Sour tomatoes in banks for the winter. Sauce Tomato Recipes in a Pan

15.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Recipes from the site "Annie's Notebook"

A simple recipe for salted or soaked tomatoes

Cooking time: 2-3 weeks

Salted tomatoes, they are pickled or soaked - a favorite guest on our table. We eat such tomatoes faster than fresh ones. But this is no coincidence! The body at a subconscious level, even in a child, chooses what is more useful to him.

Preparations in the form of salted tomatoes without vinegar were also harvested by our ancestors in wooden barrels, shifting them with dill, garlic, cherry leaves, currants, horseradish strips and spices. In rural areas, cellars are still harvested soaked apples, tomatoes, cucumbers and pickled watermelons with cabbage for the winter. In modern conditions, plastic barrels or stainless steel tanks are salted in large volumes. In a city apartment, salted tomatoes can be salted in a pan or in large banks, and stored all fall on the balcony. Before winter frosts, as a rule, such preparations are swept away completely and pickled ones come to replace.

In today's recipe, I want to tell you how to cook pickled tomatoes at home in a cold way. According to this simple recipe, you can salt red, brown or green tomatoes, the main thing is not to mix them together, since they will have different cooking times. Fermented red tomatoes will pickle much earlier than green ones.

I'll tell you a secret. The cooking time of salted tomatoes can be controlled. Everything is very simple. Salted tomatoes will cook quickly if they are cut crosswise or pierced with a wooden stick in several places. If there are a lot of cans of tomatoes and you don’t want them to be acidified by the New Year, we don’t do such manipulations with tomatoes, just put them in a jar or pan and fill them with cold brine. The rest is all according to the recipe.

Cold pickled tomatoes

A simple delicious recipe from Annie

  Tomatoes are red, brown or green,
  Cold boiled water (ideally clean well),
  Dill branches with umbrellas,
  Cherry Leaves
  Currant leaves
  Horseradish Leaves and Roots
  How to cook salted or pickled tomatoes:

The brine for salted tomatoes is prepared as follows: 2 cups of salt and 1 cup of sugar are taken on a bucket of cold boiled water. And that’s all! Everything ingenious is simple! Prepare greens, leaves and roots. Rinse fresh tomatoes with running water. Here are some tomatoes to choose for salting - you decide. Ripe red tomatoes will turn out more tender, when bitten, juice will flow from them. Brown (unripe) tomatoes will be slightly resilient. And green salty tomatoes will not lose their shape, but will not have a sweet taste like red ones. Each tomato maturity has its own advantages and different tastes. It remains to try and choose what you like best.

And for me everything is so delicious! soaked tomatoes I needed quick salted tomatoes, so I chose small, similar to the Ladies' finger or Dulka variety, and pricked them with a wooden skewer skewer. salted tomatoes in jars The bottom of the prepared container for pickles (I chose a 10 liter glass jar) is lightly lined with dill, cherries, currants and horseradish.

Chop the garlic and horseradish root with slices. soaked tomatoes We put tomatoes tightly in a jar, not forgetting to transfer several layers again with leaves and garlic. To make the tomatoes tasty and fragrant, dill must be with twigs and umbrellas. We put the tomatoes in a jar to the very top and pour in cold salted brine.

I prepared a blank of tomatoes in a jar in the kitchen, and since it is inconvenient to carry it in a cool place with liquid, I poured the brine on the spot. The camera, of course, I forgot in the kitchen, so I did not immediately take a photo of tomatoes in salted brine. And then, due to her employment, she completely forgot. I remembered only when delicious soaked tomatoes had already eaten up. salted tomatoes But I managed to make the final photo! I hope you can use my cold salted tomato and garlic recipe in the midst of autumn harvesting!

For many families, pickled tomatoes are the best snack, so it is important for the hostess to have a good and tasty recipe on hand. Cook the pickled tomatoes in a pot of cold water. Instant vegetables with a wonderful taste and aroma. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to cook them at home. I often see pickled tomatoes in the market, but I always pass by, as I myself have an excellent recipe that I have been using for many years.

