Thick strawberry jam for the winter, recipe with photo. Delicious recipes - how to make sugar free jam for a diabetic

07.08.2019 Winter blanks

24.05.2017 23 457

Strawberry jam, winter recipe - how to make the perfect treat quickly and easily?

If you are going to cook a delicious strawberry jam - a winter recipe will be the best option for harvesting, in which the taste will be pronounced and the shelf life will be long. You can use both the traditional way of cooking, and with the addition of gelatin, pectin, in addition, a crock-pot for many housewives has turned out to be an indispensable thing in the kitchen, with which you can make a delicious treat.

The classic recipe for strawberry jam for the winter - we cook according to the standards

Strawberry jam is an incredibly fragrant delicacy that any housewife can prepare for the winter, spending a minimum of effort and time. Strawberry jam, the winter recipe for which is quite simple, today includes various methods of preparation. Let's start our acquaintance with the classic recipe - this is the recipe used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. So how to make strawberry jam? Quite easily and simply, even a novice hostess can cope with this task without difficulty:

  • Ingredients: 2 kg of strawberries, 2 kg of granulated sugar
  • Preparation time: 1–1.5 hours
  • Cooking time: 4.5–5 hours

Strawberries must be carefully sorted, gently separate the stalks, remove the rotten, rinse thoroughly and allow to dry. After the strawberries have dried, it is necessary to chop the berries. The thickest strawberry jam will turn out if you use a fine sieve and rub strawberries through it.

But, for starters, grind in a meat grinder, or use a blender to get a uniform consistency. Now you can take a fine sieve and grind the mass - the process is not fast, but thickeners are not required. There is time and you want to get jam without seeds, then this method will suit you. Many housewives simply grind in a meat grinder, thereby saving valuable time.

  thick strawberry jam recipe - pictured

We lay out the resulting strawberry puree in a bowl where jam will be prepared. Pour granulated sugar, mix thoroughly and put on medium heat. As soon as the first vesicles begin to appear on the surface of the berry mass, the fire should be reduced. The future jam should boil for half an hour, then it must be removed from the stove and allowed to cool.

adding sugar for jam - in the photo

Repeat the procedure twice more, i.e. it is necessary to wait until it cools down and again put to boil. During this time, strawberry jam will get the right consistency. After the third boiling, a hot dessert is poured into jars, which must be sterilized in advance, and closed with metal lids. Strawberry jam, the recipe for the winter of which is extremely simple, ready! Now you need to wrap the cans and wait until they cool down, and then you can hide them in the pantry.

Strawberry jam, five-minute recipe, quick and easy

Experienced housewives prefer to cook strawberry jam without cooking, this option is a bit more complicated in terms of cooking, but has significant advantages - five-minute jam preserves much more vitamins, the aroma of fresh berries, looks beautiful. To prepare a strawberry jam for the winter five-minute, we need:

  Five-minute strawberry jam - pictured

  • 1 kg of fresh strawberries
  • 1.2 kg of granulated sugar
  • a pinch of citric acid

Berries must be prepared in the same way as described in the first recipe. We wash the washed and dried strawberries in any way convenient for you and mix with sugar.

Next, we take a clean jar of the required volume (it is better to choose small containers so that it is easy and easy to remove later), fill with the resulting mixture of berries and sugar, then pour into a saucepan, let it boil and cook for 5 minutes. In a pre-prepared sterile jar at the bottom, put citric acid on the tip of the knife, pour the boiled jam there and roll it up.

The same thing is done with the rest of the berry mass. In this case, the lemon is completely harmless, on the contrary, it will make the dessert more tasty and allow the color to remain bright and saturated. Please note that strawberry jam, whose winter recipe is called five minutes, will thicken in 2-3 days.

Strawberry jam with gelatin - doesn’t go bad during storage?

