Step-by-step recipes for making New Year's gingerbread cookies, decoration options. Gingerbread frosting - detailed recipe

20.09.2019 Restaurant notes

On New Year's and Christmas holidays, a special atmosphere reigns: dreams come true, fairy-tale characters come to life, stars descend from the sky, and nothing is impossible, whatever the inhabitants of the Earth wish. Grievances are forgotten, enemies are forgiven, relationships are improved - and in every house, family members gather near a cozy home to express their endless love for each other. And this warm and magical atmosphere is very well complemented by delicious treats such as gingerbread cookies.

Once upon a time - in the XI century - a monk, who decided to prepare a treat for brothers in faith, thought about it and added ginger to the cookie dough instead of flour. The monks liked the meal so much that its preparation became a good tradition in the monastery. Now this recipe is known in every home. Cinnamon and cocoa are added to the dough, so the figures have a pleasant golden color. Be sure to make a glaze for gingerbread cookies - it turns Christmas trees, houses, deer, snowflakes and bunnies into real masterpieces of art. If you add colored powder, edible beads or dragees to the white drawings, then the treat looks so elegant that the figures can be safely hung on the Christmas tree.

Modern traditions

Make iced gingerbread cookies not only for New Years and Christmas, but any other day. Children like it very much, because each figure turns out to be voluminous and looks as if it were alive. You can use the recipe for gingerbread cookies with frosting, replacing some components with others, but ginger has always been and remains the same component of this wonderful delicacy. Grate fresh ginger on a fine grater or buy a ground product (the first option is much preferable). Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves - if any of these additives are in the house, feel free to add them to the dough.

Other modern traditions of gingerbread cookies include different cooking methods. The basic recipe calls for adding water, but add milk instead, and the snow-white foam will have a delicate creamy aftertaste. If someone in your family is allergic to chicken eggs, remove the proteins and make a frosting with powdered sugar, lemon juice and water. The variations are endless, just like the different decorations for ready-made cookies. If, for example, a new element (butterflies or flowers made from icing) is added to the "composition" of multi-colored New Year's cookies decorated with snow-white glaze, then the household will clap their hands with delight.

How to make gingerbread cookies?

To make ginger cookies, prepare a set of foods:

  • butter - half a small pack (150 g);
  • white flour - 2 cups (be sure to sift);
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp. l (maybe a little less);
  • cinnamon, nutmeg - your choice to taste;
  • grated ginger - 3 tsp

Mix dry ingredients thoroughly. Whisk the egg and sugar. Remove the oil from the refrigerator beforehand to soften. Combine liquid and dry ingredients. Place the refrigerator in a bag. When the dough is firm, take out half. Roll out the dough - its thickness should be about 0.5-1 cm. Do everything very quickly, otherwise the dough will "float".

Cut out the figures, take a baking sheet and place them 2 cm apart. Remove the rest of the dough from the plastic bag, repeat the steps. Alternatively, bake the first batch of cookies first, and then repeat the manipulation of the remaining raw dough. Once the cookies have a brown crust on the edges, the cookies are done. Prepare the icing that will be used for pouring or painting.

The incomparable advantage of ginger baked goods is the ability to keep them for a long time. Place the cookies in a cold place (ideally in the refrigerator) and they will taste good for up to 2 weeks. You can get it at any time and treat your relatives or guests who have dropped in "at the light". If the glaze has hardened for a sufficiently long time (at least 12 hours), then the painted drawings and patterns will retain their original appearance until the moment when people dear to their hearts sit down at the table.

What kind of frosting can be used to decorate cookies?

If you want a thicker frosting, increase the amount of powdered sugar. Increase the volume of water to make it thinner. A properly prepared glaze “grasps”, turning first into a viscous mass, and then solidifying. For gingerbread figures, those decorations are good that will not peel off the cookies, but will stick well to the entire surface. Since the texture of the dough is crumbly and delicate, the glaze from which the patterns are made should also be light, airy, melting in the mouth. Before you decorate your gingerbread cookie, think about the preferences of your loved ones. Consider not only the desires of relatives, but also their state of health.

Can they eat sugar, lemon juice, proteins? Based on this, choose the right recipe for frosting for gingerbread cookies - there are so many of them that there will certainly be the best one that you will use from now on constantly to decorate baked goods. Prepare an incredibly tasty icing that you can use to color not only gingerbread cookies, but also any other baked goods:

  • from powdered sugar, proteins and lemon juice (this recipe is basic for icing, which can also be used to color a treat);
  • from powder and citric acid (without proteins) - cooked over a fire;
  • from milk, icing sugar and sugar syrup.

If making white frosting alone seems boring to you, involve children in it, and then decorating the figurines will turn into an exciting culinary adventure for all family members. How to make colored frosting? Prepare several cups, and when the liquid frosting is done, pour equal parts into the cups. Add different food colors to a serving of the protein mixture. Decorating baked goods with colorful mixtures is a pleasure.

Buy some piping bags in advance. Fill them half or third with different colored glaze. Cut off the ends of the bags with scissors. Gently squeeze the frosting onto the shortcrust pastry figurines to form patterns. Children will be delighted with the fact that with their own hands they turn faceless pieces of dough into their favorite fairy-tale heroes!

Video of making gingerbread frosting


In some recipes for gingerbread frosting, all ingredients are combined and whipped right away. It is not right. Protein and powdered sugar need to be "saturated" with oxygen to form a stable protein foam. Therefore, the ingredients are added one by one.

Dyes come last. Prepare food:

  • icing sugar - 1 glass;
  • chicken egg white - 1 piece (choose a larger egg);
  • citrus juice - 1 tablespoon (orange or lemon);
  • water - 2 tablespoons

Powdered sugar and protein are the base from which a lush foam is formed. And lemon juice fixes it and gives the glaze a characteristic sourness. If there is no powdered sugar, then replace it with sugar, but then it is better to first make sugar syrup from it (boil water with sugar and stir until it dissolves and the liquid becomes a thick consistency).

To make an egg-free sugar coating for gingerbread cookies, you can add:

  • milk - 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • grated chocolate or cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • a piece of butter weighing 50 g.

Instant cooking process

Knowing the basic recipe for how to make the frosting, you can change it as desired. Add milk instead of water or throw a pinch of vanilla into the protein mixture - the taste of the glaze will instantly change. Egg-free recipes are chosen by people who cannot eat chicken eggs, and egg delicacies are not available to them due to illness or vegetarian diet. Apply the frosting to the gingerbread cookie very quickly because it freezes instantly, and after applying it, don't touch the figurines for several hours. Prepare the cookie frosting slowly (frosting doesn't like rushing) and in the exact sequence:

  • beat the protein with a fork or whisk (if you have a mixer or blender, then use them);
  • add the pre-sifted icing sugar in small portions to the protein, continuing to beat the mixture;
  • add water and lemon juice while stirring.

Chocolate icing is also very simple to prepare. Heat milk and sugar, add cocoa or chopped chocolate, mix with butter. You will get a delicious and beautiful cookie cover. This dessert is very often used by chefs for different types of baked goods. Take the mixture with a spoon and spread in small portions over the surface of the product. It is better to prepare the icing for the gingerbread cookies and spread it a few hours before the guests arrive. You should have a thin, shiny brown crust.

Cooking is unthinkable without ginger, and although it is not required for other baked goods, its spicy, “warm” taste turns ordinary tea drinking into a feast for the soul. A special, trusting atmosphere is created in which people feel needed and loved. Maybe at this time their dreams are already being embodied in reality by the heavenly sorcerer.

New Year's holidays are approaching, which means that now is the time to think about a treat. You can surprise your loved ones with fragrant New Year's gingerbread cookies. This is not only a delicious treat for tea drinking, but also they can decorate the interior, create a New Year's atmosphere at home.

Spicy gingerbread cookie recipe

The ginger cookies have an amazing, alluring aroma that no one can resist. Preparing a dessert is not easy enough, you need to be able to quickly start the dough and know the baking rules. Only the person who will strictly follow the recipe will be able to prepare a delicious delicacy.


To make cookies, you will need the following set of products:

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 8 tablespoons;
  • ground ginger - 10 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • butter - 100 gr.;
  • honey - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • baking soda - 12 g.;
  • ground cardamom - 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 10-15 gr.

Step by step cooking

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  • The first step is to prepare the honey. We heat it in a water bath until it becomes a liquid consistency. We need honey cold, so we leave it to cool.
  • We take a deep bowl, with a whisk or mixer, we begin to beat the butter and sugar. Add a chicken egg and cooled honey to this mass, beat until the consistency becomes homogeneous.
  • Sift the flour into a separate bowl, combine it with ginger, soda, cinnamon and cardamom. In this recipe, you do not need to extinguish soda, as honey will do it. The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly until the lumps disappear completely.

  • Gradually combine the flour mixture with the butter mass. Mix thoroughly, otherwise lumps will come across in the finished cookies, they will prevent the dough from fully opening.
  • Knead the dough and shape it into a large lump. And we wrap it in plastic wrap or plastic bag. We send the dough to cool in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
  • After a couple of hours, we take out the flour mass from the refrigerator, remove the cling film. First, we knead it with our hands and then proceed to rolling. If the dough does not roll out well, then it has not cooled down enough.

  • Roll out the dough until its thickness reaches 5 mm. It is better to roll out the dough immediately on parchment paper, because then it will be difficult to move it due to its thickness. Put the remaining dough in the refrigerator.
  • We use molds and use them to cut out various figures from the flour mass. Experiment with shapes when you still want to do it, if not for the new year, because this is the time for creativity and creativity. Surprise your loved ones with an unusual dessert.

  • Move the parchment paper with the dough onto a baking sheet. We send the baking sheet to an oven preheated to 180 ° C. We leave the dough in the oven for 7 minutes (no more), otherwise the dessert will become dry.
  • At the end of the time, we take out the cooked cookies and let them cool down. After cooling, the treat will take its final shape.

How to decorate cookies with ginger

From one glance at the dessert decorated in New Year's style, the mood rises. Christmas gingerbread cookies are best decorated with icing.

Ingredients for a homemade treat:

  • lemon juice - 5 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.

The recipe for making a New Year's delicacy:

  1. Separate the yolk from the protein. Beat the protein with a whisk, gradually adding granulated sugar to it.
  2. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add lemon juice. Sour lovers can add more juice, the main thing is not to overdo it. The readiness of watering can be determined by the color, in the finished form, its shade is white or grayish.

In order to give the watering a more festive color, it is recommended to add food coloring to it. Before buying a dye, carefully study its composition. Choose products with only natural ingredients. Chemical dye can be harmful to health.

What can be used as a supplement

Ginger cookies are famous for their original spicy taste with a piquant touch. This flavor is obtained by mixing ginger with an additional ingredient that enhances the flavor of the cookie.

As an additional ingredient, you can use products:

  • spices;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa powder;
  • vanilla extract;
  • soft caramel and so on.

The main thing is not to add all the products at once, you need to understand which products will be combined with each other. Supplements should be used within reasonable limits. It is important that they do not interrupt the taste of the dish.

Lovers of the original may not use additional components and prepare a treat according to the classic recipe.

The original recipe contains the following products: only ginger root is used from spices, in addition to it granulated sugar, butter, dough separator and flour.

We select the decoration

You can decorate the treat with both sugar icing and chocolate. Various patterns can be created with glaze.

There is nothing complicated in creating chocolate glaze, the recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  • the chocolate bar is melted in a water bath and mixed with milk cream and butter;
  • when the icing has cooled to room temperature, it can be applied to the cookies with a pastry bag or a special brush.

Sweets cut into many small pieces, confectionery decorations, shavings, chopped nuts, rusks and so on are also suitable for decorating a dessert.

How to make a treat without using a mold

The most creative activity in making a dessert is cutting shapes using molds. With molds, you can make a variety of dough sculptures. What if you didn't have a set of forms at hand? You can give a certain shape to a delicacy yourself, as follows:

  • We take cardboard and cut out circles of unequal size from it (8.5-3.5-2.5 cm, as well as 5-6-7 cm). We cut out a curly carved leaf, its size is 8 cm.
  • Roll out the flour mass until it becomes thin, cut out the figures from the mass according to the prepared template.

