Recipes of transparent pear jam and slices. Step-by-step cooking

07.08.2019 Salads

As a rule, any jam needs to be cooked for a long time, at least that was how our grandmothers prepared it. Since recent times, housewives are increasingly using express methods and make jam for five minutes. This method makes it possible to prepare delicious jam quickly and without troubles. I offer a recipe for pear jam "Five minutes". This jam is delicious served with tea with pancakes or pancakes. From these ingredients get 550 ml of jam.


To make jam from pear "Five Minute" we need:

pears - 380 g;

sugar - 380 g;

water - 100 ml.

Cooking steps

Transfer chopped pears to a stewpan and pour water. When the water begins to boil, cook the pears for 5 minutes under a closed lid over a low heat.

Drain the broth, add sugar to it, put it on the fire again and cook the syrup for 5 minutes.

Add the pears to the resulting syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Pour the prepared jam from the pears into the prepared sterile jar, twist with a boiled lid.

Turn the jar over, wrap it up to cooling, and then put it in storage. Jam from pears "Five Minute", prepared according to this recipe, is not thick and very tasty.

Delicious to you preparations!

Jam from pears "Five minutes" for the winter a simple recipe

Cooking jam is usually quite troublesome and long. Most of the complexity goes to stirring the jam, but 5-mintuk pear jam is the complete exception. We cook it in one approach for only 5 minutes, and it has never burned, no matter in which pan I cooked it. I got a recipe from a former colleague who always did a lot of preparations for the winter, and to me all her other recipes were too complicated for me.

100 grams of sugar

250 ml jar with lid (twist-off)

Yield 250 ml + some jam per sample.

Making quick pear jam

Cook this jam in advance, in the evening.

Pears to peel, seed and tail. You can not get rid of the peel if you have an early pear with a light skin. But be prepared for the fact that your jam will be a little darker than what is in the photo.

We cut pears in arbitrary pieces. I just cut quarters into thin stripes. Try to keep the pieces as uniform as possible. You can cut in the same cubes.

Cover the container with a lid or cling film and leave overnight.

If you cook in the morning - mix the pear with sugar - it will more easily secrete juice, and put it in a warm place (near the stove or oven).

As you can see, the pear has released a lot of juice, and there is no need to add water.

Put the saucepan on the fire and wait for the boil. Remove the foam and boil for 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and cool completely. Usually, with a small amount of jam, 2 hours is enough.

Put it on fire again, remove the foam and boil for another 5 minutes.

Cool and repeat again. Foam this time will be gone.

In the meantime, cook the pear, prepare the container - sterilize the jars and lids in the way that is familiar to you.

Put jam in jars, pour in syrup.

Tighten the jars with lids.

Wrap in a warm blanket or towel and cool gradually. Usually enough nights so that the jars are completely cool.

Only after this jam is ready for further storage.

You can store jam from Pyatiminutka pears at room temperature, there is no need to take it to the cellar.

The jam is very tender, ideal for filling fruit sand tart or pie.

Pear Jam - Five Minute, Simple recipes with photos

  A simple five-minute recipe for excellent pear jam. Step by step cooking photos.

Pear jam Pyatiminutka: recipes for the winter

Pear Jam Ingredients

I suggest that you cook "Five Minute Pear." To do this, you must:

How to choose pears

The important stage is fruit selection for future preserves. Immediately before cooking, fruits must be carefully sorted. They will suit us:

  • Ripe, but not overripe pears of absolutely any size and grade;
  • The fruit should be free from damage and wormholes.

When choosing raw materials for jam, it is not superfluous to give preference to autumn solid varieties.

The process of making jam

The process of cooking “Five-Minute” from pears can be divided into several stages:

  1. Rinse fruits, remove ponytails and core.
  2. Cut into slices no larger than 2 cm. The slices should be thin but not transparent.
  3. Put the fruit in an enameled bowl, pour lemon juice, add granulated sugar, honey, vanilla, and then mix.
  4. To pear let the juice, cover the workpiece with a film and leave for 6-8 hours.
  5. After this time, put the fruit on the fire and cook, stirring, at medium temperature until boiling.
  6. After boiling, cook for another five minutes.

Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, which are then rolled up.

The treat will be tastier if stick to the following tips:

  • Sugar in jam will require much less when using juicy pears of honey varieties.
  • The sourness of the delicacy will be given by a little lemon peel, added at the end of cooking.
  • Amazing jam is obtained both from the fruits of wild pears and from cultivated garden varieties.
  • To clear pears or not is a question for an amateur. If a peel of fruit is pierced before cooking in several places with a toothpick, it will not crack at high temperature.
  • Depending on taste preferences, not only honey and vanilla, but also cinnamon, oranges, bananas and even a mixture of peppers can be added to pear jam.
  • The blank will be stored in the refrigerator longer if you place a circle of paper soaked in vodka under the lid.

