How to make pancakes not stick. A recipe for pancakes that do not stick to the pan

07.08.2019 The drinks


   Sometimes pancakes are torn and stick due to the incorrect consistency of the dough. It may turn out to be too liquid or, conversely, thick. A simple way to dilute a thick dough is to add to it the liquid on which it was mixed: water, milk, kefir, etc. And if the dough turned out to be too liquid, try adding a little flour. All ingredients in the dough should be at room temperature, and in order for its components to mix well, the dough should be allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes.


   If the pancakes are baked on one milk (or kefir), they often burn. In this case, you can add water to the dough. Dilute milk a third or half with water.


Sometimes pancakes do not work because of the large amount of sugar. Below the pancake is already starting to burn, and the top does not have time to bake. And when you have to turn over such a pancake, it naturally breaks. So do not try to make pancakes sweeter, but try to follow the recipe.


   To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan and not tearing, experienced housewives recommend creating a separate pan only for pancakes. It is desirable that it be cast iron, but a good one with a non-stick coating is also suitable. Such a pan needs to be washed only with water, without using dishwashing detergents and, especially, a dishwasher.


   The first pancake is often obtained "lumpy" due to the fact that the pan is not warmed up enough. Therefore, it is necessary to warm it up in advance and strongly, and then add oil and reduce the heat to medium.


   The most common reason why pancakes stick to the pan and tear is the wrong amount of oil. It should not be too much, this can cause pancakes to burn, but it should not be enough, otherwise the pancakes will tear and stick to the pan.
  • First add 2-3 tablespoons of butter to the dough.
  • Be sure to grease the pan after the 2nd or 3rd pancake, and if the pan is new, then after each.
  • Do not forget to grease the sides of the pan, not just its bottom.
  • For lubrication, there are now special brushes or shoulder blades, but our mothers and grandmothers used improvised means. Half of the onion or potato was pierced on a fork and with their help, the oil was evenly distributed over the pan.
  • Instead of cooking oil, experienced cooks recommend using a piece of lard.
  • If too much oil has accumulated in the pan, it must be removed. To do this, take a small spatula, wrap it with a napkin and secure with an elastic band.

shoulder blades

There are housewives who turn the pancakes over with their hands, saying that this is the only way pancakes do not break when turned over. The method is really convenient if you are not afraid to get burned. Using a spatula, you can separate the edges of the pancake, and then quickly turn it over with your hands. And so as not to be too hot, you can work with culinary gloves. If this extreme option is not for you, use a wide spatula with a long handle.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan, despite all your efforts, and how to put an end to this? Change pan? Find another recipe? Or maybe accept that pancakes are not yours and, as in a joke, continue to bake lumps? Calm For each problem there is a solution, but for the culinary and even more so. On your side is the centuries-old experience of housewives who have cooked ruddy round "suns" in Russia since time immemorial. They already knew what to do!

The first pancake is not lumpy

Why do pancakes stick? Most likely, you made a mistake in one of five points:

  • did not guess with the choice of the pan;
  • poorly warmed it;
  • improperly lubricated;
  • mixed up with the recipe;
  • forgot to be patient. Also, by the way, an important thing when baking pancakes!

Getting started with bugs?

The subtleties of choosing a pancake pan

In the old days, every self-respecting mistress in the kitchen kept an old great-great-great-grandmother cast-iron frying pan for pancakes.  They never washed it, wiping it clean with a piece of paper or a cloth, and under no circumstances did they use it to prepare other dishes. And there were reasons for this.

  1. Pan frying pan should warm up quickly and evenly, and still reliably keep heat. And cast iron meets these requirements at 100%.
  2. It is desirable that it be made of a porous metal capable of absorbing and storing oil during the frying process, which reduces the likelihood of burning dough. And again, cast iron is unrivaled here.
  3. Over time, an invisible oil film forms on the bottom of the dish, which facilitates the housewife’s work and prevents cast iron from rusting. That is why the frying pans wandering in the family from generation to generation enjoy special respect among the true cooks, and for the same reason they try not to wash them once again. But pancakes are one thing, and fried eggs and potatoes are another. Here you can’t do without Fairy and a hard brush, which means goodbye to the protective film.

What can I do to prevent pancakes from sticking to a new pan if my mother and grandmother have not saved a cast-iron rarity for you? Densely fill the bottom of your purchase with salt, bake it over medium heat until the grains have a dark cream color, carefully brush the salt into the sink with a napkin and start baking - the metal will be perfectly calcined and ready to prove itself in the best way.

