What is the usefulness of feta cheese, calorie content. Feta cheese: product features and subtleties of its use

31.08.2019 Snacks

Chees Feta refers to semi-solid varieties. It is made from sheep's milk with the addition of goat's milk. The homeland of this product is Greece. The fat content of this product varies from 30 to 60%.

Outwardly, feta cheese is quite similar to pressed cottage cheese, it also has a white color. This product has a salty taste with a slight sourness. This product has a delicate texture and light aroma (see photo).

Today there are 3 types of feta cheese:

  • Traditionally made from sheep's milk.
  • It is made in the traditional way, only using cow's milk.
  • They use modern technologies, which ultimately give the cheese a different structure.

Feta cheese is made in large pieces, which are further cut into portions. The high density of this product does not allow you to break it with your fingers or spread it on bread.

Today, the process of making feta cheese is quite simple. The milk is heated to a certain temperature so that it curdles. Next, the whey is removed, and the cheese is placed in special bags, which are lifted to remove moisture. After several days, the resulting mass is placed in special forms, sea salt is added and poured into a saline solution. The next step is pressing the cheese. Then it is left to ripen at a temperature of about 10 degrees for a minimum of 2 weeks.

Selection and storage

Feta cheese is sold in saline in barrels or in packages that are made of hard plastic. In this state, it can retain its freshness for almost a year, and without a solution, cheese is not stored at all.

The benefits of feta cheese

The benefits of feta cheese are rich in vitamins and minerals. There is choline in this product, which helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and increases the protective function of cells against the negative effects of external factors. Thanks to the large amount of phosphorus and calcium, the condition of bones and teeth is improved.

It has been experimentally proven that this product contains microorganisms that produce antibiotics in the body, which contribute to a faster fight against food poisoning. There is feta cheese and iron, which takes an active part in the transport of oxygen, and it also strengthens the immune system and the heart. Vitamin A is also included in this product, which has a beneficial effect on visual acuity.

When consumed regularly, feta cheese helps to relieve chronic migraines and reduces the possibility of developing metabolic syndrome. There is also vitamin B2 in this product, which reduces the risk of premature aging and the occurrence of degenerative diseases.

Due to the presence of calcium and vitamin D, feta cheese helps to recover faster after fractures, and this product is also an excellent prevention of osteoporosis. There are also B vitamins in this product, which have a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system and normalize blood pressure. Tryptophan is also included in this cheese - an amino acid that takes an active part in the "hormone of happiness", which in turn helps to improve mood and get rid of insomnia.

Use in cosmetology

It has been noticed that with regular consumption of feta cheese, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves. Perhaps this is due to the useful composition of the product. With this in mind, the product is used in home cosmetics. Feta-based masks improve skin elasticity. In addition, this cheese can be used for sunburn.

Cooking use

Feta cheese is very popular in recipes. This product is included in the recipe for many salads, among which is the well-known "Greek salad". In addition, this cheese can be used separately for making snacks and sandwiches. Feta cheese goes well with red wine and grapes. For a variety of taste of this product, you can add herbs and herbs, ideally combined with feta rosemary and mint. In addition, this cheese can be combined with seafood, fish and meat. You can also use this product in the manufacture of pizza and a variety of pastries.

Homemade feta cheese

Unfortunately, not all manufacturers comply with the technology, and often the finished product does not meet quality standards. To protect yourself from counterfeits, feta cheese can be made at home. There are many recipes, let's look at one of them. Take 1 kg of milk powder, 1.5 l of water, 150 g of sour cream, a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of vinegar and about 5 pcs. rennet tablets. It is necessary to dissolve milk in water, add sour cream and beat everything thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. The tablets must be dissolved separately in warm water and mixed thoroughly with milk. Then add vinegar and mix again. It is very important to do everything quickly so that the milk does not have time to freeze. The next step is to wrap the container in a blanket and leave it for half a day. Now you need to remove the serum with a colander and gauze. Take a saucepan and place a colander with cheesecloth on it, put cheese, put a plate on it, and oppression on top, for example, it can be a 3-liter jar of water. In this state, you need to leave feta cheese for 9-10 hours.

