White tea: benefits and harms. White tea and its properties: benefits and harms (how to brew properly)

22.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Compared to other varieties, white tea is incredibly popular among connoisseurs and lovers of a delicious drink. Of course, this is not surprising, because white tea is popular on all continents and in all countries.

Even though the varieties of white tea are among the most expensive, its beneficial properties and delicate pleasant taste are worth it.

Given the prevalence around the world, it is quite difficult to find quality white tea in our country. All this for the reason that tea is very "picky" about the methods of processing and storage. One mistake can completely ruin the taste, and of course deprive the drink of its healing properties.

Relying on the fact that tea is very popular, sellers often try to sell regular green tea under the guise of an exclusive and expensive white subspecies. For this reason, you should be very careful when buying tea, and buy it only at already proven tea shops.

The benefits of white tea

Of course, like all varieties of tea, white tea is evaluated, first of all, according to its taste and aroma. But these are not the only advantages and advantages of white tea.

Many medicines replace white tea, both for physical and moral illnesses.. In ancient China, it was sacredly believed that white tea has special properties that neither other varieties of teas nor herbs possess. At that time, a magical drink was served personally to the Emperor. At one time, the Chinese sages even called white tea "healing elixir."

  • Due to the fact that tea is processed exclusively with steam, this makes it possible to preserve all its beneficial substances. Even after processing, tea contains a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and biologically important substances. White tea contains special substances that prevent the development of cancer cells in the body
  • Besides, white tea has a relaxing effect on the body, and it is often prescribed for those who struggle with constant depression, or with the usual fatigue of the body. For those who have eternal problems with insomnia, white tea is just an indispensable drink that you need to drink half an hour before bedtime
  • Chinese white tea is very useful during pregnancy, since it nourishes the fruit with substances useful to it, which are contained only in such tea.
  • Also, regular use of tea strengthens the body, supports it in tone, provides a person with all the necessary vitamins.
  • Very often many medicines and medicines replace white tea. White tea helps the body cope with a severe cold, and sometimes even serious illnesses.
  • No matter how strange it sounds, but white tea   rejuvenates and refreshes the appearance of the skin. Since tea prevents the appearance of fine wrinkles in Balzac's age. Agree, not a small list of pluses, is not it?
  • But even that is not all! White tea contains substances that preserve and strengthen enamel and tooth roots, and prevent tooth decay.
  • If you use white tea regularly, then it is completely normalizes blood pressure and heart function.   Prevents the development of blood clots, and reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. White tea also improves vision and hearing.

Harm and contraindications

All that can be said about white tea is only positive characteristics and reviews. It is for this reason that all doctors, nutritionists, and, of course, Chinese sages argue that white tea has absolutely no contraindications,   and anyone who has the opportunity to purchase it can use it.

Looking at the huge list of useful properties and qualities of white tea, the question immediately arises, “Well, what harm can this tea do?”, And rightly so, because white tea has no harm to the body.

Even if there are diseases that prohibit drinking tea of \u200b\u200bother varieties, this has nothing to do with white tea. After all, as mentioned earlier, white tea, not only does not do any harm, but also strengthens and supports the body!

How to brew

White tea varieties are very moody, and in order to achieve a delicate and special taste of white tea it’s not enough just to pour boiling water over it,   it will only ruin the drink. Such tea needs a very reverent attitude and a special approach.

  • In order to properly brew such a healthy drink, you need clean spring or simply purified water, which must be brought to a boil. But as soon as the bubbles begin to appear, the fire should be immediately turned off. Proper water temperature is also very important. When it comes time to make tea, the water should be about 70 degrees Celsius, after the water is at the right temperature, it is poured into a prematurely heated ceramic teapot.

  • The first time you need to brew tea for 5-6 minutes. About one teaspoon of white tea is needed per cup. One serving of dried white tea leaves can be brewed 2-3 more times. After the first brewing, which lasted 5-6 minutes, you can brew tea for 2-3 minutes, as the leaves are already opened, and so much time is not required for the tea to brew.
  • If you plan to make tea for treatment, and not just enjoy its taste, you must keep the tea for up to 15 minutes.
  • The result will be felt after the first cup, but for a lasting effect, tea should be consumed 3 times a day for two weeks.
  • To understand that the drink is finally ready for use is simple, just look at its color. It should be greenish with a touch of gold, or just a little yellowish.