In addition to cast iron, which has no competitors in the baking business, cooks use the recognition of:

  • titanium  - the properties of the native "twin brother" of cast iron;
  • aluminum, the only minus of which is fragility;
  • teflon coated steelconvenient but requiring delicate handling;
  • ceramics, environmentally friendly, although poorly tolerating temperature extremes;
  • marble  - Almost perfect material, if not for the sky-high cost.

Why do pancakes stick to a pan, although you seriously approached her choice and were not too lazy to calcine a dish with salt? Perhaps the point is a high side, which prevents the free use of a spatula. In a professional pancake pan, it does not exceed 2, and sometimes 0.5 cm.

Light up

Why does the first pancake often come out lumpy? Because inexperienced housewives begin to bake it in an unheated pan, while true craftswomen with a sixth sense determine when it is time to knock over the first ladle of dough onto a hot bottom.

Drop a couple of drops of water to the bottom and see how they behave. If the hiss evaporates, it is time to go to the second stage and grease the pan with oil. As soon as the characteristic transparent “smoke” begins to rise from it, it is time to take on the ladle. Well, if instead of butter you use bacon, wait for the moment when a piece that touches a hot metal begins to melt from the heat and get down to business.

Nuance: it is the haze that should be expected, not the child, so do not try to make the fire bigger. The medium flame is more than enough.


If, frightened by the talk about carcinogens, you are carefully saving on oil, do not wonder why the pancakes stick to the pan and break.

  • First, vegetable oil must be included in the recipe for good pancakes. And if it is not included, without a shadow of doubt, add it yourself - 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Secondly, the pan must also be greased with oil. At least before baking the first pancake, and more often before every 3-4. It is recommended to lubricate even a Teflon coating - for fidelity and a more pleasant taste of the finished meal.
  • Thirdly, immediately forget about butter and margarine, they are not your helpers. The only alternative to vegetable oil can only be lard.
  • Fourth, do not be too lazy to smear the sides of the pan. They are often forgotten about, but meanwhile the dough can stick to the sides no worse than to the bottom, thereby spoiling all your baking.
  • Fifth, know the measure. Pancakes floating in a boiling oil puddle are a little better than those that they tried to cook in a dry pan.

Hope for the recipe, but don’t go bad yourself

But what if the pancakes stick to the pan not because of its material or lack of oil - what to do in this case?

  • Check the density of the dough. It should resemble liquid sour cream or cream, otherwise burning cannot be avoided. And do not nod to the recipe, where the ratio of all products is written in black and white! You and its author could use different types of flour, which is why a small error arose. If the dough turned out to be thick and viscous, add water or milk to it, if it is too liquid, thicken with flour.
  • Do not overdo it with sugar. He will settle to the bottom, brown and tightly adhere to the metal.
  • Measure the soda clearly. Its excess reduces the stickiness of the flour, which is why pancakes begin to fall apart directly on the shoulder blade.
  • But do not spare the eggs. They will serve as a link and make baking stronger.
  • If you knead the dough with yogurt or milk, be prepared for additional difficulties, since such a delicacy turns out to be very tender and turn over worse. You can help the matter by replacing part of the dairy products with water, adding another egg to the dough and armed with a thin and wide spatula. Chubby silicone, of course, Teflon will not scratch, but it’s more difficult to pry off the pancake.

Hurry - you make people laugh

You will need patience at least three times. The first time you are going to collect pancake products: you need to leave them on the table and let them warm to room temperature. Kneading dough from cold milk and eggs is undesirable.

The second time you have to lose 15-30 minutes to give the finished test "rest" on the table under a towel. During this time, gluten will swell, and the pancakes will become more magnificent and will not tear during baking.

For the third time, you will need patience to wait for the pan to heat up. But we have already talked about this.

If all the rules are followed, the chances of enjoying rich and rosy pancakes will increase significantly.

Video: 7 secrets of pancakes are not lumpy

It seems that we forgot to mention the main condition for baking the correct pancakes: a good mood of the hostess. Tune in a battle and get down to business with a smile, without it both a cast-iron frying pan and oil will be powerless.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? Recipes for delicious kefir pancakes.

