How to cook Jam from IRGI: Recipes of a delicious berry jam. IRGA - Recipes for a blank for the winter of compotes, jam and other delicious dishes

07.08.2019 Restaurant Notes.

IRGA, or cinnicker - amazing to taste and useful berry of blue or even purple color with a naizphid, with a lot of seeds. Interestingly, although everyone is called its berry, truly, its fruit is a small elongated apple, up to 1 cm in diameter. The scientific name Amelanchier hints at its honey taste, it corresponds to reality - berries, it is, sweet, they do not feel a sourness in them. Despite this, only one tenth of the composition falls on sugar. There is a lot of ascorbic acid in berries (i.e. vitamin C) and carotene. These are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants contribute to improving immunity, help to cope with depression. These substances are also recommended for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other diseases of the nervous system. The abundance of vitamin P in this berry helps strengthen the walls of the vessels and the improvement of their elasticity, and, accordingly, the billets from its fruits can be used to prevent heart attacks, and they will benefit the elderly.

Like any yum, IRGU should be used in moderation. It must be remembered that she soothes, and this is perfectly before bedtime, but the driver behind the wheel is a sedative effect may interfere. Billets from IRGI are recommended to reduce pressure, so the hypotonized should be careful.

All dishes with the addition of IRGI are obtained very fragrant and differ in the original taste. Compote, frost, jam are prepared from her. However, Irga is quite a dense berry, so in front of culinary experiments, its fruits stand to taste (pour boiling water for 1-2 minutes), even if it is not specified in the recipe. Here are the most interesting recipes of jam.

This jam is unusually sweet, and a little tart taste. It is known that Irga helps to fight stress and soothes, so evening tea drinking with such delicacy will perfectly configure to peaceful sleep, and guests will be surprised and guessing, from what berries you prepared dessert. This billet, as, does not pass long thermal processing, so the berry retains almost all its healing qualities.


  • IRGA - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Lemon Acid - 1 gr.

Cooking process

  1. Out in IRGU, separate all the fruits and leaves.
  2. Diligently rinse using a sieve or colander and dry.
  3. Start the preparation of sugar syrup:
  4. Pour water in a saucepan, shook sugar, stir, put on a small fire so that it is heated with a saucepan from one side, a foam will appear from another side, it should be removed.
  5. When the foam disappears, put on a large fire and evaporate water to the desired thickness (if you want a jam on the ground, then the syrup should be thick).
  6. Pour the syrup of the berries, bring to a boil, and then cook another 6 - 8 minutes on a small fire.
  7. Remove from the fire, cover and leave overnight so that the jam is cooled and fifth.
  8. Dormit the jam to your taste (if the goal is to preserve more beneficial substances, and not in creating a delicious dessert, then cook smaller).
  9. In the final add citric acid Or the juice from the halves of lemon.

Jam from Irgi with a currant "Vitamin Lukoshko"

This is a berry assortment will help survive gloomy winter days. Black currant rich in vitamin C will strengthen the immune system, Irga will calm the loose nerves, and the white currant will add sourness and helps jam to frozen in jelly due to a large number of pectins.


  • Black currant - 0.5 kg.
  • White currant - 0.5 kg.
  • IRGA - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

You can replace white currants to red. According to biological properties, these two berries are practically identical. However, the red currant is more often acid than white, so if additional acid is not included in your plans, it is better to put a little more sugar.

Cooking process

  1. Carefully sort out berries: remove twigs, frozen, leaves, small litter.
  2. Wash and dry, with a sieve.
  3. Mix IRGU and currants, sugar sugar.
  4. Wait for the moment when the berries will allocate the juice and soak sugar.
  5. Shake and put on the stove, on a small fire to bring to the state of boiling, after cooking for another 5 minutes.
  6. Shake and set out for 15 to 20 minutes, wait until a little cool.
  7. Bring to a boil, after cooking for another 5 minutes.
  8. Dismix jam into sterilized banks, roll.

