Cooking liver sausage. Homemade liver sausage: be patient, take the time, and it will thank you with the most delicate taste

31.08.2019 Lenten dishes


I've been using this proven recipe for about fifteen years now, and everyone who tried this sausage asked to teach it how to cook, and then wondered why it was so simple. Therefore, I share the recipe with pleasure with everyone: cook, feed your loved ones tasty and healthy (because nowadays only the lazy does not talk about the dangers of store sausage).

Beef liver - 500 g
Lard - 500 g
Garlic - 3 teeth.
Flour - 1.5 tbsp. (200 ml)
Starch - 0.5 tbsp. (200 ml)
Egg - 4 pcs.
Salt to taste
Pepper mix - to taste
Sour cream - 2 tablespoons optional

So, homemade liver sausage, in fact, is prepared from a minimal set of products. No, you can certainly add spices and herbs to your taste, placing flavor accents, but the base will be elementary: lard and liver. Liver and fat are taken in equal proportions, in this case, half a kilogram.

I always use only beef liver for this sausage. I think that pork will work too, I just haven't tried it. But the chicken will definitely be good - my godfather cooked according to my recipe - it turned out great (only the cooking time should be reduced a little).

For this dish, I buy the simplest lard, you do not need a beautiful, thick, with obligatory streaks. It is enough to choose fresh lard. Moreover, it is not even necessary to pay attention to the skin: it will be hard or soft, in this case it does not concern us.

For spices, I used a basic minimum: salt and a freshly ground pepper mixture. All!

By the way, this nuance was not in the basic recipe, but I will write: I add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream - it turns out very tasty!

First, let's prepare the liver. How to do this, I already wrote in the recipe for a liver cake. Quickly and simply scald the liver with boiling water and remove all the films. Cut the liver into pieces suitable for further processing.

Now let's get down to lard. Cut off the skin from the entire piece - we do not need it. Divide a piece of bacon into two equal parts. It is advisable to temporarily send one of them to the freezer, and the second part must be arbitrarily cut.

Now the liver and half of the lard need to be chopped. You can do this in a meat grinder, or you can - like mine this time - in a food processor.

Just a couple of minutes - and you get a wonderful minced meat!

It's time to get the remaining piece of bacon out of the freezer. It needs to be cut into small cubes. That is why we froze a little lard - this way it will be much easier to cut it.

However, it is not at all necessary to be especially zealous in cutting out absolutely correct cubes of bacon. All the cubes that you get will look beautiful in the sausage.

Combine minced liver and chopped bacon in a large bowl. Salt and pepper to taste.

Now add eggs, flour and starch, sour cream if desired. It was necessary to take 5 eggs according to the recipe, but I often make it from 4 eggs (I don't notice the difference at all!). And - again! - the basic recipe is about 2 glasses of flour. But I have long since replaced the part with starch. You can cook both.

Stir the minced meat well, add chopped garlic. And be sure to try it. I always taste raw minced meat. Lick a little - and it's immediately clear whether the salt and pepper have guessed right, or maybe it is worth correcting?

Now an important point: we need to turn the minced meat into sausage. To do this, take 6 of the most common food bags. If it seems to you that it is impossible to cook in food bags, take any other material at hand. But I've been doing this for many years now - and everything is always fine!

So, we put half of the minced meat in a bag, carefully expel the air from the bag with our hands and tie it at the very end, leaving room for the growth of our future sausage. Now we put this "gift bag" in the bag again, expel the air again, again tie it at the very end. Once again. Total: half of the minced meat is packed in three sachets. We do the same with the second half of the minced meat.

We need a large saucepan (I used a 5 liter saucepan), pour more than half of the cold water into it, put the bags of minced meat in this cold (!) Water, cover it slightly with a lid and put it on a slow fire. As soon as the water boils, remove the lid and cook the sausage for about 2 hours.

As you can see, the preparation process takes about 15 minutes. And if you use a food processor or electric meat grinder instead of a regular meat grinder, then even less. In the meantime, the sausage itself (!) Is cooked, you can do a lot of useful things or just relax for your own pleasure.

After 2 hours, we take out packages with ready-made sausage. We cut off the packaging, free the sausage. It must be completely cooled so that the sausage is then cut well and evenly. However, at home it is not always possible to wait for the complete cooling of my favorite dish.

Once I specially weighed the resulting two sausages - it turned out not much, not a little: almost two kilograms! So, this recipe is not only easy to make, but also very budgetary!

The sausage turns out to be incredibly tasty - dense in consistency, delicate in taste, easy to cut and quickly eaten.

Can be put on bread, adding a leaf of lettuce, herbs or vegetables to the sandwich. Easy to take with you to work.

And we liked the horseradish version the most. A little pink horseradish for sausage or bread - how delicious it is! Now all the pink horseradish has been eaten, so they began to eat with white - great!

Good appetite! Be sure to try this homemade liver sausage.