A variety of white tea is elite drinkwho does not like hasty people. In order to appreciate it, you need to drink a magic elixir slowly, savoring every sip of a healing drink.

In order not to spoil the taste and impression of tea, you do not need to dilute it with a small piece of cake, or some kind of chocolate bar. This will spoil not only the tea itself, but also its medicinal properties.

Pay attention not only that the tea was brewed correctly. It must also be stored in accordance with all requirements and under certain conditions until it is prepared immediately. If during storage the tea loses its quality, deteriorates, and does not have the corresponding effect, then it makes no sense to brew it properly. Drink   should be stored in tightly closed metal containers for tea.   Neither light nor moisture should get into this container, it can only harm tea.

Tea is a tasty and aromatic drink that many people like. It is a cup of tea that is offered to dear guests, tea drinking is an excellent pretext for meeting friends, this drink helps to warm up on a winter evening, and to relax after a busy day.

There are quite a few varieties of tea: black, green, blue, red, white. These types of tea differ not only in taste and color, but also in the method of processing tea leaves. White tea belongs to the elite and expensive types of drink - due to the raw materials used and the method of collection and processing.

Drink description

White tea is made from certain varieties of tea bushes. The most famous variety is Da Bai Hao, which translates as "large white fluff." Also, an elite drink is made from varieties of light Shui Xiang and dark Shui Xiang. The habitat of elite tea bushes is the mountain slopes of Fujian. Plants are grown at an altitude of 1000-2100 meters.

Tea bushes growing in mountainous areas open their leaves very early - in early March or late February. Closed buds and young leaves of shrubs just starting to bloom are covered with a whitish bloom that protects plants from low temperature. It's believed that the more this plaque on the plant, the better and more beneficial the drink will be.

Harvesting begins in the middle of the first spring month. Buds and young leaves are harvested by hand, time - from 5 to 9 in the morning. When harvesting, the weather should be sunny, without precipitation.

There are strict rules that collectors must abide by: do not eat sharp spices, drink alcohol before you start work, use perfumes or smoke. These precautions are necessary so that no extraneous smell spoils the taste and aroma of future elite tea. If during the harvest it begins to rain and a strong wind rises, it is believed that real white tea will not be obtained from soaked raw materials.

Pickers pluck only top leaves with shoot, this is done very carefully and carefully so as not to crush the raw materials. After collection, the raw materials undergo sun-shadow fermentation. Leaves are alternately dried in the shade and in the sunlight. This is followed by light heat treatment in special furnaces with a strictly maintained temperature and packaging of raw materials in containers. But drinking freshly dried white tea is not recommended, it is advisable to start taste the drink only a month after the final fermentation.

The first mention of elite white tea dates back to the 12th century. At that time, it was the favorite drink of the Chinese emperors. He was appreciated for taste, aroma, tonic effect on the human body and was considered an effective remedy for many diseases.

What are the varieties

There are 4 main varieties of white tea.

The rarest and dearest has a name Bai Hao Yin Zhen, which translates as "Silver Needles." The raw material for this drink is unopened tea buds from the upper shoots of the bushes. The kidneys are covered with white down. Raw materials undergo minimal fermentation, which allows you to save a maximum of useful substances. The dried tea looks characteristic - the kidneys look like small silver needles. The needles must be even if the kidneys are curved or twisted - the technology was not followed during manufacture and the quality of tea is considered low.

Another famous variety of white tea, characterized by excellent taste and unusual color - Bai Mu Dan   (White peony). When harvesting raw materials for this variety of tea, the upper kidney and a pair of lower leaves are used. In the production of the drink, secret traditional technologies are observed, which are transmitted from generation to generation. White Peony Tea has an unusual fruity and floral aroma, but flavoring additives or additional impurities are not used in the manufacture.

Another variety - Show may, translated as "eyebrows of an old man" - grows in the provinces of Fujian and Guangxi. Raw materials - upper buds and leaves, are collected much later than other varieties of white tea. It affects the taste and color of the drink - tea is stronger, tart and dark.