When laying the table, remember that without the salty, you simply can’t create the right mood for the guests, so let's get vegetables together, in this case tomatoes. For starter culture, tomatoes need not only vegetables, but also spices. For pickled tomatoes, you will certainly need garlic, dill and a leaf of horseradish. Tomatoes will turn out simply excellent, with a characteristic sour aroma that you will not confuse with anything. As soon as the season of fresh soil tomatoes comes, I begin to slowly ferment, and I advise you.

Required Products:

  • 1 kg ripe tomato,
  • 2-3 branches of dill (can be umbrellas),
  • 1 sheet of horseradish
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic,
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tables. l table salt.

How to cook pickled tomatoes in a pan

Take an enameled pan, put spices in it: dill, horseradish leaf and cloves of peeled garlic. Dill can be taken and twigs, and umbrellas, it will be fragrant and delicious.

Wash tomatoes, put on spices in a pan. It is better to take small tomatoes, they will ferment and salt more quickly. Also, small tomatoes will be more convenient to put in a pan.

Sprinkle tomatoes with salt. Do not overdo it with salt, otherwise spoil the tomatoes. No one can eat salted tomatoes, so we strictly observe the proportions.

Fill with cold water and cover with a lid, leave to ferment for 2 days in the room without cleaning up anywhere. For more than two days I do not advise you to keep in the room, otherwise the tomatoes will be very acidic, which will even reduce teeth.

Then we see this picture: foam bubbles appeared, and the water became cloudy. This is a sure sign of fermentation and fermentation. We remove the tomatoes in the refrigerator or cellar. In a cool place, the process of acidification and fermentation will stop and the tomatoes will remain delicious. Such tomatoes can stand for up to a month, but I doubt that you can resist and not eat them.

Traditional pickled tomatoes for the winter - with garlic, mustard, currant leaves. Great recipes!

From time immemorial, everything that has been fermented in Russia has been fermented - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. You can ferment both red tomatoes, and brown, and green. Ideally - each in its own bank, but you can put it in one large layer. They’re green at the bottom - they will ferment longer than the rest. Then they are brown, but on the top - red. A can of 5-7 liters is needed; there will be nowhere to turn around in a three-liter one. As an option - ferment green and brown tomatoes in a large jar, and for red ones select a separate jar with a smaller volume.

  • tomatoes (red, brown and green) - 4 kg;
  • horseradish root - 8-10 cm;
  • dill (greens and umbrellas);
  • garlic - 2 heads large;
  • table salt - at the rate of 70 grams per liter of water;
  • blackcurrant leaves;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • celery - greens;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • pure water.

To cook pickled tomatoes in jars, first, wash my tomatoes, sorted by maturity. We clean the horseradish root. We wash all the greens under cold water, shake off the water.

Peel two large heads of garlic. If the cloves are very large, cut into 2-4 parts. Horseradish root cut into plates.

I carefully wash the jar. At the bottom we put 2-3 leaves of black currant, cloves of garlic, 2-3 plates of horseradish root. Add dill (greens and umbrellas), celery, several branches of parsley.

We put green tomatoes in 2-3 layers on the bottom of the jar. You can take cream tomatoes or regular round tomatoes - at your discretion.

We lay tomatoes with a layer of greenery (as on the bottom), we throw garlic, horseradish in a jar. The following layers are made from brown tomatoes.

Again, cover the tomatoes with a layer of greenery. The remaining place in the bank is filled with red tomatoes. We do not condense, but we try to stack all layers so that between the tomatoes there is very little space left. We put dill branches, various greens, horseradish, and garlic on top.

Now you need to prepare a saline solution. It is very difficult to determine how much it will be needed, so it is better to do it in portions. For example, two liters. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan or bowl, slightly warm. We throw 140 grams of ordinary coarse salt (table or stone), stir until the salt crystals are completely dissolved. A precipitate will collect at the bottom of the dishes, so we drain the solution very carefully or filter it through cheesecloth.

Pour the filtered solution of tomatoes to the very top so that they are completely covered. If there is not enough solution, do one more portion (per liter of water or two). Cover the jar with tomatoes with a lid (not tight) and leave it warm for 5-7 days. After about 1-2 days, the brine will begin to ferment, become cloudy - this means that the pickling process has begun. You need to keep the pickled tomatoes in jars warm for another 3-5 days and then rearrange them on a cool balcony or put them in the refrigerator. There the fermentation process will continue. Red tomatoes will be completely ready in 12-14 days. Brown and green will last longer, about a month.