Now we will make a brine, for this add salt to boiled water to taste. Cut the cheese into pieces and put in a clean container, which must be tightly closed with a lid. The solution must be sent there, and left for at least a week. By the way, the longer the cheese is in this state, the tastier it will turn out.

Harm of feta cheese and its calorie content

Feta cheese can be harmful to people with an individual intolerance to the product. Given the calorie content of feta cheese, it is worth refusing to use this product when losing weight, as well as obesity. Contraindications to the use of feta cheese are in people with hypertension and kidney problems.

Do not overuse this product, as it can provoke heart problems.

Updated: 06 February 2018

Undoubtedly the most famous Greek cheese made from goat's or sheep's milk. This amazing cheese, first mentioned in Homer's Odyssey, is now as integral to Greek cuisine as olives and olive oil. For example, it is difficult to imagine a Greek salad without feta. It not only has a unique, incomparable taste, but also is a source of beneficial microorganisms and bacteria, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive function. Therefore, feta can be safely attributed to one of the secrets and sources of longevity of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean.

Feta cheese is white, crumbly and resembles tightly pressed cottage cheese. The cheese tastes a little salty, has subtle, incomparable tones and unobtrusive sourness. The fat content of white cheese can be up to 50-60%. Gourmets note one important feature of feta. The flavor of the cheese can depend on the region of Greece where sheep and goats are grazed, on the climate of the area, and even on the weather at certain times. This suggests that each piece of feta has its own individuality and originality.

In general, feta cheese and its taste are the subject of a long-term dispute. There is an opinion that Greek feta does not differ much in taste from similar cheeses in other countries. But, it is really strange to compare feta cheese made from sheep and goat milk with pseudo-feta, which is made with the use of various preservatives, thickeners and flavors. Do not forget that, like everything Greek, feta cheese is extremely easy to make. And, even more so, flavorings and similar chemicals should not be involved in the production of cheese.

He took half of the white milk, instantly leavened it,
He immediately squeezed it out and put it in tightly woven baskets ...
Homer. Odyssey. Chapter nine

In these lines, the feta production process is very accurately conveyed. In ancient times, the milk of sheep and goats was exposed to the hot sun, where the milk quickly sour, after which the resulting curd was separated from the whey and hung in baskets, but already in the shade. In a few days the cottage cheese thickened and dried up, and then it was cut into smaller pieces of regular shape, which were salted and left for a day in a dry room. It is assumed that it was from this stage that the name feta originated (from the Italian fetta - slice, piece). After 24 hours, the cheese was placed in barrels with brine, where it was aged and could be stored for a long time at any temperature. In fact, it was already young feta cheese.

Surprisingly, after thousands of years, the recipe for making cheese has hardly changed. Unless, in modern industrial production, pasteurization of milk is used, and machines are involved in the process itself. By the way, homemade feta cheese is still produced in the traditional way. And the whole simplicity of the recipe lies in the fact that the main role in the development of feta is played exclusively by time and natural processes. And, of course, real feta cheese cannot be obtained without the most important component - Greece. Everyone knows that wine is a local product. Without exaggeration, the same can be said about the Greek feta cheese. Not for nothing, in the 90s of the last century, the European Union gave the right to bear the name "feta" only to those cheeses that are produced in Greece. All other cheeses made outside of Greece are now considered imitation.

Currently, feta is distinguished by several varieties, depending on the salinity, hardness, etc. Going into any Cretan supermarket or large store, you can find a wonderful assortment of cheeses from which your eyes run up: feta in packs, in brine, packaged in large containers, with spices, of various aging, etc. In many supermarkets, you can even find cheeses from private cheese dairies. And, going to the mountains of Crete, you can taste real homemade feta cheese, produced by nature itself ... Here you can watch the process of cheese production and enjoy life, tasting the gifts that the nature of Crete has generously endowed us with ... And the culmination of an exciting journey will be Greek salad (Choriatiki) with an invariable and perhaps the most important component - feta cheese ...