White tea Gong mei   is the most affordable and less expensive than other varieties. When collecting and processing raw materials, less gentle technologies are used and most of the young leaves and buds from the bushes are used.

What substances are contained in this tea

Due to the fact that gentle technologies are used in tea production with minimal impact on raw materials, the drink retains a very large amount of nutrients. The composition of white tea is very impressive:

Useful properties of white tea

The drink has long been considered an elixir of health and longevity. There are legends about its beneficial properties. It is believed that 2 cups of white tea per day reduces the risk of cancer by 30%. The substance epigallocatechin gallate, which is found in large quantities in tea leaves, protects.

The white coating, which persists in tea even after fermentation, consists of a mixture of essential oils. These substances help in the fight against inflammatory processes in the body. White tea also perfectly quenches thirst in the hot season.

The drink is able to cause positive emotions in a person, enter into a state of relaxation and rest.

Due to its unique composition, tea helps to cleanse the human body of toxins and toxins, remove heavy metals. Helps to recover faster with poisoning, intoxication, dehydration.

The drink has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. A variety of essential oils improve blood flow to the alveoli of the lungs and bronchi, destroy pathogens in the oral cavity, having a bactericidal effect.

The use of tea in cosmetic procedures

Tea helps to lose weight. This property of the drink was discovered in 2009. After studying the effect of tea on metabolic processes in the body, it was found that the drink inhibits the growth of fat cells. Tea also has a diuretic effect and regulates water balance.

Very useful face masks from brewing white tea. The skin receives a maximum of nutrients, moisturizes, acquires a healthy color. It is very good to freeze ice cubes based on white tea. Rubbing the skin with ice tones it, nourishes and moisturizes, which is very important in the hot season.

White tea wraps help get rid of cellulite, improve the appearance and tone the skin of the body.

Pregnancy Benefits

The drink is good for pregnant women. The whole thing lies in its healing composition and complex of rare and useful substances. Tea reduces fatigue, improves mood, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Fluoride and calcium, which are contained in the drink, protect teeth from tooth decay and strengthen bone.

Antibacterial effect helps protect the body against various infectious diseases, prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

Harmful properties

Oddly enough, but this drink is absolutely safe and very healthy. Scientists have not found any contraindications or harmful effects when taking this drink.

How to brew white tea

There are two ways to brew this drink: hot and cold.

  1. Cold way   brewing is used when you need to prepare the thirst-quenching drink. To do this, pour 10 grams of dry leaves with slightly warm boiled water (300 grams) and leave the tea to infuse overnight. In the morning, the healing drink is ready, you need to drink it in small sips.
  2. Hot way   brewing. Water should not be boiling. The optimum temperature is 60-70 degrees. The proportions of the drink are 5 grams of dry tea leaves per 150 grams of water. The teapot should be glass or porcelain. Infusion is infused for at least 15 minutes. Drunk tea leaves can be poured with hot water repeatedly, the benefits and taste of tea from this will not change.

White tea is a healing drink that protects against many diseases. The only drawback of this elixir of health is its rather high price.

The refined drink confidently crossed the boundaries of just pleasant and aromatic, it is recognized worldwide as a very useful product. If it is brewed correctly, then you can enjoy the subtlest taste, smell, which are distinguished by the fragile transparent kidneys of tea, called white, while getting rid of diseases and bad mood.

White tea - what is it

Gourmets are well aware that white tea is an exquisite drink with an original taste, aroma and healing effect. In the old days of the rule of the Song Dynasty (from 960 to 1279) this variety of tea was discovered, later the description of plant cultivation is found in the ancient books of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The product was supplied only to the imperial family, but smugglers managed to arrange the supply of silver needles to European tea connoisseurs. What explains the elitism of this product?

Grown in the north of the highland province of Fujian, tea is harvested in April, when spring awakens green leaves. The fragile, almost transparent buds and young leaves, which are covered with a silvery pile, are carefully removed from the bushes in the early morning, subjected to slight fermentation or oxidation. Only intact raw materials retain their unique smell and sophisticated appearance, which is famous for the elite variety of tea.