You can start trying red tomatoes in 10 days, they will already taste good. But if you withstand the set two weeks, and observe the technology of fermentation, then you get just a gorge!

On a note. It is advisable to take red tomatoes for fermentation that are not ripe, so that they are dense. If you ferment cream tomatoes, then they can be kept warm for 1-2 days longer than round tomatoes. Pay attention to salt - only non-iodized coarse salt (ordinary table salt) is suitable for fermentation, fine salt or iodized salt for fermentation is not used.

Recipe 2, step by step: pickled tomatoes in jars

  • Tomato (medium size) - 3 kg
  • Petiole celery - 1 bunch.
  • Garlic (head) - 1 pc.
  • Dill (or 2 tablespoons of dill seeds) - 1 beam.
  • Salt (per 1 liter of water) - 2 tbsp. l
  • Sugar (per 1 liter of water) - 2 tbsp. l

We prepare celery, dill and garlic. In India, dill umbrellas are a problem, so you have to bring seeds for pickling from Moscow or use, as in this case, just dill greens.

At celery, cut off the tops with herbs, and cut the petioles into pieces about 10 cm long.

Dill can be laid whole, can be cut.

We take the tomatoes, wash them, wipe them dry.

And now the know-how: in order for the tomatoes to pickle in 3 days, it is necessary for everyone to cut out the place where the stalk was attached. It is simple and does not take much time.

We carefully cut out so that the hole is not too large, otherwise the fruit will crawl when pouring boiling water. I used to put a small clove of garlic in this hole for beauty. Now I quit this lesson, because it does not affect the taste, but it takes a lot of time.

Divide the garlic into slices and peel.

We take 3 liters of water, bring to a boil, add salt and sugar.

In boiling water, literally for 30 seconds, we throw the celery stalks and immediately take them out with a slotted spoon.

Leave the pot of boiling water over low heat.

We begin to collect our jar: we put tomatoes, dill, herbs and celery stalks, garlic. Try to put tomatoes upwards so that air escapes them when pouring, preventing the brine from penetrating inside.

Pour all this with a brine, which we stood on a small fire. Leave about 1 cup of brine in case the tomatoes absorb water, then you have to add a little the next day.

Leave the jar in a warm room.

I cover the neck with a saucer. After 3 days, the brine will become cloudy, and bubbles will appear on the surface.

What is so good at salting that you can always try how ready the brine is. As soon as you find it satisfactory in acidity, close it with a lid (in the sense of just closing, but not canning!) And putting it in the refrigerator. You can eat in a day.

Although no spices are used in this recipe except garlic, dill and celery, tomatoes are unusually aromatic and tasty. Bon Appetit!

For a very long time I refused to pickle tomatoes and cucumbers. I am not friends with vinegar, and he does not love me. And with such fermentation in brine, only one good. Tomatoes are obtained as barrel. In addition, celery stalks are no less tasty than the tomatoes themselves.

Recipe 3: pickled tomatoes in a bucket for the winter

There are different pickled tomatoes for the winter: in a pan, bucket, in banks. If you want to stock up in large quantities, it is very convenient to pickle tomatoes in a plastic bucket for the winter. The taste will be like a barrel.

  • 8 kg tomato;
  • 10 pieces. dill umbrellas;
  • 10 pieces. horseradish leaves;
  • 20 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 10 pieces. allspice peas;
  • 8-10 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 1-2 pcs. hot pepper;
  • 2 pcs. heads of garlic;
  • Currant leaves, cherries - to taste;
  • 5 l of water;
  • 1 cup of salt;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar.

We take a large bucket (12 l), wash it thoroughly, scald it with boiling water.

We will prepare all the ingredients: wash the tomatoes, leaves, peel and cut the garlic, hot pepper.

We cover the bottom of the bucket with the first layer of leaves and spices. Then put the tomatoes. Next - again a layer of spices, tomatoes. And so we alternate to the very top.

We heat water in a separate bowl, dissolve sugar and salt in it. Pour tomatoes with the cooled brine.