I must say that every woman in the kitchen has her own secrets, this also applies to the preparation of strawberry jam, some of which we will tell you now. Strawberry jam with gelatin - the secret of this recipe is that one hundred percent dessert will become thick. Gelatin practically does not affect the taste, so you need to prepare:

  Strawberry jam with gelatin - pictured

  • 1 kg of berries
  • 1 cup sugar granulated sugar
  • 20 g of gelatin

The difference between the recipe and the traditional method is less sugar. Sugar not only adds sweetness to jam, but also allows it to thicken, in our case gelatin plays the role of thickener.

Otherwise, the principle of making jam is the same as in the classic recipe. Sort the berries, wash, remove the rotten ones, tear off the stalks and allow to dry. Grind strawberries with a blender or rub through a sieve (as you prefer).

Pour the resulting puree into the cooking container, add sugar and gelatin. Boil, stirring. After boiling, make the fire weak and cook jam for another 5-8 minutes, bringing to the desired consistency. We lay out the hot dessert in sterile jars and roll it up. Many novice housewives are often interested in how much strawberry jam with gelatin can be stored - two years, no more.

A multicooker treat is just as tasty? Check it out!

Another interesting way to cook is strawberry jam in a slow cooker. Recipe will be appreciated by those who do not have the desire and time to stand over the pan and watch so that it does not burn. For vitamin preparations for the winter you will need:

  • 1 kg of berries
  • 1.5 cups of sand
  • 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

Berries are prepared in the traditional way, but to wipe them in this case is not necessary, it will be enough to cut large ones with a knife.

  load the strawberries into the slow cooker - pictured

  strawberry jam in the slow cooker - pictured

Put the berries in the multicooker capacity, fill them with sand, pour lemon juice on it (it is needed for color), close the device and set the mode to “Jam” (or Jam, depending on the model).

Now the smart car will do everything for you. In some multicookers, the timer is set automatically, in others, the cooking time needs to be set independently. To prepare a delicious strawberry jam in a slow cooker, an hour will be enough. Please note that you will pour liquid jam on prepared jars, which will thicken only after a couple of days.

How to cook strawberry jam with pectin?

Strawberry jam with pectin is prepared much faster than in the classic recipe, which means that vitamins are better preserved. For cooking, take:

  strawberry jam with pectin - pictured

  • 1 kg of berries
  • 0.5 kg of sand
  • 1 packet of pectin
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

Prepared berries must be chopped and placed in a cooking container. Add pectin there, mix thoroughly. Bring the mass to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the temperature, add sugar and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add lemon juice to the container, pour into sterile jars and close with metal lids.

Now you know several ways how to cook strawberry jam, how to use it - choose only for you! But, you can be sure that no matter what method you choose, the taste will be excellent!

Classic strawberry jam recipes with lemon, bananas, raspberries, mint, thickeners. Proportions and duration of preparation of each.

Hot blissful summer time is a period of abundance of fruits, berries, herbs and vegetables. As well as time for homemade preparations for the winter.

Therefore, we offer to diversify your cookbook with recipes of strawberry jam of other hostesses.

How to make thick strawberry jam with raspberries?

   raspberries and strawberries selected for jam

Fragrant berries of strawberries and raspberries go well in thick jam.

  • Collect them on your site or buy at the market as fresh as possible.
  • Sort through each berry. Remove the pedicels, twigs.
  • Rinse in a basin of water. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times.
  • Determine the ratio of strawberries to raspberries. The best option is 1: 1.
  • Grind large strawberries with your hands or a blender and pour the mass into a bowl of raspberries.
  • Pour all the aromatic raw materials with sugar in an amount equal to the volume of berries.
  • Stir the mixture until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  • Pour 1 cup of berry-sugar gruel into enameled dishes and heat over medium heat.
  • When the foam appears, mix it with the rest of the mass. Never take off. Reduce the heat and leave to boil for another 7-10 minutes.
  • The mass will begin to thicken before your eyes, so it's time to transfer it to a sterilized jar. Cover the last with a lid.
  • Repeat all the steps until the berry-sugar mixture is over.
  • Banks or roll up, or cover with ordinary covers or paper with an elastic band.
  • Leave the cooked jam to cool in a cool room. Then transfer the cans with it to storage in the cellar.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker: a step by step recipe

chopped strawberries stacked in a multicooker bowl before making jam

Prepare cans and lids before cooking. Sterilize them, for example, in a bowl of the same multicooker.

