Lula kebab from minced chicken in the oven. Lula kebab minced chicken


Lula-kebab differs from cutlets in that only meat, onions and spices are used for its preparation, eggs and bread are mainly not included in the composition of the dish.

If you want to diversify your menu, cook something unusual from your favorite minced meat, then feel free to use our carefully selected proven chicken kebab recipes.

Chicken kebab - general principles

Traditionally, the dish was prepared from fatty lamb, but in the form of popularity, the recipe for the classic kebab has changed over time, and today you can find many options for its preparation: from pork, beef, poultry. Chicken kebab won special love among housewives: firstly, chicken meat is much cheaper than other types of meat, secondly, chicken is cooked faster, and thirdly, the poultry dish is low-calorie.

The chicken is processed: washed, skinned, the fillet is separated from the bones, after which the pulp is crushed. Onion, various spices, garlic, greens, chopped into small cubes, are put in minced meat. From herbs and spices, basil, cilantro, parsley, suneli hops, oregano, pepper are mainly used.

The prepared minced meat is kneaded for a long time and thoroughly, which allows the meat mass to become more plastic, and this ensures that the kebab does not fall apart during frying or baking. Starch can become a binder, and the addition of eggs is also acceptable.

Lula kebab in its classic recipe is cooked by frying over coals, but this does not mean at all that this dish cannot be cooked at home. Just as tasty and juicy is chicken kebab cooked in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker and even in an electric barbecue.

Lula kebab is served hot with fresh vegetables, homemade pita bread and a variety of sauces. Also baked vegetables, mushrooms, rice are perfectly combined with kebab.

1. Grilled chicken kebab


6 large chicken legs;

2 onions;

garlic - 8 cloves;

fresh basil - 2 sprigs;

seasoning zira, cilantro powder - 10 g each;

4 eggs;

acetic acid 6% - 30 ml;

a pinch of salt and black pepper powder.

Cooking method:

1. We cut the thawed legs: cut out the bones, separate the skin. We scroll the pulp through a meat grinder.

2. Break the eggs into a cup and beat with a whisk, pour into the minced meat.

3. We also add chopped cilantro and basil greens to the minced meat, garlic cloves squeezed through the spadefoot, onion, chopped with small crumbs, pour seasoning, salt, pepper, mix everything thoroughly, slightly beating it on the table.

4. Wrap minced meat in food film and put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

5. Divide the rested minced meat with hands moistened in warm water into several small parts, form each into skewers in the form of elongated cutlets.

6. We put the skewers on a hot grill, fry the kebab over hot coals.

7. When serving, lay out the kebab on a flat plate along with sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes and cucumbers, decorate with parsley leaves.

2. Chicken kebab baked in the oven


chicken fillet - a little less than a kilogram;

2 onions;

30 g of starch;

a piece of butter;

100 g of Dutch cheese;

basil and parsley greens - 4 sprigs each;

oregano powder, allspice, salt - 30 g each;

onion greens - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the chicken fillet, cleaned of skin and fatty layers, and pass it through a meat grinder.

2. In the prepared minced meat, add a piece of butter, chopped onion, grated cheese, starch, oregano, chopped basil and parsley, salt, pepper, mix everything well, beat off a little.

3. We wet our hands in warm water, take a little minced meat on the palm of our hand, roll up the ball, form an elongated sausage out of it, string it on wooden skewers.

4. We spread all the sausages on a frying sheet greased with sunflower oil, put in a hot oven and bake at a moderate temperature for a little less than half an hour.

5. When serving, lay out the kebab along the edges of a flat plate, put onion half rings in the middle, sprinkle with chopped green onions.

3. Chicken kebab with bell pepper


a little less than a kilogram of minced chicken;

1 pod of sweet pepper;

onion head;

cilantro and parsley greens - 3 sprigs each;

salt, seasoning for barbecue, sweet paprika powder, dry ginger, suneli hops - 20 g each;

starch - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Mix minced meat with chopped onion, diced sweet pepper, add seasoning, ginger, chopped cilantro and basil, add a little salt, pepper, stir well.