Jam from Irgi with Malina "Do not pain"

In this jam, the tart of sweetish smell and the taste of Irgi mixed with unmatched raspberry aroma and sourness. Malina contains a large number of phytoncides, therefore it is considered natural antibiotics. A spoon of this dessert with tea will help the patient to get rid of fever and stand on the way of recovery.


  • IRGA - 1 kg.
  • Raspberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.
  • You can reduce the amount of products in the appropriate proportion.

Cooking process

  1. Sort of raspberry; If you need to wash, give to dry.
  2. Fall as a raspberry with sugar, cover and retain on five to six hours or at night so that the berry selects the juice.
  3. Rinse, thoroughly rinse and dry the IRGU.
  4. Pick up IRGU in Rasina.
  5. Move on the stove, bring to a boil.
  6. Remove from the stove, set up for 2 to 3 hours.
  7. Return the jam on the stove and boil 5 minutes, remove the foam.
  8. Pour the billet on banks, roll, remove into the cool place.

Another excellent means that is used to prevent the cold and lack of vitamins is.

Jam from Irgi with apples "Juicy slices"

In this double jam to the useful properties of IRGI, an apple vitamin complex is added, in all varieties of apples contain vitamins C and P, which are well affected by the metabolism, this is especially relevant in winter, when a person consumes a lot of meat and fish, and harmful exchange products are accumulated in the body. . In addition to the healing effect, this workpiece has an unmatched taste - the berry sweetness is complemented by the acids of juicy pieces of apple.


  • IRGA - 1 kg.
  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water is 1 cup (250 ml).
  • Lemon Acid - 2-3 gr. (optional).

Cooking process

  1. Cooking syrup: boil the water, fall asleep sugar, cook about 10 mnut, stirred until the sugar dissolve.
  2. Wash apples, clean from the peel and the core.
  3. Cut apples with thin slices.
  4. Loose IRGU, separate the litter and the fruits, then rinse and dry.
  5. IRGU pour to boiling sugar syrup, prevent, bring to a boil, prepare another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Add apples, bring to boil again and cook on a small fire until the jam thickens.
  7. At the final stage, it is possible to add citric acid so that the workpiece is better stored.
  8. Dispatch on banks and roll.

Jam from Irgi and gooseberry in a multicooker "with sourness"

Many people believe that the billets from IRGI goes too pronounced, this problem can be solved by adding something flat - for example, the gooseberry. In addition, the gooseberry contains a variety of vitamins, has a choleretic and diuretic effect.


  • Irga - 500 gr.
  • Gooseberry - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.

Cooking process

  1. Rise berries: Irgi to separate the frozen, at the gooseberry - tails.
  2. Rinse and dry.
  3. Skip through the meat grinder both berries with sugar.
  4. Put the berry mix in the bowl.
  5. Set the "quenching" mode, carefully follow - mix at the time of boiling.
  6. Once again, waiting until the water boils, remove the foam and mix.
  7. Pour jam on banks and roll.

Strawberry jam with IRGA "Berry Sweetness"

This is a very fragrant and useful delicacy. The healing properties of IRGI joins a vitamin and mineral strawberry complex. For example, strawberries contains iodine, which is necessary for the brain and nervous system, which is especially relevant for the elderly. However, this dessert does not prevent young people, since there is a zinc that increases libido.


  • Berry (Irga, Strawberry) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Lemonic acid - 2 grams. or 1/3 lemon.

Cooking process

  1. Separately go through and rinse berries.
  2. Fill berries and sugar in a saucepan layers.
  3. Leave to stand up, wait until the berries allocate the juice and soak sugar.
  4. Carefully mix, try not to remember the berries.
  5. Leave to stand at night.
  6. Cooking on a small fire until the water boils, cook another 3-5 minutes, wait until the delicacy cools.
  7. All actions of paragraph 6 produce 3-4 times.
  8. During the last cooking, it is possible to interfere with citric acid or lemon juice for sourness and color saving.
  9. Pour delicacy on sterilized banks and roll.