  • Sort the berries of the strawberry, separating the receptacle, and wash thoroughly. Change the water 3-5 times depending on its contamination. Leave the strawberries to drain in a colander.
  • Select large berries and cut into 4 parts, chop the rest - with a blender or in a meat grinder.
      You can skip this step if you like to knead strawberries with your hands.
  • Add 1: 1 sugar.
      If you are not a sweet tooth or try to eat white sand to a minimum, replace half of its volume with thickeners - gelfix or gelatin. Determine the required amount according to the recommendation on the package.
  • Mix half the dose of sugar and the berry mass and transfer to the multicooker bowl. In the "Heat Support" mode, wait until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  • Select the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, depending on the multicooker model, to start making jam.
  • Bring to a boil, stir the berry mass constantly.
  • Remove the bowl with the strawberry mass to cool. Add the rest of the sugar or thickener.
  • Set the same mode on the multicooker again. Stir nonstop before boiling and after.
  • Let the jam boil for 7-10 minutes.
  • Pour into prepared jars and roll them up.

If the jam is not immediately thick, it will acquire the desired consistency after cooling completely.

How to make strawberry jam with jellyfix?

  strawberries and jellyfood - ingredients for cooking jam at home

Gelfix is \u200b\u200ba pectin-containing substance that will provide you with:

  • accelerated thickening process of strawberry mass during the preparation of jam,
  • the need for 1.5 times or less sugar in the recipe,
  • short process of heat treatment of strawberry raw materials, which means preservation of vitamins, benefits and fresh aroma of berries.

To make strawberry jam with jellyfix you need:

  • washed strawberries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups of 250 ml each
  • jellyfix 2: 1 - pack or 25 gr

Features of the preparation:

  • mash strawberries with your hands or a blender,
  • combine a pack of jellyfix with a couple of tablespoons of sugar and pour in strawberry raw materials,
  • put everything on fire, constantly bother, wait for it to boil,
  • remove from heat and fill in the remaining sugar,
  • stir the mass over the fire again and wait 3 minutes from the moment the bulbs are formed
  • pour the hot strawberry jam into the jars and tighten their lids. Before this, pour 2-3 grains of citric acid into each jar,
  • turn the jars of jam over and leave to cool in this position,
  • take to a cool place until winter.

Strawberry Pectin Jam Recipe

  jars of flavored strawberry jam with pectin recipe


  • strawberries - 1 volume
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 volumes
  • packet of pectin, or gelfix 1: 1 - 25-30 gr
  • large lemon
  • mash the washed strawberries in any convenient way. It’s better to use a blender or a meat grinder so that the mass is homogeneous,
  • add sugar and pectin,
  • squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix everything thoroughly,
  • over medium heat in an enameled bowl heat the strawberry sweet mass, stir constantly,
  • from the moment of boiling, detect 4 minutes and remove from heat,
  • pour into prepared jars and close them with lids,
  • put a towel in the pan and put the rolled up cans with jam lid down,
  • add cold water so that 1/4 cans are not covered,
  • boil water and wait a quarter of an hour,
  • remove from the heat and wait for the cans with jam to cool completely,
  • take them out, wipe them off and put them in storage.

Strawberry jam with agar agar recipe

  the main ingredients for making strawberry jam are agar-agar, sugar and strawberry puree

You need:

  • washed ripe strawberries and sugar in equal parts
  • agar-agar - 0.5 tablespoon
  • average lemon or its acid in an amount of 0.5 tablespoon
  • pour pure strawberries with sugar and leave to let juice for a day,
  • transfer to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove the foam. Boil for 10 minutes and remove from the heat to cool the strawberry mass,
  • chop strawberries in a future jelly with a blender,
  • after 4-5 hours, boil again and hold for 5 minutes,
  • let it cool again
  • squeeze lemon juice or pour citric acid, mix,
  • dissolve the agar-agar in a glass of boiled water, pour into a pan and wait for the boil. Stir without stopping
  • remove jelly agar-agar from the heat and pour it into the cooled strawberry syrup,
  • mix thoroughly and leave the jelly to cool,
  • put on the banks and roll up the lids. Be sure to rinse the cans with soda and sterilize steamed or in the oven at a temperature of 90-100 ℃.