  • In each shape, except for the sheet, we make a hole in the middle. There will be a hole in the leaves at the top.
  • We send the resulting figures to the oven for about 7 minutes. The main thing is that the oven bakes at 180 ° C.
  • We wait until the delicacy cools down and cover it with glaze. We give the glaze time to dry, it usually takes at least 10 hours.

  • When all the components are dry, we begin to connect all the figures so that we get a bell.
  • We take a beautiful ribbon, its length should be at least 70 cm. The ribbon must be folded in half and passed through the holes made, starting with the largest circle, ending with the small one. Finally, we cling to the leaves and tie the ends of the ribbon with a bow.

The bell-shaped cookies are ready, here is such a simple recipe for a Christmas tree accessory. It can be used as a Christmas tree decoration or given to loved ones. After all, handmade gifts are the most expensive.

Such a delicacy will not spoil for several months. If honey is added to the composition, the shelf life will increase by another 1 year.

  • the longer you knead the dough, the worse it rolls out, since it becomes denser from the warmth of your hands;
  • ginger dough behaves very moody, it constantly crumbles. If you can't form a ball at all, use an extra portion of butter;
  • the end result directly depends on the quality of the products used;
  • in the pictures, ginger cookies usually have a coffee tint. In order to achieve this shade, mix flour with cocoa powder, dark syrup, molasses or burnt sugar. The most common option is with cocoa, thanks to which the baked goods acquire a chocolate flavor;

  • take two sheets of parchment paper, dust them with flour, place the dough between them and start rolling it out. With this method, you do not have to add excess flour to the dough;
  • properly prepared dough will stay on your hands. If the circle does not form at all, you can add 1 more glass of flour, no more;
  • a delicacy baked on an oil baking sheet, as a result, turns out to be crumbly and soft, on baking paper - crispy;
  • decorating a delicacy with glaze, it can freeze in a confectionery bear.To reanimate it, you need to transfer the glaze to a plate and add a little water, mix well;

  • start cooking right away. If you leave the dough not cold, it will soften;
  • in order for the glaze to have the required consistency, add water to it in drops;
  • cookies can be used as a Christmas tree decoration;
  • the glaze will not have time to dry in a few minutes, so it is recommended that after using the glaze, leave it to dry until the next day;

  • the finished delicacy is covered with a golden crust. If it does not appear, turn the baking sheet over and continue cooking for a couple of minutes;
  • ginger delicacy is low-calorie;
  • the finished dessert does not need to be put into the refrigerator, it is enough to cover it with cling film;
  • in an unheated oven, you can bake a delicacy in 10-15 minutes;
  • the dough is too light in color: use brown instead of regular sugar or add cocoa powder.


Now you know various recipes for making gingerbread cookies and icing for it. You just have to choose according to which recipe to prepare the delicacy, in an original way or spicy.

Do not be afraid to experiment, this time of year you need to work magic. Imagine that your kitchen is a culinary workshop and create a ginger-flavored New Year's miracle there. Delight your loved ones with your culinary masterpiece, they will undoubtedly appreciate it. Bon appetit and successful experiments!

Gingerbread cookies - recipes, decoration and storage will be discussed in sufficient detail in our article. The history of the origin of this incredibly popular delicacy takes us to medieval England.

It was there that an unknown monk, wanting to please the brothers with delicious Christmas pastries, accidentally knocked over a jar of precious spices into a bowl of dough. The pastries turned out to be so delicious that the recipe quickly spread throughout Europe, and cookies became an integral part of Christmas. It was almost 900 years ago.

The delicious gingerbread cookies were originally shaped like round or oval cakes. Two centuries ago in Europe there was a tradition of giving them curly outlines. The gingerbread house was especially popular.

Medieval pastry chefs created fabulously beautiful towns from them. Since that time, masters living in Pardubice, Nuremberg and Torun have been recognized as leaders in the production of gourmet gingerbread and biscuits.

Gingerbread cookie, video recipe from "Creativity in the Kitchen":

Classic Cinnamon Gingerbread Cookie

How to make gingerbread cookies? It is not at all difficult to make it, being within the walls of your own home.

A set of ground spices:

  • Cloves - 1 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp.
  • Ginger - 2 tsp.
  • Black pepper or cardamom - ½ tsp.

Step-by-step recipe for making:

  1. The liquid component of the dough is prepared by placing 200 g of softened butter, the same amount of granulated sugar and a chicken egg in a blender.
  2. After sifting wheat flour (two full glasses with a slide), pour half a teaspoon of soda and a set of spices into it, and then add the contents of the blender to it.
  3. After mixing, a very soft and pliable shortbread dough is obtained.
  4. Its temperature should not be higher than room temperature, therefore, packed in plastic wrap, it is sent to the lower shelf of the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. Only under this condition it will be butchered without problems.
  5. The chilled semi-finished product is thinly rolled out and, armed with molds, they begin to transform the faceless layer, creating a variety of figures.
  6. Using a wide knife, transferring the blanks to a baking sheet, bake cookies in a hot (180 degrees) oven. This process should take no more than a quarter of an hour.

How to paint a ginger treat? Iceing - sugar glaze is traditionally used to decorate it.

Creating a classic glaze:

  • Whisk the protein separated from the yolk with a whisk or mixer with powdered sugar (150 g) until a strong foam is obtained.
  • If a teaspoon of glaze, laid out on a saucer, is able to maintain its shape without spreading, the product is ready.

To tint the glaze, use a few drops of beetroot, carrot and blackcurrant juice.

After filling a pastry syringe with icing, they decorate chilled cookies with it. A painting made from a properly prepared icing should freeze in a couple of hours. Decorated cookies are placed on the tree and presented for Christmas.

Crunchy gingerbread cookie with icing

Manufacturing steps:

  1. Separated from the proteins, the yolks (2 pcs.) Are mixed with a quarter cup of powdered sugar and butter (25 g).
  2. After making a mixture of a glass of flour, freshly made orange peel (a tablespoon), a dessert spoon of brandy, ginger and cinnamon powder (half a teaspoon each) and a small amount of baking powder, knead the dough.
  3. The prepared semi-finished product is allowed to come up in the refrigerator.
  4. Having made a thin (not thicker than 3 mm) layer, they take molds and cut out flowers or stars.
  5. Bake for about ten minutes on a baking sheet covered with parchment. The oven temperature is 160 degrees.