Feta cheese is a traditional Greek cheese made from sheep's milk with the addition of whole goat's milk. Distinctive features of the product are pronounced salty taste, dense and crumbly structure.

Feta is produced on the island of Lesvos, on the territory of the mainland Peloponnese, Epirus. In mountainous terrain, goats and sheep roam freely in the pastures, using wild-growing herbs. As a result, they acquire the aroma and smack of fragrant thyme, marjoram, which determines the expressiveness and piquancy of the product. In addition, soft snow-white cheese is made in the Mediterranean countries, Southeast Europe, in the Middle East - in Croatia, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Israel, Egypt, Bosnia.

general characteristics

In translation from the Greek language "feta" means "to break". Indeed, semi-hard cheese is made in one large piece, weighing up to 1.5 kg. Therefore, it is broken to distribute portions. The first mentions of soft salted cheese were found in Homer's Odyssey. This is a fairly satisfying product with a fat content of 40-60%.

Interestingly, no mold is used in the production of feta cheese. Instead, manufacturers sometimes introduce a starter culture enriched with lactobacilli. Currently, the cheese is kept in a saline solution for at least 3 months.

Greek cheese goes well with bell peppers, onions, and olives. The salty taste of feta with a light lactic acidity is favorably emphasized by red wine, fragrant bread, sweet grapes, seafood and herbs:, and oregano. The color of the finished product depends on the type of raw materials used in the production process and can vary from ivory (sheep's milk) to off-white (goat's).

Feta is stored in brine in the refrigerator, sold in vacuum packages or by weight. The shelf life of the opened product is 5 days at temperatures up to 5 degrees. The cheese can be stored in a vacuum for up to 90 days, provided that the container is not sealed. If yellowness appears on the surface of a piece or an unpleasant smell, the use of feta should be abandoned.

Remember, a spoiled product poses a danger to human health, as it causes poisoning, disrupts the digestive tract, impairing overall well-being.

Chemical composition

Feta is one of the most dietary types of cheese. One serving of the product (28 g) contains only 6 g of fat and 74 kcal, while in brie - 8 g and 94 kcal, and in cheddar - 9 g and 113 kcal, respectively. 100 g of feta contains 264 kcal. Cheese does not contain carbohydrates that are converted into fat, therefore it is indicated for consumption by people suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart disease and pancreas.

Feta is especially useful for people with listeria, constipation, as it helps to normalize the stool.

The undeniable advantages of Greek cheese include a high content of calcium (493 mg / 100 g - 49.3% of the daily value), phosphorus (337 mg - 42.1%), riboflavin (0.844 mg - 46.9%) and cyanocobalamin ( 0.00169 mg - 56.3%).

The chemical composition of feta cheese
NameNutrient content per 100 g of product, mg

Interestingly, the aroma of feta cheese exhibits aphrodisiac properties. Because of this, the product is invariably present on the wedding table.

Production technology

According to world statistics, the laurels of primacy in the consumption of cheese belong to the Greeks - 23 kg per person per year, of which 12 kg are feta. The second place is given to the French - 22 kg, the third - to the Germans, 10 kg. Interestingly, different countries produce their own unique cheese: Germany - Altenburger, Spain - Burgos, Italy - mozzarella, Denmark - Danabl. At the same time, Greek feta is recognized by cheese lovers from all over the world for its beneficial properties and unique taste. It is a soft, salty white product prepared by fermenting sheep (70%) and goat (30%) milk using rennet. The raw materials used must be natural, without preservatives and dyes, foreign additives.

The technological process of feta production consists of the following stages: pasteurization, homogenization, fermentation, separation of whey from the soft cheese fraction, pressing, salting, packaging.

Cooking principle

Goat and sheep milk are mixed, observing the indicated proportions, renin is added. A mass is formed from it, resembling in consistency. The resulting milk mixture is flavored with coarse sea salt, placed in molds, and left for several days.

The formed pieces of feta are transferred into wooden barrels with brine, where they are kept for at least 3 months, and then packaged in plastic containers, hermetically sealed or in a tin container with a heat-sealable plate and a clamping lid of 250, 500, 1000 g each.

Currently, the cheese production process is completely mechanized. From 5.5 liters of milk, up to 1 kg of feta is obtained.

Beneficial features

In the process of making feta, a bacterial leaven from microorganisms is used, which enriches the cheese with valuable probiotic cultures. They, in turn, can get rid of listeriosis, food poisoning, pathogenic intestinal flora. In addition, the amino acid tryptophan is found in the composition of Greek cheese, which is involved in the production of serotonin, the "hormone of happiness." In addition to improving mood, it increases immunity, efficiency, and normalizes sleep.

What is the use of feta

It regulates blood pressure, strengthens bones, teeth, prevents the formation of kidney stones, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, increases immune defenses, and participates in oxygen transport.

Prevents premature aging, osteoporosis, fights migraines. Protects against cancer and improves vision. Reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome, which threatens the development of diabetes mellitus and cardiac diseases.

Improves the digestive tract, weakens the effect of food poisoning, neutralizes toxic substances. The lactic acid bacteria that make up the cheese have an anti-inflammatory effect on the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Provides the body with highly nutritious protein, which is fully absorbed by the human body. To replenish the daily protein requirement, it is recommended to eat 200 g of cheese per day. Interestingly, feta surpasses meat in protein content.

Reduces the impact of stress factors. According to recent scientific experiments, it has been found that with regular consumption of 5 servings of dairy products (140 g) per day, the process of losing fat in the abdominal cavity is accelerated.

Thus, feta is an indispensable slimming product. Greek cheese contains calcium and conjugated linoleic acid, which in turn improves the absorption of the macronutrient by the body, which stimulates the breakdown of fats.

Caution feta

Greek cheese is a source of saturated fat, which can trigger heart disease. In addition, feta contains a lot due to the constant stay in a concentrated solution. To neutralize excess sodium chloride, a piece of cheese should be soaked in milk or water for 10 minutes before use.

Despite this procedure, salt still remains in the product. Its excess provokes the appearance of hypertension, overloads the heart, kidneys, contributes to vasoconstriction, obstructing blood flow. As a result, the internal organs, in particular, the lungs and the brain "receive less oxygen", which leads to the development of stroke, asthma, heart failure.

With excessive use of feta (more than 400 g per day), a person begins to feel thirsty, and fluid in the body is retained, which leads to shortness of breath, weight gain, and the appearance of the so-called orange peel in problem areas.

Currently, manufacturers of pseudo Greek cheese often use pasteurized cow's milk in the process of making a product, saturated with antibiotics or genetically engineered growth hormones, which pose a danger to human health.

Contraindications to the use of feta: ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, type 2 diabetes mellitus, arthritis, predisposition to obesity, allergy to dairy products, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, arterial hypertension.

Cooking recipes

In different countries, soft feta cheese is made from goat, sheep, and cow milk. The cheese has a soft structure with mechanical voids, it matures in brine. The advantages of a product prepared independently at home are economy, high quality, confidence in the benefits of feta due to the use of natural raw materials.

At the present time, Greek cheese outside the country is made mainly from cow's or powdered milk, yogurt, cottage cheese,. Of course, these recipes cannot be considered classics. In the traditional version, feta is made exclusively from sheep's milk (70%) to which goat's milk (30%) is added. Consider the simplest and most affordable recipes for making a homemade product.


  • pepsin - 8 tablets;
  • boiled water - 50 ml;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • homemade milk - 2000 ml.

Cooking process

Divide the milk into 2 parts (200 ml and 1800 ml): mix the first with, and heat the second to 38 degrees. Remove the stewpan from heat. Pour the diluted sour cream into warm milk in a thin stream, stirring the mass intensively with a whisk.

Heat the water, dissolve the pepsin tablets. Pour the enzymatic liquid into the milk-sour cream mixture, leave overnight. Drain the serum formed.

Put the prepared mass in a sieve with a fine fraction, leave to drain for 2 hours. Then transfer to a linen bag, on top of which to put a load weighing 3 kg. The mass must be under oppression for at least 8 hours. Unfold the bag, put the cheese in a dish, cut into portions.