Many housewives believe that pancakes are the most elementary and simple dish, while others don’t even take up this business, because it’s not only the first pancake that is “lumpy”. Most often, problems are due to the fact that the dough sticks and tears as a result; beautiful smooth pancakes cannot be made. Let's figure out the reason and mistakes, and find the same delicious recipe for tender pancakes.

Why pancakes on milk and kefir stick to the pan and break when turned over: reasons

You can solve the problem, and learn how to bake pancakes correctly, if you understand the technology of cooking. Observing all the proportions, you will quickly master such a science. The reasons why pancakes can break when turned over can be very different, for example:

  • If you add a large amount of flour to the dough, the pancake will turn out to be quite heavy, and it will not be easy to turn it over
  • With a lack of flour, the dough will begin to roll in the pan
  • It is advisable to use flour with a high stickiness.
  • The dough for pancakes on kefir turns out a little thicker than on milk
  • Another reason may be an insufficient number of eggs, but it should be remembered that their excessive number can make pancakes stiff.
  • If there are no eggs in the recipe, then it is recommended to make the dough on kefir, while it is best to brew boiling water, then the pancakes will not stick and tear
  • When adding soda to the dough, you need to mix it with flour, and not extinguish in a spoon, so the bubbles disappear and there is no sense in adding soda
  • Sometimes the cause of sticking pancakes is a large amount of sugar. Most often, the bottom of the pancake is quickly fried, and the top remains raw, so it’s hard to turn such a pancake
  • If sugar is not added at all, then the pancakes will turn pale, but do not affect the structure of the dough
  • Be sure to add 1-2 tablespoons to the dough. vegetable or olive oil
  • If you pour a lot of oil, then the dough will not work, because will start to bubble when frying
  • The quality of the preparation also depends on the choice of the pan. If there is no special pancake pan, you can take the "grandmother" cast-iron with a thick bottom

When frying pancakes, it is worth observing all the proportions in the recipe, and also carefully treat additives, such as cocoa or vanilla. Periodically grease the pan with fat or when using vegetable oil, rub it with a brush on the surface. Important in this matter is experience, if the first time it did not work out, you should not give up, but try to figure out what is the reason.

How to fry pancakes so they don't stick to the pan: tips

Almost every housewife faced various difficulties when frying pancakes, and more often than not, the pancake sticks to the surface of the pan. If not only the first pancake turned out to be “lumpy", then you should not give up, but understand the reason. Often this happens due to the incorrect ratio of ingredients, also during experiments when adding various seasonings or products.

Even an inexperienced housewife can handle such a dish, but if you haven’t had to fry pancakes before, you must follow the recipe exactly, because lack or vice versa, the excess of any ingredient can dramatically affect the nature of the preparation of the dish. In order to easily pancakes for the whole family, you need to use these tips:

  • The first is the selection of the pan. It is best to use a pancake pan, thin, which is easily heated and cools quickly. Pancakes rarely stick to such surfaces. But if there is none, then you can use a cast-iron frying pan with a thick bottom, it must be periodically lubricated with vegetable oil or a small piece of lard.

  • If the first pancake is stuck, the pan needs to not only be wiped, but also thoroughly washed, dried and heated again.
  • A prerequisite for frying is a properly heated pan with oil, right before the appearance of smoke.
  • Again, be very careful about the selection of ingredients, do not throw too much soda into the dough, then the pancakes will not work. This also applies to the rest of the test.
  • The dough can stick if you do not add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to it, but you should not go too far with this, since the dough will peel off during frying and be taken in bubbles.

Pancakes that do not stick to the pan: recipe

There are a large number of recipes for such a simple, at first glance, dish. But during cooking, young housewives face a number of problems. If there is little experience in frying pancakes, then it is better to use a simple recipe for a start. I offer a pancake recipe that even a beginner can handle.

To make pancakes you will need:

  1. Flour - 280 g (9 tbsp)
  2. 3 pcs of eggs
  3. 0.5 l of milk, (can be diluted 50/50 with water)
  4. 2 tbsp Sahara
  5. ½ tsp salt
  6. 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  7. Vanillin to taste

All ingredients should be at room temperature. We mix, well-washed eggs with sugar, and beat with salt with a fork or a whisk until smooth, pour milk into this mixture, and mix the mass until smooth. Gradually pour the sifted flour, mix, so that the dough is without lumps. Next, add vegetable oil, and mix again.

If the consistency is incorrect, then this can be determined by frying, only 2-3 pancakes. Further, if necessary, you can add milk to thin the flour, or vice versa, in case of too thin dough.

Previously, before starting to frying, the pan is greased with oil, lard or fat and well heated. Pour the dough onto a hot skillet, distributing evenly over the entire surface. If during the preparation of the pancake, holes do not form, you need to add a little soda to the dough.

The cooking time depends on the heating of the burner, so you need to make sure that you do not burn the pancake. Frying on both sides, you can remove and proceed to the next pancake. To make pancakes even tastier, you can add the filling to your taste. Of course, if the filling is salty, then initially add less sugar to the dough.

Video: Pancakes with milk and kefir

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? There are many answers to this question. And in order for your pancakes to turn out to be tasty, thin and unusually tender, we will present some of the most probable reasons why the first products stand “lumpy". Of course, we will talk about how to eliminate this phenomenon and what needs to be done.

Pancakes stick: what to do?

There are quite a few factors that contribute to the improper and tasteless frying of home crepes. This problem can be hidden in the test for dessert, in the dishes, in the way of frying, etc. In this regard, in order to get thin and tasty pancakes that will never stick to the dishes, it is necessary to exclude all existing and possible factors.

The right choice of dishes

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? The reason for this phenomenon may be improperly selected dishes. Indeed, for baking homemade desserts, it is recommended to take only a cast-iron or aluminum pan. Why? Everything is very simple. The fact is that on dishes made of the materials presented during frying, a barely noticeable film of fat is formed, which protects the products from their adhesion to the surface. That is why for quick cooking pancakes it is advisable to use only such pans.

Warm up the dishes correctly

Why do pancakes stick even to a cast-iron or aluminum pan? If you wash such dishes well with a brush, then its surface protective layer may disappear. To return the film, the pan is recommended to be red-hot (before the appearance of a light haze).

Proper kneading

Why do pancakes stick to the pan, even if aluminum or cast iron cookware was selected that was very hot? In this case, the dough itself may be the fault. It should be noted that most often it’s not the thick pancakes that stick to the pan. This fact is due to the fact that for the first dessert we are trying to make a fairly liquid base. As a rule, such zeal is what causes pancakes to stick. In this case, add a little more flour to the dough.

By the way, pancakes can stick to the pan and as a result of a lack of an ingredient like eggs. After all, if you used one piece of this product per liter of milk or kefir, then this is clearly not enough. And this is due to the fact that chicken eggs act as a kind of fastening element for future pancakes. Moreover, with them, the products are much rouge and baked much faster.

If after all the described actions your pancakes still stick, try adding a few dessert spoons of vegetable oil to the base. It will make the dough “softer” and prevent it from sticking during frying.

Fat use

What needs to be done to make you very tasty and quick pancakes? To prevent such products from sticking to the pan, it is advisable to lubricate its surface with vegetable oil. To do this, clean and dry dishes must be put on high heat, pour a couple of large tablespoons of fat and red-hot. After the smoke comes from the pan and oil, you can safely spread the dough.

It should be especially noted that using butter or margarine for these purposes is highly not recommended. Indeed, in such products water is contained, and with strong heating, it will boil away, which will contribute not only to the sticking of your pancakes, but also to their burning.

Among other things, for the preparation of such a dessert is allowed to use a piece of lard. By the way, thanks to him, you can easily determine whether the dishes have warmed up well or not. So, if the salsa begins to hiss and melt, then the pan is quite hot, and you should safely start baking.

Do not use new dishes!

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? The fact that you recently purchased brand new dishes and decided to use it to prepare delicious thin products can be the fault of all.

This is a mistake, because such a pan is not sufficiently calcined to be used for baking. It is recommended to use new dishes for cooking other dishes, and only then for pancakes. Only in this way your dish will never stick.

To summarize

As you can see, there are quite a few factors that can contribute to an unsuccessful dessert. Excluding them all, you will definitely get very tender, subtle and

It should also be noted that a hot pan must be lubricated with vegetable oil or lard only once - when baking the first product. The rest is recommended to be cooked exclusively on dry, hot dishes. But to make your pancakes juicy and mouth-watering, it is advisable to immediately lubricate them with cooking oil.

Pancakes - a dish that is perfect for the festive table, and for the most ordinary breakfast. Many housewives love to cook them. However, sooner or later, everyone faces one problem: pancakes stick to the pan, what to do is unknown. Consider why this can happen and how to deal with it.