Cover with folded gauze, put a plate with cargo on top. Keep in room conditions for about a month, then take out in the cold. We change gauze from time to time.

Serve chilled tomatoes in a bucket for the winter.

Recipe 4: pickled tomatoes with garlic for the winter

A very simple and quick recipe for pickled tomatoes.

  • Tomatoes - 10 kg (how much will go)
  • Dill inflorescences (umbrellas) - 1 bunch (to taste)
  • Garlic - 3 heads (to taste)
  • Parsley - 1 bunch (to taste)
  • To fill 5-6 cans:
  • Water - 10 L
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Salt - 300 g
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 L

How to cook pickled tomatoes: sort out the tomatoes, rinse well.

Peel the garlic. Cut into pieces. Wash the herbs well.

Rinse cans well with soda. Put 3 dill umbrellas, 5-6 cloves of garlic, parsley on the bottom. Fill the prepared 3-liter jars with tomatoes.

Boil the brine. To do this, mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes over medium heat. Cool.

Pour filled cans with boiled cold brine, add dill on top of the umbrella.

Close the cans with nylon lids and put the pickled tomatoes in the basement or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: pickled tomatoes with pepper in a pan for the winter

a recipe for making delicious sauerkraut tomatoes in a saucepan. Cold recipe with a photo. It turns out like from a barrel, very tasty !!!

  • ripe tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • blackcurrant leaves;
  • umbrellas or dill seeds;
  • cherry leaves.
  • water - 5 l;
  • non-iodized salt - ½ cup (200 ml glass);
  • mustard powder - 2.5 tbsp. l

Thoroughly wash the container in which we will salt the tomatoes. It can be an enameled pan or a bucket without chips. You can take glass or ceramic dishes, but an aluminum pan is not good. We figured out the container, now we prepare the greens. Cut the washed horseradish leaves, and if the horseradish leaves are small, then put them whole. We also wash the leaves of cherry and currant, add them to horseradish. You can add dill, parsley, tarragon and other herbs. Putting garlic is optional.

At the bottom of the pan, covered with spicy herbs, spread a layer of tomatoes. We take tomatoes for salting of the same size, with dense pulp.

Then we cover these tomatoes with another piece of greenery.

Then, with a second layer, you can put the Bulgarian pepper in the pan. Wash the pepper, cut a circle around the stem. Through the cut hole we get the testis along with the seeds. We substitute the pepper under a stream of water to wash it inside and remove the remnants of seeds. Put the pepper in the pan. If desired, it is possible for pepper fruits not to cut the core with seeds, but to pickle the whole pepper.

Pour greens over the pepper. On a pepper with greens we place another layer of tomatoes.

Top vegetables close the remaining greens. Now prepare the brine. For the preparation of brine, use filtered or well water. According to the recipe, we calculate the amount of salt and dry mustard for the required volume of water. Pour salt into water, mix gently until the salt is completely dissolved in water. Without stopping mixing the brine, add mustard powder to it according to the recipe. Then pour tomatoes with bell pepper pickle so that it completely covers the vegetables.

Cover the entire contents of the pan with a clean board or a large flat plate. We put oppression (an incomplete three-liter can of water), and cover with gauze on top. We take out the pan in the cold. A few days later, when the vegetables are saturated with brine and settle in a pan, the yoke can be removed. In the cold, tomatoes and peppers will be salted for a month or two.

Cold pickled tomatoes in a pan are a great addition to the main course.

Recipe 6, simple: delicious tomatoes for the winter (step by step)

Those who have tasted pickled tomatoes are well aware that such a dish is worthy of the highest praise, even capricious gourmets will appreciate them. True, in order to be able to please relatives with such a snack, you will have to work hard, but for those who are not afraid of difficulties, the award, in the form of praise from loved ones, will not take long. This tomato recipe has become the favorite in my family.

Tomatoes for such starter culture should be selected firm and in no case mashed. Tomatoes of the "Cream" variety are best suited; they can be taken either ripe or slightly unripe.

This recipe is convenient in that you can salt the tomatoes in any dish that is convenient for you, whether it is a large pot, a barrel, or if there is not a sufficiently large container, in three-liter jars, as I do, the main rule is a lot of greens and seasonings, and of course same good marinade.

