Buckwheat porridge without sugar for children. Assortment of dairy-free baby cereals for the first feeding

30.04.2019 Salads

Sometimes children are so carried away by porridge that this leads some mothers to the thought: why try to feed the baby with vegetable mashed potatoes that are objectionable to him, if there is such a tasty and healthy substitute? Alas, it is impossible to increase the size of a serving of porridge for a child by age. Firstly, it will prevent you from completing the task that the new product acquaintance program sets itself: you won’t be able to formulate your baby’s taste in relation to different foods, and you won’t be able to create his menu so that it contains a variety of components. Secondly, you should not rejoice due to the fact that, having tasted the porridge, the child began to recover well: a lot of weight is not yet an indicator of health. On the contrary, sometimes it causes problems, such as rickets or anemia.

What is good baby porridge?

Grain itself is a source of vegetable protein, dietary fiber, minerals, B vitamins and trace elements. For clarity, children's cereals can be divided into several large groups.

  • Dairy and dairy-free.
  • Mono-and multicomponent (made from one or from different cereals).
  • With or without fruits or vegetables.
  • With or without gluten.
  • Porridge with pre- or probiotics.
  • Wellings, baby cookies - both the first and second product are considered a kind of porridge.
  • Hypo / low allergenic cereals in which there is neither gluten, nor sugar, nor salt, nor milk. Usually they are recommended for children with allergies and toddlers prone to it.

Baby's first porridge

For a proper “start”, take porridge without milk and gluten (for example, buckwheat), dilute it with breast milk or a mixture and give the baby a try. Follow his reaction and, if all goes well, increase the serving the next day. And after the child tastes a new dish, prepare him rice or corn.

It is convenient for “artificers” kids to breed porridge with their usual mixture.

As for servings, at 6 months you can give your child 150 g of cereal per day, at 7–8 months - 170–180 g, and starting from 9–12 months - 180–200 g. If you wish, you can divide this volume into 2 doses .

Baby porridge: we read the label

Dairy-free porridge.

Commentary by a specialist.It does not contain cow's milk protein and milk sugar (lactose), which means it is suitable not only for healthy babies, but also for allergy sufferers and children with lactase deficiency. Dairy-free cereals are diluted with water, breast milk or the usual small mixture. It’s not worth using cow’s milk for this purpose, it will overload the digestive tract and urinary system of the child, and also cause iron deficiency.

Written on the label: Mono / multicomponent product.

Commentary by a specialist.In the first case, porridge consists of one type of cereal, in the second - of 2, 3, 4 ... So that acquaintance with it goes smoothly for the baby, it is better to start with monocomponent cereals according to this scheme: the volume of the first portion is 1 tsp. - for 7-10 days increases to 150 ml. Moreover, at first, its consistency should be more liquid and, if the child's body takes this dish without problems, you can make it thicker.

Sugar is indicated in the composition of porridge

Commentary by a specialist.Regular or crystalline sugar improves the taste of porridge, but can cause exacerbation in allergic babies. Unsweetened foods or those tasted by other natural substances - glucose, lactose, fructose and dextrin-maltose / maltodextrin (this is split starch, which is added to cereals in pure form or as part of malt extract, corn syrup) is more suitable for them.

The composition of porridge contains pro / prebiotics / fructooligosaccharides / bifidobacteria.

Commentary by a specialist.These substances improve the composition of the intestinal microflora - this is an important indicator of the well-being of babies. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms, especially bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which also protect the intestinal mucosa from harmful bacteria and enhance immunity. Prebiotics include: dietary fiber, inulin, oligosaccharides, lactulose. Prebiotics themselves are not useful microorganisms, but their presence in the baby’s diet helps the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestine and regulates stool.

Porridge contains an emulsifier.

Commentary by a specialist.Vegetable oil is added to some cereals. And so that fat is absorbed in the intestines of the child, an emulsifier is introduced into their composition - a substance that turns fat into an emulsion. For these purposes, lecithin is used, most often soy. It is also useful in that it has a good effect on the functioning of the liver and nervous system.

Porridge contains / does not contain gluten (crossed out spikelet logo).

Commentary by a specialist.Gluten is a cereal protein whose intolerance causes celiac disease, and the risk of its development increases if it appears in the child’s diet too early. And acquaintance with cereals containing it should be postponed until the baby is 6 months old. Start with gluten-free buckwheat, rice and corn porridge, and then, at about 5 months, when the baby’s gastrointestinal tract gets stronger, treat him first with oatmeal (there is a little gluten in it), then wheat. Allergy sufferers will be an exception to this scheme: acquaintance with gluten-containing cereals should be postponed until the doctor's special instructions.

Watch out, gluten free!