If the density of feta is insufficient during cooking, rub it with salt and leave for 5 hours. This way, sodium chloride will help remove excess liquid from the product. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the cheese will turn out to be more salty.

If the feta has turned out to be a very crumbly and dense structure, it is placed in salted cold water or whey for 1 hour.

Store the finished soft cheese in brine. The principle of its preparation: dissolve 5-7 g of sea salt in 200 ml of whey or water. Feta is placed in brine, where it ages nobly. The shelf life of a home product is 10 days.

Homemade feta cheese made from cottage cheese


  • low-fat cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • salt - 3 g.

Cooking process

Mix the ingredients, wrap in plastic wrap, leave in the refrigerator for 3 days. Put salted cottage cheese under a press, leave for 1 day. As a result, it acquires a denser structure and tastes like feta. If desired, you can add ground spices to the product to improve the aroma: cumin,.

Remember, industrial and homemade feta differs in texture, taste and aroma. Do not try to get an identical product yourself, it is impossible. The quality of the finished cheese directly depends on the quality of the raw materials.

Feta is used as an independent product or is added to the composition of pizza, snacks and salads, added to seafood, fish, meat dishes. A traditional Italian pie filling is made from soft cheese combined with herbs.

How to choose

Feta is a dietary product that is less nutritious than other types of cheese due to its high water content. It is recommended to be introduced into programs for weight loss (for example,).

Nutritional value of different types of cheese (per 100 g):

  • Parmesan - 392 kcal;
  • "Swiss", 50% - 391 kcal;
  • "Cheddar", 50% - 380 kcal;
  • "Russian", 50% - 364 kcal;
  • "Gouda" - 356 kcal;
  • "Dutch", 45% - 350 kcal;
  • Roquefort, 50% - 335 kcal;
  • Camembert - 324 calories;
  • "Suluguni" - 286 kcal;
  • "Adyghe" and "Feta" - 264 kcal;
  • "Brynza" - 260 kcal.

Interestingly, in its homeland, the Greek feta cheese is considered a traditional product that is present on every table like bread, regardless of the dish that is served. It is eaten with legumes, olives, herbs, vegetables, meat, fish, seafood, cereals, and even with fruits and berries, in particular with melon and watermelon.

What to look for in the feta selection process

Remember, real feta is made exclusively in Greece, which is a guarantee of the naturalness of the product. The packaging must bear the inscription "Feta cheese". In no case can a brine or cheese product be indicated on it.

In the classic recipe, only rennet, salt, sheep's or goat's milk are used in the cheese production process. There should not be any other ingredients in the product. In particular, this applies to cow's milk. Otherwise, feta will leave an unpleasant aftertaste, have a sour smell, and easily crumble. Feta, when cooked correctly, is white. A yellowish tint indicates that the product has not been stored in brine for some time, but has been exposed to air. The cheese should not be bitter or sour. Depending on the type, feta tastes spicy, more or less salty.

The surface of the cheese should be in holes, cracks. Depending on the production technology and the duration of pressing, the product can be of the following structure: soft, medium hardness, hard. In this case, which type of cheese to give priority depends on the individual preferences of the buyer. The packaging must be marked “P.D.O. Protected Designation of Origin ”confirming that the product is protected by European legislation. High-quality feta cheese improves the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive systems, has a beneficial effect on blood composition, reduces the level of emotionality, relieves insomnia and depression. Recommended for daily use.

Cheese or feta

Among the wide range of vegetable snacks, Greek salad is especially popular. Feta is an integral part of the dish. At the same time, most housewives prefer to replace ordinary cheese. Are these products really analogues? Let's consider what are the similarities and fundamental differences between them.

Cheese is a cheese made from cow, goat or sheep milk, aged in brine. Has a pronounced fermented milk smell, moderately salty, has a white color with a yellow tint. The homeland of the product is Eastern Europe. In the production process, feta cheese is not subjected to significant heat treatment, the duration of soaking is 20-60 days.

