of this meat with what you buy in the store.

There is only one contraindication: self-inept hunting with all the ensuing consequences of this case.

The carcass of a bird plucked and butchered, salt and pepper fry. There is nothing better and tastier than just a recipe.

3. Wild berries.

The most diverse and growing everywhere, but for some reason, the rarest most useful product.

- wild rose,
- bird cherry,
- mulberry,
- Rowan,
- blueberry,
- currant,
- juniper,
- cloudberry,
- sea ​​buckthorn,
- raspberry,
- drupe,
- gooseberry,
- princess
- dogwood,
- cranberry,
- strawberry,
- viburnum,
- irga,
- honeysuckle,
- dropsy,
- wild cherry
- blueberry,
- elderberry,
- cowberry,
- barberry,
- hawthorn,
- you are familiar with many of the listed berries, but the rest are not known that do not germinate in the territory of your residence or birth, it is not recommended to try, because the growing environment is different and the composition of microelements can be dangerous for you (reference from a series of books - "scientific library").

Wild berries do not absorb harmful substances from the soil and do not accumulate radiation (extract from books - scientific library).

Contraindications: weak character and laziness in collecting wild plants.

Red, yellow, black, green, of all colors and colors - the berries coincide in color with the constituent elements in our blood (the topic of blood and its components is studied in detail - a little for general development - blood consists of sticks, circles, triangles and all kinds of color shapes) which match like a puzzle when compiling.

Pour 100 grams (which are the most affordable) with 300 grams of milk - attention: it is especially important to know the composition of milk.

It is very tasty if these berries are strawberries or blueberries.

Draw your own conclusion.
I just parse and analyze information.
Yulia Kaseva.

One Response to Rare useful products - benefits, harms and recipes.

    I will definitely take into account all these products and, as far as possible, I will introduce them into my diet.

Someone is indifferent to collectible cars, someone is indifferent to the name of a fashion designer, and someone is scornful of famous Hollywood action movies with shots and explosions, and this is normal. But everyone likes good and tasty food. Everyone loves delicious gourmet food! But there must be diversity in life, and in culinary preferences too. Customers always want to try something new, unusual. To maintain interest, the chefs of elite restaurants go to the use of rare ingredients. They are very expensive, but at least you can afford to talk about them in the review.

Who likes what kind of food is already subjective, but the fact is absolutely accurate that if anyone is offered to choose between good, high-quality food and fast food, he will prefer the first option. Taste preferences influence people's choices. But if someone prefers, for example, Indian cuisine, then he will continue to love it until one of the restaurants spoils the taste of the dish.

Of course, everyone has heard about saffron more than once. It is an Indian spice that is recognized as one of the best in the world. Saffron is grown and harvested in many parts of the world, but its rarity is due to the small amount of material collected and the difficulties associated with it. In order to harvest 450 grams of saffron costing from 500 to 5000 dollars, depending on the quality, it is necessary to grow from 50 to 75 thousand flowers - a field the size of a football field. Therefore, if the restaurant served a dish with the addition of saffron, you should definitely try it.

I wonder how many people are willing to pay $6,000 for one watermelon? Of course not, but if someone can afford it, then you should definitely buy this delicious juicy watermelon. Densuke is easily recognizable by its appearance - a strong dark green or even black peel without stripes. It doesn't even look like a regular watermelon. It grows only on the Japanese island of Hokkaido in the amount of 65 pieces per year, so the list of those who can taste watermelon is very small.

The Japanese have a talent for growing rare fruits. Yubari melon looks like a cantaloupe, but it tastes completely different. It is absolutely round in shape, much sweeter thanks to the soil fertilized with volcanic ash. Melon is not as expensive as Densuke watermelon and can be purchased for $150 each. It is grown on the island of Hokkaido, in Yubari.

Matsutake mushrooms grow in China, and in Canada, and in Finland, and in the USA, and in Sweden, but for the first time in cooking they were introduced in Japan, where they also grow. Their taste is meaty and spicy, and the texture is similar to portobello. These are very popular mushrooms in Japanese cuisine but are difficult to grow. They are imported to Japan from other countries at a price of $90 per kilogram, local ones are even more expensive - $2,000.