The protein contained in cereals is recognized as one of the most toxic to the small intestine. Gluten intolerance can be temporary - and then doctors talk about allergies. Young children most often respond to wheat, less often to barley, rye, oats. Gluten allergy goes away with age as the gastrointestinal tract ripens, usually by 6–7 years. With lifelong intolerance to this protein, a diagnosis of celiac disease is made, and this disease is incurable. Celiac disease is a serious disease: gluten affects not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also many other organs, including the nervous system.

The first symptoms occur during the introduction of complementary foods after meeting with porridges, but allergies do not always appear immediately: the body can respond to gluten only after 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the child’s skin remains healthy: there are no redness or rashes on it. Signs of intolerance to gluten are flatulence, a grayish-colored, liquid, foamy stool, and increased anxiety. The baby ceases to gain weight or begins to lose weight: the arms and legs become thinner, folds disappear, edges become noticeable.

An allergological examination helps to make a diagnosis. This includes a blood test for the presence of specific proteins (IgE and IgG) - antibodies to gluten (in parallel, it is advisable to test for the presence of other food allergens), tissue transglutaminase (IgG, IgA antibodies) and gliadin. In complex cases, endoscopic examination of the small intestine may be required. During this study, doctors under a microscope determine the size of the villi of the mucous membrane of the colon or take a biopsy of the mucous membrane.

After the cause of intolerance is identified, the doctor will select a diet for the baby that excludes products that contain gluten. You can buy them in specialized stores. The crossed out spikelet icon should be on the label.

Celiac disease can be asymptomatic and very difficult, with a life-threatening bowel disorder, dehydration, an imbalance of water-salt balance, vitamin deficiency, osteoporosis, and even growth retardation and development of the baby. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child under no circumstances (even once a week or on holidays) will not be able to eat foods containing gluten: even a teaspoon of cereals can lead to a sharp deterioration. For life, he will have to abandon flour and pasta, cereals, bread, cereals and cereals. It is important to know that gluten is sometimes found in the most unexpected foods: canned goods, sausages, ketchups and sauces, dry soups, chocolate and even yoghurts.

Semper wheat-free fruit-free porridge Semper

Composed of

  • Partially hydrolyzed wheat flour, sugar.
  • Fruits: apple, banana, pear, orange.
  • Vitamins: C, niacin, E, pantothenic acid, B2, B6, B1, A, folic acid, biotin, K; Mineral Substances: phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, copper, iodine.

Rice-and-corn porridge with apple dairy-free Humana

Composed of

  • Rice and corn flakes, apple powder.
  • Contains fructose, glucose, maltodextrin, starch.
  • Enriched with 11 vitamins, minerals, trace elements.
  • No sugar, lactose and gluten.

Buckwheat cereal with pear "Agusha"

Composed of

  • Buckwheat flour extruded.
  • Icing sugar, salt.
  • Contains pear powder.
  • Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, pantothenic, folic acid, biotin, and also calcium, iron.

Organic cereal porridge. Oatmeal. Dairy free. Hipp

Composed of

  • Wholemeal oatmeal obtained from bioorganic production.
  • No added sugar.
  • Enriched with Vitamin B1.

Rice-buckwheat porridge with apple "Theme"

Composed of

  • Rice and buckwheat flour.
  • Contains sugar.
  • Applesauce.
  • Enriched with a complex of vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc and iodine.
  • Gluten free, no milk added.

Dairy-free buckwheat porridge "Frutonyanya"

  • Buckwheat flour, 12 vitamins and 4 minerals.
  • No sugar, gluten, preservatives, dyes or other artificial additives.

4 cereals without milk Friso

Composed of

  • Rice, corn, buckwheat, wheat flour.
  • Contains sucrose, maltodextrin, fructooligosaccharides.
  • Fragrance vanillin.
  • It is enriched with minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium) and vitamins (A, B3, B1, B2, B6, folic, pantothenic acid, B12, C).

Buckwheat porridge with Omega-3 Heinz

Composed of

  • Buckwheat flour, sugar.
  • Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 family.
  • It is enriched with 12 vitamins, and also calcium, iodine, iron, zinc.
  • No flavors, preservatives, colorants, gluten-free ingredients and GMOs.

Dairy-free buckwheat cereal with prunes NestlÉ

Composed of

  • buckwheat flour, prunes.
  • Sugar, emulsifier - soya letitsin.
  • Contains bifidobacteria.
  • Enriched with 9 vitamins and 7 minerals.
  • Without GM ingredients, artificial preservatives, flavorings.