  • Tomatoes 3 kg
  • Horseradish leaf 1 pc.
  • Celery sprig 1 pc.
  • Currant leaf 2 pcs.
  • Dill sprig 1 pc.
  • Salt 3 tablespoon
  • Garlic clove 3 pcs.
  • Clove 4 pcs.

Rinse cans with soda and sterilize after thorough rinsing. Large cans are best doused with steam, setting them on top of a pot of boiling water or a boiling kettle.

Thoroughly rinse the selected 3 kg tomato, remove the stalks.

Now you can start the greens, for one three-liter jar I take a leaf of horseradish, a couple of currant and celery leaves, a sprig of dill. They will need to be washed, coarsely chopped and mixed.

At the bottom of each jar, add 1/3 of the cooked greens, one bay leaf, 4 cloves and three cloves of garlic.

Put prepared tomatoes tightly in jars, alternating them with greens, as shown in the photo.

Then proceed to the preparation of the brine. To do this, boil 2 liters of water (per jar), add three tablespoons of salt to it, stir and cool to room temperature, after which, pour the ready-made brine into the jar to the very top. After, cover the banks with the lids and leave it to stay at room temperature for 3-4 days, after the time has passed, remove it in a cold place.

Literally in 3-4 weeks, the dish will be ready and delicious tomatoes can be tasted by the whole family.

Recipe 7: pickled tomatoes with cold water (with photo)

  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes
  • 1/3 tea l granulated sugar
  • 1 tables. l salt
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic,
  • 5-7 pcs. peppercorns,
  • 3-4 pcs. bay leaves
  • some dill
  • 20 grams of 9% table vinegar.

At the bottom of an enameled saucepan, put all the necessary aromatic spices: peeled garlic cloves, bay leaves and peppercorns. We also send washed branches of dill there.

Wash the tomatoes and place them in a pan on top of the spices. We take tomatoes so that they do not burst during the fermentation process, the appearance will immediately deteriorate in such vegetables.

We fill the tomatoes with salt, add a little sugar.

Pour the vinegar and pour the tomatoes in cold water. Cover with a lid and leave to roam the day in the room. Then put in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Ready-made pickled tomatoes will delight your whole family. I hope that today's recipe is useful to you, and more than once!

My mother is an expert on pickled tomatoes, and I am an expert on eating, I really like 🙂. Of course, she does this in a barrel and a cool cellar, following traditions. But mom is far away and tomatoes too, so I adapted the recipe for the city. It turns out very tasty.

Chips and salted tomatoes - brings me back to childhood. Memories cover and we already have lunch in the open air as a family. So nice to be back in childhood.

Preparation of vegetables:

Tomatoes 1.5 - 2 kg I use dense (hard), medium-sized, without cracks. Pour cold water for 10 minutes to remove dust. I do not delete tails, I like them. I drain the water and rinse again.

I wash the pepper 2-3 pieces with water. I cut sweet pepper lengthwise into 4 parts, leave the seeds and tail. The pepper will turn out crispy and delicious.

A pickling bouquet, I can’t name a broom :-), I use only ⅓ part - I wash it with water and cut it with scissors.

How to cook pickled tomatoes?

At the bottom of the can I put the prepared pickling bouquet + garlic 2 cloves (without peel) + bitter pepper ½ + tomatoes (larger ones down, as they take longer to salt) + sweet pepper and other tomatoes.

Dissolve 2 tablespoons (with a slide) of salt in 1.5 liters of cold water.

I pour tomatoes with brine, cover with a capron lid and leave at room temperature for 3 days (not in the sun). I put a plate under the jar, liquid will leak. During this time, the brine becomes cloudy.

After 3 days I put the tomatoes in the refrigerator. After 7 days, they have already become salted, I start to drag from the can 🙂. The smell has already formed, but there is still not enough salt, I love these. But the pepper is ready. After 14 days, the tomatoes are ready.

Sour tomatoes are stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months, then the brine begins to peroxide and they are not so tasty. This is not a recipe for the winter - this is a recipe to eat in the coming weeks and store only in the refrigerator.