White tea - benefits and harms

First, gourmets paid tribute to the excellent aroma and taste of the drink, then the researchers decided to find out what the benefits and harms of white tea are. Since the raw material comes to the consumer after minimal processing, the maximum amount of nutrients is stored in delicate kidneys and leaves. Tea has antibacterial properties, therefore it is especially recommended for use during the spread of viral diseases.

Regarding contraindications to the use of the product, there are very few of them:

  • kidney disease (due to the diuretic properties of tea);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • ulcer, gastritis;
  • hypertension, diabetes;
  • insomnia, as tea has a tonic effect.

Properties of White Tea

This drink is recognized as an elixir of youth, capable of giving energy. It is worth mentioning in more detail about the properties of white tea: Silver Needles are considered the most useful in comparison with others due to the fact that vitamins (groups B, C, PP), amino acids, trace elements, including fluorine, are included in the record. In this case, the caffeine in the plant is less than in other varieties.

The level of antioxidants in this variety is significantly higher than in green. By regularly using the product, we protect the body from the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology. Researchers claim that the drink actively fights free radicals, preventing tissue aging and metabolic disorders in the body. The anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties of Silver Needles are noted.

It is also important that the drink gives a good mood, helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome, and effectively quenches thirst. This is due to the presence of essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human body. By activating metabolic processes, tea helps to fight excess weight, cleanses the body of toxic substances, so it is used for poisoning.

The benefits of white tea for women

Silver Needles are part of slimming, skin and youth products. If we talk about the benefits of white tea for women, it is necessary to recall the high level of antioxidants in the plant, which helps to combat aging. Actively influencing metabolic processes, tea helps to lose weight, perfectly removes irritability, and soothes.

Beauticians found that tea is actively fighting aging, so its extract is used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics. The mask is applied to the face, décolleté area, held for a quarter of an hour, washed off with warm water. The skin will become lighter, smoother, firmer. At home, it is easy to prepare an excellent face mask, it includes:

  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • tea leaf - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

How to make white tea

It is recommended to learn how to make white tea so as not to lose those valuable substances that were carefully preserved during collection, drying and very weak fermentation. Use high-quality water, special porcelain or glass dishes. This process of brewing tea is recommended.

White tea is not a cheap drink. To produce it, you need buds and young leaves of tea bushes of only certain varieties. They grow only in China in very small quantities. Previously, this drink could only be consumed by members of the imperial family and senior persons as a sign of great mercy from the ruler. For ordinary people, white tea has long been unavailable at all.

The value of the drink is that it is impossible to grow raw materials for it in other countries. Now there are white tea plantations only in Fujian province in China in the mountains at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. Attempts to grow tea in the highlands of other countries each time failed: the raw materials collected were several orders of magnitude inferior to the original. Despite this, in some areas of India and Sri Lanka, bushes of these varieties still continue to grow, but Chinese tea is still out of competition.

The collection of white tea is a painstaking work, as it is necessary to tear off only the top leaves and buds. Use of any equipment is prohibited, the collection is done only manually. Workers are forbidden to eat products with a strong smell and smoke, so that tea leaves do not incorporate extraneous aromas.

There are many useful substances in white tea:

  • b vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • amino acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • a large number of micro and macro elements.

Calorie content is very low - in 100 g of the product contains only 3-4 kcal. The amount of caffeine is minimal, for this reason it does not have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

The taste is refreshing and light, with clearly visible floral notes, it does not leave behind a heavy finish.

Health Benefits of White Tea

You can talk about the benefits of the drink for a long time. Many people know how useful green tea is, but white significantly exceeds it in many ways. In the process of tea production, heat treatment is not allowed, therefore, all valuable substances are not lost, but remain in full force. Freshly picked raw materials are only kept for a couple of minutes and then naturally dried in the sun. The leaves do not wrinkle, and do not twist, this avoids the bitter taste in the finished drink. The remaining subtleties of production are kept secret and are not disclosed.

The list of useful properties of the drink is quite extensive.