How to store pear blanks

What foods is best combined with pear jam "Five minutes"

Pear jam is such a versatile dessert treat that there is it can be done with almost anything:  cereals, pancakes, cottage cheese and pancakes, tea and yogurt.

It is added to compotes and pastries. Little is known about excellent bactericidal and tonic properties  pear jam. This excellent tool removes toxins and toxins, is used in the treatment of colds.

Pear jam Pyatiminutka: recipes for the winter

  Jam from Pyatiminutka pear - delicious and incredibly tasty. It turns out that it is quite simple and takes quite a bit of time. The recipe for the winter ..

Jam from pears "Five-minute"

As a rule, any jam needs to be cooked for a long time, at least that was how our grandmothers prepared it. Since recent times, housewives are increasingly using express methods and make jam for five minutes. This method makes it possible to prepare delicious jam quickly and without troubles. I offer a recipe for pear jam "Five minutes". This jam is delicious served with tea with pancakes or pancakes. From these ingredients get 550 ml of jam.


Cooking steps

Pears should be washed and peeled. Dice the pears. I have a net weight of pears was 380 grams, the same amount of sugar will be needed.

Transfer chopped pears to a stewpan and pour water. When the water begins to boil, cook the pears for 5 minutes under a closed lid over a low heat.

Drain the broth, add sugar to it, put it on the fire again and cook the syrup for 5 minutes.

Add the pears to the resulting syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Pour the prepared jam from the pears into the prepared sterile jar, twist with a boiled lid.

Turn the jar over, wrap it up to cooling, and then put it in storage. Jam from pears "Five minutes", prepared according to this recipe, is not thick and very tasty.

Pear Jam - Five Minute - recipe with photo

  As a rule, any jam needs to be cooked for a long time, at least that was how our grandmothers prepared it. Since recent times, housewives are increasingly using express methods and make jam for five minutes. This method makes it possible to prepare delicious jam quickly and without troubles. I’m offering a prescription for jam ...

Five Minute Pear Jam

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Preparation time: 5 min.

Servings Per Container: 5 pcs.

The recipe is suitable for: fasting, dessert.

Ingredients for the recipe "Five Minute Pear Jam":

How to make pear jam for the winter

Pear jam is considered a real delicacy. Properly cooked, it sparkles with amber light and just melts in your mouth. Of course, this cannot be made of overripe pears of such beauty, but it is just such yummy that is prepared from solid pears of autumn varieties. Our simple recipe will allow you to cook jam in just 5 minutes, and the so-called five minutes are not only tasty, but also healthy. After all, a short heat treatment allows you to save a maximum of vitamins and nutrients. Pear jam has a neutral pleasant taste, which makes the army of its lovers simply huge. Therefore, you should not be afraid to roll up several servings at once for the winter, it will definitely not disappear, and if it does, it will calmly stand idle until next spring in the pantry or cellar.

Our step-by-step recipe with a photo will reveal all the secrets of how to cook and roll this simple, yet quite exquisite dessert.

How to cook a dish step by step with a photo at home

For work, we need sugar, water, pears.

Pear (400 g) to peel, remove the core. Cut the flesh into small pieces and put in a pan.

Add water (100 ml) to pears. Bring to a boil and boil for approximately 5 minutes (pears should become soft).

Remove the pears from the broth, and add 400 g of sugar to the broth.

Bring to a boil and boil for 5-6 minutes.

Return the pears to syrup, bring to a boil and cook 5 minutes after boiling.

The pears should be completely saturated with syrup.

Arrange the hot jam in dry, sterilized jars and roll up.

Five-minute pear jam for the winter recipe with photos, how to cook on

  Our step-by-step recipe with a photo will reveal all the secrets of how to cook and roll this simple, yet quite exquisite dessert. Amber pear jam is also healthy.

Pear jam for the winter: 5 simple recipes - lick your fingers

Pear jam is quite comparable in taste and beauty to apple jam, so a couple - three jars of this fragrant treat can be found on the shelves of the pantry of each thrifty hostess.

When on a branchy pear tree among the foliage you can see rosy juicy sides of fruit, it becomes a little sad. Summer is leaving and the golden yellow autumn season is coming! This is the best time for healthy fruit preparations and you can cook amber pear jam. On this page, I present to you 5 simple recipes for pear jam for the winter under a single sticker on the banks: “Eat and lick your fingers!”

Winter Pear Jam Recipe

Let's start with the simplest recipe. It’s so easy to make pear jam and roll it up for the winter that even a novice young cook can handle it.