How to make strawberry jam with mint?

  teaspoon homemade strawberry jam with mint

A spicy finish after your strawberry jam gives mint.


  • 5 and 7 cups strawberries and sugar, respectively
  • bunch of fresh mint leaves
  • small lemon
  • glass of boiling water
  • thickener 2 packs. It can be a choice - gelfix, confiture or pectin
  • for strawberry jam you need a fresh mint infusion. It can be obtained from boiling water, which fill the prepared grass. After 30 minutes strain
  • combine the mint and sugar in a stainless steel bowl and bring to a boil,
  • add strawberries cut into 4 parts, pour in the juice of freshly squeezed lemon and wait for the mass to boil. Remove foam, mix with a wooden spatula,
  • after boiling add a thickener and actively mix the strawberry-mint mass,
  • let the jam boil for 1 minute and remove from heat,
  • process cans and lids until spillage of jam. Either steam sterilize, either in the oven, in a slow cooker, or in the microwave,
  • roll the jam over the lids, turn the jars upside down, put them upside down and wrap them in a blanket,
  • after the jam has cooled completely, transfer it to the cellar for storage.

And treat the children with the collected foam or prepare pancakes for fragrant strawberry foam and arrange a tea party for the whole family.

Strawberry Banana Jam: Recipe

  chopped bananas and strawberries before making jam

To prepare it, you can choose the technology:

  • simpler with minimal ingredients
  • advanced with an expanded list of components

Common in both cases:

  • take strawberries and sugar in equal parts
  • bananas - half the proportion

In advanced are added:

  • large lemon
  • vanillin 0.5 tbsp
  • rum or cognac 2 tbsp

Cooking in a simple way:

  • sprinkle clean and halved strawberries with sugar and set aside overnight to let the juice
  • drain it and combine with sugar. Grind the remaining strawberries with a blender / meat grinder,
  • put sweet syrup on medium heat and bring to a boil. Enter chopped strawberries and wait for the boil again. Remove foam if desired
  • after 10 minutes, set aside the container with the future jelly and pour the bananas cut into rings into it,
  • send everything to boil on fire. Stir the future jam with a wooden spatula,
  • after a third of an hour, remove and let cool slightly,
  • pour into jars, turn them over to cool completely.

Cooking in the advanced version:

  • crush strawberries, bananas and peeled lemon with a blender,
  • in a separate container, mix vanillin, sugar and rum / cognac,
  • boil the fruit pulp over high heat, pour the ingredients from the second container,
  • boil everything together for a third of an hour, actively stirring the future jam,
  • pour into jars, turn them over, wait for cooling, transfer to storage.

How to make strawberry jam with lemon?

  ingredients for making homemade strawberry jam with lemon

Above, we examined most recipes for strawberry jam with lemon. However, you can only cook it with this ingredient.


  • strawberries and sugar in a ratio of 1: 0.8
  • large lemon
  • peel the lemon peel with a grater, squeeze the juice out of the pulp, take out all the seeds,
  • chop the clean washed strawberries with a crush and pour sugar, zest and lemon juice,
  • bring the resulting mass to a bubble over high heat,
  • stir and boil for a third of an hour,
  • check jam for readiness. Put a spoonful of hot mass on a cold saucer from the freezer. After 3-5 seconds, slide your finger across the surface of the jam. If you see wrinkles, then he is ready. If not, continue cooking for another 10 minutes,
  • roll up in sterile jars, leaving 0.5 cm of free space in them. Boil them in water for a third of an hour, dropping the lid down,
  • transfer to a cellar after cooling.

Thick, delicious strawberry jam: winter recipe

  an open can of thick strawberry jam and a handful of berries nearby

Perhaps the simplest recipe for a delicious thick strawberry jam is to cook berries with sugar. You need them in equal proportions.