Humana Rice Corn with Banana and Prebiotics

In the composition of:

  • Skim milk, vegetable oils added.
  • Contains prebiotics - galactooligosaccharides.
  • Rice, corn, banana flakes.
  • It is enriched with vitamins (C, niacin, E, pantothenic acid, B6, A, B1, B2, folic acid, K, biotin, D3), calcium, iron, iodine.
  • Without sugar, gluten, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, GMOs.
  • Added maltodextrin, fructose, glucose, corn starch, vanillin.

Buckwheat with Agusha milk

Composed of

Basis - whole milk powder.

  • Buckwheat flour.
  • Icing sugar, salt.
  • It is enriched with vitamins (A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, folic, pantothenic acid, biotin), minerals (calcium, iron).

3 cereals, porridge with “Tyoma” apricot

Basis - milk powder, whole.

Composed of

  • Corn, rice, wheat flour, sugar, vanillin, salt, apricot puree.
  • It is enriched with a complex of vitamins (A, D3, E, K, B2, B6, B1, PP, folic, pantothenic acid, biotin, B12, C) and minerals (iron, zinc, iodine, calcium carbonate).

Rice milk porridge with raspberries Semper

Basis - the subsequent mixture, skimmed milk powder, palm, coconut, sunflower oil.

Composed of

  • Rice flour, raspberries, lactose, sugar, maltodextrin, fructose, vanilla extract.
  • As part of the prebiotic inulin.
  • Enriched with vitamins (A, D, E, C - in the form of sodium ascorbate, B1, B2, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, folic acid, B12, biotin, K1) and minerals (calcium citrate, iron sulfate, zinc, magnesium, sodium, iodine, ash (a source of potassium).

Oatmeal with pear and banana, milk NestlÉ

Composed of

Basis - dried powdered milk, vegetable oils (palm olein, corn).

  • Oatmeal, banana, pear.
  • Contains sugar and gluten.
  • Without artificial preservatives, flavors, colorants and GM components.
  • Enriched with bifidobacteria BL.
  • Contains 10 vitamins (A, C, D, E, B1, B2, B6, folic, pantothenic acid, niacin) and 7 minerals (iodine, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium).

Oatmeal porridge with fruit, milk "Baby"

Composed of

The basis is the subsequent, partially adapted mixture (in its composition - skimmed milk powder, a mixture of vegetable oils, soya lecithin, minerals and vitamins).

  • Oat, rice flour.
  • Contains sugar, maltodextrin, a natural supplement from bananas, pears, peaches.
  • Without salt, artificial additives, preservatives, dyes.
  • Enriched with vitamins (A, D, E, K, C, PP, B1, B2, pantothenic, folic acid, B6, B12, biotin) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium).

Organic cereal porridge. Multi Grain HiPP

Composed of

  • It contains only organic products - durum wheat flour, whole grain oatmeal flour, wheat cereal flour, whole grain spelled wheat flour, rice cereal flour. Enriched with Vitamin B1.
  • Gluten free.
  • No added sugar.
  • Does not contain milk, flavorings, dyes, preservatives.
  • Without artificial preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and GM components.

Buckwheat porridge with Friso infant formula

Composed of

Basis - skimmed milk powder, whey proteins, palm, canola, sunflower oil, soya letitsin.

  • Buckwheat, rice flour.
  • Contains lactose, sucrose, vanillin.
  • As part of the prebiotics - fructooligosaccharides.
  • Enriched with vitamins (A, D3, E, K1, B1, B2, B6, folic, pantothenic acid, B12, biotin, C, choline, inositol) and minerals (calcium carbonate, phosphorus, iron, copper, sodium, potassium, magnesium , zinc, iodine, selenium).
  • Gluten free, artificial colors and flavorings.

Porridge with milk, with cornmeal, apricot Bellact

Composed of

Basis - normalized cow's milk.

  • Cornmeal, corn oil.
  • Contains sugar, fruit powder - apricot.
  • Gluten free, artificial additives, preservatives, dyes and GM components
  • It is enriched with minerals (calcium, sodium, iron, iodine), vitamins (C, PP, B1, B2, A, E).

The introduction of feeding and generally introducing children to adult food is a rather lengthy and extremely responsible process. Products coming after breast milk should not lead to negative reactions - indigestion, allergic conditions and poor digestion.

Porridge for the first feeding is one of the best options for proper nutrition of babies.

However, understanding their diversity is not easy: gluten and gluten-free, dairy and dairy-free, corn and buckwheat - which ones are better to cook, when to introduce and give the mixture, with which, which manufacturers to give preference. All these nuances should be considered in more detail.

Usually, cereals are introduced into the lure from the second half of life, subject to breastfeeding and normal weight gain. Artists receive the mixture in 4.5 months.