Feta is a semi-hard cheese made on the basis of goat and sheep milk. The structure visually resembles pressed cottage cheese. It has a salty taste with a slight sourness.

Feta and feta cheese cannot contain any vegetable fats and oils. The cheese contains only natural milk triglycerides.

Difference between products

  1. Manufacturer country. Feta - Greek cheese, feta cheese - Romanian.
  2. Color. Feta has a snow-white color, feta cheese has a slightly yellowish tint.
  3. Structure. Feta has a delicate and soft consistency on the surface of which there are depressions and cracks. Cheese is a hard but brittle cheese without holes.
  4. Storage method. Feta retains its freshness and beneficial properties only if it is kept in brine. Cheese can be kept in the air.
  5. Nutrient content. In feta, a large concentration of choline, vitamin A, protein and calcium is concentrated, and in feta cheese - phosphorus, potassium, sodium, etc.
  6. ... Feta and feta cheese have almost the same nutritional value: 264 kcal and 260 kcal, respectively.
  7. Features of the product. Feta strengthens the heart, immunity, helps to overcome food poisoning, while feta cheese increases the protective functions of cells, reduces cholesterol levels.

Thus, these types of semi-hard cheeses are equally useful for the human body. They serve as a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements, supply the building material to cells - protein. Thanks to this, feta and feta cheese strengthen bone tissue, improve the condition of teeth and nails.


Feta is a Greek dairy product with a pronounced salty taste and 40-60% fat content. During the production process, the cheese goes through a mandatory stage of aging in brine for 3 months. During this time, it acquires a piquant taste (characteristic sourness).

Feta is a source of beneficial microorganisms, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, E, K. It is a dietary product with antioxidant properties.

Useful properties: improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves dysbiosis, increases the barrier functions of the body, reduces the risk of heart attack, neurological diseases and metabolic syndrome. Greek cheese contains saturated fats, which can lead to heart problems if overused.

In the process of choosing feta, you should pay attention to the following criteria: country of origin, color, structure, taste, composition and name of the cheese, the presence of a special sign that certifies the authenticity of the goods. In no case should you be negligent when buying fermented milk products, as this threatens the purchase of a low-quality product that can cause food poisoning.

The history of feta cheese is as long as the history of the human race. It is believed that feta cheese was made about 8000 years ago.

Legend has it that the gods sent Aristeas, son of Apollo, to teach the Hellenes about cheese making, and Cyclops Polyphimos (Πολύφημος) was the first cheese maker following Homer's Odyssey.

Throughout the centuries, feta making has remained the same, with changes only occurring in areas such as automation and packaging.
The ancient Greeks called the product that was obtained from the curdling of milk "cheese". The name feta (feta meaning a slice or piece) dates back to the 17th century and may refer to the practice of cutting cheese into slices in order to store it in barrels.

The name "feta" finally triumphed in the 19th century and distinguishes cheese, which is in brine and is made exclusively from sheep or goat milk or a mixture (up to 30% goat milk). Feta tastes salty, stored in sour milk or in a special brine, crumbly.

Greek feta cheese

An authentic Greek product has a Greek flag on the packaging. The packaging also has information on the type of milk that is used and the specific area where the feta was produced.

How is feta produced?

After fermenting the milk, the resulting mass is salted and placed under a press, the resulting pieces of feta are placed in wooden or metal containers for ripening. Maturation takes place in two stages. The first stage lasts 15 days, where the feta is kept under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. In the second stage, which lasts more than 30 days, feta is stored in refrigerators at a constant temperature. The use of any preservatives in the production of feta is not allowed.

Feta tastes salty, stored in brine or sour milk for about 3 months. Once removed from the brine, feta loses all liquid and becomes more compact. Feta cheese is white and is usually stored in large areas, the range varies depending on the hardness of the cheese. The fat contained in feta varies from 30% to 60%, while the average is about 45%.

During this century, there was a massive resettlement of Greeks to different countries, mainly to Australia, USA, Canada and Germany. Thus, numerous Greek communities were established there, whose members largely supported their eating habits. Thus, new markets for feta cheese were created in different parts of the world as a result of the development of international trade.