It positively affects the whole body:

  • helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves complexion;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • calms the nervous system, neutralizes the harmful effects of stress;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • enhances blood coagulation;
  • beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing varicose veins;
  • inhibits the development of cancer cells.

It is not for nothing that the Chinese call this drink the elixir of youth and immortality - its regular use helps maintain good spirits and healthy body even in old years.

The drink is very good in the heat, it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. It is advisable to drink it between meals without seizing anything. Cakes, rolls and sweets are best left as additives to other drinks. White tea does not tolerate any additions.

What is useful for women

The drink will be especially useful for women who want to lose weight. It activates metabolic processes, which entails the rapid burning of internal fat. It helps to lose weight without much effort, without changing the diet and just consuming several cups per day. But if, in addition to this, you still follow a diet, the effect will be noticeable immediately. Not only fat deposits will go away, but health will also be strengthened, and the body will be rejuvenated.

White tea extracts are often used as an active ingredient in cosmetics. The antioxidants present in their composition effectively fight free radicals, which contribute to aging and metabolic disorders.

For men

It gives men strength and energy during physical and mental stress. A cup of tea at the end of the day can relieve accumulated fatigue, and the person again feels awake.

What are the varieties of the drink

Tea is called white, since only young leaves and buds with a thick white fluff are used for its preparation.

The most common varieties:

  • Bai Hao Yin Zhen.   Translated, this name sounds like "white silver needles." Tea is made only from the kidneys. Dry tea leaves resemble small silver arrows. The finished drink has the color of light caramel. The taste is delicate, with a slight acidity.
  • Bai Mu Dan. The name can be translated as "white peony." The composition includes both kidneys and young leaves. Dried raw materials resemble miniature peony flowers. After brewing, it acquires a golden hue. On the palate, vanilla and caramel notes can be recognized.
  • Show May.   Tea leaves are collected later and subjected to longer processing, so they have a dark color. The drink is dark amber, with a characteristic herbal taste.
  • Gong Mei.   This is a cheap white tea option. It is made from damaged leaves and buds that remain after the production of premium varieties. Tea is sold in powdered form, but still it also has an elegant taste and delicate aroma.

Even the Chinese themselves rarely drink Bai Hao Yin Zhen tea, only on holidays and special celebrations, since its prices are sky-high. White peony tea is a little cheaper, so more people can buy it. The high price is justified: manual selection of each leaf and kidney, careful storage and complex transportation require considerable investment.

Oolong white tea is considered semi-fermented. It has nothing to do with real varieties of white tea, as it is intermediate between black and green. It is often called dairy, as it has a pleasant caramel taste with milky hues.

White tea: instructions for use

To fully enjoy the taste of the drink, you need to know how to brew tea. An important role is played even by the dishes in which the drink is made. The ideal option is a porcelain teapot and cups. But you can use glassware.

How to make white tea

Water should in no case be boiled, it only needs to be brought to a temperature of 80 degrees, otherwise it will turn into a dead liquid, which does not bring any benefit. Tea can be brewed 3-4 times, it does not lose its taste, but only reveals them from different sides.

Take 150 grams of dry tea per 150 ml of water.

First, warm the dishes by rinsing with boiling water. This will make it possible to “wake up” the infused tea leaves. Then the tea leaves are poured with hot water and immediately poured. Zero brewing is not intended for drinking, but for rinsing tea leaves. This helps to fully reveal their taste and aroma. After that, hot water is poured into the container and insisted. It is not necessary to brew tea longer than 2-3 minutes, in some cases 60 seconds is enough. A properly brewed drink is transparent and has a yellowish, greenish or beige color. Add sugar is not necessary, in extreme cases, tea can be sweetened with honey.

Tea can also be brewed in the cold way: for this, pour leaflets from room temperature water at night and leave until morning. This method allows you to save a maximum of useful substances in the drink. The benefits of brewed tea lasts for a long time - 18-20 hours.

Use for various diseases

The Chinese consider white tea an effective prophylactic against ARVI, colds and flu. In the cold season, it is advisable to drink it regularly, or at least during the spread of colds.

The drink well removes intoxication of the body and removes toxic substances, so it is recommended to use it in case of poisoning of various kinds instead of water.