Kniesschildt chocolate is not quite the usual delicacy that everyone is used to. Chocolatier Fritz Kniesschildt used dark chocolate and black truffles, rare mushrooms, to create this delicacy. In the center of the dessert is a truffle covered in a thick ball of dark chocolate. The dessert first appeared in the USA, where the author moved in 1996. The hand-cooked delicacy costs $2,600 - a gourmet dish.

Anyone who has ever heard of or tasted steak knows about kobe meat. Cows from Kobe Prefecture in Japan are specially bred for this variety. All the time Wagyu cows are under control, special care and feeding. Their menu includes the most juicy and selected grass in various combinations and even beer. Every day the cows have a massage session - all this for tender and tasty meat. The delicacy costs $770 per kilo.

Delicious and expensive food has always been associated with black and red caviar. Almas is the gold standard for any caviar. It is obtained from the Iranian beluga fish, which existed even in the period of the dinosaurs. Since the extraction of caviar is hampered by the product's maturation period of 20 years, for 450 grams you need to pay from 8,400 to 15,500 dollars, depending on the quality. You can buy Iranian caviar in London at The Caviar House and Punier. If you suddenly want to try caviar and there is enough money on your account, you need to call right now, since you can receive an order only after 4 years.

Like its brother, the black truffle, the white one is a rare mushroom. It grows naturally in Italy, France and Croatia, but can sometimes be found elsewhere. The mushroom is almost impossible to grow in the conditions of the economy, it can only be collected in areas of natural habitat, therefore it is considered rare. For 450 grams, you will have to pay from 10360 to 4200 dollars. A truffle weighing 1.5 kilograms at the auction could be purchased for $ 330,000.

This Chinese dish is considered rare all over the world. Known as "Caviar of the East", the dish first appeared 400 years ago. Soup is made from nests of swifts. Getting the ingredients for it is quite difficult, as birds build nests high in inaccessible places. The nests are made of clay and saliva. All this goes into the soup. For 450 grams you will have to pay from 910 to 4,535 dollars.

This dish does not use any ingredients other than edible gold. People love the yellow metal so much that they have found a way to even eat it. The dish itself is unremarkable: only shine and no taste. Some people eat it as a status symbol. Gold is also added to drinks and as decoration for other dishes. For a kilogram of edible gold, you will have to pay from 33,000 to 110,000 dollars per kilogram.
Fans of experimenting can do without such huge spending on food, it’s enough to order for lunch

In this collection you will find an overview of the most expensive foods and drinks. There will be coffee, vodka and much more

The most expensive spice in the world is saffron. True saffron is the stamens of a plant in the crocus family (Crocus sativus). From the stamens of marigold flowers, saffron is also made, called false, or Imeritinsky. The stamens are harvested by hand and then dried. To get half a kilogram of spice, 225,000 stamens are needed. To ennoble a dish designed for three to five people, no more than six stamens of real saffron are enough. Imeretinsky saffron is used in significantly large quantities and does not give such a flavor. One kilogram of real saffron costs about 6 thousand dollars.

The most expensive nut in the world is macadamia. Once a staple food for the Australian Aborigines, macadamia has now become an exquisite and very healthy delicacy. Only two types of these nuts are cultivated (there are plantations in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Hawaii and the southern United States). The height of the macadamia tree reaches 40 meters, it bears fruit for up to 100 years, but peeling the nut from the shell is not an easy task. Due to the difficulties with breeding and harvesting the delicacy, it is produced no more than 40 tons per year. The cost of one kilogram of macadamia, even in its historical homeland, exceeds $30.

The most expensive caviar in the world is not black at all. And not even a rare gray. The most expensive is "Almas", an albino beluga caviar, occasionally exported from Iran. One hundred grams of caviar, packed in an indispensable jar of pure gold, will cost the buyer about 2 thousand dollars.

As you know, the most expensive mushroom in the world is the white truffle. It is impossible to set any exact price per kilogram of this delicacy, because almost every large mushroom is sold at auction. Sometimes this does not benefit either the customers or the product. So, in 2004, a mushroom weighing 850 grams bought for 28 thousand pounds sterling ... was simply rotten. The inconsolable buyer buried it in the garden in the hope that a new giant would grow in its place, but was subsequently forced to transfer the remains to the deceased's homeland, Tuscany. In early November 2007, three Hong Kong tycoons pooled their money for a 750-gram mushroom for $209,000 (the biggest money ever paid for a truffle). Nothing terrible happened to this copy: it was safely prepared and eaten at an exclusive truffle banquet, where the families and friends of the magnates gathered.