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1, 200 kg;
  • water - 1 cup;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.
  1. Pour a glass of water into granulated sugar and put a bowl on the fire to make syrup. Stir with a spatula or a large spoon so that the sugar does not burn.
  2. Pear cut into slices, getting rid of seeds and stalks.
  3. In a boiling syrup, pour 1 teaspoon of citric acid and mix well.
  4. Next, load the chopped pears.
  5. We are waiting for the jam to boil, remove the foam and cook a tasty treat for about 30 minutes
  6. When the jam cools down a bit, it can be transferred to sterilized jars and closed with sterilized lids.

The quick pear jam is ready! One evening in the cold January you can have a delicious family tea party!

Amber pear jam with slices

Pear slices boiled in sugar syrup turn into transparent amber sweets. The recipe is very simple and will appeal to all lovers of winter preparations.

Ingredients for Jam:

  • dense ripe pears - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • cold water - 200 g.
  1. Peel the fruit from the peel, cut the seeds and cut into identical thin slices.
  2. Sugar is soluble in water and put on a slow fire. Bring the mixture to a boil to make the syrup amber and translucent.
  3. Pour the sliced \u200b\u200bpears with a warm solution, mix everything thoroughly and put it on a slow light again.
  4. Boil the jam for 5-6 minutes, and repeat the procedure 2-3 more times after complete cooling.

For lovers of very thick sweets, it is advisable to boil the treat 4 times.

The fruits will become almost transparent, and the jam will finally thicken after cooling. Now it can be laid out in jars and served to the table to assess the taste!

Pear jam for the winter "Five Minute" - a simple recipe

For hostesses who are in a hurry, a simple recipe for pear jam is suitable, according to which the amber dessert is cooked 3 times for 5 minutes. That's why they called this original way of cooking "five minutes."

Ingredients for cooking:

  1. We wash the fruits under running water, carefully dry and cut into thin slices. Pour sugar over everything and mix.
  2. After allocating a sufficient amount of juice, the workpiece is put on fire and from the moment of boiling the jam should boil well for 5 minutes.
  3. After cooling completely, the procedure is repeated two more times. Each time, the sweetness must be completely cooled!

A thick pear delicacy can already be served on the table to the delight of the sweet tooth, and in the winter open a jar of jam for the holidays and family tea parties!

Thick pear jam

To make a thick pear jam, you have to boil the syrup to a state of viscous honey. The recipe is not complicated, but you have to tinker a bit, but the result will exceed all expectations.

  1. Ripe, but firm fruits of a pear need to be washed and cut into slices. The size of the pieces is determined by the hostess herself!
  2. Fruits are transferred to a saucepan and poured with water. The liquid should completely cover the beautiful segments about the thickness of one finger. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is added there. Now the container must be closed with a lid and cook for 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. When the syrup begins to bubble, decant it through a sieve, and neatly transfer the pears to another dish.
  4. Pour the liquid back into the pan, add sugar and boil for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Put the pears in fresh syrup and cook for 7 minutes. After cooling, repeat the procedure another 3 times.

Ready jam can be laid out on sterilized jars and cleaned for the winter.

You can check the jam readiness in interesting ways: pour the cooled syrup a little on a plate and hold it with your finger or a spoon. The groove should not be connected!

Pear Jam Recipe with Lemon

September and October are the hot season of autumn harvesting! According to the recipes of experienced housewives, you can cook amber pear jam, and a citrus note of lemon will give it a unique aroma and summer freshness.

  1. Grind all the excess pears into thin slices. It is not necessary to remove the skin, it will keep the pear slices whole and beautiful.
  2. Peel the lemon and cut into thin plates.
  3. Pour sugar into a saucepan with non-stick coating, add a glass of water and put on a small light. Stir with a spatula until the sugar is completely dissolved and a clear syrup is formed. We remove the foam!
  4. Fill the pears with hot syrup and put the bowl on a slow fire. We are waiting for the future jam to warm up, but not to boil. We do not interfere with a spatula, so as not to damage the slices, you can periodically scroll and shake the bowl. We wait 20 minutes, beautiful pears will sit down a bit and give juice.
  5. We leave the bowl and wait 6 hours for tinctures for aromatic jam. There will be a lot of syrup, and the color of pears will change when we start cooking 2 times. We will wait for boiling and boil the treat for 10 minutes. We remove the foam!
  6. Set the jam again for 6 hours and repeat the cooking 2 more times.

After the 4th cooking over low heat for half an hour we check the jam for readiness. Droplets of syrup should not spread on a saucer!

We lay out the beautiful whole slices of pear jam in clean jars and close for the winter. Have a nice tea party for the whole family!

Pear jam for the winter: 5 simple recipes - lick your fingers

  Pear jam for the winter: 5 simple recipes - you will lick your fingers Pear jam is quite comparable in taste and beauty to apple jam, so a couple - three jars of this fragrant treat

Amazing pear jam for the winter  - This is an independent wonderful home-made dessert or an equally amazing addition to lush baking. It is prepared so easily that it amazes with the simplicity of its technology for housewives who only get acquainted with similar culinary recipes. The taste is quite expressive and at the same time tender. Quite often, pears for preservation are combined with other berries and fruits: raspberries, apples, strawberries and, of course, citrus fruits. Such variations give new original solutions!