If you've never tried homemade liver sausage, this recipe is for you. Without unnecessary additives, dyes and other harmful E, you will get a natural product that you can be sure of. If cooking is not just flour at the stove, but your favorite pastime, it will be doubly pleasant to treat your family with another tasty treat.

We use any liver, I had chicken. You can also shape the sausage in various ways, today I will show you how to make liver sausage at home in a bag and in cling film.

The taste is delicate, but at the same time very satisfying, in the morning for breakfast, use it for a sandwich. When my home-mates tried the sausage, they said that the liver is very good, and the taste is much superior to the purchased one.

How to make homemade liver sausage


  • Liver - 500 gr
  • Fresh lard - 500 gr
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Flour - 1 tbsp + 1/3 tbsp (glass 250 ml)
  • Starch - 1/3 tbsp (250 ml glass)
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp (can be replaced with sour cream)
  • Salt, pepper to taste


The list of spices can be expanded and your favorites can be added, except for pepper, I sometimes add either nutmeg or a little coriander. Everything is to your taste, we add what you like or leave such a minimal composition.

Rinse the liver well, if you use beef, peel off the film. Place it in a food processor or use a meat grinder.

Divide the fat into two equal parts. Add one part to the liver in the food processor, and cut the other into small cubes. It is imperative to cut off the skin, we do not need it. To cut the bacon better, place it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

We make minced meat from lard and liver.

Add the second part of the bacon to the minced meat.

Further eggs, flour, starch, salt, pepper, mayonnaise and chopped garlic. Mix everything well. Try and add salt or pepper if necessary, or you might want to increase the amount of garlic to make your homemade liver sausage more flavorful.

How to mold liver sausage

Since we make homemade liver sausage without intestines, we will use ordinary plastic bags or cling film for this purpose. I'll show you how you can do it in two different ways.

First option... In a bag: divide the mass into two or three parts and put each in a bag. We try to squeeze out all the air, only leave a little on top, so that the distance from the liver mince to the top of the bag is about 1-2 cm, we tie the bag. We put the sausage in 2 more bags, do not forget to tie each one. And in this form we boil.

Second option... In cling film: here we will mold it in the same way as we did, only we will make the liver sausage larger.

Spread the foil on a cutting board, spoon the mixture, stepping back 8-10 cm from the edge. Be careful not to put the liver mince on the foil, it is quite liquid and can "run away". About 5-6 tbsp.

Cover with foil and wrap like candy on both sides.

Do not twist too tightly and expel all the air, some air should remain, and the sausage itself will not be wrapped so tightly. It takes about 5-6 layers, it is no longer required, this is quite enough. Tie the edges with a thread.

I got 5 sausages. I sent two to the freezer, and boiled three at once.

How and how much to cook homemade liver sausage

You will need a large saucepan. This is necessary so that the sausage does not deform during cooking and remains flat. Pour in water, about half a saucepan, or even a little more. We put on the stove, as it boils, lower the sausage. Salt the water, otherwise it will take the salt from the sausage and it will eventually be undersalted.

I cooked for an hour over medium heat. The diameter of my sausage was about 5-6 cm. Then I took it out and cooled it down a little. I took off the film and tried it, it seemed to me that it was damp and its color was a little pink inside, so I boiled it for 30 minutes. What I want to say, nothing has changed, it was completely cooked in an hour. The pinkish tint completely disappeared when it cooled down and stood in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. If you want to play it safe, cook for 1 hour and 15-20 minutes, this will be enough.

We cook the sausage in a bag according to the same principle, only if you divided it into two parts - cook for 2 hours, for three - 1.5 hours.

Increase the cooking time for frozen sausages by 15 minutes.

There is nothing difficult to prepare, the products are the simplest, but homemade liver sausage turns out to be incredibly tasty, try it yourself. You know the composition of such a sausage, and you should not worry about it. There are no thickeners or flavors! There is a recipe on the site, I recommend it, it is even easier to prepare and very tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

From SW. Margarita.

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Today I made myself a homemade liver sausage, I make it without intestines and stomach, so to speak, city. It is prepared very quickly and easily. And how tasty and tender it turns out to be simply beyond words. This is a very useful and healthy product, especially for children who do not like to eat pure liver. Be sure to save the liver sausage recipe at home, you will not regret it.


  • Liver 700 g (pork or beef.);
  • Unsalted lard 700 g.
  • Garlic 5-6 cloves.;
  • Flour 1.5 cups.;
  • Starch 0.5 cups.;
  • Eggs 5 pcs. (large) .;
  • Salt 2 tsp;
  • Sour cream 2 tablespoons;
  • Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp;

Homemade liver sausage recipe. Step by step recipe

  1. Divide the bacon into two parts, cut one part into small cubes, and grind the second part with the liver and garlic in a meat grinder.

  2. Mix all the products in a deep bowl. Mix well.
  3. Add eggs, salt, black pepper, sour cream, starch, flour, and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Now we divide the minced meat into two equal parts and put them in bags. Tie tightly.