Pancakes are not removed from the pan. What to do?

Even an experienced hostess may have such a problem. It would seem that everything is done according to the recipe, but all the same, pancakes are not removed from the pan, burning or tearing when trying to turn them over.

There are several reasons why pancakes can stick to the pan:

  • Failure to comply with the formulation;
  • Incorrect test consistency;
  • Problems with coating the pan;
  • Insufficient heating of the pan.

If you deal with these problems, then the pancakes will easily turn out the way you need them. And if you use our original ways, even such a simple dish will become a real festive dinner.

Formulation Failure

Often experienced housewives add ingredients “by eye” when preparing the dough. But at the same time, there is a chance that some component will be in excess, or vice versa - something will be missed. For example:

  • An insufficient number of eggs will cause the pancakes to be friable and pale.
  • Excess soda also will not lead to anything good: pancakes stick to the pan and break when turned over.

Important! To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully read the recipe and observe the proportions.

If you nevertheless mixed up something during cooking or the wrong proportions were indicated in the recipe, you will have to think a bit to fix the situation.

What to add to the dough so that there are no problems with baking?


Chicken eggs are the sticking component of the dough for this dessert. In addition, it is they who give ready-made pancakes rosy and elasticity. But there are recipes in which there is no mention of eggs, as a result, the dough is loose, and the pancakes do not want to roll over and break.

The way out of this situation is simple: add a couple of eggs to the dough and try to bake a pancake. If there is no result, you can add more eggs.

Important! After adding eggs, the pancakes will be baked faster, a more beautiful shade will be obtained, and you can forget about the dryness of the edges.


Baking soda is added to pancakes on kefir and sour milk. Soda removes excess acid, making pancakes more airy. But you need to add it strictly according to the recipe, since with an excess of soda, the dough will lose its stickiness, and the pancake will not turn over. In addition, the taste of the dish will change.

Important! If you still overdo it when adding soda, then you need to make a separate batch without soda, and then pour it into the spoiled dough.


Vegetable oil must be added directly to the dough. So it will be softer, and pancakes will get a special taste. In addition, the oil will create an additional separation between the pancake and the pan, which will reduce the likelihood of pancakes sticking.


Excess sugar in the dough leads to the so-called “caramel” effect - pancakes stick to the pan due to burnt sugar. Therefore, it is recommended not to add products containing a lot of sugar in the batch. It’s better to serve sweets to the finished dish.

Separately, you can use the selection to make them even tastier.

Incorrect test consistency

The result depends on the consistency of the test. The thicker it is, the denser and thicker the pancakes will turn out. That is why inexperienced housewives make thin batter for thin pancakes. As a result, the water evaporates and the pancakes stick to the pan, becoming dry and brittle.

You can avoid problems by bringing the dough to the desired consistency: adding water, milk or flour.

Important! Water and milk should be warm, because when cold water is added, the flour may not be fully stirred, forming lumps, and hot water will spoil the pancakes taste indices.

The finished dough by consistency should be thicker than kefir, but thinner than sour cream.

Frying pan problems

This is another answer to the question “Why do pancakes stick to the pan?”. Similar problems arise if the pan is new or, conversely, old.

Using a new pan that just arrived at your home from a store shelf can cause problems. To avoid such:

  • You can first run-in: fry something so that a fat layer forms on the surface. After that, you can safely proceed to the preparation of pancakes.
  • You can also calcine the pan before use. To do this, salt is poured into it, and the pan is heated on a fire or in the oven for an hour, periodically mixing the salt. After calcination, the salt is poured out, and the pan is wiped with a cloth and greased with oil, fat or lard.

Important! It is necessary to lubricate not only the bottom of the pan, but also the sides, since dough also often spreads there.

The used pan must be cleaned periodically, otherwise it can be another reason for food sticking. Here are some tips on how to clean the pan so that the pancakes do not stick:

  • You can use ordinary detergents by washing and rinsing the pan thoroughly. All that remains is to dry it and grease it with oil.
  • It is not necessary to use detergents to clean the pan. It is enough to pour water before washing the dishes, adding a little salt or soda. The result will be even more effective than using dishwashing detergents.
  • When washing dishes used for frying pancakes, it is recommended to use rags or soft sponges.

Important! Do not use iron sponges or hard brushes to clean the pan. They damage the coating of the pan, as a result of which the food will constantly burn.