Also, porridge is indicated for constant rotavirus infections, accompanied by diarrhea. For such babies, high-calorie nutrition is necessary, which is considered porridge.

With optimal weight gain, the vegetable mixture should be introduced first, and only then comes the time for the second feeding. Grains begin to be given about a month after the introduction of vegetable puree.

There are 5 main "symptoms" by which parents can understand that it is time to cook porridge for the baby:

  • the child's teeth begin to erupt;
  • he is already sitting confidently in the highchair;
  • he or a mixture;
  • he is interested in adult nutrition;
  • he is able to lick liquid food from a spoon and swallow.

If these signs are combined, then the baby is potentially ready for the introduction of porridge as a first feeding. It remains to determine which products are the best for infants.

The best cereals for initial feeding are gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, corn or rice. It is better to leave dishes from hercules, wheat or semolina for later, since these cereals contain a likely allergen - cereal protein gluten.

This infant food component is poorly absorbed by children in infancy, they have gas and stomach pains. A similar problem is associated with a lack of special enzymes that perform the function of splitting gluten in the body.

Porridges for the first feeding are divided for a variety of reasons, so parents can choose the best and most suitable products for the child:

Conventionally, cereals can also include products such as:

  • welling - cereal and milk mixture, reminiscent of a very thin porridge, you can give a baby who does not perceive a rich diet;
  • instant cookies   - hard slices easily dissolve in milk, and the resulting mixture resembles a thin porridge in consistency;
  • cereal muesli   - in the product there are fruit additives, pieces of cookies that will help a 9-month-old child more likely to master the ability to chew food.

What should be the best porridge for initial feeding? Dairy-free, gluten-free, mono-compound porridge without additives, cooked from buckwheat, corn or rice, is best for dating.

The composition of each cereal is unique, therefore, experts on baby food have developed their own recommendations that take into account the order of the introduction of cereals, the amount of servings and other important nuances.

Having chosen one cereal, it should be prepared for the child for 2 weeks. When children's tummies get used to a new food product, the following type of cereal can be introduced.

Many mothers are not sure what is best for the baby: give cereals purchased in a pharmacy or cook on their own.

For example, the WHO notes that a porridge of industrial manufacture should be used for initial feeding, since it has several advantages:

  • fast cooking (it will take only a few minutes);
  • easy digestibility;
  • balanced composition, also enriched with useful trace elements;
  • homogeneous consistency, do not thicken after cooling;
  • lack of salts, harmful dyes and additional components (of course, this is characteristic of the best manufacturers);
  • multilateral quality control;
  • a special manufacturing technique, thanks to which the product is more easily swallowed and absorbed.

The advantages of children's cereals prepared at home include:

  • great natural products;
  • cost savings, as children's dairy products are quite expensive;
  • homemade cereals simplify the transition to an adult diet.

In the case of complementary foods should focus on the child. Children's impressions when feeding, the baby’s appetite will tell parents what porridge is best - homemade or purchased.

How to cook?

If industrial cereals are used, the question of how to cook porridge practically does not arise, since the technique for creating the dish is indicated directly on the packages.

Most often, the dry mixture is poured with boiled water (carefully monitor the temperature regime) and mix until it is completely dissolved. Cook porridge right before eating, observing the following recommendations:

  1. Baby porridge, offered to infants for the first time, must be five percent (from a consumption of 5 grams per 100 milliliters of water). This is the best consistency of the product for initial feeding. Then the porridge will be 10%.
  2. You need to start with a minimum volume - a teaspoon. It’s best to “arm yourself” with a silicone cutlery suitable for sensitive baby gums.
  3. The best cereal introduced is puree, gluten-free, dairy-free, made from buckwheat or rice. It is necessary to ensure that the resulting dish is free of lumps and other inclusions. Having fed porridge, the baby is given breast milk or the usual mixture.
  4. Gradually, the portion of the gruel increases - about a teaspoon per day. For a week, you should bring the volume of the dish to 150 grams (this applies to a 6-month-old baby), then a single serving will only grow:
    • seven months - 160 grams;
    • eight months - 180 grams;
    • year - 200 grams.

If you are going to cook the porridge on your own, the proportions and the above rules remain valid. Just do not forget to grind the grits in a coffee grinder before cooking to avoid lumps that the baby will not approve, and then you can add milk mixtures or mother's milk to the dish.

Rating of the best cereals

Baby porridge is an extremely popular product, therefore, in the domestic market you can buy products of various companies and manufacturers.

When choosing the best dairy-free or gluten-free cereals, it is worth considering not only the reviews of other mothers, but also the opinion of the best independent "specialist" - your own child.

A curious assessment of industrial cereals was given in the popular program “Test purchase”. We must pay tribute to all manufacturers - no unsafe impurities were found in cereals, but only two companies were included in the rating: Heinz and Bebi.

