Andy Chef Lemon Kurd. Lemon cake with lemon curd and citrus mood

29.10.2019 Soups

Lemon curd December 11th, 2016

Well, what a delicious thing, take it away or I'll eat it all, - Nastya pushes the jar of lemon curd aside, but immediately reaches for it with a spoon.

The thing is amazingly tasty and beautiful, just in time for the winter season. And it's simple, like the multiplication table: once I remember it and for the rest of my life. This is called mysteriously (it seems like something oriental), but in fact, custard, in which lemon juice is used instead of milk.

In the photo, I deliberately placed two completely different lemons next to it. They are different not only in size and weight, but also in the amount of juice. From a large lemon, I was able to squeeze out only 85 ml of juice. From a small (almost 3 times lemon - almost 65! Or the number of eggs! They also vary in weight. Mine - 59-60 g. The amount of sugar is also different in well-known recipes, so I use the option in which the Kurd is sour sweet, refreshing, and not sweet and sour with sugary notes, like a children's candy Lemon.

In general, for myself, I have long ago compiled a recipe according to which all my friends get lemon Kurd the first time.
150 ml lemon juice
2 eggs
4 yolks
120 g sugar
2 tbsp. tablespoons finely grated lemon zest
100 g butter.

The cooking process is not complicated, but it involves heating in a water bath. Therefore, after collecting all the ingredients on the kitchen table, I immediately put a pot of water for a water bath. Fortunately, I have very comfortable pans, they fit well into each other. By the time a water bath is needed, the water in a large pot should be about 50-60 ° C.

Put a piece of butter in the freezer, so that later it would be easy to cut it into small cubes.

Remove the zest with a fine grater (better even smaller than mine!), Squeeze out the juice, filter it through a strainer into a small saucepan. Pour in sugar, zest. Stir well and heat a little to dissolve the sugar. Remove from heat to cool the syrup.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Protein comes in handy, for example, for a casserole or protein omelet, after all, they can be frozen. Don't be too zealous when separating the yolks, it doesn't matter!

Stir eggs and yolks well, pour into lemon syrup and beat with a whisk until smooth.

We put in a water bath and, stirring with a whisk, heat the mixture until it thickens. As soon as the mixture has thickened, remove from the water bath, quickly add cubes of cold oil and, stirring vigorously with a whisk, bring the mixture until the oil is completely dissolved.

We quickly rub the warm Kurd through a sieve directly into the jars. And in the refrigerator!

Be patient for at least 3-4 hours before the belly feast begins.

In fact, Lemon Kurd can keep in the refrigerator in a twist-off jar for up to two weeks. But who will let him lie down: even if the jars are hidden in the farthest corner, in the morning they are already on the table and are attacked by greedy mouths. Therefore, for the New Year's table, I make a lemon Kurd on December 30, then there is a chance to meet with him the first morning of the new year.

But you can try a Kurd without waiting for full readiness. We still have traces of the Kurdish on the sides of the saucepan, on the spoon ... No, no, you can't put it in the dishwasher! We put "dirty" dishes in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Then we close the kitchen door, take out the dishes from the refrigerator, tear off the edge of white spongy bread and ... that's right, clean the saucepan walls and lick the spoon.

And one moment. It is often written in social networks that lemon Kurd can be cooked without a water bath, and without rubbing it through a strainer. Can! However, in a saucepan on the stove, even with a divider, the cream thickens quickly and, without much experience, you can easily ruin it. Here, as they say, fill your hand and then at the 120th cooking you can refuse the bath. If you do not rub it through a strainer, then the zest needs to be rubbed very (very!), But even this is not the main thing - rubbing gives an amazingly delicate silk texture.

In general, Lemon Kurd is the best filling for sweet baskets or a great cake cream. But I love it on a winter morning, when it's still dark outside, and it's time to go to work, spread it on a slice of bread and with tea or coffee. This magic of sweet and sour taste, exploding on the tongue, is capable of awakening even in the most disgusting weather. And the perfection of the silk texture adjusts to pacification. And with such a mood, you can safely rush into the dark, frosty, slippery morning.

Although what am I talking about? Today is Sunday morning. So I will greet him lazily with a cup of coffee and a lemon curd bun. And hope that early risers read my post and spend half an hour in the kitchen, so that a couple of jars of sun-colored cream will appear in their refrigerator, which will warm the morning of the new work week.

The classic lemon curd is the most delicate egg-lemon cream that was invented at the end of the 19th century. On our site you will find how to cook a classic lemon curd, a recipe with a photo will help you not to make mistakes when cooking.

Lemon Kurd - what is it?

This is a viscous lemon cream, with a delicate lemon taste, with a jelly-like consistency, which any housewife can prepare, since the recipe is simple, there is a photo, there are few ingredients. The cream can be used as a stand-alone dessert, or it can be served in sandy bowls, forming a cake. Lemon Kurd is also good with pancakes and as an interlayer in cakes.

The Lemon Kurdish - or Lemon Cream recipe is a classic English recipe. Previously, this cream was an alternative to berry jam for oatmeal or buns for tea, later lemon curd began to be used as an interlayer in cakes, filling in buns. Now lemon cream can be found in any dessert, it can even be added to ice cream.

Lemon Kurdish taste

This unusual lemon cream has many advantages: it has a delicate structure and excellent taste. The sweet curd has a distinct lemon note. The bright yellow color of the dessert pleases the eye. Kurd belongs to that rare variety of custards that you can serve yourself by filling beautiful transparent bowls with a thick mass.

And the Kurdish is also used to coat biscuit cakes to get a real English cake. Lemon Kurd is placed in shortbread baskets, served with pancakes and toast.

Lemon Kurdish recipe with photo

Products: lemons - 3 pieces, sugar - 1 glass, butter - 120 grams, eggs - 3 pieces.

Cooking sequence:

1. To cook a quality Kurd, you need to take large lemons and homemade eggs.

2. Lemons are washed for a long time and thoroughly, you can use a special brush for washing vegetables. The glossy peel of lemons seems clean, but it sometimes contains harmful substances that citrus fruits are impregnated with during transport for better preservation.

3. Wipe the lemons with a napkin, then proceed to "undress". Cut off a thin yellow layer taking care not to touch the white areas.

For this purpose, you can use different devices: a fine grater or a vegetable peeler. Even the sharpest knife cannot cope with such work, since the lemon peel must turn into the smallest "shavings".

4. Eggs are placed in a deep bowl, beat with a blender. Homemade eggs produce a fuller foam and brighter colors.

5. Add sugar, beat the mass until the crystals dissolve. By setting the maximum speed, this process can be completed in 2 minutes.

6. Squeeze out lemon juice, filter it, then pour it into a saucepan. Add the yellow rind.

7. Combine the beaten eggs with lemon juice. The pan is placed in a water bath. The Kurd needs to be stirred periodically. The boil time is 3-5 minutes. The longer the lemon curd boils, the thicker the consistency will be.

8. Remove the pan from the heat, allow the Kurd to cool slightly. Add diced butter. Kurd is stirred until the oil dissolves.

9. The cooled lemon curd is transferred to jars. Lemon cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

So now you know how to cook Lemon Kurd. The recipe with a photo is in front of your eyes on our website.

Watch the video recipe for making lemon curd:

Lemon Kurd is a wonderful sweet cream that can be used both as an independent dessert and as a filling for pies and tartlets.
You can make ice cream on its basis.

Lemon Kurd. Recipe

The method of cooking Kurd is similar to the technology of making custard, which is traditionally prepared in milk, but here lemon juice plays its role. Particular attention should be paid to carefully heating the egg mixture, because it can curdle, and then the taste and attractive appearance that the lemon curd has will be spoiled. If you use a water bath, then you don't have to worry about it - this method will provide the required degree of uniformity of heating. It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare all the ingredients, and no more than 20 minutes to cook.

Lemon Kurd can be prepared using different ratios of eggs, sugar and butter. To make the cream non-greasy, delicate and have a rich taste, it is recommended to take an amount of eggs equal to the number of lemons; 2 tbsp. l. white sugar, 15 g butter. First, prepare the lemon curd according to the basic recipe, and in the future you can experiment with the taste. For example, dilute with tangerine, orange or lime juice.

Preparing the basis for the Kurd

Rub the zest from the lemons with a grater or special tool (try not to touch the white part of the rind, it can give bitterness). Mix it with sugar. Stir the eggs with a fork (do not beat!) And add to the juice squeezed out of the lemons. Add the zest to the same mixture. For the rest of the ingredients to soak in the lemon scent, they must stand for half an hour. Be sure to strain the mixture through a fine sieve or several layers of folded medical gauze - this will help separate the zest that has already given off its flavor, as well as filter out the pieces of egg white, which can turn into ugly flakes when heated.

We continue to cook Kurd in a water bath

Heat the strained lemon-egg mass over low heat. It is convenient to do this in a water bath by placing a smaller saucepan in a large container. Stir constantly with a whisk and make sure that the mass does not burn. After a while, the lemon Kurd will thicken. It should be poured into glass jars and cooled. Keep refrigerated.

The use of Kurdish in baking. Lemon ice cream

The consistency of the resulting cream will resemble jelly. It can be served with toast for breakfast, and can also be used to soak cakes (it is especially good in combination with butter cream) or as a filling for pies and tartlets. In the latter case, you can not boil it in a water bath, but pour it into a pre-baked piece of chopped dough and place it in the oven. You can also make delicious ice cream from Kurdish with a silky texture, which resembles a little To do this, mix a portion of lemon cream made from four eggs, ml of cream of maximum fat content, add 4 yolks and a third of a cup of sugar. Boil the resulting workpiece for 15 minutes in a water bath, and then freeze it in a container, stirring with a whisk every half hour.

This is a fragrant and very tasty delicacy that is easy to prepare at home. In consistency, it resembles a cream, has a thick gelatinous texture. It can be used as a filling for pies, pancakes, buns, muffins, cakes and this is not the whole list. Cream Kurdish can be served for breakfast with toast, a freshly baked bun instead of jam, pour cream ice cream, cottage cheese dumplings and sweet cheese cakes on them.

Lemon Kurd is often found in recipes for biscuit cakes (for example, ideal with a combination), serves as an excellent filling for puff croissants, macaroni cakes, sand tartlets, cupcakes, muffins, biscuit rolls. we have an article.

Pie with Kurdish and meringue will be a great pleasure for you. A Kurd is prepared from eggs, a large amount of lemons, sugar and butter. Lemon juice gives the delicacy a pleasant sourness, and grated zest gives a pronounced tropical aroma. To decorate desserts during the preparation process, you can add a little starch to make the Kurdish cream thicker.

Historical facts

Kurd, or creamy fruit dessert, is more commonly prepared in the UK and the northern regions of the United States. Historians claim that it was invented in these countries. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, housewives served this delicacy for tea with rolls and white bread, replacing berry jam with lemon curd.

More than a hundred years ago, American and British women used the Kurd as a filling for homemade baked goods. Since the middle of the 20th century, when confectionery factories in America and Great Britain began to actively develop, Kurdish from lemons began to be cooked there on an industrial scale. Part of the sweet and sour cream went to the production of fillings for mouth-watering puff croissants, buns, and part was packaged in jars and sold in bulk.

Supermarkets in our country also sell small jars with this delicacy, but they are quite expensive. In addition, they often contain preservatives. And to make a cream in your kitchen, you need a minimum of ingredients and a little precious time.

There are a lot of recipes. First of all, the cream differs in its composition. In addition to lemon, tangerine, strawberry, raspberry, banana, currant, cherry, blueberry, from several types of berries, as well as chocolate Kurd are also known. It can also be prepared with or without the addition of starch, in a water bath or in another way.

Starch recipe

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipe with the addition of starch and in a water bath. Deviations from the basic version allow you to get a thick cream that is convenient to use in cakes. So let's cook.


Recipe Information

  • Cuisine: English
  • Type of dish: cream
  • Cooking method: in a water bath
  • Servings: 3
  • 30 minutes
  • lemons - 3-4 pcs.
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 150 g
  • butter - 90 g
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • corn starch - 1 tsp

How to make

First, prepare the lemons. It takes 3-4 medium fruits to get 100 ml of juice. But before squeezing out the juice, remove the zest from all the lemons. Place the citrus fruits in a colander and scald with boiling water, pat dry with a towel. Place a sheet of parchment on a fine grater to reduce the loss of zest. Peel off the yellow portion of the lemon by rubbing gently from all sides. Then, peel off the parchment with a knife.

Now squeeze the juice in a way convenient for you. Roll the lemons on the table before spinning. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. You should get 100 ml of juice.

Add medium-sized chicken eggs to an ovenproof deep container. Add granulated sugar. Stir slightly with a hand whisk. No need to whip.

Add a pinch of salt and lemon zest. Stir.

Pour in the squeezed juice, add the pieces of butter and cornstarch. Stir.

Cornstarch can be substituted for potato starch.

Now let's figure out how much to cook to get the desired consistency. ... Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place a bowl of egg-sugar mixture in the bath. The bottom of the bowl should not touch the liquid and the water should boil slowly. Take a whisk and stir constantly until the mass thickens. This process usually takes 2-3 minutes.

Once the mixture has thickened, remove the bowl from the water bath.

Pass the cream through a fine strainer to remove any remaining rind and lumps. It is convenient to do this step with a hand whisk, turning it in a circle.