It would seem that an ordinary potato cannot cost sky-high thousands! Nothing like this. Resourceful peasants living on the islet of Nurmoitier annually harvest no more than 100 tons of "La Bonnotte" variety per year. Since the divine tuber (and according to legend, it was this variety that the supreme god of the Incas brought out) is exceptionally tender, it can only be collected by hand. The most expensive potato in the world costs about 500 euros per kilogram.

The most expensive meat in the world is beef. And not simple, but marble. And - necessarily from the Japanese cows Wagyu. For centuries, these cows were bred only in Japan, near the city of Kobe, treated respectfully and fed only the best herbs, as well as daily rubbed with sake and watered with beer. For a long time, the Japanese did not export cattle for breeding, but now Wagyu cows are also bred in Australia. But this affected the cost of meat only upwards: to improve the quality of products, Australian farmers began to give cows red wine (at $ 16 per bottle). A 200 gram fillet costs over $100 in Europe. Some, especially delicate pieces are sold for a thousand dollars.

The most expensive sandwich in the world is proudly called the von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich. You can try it by paying 100 pounds (almost $200) at the Von Essen hotels. This sandwich is really tasty, because it includes: Iberian ham, Bresse poulard, white truffles, quail eggs, dried Italian tomatoes and bread made with a special sourdough.

The world's most expensive pizza "Luis XIII" offers a young Italian chef Renato Viola. It costs 8300 euros. According to the author, "this price is not exaggerated if we keep in mind the exclusive products and two people who come to the house to cook it." Pizza, except for the base, is prepared in the presence of the client. The composition includes: buffalo mozzarella, three types of caviar, as well as red lobster, shrimp and lobster (all this, of course, is elite and very expensive). Even the salt in this pizza is not ordinary and not even sea, but Australian pink "Murray River".

The most expensive omelette in the world can be eaten at the restaurant of the New York hotel "Le Parker Meridien". It costs a thousand dollars. In addition to the actual eggs, there are whole lobsters in the omelet. It is served on a bed of fried potatoes and garnished with ten ounces of sturgeon caviar.

The most expensive chocolate in the world is called Chocopologie by Knipschildt. It is produced in the USA by Knipschildt Chocolatier. Naturally, it is dark chocolate. Naturally, it is not intended for long-term storage: after all, in order for confectionery products not to spoil longer, it is necessary to use cheaper ingredients, which is unacceptable in haute couture chocolate making. For a pound (453 grams) "Chocopologie by Knipschildt" will have to pay $ 2,600.

The most expensive coffee in the world - "Kopi Luwak" - is made from grains not of some unique variety, but rather of a unique life path. "Kopi" in Indonesian means "coffee", and "Luwak" is a small animal, a type of civet, an animal of the viverrid family. The luwak is a small carnivore, but loves to eat the ripe fruits of the coffee tree, and chooses the best ones. He eats more coffee than he can digest. Undigested grains, passing through the intestines of the animal, are exposed to its enzymes and, as lovers of "Kopi Luwak" swear, acquire a unique taste and aroma. A kilogram of coffee, which was helped to be born by luwak, costs from 300 to 400 dollars. Most consumers of this variety, as, however, usually happens with all expensive food products, live in Japan. As you already understood, the delivery of coffee beans will cost you a tidy sum. But it will be worth it...

The most expensive tea in the world is called Dahongpao, which means "Big Red Robe". It belongs to oolong teas (highly fermented teas with an intense taste and aroma). They get the "Big Red Robe" from a leaf of only six bushes growing near the Tianxin Monastery. The age of these unique bushes is 350 years. Each year they collected no more than 500 grams of the legendary tea, the cost of the finished product reached 685 thousand dollars per kilogram. In 2005, 20 grams of tea (four spoons) was sold at an auction in Fujian Province for 208,000 yuan (about $25,000), and a week earlier the same amount was sold for $24,000. In 2006, the entire harvest was transferred to the Chinese National Tea Museum for storage, a moratorium was declared on further collection. From now on, no one will be able to enjoy Dahongpao tea. However, since the 80s of the last century, mother bushes have been propagated vegetatively. The tea obtained from them is also called the "Big Red Robe", but connoisseurs believe that it cannot be compared with real Dahongpao.