Cooked products from other companies, including the popular porridge “Baby”, contained unpleasant lumps.

So, we offer a more detailed and thorough way to consider the rating of the best baby cereals with which to start feeding small children, as well as the reviews of parents who will help to understand which mixtures should be discarded.

1. Heinz

Experts are sure that the best porridges are found in the product line of these manufacturers.

  Parents will be able to choose baby food based on age indicators and the needs of the child.

A lot of cereals are sold in pharmacies and stores:

  • dairy-free with additives;
  • with milk;
  • low allergenic dairy free;
  • tidbits (multi-grain with fruit).

To cook Heinz porridge is simple - just dilute it in some water.

This baby formula does not leave lumps, with a pleasant taste and relatively inexpensive. However, the reviews of parents show that the consistency of some products does not always resemble traditional porridge.

2. Bebi

This company produces some of the best cereals with a low sucrose content.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of different products for all age groups.

Parents will be able to please the child with cereals:

  • non-dairy (both “clean” and fruit-containing);
  • dairy (rice with berries and nuts);
  • low-allergy dairy-free with prebiotics (belong to the premium class);
  • premium dairy (mono-compound and poly-compound).

Porridge is the most important element of nutrition, acquaintance with which the child begins one of the first among complementary foods. Porridge for the first feeding can be bought at the store or prepared independently. Recently, more and more mothers give preference to industrially produced dairy-free cereals, which will be discussed in this article.

General information on the composition of dairy-free cereals

All industrially produced dairy-free cereals are divided into cereals for the introduction of complementary foods (hypoallergenic) and cereals to expand the diet. All of them do not contain milk protein as one of the strongest allergens, therefore the hypoallergenicity of cereals for the introduction of complementary foods consists in the use of gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, corn, rice) and the absence of sugar additives. Millet porridge, although it does not contain gluten, is not used at the beginning of complementary foods due to poor digestibility. Gluten, along with sucrose, carries a potential danger associated with the occurrence of food allergies and therefore their appearance in the child’s diet should have a strict age framework with the obligatory monitoring of the body’s reaction. Therefore, these allergens are present alone or together in dairy-free cereals to expand the diet. Gluten-containing cereals are oat, semolina, barley. In addition, these cereals lack some trace elements and other beneficial substances.

The composition of industrially produced baby cereals can introduce components that were initially absent or were lost during production, that is, transfer them to the category of fortified products. The amount of substance introduced for enrichment in a single portion of the product should be at least 5% of its daily intake or higher (up to 30%) to ensure the prevention of a deficient condition.

Important! As the first feeding, use dairy-free gluten-free porridge (buckwheat, corn, rice) from one type of cereal without the addition of fruit and sugar.

Some manufacturers have a fairly wide selection of dairy-free cereals to expand the diet with the addition of fruit fillers in the form of dried mashed potatoes, juices, cereals, etc.

Depending on the degree of readiness for use, cereals can be dry, requiring short-term cooking, brewing, diluting with liquid or ready to eat. For the preparation of dry milkless cereals, it is recommended to use expressed breast milk or an artificial mixture that the baby receives. In dairy-free prepared cereals, the basis is fruit puree and therefore, for some manufacturers, they are called desserts or mashed potatoes.

Features of the composition and properties of cereals

Dairy-free cereals, depending on the type of cereal, can have different effects on the state of the child's body.

  1. Dairy-free buckwheat porridge.   Compared to other cereals, buckwheat contains less carbohydrates, but their composition differs in favor of complex, long-digested, creating a long feeling of satiety. Buckwheat is a champion among cereals in the content of trace elements such as iron, iodine, calcium, cobalt, zinc, molybdenum, fluorine. It has a high content of vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP, E. Buckwheat protein is easily digested and rich in essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. Buckwheat porridge has the highest nutritional value, normalizes fat metabolism, preventing the formation of excess weight, helps maintain a high level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  2. Dairy-free rice porridge.   It is low in fiber and high in starch. Rice has relatively few vitamins and minerals. These are B vitamins, calcium, iodine, iron, zinc, phosphorus. Rice porridge has an enveloping property, is easily digested and does not excite gastric secretion. Due to its high starch content, it is recommended for children with regurgitation and unstable stools. The use of uncrushed rice in the manufacture of instant cereals for children prevents constipation.
  3. Dairy-free barley porridge.   The protein of this cereal contains 18 amino acids, including essential ones. Among vitamins, vitamins of group B, choline, A, K, E prevail, and among minerals potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium. Barley porridge improves digestion, relieves constipation, strengthens the immune system, has a high nutritional value.
  4. Dairy-free oatmeal. It has the highest content of fat and protein, has a stimulating effect on the intestines due to insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber favors the development of immunity and acts as a regulator of glucose levels, which is important for children with hyperglycemia. Contains natural antioxidants that protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment. Together with buckwheat porridge is recommended for liver diseases.
  5. Dairy-free corn porridge.   Contains a lot of protein and dietary fiber. This culture is rich in vitamins of group B, E, PP, A, H, essential amino acids - lysine and tryptophan, it contains such valuable trace elements as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and many others. Dietary fiber of corn grits inhibit the processes of fermentation in the intestine and reduce bloating and. Fats are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which contribute to the development of the central nervous system.

The composition of dry children's dairy-free cereals of various brands

Baby Sitter


"Grandma’s basket"

  • The addition of several vitamins, trace elements.
  • They contain prebiotics (inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS)).
  • No added sugar and salt.
  • All these cereals are well suited for the first feeding.
  • Only dairy-free cereals based on buckwheat, corn and rice groats without fruits are produced.




  • They are represented by only two types of cereals - buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • Supplementation of 13 vitamins, iron and iodine.
  • Porridge does not contain sucrose, instead of it there are other sugars - glucose and fructose, as well as maltodextrin.
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal have rice flakes.


  • They are represented by three types of which two cereals consist of one type of cereal - buckwheat and corn, and one of the mixture.
  • All these cereals contain an additive of maltodextrin, vitamins and minerals.
  • May contain traces of gluten and milk (excluding corn porridge).
  • Do not contain sucrose.



Fleur Alpin


  • This is a hypoallergenic buckwheat, rice porridge, enriched with 12 vitamins and 3 minerals without added sugar and fruit.


  • They are represented by rice and buckwheat porridge made from the central part of the grain, which allows to achieve a more delicate consistency of the finished product and high nutritional value.
  • In the production of cereals, hydrolysis technology is not used, as the manufacturer considers this unnecessary because of the sufficient activity of the enzyme that breaks down starch in a child by the time of feeding.
  • Porridge does not contain vitamins and minerals, only cereals.


  • Hypoallergenic buckwheat porridge is made without the addition of sugar, salt, with the addition of a prebiotic (inulin), maltodextrin, minerals, vitamins.
  • The remaining cereals contain sugar and therefore are not hypoallergenic. There are cereals with fruit fillings.


  • Large selection of cereals with and without fruit.
  • Contain supplements of minerals and vitamins.
  • In some cereals, the prebiotic inulin is added, which is indicated on the package.


  • Low-allergenic cereals are prepared on the basis of rice, corn grits with the addition of the prebiotic inulin, fructose, vitamins and minerals.
  • Other dairy-free cereals do not contain a prebiotic and are made with the addition of salt and sugar.
  • There are cereals with fruit toppings.

Comparative analysis of the assortment of dry infant dairy-free cereals

TrademarkTypes of milkless cerealsThe presence of milk porridgePresence of cereals with prebiotics and / or probioticsThe presence of cereals with fruit toppings
Baby SitterRice, buckwheat, barley, oat, semolina and multi-grain cereals.NotNotNot
"Grandma’s Lukoshko"Rice, buckwheat, corn.NotYesNot
RemediaRice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal and cereal from cereal mixtureNotNotNot
NestleBuckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal and cereal from a mixture of cereals.YesYesYes
HumanaBuckwheat, oatmeal.YesNotNot
HippRice, buckwheat, corn, wheat, oatmeal and multi-cereal.YesNotYes
"Baby"Buckwheat, corn and porridge from a mixture of cereals.YesNotNot
BabyBuckwheat, rice, corn, oat.YesYesYes
HeinzBuckwheat, corn, rice, oatmeal and cereals from a mixture of cereals.YesYesYes
Fleur AlpinRice, buckwheat, corn, oat, wheat and cereals from a mixture of cereals.YesNotNot
"Frutonyanya"Buckwheat, rice.YesNotNot
SemperRice, buckwheat.YesNotNot
WinnieBuckwheat, rice and buckwheat, wheat with an apple and cereal from a mixture of cereals.YesYesYes
"Clever"Buckwheat, rice, corn, rice and buckwheat and cereal from porridge.YesYesYes
BellactBuckwheat, oat, wheat, corn, rice and buckwheat and cereals from a mixture of cereals.YesYesYes

Assortment of ready-to-eat dairy-free baby cereals


In addition to dry cereals, dairy-free cereals with fruits in jars with or without starch are produced. Two names of this series of products do not apply to cereals at all: “Apples with banana and cookies” and “Pear puree with cereal flakes”.


Prepared from a mixture of boiled cereals and fruit puree of one or several types without any additives or with a small addition of fructose.

When to introduce complementary foods without dairy porridges

Here, everything is largely individual and depends on the type of feeding the child and his state of health. Artificial children are advised to give their first complementary foods with dairy-free gluten-free cereal from 4 months, and breast-fed children after 6 months. Attention is drawn to the weight gain of the child. So, if there is a pronounced lack of weight, then complementary foods start from 4-5 months, and if excess weight, then from 6.5-7 months. Each type of porridge is introduced for approximately one week. Thus, in one month, the child will get acquainted with about three types of one-component cereals.

About a month later, when the child gets used to the two types of one-component porridge, you can enter the porridge containing simultaneously these two types of cereals. For example, if a child has tried unicomponent porridge rice and buckwheat, then you can introduce a two-component porridge buckwheat-rice. It is advisable not to change the manufacturer. If this manufacturer does not have such porridge, then you can make it yourself by mixing one spoon of each of the cereals. Next, cook according to your usual pattern. Before you start giving gluten-free cereal, offer the already tested cereal with the addition of fruit. If the manufacturer does not have such cereals - it does not matter, you can always add mashed potatoes or juice to regular dairy-free cereal.

Important! A two-component gluten-free porridge can be introduced only after the child gets used to each type of cereal separately.

One-component gluten-free dairy-free porridge can be given to children older than five months. It should be introduced gradually, for example, giving in a day, gradually switching to gluten-containing porridge and thus completely replacing gluten-free porridge. Gluten-containing cereals are recommended to be given to a child in the following order: oat, bearberry, semolina and millet.

Manufacturers of ready-made cereals, indicating the timing of the introduction of complementary foods on the packaging, follow the standards specified in SanPiN–05. At the same time, all cereals should not contain flavorings, dyes, stabilizers, preservatives or food additives, except for those allowed for use. A strict ban applies to sweeteners.

All types of cereals may contain fruit fillers in accordance with age recommendations.

Child ageKind of fruit
Older than 4 monthsApple, pear, plum, peach, apricot.
Older than 5 monthsBlack and red currants, raspberries, cherries, quinces, cherries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.
Older than 6 monthsCitrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, grapefruits), melon, pineapple, banana, mango, strawberries, strawberries and additives of other fruits with potentially high allergenicity. Honey.
Older than 7 monthsPapaya, kiwi, guava.
Older than 9 monthsGrapes, cocoa.
  1. If you use ready-made cereals, then observe all the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Porridge can affect the digestion and stool of a child. So buckwheat and oatmeal have a “laxative effect”, and rice strengthens. Corn has no significant effect on the stool of the child. When choosing the porridge of the first feeding, consider these features taking into account the stool of your child.
  3. Do not start feeding if the baby is not healthy or if vaccination is planned.
  4. For the first time, prepare a small amount of porridge - 5 g (approximately 1 tsp without slide) per 100 ml of liquid (water or infant formula). The resulting product must be liquid. Within a week, bring the amount of complementary foods to the required rate.
    Age of the child, monthPorridge, g
    4-6 10-150
    7 150
    8 180
    9-12 200
  5. Be sure to monitor the reaction of the child. In case of rash, anxiety, disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract, stop giving complementary foods and consult a doctor.
  6. Introduce the first feeding during the second feeding in order to observe the baby’s reaction during the day.
  7. It’s most convenient to use a soft silicone spoon instead of a metal one - so your baby’s gums will not be scratched.
  8. The optimum temperature of cereal is 37 ° C, which corresponds to the temperature of breast milk.
  9. Do not force the child to eat porridge for the first time. If the baby is persistent, suggest later. It is normal if the child starts eating porridge after only 8-10 attempts.
  10. Do not use leftover porridge for subsequent feeding.

How to choose porridge in the store

  1. Examine the markings on the packet with porridge, indicating the age of the child with whom you can give porridge.
  2. Correctly choose the type of porridge, taking into account the age of the child, but usually manufacturers take into account the recommendations of pediatricians on the type of porridge in advance.
  3. Industrial cereals are usually enriched with vitamins and minerals, the composition of which is indicated on the package.
  4. For the first feeding, refrain from cereals containing fruits, even if the age of the child is suitable.
  5. Do not salt or add sugar to porridge.

The benefits of ready-made cereals

  1. Chemical and microbiological safety.
  2. Composition that meets the age-related physiological characteristics of metabolism and digestion.
  3. Degree of grinding suitable for the digestive system of the child
  4. High quality and safety of raw materials.
  5. A variety of food components that are not available at home.
  6. The speed of cooking.
  7. Ready dairy-free baby cereals are best chosen for children with intolerance to protein of cow's milk. The fact is that milk is a source of calcium for the body and children, on a dairy-free diet, along with home-made cereals can receive it in insufficient quantities. Ready-made baby cereals additionally enriched with calcium can compensate for its lack.