  • Look carefully at each berry. Spoiled sides cut. Rinse all raw materials in 5 waters.
  • Strawberries either crush a crush, or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Add sugar and simmer on the oven.
  • After half an hour from the moment of boiling, remove the mass and leave it to cool completely.
  • Repeat the above step twice, but the last time, instead of cooling, pour the jam to the top in sterile jars.
  • Turn them over and let cool.
  • Before storage, check the covers. They should not walk up and down. Otherwise, put such a jar in the refrigerator and enjoy delicious strawberry jam.

So, we have studied in detail the features of making homemade fragrant strawberry jam with different ingredients, both flavoring and thickening.

Feel free to experiment in the summer season and enjoy a healthy strawberry jam with sandwiches and pastries in the winter.

Be healthy!

Video: making strawberry jam at home

If you need the best and most beautiful, you can take worse for jam. But still, it is desirable that they are not wet. Therefore, we first rinse them, and then fold them to a sieve or colander so that the glass is water.

  • Only then we clean and sort through, we don’t need any bad ones anyway. Now we are weighing and measuring out the right amount of sugar.
  • For jam, we will chop strawberries with a blender. Caution, there will be a lot of spray first! We do everything qualitatively so that not a bit of the berry remains.
  • To get rid of possible residues of un chopped strawberries, as well as part of the seeds, we wipe the mass through a sieve. Wipe immediately into a bowl in which we will cook the jam.

  • My thickener had to be distributed at this stage on the surface of the strawberry mass. And for a greater effect, it was advised to add either the juice of a whole lemon, or 1g of lemon. I added acid by mixing it with a thickener.
  • We put the bowl on moderate heat and, constantly stirring, bring to a boil. Stirring is necessary so that the pectin is evenly dispersed in the mass and does not form lumps. It is important! Then pour sugar, reduce the heat and cook, stirring often, waiting for a slight boil (bubbling) for 5 minutes (or as the manufacturer advises). In the process, remove the foam (by the way, they will also thicken later).

  • We will pour strawberry jam into sterilized glass jars, in which we will lay it for storage for the winter. I sterilize the jars in the oven (but each can have its own methods), and I boil the lids.
  • We take out the hot jar from the oven, put it in a deep plate, under which we put a damp cloth. Why is this needed. If the jar bursts, the hot contents will spill onto a plate and it will protect your legs and arms. A rag will be needed when rolling - the plate will not slip on the table.

  • After rolling, we turn the banks upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool first to room temperature. When the jars have cooled, you will turn them over and you will already see that the strawberry mass in them is not liquid. Over time, during winter, in a cool place, strawberry jam will completely thicken, and in the refrigerator it will happen even faster. That's the whole secret of how to make thick jam from strawberries for the winter.
  • Today we will prepare quick and delicious strawberry jam with pectin. The recipe for this strawberry jam is simple. Even if you first encountered conservation, with this recipe you will surely succeed.

    Based on 1 kg of strawberries and 500 g of sugar, I got two jars of strawberry jam of 0.5 l each. That is, 2 liters of such jam and so on will come out for 2 kg of strawberries and 1 kg of sugar. It is very convenient to know in advance how many jars and lids should be sterilized. Sterilization of dishes should not be ignored. Personally, I sterilize like this: I wash my cans of soda and thoroughly rinse, then put them in the oven on the grill upside down and keep them in the oven at a temperature of 80-100 degrees for 15 minutes. I boil the lids for 3-5 minutes in a small amount of water. Everything is very simple.

    Strawberry jam, prepared according to this recipe with the addition of pectin, turns out to be a very beautiful saturated color (not dark) and has a consistency of medium density, a bit like jam. You don’t need to add acid to this jam, because half the amount of sugar does not interfere with the taste of strawberries, which preserves its small natural acidity.


    • 1 kg of strawberries
    • 500 g sugar
    • 1 sachet of pectin

    Strawberry Jam Recipe Step by Step

    We sort out 1 kg, separate the tails. I thoroughly wash strawberries from the ground and sand.

      We shift the strawberries into a deep bowl and use the submersible blender to interrupt, but not too much. Allow to remain in the mass a sufficient number of pieces.