2. Pour a pinch of starch so that the minced meat is more plastic and the kebab does not fall apart during heat treatment, mix again, at the same time we beat off a little for 3-5 minutes.

3. Preheat the oven, put parchment paper on a baking sheet, grease with oil.

4. We string minced meat on wooden long sticks with wet hands, form a kebab.

5. Put the semi-finished products on a baking sheet and put in the oven, bake for half an hour.

6. After 15 minutes, open the oven and turn the sticks over so that the kebab is baked on all sides.

7. Put the baked kebab on a flat plate, put fresh sliced ​​vegetables in the middle, put spicy ketchup and a bread box with unleavened bread in a separate bowl.

4. Homemade chicken kebab with sauce


chicken breast - 2 pcs.;

a couple of cloves of garlic;

a pod of sweet pepper;

a small piece of Dutch cheese;

1 egg;

a pinch of black pepper and salt;

some vegetable oil.

For decoration:

5 cherry tomatoes;

parsley, dill - 6 branches each.

For sauce:

half a glass of red wine and any cream;

dry ginger, coriander, salt, black pepper - a pinch each.

Cooking method:

1. My sweet pepper, cut out the stalk, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes.

2. Boil the egg hard-boiled, cut into cubes, cheese is also cut into cubes. Mix both ingredients with pepper.

3. Add three chopped sprigs of dill and parsley, salt, pepper, squeeze garlic through the garlic.

4. Separate the pulp from the chicken breasts, cut the fillet into small pieces, scroll through the meat grinder.

5. Put all the previously prepared ingredients into the minced meat, mix well.

6. Pour vegetable oil into the minced meat. We interfere.

7. We roll the ball with wet hands, flatten it a little, put a bamboo skewer in the middle of the resulting cake and cover with the minced meat edges, form a kebab in the form of an elongated cutlet.

8. Put the formed kebabs on a baking sheet, put them in a hot oven and bake for a little less than half an hour.

9. While the kebabs are baking, prepare the sauce: pour wine into a small metal saucepan, evaporate a little and pour in the cream, add ginger, coriander and simmer until thickened.

10. Put the baked kebab on a plate covered with pita bread, put washed cherry tomatoes next to it, put the sauce in a separate bowl.

5. Quick chicken kebab


2 kilograms of chicken meat;

a couple of heads of onions;

4 cloves of garlic;

allspice, salt, seasoning for meat - 30 g each;

parsley leaves - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken flesh into small cubes, mix it with chopped onion and squeezed garlic.

2. Chop parsley leaves and pour into minced meat, add seasoning, add salt, pepper, mix well.

3. We wrap the mass in a film and put it in the refrigerator for 20-40 minutes.

4. We make small elongated cutlets from minced meat, string them on bamboo sticks, put them on a sheet and put them in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

5. In the process of baking, periodically open the oven and turn the kebab over.

6. We transfer the finished kebab to a flat dish, beautifully lay slices of tomatoes, cucumbers and circles of bell pepper next to it, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, put spicy ketchup in the bowl.

6. Chicken kebab without skewers in a pan


a small cup of minced chicken;

2 onion heads;

garlic - half a head;

a pinch of salt and allspice powder;

dill - 3 sprigs;

half a teaspoon of starch;

some oil for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Mix minced meat with finely chopped onion, garlic, add starch, add black pepper, add salt, stir well, lightly beat on the table.

2. Wet hands in water, take 150 g of minced meat on the palm, form a long sausage.

3. Put the prepared semi-finished products on a hot frying pan with oil, fry over high heat until crusty.

4. Reduce the heat a little and fry for about ten minutes until cooked.

5. When serving, put the kebab on a flat plate, put the onion head cut into half rings next to it, sprinkle with dill, pour over with ketchup.

Chicken Lula Kebab - Tricks and Useful Tips

Minced meat for kebab is made from coarsely rolled or chopped minced meat, fine minced meat is more suitable for cutlets and zrazy.

If you decide to cook kebab on wooden skewers, then you should soak them in advance for an hour or half an hour in cold water, so they definitely won’t burn during frying or baking.

When preparing a kebab on the grill, remember that it is better not to fill the raging fire with water and extinguish it with a fan. Water cools the coals, and the dish may not be cooked.

The optimal time for cooking kebab on the grill is 10-12 minutes, in a frying pan - 15-20 minutes, in the oven - from 20 minutes to half an hour. In any case, it is important not to forget to turn the kebab from side to side.

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients.

Rinse the chicken fillet thoroughly under running cold running water, then cut it into medium cubes or strips, as you prefer. Peel the onion and rinse under cold water, then cut into four or six pieces so that it is convenient to pass it through a meat grinder.

Step 2: Prepare mince.

Now we pass the prepared fillet through a meat grinder with medium or large holes, then skip the onion. In the resulting mass, add ground pepper and salt to your taste, then add a little lemon juice. Remember, no other spices need to be added at this stage. Next, mix the whole mass well and refrigerate for about 3 hours.

Step 3: Cooking the kebab.

When the minced meat is infused, take it out of the cold, moisten your hands in cold water and start rolling the minced meat lumps in your hands to form a long cutlet. Then thread a wooden skewer along the entire length of the patty. Now heat the skorodu-grill over medium heat, add a little vegetable oil and spread the skewers with cutlets. Fry them on the same fire on all sides until golden brown, turning them regularly using a wooden tray.

Step 4: Serve chicken kebab.

When the kebabs are ready, arrange them nicely on a serving platter and sprinkle chopped parsley on top. Best served hot. You can serve mashed potatoes or any other dish that pleases your soul as a side dish. Enjoy your meal!

If suddenly, for whatever reason, your ground beef falls apart when soaked in water, this should help hold the ground meat together.

It is best to cook chicken kebab outdoors, on the grill. If you have such an opportunity, then follow the same process, only replace the wooden skewers with ordinary kebab skewers.

In minced meat, if desired, you can also add 2-3 cloves of garlic, then the kebab acquired a more piquant taste.

Lula-kebab (Turkic lula - tube and Arabic. kebab - fried meat) - meat
a dish common in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Balkans.
from Wikipedia.

Among connoisseurs and fans of delicious outdoor recreation with an indispensable barbecue, kebabs on the grill are considered aerobatics, oddly enough, not even the most exquisite ones, but kebabs on the grill. And in fact, not everyone succeeds in achieving an ideal result the first time. Yes, and from the second too ... Despite all the efforts, lovingly cooked kebabs fall into the fire from skewers, and many prefer to go the simple way and fry the kebab on the grill. It's delicious, but it's not a kebab!

Today we decided to tell you how to cook a real kebab: what products are needed for this, how to chop the meat, how to properly knead and beat the minced meat, how to string sausages so that they do not fall into burning coals, and how to achieve perfect frying when outside the meat is appetizingly browned, and inside it literally expires with juice.

2 kg chicken meat,
2 bulbs
2 sprigs of basil
1 tsp zira,
2 tbsp 6% vinegar,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Those who authoritatively declare that true kebabs simply have to be lamb, to put it mildly, are wrong. Lula kebab is an international dish, and each country prepares it in its own way. In the East, lamb is more common, but beef or pork makes an excellent dish. And our culinary kulibins manage to cook kebab from chicken meat!

Ideally, minced meat should be chopped: cut the meat, cleaned of excess fat and films, into layers 1-1.5 cm thick, put several layers on a thick cutting board and chop the meat with two hatchets or chopping knives first along the fibers, then turn the board 90 ° and also chop, only now across the fibers. Gather the pieces of meat towards the middle and chop again, turning the board 90°. Chop the meat until you get a fairly small minced meat. Minced meat can also be passed through a meat grinder with a large grate, but in this case too much juice is squeezed out of the meat fibers, and this greatly complicates subsequent kneading and knocking out the minced meat.

The second condition for a successful kebab is lard. Its amount should not be less than ¼ of the amount of meat. It may be more, but certainly not less. It is the amount of fat that allows you to achieve the same viscosity of minced meat, when sausages strung on skewers calmly reach over hot coals, without trying to dive deep into the brazier. Lard can also be chopped into pieces, but its consistency should be pasty, so it makes sense to chop the lard in a food processor or with a blender. Choose the type of fat to your liking: it can be interior lard or mutton tail fat.

The third component of minced meat for kebab is onion. Its quantity should also not exceed a certain limit. It's all about onion juice, which can play a cruel joke and dilute the minced meat to a state where it can not be collected even in the semblance of a kebab. Therefore, the amount of onion should be measured based on the weight of the meat - about one third, no more. In no case should the onion be passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a food processor or blender, the minced meat will turn out to be too watery, it is better to cut the onion into small cubes. There is an opinion that you can not add onions to minced meat for kebab at all.

Separately, it should be said about spices for minced meat. In addition to greens and salt, nothing should be in a kebab. This dish is self-sufficient, spices can clog the taste of meat. However, this is a matter of taste. But greens, please, put enough.

That's all for stuffing products. No white bread, semolina and eggs! These are not meatballs. It is not additives that give the necessary viscosity to minced meat, but long and thorough kneading, obligatory beating and rather strong cooling. You need to knead the minced meat really carefully so that all the ingredients form a homogeneous mass. Then the minced meat needs to be knocked out: pick up the minced meat and throw it back into the bowl with force. The meaning of knocking out is to extract excess moisture from minced meat. Some use a plastic bag for this purpose, beating the minced meat in it so that splashes do not fly. Minced meat should be beaten for at least 10 minutes. You will see for yourself how its density changes. Then put the minced meat in a bowl lined with a linen napkin and refrigerate it.

Prepared minced meat should be molded in the form of sausages no more than 3-4 cm thick and strung on skewers. And you can gently wrap a skewer or skewer with minced meat, forming a long dense sausage. So that the stuffing does not stick to your hands, rinse them in warm salted water. Punch down the minced meat, compacting it on a skewer, and place it over hot coals. You need to fry the kebab quickly, almost constantly turning the skewers over the coals and achieving a uniform golden crust on the surface. The ideal kebab is a rather dense crust on the outside and a flesh flowing with juice.

Cooking kebab on flat skewers is risky, the meat may slip off. Lula kebab can also be fried on wooden skewers, on which it can be served immediately to the table. The heat of the coals must be quite strong so that an appetizing crust quickly forms on the surface. Constantly turning the skewers, fry the kebab and immediately serve to the table. Lula kebab is best served with vegetables and herbs, or you can wrap it in thin pita bread like shawarma, adding vegetables, herbs and sauce to taste. The main thing is to eat this splendor immediately, without waiting for the kebab to cool down.

Try to cook a real kebab on the grill and delight!

A real kebab is made on the grill from fresh lamb. This is quite a spicy and very tasty meat dish. But for those who don’t eat a lot of spicy food and who can’t afford lamb, the chefs have developed a recipe for the same lula kebab from chicken in the oven, and a no less tasty dish came out.

Lula kebab

Not everyone has the opportunity to go out into nature and cook it on the grill, but at home on a baking sheet in the oven you can bake it right now. Chicken lula kebab is very juicy and tender, and what an aroma comes from meat cooked in the oven!

Cooking this will cost you much less than buying a ready-made dish in a cafe, an oriental restaurant.

Meat contains protein, beneficial amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Eat meat regularly, you strengthen the body, increase immunity and resistance to seasonal respiratory infections. In an hour, the chicken kebab will be ready, you will not even notice how quickly. And here is a simple, understandable lyulya recipe and cooking technology.

  • 0.6 kg of chicken. take with the skin
  • 2 pcs. medium sized bulbs
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 pcs. parsley branches
  • ½ tea. lies. spices "Paprika"
  • - 1 tea. lies.
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking sequence

Comes out 4 servings. Get it done in 1.5 hours.

Do not forget to serve rye or white bread, a loaf to the table to your taste. Many people like meat dishes with ketchup or mayonnaise.

Enjoy your meal!

Lula-kebab differs from cutlets in that only meat, onions and spices are used for its preparation, eggs and bread are mainly not included in the composition of the dish.

If you want to diversify your menu, cook something unusual from your favorite minced meat, then feel free to use our carefully selected proven chicken kebab recipes.

Chicken kebab - general principles

Traditionally, the dish was prepared from fatty lamb, but in the form of popularity, the recipe for the classic kebab has changed over time, and today you can find many options for its preparation: from pork, beef, poultry. Chicken kebab won special love among housewives: firstly, chicken meat is much cheaper than other types of meat, secondly, chicken is cooked faster, and thirdly, the poultry dish is low-calorie.

The chicken is processed: washed, skinned, the fillet is separated from the bones, after which the pulp is crushed. Onion, various spices, garlic, greens, chopped into small cubes, are put in minced meat. From herbs and spices, basil, cilantro, parsley, suneli hops, oregano, pepper are mainly used.

The prepared minced meat is kneaded for a long time and thoroughly, which allows the meat mass to become more plastic, and this ensures that the kebab does not fall apart during frying or baking. Starch can become a binder, and the addition of eggs is also acceptable.

Lula kebab in its classic recipe is cooked by frying over coals, but this does not mean at all that this dish cannot be cooked at home. Just as tasty and juicy is chicken kebab cooked in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker and even in an electric barbecue.

Lula kebab is served hot with fresh vegetables, homemade pita bread and a variety of sauces. Also baked vegetables, mushrooms, rice are perfectly combined with kebab.

1. Grilled chicken kebab


6 large chicken legs;

2 onions;

Garlic - 8 cloves;

Fresh basil - 2 sprigs;

Seasoning zira, cilantro powder - 10 g each;

Acetic acid 6% - 30 ml;

A pinch of salt and black pepper powder.

Cooking method:

1. We cut the thawed legs: cut out the bones, separate the skin. We scroll the pulp through a meat grinder.

2. Break the eggs into a cup and beat with a whisk, pour into the minced meat.

3. We also add chopped cilantro and basil greens to the minced meat, garlic cloves squeezed through the spadefoot, onion, chopped with small crumbs, pour seasoning, salt, pepper, mix everything thoroughly, slightly beating it on the table.

4. Wrap minced meat in food film and put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

5. Divide the rested minced meat with hands moistened in warm water into several small parts, form each into skewers in the form of elongated cutlets.

6. We put the skewers on a hot grill, fry the kebab over hot coals.

7. When serving, lay out the kebab on a flat plate along with sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes and cucumbers, decorate with parsley leaves.

2. Chicken kebab baked in the oven


Chicken fillet - a little less than a kilogram;

2 onions;

30 g of starch;

A piece of butter;

100 g of Dutch cheese;

Basil and parsley greens - 4 sprigs each;

Powdered oregano, allspice, salt - 30 g each;

Onion greens - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the chicken fillet, cleaned of skin and fatty layers, and pass it through a meat grinder.

2. In the prepared minced meat, add a piece of butter, chopped onion, grated cheese, starch, oregano, chopped basil and parsley, salt, pepper, mix everything well, beat off a little.

3. We wet our hands in warm water, take a little minced meat on the palm of our hand, roll up the ball, form an elongated sausage out of it, string it on wooden skewers.

4. We spread all the sausages on a frying sheet greased with sunflower oil, put in a hot oven and bake at a moderate temperature for a little less than half an hour.

5. When serving, lay out the kebab along the edges of a flat plate, put onion half rings in the middle, sprinkle with chopped green onions.

3. Chicken kebab with bell pepper


A little less than a kilogram of minced chicken;

1 pod of sweet pepper;

onion head;

Green cilantro and parsley - 3 sprigs each;

Salt, seasoning for barbecue, sweet paprika powder, dry ginger, suneli hops - 20 g each;

Starch - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Mix minced meat with chopped onion, diced sweet pepper, add seasoning, ginger, chopped cilantro and basil, add a little salt, pepper, stir well.

2. Pour a pinch of starch so that the minced meat is more plastic and the kebab does not fall apart during heat treatment, mix again, at the same time we beat off a little for 3-5 minutes.

3. Preheat the oven, put parchment paper on a baking sheet, grease with oil.

4. We string minced meat on wooden long sticks with wet hands, form a kebab.

5. Put the semi-finished products on a baking sheet and put in the oven, bake for half an hour.

6. After 15 minutes, open the oven and turn the sticks over so that the kebab is baked on all sides.

7. Put the baked kebab on a flat plate, put fresh sliced ​​vegetables in the middle, put spicy ketchup and a bread box with unleavened bread in a separate bowl.

4. Homemade chicken kebab with sauce


Chicken breast - 2 pcs.;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

Sweet pepper pod;

A small piece of Dutch cheese;

A pinch of black pepper and salt;

A little vegetable oil.

For decoration:

5 cherry tomatoes;

Parsley, dill - 6 branches each.

For sauce:

Half a glass of red wine and any cream;

Ginger, dry coriander, salt, black pepper - a pinch each.

Cooking method:

1. My sweet pepper, cut out the stalk, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes.

2. Boil the egg hard-boiled, cut into cubes, cheese is also cut into cubes. Mix both ingredients with pepper.

3. Add three chopped sprigs of dill and parsley, salt, pepper, squeeze garlic through the garlic.

4. Separate the pulp from the chicken breasts, cut the fillet into small pieces, scroll through the meat grinder.

5. Put all the previously prepared ingredients into the minced meat, mix well.

6. Pour vegetable oil into the minced meat. We interfere.

7. We roll the ball with wet hands, flatten it a little, put a bamboo skewer in the middle of the resulting cake and cover with the minced meat edges, form a kebab in the form of an elongated cutlet.

8. Put the formed kebabs on a baking sheet, put them in a hot oven and bake for a little less than half an hour.

9. While the kebabs are baking, prepare the sauce: pour wine into a small metal saucepan, evaporate a little and pour in the cream, add ginger, coriander and simmer until thickened.

10. Put the baked kebab on a plate covered with pita bread, put washed cherry tomatoes next to it, put the sauce in a separate bowl.

5. Quick chicken kebab


2 kilograms of chicken meat;

A couple of heads of onions;

4 cloves of garlic;

Allspice, salt, seasoning for meat - 30 g each;

Parsley leaves - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken flesh into small cubes, mix it with chopped onion and squeezed garlic.

2. Chop parsley leaves and pour into minced meat, add seasoning, add salt, pepper, mix well.

3. We wrap the mass in a film and put it in the refrigerator for 20-40 minutes.

4. We make small elongated cutlets from minced meat, string them on bamboo sticks, put them on a sheet and put them in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

5. In the process of baking, periodically open the oven and turn the kebab over.

6. We transfer the finished kebab to a flat dish, beautifully lay slices of tomatoes, cucumbers and circles of bell pepper next to it, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, put spicy ketchup in the bowl.

6. Chicken kebab without skewers in a pan


A small cup of minced chicken;

2 onion heads;

Garlic - half a head;

A pinch of salt and allspice powder;

Dill - 3 sprigs;

Half a teaspoon of starch;

A little oil for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Mix minced meat with finely chopped onion, garlic, add starch, add black pepper, add salt, stir well, lightly beat on the table.

2. Wet hands in water, take 150 g of minced meat on the palm, form a long sausage.

3. Put the prepared semi-finished products on a hot frying pan with oil, fry over high heat until crusty.

4. Reduce the heat a little and fry for about ten minutes until cooked.

5. When serving, put the kebab on a flat plate, put the onion head cut into half rings next to it, sprinkle with dill, pour over with ketchup.

Minced meat for kebab is made from coarsely rolled or chopped minced meat, fine minced meat is more suitable for cutlets and zrazy.

If you decide to cook kebab on wooden skewers, then you should soak them in advance for an hour or half an hour in cold water, so they definitely won’t burn during frying or baking.

When preparing a kebab on the grill, remember that it is better not to fill the raging fire with water and extinguish it with a fan. Water cools the coals, and the dish may not be cooked.

The optimal time for cooking kebab on the grill is 10-12 minutes, in a pan - 15-20 minutes, in the oven - from 20 minutes to half an hour. In any case, it is important not to forget to turn the kebab from side to side.