What milkless porridge is the best

  1. The best choice for the first feeding will be an industrially produced dairy-free hypoallergenic porridge enriched with a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  2. From the very beginning, it is better to choose a manufacturer that has a wide range of dairy-free cereals without fruit additives in order to fully acquaint the baby with various types of cereals before introducing milk porridge.
  3. Do not chase a wide range of dairy-free cereals with the addition of fruits. You can always cook them yourself by adding ready-made or made fruit mashed potatoes suitable for your age.
  4. If you prefer organic food, then you can give preference to porridges "Hipp", "Sperm" and "Fleur Alpin". At the same time, keep in mind that they contain a minimal amount of supplements of vitamins and minerals or they are completely absent.
  5. If you have problems with your tummy, opt for dairy-free cereals enriched with prebiotics, which are a breeding ground for the development of beneficial intestinal microflora (Grandma’s basket, Baby, Heinz, Winnie) and / or probiotics in the form of dry beneficial microorganisms ( Nestle).

In contact with

Must be instant (industrial), monocomponent with the finest consistency, have high nutritional value. Porridge should contain vitamins and 4 of the most important minerals -, and.

Porridge for the first feeding should not contain (gluten of cereal plants), because it has been scientifically proven that its use in the early stages contributes to the development of celiac disease. Gluten introduced in the early stages can destroy the cells of the intestinal mucosa, leading to its atrophy. Another reason - gluten itself is and can provoke an allergy to other products.

Given all of the above, we can safely say that porridge for the first feeding can be:

  • buckwheat
  • rice
  • allowed to use corn.

On a note! Buckwheat and corn are richer than rice in terms of dietary fiber, but rice is leading in starch content. According to the content, and the four main minerals of cereal for baby food, buckwheat is about twice richer than rice porridge and many times richer than corn porridge.

You can cook milkless cereals:

  • On the water
  • In the water with breast milk
  • On the .

Porridge with a good composition, but made as a separate item due to the content of maltodextrin

Winnie Buckwheat and Winnie Rice. Consumers note that it is poorly divorced and has a sticky consistency.

"Bellact." All three types of cereals are ideal for the first feeding. Do not contain, sealed packaging, loose porridge. It is divorced perfectly, but to taste inferior to expensive brands.

Nestle. Enriched with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, different delicate taste and texture. Buckwheat and rice cereals are recommended as low-allergenic and sugar-free, both contain an emulsifier lecithin (soy), and rice also has maltodextrin.

Soya lethicin itself is not dangerous to health, on the contrary, it performs quite a few important and extremely useful functions, the only alarming thing is that more often genetically modified products are used for its production. The dry product of Nestle porridge may contain lumps, so before cooking it should be mixed with a fork and only then pour water / milk.

"Baby corn." The presence of maltodextrin does not allow recommending it for the first feeding to infants.

Producers of baby cereals, which we cannot recommend for the first feeding

"The diaper is rice." It contains fructose in the composition, this is a minus, but in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals it surpasses Rice Nestle by 2 times.

"Agusha." The reason is the content of salt, sugar. Poorly divorced, a lot of lumps.

“Baby buckwheat”: the composition would be good, but added sugar, is not suitable for and.

“Baby Buckwheat”, “Baby Corn”. Ingredients: cereal flour, minerals, vitamins, maltodextrin, traces of gluten, traces of milk.

"Humana buckwheat." The composition contains dextrinmaltose, for some reason the manufacturer added rice flakes, and the present glucose and fructose worsen the situation.

"Friso-buckwheat." Added rice flour, sucrose, fruit sugar, maltodextrin, a flavor identical to natural vanilla, which is unacceptable in the nutrition of infants.

Dairy-free porridge for the first feeding should not contain:

  • Gluten Free
  • sahara,
  • salt
  • any
  • additives from fruits, vegetables, etc.

The main problem of sweetening and salting is the failure of taste sensations, because initially the child must learn to distinguish the real taste of the product and only later can the food be supplemented with something to make it tastier to eat and more pleasant. While the baby has not tried salt and sugar, he does not need them, and any food will be of interest, but if you start with sugar, it will be much more difficult to wean sweets. Sugar causes a fermentation process in the intestine, which can lead to, reduces the immune defenses.

As you can see, the list of cereals that can be consumed without fear is wide. Choose cereals according to taste and price, and it doesn’t matter at all whether you stick to the same brand, or you buy each type of cereal from different manufacturers. The main thing is that your baby’s food is healthy and safe.