Glaze components:

  • Half a fresh lemon.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  • Egg - 1 pc.

Prepare the gingerbread frosting like this:

  1. First, beat the protein, turning into a dense foam.
  2. Spooning powdered sugar, they achieve the formation of a shiny and thick substance.
  3. Having poured into it the juice squeezed from half a lemon, beating is resumed.
  4. To obtain a light pink glaze, just add a drop of cherry syrup to it.
  5. Cookies decorated with glaze are dried in an oven cooled to 50 degrees with the ventilation mode turned on.

"Eat at home": a recipe for gingerbread cookies from Julia Vysotskaya

We present you the best recipe for a fragrant delicacy proposed by a famous Russian TV presenter.

Say7: recipe for gingerbread cookies from Anastasia Skripkina

New Year's gingerbread cookies, made for children, will appeal to them not only for their excellent taste, but also for the opportunity to participate in decorating them.

Process sequence:

  1. First, butter (100 g) is ground with the same portions of brown sugar and honey.
  2. After mixing the mixture well, add to it a combination of spices (two teaspoons of cinnamon and ginger powder) and two selected eggs.
  3. After adding two teaspoons of baking powder, flour (400 g) is introduced and the dough is kneaded.
  4. The quality of the baked goods is determined by the thickness of the rolling out of the dough: made from a thin sheet, it will be crispy, from a thicker one - softer.
  5. In the absence of die cuts, you can take stencils cut from paper. Having placed them on the dough, cut out the contour of the men with the tip of a knife.
  6. Bake, covering the form with parchment. It is difficult to transfer thin dough to it, so it is rolled out directly on the parchment. After cutting out the figures, the trimming of the dough is removed, and the blanks are transferred along with the parchment.
  7. Baking is made in the oven (temperature 180 degrees). Ten minutes will suffice.

How to decorate the gingerbread men? For this, they usually use chocolate or sugar icing, pastry stick, pearls or sprinkles.

"Sweet stories": a recipe for gingerbread cookies from Alexander Seleznev


"Everything will be delicious": a recipe for gingerbread cookies from Tatyana Litvinova

Process of creation:

  1. Grinding 150 grams of chilled butter with a portion of sugar (75 g), add a dessert spoon of rustic sour cream, a bag of baking powder, ginger (dessert spoon), drive in one egg.
  2. Little by little, adding 300 grams of flour, knead the shortbread dough.
  3. The fragrant semi-finished product is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. After rolling out the chilled dough, cut out small cookies with the help of a glass.
  5. Baking is made in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees. It can take about a quarter of an hour.
  6. Cooked cookies are left for a while, allowing them to cool.


"All will be kind": recipe for gingerbread cookies from Liza Glinskaya:

Spice set:

  • Ginger powder - ½ tsp.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Nutmeg - ½ tsp.


  1. First, all dry ingredients are mixed: flour (400 g), a quarter cup of granulated sugar, a set of spices, a bag of baking powder and the zest obtained from one lemon and half an orange.
  2. By adding cubes of chilled vegetable-butter spread (200 g), make butter-flour crumbs.
  3. After driving in an egg, knead the plastic dough.
  4. Having made a thick layer out of it, it is wrapped in a film and placed in a refrigerator for an hour.
  5. Amusing figures and flowers are cut out of thinly rolled dough.
  6. They are baked on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper at a temperature of 160 degrees. Ten minutes is enough.

The mastic is prepared as follows:

  • Gelatin soaked in two tablespoons of water (a teaspoon with a slide) is dissolved in the classical way (in a steam bath).
  • Melted gelatin, protein, a dessert spoon of lemon juice and the same spoon of vegetable oil are mixed.
  • Add 2.5 cups of powdered sugar.
  • The mass is first kneaded with a wooden spoon, then kneaded with your hands.
  • It is so dense that it can be rolled out with a rolling pin. Taking metal or plastic die cuts, they cut out different figures. We decorate cooled cookies with them.

Gingerbread cookies like Ikea

Cookies "like from Ikea" are prepared like this:

Spice set:

  • Powdered ginger - 2 tsp.
  • Ground cinnamon and cardamom - 1 teaspoon each.

Cooking instructions:

Christmas honey gingerbread cookie

We offer a basic recipe for a traditional ginger delicacy that is baked for Christmas in many European countries (recipes with photos are presented in a variety on the Internet).

Spice set:

  • Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon - 1 teaspoon each.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Beat with a mixer a mixture of softened butter and sugar (taken in 100 grams), add half a glass of liquid honey and a chicken egg. Beat again.
  2. Taking a separate bowl, mix a set of spices, salt and soda in it (half a teaspoon each), sift the mixture and add it to the egg-oil substance.
  3. Gradually introducing two glasses of flour, knead the plastic dough.
  4. Putting it in a plastic bag, put it in the working chamber of the refrigerator for one hour.
  5. While the oven is warming up (up to 180 degrees), the chilled semi-finished product is rolled out to a thickness of 0.5 cm and cut out with molds. The most popular figurines are: a lamb, a Christmas tree, an angel.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes, after laying a baking sheet with paper.

Creation of glaze (icing):

  • Beat the protein until a strong foam is formed, pour in the juice of half a lemon and pour in powdered sugar (250 g) in portions.
  • Cookies decorated with icing are left for a while, giving it the opportunity to dry out.
Christmas Honey Gingerbread Cookies Video Recipe:

Gingerbread Cookie "Hello New Year"

Homemade gingerbread cookies with such a funny name come out crumbly and tender.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Grated ginger (50 g) is mixed with softened margarine (250 g) and a glass of sugar.
  2. After beating the mixture of components with a mixer, add two egg yolks and a pinch of salt. Continue beating.
  3. Pour in two glasses of flour, make a soft dough.
  4. On a cutting board sprinkled with flour, it is transformed into a thin sheet. Images of animals and New Year's symbols are cut out.
  5. Place a cherry in the middle of each cookie.
  6. Bake quickly in a hot oven.