Jam from Irga without cooking "Sweet Vitamin"

This workpiece is needed to maintain the maximum number of beneficial properties of the berry. Before cooking, berries can be blanched for softness, but it is optional, since here is the main purpose of the healing effect. For example, such a workpiece will benefit the elderly, since Vitamin A, which contains Irga, contributes to improving vision and prevents the development of cataracts.


  • IRGA - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Lemon Acid - 2-3 gr.

Cooking process

  1. Ride the berries, rinse and dry.
  2. Mount the berries in the meat grinder.
  3. Sugar sugar, diligently mix.
  4. Pour 2 gr. citric acid (for giving kislic, since Irgi has a sufficient taste of taste) and mix.
  5. Pour into banks and close with polyethylene lids.

You need to store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Irga is perfectly combined in a jam with almost all berries and fruits, but it is sleeping before everyone, so it can be collected and freeze, and then use in the jam in combination. The bunches of Irgi gradually gradually, therefore the collection must be implemented by portions. If the summer is rainy, IRGU has to be assembled in 2 - 3 times. When pressing out of mature berries, juice flows. Ripe berry storing outside the refrigerator is not longer than 3 to 4 days.

To fill the organism vitamin reserves in winter, many hostesses make a blank, which, with proper cooking, will like not only adults, but also for children.

Summer is a great time to prepare different reserves for the winter. After all, nature for several months gives man a huge amount of fruit, berries and vegetables. And the sin does not use them for the preparation of a variety of jams and the pickles, because then, in the cold season, they perfectly diversify the diet, remind you of warmth and pour with vitamins. One of the excellent options for such billets will be jam from Irgi, the recipes for the winter of which can be mastering even a novice culinary. So we give the most proven recipes for such sweets.

Recipe number 1.

To prepare this option of jam from Irgi, you will need one kilogram of berries, one kilogram of sugar and three hundred milliliters of ordinary water.

First of all, overbid, rinse and clean the berries. Next, pour the prepared amount of water into the saucepan and place it on fire. After the water gets warmed, pumped into it sugar, dissolve it and negotiate the resulting syrup for five minutes.

Next, put the berries in the saucepan and negotiate for five minutes after boiling.
Then cover the capacitance with a lid and retain down until full cooling. After re-return the saucepan on fire and negotiate a lot of five more minutes. Then you need to re-cool the future jam and pecking it for the third time. Highely burst through pre-sterilized banks and wrap covers.

Winter jam with IRGA and lemon

To prepare this option of jam from Irgi, you will need one and a half kilograms of berries, two hundred milliliters of cool pre-boiled water, seven hundred Sugar grams and one small lemon.

First of all, pour into a saucepan of a half kilogram of a passive, peeled and well-washed Irgi. Next, fill it with two hundred and milliliters of water and place the container on the high heat. After boiling, cover the saucepan with a lid and boil for half an hour.
Next, mix the berries and pour the sugar prepared top with top. Make fire minimal and continue boiling. At this time, wash the lemon well and check it through the meat grinder. Add the resulting mass to the ready-made jam and continue boiling for more than half an hour. Next, turn off the fire and allow the resulting mass to be completely cooled. After lowering the blender into it and grind the berries to the state of jelly.

Heat the jam before boiling and immediately burst over sterile jars, wrapping them with lids. The resulting dish will be distinguished by the consistency of the jam.

Recipe number 3.

To prepare this option of jam from Irgi, you will need one kilogram of berries and sugar, a glass of pure water, as well as three grams of citric acid.

Berries worth a pretty go through and rinse. Next, let them completely dry. Prepare the syrup - to do this, boil the glass of water and dissolve sugar in it. After that, add to the obtained composition of IRGU.

Bring the future boil jam and make the power of the fire minimal. Strengthen the berries until readiness (about ten to fifteen minutes), then add citric acid to them and let the mixture completely cool. Lemon acid plays this composition of the role of preservative, so you can replenish the cooled jam on sterile cans, tighten and remove it into the closet.

Recipe number 4.

To prepare jam from Irgi for such a recipe you will need quite a few ingredients - one kilogram of Irgi and two hundred Sugar grams. First of all, override and rinse the fruits, after which you will perepay them with sugar, mix and wait until a sufficient amount of juice is distinguished from the berries that can cover them completely. Next, place the container on a small fire and slowly bring to a boil with a slight stirring.

Weganize such a composition for five minutes, after which you cool at room temperature. Such a process should be repeated twice (cold and boiling). After a hot jam, you need to pour into banks and close the lids.

Irish jam for winter with apples

To prepare this version of the jam, it is worth preparing one kilogram of ripe berries Irgi, one kilogram of sugar (you can a little more), a glass of ordinary water, a kilogram of apples. Optionally, three grams of citric acid can be used.

The first thing to weld the syrup - boil the water, dissolve sugar in it and negotiate for ten minutes. You must have a thick and homogeneous consistency fluid. Apples should be cleaned from the peel, as well as from the core and cut into small slices or thin slices. IRGU is recommended to rinse, go through and dry.

Pour the berries of Irgi to boiling syrup, mix and boil. Five to seven minutes of boiling, add apples to the container. After re-boasting the composition, make the fire minimal and boil until complete thickening. At the very end, it is possible to add citric acid to jam, it will provide better preservation of the finished product.

Hot jam should be poured over sterilized banks and roll them with covers.
You can cook such a composition in two stages - after the first boil, cool the berry-apple mass after taking concerning it again for about half an hour. So the finished jam will be more dense, and its taste is uniform.

The ratio of apples and berries may vary depending on your taste preferences.

Thus, the preparation of jam from Irgi is not a particularly difficult occupation. And you can easily create such delicious delicacy on your own.

Catherine, www.Syt.

P.S. The text uses some forms of characteristic speech.

Irga or Cinnik - a shrub of the family of rustic, the fruits of which ripen in early July.

IRGA has a bluish-purple berries, sometimes growing up to 1 cm, with a sizem, a sweet, pleasant, fresh, not aware of the taste.

The fruits of Irgi are rich in vitamins C and P, pectin, fruit acids and tanning substances.

Use cinnake to prevent avitaminosis, as well as to improve the work of the cardiovascular, nervous system and vision.

IRGA refers to, normalizes pressure (but contraindicated in hypotension), helps with insomnia and is very useful for older people for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

This beroda can be prepared for the winter. The easiest and most tasty way is to cook jam from Irgi.

Recipe jam from Irgi


  • ripe Berries Irgi - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • lemon - 1 piece or 3 g of citric acid

How to cook jam from Irgi for the winter:

1. Rinse with Cool water IRGU and let the drain of water.

Optionally, you can skip the berries through the meat grinder or be confused, so that cinnica jam for the winter has become homogeneous and more like a jam.

2. Pour water into the pan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil.

3. Pass sugar sand, dissolve it in water and boil about 5 minutes on a small fire to get syrup.

4. In the syrup, put cigrink berries, bring to a boil and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon for 5 minutes, removing the foam.

5. Cool completely, and then again tailor on slow fiery for another 5 minutes.

6. Now squeeze the lemon juice or distribute citric acid into not large quantities Water and repeat the five minute cooking, adding this component and mixing well.

7. Sterilize banks and run in them ready-made jam from cigrinka. Slide, turn over to the lids and cool down under the blanket.

If there is no time, you can simplify the preparation of jam from Irgi, just fighting the berries in the syrup 10-15 minutes after boiling and adding citric acid a couple of minutes to the end of the cooking.

Keep the workpiece from Irgi can be at home in a cool place. Drink in winter with tea or grasses.

Bon Appetit!

Apple tree and cherry, currants and raspberries. These cultures have long been grown by man and are deservedly popular. However, in recent times, interest in rare cultures and the "Divoros" is growing.

Sea buckthorn, Kalina, Rowan, the honeysuckle firmly settled in garden sites. Otherwise, it may not be, because they are tasty and have a lot of useful qualities. In addition, Dickari easily adapt to adverse conditions and survive where traditional fruit breeds may die.

Berries are collected, it remains to go through

These cultures include Irga. But it occupies a modest place in the gardens of Russia, although it is an inexhaustible source of the necessary human biologically active substances. The advantages include its winter hardiness, stability and unpretentiousness.

Useful properties of IRGI

The fruits of IRGI are interesting to the high content of sugars (up to 12%) and low-organic acids (about 1%). There are vitamins in berries: with (up to 45 mg%), p (1000 mg%), B2 (60-150 mg%), provitamin A (0.2-1 mg%), vitamin B6 (0.05 mg%) , as well as pectic substances (0.5-3.7%), p-active compounds that are removed from the body of heavy metal ions, betaine (300-980 mg%).

Sweetish berries of Irgi can be fresh and harvested for the winter. Jam, jelly, grazing, jam, puree, kissel, filling for pies - all this can be cooked from Irgi. Billets are obtained by jelly-like, since the fruits contain gelling substances. Another berries are knitted, frozen, dried. And since they are natural dyes and are perfectly combined with other fruits, they are added to compote and jam, improving the color and enriching the taste. And finally, the wonderful wine of ruby-colored has been prepared from IRGI for several centuries.


No one asked to calculate the number of existing jam recipes. Probably a lot. For the workpiece of jam for the winter from Irgi, you can use any recipe. It is boiled with whole berries or crushed, they prepare mono-jam only from Irga or Mix of several different fruits. Different proportions of sugar and fruits. Boiled jam with water or without.

There are classical ingredients ratios and unusual combinations. It all depends on the products under hand, and the tastes of the artist.

"Classic genre" in the art of cooking jam is considered to be the ratio of 1: 1, that is, one weight of sugar and one piece of fruits. Such a proportion is used for any berries and fruits. IRGU is also boiled by such a recipe. But each fetal has its own characteristics. For IRGI, this is a great sugar content and a small percentage of acid. Therefore, preparing jam from it, you can safely reduce the amount of sugar twice. There are recipes, where one kilogram of Irgi takes only two hundred grams of sugar. Often lemon acid or acid berries add to Irge, since it herself has a pressed taste. But first things first.

Preparatory stage

For jam, the fruits of mature or greenish are taken.

Berries IRGI prepared for cooking

Berries are crossed, throwing garbage, crumpled and dry, damaged by pests and diseases fruits.

Remove the fruits.

Wash in colander and leave for water flow.

If the berries are too tough, they are blanched for about three minutes in boiling water.

Recipes of Inga Jam.

Option number 1.

  • the fruits of IRGI - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water is 1 cup.

Optionally, citric acid is added.

This is a classic proportion of ingredients during cooking jam.

  • the washed dry fruits of the IRGI laid out in boiling syrup and boiled 5 minutes;
  • assume and give cool;
  • after cooling, it boils five minutes again and presserved again;
  • for the third time, the jams put on fire, joke and spill on sterilized jars.

Option 2.


  • the fruits of IRGI - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400-500 g;
  • water - from 1 to 2 stores;
  • lemon Acid - 1-2
  • the fruits purify from the garbage, wash, scatter on a towel or a soft napkin (can be paper), they give drain and dry;
  • prepare syrup;
  • iRGU is poured boiling syrup;
  • cook with weak boil, stirring, until readiness.

Boiled jam

The degree of readiness of the jam is determined by a drop of a cry of syrup on a cold surface. If the drop is not spread, it's time to merge jam.

Option number 3. With black currant


  • irgi fruits - 2 kilograms;
  • currant black - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - from 2 to 3 stores.

Cooking jam:

  • irgi berries fall asleep in boiling water and blanched for about three minutes;
  • lay out for water flow;
  • poured together with currants in the welded syrup;
  • bring to a boil;
  • clean from fire and give it to brew 8-10 hours;
  • after that, they joke until readiness.

Option number 4. Another recipe with currant - jam jelly

  • irgi fruits - 2 glasses;
  • currant berries (white or red) - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 600 grams.

Description of preparation:

  • berries wash, crushed, warm up 10 minutes.
  • press juice.
  • juice Irgi and currant is mixed, sugar are added, boiled.
  • spill into sterile jars and roll.

Decomposed on jars ...

Option number 5. Multi-wiring option

  • irga - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 glasses from a slow cooker.

Cooking process:

  • berries Irgi wash.
  • grinding on a meat grinder or grind a blender;
  • laid out a multicooker's bowl;
  • put water and sugar;
  • stir;
  • cook in the mode "Porridge" for one hour.
  • after the end of the cooking is spilled by banks and roll with covers.

Option number 6. Irgov-apple

  • the fruits of IRGI - 1 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water is 1 cup.
  • sleep citric acid.


  • apples are cleaned from the peel and the heartings, cut into slices or slices;
  • iRGU is swore, wash, dried;
  • sugar and water is boiled syrup;
  • first of all, Irgi berries fall asleep to boiling syrup;
  • let them leave 5-7 minutes, apples add;
  • next, the jam must be boiled and cooking on a small fire until readiness;
  • at the very end, lemon acid is packed.

Option number 7. Vishnevo-Inga jam

In this recipe, the unit is a glass.

  • fruits of Irgi and Cherries - 5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 10 tbsp.;
  • water - 2 tbsp.

Description of the cooking process:

  • berries sort, bones are not removed from the cherry.
  • cooked syrup.
  • they fall asleep in him the cherry and boil slowly fifteen minutes.
  • then put the IRGU and boil together for another fifteen minutes.
  • in the process of cooking remove foam.
  • before merging the jam, 5 g of citric acid are packed.
  • the jam is spilled in jars and closed.

And now in the basement until winter

Option number 8. IRGA Plus Lemon.

  • irgi fruits - 2 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • water is 1 cup;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Irgi berries are placed with sugar and leave for three hours;

Lemon wash, cut, remove seeds, grind.

IRGU with sugar put on fire, plot water, lay lemon and boiled with a weak boiling about an hour.

The finished jam is unfolded on jars and closed.

It is interesting! It turns out that not only the hostess in the kitchen is experimenting with the reptile jam. Scientists in Vnis them. I.V. Michurin, for a number of years, carried out experiments on the preparation and analysis of a bathed jam. The best recognized jam from the honeysuckle and Irgi. But, since, these berries ripen at different times, frozen honeysuckle added to fresh Irge.

Recipe approved by scientists jam:

  • honeysuckle -1 kilogram;
  • the fruits of IRGI - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Sugar sand is poured on a mixture of berries so that it completely covered them and retire for 4-6 hours. Conduct to a boil, tracking that the berries do not boil. Enclosed jam into clean dishes and closed.

The product is obtained by jelly-like, since the IRGA has gelling properties.

This jam was estimating 4, 9 points out of five possible. The Commission decided that the taste of this bathing is the harmonious. At the same time, each jar is a storehouse of utility.

Many saw small bluish-black berries, very similar to black currant. Such shrubs are growing both in the wilderness and in the household plots and are called Irga.

The game is a very useful product with excellent medicinal properties. He plays his hand that he is practically not whimsical and does not require much care. Fruit this shrub at the end of July, and therefore is often used in home billets for the winter. Each hostess has its own unique recipes for making blockages from Irgi. From her berries prepare jam, compotes, delicious jam, jelly and juice. There are even options for the manufacture of kvass based on it.

Chemical composition of IRGI and its useful properties

The chemical composition of berries is a combination of useful micro and macroelements, as well as a significant vitamin complex. Among this variety is highlighted very rare and very useful vitamin R, ascorbic acid, vitamin A and vitamins of group V.

Proteins in such a product contain about 0.5 grams and almost 70 grams of carbohydrates.

In addition, the IRGI includes fiber, tanning substances, flavonoids, various sugars and pectins. And in the seeds of this plant there are extensive oils.

Jam from Irgi is a rather calorie product. Its energy value reaches 260 kcal, so it is not necessary to get involved in using it.

Thanks to this valuable composition, the berries of IRGI are successfully used in folk medicine. They significantly improve the work of the digestive and gastroincing organs are effective in intestinal disorders and stomach, as a fixing agent. Also, this plant contributes to the settlement of useful microflora in the intestine.

Pectines contained in IRGA helps to remove hazardous toxins and harmful cholesterol from the body, and useful vitamin P allows you to use berries and products prepared on them, as a prophylactic agent in varicose veins and myocardial infarction. Thanks to it, the vascular walls are significantly strengthened, as well as they become elastic and elastic.

Phytosterians and coumarins, which are also components of IRGI contribute to a decrease in blood coagulation.

The presence of vitamin A is very useful for sight, so that with regular consumption of berries or jam from IRGI, the risks of the occurrence of cataracts, inflammatory processes in the eyes are significantly reduced. The fruits of the plants allow you to get rid of the night blindness, and also effectively eliminate eye fatigue.

Other useful and therapeutic qualities of IRGI berries include:

  • prevention and development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • normalization of kidney and liver;
  • restoration of vitamin balance with avitaminosis;
  • a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, the removal of the nervous voltage, improvement of sleep and getting rid of insomnia;
  • reduction of blood pressure and improving the work of the heart muscle;
  • helps to get rid of inflammatory processes in angina and stomatitis;
  • infusions from the leaves and the crust of Irgi have antiseptic actions, thanks to which are popular when healing wounds, burns and skin inflammations;
  • preventing the occurrence of malignant neoplasms due to the presence of a huge number of carotene;
  • the withdrawal from the body of radioactive substances, hazardous toxins and salts of heavy metals.

Well, of course, the IRGA is effective, and especially the jam on its basis, during the frequent diseases and epidemics of the influenza and ARVI, since it significantly increases immunity.

It is impossible to eat such berries in the individual intolerance to the substances included in their composition. With caution to apply under reduced arterial pressure. Frequent use of jam from IRGI is not recommended for diabetes mellitus and obesity.

In cooking, fruits of plants for cooking jelly or jams are used. Of these, cooks and compotes are preparing. Berries are dried, frozen, and also boiled delicious jam based on them.

Jam from Irish "Five minutes"

The recipe for cooking jam from Irgi is quite simple and is preparing it is not more difficult than strawberry jam. Often it is also called a five-minute jam. To prepare such a dish, you will need:

  • irgi berries - one kilogram;
  • lemon acid - about three grams.

Berries pre-move, rinse thoroughly and dried on a towel. As long as they dry, sugar syrup should be prepared. To do this, boil 250 ml of water in a saucepan and sugar into it.

In order for the jam to slightly gave the cherries, you can pre-boil in such water the leaves of the cherry.

To the boiling syrup, to lower the IRGU and after boiling, cook berries on a slow heat for a maximum of fifteen minutes. With more cooking time, the berries will decompose and get a jam, instead of the expected jam.
At the end of the cooking should be thrown into a mass of citric acid or fill it with a small amount of lemon juice.

Chilled jam should be poured into pre-prepared sterilized banks and roll.

Jam from Irish berries without cooking

You can prepare this useful dessert and without baking berries. In this case, the IRGA will retain the maximum amount of valuable substances, which will significantly increase its healing properties. To do this, you will need:

  • irgi berries - one kilogram;
  • sugar sand - one kilogram;
  • lemon acid - two or three grams.

Irgi berries need to go through, rinse and dry, and then chop them into a meat grinder or with a blender.

Pour sugar to the resulting cleaner and carefully wash. Add some lemon acid or lemon juice, pour into banks that are better sterilized or quiet with boiling water and close polyethylene covers.

Store the resulting product is needed in a cool dark place. Ideal for storage will be a refrigerator or cellar.

Instead of conclusions

The jam from Irgi is a surprisingly tasty and healing product that fills the body with useful minerals and vitamins. It significantly strengthens the immunity, contributes to the removal of stress and stress, and also purifies the body from hazardous toxins, harmful slags and radioactive substances. However, caution should be taken when it is used to people having reduced pressure, as this berry has a feature to reduce it even more. But with moderate use, the jam from IRGI will not bring serious negative consequences for the human body.