The advantage of feta: easily absorbed by our body, rich in proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, contains vitamin B12 (strengthens the nervous system). The disadvantages include the calorie content of the product.

Feta cheese price

Feta is sold in any supermarket or specialty store. You can buy loose feta from barrels or in plastic containers.

The price of a feta, depending on the quality and manufacturer, is from 8 to 11 euros per 1 kg.

Feta is a traditional Greek product that no Greek meal can do without. Feta is served with almost all dishes and is used in many Greek recipes. Feta is the main ingredient in Greek salad, in sheet dough pies - tyropite, spanakopita, it goes well with vegetable dishes, with fish and meat. Even watermelon is eaten by many Greeks with feta (try it and you will like it). Feta can be a good snack with ouzo or raki on hot summer days. Feta is also used to make stuffed squid (καλαμαράκια) or cuttlefish.

Greek salad recipe classic

Preparing a Greek salad is not difficult, it would be nice to have Greek products to prepare it.

What we need:

2 tomatoes (large and firm), cut into large pieces
1 cucumber, cut into rings (if the skin is tender, do not remove)
1 green pepper (finely chopped)
1 red onion, cut into rings
10 olives, preferably pitted
150 grams feta cheese (cut into small cubes)
2 tablespoons vinegar
olive oil (to taste)

Add a little salt to a bowl of water and put onions, chopped 5 "into rings to remove the bitterness, then drain the water.
Put chopped tomatoes, peppers, onions, olive oil, salt and vinegar in a salad bowl. Mix all this together, put the feta on top, divided into small pieces, olives and oregano.

- you can add some capers
- to give a beautiful look to the salad, put peppers of different colors.

Bon Appetit! Καλή όρεξη!

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Feta cheese is a national Greek white pickled cheese made from (sometimes added) milk. Feta is not just the name of the cheese, but also an indication of the geographical origin of the product, protected by the law of the European Union. This means that only cheese produced in Greece has the right to be called Feta in the EU.

Feta cheese (from Greek Φέτα - cut, slice, piece) - white, heterogeneous, soft enough, but elastic. Feta cannot be thinly sliced ​​and spread on bread, the cheese looks like pressed cottage cheese. The smell of Feta is rather curd, the taste is fresh-salty, you can't confuse it with anything.

The process of making Feta was described by Homer in the Odyssey. The cheese prepared by the Cyclops Polyphemus was very reminiscent of Feta; it was made from milk poured into skins of animal skins and hung in the sun or from the saddles of horses. After fermenting the milk, the whey was drained, and the curd mass was filled with sea water. Over time, skins made of skins were replaced with ceramic jugs; nowadays, after the whey is separated, the cheese mass is suspended in linen bags, therefore, the intersections of the threads are often visible from above on large pieces of cheese. Instead of sea water, they now use ordinary water, but sprinkle fresh cheese before pouring. The ripening time for feta cheese is from two weeks to three months.

Calorie content of feta cheese

The calorie content of feta cheese is 290 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and useful properties of feta cheese

There are three types of feta cheese:

  1. Mostly from.
  2. Made in a traditional way that preserves the cheese's special crumbling texture and salty taste.
  3. A cheese called Feta, but made with modern methods, resulting in a cheese of a different structure.

The harm of feta cheese

Feta cheese is a rather salty product, its excessive use threatens with fluid retention in the body, edema and problems with excess weight. Milk in cheese can cause allergic reactions.

Selection and storage of feta cheese

Feta cheese is sold in hermetically sealed plastic containers because the product must be in brine. When buying such cheese, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and the country of origin, cheeses produced in Bulgaria, Serbia, Italy are not real Feta (calorizator). In the homeland of cheese, in Greece, feta is sold from large barrels, where it is in the same brine in which it was aged.

You need to store the cheese in brine, cut it off as needed, keep the opened package in the refrigerator and use it within a week.

To learn more about how to choose cheese, see the video clip "Choosing cheese with an infectious disease doctor", the TV show "It's great to live!"