Gingerbread cookies with chocolate for a wedding


  • Ginger powder - 1.5 tsp.
  • Ground cloves - ½ tsp.
  • Nutmeg - on the tip of a spoon.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Cooking steps:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix 300 g of flour, a mixture of spices, cocoa powder (2 tablespoons) and salt.
  2. In another container, a fluffy mass is made from sugar (120 g each brown and regular) and creamy margarine (120 g). After that, the egg is introduced and the beating is resumed.
  3. After adding 60 g of molasses (black syrup) and a teaspoon of vanilla extract, beat the future dough well again.
  4. Gradually adding a spicy flour mixture, a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. Chop 250 g of dark chocolate into small pieces, add it to the dough and mix the aromatic substance for the last time.
  6. Scoop up the dough with a tablespoon, roll up the balls and sprinkle them with granulated sugar.
  7. On a baking sheet, they are placed at a considerable distance from each other.
  8. They bake at 170 degrees for no more than ten minutes (until the koloboks start cracking).

Lean gingerbread cookie

  • Fresh ginger - 2 tsp.
  • Ground cloves and cinnamon - 1 teaspoon each.

Vegetarians will love this dessert as it is baked without eggs and without sugar.


  1. Liquid ingredients (150 ml of water, 7 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 tablespoons of liquid honey), a set of spices, a packet of vanillin, salt and a pinch of soda are whipped in a blender.
  2. Having poured the composition into a saucepan, fall asleep 5 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat bran and 2.5 cups of flour, knead the dough that does not stick to your hands.
  3. Small cookies are cut out of the chilled rolled dough.
  4. Duration of baking (at a temperature of 180 degrees) no more than 15 minutes.

The beneficial properties of this oil-free treat are due to the benefits of the ingredients in the dough.


  • Bran or oatmeal - 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Egg whites - 4 pcs.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Ginger powder - 1.5 tbsp spoons.
  • Honey - 1 tsp.
  • Vanilla essence - 2 drops.


Dukan gingerbread cookies

How to Make Dr. Ducan's Gingerbread Cookies? The dough for him is kneaded in water, without honey, sugar and other excesses. That is why such a delicacy can be safely included in a weight loss diet. However, the benefits and harms of this delicious delicacy are a topic for a separate article.


  • Oat bran - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sweetener - 2 tablespoons spoons.
  • Dried ginger - dessert spoon.
  • Yogurt - 1 tsp.
  • Protein - ½ pc.
  • Baking powder - ½ tsp.
  • Vanilla essence - 3 drops.

Cooking method:

  1. Thoroughly mixing the components, a thin dough is obtained. If necessary, you can add a little more bran to it.
  2. Having laid out the dough with a spoon on a baking sheet lined with paper (leaving significant gaps between portions), it is sent to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.
  3. The baking process will take about 20 minutes. After turning off the oven, the cookies are left in it for another 10 minutes (for drying). Thanks to this manipulation, it will turn out to be dry, crispy and baked.

A traditional Swedish cookie, served at Christmas and Easter, is easy to make at home.

Manufacturing steps:

  1. Syrup is boiled from 150 ml of water, 150 g of honey, 120 g of cane and 50 g of white sugar.
  2. After turning off the stove, pieces of butter (150 g) are dissolved in the syrup and mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. After mixing 500 g of flour and a bag of baking powder, they begin to very carefully pour hot sugar-honey syrup into it. The substance is constantly kneaded with a wooden spoon.
  4. Having achieved the formation of a homogeneous mixture, the dishes are covered with a canvas napkin and left in the refrigerator for several hours.
  5. The finished semi-finished product is rolled thinly (up to 2 mm). The crunchy properties of the final product depend on this.
  6. Armed with die cuts, they cut out a variety of figures.
  7. The baking process takes no more than ten minutes.

Gingerbread Cookies: American and English Recipe

We present options for recipes popular with English and American housewives.

American variant

Dessert making:

  1. 3 slices of candied ginger are chopped, three are cut into cubes.
  2. Mixing 300 g of flour, 100 g of sugar, yolk, a pinch of ground ginger, make a dough.
  3. Wrapped with a film, it is placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  4. Small (4x6 cm) rectangles are cut out of the rolled layer and laid out on a baking dish.
  5. After smearing the cookies with whipped yolk, make a dusting of ginger cubes.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes in a preheated oven.

English classic recipe

World renowned chef Jamie Oliver is the promoter of English cuisine. Here is one of his favorite recipes.

Making treats:

  1. In a mixer, beat a mixture of 50 ml of orange juice, 3 teaspoons of honey and 100 g of granulated sugar.
  2. Having made a gruel from candied ginger pieces, pour it into the whipped substance.
  3. After adding the rest of the ingredients to it, knead the dough.
  4. After standing in the refrigerator, roll it out.
  5. Cookies cut out in a mold are baked in a hot oven. The process takes no more than five minutes.

Gingerbread cookie in a slow cooker

Using a multicooker is a simple and fun process available to every housewife.

How to decorate gingerbread cookies

Decorating gingerbread cookies, especially intended for decorating a Christmas tree or presented as a gift for loved ones, is a very exciting creative activity.

  • Most often, it is decorated with multi-colored glaze (icing), and its consistency is different. The decor contour is executed with a very thick, quick-setting icing.
  • Liquid glaze is used to fill the completed contour. It is obtained by diluting thick icing. To do this, add lemon juice drop by drop and stir the composition continuously.

Using liquid icing, you can fill in the space between the lines of the contour drawing and decorate the cookies with bright ornaments.

  • For the decoration of gingerbread cookies, nuts, melted chocolate, confectionery pearls, candied fruit pieces, coconut flakes and all kinds of sprinkles are used.
  • You can get acquainted with the techniques and secrets of decorating by watching the master class.
Baking and decorating gingerbread cookies (recipe from "Glavbuh"):

Storage and calorie content of gingerbread cookies

The average energy value of a ginger delicacy is 415 kcal. This indicator can fluctuate significantly depending on its formulation.

  • Tight-sealing cans are ideal for storing gingerbread cookies. Reputable manufacturers often pack their products in them.
  • A good option for home storage of cookies are gripper bags equipped with a hermetically sealed fastener. They will reliably protect the ginger delicacy from high humidity and drying out.
  • According to GOST, the optimal shelf life for sugar biscuits is three months. At the same time, the air humidity should not exceed 75%.