Drink white tea:

  • with a risk of cancer;
  • when consuming large amounts of sugar and the risk of caries;
  • with excess weight;
  • with constant stress and chronic fatigue.

It is useful to drink tea during the festive feasts. It will help the body cope with the abundance of food and digest it faster.

You should not drink more than 2-3 cups of white tea a day. This amount is enough to make a person feel more healthy and strong.

How to store

It is not worth storing tea for a long time. It is better to use it immediately, while it still stores its freshness and intense aroma.

If you still need to store it for a long time, transfer it to a hermetically sealed bag, placing it in a dry, dark place without strong extraneous odors.

To whom the drink is contraindicated, and what harm is caused from it

One of the most important advantages of white tea is that it has practically no contraindications. Almost everyone can drink it, excluding people with an individual intolerance to the product.

People with kidney disease, gastritis, stomach ulcers, insomnia and diabetes should drink tea carefully, taking care of their well-being. Such people should not drink more than 0.5-1 cups per day. From tea, pressure can rise, so it’s better not to use it for hypertensive patients.

You can buy tea in specialized tea shops that work directly with manufacturers. In ordinary departments it is difficult to find a quality product, since white tea is considered an exclusive product.

One of the varieties of Chinese tea is white. There are six types in total:

  • yellow;
  • the black;
  • red;
  • ulunsky.

This type of tea acquired its name because of the white pile.   “Bai Hao,” covering the gulls. Thanks to him, he gets a silver color. White stands out for its sophisticated fresh floral scent., unique thin honey-melon smack and transparent infusion. In China, this type of tea was one of the first places among expensive varieties and he was called the "elixir of immortality". For ordinary people, it was almost inaccessible.

Species and varieties

With proper brewing and use   It has benefits for human health.

Egyptian white tea.

  • Certain types of white tea are brought from Egypt, its extract is also produced there and from ancient times they know the method of brewing.
  • Egyptian white tea saturated with antioxidants, therefore it resists cancerous tumors, aging body and tooth decay.

Egyptians value white tea not only for its refined aroma and sophisticated taste, but also for some clarity in mind and for saving the body in heat from overheating.

Chinese white tea.

Its varieties depend on the conditions under which the tea leaf was harvested. They have very poetic names:

  • "White-haired silver needles";
  • "White Peony";
  • “Eyebrows of an old man”;
  • "Gift".

Chinese white tea and collection process   - real science, non-compliance with the rules which affects the quality of the product.

White tea “Silver needles”   - one of the unique known varieties of tea. For its production, only the very first top sheet breaks off the bush. After brewing, it is characterized by a sweet, mild taste, the broth is pale yellow.

To obtain the variety "White Peony"   the second leaf of the kidney is used, followed by the leaf from the top. Its manufacture is a rather laborious and delicate process. It takes into account not only the adherence to all technologies, but also the spiritual spirit of a person who is directly involved in the production of white tea is also very important.

This variety is endowed with an incomparable aroma of a mixture of fruits and flowers; its infusion has a golden hue. The manufacture of "White Peony" is kept in great secret   and transmitted from generation to generation.

From the second and third leaves is collected tea "Gift", but it does not undergo processing like other white teas.

Along with the "Gift" is a variety of "Eyebrows of the Elder". It belongs to the white teas of the second grade, because the leaves collected for it are less tender and larger.

The composition of white tea

The chemical composition of white tea   looks like that:

Extractive substances include:

  • Protein substances and amino acids;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Tannins;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Acids;
  • Enzymes (enzymes);
  • Pigments;

White tea is also rich in vitamins:

  •   : thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), (B15).
  • Vitamin C.   The percentage of its content in the tea leaf is several times higher than in.
  • Provitamin A (carotene)   - antioxidant and powerful antioxidant.
  • Vitamin PP ().
  •   Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Its content in white tea has a record number of 85 units.

When purchasing white tea in factory packaging, you should be aware that no matter what is indicated on it, it is not highly elite. Teas of this rank do not tolerate the transportation and packaging process. He does not even experience winter, he should be drunk until the fall. Therefore, we get low-grade white tea.