Prepare dishes with ice water in advance. Dip the bowl of cream in cold water and stir vigorously until the temperature drops below room temperature. Thus, we will prevent the appearance of a film on the surface of the cream.

Done, help yourself!

Delicious desserts for you!

According to the above recipe, I recommend cooking for beginners. Beginners do not feel the food so well, the cream can curl, burn, and come out with lumps. And in a water bath nothing will burn or curl up, starch will act as an excellent thickener. And you will get good results. When you get your hands on it, you can try the recipe of professional pastry chefs. I'll give him.

Classic recipe

Prepared without starch and without a water bath.


  • lemon juice - 150 g (4 lemons)
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • zest of one lemon
  • unsalted butter - 80 g
  • sugar - 150 g

Cooking method

  1. Wash the lemons well and squeeze the juice out of them. Grate the zest of two lemons on a fine grater and put in lemon juice.


    You need to rub only the yellow part of the peel, without touching the bottom white layer, otherwise the cream will turn out to be bitter.

  2. Break eggs into lemon juice, add sugar. Now you need to mix the mixture well.
  3. Pour the mixture into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and place on the stove over medium heat. Heat the mixture, stirring continuously with a spoon or whisk.
  4. Bring the cream until thick, but without letting it boil. If bubbles appear, beat the Kurd especially thoroughly. The heating process will take about 4-5 minutes.
  5. As a result, a fairly thick mass is obtained, into which immediately, without waiting for cooling, you need to add butter. Whisk all together with a whisk or mixer.
  6. The Kurd is ready. You can put it in the refrigerator to cool it down. After cooling, the cream becomes thick and is quite suitable for use as a filling for "pasta".

About storage

Housewives who prefer to prepare food and meals for future use are often interested in shelf life. Pour the cream into clean, dry jars and store it in the refrigerator for one to a week and a half. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Fruit or berry Kurdish has a lot in common with the custard that we are used to making, for example, for the Napoleon cake. The fundamental difference is that the custard is prepared in milk, and the Kurd is based on the juice of lemon, orange or other fruits and berries.

Useful video

For visuals, I suggest looking at another version of the recipe - without starch, but in a water bath.

Hello everyone. Today we will deal with such a concept as a Kurd. I myself recently heard this overseas word, and became terribly interested. In fact, everything turned out to be much easier than I thought. Both in terms of composition and preparation. So what is this Kurd, and what is he eaten with ?!

Kurd is a fruit juice custard, it can be anything, but the most famous is perhaps lemon. Here we will begin our acquaintance with him.

Lemon cream is insanely easy to prepare, and how delicious it is! Its area of ​​application is simply vast. Perhaps there is no other such versatile product. Kurd is good as a layer in cakes, as a filling for cupcakes, tarts and tartlets, macarons, cakes. Yes, even just a bite with pancakes or toast, it's very tasty!

But, most of all, my husband and I love the combination of this custard with Pavlova's cake. Sweet meringue paired with sour lemon curd and my favorite is an explosion of flavor!

How to make lemon curd at home, recipe step by step with photos.


  1. 4 yolks
  2. 100 grams of sugar
  3. 70 ml. lemon juice
  4. 70 gr. butter
  5. zest of 1 lemon
  6. 2 tablespoons starch (optional)


First, we need to remove the zest from 1 lemon and squeeze out the lemon juice. You don't have to grind the zest too much, then we just pass our cream through a sieve. At the same time, try not to touch the white crust of the lemon, otherwise bitterness will appear in the cream.

In order to get more juice from lemon, there are a couple of tricks, firstly, you can warm a lemon in the microwave for literally ten to fifteen seconds, and secondly, cut it not across, but lengthwise.

In a saucepan, combine our yolks with sugar, lemon juice and zest. We put on medium heat and cook, stirring all the time until thickened. It literally takes 5 minutes.

Then add our room temperature butter, stir and remove from the stove. If you want to get rid of the zest, then strain through a sieve.

If you need a straight dense consistency, that is, there are two options, either at the very beginning add a couple of tablespoons of starch, stirring it in lemon juice, or add gelatin at the very end, I think 3 grams will be enough (I somehow added 5 and I got jelly ). Gelatin must be prepared according to the instructions.

Pour the ready-made cream into a jar and remove it to cool in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours, or better overnight.

That's it, our lemon Kurd is ready.

Really, there is nothing terrible and difficult in cooking? By the same principle, you can cook Kurd from any citrus fruits - lime, orange, tangerine.

By the way, Kurdish can also be made from berries - cherry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry ... Anything you like! Experiment.

Bon Appetit.