Do not store it together with products that emit a strong odor.

  • Direct sunlight on a bag of cookies is also undesirable.

As a symbol of Christmas, gingerbread cookies go well with hot mulled wine and aromatic tea. In many European countries, there are entire guilds of bakers specializing in baking gingerbread and biscuits.

Nuremberg has deservedly enjoyed the title of the ginger capital for many centuries. The products of local craftsmen are examples of high bakery art and are displayed at exhibitions.

China is considered the birthplace of ginger. It appeared in eastern countries more than 2,000 years ago. Initially, it was used only in medicine, but today ginger is an ingredient in many dishes.

Fresh ginger is most often used in various salads. In China, they love it pickled. But dry spices are used for baking.

It should be noted that this plant has beneficial properties: it improves the functioning of the immune system, warms, activates blood circulation, and helps to get rid of extra pounds.

English monks began to use these spices to make biscuits and to decorate the Christmas tree. It is baked in the form of various figures, so you need to prepare molds or cut geometric shapes from the dough with a knife.

Step-by-step simple recipes with photos of making gingerbread cookies at home

To bake delicious ginger cookies, all you need to do is follow a specific recipe. The whole process takes less than ten minutes. There are several recipes for baking. In this article, we will look at the most simple and common options.


1. Recipe for gingerbread cookies

Let's take a look at the easiest baking method first. Even an inexperienced housewife can make such cookies. If you wish, you can change the composition of the spices or add other ingredients. Feel free to experiment.


  • 0.5 cups wheat flour.
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp table salt.
  • 1 tsp ground ginger.
  • 2 tsp baking powder.
  • 170 g butter.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 1 cup brown granulated sugar
  • 0.5 cups powdered sugar.
  • 0.25 cups black molasses.

Cooking process

1. Sift flour into a bowl, add salt, baking powder, ginger, cinnamon, and powdered sugar to it.

2. Add melted butter, chicken egg and brown sugar to another bowl. All ingredients must be mixed until smooth.

3. Add molasses to the prepared mixture and mix everything thoroughly.

4. Stir well for a few minutes to get a creamy consistency.

5. At the next stage, flour should be gradually added to the prepared mass. Stir with a mixer at the lowest speed. Sprinkle the flour in small portions to avoid clumping.

6. The finished dough must be divided into several parts using a measuring spoon.

7. The next step is to roll the dough into small balls and roll them in a little white sugar.

8. Place the formed balls on a baking sheet. There should be sufficient distance between them, as they will increase in volume during cooking.

9. Before you start baking, the balls need to be pressed down a little so that they take the shape of a cake.

10. Send the baking sheet to the oven, which must first be heated to 190 degrees. Bake for 10-15 minutes, no more.

2. Gingerbread cookies with honey

This recipe uses fresh ginger to make the cookies spicy and flavorful. You can also add dry ginger, but then the taste will be completely different.


  • 100 g ginger.
  • 300 g flour.
  • 150 g sugar.
  • 200 g butter.
  • 2 chicken eggs.
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder.
  • 2.5 tablespoons of natural honey.

Cooking method

1. The ginger root must be washed well, peeled and then chopped on a grater.

2. Before cooking, you need to remove the oil from the refrigerator to soften it. When it becomes soft, then you need to mix it with granulated sugar, ginger, honey and an egg. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

3. Then add the sifted flour and baking powder to the mixture. Knead the dough for a few minutes.

4. The finished dough must be rolled up, wrapped with cling film and sent to the refrigerator for one hour.

5. The chilled dough must be rolled out into a flat cake about 1.5 cm thick. Using the molds, squeeze out several pieces. If you do not have molds, then you can cut the dough in any shape.

6. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and grease it with butter. Then lay out the cookie cutters and send to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes.

3. The recipe for the classic gingerbread cookie

Cookies with ginger, prepared in the classic way, will not leave anyone indifferent. The baked goods are very aromatic and melt in your mouth. It is served with coffee, tea or milk.


  • 3 tsp grated ginger.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 100 g butter.
  • 2 cups of flour.
  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar.
  • 5 pcs of cloves.
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp baking powder.

Step-by-step cooking

1. Grind cinnamon with cloves in a mortar, send to a plate, add wheat flour and ginger to them. Stir everything well.

2. In a separate plate, beat the egg with granulated sugar and add softened butter. Beat the mixture with a broom to make it airy.

3. Then add the flour mixture to this mass. Knead hard dough.

4. Now roll the dough into a thin layer. Use cookie cutters or cut out cookies. Sprinkle with a little sugar or nuts on top, if desired. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and spread out the cookies.

5. Send the baking sheet into an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. When the baked goods have cooled down, they can be served.

4. Glaze for gingerbread cookies

The taste of a cookie depends not only on the preparation method and ingredients, but also on the glaze. It should have a thick consistency, snow-white color. It takes some experience and a lot of time to cook. You need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare 2 chicken eggs, separate the whites and beat them with a mixer at high speed. The result should be a foamy mass.
  2. At the next stage, add powdered sugar (300 g) to the whipped proteins, and also mix with a mixer.
  3. If you want to make patterns on cookies using icing, then the mass should be quite thick.

You can add cocoa powder and lemon juice if desired.

5. Gingerbread cookies with icing

Glazed pastries are a great option for decorating a festive table. If you have no experience in making such cookies, then just follow the cooking steps and you will definitely succeed.


  • 1 small ginger root (40-50 g).
  • 700 g flour.
  • 4 tablespoons of natural honey.
  • 2 chicken eggs.
  • 300 g butter.
  • 250 g sugar.
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa powder.
  • 200 g icing sugar.
  • 1 piece of orange.
  • 1 piece of lemon.
  • 2 tsp baking powder.
  • 1 protein.

Step by step cooking

1. Butter melt over low heat, then set aside until it cools down to room temperature.

2. Add butter, natural honey, granulated sugar and two eggs to a blender. Beat on high speed for a few minutes.

3. At the next stage, sift the flour, add baking powder to it, mix and add half of the mixture to the prepared mass. Add in small portions to avoid clumping.

4. Add cocoa powder, grated ginger, and orange and lemon zest to a bowl with ingredients. After that, pour out the remaining flour and mix everything well.

5. Wrap the resulting dough with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

6. Roll the chilled dough onto a 5-mm sheet, make cookies of any shape, put on a baking sheet and send to the oven, which must first be heated to 190 degrees. Bake for no more than ten minutes.

7. To decorate the cookies and give them an original flavor, you need to prepare the icing. To do this, combine lemon juice, powdered sugar and egg white in a separate bowl. You can use a mixer, fork, or broom. Add the mixture to a piping bag and decorate the baked goods to your liking.

6. Step by step photo gingerbread cookie recipe

Let's take a look at another way to make delicious cookies. This recipe is slightly different in the composition of the ingredients. You can experiment with other spices.


  • 3 tsp ground ginger.
  • 0.5 cups white flour.
  • 2 tsp baking soda.
  • 0.5 tsp allspice.
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 0.5 tsp salt.
  • 0.25 tsp ground pepper.
  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar.
  • 220 g unsalted butter.
  • 0.5 cups brown sugar.
  • 1/3 cup molasses
  • 1 chicken egg.

Cooking process

1. In a deep bowl, add spices, baking soda, table salt and flour. Mix all ingredients.

2. Beat sugar with butter with a mixer for about three minutes. Then add the molasses with egg and beat on medium speed for another two minutes.

3. Pour dry ingredients into the resulting mixture and mix evenly at the minimum mixer speed. Wrap the dough with food wrap or plastic wrap, send it to the refrigerator for two hours.

4. Turn on the oven and heat it up to 180 degrees. Meanwhile, on a baking sheet, it is necessary to spread parchment paper, grease it well with butter. Form small balls from the cooled dough and place them at a distance of 5 cm, as they will increase in volume during baking. If you prefer soft cookies, bake them for 10 minutes, or for harder baked goods, wait 15 minutes.

Cookies can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month or at room temperature for up to one week.

7. Video - Recipe for gingerbread cookies from Julia Vysotskaya

In conclusion, watch the video with Yulia Vysotskaya. She offers an easy way to make gingerbread cookies from simple and affordable ingredients.

Hello dear blog subscribers and guests! I hasten to please you with one more sweet dessert, which you can make today for New Year's Eve. In the last post, we cooked with you, and in this one we will learn how to cook gingerbread cookies and decorate them beautifully.

After all, a miracle will very soon knock on your house and all your cherished desires will certainly come true. So, if you want to treat or surprise your invited guests even more, then make this sweet dish in the form of gingerbread or cookies. By the way, they can be used to decorate the Christmas tree and give them as gifts for Christmas.

Look at what beauty it turns out, as if you bought it all in a store, but you can easily learn this art. But, I will tell you about this in more detail in my next notes, so do not miss new articles, add the site to your bookmarks and come to visit more often. Today you will learn how to bake and decorate gingerbread cookies in New Year's style.

Make cookies in the form of funny and funny little people, Christmas trees, months and decorate them with icing. What could be more beautiful, wrap them in a gift bag, tie a bow and a cozy gift with your own hands is ready.

We need:

  • flour - 175 g
  • sugar - 75 g
  • ground ginger - 1 tsp
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • butter - 80 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • icing sugar - 3-4 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, combine all dry ingredients such as flour, sugar and spices. Stir and then add room temperature butter. Stir with a fork until crumbled.

2. Here's a crumb will turn out.

3. Then separate the yolk and white, add the yolk and two tablespoons of liquid honey.

4. Knead the dough with your hands, and then remove it for one hour in the refrigerator. After it has rested, roll out the dough on the table, sprinkle it lightly with flour.

5. Take the cookie cutters and cut out the cookies.

6. Then place the blanks on a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 7 minutes.

7. Make the icing, mix the protein with the powdered sugar with a mixer to make a real cream.

8. Well, the creative process remains, this is the coloring of the cookies. Use a piping bag or syringe to create different patterns and place all the prepared treats in a plate. Here is a rather simple and easy option that can be done even at home, even for beginners, even for ordinary housewives. Treat your family and friends!

Glazed Gingerbread Cookie - The Easiest Recipe

Now let's make chocolate gingerbread cookies, so that they turn out to be great, observe all proportions. Cinnamon and honey will add a special flavor and an unforgettable experience.

Instead of brown sugar, you can use regular white sugar and you can do it too. And how happy the children will be, that's for sure!

We need:

Cooking method:

1. You must first combine all dry foods in one bowl, namely flour, cinnamon, ginger, soda, cocoa and nutmeg. Whisk everything together.

In a separate bowl, mash the egg and sugar with a regular whisk, then add honey and melted butter.

2. Well, now, as you may have guessed, gradually add the flour mixture in small portions. Knead a soft and elastic dough. Wrap it in a plastic bag and rest in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

3. Then roll it into a large slab approximately 4-5 mm thick. The dough will turn out to be quite tight, but elastic, cut out the figures.

Using regular cocktail tubes, punch holes in the circles to make them look like Christmas balls on a tree.

Place the gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet covered with special paper and bake the cakes for 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees, the oven must be preheated.

4. We will decorate sweets with icing, so make it in a separate bowl. In another way, this painting is called icing. So, for its preparation you need:

Add powdered sugar and lemon juice to one protein, stir, and then whisk. You can beat it with an ordinary whisk by hand, or use a mixer.

Important! It is better to add powdered sugar gradually.

The mass should turn out to be white and dense.

5. Spread the cream over the cups to make it a different color. After all, decorating cookies with colored glaze is more interesting than snow-white.

Color the icing in the required colors, for this add a drop of the dye to a bowl, stir and cover with a bag so that it does not dry out.

6. Decorate the little men and balls with any curls and patterns with the help of a culinary bag. Turn on your imagination, keep it simple, but with humor.

7. And now they are such mischievous and cool girlfriends-cookies came out. Cook for health and please your loved ones, bon appetit!

Cooking ginger delicacies at home with Julia Vysotskaya

There is nothing more beautiful if you take note of the recipe from Julia, because she is a professional master of her craft, there is a lot to learn, so cook with her who is her fan and who just wants to learn this culinary masterpiece:

New year gingerbread 2018

Wherever in the New Year and even without gingerbread, in the West this does not happen at all, in our country this tradition has just begun to take root. And I’ll tell you, I’ve probably already caught on, because the whole instagram just trembles from such pictures.

If you are tired of ordinary sweets and you want something more, then the time has come when you can easily make honey and gingerbread cookies and feed them to the whole family and not only.

We need:

  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • butter - 70 g
  • sugar - 200 g
  • flour - 280 g
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs and plus one protein
  • ginger - 1 tablespoon
  • cinnamon - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

1. Combine butter, honey and sugar in a deep glass bowl. Then melt in a water bath.

Add the cinnamon and ginger, stir, break two eggs and toss. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate the dough overnight, or at least 1 hour if you want to make gingerbread today.

3. Divide the dough into 5-6 pieces and roll into large tortillas. Then make different shapes: animals and geometric shapes.

Bake sweets in the oven at 180 degrees for 5-10 minutes.

Important! Do not forget to sprinkle the baking sheet with flour before baking, you do not need to grease.

4. These are the gourmands, very tasty and crumbly, but at the same time soft inside.

5. Mix the protein with powdered sugar until smooth with an ordinary whisk, and then pour in a drop of lemon juice. Stir.

6. For colored glaze, place some of the cream in another container and add food coloring.

7. And now the most crucial moment, painting and decorating gingerbread.

8. Do it the way you can, even if it doesn’t work out, it’s not a problem, over time you will learn, and if you take not complex compositions, like here, it will definitely come out great.

The gingerbread cookies turn out to be rosy and very tasty! Bon Appetit!

Traditional Christmas cookie recipe

So we got to the most difficult recipe, but it is for him that these cookies just melt in your mouth. True, you will have to tinker a little with the dough. If you have the time and energy, then get down to work, if you don't want to, then take another option. But, this dough is just perfect, it is really cool and super-duper, does not tear or crack!

We need:

  • sugar - 500 g
  • boiling water - 200 ml
  • butter - 200 g
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • ginger - 1 tsp
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • nutmeg - 1 tsp
  • allspice - a pinch
  • cardamom - 1 tsp
  • egg - 1 pc.

For icing:

  • protein - 1 pc.
  • icing sugar - 200 g
  • starch - 0.5 tsp
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tsp
  • dyes

Cooking method:

1. Put a saucepan on the stove, add sugar to it and it should melt, you get caramel. The sugar should turn brown, remember to stir constantly so that nothing burns.

Important! Cook over low heat.

Then, after all the sugar has melted, there should be no crystals and grains, pour a glass of boiling water into it in a thin stream. Such hissing and seething will begin. Perhaps the mass will rise, so now and then, then remove from the fire, stir and put it back on.

2. Cool the whole mixture, add the egg, then add flour in parts and knead the dough. It should turn out to be soft and not sticky to your hands, but do not hammer it too much with flour.

Place in a bag and refrigerate for 4 hours.

3. Then roll out the dough and squeeze out the shapes with the molds. Fold them on a piece of paper covered with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven for 5-10 minutes at 180 degrees.

4. Beat the protein at low speed with a mixer, then gradually add the icing sugar, and finally the starch and lemon juice. Then divide into bowls to add the desired dyes.

5. Decorate cookies with icing and make your loved ones happy! Bon Appetit!

Video on how to cook and decorate gingerbread cookies for the New Year

Now I offer you one good recipe for viewing, which I hope will help you understand the whole technology of making this sweet dessert even better:

Cooking a sweet dessert in the form of a gingerbread house

It has become popular to make such houses precisely for the winter holidays, probably because they look great on any festive table. And it is as if we will visit a fairy tale, both for children and adults, such a fairy tale will obviously like it.

You can make such a gingerbread cookie in the form of a house together with the children, they will obviously really like this activity, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the master class.

We need:

  • honey - 165 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • butter - 125 g
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • soda - 2 tsp
  • flour - 500 g

Cooking method:

1. Let's make the dough first. Prepare all the foods on the list.

2. Take a ladle and put honey and also granulated sugar in it. Then sprinkle with one teaspoon of cinnamon. Place a ladle on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, the sugar should dissolve well. Remove from stove. Add baking soda, stir.

Important! Remember to stir constantly so that nothing burns!

The dough turns out to be sticky and you won't take it in your hands, put it in a bag or a plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours to rest, it is better, of course, for the whole night.

4. After you take it out of the refrigerator, it will not stick to your hands. Sprinkle the table with flour and proceed!

Now roll out a large layer from this dough and mark it into parts, roof, base. Ie, make blanks, use templates.

This can be done from plain paper, then wrap them with tape, you can take cardboard. Make the dimensions of the roof 14x10 cm, then the base of the house is 9x6x9.5 cm, shown in the figure. The side wall is 6x8.5 cm, the base for the house is more than 17.5x15 cm.

5. After you have marked out, bake the figures in the oven at 180 degrees on special paper for 10 minutes, until tender.

Roof - 2 parts, side walls - 2 parts, base of the house - 2 parts, base for the house - 1 part.

8. Then, for work, you will need waffle pictures, they need to be purchased in advance and also colored sugar in yellow and green.

Make frosting for the house according to any recipe, take them from the previous options. You will need three colors: green, pink and white, you can use more colors.

9. First, use a pastry bag to draw the outlines on the house. Draw a window, a door and decorate the doors with colored sugar in yellow.

Important! Draw the contours with thick icing, but you need to do the filling liquid, that is, add a little water to the glaze for this purpose and the mass will become thinner.

10. Then on the second wall glue the picture of Santa Claus, circle this picture with cream along the contour, and then lift the picture and paint over the circle with cream, now put it and the picture will be glued.

Fill the empty space with rose frosting.

11. Walls can be decorated with different decor, for example with a toothpick.

12. You can draw such curls or any landscape to your taste.

15. And such a friendly family of houses awaits you in the end. It raises a lot of spirits and delights others. Eat and cook for health! Bon Appetit!

On this I have all my good friends! See you in the next articles, see you later! May all your wishes come true and the New Year's days will only bring positive. Bye everyone!