Choosing the right tea

  • Tea room should be saturated with clean and fresh air.
  • Production time should not exceed 11-12 months.
  • Quality dried teas   crumble when rubbing them between the fingers. If they turn to dust, then the tea is overdried, and in the event that lumps form, it is undersized.
  • The packaging must be marked internationally to help determine the composition of tea:
  1. O (Orange)   - tea contains leaves surrounding the flower bud, as well as whole young ones from the top.
  2. OP (Orange Pekoe)   - composition of unopened buds and the first 5-7 leaves.
  3. T (Tippy)   - a rarity, since in this case the tea contains one hundred percent content of flower buds (tips).
  4. P (pekoe)   - 50% of its content is young tea leaves, and the remaining 50% is tipsa.

Price and where to buy

High quality white tea is available at specialized stores.   In such stores, tea can be viewed and compared flavors of different varieties. Tea picking takes place in early spring,   therefore, the purchase should be made in May-June. Last year will not give such a variety of taste and aroma. White tea loses its flavor very quickly,   therefore, it is recommended not to purchase it very much.

Of course, for many this is an expensive pleasure, since its price is measured in hundreds of dollars, but true pleasure must be expensive. The price of white tea varies depending on the place of purchase: from $ 100-$ 300

When brewing tea, you should adhere to the exact temperature and exposure time, approximate data can be seen in the figure below:

The benefits of white tea and its properties

Among the beneficial properties of white tea,   which have a beneficial effect on human health, the following can be noted:

  • Slows down the development of bacteria, destroys microorganisms, suppresses viruses.
  • Stops bacterial mutations, removes free radicals, suspends and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
  • Bringing blood pressure back to normal, improves the functioning of the heart and the functioning of arteries.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol.
  • Strengthens the immune system.


Doctors have determined that white tea without fear can be consumed in the absence of clinical contraindications.   For example, with peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity. It is also not recommended to get involved in strong infusion of white tea at high temperature, kidney disease, hypertension during exacerbation, tachycardia.

Application features

One of the positive properties of white tea   - a beneficial effect on smooth muscle, which means that it is able to regulate the tone of the uterus. Scientists in Japan found that with the regular use of white or green tea before pregnancy, the resources of the mother's body are significantly strengthened, which leads to the appearance of more healthy and larger children.

This is easily explained by the rich composition of white tea, because it is in it that the whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals is concentrated. For example, fluorine, phosphorus and others, they are actively used to form the musculoskeletal system of the child. Most women during pregnancy have   unpleasant the disease is varicose veins.   This disease is easy can be avoided by drinking white tea regularly.

But there is one caveat - do not drink very strong tea and no more than three cups per day.

White tea can also be used in the fight against obesity.   It should be included in any diet, as its composition is rich in caffeine. In addition, it is saturated with catechins, substances that cause the process of thermogenesis, that is promotes fast and high-quality disposal of the formed fat cells.   Catechin   also stops the process of the appearance of new cells of fat and adipose tissue.

White tea also acts as a means of preventing cancer.   Scientists from the universities of California and New Mexico came to this conclusion. It is able to prevent species such as cancer of the prostate, stomach, colon.

How to brew and store

The procedure for brewing tea is inherently not complicated, but slight deviations from its main stages can kill all the beneficial properties of tea and its incomparable aroma.

  • The basis for the proper brewing of white tea   - water. It must be soft, clean, preferably settled and filtered through special filters.
  • The second element of delicious tea   - water temperature. It should be low, the use of boiling water is strictly prohibited, because it kills all the essential oils and the smell of tea.
  • Third component   - brewing period. It should be as short as possible, no more than 5 minutes.

The combination of these three factors will provide white tea with that taste and aroma.for which he is considered elite.

The brewing process itself should look like this:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Warm up a little kettle.
  3. Pour tea leaves.
  4. Add not cool boiling water, while stirring.
  5. Insist 5 minutes.

Tea is ready to drink.

Store white tea in a dry room, in a ceramic bowl that closes well. It is contraindicated to be near strong-smelling products, because it absorbs all odors very quickly.

In more detail about white tea, experts tell in the following video: