Cocoa Beans. Cocoa beans at Minecraft: production and use

07.08.2019 Egg Dishes

Cocoa fruits can be found in the jungle, where they grow on the trunks of huge trees, or grow on their own from cocoa beans. To do this, holding the bean in your hand, click on the block of wood of a tropical tree. It should be noted that cocoa can grow even on a separate block of the corresponding wood, which may not be part of the “living” tree. This is actively used by players, decorating their homes. The fact is that the grown cocoa fruits resemble very elegant and beautiful lanterns or sconces.

The cocoa fruit has three stages of growth. In the first two, it remains not too large and dull in color; in the third stage, the cocoa fruit grows to about half the usual block and acquires an orange-brown, saturated color. If you destroy the fetus in the first two stages of growth, only one bean will fall out of it. A fully ripened fruit gives three beans when destroyed. Cocoa fruits require only one condition for growth - this is a block of tropical wood. The level of lighting, height and other factors do not affect the maturation process.

Using Cocoa Beans

Cocoa beans can be used to dye wool and burnt clay. To dye the wool, it is enough to place a block of white wool and cocoa beans in the adjacent cells on the workbench or in the crafting window (creating objects) in the inventory. However, it is much more profitable to dye a white sheep and then shear it with scissors, this option saves cocoa beans and time. To color a sheep, go up to it by taking cocoa beans in your hand and right-click. Keep in mind that in future it will not work to repaint the sheep, since only white animals lend themselves to coloring.

To color the fired, open the workbench, put the cocoa beans in the central cell and surround them with blocks of fired clay. This will give you 8 blocks of brown burnt clay.

Cocoa beans can be used to make cookies. Cookies are a good option if you do not have too much wheat. For example, from 6 units of wheat you can make only 2 breads, but with the addition of 3 units of cocoa beans from the same amount of wheat you can make 24 cookies. 2 breads in total will give only 5 units of satiety, and cookies - 24.

It should be borne in mind, however, that a character who eats cookies gets hungry faster than a character who eats bread, because the game has an additional “saturation” parameter, which is much higher for bread. To make cookies, place cocoa beans in the central cell for creating objects on a workbench, and fill the outer cells of the same horizontal with wheat.

Want to feast on Minecraft cookies (and exotic)? Then you definitely need to learn more about cocoa beans. This exotic falls from the cocoa fruits that grow in the jungle on the trees. Sometimes they can be found in treasure chests. In addition to confectionery, with the help of cocoa beans you can dye wool and clay. A little deeper into this topic.

  • Cookies are crafted from two components: cocoa beans and wheat. Two sheaf of cereals and one block of cocoa beans in total give eight cookies. This is a pretty beneficial use of tropical fruits, as wheat is harder to grow. Plus, it’s easier to satisfy your hunger with cocoa beans. We give an example. Having six blocks of cereals, you can make two breads that will restore five units of hunger. By adding three cocoa beans, you can eat twenty-four cookies, which will add the same twenty-four units. The benefit is obvious.

  • Cocoa beans make the coat brown.

  • Burnt clay coming into contact with cocoa beans also turns brown.

Cocoa Beans in Minecraft: Getting

In order to shake cocoa beans from what, you need to take care of growing plants. Of course, if you need a small number of them or the need for them is irregular, you can just drive them into the jungle and pick them up. But if you can’t exist for a day without cookies or adore brown color, agronomic skills will not hurt you.

Cocoa cultivation requires Minecraft cocoa beans to be planted on a tropical tree. Three-stage fruit growth. At first they are small pods, then they become larger, their color changes. At the final stage, they acquire an orange tint. If you destroy the "fruit" in the first and second stage, one cocoa bean will fall out. A destroyed mature plant gives away three cocoa beans.

If necessary, put the cultivation on the stream, you can build farms.

Cocoa fruits can be found in the jungle, where they grow on the trunks of huge trees, or grow on their own from cocoa beans. To do this, holding the bean in your hand, click on the block of wood of a tropical tree. It should be noted that cocoa can grow even on a separate block of the corresponding wood, which may not be part of the “living” tree. This is actively used by players, decorating their homes. The fact is that the grown cocoa fruits resemble very elegant and beautiful lanterns or sconces.

The cocoa fruit has three stages of growth. In the first two, it remains not too large and dull in color; in the third stage, the cocoa fruit grows to about half the usual block and acquires an orange-brown, saturated color. If you destroy the fetus in the first two stages of growth, only one bean will fall out of it. A fully ripened fruit gives three beans when destroyed. Cocoa fruits require only one condition for growth - this is a block of tropical wood. The level of lighting, height and other factors do not affect the maturation process.

Using Cocoa Beans

Cocoa beans can be used to dye wool and burnt clay. To dye the wool, it is enough to place a block of white wool and cocoa beans in the adjacent cells on the workbench or in the crafting window (creating objects) in the inventory. However, it is much more profitable to dye a white sheep and then shear it with scissors, this option saves cocoa beans and time. To color a sheep, go up to it by taking cocoa beans in your hand and right-click. Keep in mind that in future it will not work to repaint the sheep, since only white animals lend themselves to coloring.

To color the burnt clay, open the workbench, put cocoa beans in the central cell and surround them with blocks of burnt clay. This will give you 8 blocks of brown burnt clay.

Cocoa beans can be used to make cookies. Cookies are a good option if you do not have too much wheat. For example, from 6 units of wheat you can make only 2 breads, but with the addition of 3 units of cocoa beans from the same amount of wheat you can make 24 cookies. 2 breads in total will give only 5 units of satiety, and cookies - 24.

It should be borne in mind, however, that a character who eats cookies gets hungry faster than a character who eats bread, because the game has an additional “saturation” parameter, which is much higher for bread. To make cookies, place cocoa beans in the central cell for creating objects on a workbench, and fill the outer cells of the same horizontal with wheat.

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How cocoa grows Cocoa fruits can be found in the jungle, where they grow on the trunks of huge trees, or grow independently from cocoa beans. To do this, holding the bean in your hand, click on the block of wood of a tropical tree.

It should be noted that cocoa can grow even on a separate block of the corresponding wood, which may not be part of the “living” tree. This is actively used by players, decorating their homes. The fact is that the grown cocoa fruits resemble very elegant and beautiful lanterns or sconces. The cocoa fruit has three stages of growth. In the first two, it remains not too large and dull in color; in the third stage, the cocoa fruit grows to about half the usual block and acquires an orange-brown, saturated color. If you destroy the fetus in the first two stages of growth, only one bean will fall out of it. A fully ripened fruit gives three beans when destroyed. Cocoa fruits require only one condition for growth - this is a block of tropical wood. The level of lighting, height and other factors do not affect the maturation process. Using cocoa beans Cocoa beans can be used to dye wool and burnt clay. To dye the wool, it is enough to place a block of white wool and cocoa beans in the adjacent cells on the workbench or in the crafting (crafting) window in the inventory. However, it is much more profitable to dye a white sheep and then shear it with scissors, this option saves cocoa beans and time. To color a sheep, go up to it by taking cocoa beans in your hand and right-click. Note that it will not be possible to repaint the sheep in the future, since only white animals lend themselves to coloring. To color the burnt clay, open the workbench, put cocoa beans in the central cell and surround them with blocks of burnt clay. This will give you 8 blocks of brown burnt clay. Cocoa beans can be used to make cookies. Cookies are a good option if you do not have too much wheat. For example, from 6 units of wheat you can make only 2 breads, but with the addition of 3 units of cocoa beans from the same amount of wheat you can make 24 cookies. 2 breads in total will give only 5 units of satiety, and cookies - 24. It should be taken into account, however, that a character who eats cookies, gets hungry faster than a character who eats bread, because the game has an additional “saturation” parameter, which is much more above. To make cookies, place cocoa beans in the central cell for creating objects on a workbench, and fill the outer cells of the same horizontal with wheat.

At Minecraft, cocoa beans are one of the main colorings and food ingredient. They grow on special pods that are found in jungle biomes. The player may well wonder how to plant cocoa beans in Minecraft. To do this, it is enough to have one in the inventory and, taking it in hand, click on a free block of wood from the jungle. As a result, it forms a new pod, from which in the future it will be possible to get even more beans. The block does not have to be part of a full tree.


Cocoa beans in Minecraft have three stages of growth. During the first pod, it is small and green. In the second stage, the plant becomes larger and darkens slightly. At the end, the pod grows a little more and gets an orange-brown color. When destroyed in the first two stages, the pod will produce only one bean. When fully ripened, it will produce two or three fruits. Bone meal can be used to make the plant skip the first stage of growth. Pods can drop beans if they run into running water, piston pressure, or if the block they grow on is broken.


Like all other dyes, cocoa beans can:

  • apply on the sheep to dye their coat, which can then be sheared, having received from one to three corresponding blocks;
  • apply on tamed wolves to change the color of their collars;
  • use on leather armor, beds, glass, terracotta and shalker boxes;
  • mix with gunpowder to create a firework;
  • use to shape banners;
  • change the color of water contained in boilers;
  • combine with sand and gravel for the manufacture of concrete powder;
  • apply in crafting balloons or candles.

How to grow cocoa beans in Minecraft

The best option for a manual farm will look standard, as indicated in the photo in the article.

The pattern can be repeated vertically or spread horizontally, thus creating larger sections. Vertical farms take up less space and have greater productivity, however, they are more difficult to transplant, and collecting fruits located too high can be a problem.

Keep in mind that the farm must not exceed a height of 6 blocks from where you are standing. Otherwise, you simply cannot collect the fruits. In addition, balancing ease of planting and maximum yield includes a trench 4 blocks deep. The character can collect those beans that are under it.

Cocoa beans will fall if they are hit by the player, if the block on which they grow hits the piston, if the water occupies the space where the fruits grow, or if the tree block on which they are destroyed. All automatic collection methods depend on these features. Theoretically, you can also use dynamite, but it will be very expensive.

Mechanical method

There are currently no ready-made projects for a fully automated farm, as you must manually place the cocoa beans in the blocks for growing pods. However, semi-automatic farms, which, without the participation of a player, reap the benefits, are popular and fairly cheap.

They are divided into two types: piston and water.

Water farms are designed to ensure that the flow of water released after pressing the button will wash all the fruits into a designated place, after which the player can immediately collect them.

Piston farms use a single line of wood blocks, on all sides of which cocoa plants are planted. Pistons either push the pods or the block itself, causing the beans to fall down. Other designs can quickly raise and lower the trunk, but they use more complex red stone designs and are not more useful, cheaper, or effective than simple designs.