      To cook strawberry jam, we need a pan with a thick bottom. Pour strawberries into it and add 0.5 kg of sugar. We put it on the fire and wait for the moment of boiling, while not leaving the pan and periodically stir the mixture.

      After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook strawberry jam for another 15 minutes. In the process of boiling (after the sugar has dissolved in the strawberries), a pale pink or even white foam will begin to form on the surface of the strawberry jam. It should be removed with a spoon and clean. This is done so that the jam retains its bright and rich scarlet color. This skimmed foam can easily be collected in a small jar and then used in food.

      After 15 minutes of active boiling, add pectin to strawberry jam. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully. Usually 1 bag of pectin (the name may be different - “Zhelfiks”, “Jam” and so on) is designed for 1 kg of fruit or berries. In some cases, manufacturers recommend diluting it in water before adding pectin to the jam. In general, add the pectin to the jam and boil it for another 10 minutes.

      Then remove the pan with strawberry jam from the fire and pour it into sterile jars.

    We fill the jars with strawberry jam with pectin almost to the edge (but still leave 5-10 mm to the extreme top point) and immediately seal the lids. After cooling completely, strawberry jam will become thicker.

    One of the simplest and most delicious berry preparations is strawberry jam, the recipe for the winter is so simple that you can start your harvesting career with it without fear that the banks will explode or the berries will not boil, because, unlike jam, strawberry jam has homogeneous structure. In fact, this is a berry puree boiled with sugar. Strawberries can be turned into a homogeneous mass with a blender, but it is not necessary to achieve a perfectly smooth mashed potatoes, you can just mash the berries with a blender or a fork - then the jam will include small pieces. You need to cook strawberry jam with a little heat to prevent intense boiling, otherwise the hot jam will splatter. Adjust the heat so that only a slight gurgling is achieved. In order for the jam to stand guaranteed all winter, you need to boil it for half an hour, let it cool without spilling it on the banks, and heat it again, and then boil for another five minutes, stirring so that it does not burn. The jam will be thick, partly jelly-like, with a bright color and intense strawberry aroma.


    • 500 g fresh ripe strawberries
    • 200 g granulated sugar
    • 1/2 tsp citric acid (or 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice)

    How to make strawberry jam for the winter

    Strawberries for making jam will be mashed, so unlike jam, you can take berries of any size, any shape, fruits are suitable even with slight defects. Of course, decisively should cut off spoiled fruits and remove rotten places (you can simply cut off the dubious part of the berry). At the beginning of preparation, the standard preparatory procedure is carried out - we remove the stalks from the strawberries, we wash the berries under running water and let the moisture drain.

    Now you need to chop berries in any convenient way. Using a blender will help you get a perfectly homogeneous smoothie. If you stretch strawberries with a fork or a pusher for potatoes, then the structure of the finished jam will be slightly different - small pieces will give the jam a special charm.

    Carefully transfer the resulting puree into a saucepan or ladle. Add granulated sugar and citric acid (the acid can be replaced with two tablespoons of lemon juice). On medium heat, periodically stirring the jam with a wooden spatula, bring the mass to a boil. Reduce the heat. Jam should not boil much. Boil it for half an hour on a fire less than average.

    During cooking, it is imperative to remove actively emerging foam.

    In order for the jam to stand guaranteed until spring, it is advisable to boil in two approaches (cool, then boil again for 5 minutes and roll up).

    Arrange the jam in hot form in sterile jars and seal with clean lids.

    Strawberry jam can be cooked not only as a winter harvest, but also as a summer dessert. To preserve the maximum amount of usefulness, vitamins, cook jam for no more than 10 minutes. Leave to cool completely on the stove, transfer to clean jars and refrigerate. In this case, the jam is not so thick, but if you leave it in the refrigerator for ten days, then the jam will noticeably thicken and its structure will become amazing. Jam is not as sugary in taste as jam, and its viscosity allows you to apply jam on a morning bun or toast more accurately than jam. Strawberry jam has a great color, its taste and aroma are simply amazing!