The most expensive champagne in the world - "Perrier Jouet Belle Epoque Blanc de Blanc" - is made from special grapes, which are harvested only from two small plots of the vineyard in the town of Cotes des Blancs. It is created only in the years of the best grape harvest. In 2007, only 156 bottles of this drink, hand-painted in the art nouveau style, were imported into Russia. Each bottle of 0.75 liters costs about a thousand euros.

The most expensive whiskey in the world - "The Macallan Fine & Rare Vintage" 60-year-old, bottled in 1926 - you can not buy for any money. However, its price is known: 38 thousand dollars. Those who wish are invited to buy for more than 10 thousand an analogue of the coveted drink - "Macallan Fine & Rare" 1938 release.

The most expensive beer in the world - the Belgian "Vieille Bon Secours" - can be purchased at the London bar Bierdrome. A bottle costs about a thousand dollars, a pint will be poured for $79.

The world's most expensive vodka "Diva" is prepared by Scottish masters in compliance with all imaginable and unimaginable rules. It is filtered through northern birch charcoal, and for complete purification - through sand and crumbs of diamonds and other precious stones. The standard bottle is decorated with cubic zircons, however, at the request of the customer, they can be replaced with any other gems. Depending on the cost of jewelry, the price of a bottle also varies - from the standard 400 to 1000 dollars.

The most expensive spice in the world is saffron. Real saffron is nothing but the stamens of a plant of the crocus family (Crocus sativus). There is also false saffron, which is also called Imeretian. It is made from the stamens of marigold flowers. The price of a kilogram of real saffron can reach up to $6,000. Such a fabulous price of saffron is explained by the laboriousness of its cultivation and harvesting technology. To obtain 1 kg of dry saffron, you need to sort out about 2000 flowers. From 1 hectare of plantation in the first year, only 6 kg of saffron can be harvested; in the second year - up to 20 kg. Harvesting is carried out during the flowering period in sunny weather. The bright orange stigmas are cut by hand on the first day of flower opening and dried.

If you think that the most expensive caviar in the world is black, then you are deeply mistaken. Albino beluga caviar "Almas" is most valued. This fish is found in the Caspian Sea off the coast of Iran. Eggs have different shades: from pale gray to white. The lighter the caviar, the more expensive it is. Caviar "Almas" is exported from Iran and packaged in jars of pure gold. 100 grams of such caviar cost about $2,000. This delicacy spoils very quickly, so you need to consume it immediately after purchase. Connoisseurs disagree about the most expensive caviar in the world. Some believe that the enjoyment of this rare product with a nutty flavor is incomparable, others say that in addition to a beautiful light color, albino beluga caviar has no special advantages.

Banal, it would seem, potatoes can also be a delicacy when it comes to the La Bonnotte variety. It grows on the French island of Nurmoitier in the Atlantic Ocean. Potato fields are fertilized only with seaweed according to a technology that has been passed down from generation to generation. This variety is planted and harvested only by hand, and it costs about 500 euros per kilogram. The world's most expensive La Bonnotte potato tastes exceptionally tender. According to legend, this divine tuber was brought out by none other than the supreme god of the Incas, Viracocha. No more than 100 tons of potatoes of this variety are harvested annually.

The most expensive meat in the world is marbled beef. Her "suppliers" are Japanese Wagyu cows. The cost of a kilogram of meat reaches $1000. For centuries, Wagiu cows were bred only in Japan, now they are also raised in Australia. They are treated like royalty: they are fed with the best herbs, rubbed with sake, and given beer. The meat of the Australian Wagyu is even more expensive due to the fact that cows are fed red wine for $16 a bottle.

The most expensive coffee in the world is produced from beans that came out of the intestines of a civet - an animal of the genus viverra. The variety is called "Kopi Luwak", "Kopi" in Indonesian means "coffee", and "Luwak" is the actual name of the animal. Coffee grows on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. The civet animal, to which we owe the most expensive coffee in the world, is a small predator, but it really likes ripe and fragrant coffee beans. Their civet eats much less than it can digest. At one time it was even considered a pest. But then it turned out that the digestive enzymes of the animal improve the taste of coffee, removing bitterness. Local residents collect coffee beans that are not digested by civet, a kilogram of which costs $300-400.