What fruits are taken for cooking this? It is recommended to select more elastic and dense fruits with a slightly hard peel of the varieties "Duchesse", "Lemon", etc. But, in principle, you can use any. The main thing is not spoiled or overripe. Some people prefer to cook " Pear jam for the winter. Photo Recipes»From juicy late autumn fruits. Although the culinary specialist has the right to choose a specific variety and cooking period individually and independently. And all this thanks to the long ripening time of fruits!

As for cookware for pear treats, you will need an aluminum or copper container, in which the mass will not burn and will not stick to the bottom. In addition, you will need a wooden spatula or spoon. Sealing containers - glass jars - undergo mandatory sterilization in the microwave, oven or in a steam bath.

Classic Pear Treat Recipe

The classical method in all its glory reveals all the unique flavoring shades of a pear. But these fruits are low-calorie and nutritious at the same time, and they do not lose their valuable qualities during the heat treatment. Therefore absolutely everything "Pear jam for the winter" recipes  in winter, they become indispensable components of the home pantry with reserves. The proposed method does not involve multiple boils, but is prepared in one approach. The ingredients for seaming will be:

  1. 2 pounds of meaty pears,
  2. 2 cups filtered water and
  3. 2.3-2.4 kg of sugar sand.

So, the fruits undergo initial preparation, cut into convenient slices and transferred to a cooking bowl or bowl. Slicing is covered with sugar sand, which is leveled on the surface. Then, with a large sharp knife or wooden stick, the workpiece is often pierced through, and an hour or two is left in the room until the syrup appears. If non-juicy fruits are selected for the recipe, then the volume of liquid indicated in the recipe is poured into them.

Infused and letting the juice pieces put on moderate heat and boil. After which the power of the fire is reduced, and the sweet mixture boils for about 1 hour with regular stirring. The finished product is laid out together with syrup in calcined jars and sealed tightly.

Pear jam for the winter: recipe with cinnamon

One of the most successful was the combination with ground cinnamon. Even slightly astringent, dense fruits of early varieties with amazing amber are combined with it. The sweet, mouth-watering mass of everyone will captivate with unforgettable taste notes, and is perfect for family tea drinking. On “Pear jam for the winter” is a simple recipe  it will be necessary:

  1. 1 kg of pears
  2. 15 g ground cinnamon
  3. 10 g pectin
  4. 0.5 kg of granulated sugar
  5. half a lemon.

Pears for harvesting are washed well in cold water, peeled from hard cores and hard peels (if necessary), and then cut into neat, thin slices. After that, the fruits are folded into a wide cookware, sprinkled with sugar on top and sprinkled with the juice of half a lemon. The components of the future goodies are gently mixed so as not to break the slices, and insisted for 8-10 minutes until the juice is plentiful.

Next, the slices in their own juice (or rather syrup) are boiled for no longer than 10 minutes, stirring them with a wooden spoon. Pectin and cinnamon are added to the brew, and boiling continues for another 3 minutes, lifting pieces of pears from the bottom to the top. Although you can not rush with pectin, but lay only cinnamon, and look at the consistency of the mass. If it is too liquid, then only in this case is pectin added, with which the jam is boiled for an additional couple of minutes. With pectin, the dish will certainly thicken after removal from the heat and a short exposure.

A glass container is being prepared. It is filled with hot mass and closed with screw or tin lids. At the end of the conservation should be sterilized for a quarter of an hour. After such a heat treatment, it will be stored for more than one year.

Pear jam for the winter: recipe with lemon

A light citrus flavor and freshness of the aroma will give the dish a lemon. And the color of the workpiece will change to a more beautiful, sunny. To perform such a treat with citrus fruits you will need to take:

  1. 2 pounds of juicy and dense pears,
  2. 2.5 kg of granulated sugar,
  3. 3 medium lemons.

Water is needed only if you want to get more syrup in the sunset " Pear jam with lemon for the winter».

Fruits are thoroughly washed according to this culinary technique and kernels with seeds are cleaned from them. Dark spots and stems are also removed. The pulp is cut into slices or small cubes, which are folded into a cooking pot. Lemons are crushed into a homogeneous mass in a meat grinder (it is possible together with a peel), and sprinkled to a pear cut. The mixture is sprinkled with sugar sand, mixed gently (to speed up the juice separation) and is not worried about three hours. During this time, the juice released should soak and, if possible, dissolve the sugar grains.

The infused mass is put on the stove and boiled, stirring. The jam should be boiled over a quiet fire for about an hour, removing from it the regularly formed foam and mixing the pieces. poured literally boiling into sterilized jars and rolled up. Before cooling, it is removed "under the fur coat", and then transferred to a cool pantry until winter.

Almond Recipe

An interesting variation on the classic recipe comes out if you add vanilla or almonds to the pear mass. The taste of such a workpiece immediately transforms into a more attractive side, it becomes unusual and even mysterious. Many who enjoy the proposed delicacy try to guess the original pear supplement; but not everyone does it and not the first time. Since the combination is truly excellent! To the home recipe " Pear jam for the winter with a photo»Need to prepare:

  1. 2 pounds of juicy and fleshy pears and granulated sugar,
  2. 100 g of almond nut (preferably ground, but cut into small pieces is also suitable),
  3. 1.5 liters of water
  4. and? tsp vanilla.

Vanilla has a fairly strong concentrated flavor; therefore, if you want to fully enjoy the aromas of fruits accompanied by almonds, then vanilla can be excluded from the recipe.

So, the fruits of pears are peeled from the outer peel, tails and cores, and cut into small portioned portions. A little water is boiled in a separate container, and pear slices are dropped into it. After boiling the fruits for 3-4 minutes, the liquid from them is poured into an enameled pan, where all the sugar sand is also poured. Sweet syrup is brewed, with which slightly softened wedges are poured, and left to soak for a few hours by pouring.

After 3-4 hours, dishes with aromatic contents are placed on a moderate fire and warmed up. Bringing the brew to a boil, the power of the fire decreases, and the dish simmers on the stove for 10 minutes. And again follows a four-hour interval of insisting and cooling half-prepared jam. The second time, boiling lasts 20 minutes, and in the middle of the whole cooking process, the mass is “seasoned” with chopped almond nuts and vanilla. Ready almond-pear jam is placed in jars and corked with lids. Cool down the preservation should be wrapped in a coverlet.

Mint leaf recipe

The following method suggests combining pears with apples, and diversify this tandem with mint leaves. You get a great dessert: light and refreshing. The main components for clogging " Pear and apple jam for the winter"Are:

  1. 1 kg of both fruits,
  2. 2-3 sprigs of mint
  3. 2 kg of granulated sugar
  4. 1 part teaspoon citric acid.

Simple recipes with step-by-step photos describe the canning preservation technique for winter pear jam in great detail and are available. For the preparation of homemade goodies, it is recommended to take hard, slightly immature or green pears. They easily tolerate intensive heat treatment and, cut into thin slices or cubes, do not become sap in syrup and keep their shape perfectly. The fruits of the wild pear are used whole.

To make the dessert brighter and more saturated, pears are combined with lemon, orange or food poppy, and cinnamon, vanilla and other fragrant seasonings are added to enhance the aroma. And a quick “five-minute” and classic pear jam is most often prepared without sterilization. For safety, citric acid is added to the syrup. It acts as a natural preservative and provides the product with reliable and long-term storage.

Tasty pear jam with citric acid for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization

So that pear jam made for the winter without sterilization does not ferment and safely wait for the cold season, you need to add citric acid to the product during cooking. It will act as a natural preservative and provide reliable and long storage for rolling.

Essential ingredients for a delicious pear jam recipe with citric acid

  • pears - 3 kg
  • sugar - 3 kg
  • water - 225 ml
  • citric acid - 1 tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to make winter jam with pears and citric acid without sterilization

Amber jam from hard pears with slices - recipe with photos and video

Pear jam rolled for the winter according to this recipe with a photo turns out to be very attractive in appearance. By boiling it three times, the syrup acquires an amber color and a pleasant density, and dense slices are qualitatively saturated with sugar and become like candied fruits. A step-by-step instruction describes in detail the process of creating a home-made goodies, and the video clearly describes each action and helps to master the method for preparing jam from hard pears with slices even to novice housewives.

Essential Ingredients for Amber Pear Jam Recipe

  • pears - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 400 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook amber jam from hard pear slices

  1. Wash the pears thoroughly, dry, remove the stem, halve, extract the seed box, and cut the slices into neat slices of the same size.
  2. Pour sugar into a deep saucepan, add water and froth lightly with a whisk to disperse faster. Put on moderate heat and, stirring regularly to avoid burning, cook until crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. When the syrup becomes transparent and uniform, pour them into slices of pears and mix very carefully so that the liquid envelops the pieces of fruit. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Then return the container with the cooled semi-finished product to the stove, bring to a boil and boil for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Cool again, and then repeat boiling again.
  6. Cook jam for the third time from 10 to 45 minutes (depending on the desired density). Pack hot in sterilized jars, tightly close the lids, turn over and cover with a bath towel, leave to cool for a day. Then take it to the barn or cellar.

Whole Wild Pear Jam for the Winter - A Simple Step-by-Step Recipe

Jam prepared for the winter from a whole pear-wild bird turns out to be unusually tasty and rich. The fruits, boiled several times in syrup, get a pronounced sweetness, and cinnamon sticks enrich the aroma of goodies with bright, spicy notes.

Essential Ingredients for Winter Jam with Whole Wild Pears

  • wild pear - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • lemon - 2 pcs
  • water - 600 ml
  • cinnamon - 4 sticks

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for making whole pear wild jam

  1. Wash dense, whole pears and discard on a kitchen sieve so that the glass is excess liquid.
  2. Pour sugar in a saucepan, add water, mix and leave for 25-30 minutes. Then determine on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the heating level and cook until crystals are completely dissolved. Stir regularly so that the syrup does not burn.
  3. Put dry pears and cinnamon sticks in a bowl, pour boiling syrup and cook over low heat. Boil the actively boiling mass for 5 minutes. The foam collected on the surface must be removed.
  4. Remove from heating, cover with a clean towel and leave to cool until morning. Then repeat the process of boiling / boiling / cooling twice more.
  5. For the third time, pour the juice squeezed from the lemons into the jam, boil for 10 minutes, put the pears on the jars with a slotted spoon, pour them in syrup, roll them under the metal lids, turn them over, wrap them in a dense cloth and cool naturally. For storage, hide in the basement or cellar.

Transparent pear jam with slices of lemon - recipe on video

The video recipe describes in detail the process of making winter jam from lemon and pears, cut into slices. In addition to sugar, fruits and citrus fruits, the composition includes the natural gelling component pectin. It gives the syrup a pleasant, dense texture and the necessary density. And unsurpassed transparency provides butter. Gently dipped in a hot fruit mass, it helps to dissolve the foam formed as a result of boiling and prevents it from clouding the sweet syrup.

Delicious pear jam with poppy seeds - a step by step recipe with pictures of the finished dish

Making jam from sweet pears and poppy seeds is not difficult, but a little troublesome. However, the labor costs are quite justified, because the finished treat turns out to be so tasty that it eclipses other types of home preservation and instantly becomes the most favorite among children and adults.

Essential ingredients for delicious pear jam and poppy seeds

  • pears - 2 kg
  • poppy - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - 800 g
  • citric acid - 2 tsp
  • vanilla - 1 tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook jam with pears and poppy seeds for the winter

  1. Rinse the pears in running water, dry, peel, remove the core with seeds, and cut the flesh into pieces of any shape.
  2. Fold the processed fruits in a deep container, sprinkle with citric acid and sugar, mix gently and leave for 3-4 hours so that the juice can stand out.
  3. At the end of time, determine the container with pears on the stove, set a slow fire and warm up for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring regularly and making sure that the mass does not stick to the bottom.
  4. ½ portion jam to a separate pan and grind into a smoothie using a dip blender.
  5. Return the processed fruit to slices with syrup and bring to a boil over very low heat.
  6. In parallel, pour the poppy into a thick-bottomed frying pan and dry over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes.
  7. Then pour it into boiling jam, add vanilla, mix well, boil for 10 minutes, put in jars, roll up, turn over, cover with a blanket and cool. Store in a cool, dry room.

Fast pear jam - a five-minute recipe for the winter

Five-minute pear jam has two pluses at once. Firstly, it takes very little time to cook, and secondly, the fruits, subject to minimal heat treatment, retain all their beneficial qualities and in the winter not only delight you with a pleasant taste, but also help strengthen the immune system.

Essential Ingredients for Five Minute Pear Jam

  • pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - ½ kg
  • lemon juice - 25 ml
  • honey - 1 tbsp
  • vanilla - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to make pear jam-five minutes for winter cold

  1. Rinse the pears in running water, dry, remove the tail and the core, peel and cut with not thick pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. Fold the processed fruits in a deep enameled bowl, add sugar and vanilla, pour honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix very well, cover with a clean towel and leave overnight to stand out juice.
  3. In the morning, determine the capacity of the fire, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, pack hot in sterilized jars, roll up the lids, turn over, cover with a blanket and cool. For storage, hide in a cool, dark room.

Simple recipes on how to cook thick and sweet pear jam at home

To pear jam had a dense, thick consistency, it must be prepared without water. Enhanced sweetness will be given to the treat by sugar, which, according to the recipe, must be taken 1/3 more than fruits.

Essential Ingredients for Cooking Thick Pear Jam at Home

  • pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.3 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for making thick pear jam

  1. Ripe, but firm, not spoiled, wash, dry, peel, remove the core with seeds, and cut the flesh into pieces of any convenient shape.
  2. Fold the processed fruits in a cooking bowl, pouring each layer with a portion of sugar and leave for 8-10 hours to let the juice drain.
  3. Then place the container on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 35-30 minutes, be sure to remove the foam formed on the surface.
  4. Remove the basin from the heat and leave it overnight to cool well.
  5. In the morning, boil the jam again for 35-40 minutes, pour it hot into jars, tighten with tin lids, turn over and wrap it with a thick warm cloth.
  6. After a day, put in storage in the pantry or any other dry, dark and cool place.

How to cook pear jam with lemon and orange - a recipe with a photo for a slow cooker

A detailed recipe with a photo will tell you how to make an original and unusual pear jam with lemon and orange in a slow cooker at home. For cooking, you will need fruits of the most sweet variety with dense, elastic pulp. If you take too soft pears, they will become sour during processing and lose their shape. The presence of citrus fruits will give the taste a spicy sourness and saturate the dish with a bright, refined and memorable aroma.

Essential Ingredients for Pear Jam with Oranges and Lemons

  • pears - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc
  • orange - 1 pc
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 150 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook jam with pears, orange and lemon in a slow cooker

  1. Wash fruits and citros thoroughly in running water and dry on a paper towel. Peel the pears, remove the stalk and seeds, and chop the flesh into medium-sized slices or cubes, if the fruits are dense and slightly immature.
  2. Cut lemon and orange with the skin into small pieces. Remove seeds from processed citrus fruits.
  3. Pour water into the multicooker, pour half of the entire sugar, put the “Extinguishing” program on the display of the unit, without covering, bring to a boil. Cook until sugar granules are completely dissolved in water.
  4. When the syrup has a light density and becomes homogeneous, add the crushed pear and cook, without changing the settings, for 10 minutes.
  5. Then turn off household appliances and cool the semi-finished product to room temperature. This usually takes 3 to 4 hours.
  6. After the necessary time has elapsed, activate the "Extinguishing" mode again and bring the pears soaked in syrup to a boil.
  7. Pour the remaining sugar, add finely chopped lemon, orange and cook for another 1 hour, stirring the jam regularly, so as not to stick to the bottom.
  8. Pre-packaged sweet product in hot form on sterilized cans, roll up under tin lids, turn over, wrap in a warm blanket and cool well. Store in a cellar or basement for storage, avoiding direct sunlight.

Pears and apples are considered the most common fruits that can easily be collected in your own garden, or purchased on the market for a small fee. But few housewives know that you can cook delicious transparent and amber pear jam from them. This dessert will be the most favorite treat for all family members. And on long winter evenings it will delight and remind you of summer. But pear jam, especially slices, is also an excellent prophylactic for many diseases. You just need to choose which recipe to cook it, because today there are a huge number of them.

How to choose and prepare pears for jam

To make the jam look beautiful and tasty, they must be sorted out before cooking. The most the best fruits are those that have already ripened, but have not yet managed to overripe. The variety of pears, as well as their size, can be any. But still, it is best to choose juicy fruits that have a sweet aroma, then sugar will be required to make jam less. If the hostess has a desire to give the jam some special taste or smell, then you can add other fruits to it. It can be lemon or citric acid, almonds, orange and other products.

But every time cooking recipe with such ingredients  will change, so be careful with experimentation. If you add a little citric acid to the jam, then the pear jam is no longer sugared and will have a sour taste. Before you start cooking, you must perform the following steps:

How much you need to cook this jam will depend on the variety and the ripeness of the fruit, but most often it is about 1-1.5 hours. It’s better to cook a delicious treat in two stages, achieving complete cooling in the interval.

What kind of dishes do you need to cook a pear dessert? The taste of the jam even dishes can influencein which it is cooked. The best is aluminum or copper utensils, preferably wide. This will allow the jam not to stick and not stick to the walls, and preserve the natural honey aroma. It is still better to store jam in jars that need to be washed well, scalded with boiling water or sterilized well.

Usually when cooking any jam foam appears on its surface, which is removed with a special wooden spatula or spoon. Close the already spilled jam in the jars, you need tight lids. It is better to store it in a dark and cool place, since pear jam tends to change color and wander.

A simple recipe for pear jam for the winter

There are many recipes for making pear jam:

  1. Classic.
  2. Slices.
  3. Transparent.
  4. Amber.
  5. Five minutes.
  6. Whole.
  7. With lemon.
  8. Other

But still always follow cooking instructions  each recipe, maintain proportions, which will help to achieve the desired result. Many housewives want to know how to make pear jam for the winter with a simple recipe. To cook it, you will need the following products:

Fruits are pre-sorted, peeled and cut into slices. They stack in one pan, in which they will cook, and in another saucepan it is worth making syrup: pour sugar in water and put on moderate heat. The foam is constantly removed from it, and it will only be ready when the sugar has completely dissolved. This syrup remains to pour the fruits and bring to a boil again, and then pour into banks. Appetizing jam is ready!

The recipe for pear jam "Five minutes"

For cooking pear dessert for the winter  according to this recipe, it is still better to use hard fruits so that they do not digest. Pears must be cut into medium sized slices, and then soak them for 30–25 minutes in a soda solution, which is induced at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda in 2 liters of water. Then it is necessary to rinse them a bit and cook the rest of the products:

  1. 2 kilograms of ripe pears.
  2. 500 grams of sugar.
  3. 50 milliliters of lemon juice.
  4. 2 tablespoons of honey.
  5. A pinch of vanillin.

Many housewives are tormented by the question of how to cook pear jam. To do this, you need pears, sliced \u200b\u200bin slices, pour lemon juice. To here honey, vanilla and sugar are addedand all this is thoroughly mixed. Then this blank is covered with a film and left to infuse for several hours, it is best left overnight. This is done so that the pears give juice. And only then the slices are transferred to a pot or basin and put on fire.

When the jam begins to boil, it is necessary, stirring, to maintain it in this state for another 5 minutes and turn it off. Spilling over the banks, loosely covered with a lid, and sent to sterilize. Usually this procedure lasts 10 minutes. Now all that remains is to roll up the cans.

The classic recipe for fragrant pear jam with slices

To make such jam for the winter, you will need a minimum set of products:

  1. Pears -2 kilograms.
  2. Sugar - 2.5 kilograms.
  3. Water - 2 glasses.

Pears are well washed, trimmed and cut into wedges. They are placed on the bottom of the pan and filled with sugar. Now you need to leave for a few hours, so they can give juice. If the pear variety is such that they cannot produce juice, then additionally you can pour a little water into them. After this, the pan with the fruits is put on fire, and water is added to it at the norm. We carefully monitor how the mass begins to boil, stirring. As soon as it boils, the fire decreases and the jam is cooked for another hour.

To achieve the integrity of the slices, it is worth cooking not immediately for an hour, but in three sets of 20 minutes, but for one hour. Still hot jam should be poured into banks and rolled up.

Pear Amber Jam Recipe

Products for making amber jam from pears with slices remain unchanged, but their quantity only changes:

  1. Water - 200 milliliters.
  2. Sugar-3 kilograms.
  3. Pears -3 kilograms.

You can add a small lemon or a pound of strong plums, but only previously cut in half and with the bone removed. In a separate pot syrup is made from water and sugar. It is boiled for 3-5 minutes so that the sugar can dissolve, and the excess moisture evaporates. Pear slices are carefully added to boiling syrup. Immediately the pan is taken by the handles and it is necessary to shake it so that the pear slices are evenly distributed over the syrup and immersed in it. Do not disturb with a spoon!

The pan is set on fire and all contents boil for 5 minutes. It remains to remove the pan and leave the jam in it to infuse for 5 hours. It will enable everyone slices soak well in syrupstay intact. At this point, you can add other products, for example, lemon juice or plums. As this time passes, the pan with the pear mass will again be placed on the stove and brought to a boil over low heat. At the same time, during the heating process, it is necessary to shake the pan from time to time so that the pear slices can mix, but using a prescription spoon is not recommended at this stage.

As soon as the mass of pears boils, it is worth holding it over the fire for another 5 minutes. Thereafter need to remove film, which indicates that the dessert for the winter is ready. And only at the end of cooking can you gently stir the jam with a wooden spatula or spoon. It remains only to pour it on the banks still hot, but roll them up for now is not worth it. To begin with, they simply cover them with paper sheets, and when it cools down, then it will be possible to roll up.

It is necessary to carefully prepare the cans in advance: rinse them with soap and soda, rinse in running water and calcine thoroughly in the oven.

Clear Pear Jam Recipe

To prepare a transparent jam, no special products are required. Transparent pear jam can store in any cool place, even on a shelf in a kitchen cupboard or pantry. The main storage condition is that there are no drops in temperature conditions. By taste this jam is the most fragrant and delicious. It can also be served as an independent dessert, which has a wonderful view and taste, so perfectly suitable for tea or coffee.

To prepare transparent jam from pear slices, you must prepare the following products in advance:

This amount of food is just enough to make 2 liters of jam. For a start, pears are good washed under running water, make sure that all fruits are solid and not overripe. Pears are cut into slices and stacked in a pan. Sugar is also poured there. In order for the pears to start juice, you need to leave the pear mass for several hours at room temperature. The pan with the infused mass is put on fire and brought to a boil.

As soon as the jam boils, the fire should be reduced and still boil for 10 minutes. Then turns off and left overnightso that the mass cools well. In the morning, the jam is boiled again, as in the previous time, and now it is left for the whole day until the evening. In the evening, again a provarc and left to cool overnight. Each time, the slices will change their color, becoming darker. In the morning, cook the mass over low heat for 50 minutes. So the mass will become more dense, and the slices will become transparent. It remains only to pour into the banks and roll up.

Transparent sliced \u200b\u200bpear jam  can be used to decorate any baking. It usually turns out both beautiful and tasty. And if mixed with several tablespoons of kefir, the children will like it and they will definitely ask for supplements. Enjoy your meal!