  5. You can leave the sausage in this form, if you do it for yourself, if you want, give the sausage the usual oblong shape. Put in another bag.
  6. We take a large pot and put the sausage there, fill it cold water, and bring to a boil.
  7. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low, and cook from the moment of boiling for 2 hours.
  8. Immediately after the end of cooking the sausage, while still hot, gently release it from the bag and transfer it to the foil, let it cool.

  9. It is best stored in foil in the refrigerator.

The recipe for liver sausage at home is ready. How tasty and fragrant it turned out, and the smell is simply magnificent. Be sure to cook such a sausage and you will not regret it.

Chicken liver is a tasty and healthy product that, unfortunately, is so rarely used in home cooking. It is very simple to explain such an unpopularity of an ingredient - it has a rather specific flavor, and the number of dishes based on it is very limited. Most housewives are well acquainted with fried or stewed liver, as well as cutlets based on it. However, the number of different dishes that can be prepared from a healthy offal is much more! Try homemade chicken liver sausage and you will see how delicious and versatile this ingredient can be! Such a dish is prepared quite quickly and simply, and is eaten almost instantly. Sausage is a great addition to any side dishes or vegetables. The homemade treat can also be used as a snack by placing it on a piece of bread.

Taste Info Second: sub-products


  • Chicken liver - 450 g;
  • Fresh or salted lard - 50-100 g;
  • Onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Buckwheat - 80 g;
  • Intestines - as needed;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Salt to taste;
  • A mixture of ground peppers to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

How to cook liver sausage at home

Prepare the pork intestines first. If the product was purchased at a store, it should be soaked in cold water for 20-30 minutes. During this time, all the salt will go away from it (intestines are sold frozen, heavily sprinkled with salt). After that, thoroughly rinse the casings under a high pressure of running water. Now cut the ingredient as desired - into medium or short pieces.

Peel and rinse the onions and carrots. Cut vegetables into small pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, then save prepared foods on it.

Boil buckwheat until half cooked, not forgetting to salt it to taste.

Rinse the chicken liver with cold water. Cut fresh or salted bacon into small cubes. The peel from the ingredient must first be cut off.

Place the liver and lard in a deep bowl. Grind food with an immersion blender until smooth.

Send the sautéed vegetables to the liver mass. If desired, additional ingredients can be added to the onions and carrots during frying, which will add bright colors to the dish. Such foods may include finely chopped mushrooms, parsnip, parsley or celery root.

Add slightly cooled buckwheat to the total container.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly. Season with salt and a mixture of ground peppers to taste. Peel a few cloves of garlic, rinse and pass through a press. Also add the resulting gruel to the minced meat. Stir the liver mass again thoroughly.

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Place the intestines on the special sausage attachment. If you don't have such an inventory, use a plastic bottle neck. Tie one end of the shell with a knot. Fill the intestines with minced liver. Do not stuff the casing too tightly, otherwise the sausages will burst during cooking.

Tie the intestines filled with minced meat in a knot or use a strong thread. Pierce the resulting sausages with a needle in several places - so all the air will come out of them.

Send a large pot filled with water to the stove. After the liquid boils, add a pinch of salt and a few bay leaves to it. Place the prepared sausages in boiling water. Simmer over moderate heat for 5 minutes.

There are several ways to bring a delicious liver sausage to readiness: by baking it in the oven or frying it in a pan. In the first option, the product should be placed on a baking sheet covered with foil and sent to a hot oven (180 degrees) for 20-30 minutes. In the second method, the sausage is placed on a hot speed with vegetable oil, and fried over moderate heat until golden brown.

Hepatic sausage is ready at home! Cool the treat when room temperatureand then put it in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal!

Note to the hostess:

  • For more originality, you can add finely chopped boiled eggs, pieces of bacon or butter, chopped on a coarse grater, to the liver mince.
  • You can cook a homemade snack not only from chicken liver. Sausage made from beef, veal or pork product has a wonderful taste.
  • Instead of a blender, you can use a meat grinder. The grinding process will take longer, but the sausage will be juicier.
  • Sausage can be prepared for future use. To do this, cool it to room temperature, place it in disposable bags, and send it to the freezer. The shelf life of frozen sausages is 3 months.

Prepare the required foods.

Wash the liver, cut off the veins, film and pass through a meat grinder. Pour salt, ground black pepper and semolina into the resulting liver mince, add a chicken egg.

Cut the bacon into small pieces (about 5x5 mm) and put on the liver. If desired, fat can be minced.

Mix the liver mass thoroughly and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Place the baking bag in a long bowl with a slight indentation. Put the prepared minced liver in the middle of the bag.

Tie the edges of the bag with a thread, forming a sausage.

In boiling water, gently dip a bag of future liver sausage and reduce the heat. Simmer at low boil for 30 minutes. If the sausage is not very thick, then 20 minutes will be enough.

At the end of cooking, carefully remove the liver sausage and, along with the bag, send to a cool place until it cools completely. Before serving, remove the bag and cut the sausage into pieces.

Juicy, aromatic, with a delicate taste, homemade liver sausage will be a great addition to potato dishes or vegetable salads.

Enjoy your meal! Cook with love!