The most expensive tea in the world is called Dahongpao - "Scarlet Robe" in Chinese. The tea owes this name to its color - when the buds swell, the tea bushes look like they are dressed in red clothes. Dahongpao is a highly fermented tea with an intense flavor and aroma. The most expensive Dahongpao tea in the world is obtained from the leaf of six bushes growing near the Tianxin Monastery. Their age is estimated at 350 years. No more than 0.5 kg of such tea is collected per year, and even less goes on sale - no more than 20 g. In 2006, the entire crop was transferred to the Chinese National Museum as an exhibit. Since then, there has been an official ban on the collection of Dahongpao, and today no one can taste it. The price of the most expensive tea in the world, Dahongpao - at a time when the ban on its collection was not yet in effect - reached sky-high heights. In 2005, 20 grams of tea was sold at an auction for 208,000 yuan (about $25,000).

The most expensive chocolate in the world is that produced by the Lebanese factory Patchi for sale in the British chain of stores Harrods - £5,000 per pack. The package contains 49 sweets wrapped in handmade Indian silk, decorated with silk roses, Swarovski crystals and even gold. The box is also complicated: it is made of leather and silk, and the partitions in it are gold and platinum.

The most expensive pizza in the world is sold in the city of Agropoli in southern Italy for 8300 euros. Two chefs come to the client's house and cook pizza (everything except the base) in front of his eyes. The filling includes tuna caviar, lobster, lobster, buffalo mozzarella, red lobster, shrimp and lobster. All this is poured with cognac Louis XIII Remy Martin. Even pizza salt is not easy - Australian pink "Murray River".

The most expensive dessert in the world can be tasted in New York at the Serendipity 3 restaurant - provided that you have $ 25 thousand for this pleasure. For this amount, you will receive ice cream with 25 varieties of cocoa, decorated with whipped cream and pieces of edible gold . You need to warn about the desire to eat such a dessert in advance. By the way, you can take dishes, a glass and a spoon with a gold border and diamonds with you.

The most expensive sandwich in the world is called the Von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich. It costs almost $200 and is sold in the Von Essen chain. The sandwich consists of Iberian ham, Bresse poulard, white truffles, quail eggs, dried Italian tomatoes and special bread.

In the restaurant of the New York hotel Le Parker Meridien you can taste the most expensive omelet in the world. It costs a thousand dollars. In addition to eggs, whole lobsters are added to it. The dish is served on fried potatoes and garnished with sturgeon caviar.

The most expensive salad in the world is called Florette Sea&Earth. It is served in the restaurant of the hotel Le Manoir aux Quat Saisons in Oxford. Salad ingredients include Almas white beluga caviar, spiny lobsters, Cornish crab and lobster. Grated truffles, asparagus, potatoes and young salad are also added there, and everything is decorated with gold foil. Chef Raymond le Blanc's signature dish costs £635.

The most expensive nut in the world is macadamia. Previously, it was a significant part of the diet of the Australian Aborigines, but now it has become a delicacy. The scientist who first described this type of nut named them after his friend, John Macadam, MD, a chemist. These nuts are also called mullimbimbi, boomer, kindal-kindal. Macadamia tastes like hazelnuts.

There are nine types of macadamia, five of which grow only in Australia. Two species are cultivated. There are plantations in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Hawaii and the southern United States. The height of the tree reaches 40 m, it bears fruit for up to 100 years. Since macadamia kernels are difficult to separate from the shell, these nuts are quite expensive, and they are grown less than black caviar is produced.

Macadamia nuts are high in calories and rich in valuable nutrients. It removes cholesterol from the body well. Macadamia oil is a valuable cosmetic product. It is easily absorbed into the skin, softens, nourishes and moisturizes it, and also helps with sunburn.

They produce no more than 40 tons of delicacy per year. The cost of a kilogram of macadamia, even in the "historical homeland" of the nut, exceeds $30.

The Fruit Mold company presented a novelty - a collection of transparent plastic molds with which you can grow vegetables and fruits of an unusual shape. Although FM is declared as an agrotechnical company, it would be more correct to attribute it to the industry of children's toys, souvenirs and trinkets: the technology for growing objective fruits is absolutely simple and resembles a children's game of Easter cakes or molds: you just need to place the ovary of the future fruit in a figured container.

The coolest types of mold containers are already being offered, and in the future, using this technology, it will be possible to grow fruits and vegetables of almost any shape - as long as the imagination is enough.

Like most weird foods, this watermelon is native to Japan. There is a suspicion that this would not have taken root in our country - how would the sellers tap on its round sides?


Hao Xianchang from China grows and sells pears in the form of Buddha figurines.

A separate "chip" is the production of original packaging for peaches, namely lace underwear for these fruits.

From unusual to expensive.

The most expensive spice in the world is saffron. Real saffron is nothing but the stamens of a plant of the crocus family (Crocus sativus). There is also false saffron, which is also called Imeretian. It is made from the stamens of marigold flowers. The price of a kilogram of real saffron can reach up to $6,000. Such a fabulous price of saffron is explained by the laboriousness of its cultivation and harvesting technology. To obtain 1 kg of dry saffron, you need to sort out about 2000 flowers. From 1 hectare of plantation in the first year, only 6 kg of saffron can be harvested; in the second year - up to 20 kg. Harvesting is carried out during the flowering period in sunny weather. The bright orange stigmas are cut by hand on the first day of flower opening and dried.

If you think that the most expensive caviar in the world is black, then you are deeply mistaken. Albino beluga caviar "Almas" is most valued. This fish is found in the Caspian Sea off the coast of Iran. Eggs have different shades: from pale gray to white. The lighter the caviar, the more expensive it is. Caviar "Almas" is exported from Iran and packaged in jars of pure gold. 100 grams of such caviar cost about $2,000. This delicacy spoils very quickly, so you need to consume it immediately after purchase. Connoisseurs disagree about the most expensive caviar in the world. Some believe that the enjoyment of this rare product with a nutty flavor is incomparable, others say that in addition to a beautiful light color, albino beluga caviar has no special advantages.

Banal, it would seem, potatoes can also be a delicacy when it comes to the La Bonnotte variety. It grows on the French island of Nurmoitier in the Atlantic Ocean. Potato fields are fertilized only with seaweed according to a technology that has been passed down from generation to generation. This variety is planted and harvested only by hand, and it costs about 500 euros per kilogram. The world's most expensive La Bonnotte potato tastes exceptionally tender. According to legend, this divine tuber was brought out by none other than the supreme god of the Incas, Viracocha. No more than 100 tons of potatoes of this variety are harvested annually.

The most expensive coffee in the world is produced from beans that came out of the intestines of a civet - an animal of the genus viverra. The variety is called "Kopi Luwak", "Kopi" in Indonesian means "coffee", and "Luwak" is the actual name of the animal. Coffee grows on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. The civet animal, to which we owe the most expensive coffee in the world, is a small predator, but it really likes ripe and fragrant coffee beans. Their civet eats much less than it can digest. At one time it was even considered a pest. But then it turned out that the digestive enzymes of the animal improve the taste of coffee, removing bitterness. Local residents collect coffee beans that are not digested by civet, a kilogram of which costs $300-400.

The most expensive tea in the world is called Dahongpao - "Scarlet Robe" in Chinese. The tea owes this name to its color - when the buds swell, the tea bushes look like they are dressed in red clothes. Dahongpao is a highly fermented tea with an intense flavor and aroma. The most expensive Dahongpao tea in the world is obtained from the leaf of six bushes growing near the Tianxin Monastery. Their age is estimated at 350 years. No more than 0.5 kg of such tea is collected per year, and even less goes on sale - no more than 20 g. In 2006, the entire crop was transferred to the Chinese National Museum as an exhibit. Since then, there has been an official ban on the collection of Dahongpao, and today no one can taste it. The price of the most expensive tea in the world, Dahongpao - at a time when the ban on its collection was not yet in effect - reached sky-high heights. In 2005, 20 grams of tea was sold at an auction for 208,000 yuan (about $25,000).

The most expensive chocolate in the world is that produced by the Lebanese factory Patchi for sale in the British chain of stores Harrods - £5,000 per pack. The package contains 49 sweets wrapped in handmade Indian silk, decorated with silk roses, Swarovski crystals and even gold. The box is also complicated: it is made of leather and silk, and the partitions in it are gold and platinum.

The most expensive dessert in the world can be tasted in New York at the Serendipity 3 restaurant - provided that you have $ 25 thousand for this pleasure. For this amount, you will receive ice cream with 25 varieties of cocoa, decorated with whipped cream and pieces of edible gold . You need to warn about the desire to eat such a dessert in advance. By the way, you can take dishes, a glass and a spoon with a gold border and diamonds with you.

Every whim for your money!